Golden Anniversary Book

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  • 8/13/2019 Golden Anniversary Book


    The Golden AnniversaryofThe Deadline ClubNewYork City ChapterThe Soci-ety ofProfessional JournalistsSigna Delta Ori

  • 8/13/2019 Golden Anniversary Book


    Golden Anni-versarYHal l of Fame

    Homer Bi.gartRober.t ConsidineWaLter Cz,onkitePaul ine Fredev' ickWes GalLaghez'Jul i ,an GoodmanSlyuia Pov'terJames RestonRoger Tatar ianLoueLL Thomas

    Golden AnniversarYHonor Rol l

    Caz'L W. AckermanHugh BaiLLieC,D, BatcheLLot 'Meyez' Bez'gerHouaz'd W. BlakesleeMar g an e t Bouv'k e * tl' loi eHaL BoyLeAz,thur Brtsbane

    (f .ant inued nn inside back cover)\ vvrrv fruvq

  • 8/13/2019 Golden Anniversary Book



    (Eds, Note: The f ol lowing uas uz ' i t ten byseDen old- t imers uho serued the cQltse oftLte Deadl i ,ne CLub in manA capaci t ies fov'manA Aears. The CLub i ,s indebted toHistoz 'y Commit tee ehai , rman Houav,d t tWad' lALLen and member.s Sam Lesch, Jesse BeLL,J . l lendeLL Sethez, , A. Got,don ,tAL t Smi, th ,Petez ' Kihss and Houard Kany.)

    Back j-n l-9z5-.-halfway through the'rRoarint Twentiesi l when New York Ci ty had20 dai ly newspapers (now there are four);three wire services (now there are two);eight radio stat ions (now there are 35)and no television stat ions (now there arenine) -- a band of about 50 journal istsorganlzed what is now the Deadl- j -ne Club,a e.hanter of tho Snni c1' rr nf Pf OfeSSiOnal vrrgy vvr uvvle vJJournah.sts , Sigma Delta Chi.

    Sigma Delta Chi was founded as ajournal ism fraterni ty by ten undergraduatesat DePauw UniversLty, Greencast le, Indiana,i-n 1909. Within three years, the fratern-i ty spread and became a national organ-izat ion.The fraterni tyhas as its motto:Serves the Truth.r tEnergy and Truth,ini t iat ion r i tual .

    . now cal led a Soci-ety,I tHe Serves Best WhoIts watchwords, Talent ,are cornerstones of i ts

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    Off lcers of the origlnat lng chapterat DePauw authorized expansion to othercampuses. Soon SDX graduates who hadbeen trai .ned in journal lsm peti t ionednatlonal headquarters for permlssj-on toestabl- ish professional chapters, such asthe Deadl ine C1ub, in major press centersthroughout the nation.An undergraduate chapter was organi-zedin l-979 at Columbia Unlverslty which at

    that t ime had an undergraduate school , theJoseph Pul- i tzer School of Journal isn.Heeding a fraternal bugle cal l fromthe Col-umbia undergraduate chapter, SigmaDelta Chi members from l-6 col Ieges, whohad found work in New York, gathered inthe Fraterni ty Cl-ubs Bui lding in :- .925

    and establ ished a New York City chapterof Sigma Delta Chi. For some years, i twas cal led trThe New York Alumni Club ofSigma Delta Chi . r lAnrr inrrrnal ist indUCted i_ntO an Under-r rJ rJ vut r ra rp v r tuqv vvvgraduate chapter has always been el igible,after graduation, to aff i l - iate with anyprofessional chapter. Any working journal-ist who otherwise meets the requirementsfor membershi-p may be proposed forini t iat ion into a professional chapter.In 1925, the New York Ci tY bridge wascompleted between the col lege journal istrsinterests in the princi-pIes of SDX and theprofessional?s desi-re to formal ize his

    relat ionship with these prlnciples.

  • 8/13/2019 Golden Anniversary Book


    3-Frankl in Parker Stockbridge, New Yorknewspaper executlve turned author, i -s re-corded as the f i rs t President of th is

    pioneer New York City chapter. Other keyorganizers--some of them off icers and somealso members of the founding undergraduatechapter at Columb -a-- inc luded Wil- l iam P.Beazel l - IVIanami rm FA j +^- ^f the New Yorkvqu vrr , r ' rsrau6fr16 uI vvI vWorl-d; Frank E. Mason, a head man atInternat ional News Service; Louis B.Gnaedinger, of the Columbj-a chapter foundinggroup and The New York Times, and JosephL. Jones, another Columbia chapter founderand a long-t ime United Press executive.

