Goldman Sachs' 2d Reply to Inner City Press, As Fed Withholds FOIA Documents



On Goldman, Federal Reserve Ignores Oct 16 FOIA Deadline, Collusion Like CIT?By Matthew R. LeeNEW YORK, October 17 -- The lack of seriousness in US bank regulation grows from the relatively smaller to the largest banks, with CIT and OneWest a major, and Goldman Sachs the most recent, example. Goldman is trying to speed through Federal Reserve approval to buy $16 billion in insured deposits from GE Capital, and the Fed so far seems bent on helping. It began by overbroad withholding of basic parts of Goldman's application, click here to view, which Goldman in an October 14 submission to the Fed says has been cured (it has not been). Inner City Press still has a pending Freedom of Information Act request; Fair Finance Watch and others, including NCRC, asked the Fed to extend its comment period, which has now been done, until October 30, with the Fed's FOIA response to Inner City Press due on October 16. But as of October 17, no response from the Fed, despite this letter:"Re: Freedom of Information Act Request No. F-2015-0336 Dear Mr. Lee, On September 2, 2015, the Board of Governors (“Board”) received your electronic message dated September 2, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”), 5 U.S.C. § 552, for the entirely of the “Application by Goldman Sachs Bank USA for the Acquisition by Purchase and Assumption of Certain Deposit Liabilities and Certain Very Limited Non-Financial Assets of GE Capital Bank,” and for all records reflecting FRS communications with Goldman Sachs for the past twelve (12) months. On September 3 and September 9, the Board provided you with the public portions of the application. Pursuant to section (a)(6)(B)(i) of the FOIA, we are extending the period for our response until October 16, 2015, in order to consult with two or more components of the Board having a substantial interest in the determination of the request. If a determination can be made before October 16, 2015, we will respond to you promptly. It is our policy to process FOIA requests as quickly as possible while ensuring that we disclose the requested information to the fullest extent of the law. Very truly yours, /signed/ Jeanne M. McLaughlinManager, Freedom of Information Office" But even by October 16, no response from the Fed. On October 13 Inner City Press published the Federal Reserve's communications with the CIT Group's outside counsel, which shows how the release of public documents is allowed by the Fed to be delayed. CIT made disingenuous requests for confidential treatment of information that could not be withheld, without any repercussion. They were rewarded with FOIA appeal denials by Fed Governor Jay Powell; now Goldman is trying to withhold information that should be public. Will there be any repercussion or accountability? Watch this site.

Transcript of Goldman Sachs' 2d Reply to Inner City Press, As Fed Withholds FOIA Documents

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