Gone Girl Teaser Trailer Analysis

GONE GIRL (2014)

Transcript of Gone Girl Teaser Trailer Analysis

Page 1: Gone Girl Teaser Trailer Analysis

GONE GIRL (2014)

Page 2: Gone Girl Teaser Trailer Analysis

• Straight from the start of the teaser trailer it seems to be clear that the film is a mystery drama about a woman going missing, but as the teaser trailer goes on we start to understand that the husband of the women is being suspected for her murder which then suggests that the genre of the film is crime. The teaser trailer suggests that the genre of the film is a combination, mystery crime.

• From watching the teaser trailer you can understand that the film is about a women going missing, she is then suspected as dead and the finger is pointing at the husband. So it is suggested that the narrative is based around the themes of murder and disappearances.

• It is hard to tell from the teaser trailer what the unique selling point of the film is, the only thing that stands out to be different from other mystery crime films is the husband is adamant that he has not harmed his wife.

• I think that the target audience of this film is mainly young adults possibly more targeted towards women. The teaser trailer suggests that there are some romantic scenes within this mystery crime film, which is more likely to appeal to women than men.

• The music used in the teaser trailer is called 'She', this links to the narrative on the film based around the women who goes missing. The song is fairly slow passed which is similar to the pace of the teaser trailer in parts, the song builds up as does the teaser trailer.

Page 3: Gone Girl Teaser Trailer Analysis

• The majority of the shots in the teaser trailer for Gone Girl are long shots that include lots of people, the one other shot that was different to the others was the final shot of the female character sinking in water.

• The pace of the teaser trailer stays fairly similar throughout, some of the shots become shorter giving the effect of a faster pace but it is still a fairly average pace.

• There are three main bits of dialogue throughout the teaser trailer, it begins with the main male character addressing an audience about the disappearance of his wife, this is an important part of the teaser trailer because without this it may not be as clear what the narrative of the film is. The second piece of dialogue is an argument between husband and wife, which also adds to the narrative of the film as it suggests the wife is unhappy with the marriage. The final dialogue could be classed more as a voiceover as it does not match with the image on the screen, this is the husband stating that he didn’t kill his wife and that he is not a murderer.

• In the teaser trailer for Gone Girl there was no noticeable special effects until the very end of the teaser trailer where we see the female character looking as if she is dead and sinking in deep water.

• The only titles in the teaser trailer are those that are at the end they are the film title, Gone Girl, and the release date, October 3rd.This could be because they did not want the attention to be taken away from the detail in the teaser trailer.