    The late James Wright Brown, pub-l - isher and chairman of the bible of thenewspaper business, Edi tor & Publ isher,turned over the off ices of his publ icat ion,then on Times Square , to the journal is t icinfa4t and he personal ly administeredthe equivalent of mouth-to-mouth resus-c i tat ion at cr i t ica l- moments unt i l thenewborn babe took i ts f i rs t heal thybreaths. One such breath was the dinnerAnni ' l 1"7 1O2A rrrhinh nnl- innir lonl-ql l r r4} / r r - I g LJ 1./ , vrr4rvrr rrv vwas celebrat ing the founding of SigmaDel- ta Chi at DePauw Universi ty twentyl raqF< l ' rafnr.oJ ver v

    Other key planners of the 1929 Found-ey2s Dnv Dinnep Were such wel l-reVeredsJpioneers as Kenneth C. Hogate, LaurenceH. Sl-oan and Roger Steffan. These threeexplorers had travel led East from thefounding chapter at DePauw and on arr ival ,headed straight for Wal l Street. There,rKaceytt Hogate was made a key man j-n the

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    development of Dow Jones; Larry Sloan"""ut"O Standard Stat ist ics (which bu:; ; t ; Standard & Poor 's) and Roger Steffannugu" a r ise to top management in what isnoi l First Nat ional CitY Bank'

    John E. Stempel had been ini t iatedas an undergraduate at Indiana Univer-s i ty and Years later was to serve asCfrt i t t " t of tne I.U. Journal lsm Department;StempeJ- came to New York to work on amast-erts degree whi le working the lo-b-ster tr ick on the copy desk of the NewYork Sun. He was among a small groupwho did a seems-l ike-magic iob of helpingthe New York group form a professj-onal-chapter.ManY discussions were held at many

    SDX sessions and one histor ic event wasa forensic bout at the Columbj-a FacultyCfr- tn during which Heywood Broun,, founderof the Gui ld and its f i rst President,and Publ isher Roy Howard argued aboutwhether the soon-to-be-formed NewspaperGui ld should or shoufd not becomeaff i l ia ted with the newborn AFL-CIO com-;1;; . Roy Howard did not

    seem to rnindwft" t Heywbod was said by some invest-igat ive reporters to have wetted down[i ; grr"s br dr inking water with what theycl-a i i led looked just l ike rrdamnedni-ceboot leg gln. r r

    There was no Watergate to dominatethe news in the t 20 I s but there were alot of copy primers that became as t ire-some, such as prohibi t ion, World War Ifo l lowuPs, the iazz oge, the Ku Kl-uxKlan, the Stock Market crash, Mae Westand, - of course, Prohibi t ion.

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    ) -Gather i-ngs of SDX journal ists movedfrom the Editor & Publ isher of f ices to

    the Midston House; to Columbia Universi tyand NYU social i -z ing ha1ls; to pr ivatequarters provi-ded fox top-f l ight c lubmembers and of f icers of the chapter atMcGraw-Hi l l ; and into Third Avenue beerpar lors for the enjoyment of the $1.98menus with t tverbotenf t spiked beer. Therehave been and wi l l - be other enjoyablemeet ing places, a pr incipal one being thehappi ly ubiqui tous Overseas Press ClubHeadquarters on West 4Oth Street .

    Formal programs were Pret ty muchavoided at lunches in the ear l ier days,but when the late Bernard rrBarneyrrKi lgore, the chief at Dow Jones, wasel-ected President in 1948 he decided thatthe Deadl ine Club needed a wiser and morecf f i e i ent nl an of orEanizat ion to enabieI r Ivlvrav y srrthe ehnnter to ,aeeomnl i sh more for i tsvlMrrqy v vrmembers and. for iournal ism, and to makei t possible for the chapter to star taccumulat ing working capital in some bank. .Later Barney w?s to help wr i te new by*laws that were adopted by the nat ionalorganLzat ion.

    Howard t fWadtrAl len cof i rmunicat lonsVice PresidenL at Johns-Manvi l le Corpor-at ion, and Phi l Taylor r .df i externalrelat ions pract l t j -oner in the Bel l Systcm,were appointed by President Ki lgore loAarral nn qnd hel n i nsta I I a new of gan-v vvrvy urru l .v4l / " -- o-i z .nt . - i one I n l an . Several weeks of dis -errqqi nn end nl anni npr were contr ibuted tovuuDrvra arrs yfsfrrr+:rt larr lve at the present form of organizat tonnr.orr id ins an Execut ive Counci l composedrv vof a balanced mlxture of younger and olderi orrr"nnl i stq i nn' l t rr l r 'no f nnrr lg1. Of f iCe1r S .rJ VUI rrq JU vu t l r twl4urr l6 r v fr

  • 8/13/2019 Golden Anniversary Book


    6-Another change came about whenRobert U. ? BobttBrown^ son of JamesWri-Eht Brown who served the snni ct r r nnr rv p vv 4v uJ vrrthe nat ional as wel l as local 1evel,suggested that the New York City profess-i . }n.a' l nhenl-an f s named the Deadl ine CIUbrrv uuGuIaltu vtuv,a name which quickly caught on.The internal news publ icat ion of theehnnl-an raTro 1-hen named The l)e:dl i ner" hrrlqt l tvq rr lg ysaula l fEr uJSam Lesch, i ts editor, and a key DowJones editor who later was to become a

    / - l r rh nFAa i danfyr vurvvrru.

    John Cronetwho had served of Young and Rubicam,SDX SecreLary sincel 'TewYork chapter waspersonal devot ion toASshort lv aften theformed and who, bythis then-wobblV, t in-cup-passing

    iot t r .n.el i sf . i n ondaqrrnn hor l monrmar i l 1- nuvrv vrrueqvvr, l rGu i l rd.1rd"6q;Lt u\_, /help keep i t al ive, : , . , rasunanimously el_ectedHonorary Secretary for l_ i f e. He wasexcused from a1l future secretar ial dut ies.Ol iver rrGramttGramling, a top exec-ut ive at Associated Press, was the f i rstDeadl ine Club president el_ected af ler

    tho nar\nc^n i oat ion by Barney Ki lgore.q]' rs vJ DQLl {orking with the newly establ ishedExecut ive Counci l and with a new secreiaryA. GOfdOn rtAl?r Smi th P-e< j donl- Apoml i nor^rAs ' l er"oe' t r r - . " ; : ; . ; ' r i ' r ^ ' ; : ; *""v

    vr arr l 4r16r vey , vr , launchingthe Deadl ine Cl-ub into an orbi t of act iveaccomplishment which i t cont inues to enjoy+^ 1- 'n- i ^ . l^ , ,uu L,rrlD udJ.

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    Gram discarded the long-he1d theorythat more members would at tend the annualdinner i f the pr ice was held to about$2.00 and the dinner cont inued to be heldin a ' Third Avenue beer hal l .

    He and his execut ive assistants movedthe :949 Annual Dinner into the Astor1?sl I or"rr af . 1 'he WaIdOrf-AStOria and they.J V"ra ised the pr ice of admission to $10.00.The newly- festooned and imaginat ivelyguided Deadl ine Club has had workingcapi ta l in the bank ever s ince. Annual lythe chapter has embarked into new journal- -is t ic act iv i t ies, inspired by tne object i -vesset dur lng the two impor" tant years ofleadership by Presidents Ki lgore and

    or"amlincr inel ' ' r - r ,^- +r .^ - . - "+^r ^^1. i- . j+. ' ^fr arrrr r i rr i r r rv IU{.U-Ll rE; L/ l ig VIUd. d,UUrVruJ Uschola.rship support .The complete roster of Deadl ine ClubPresidents and other of f icers gives the

    nninninr l a lrraq J-n iha r^rh.r T^Ih\r l^ ihonyt+rlv+yqtand where of the chapter ts accompl ishments.I t rhen Peter Ki-hss, then a reporter forthe Herald-Tr ibune and now a top byl inerfor the Times " was elected Club Presidentin IOI? ha nommented in his acceptanceJ I J 9 Lt vremarks that rrwe have been elect ingedi tors and other execut ives to the pres-idency so of ten Irm sure Lnat i t is hight ime we should remind ourselves thate\rerv New York Ci t , rz ner^rsnFner has at least v vf Jone working reporter . rr

  • 8/13/2019 Golden Anniversary Book


    B-Short ly af ter the chr i -stening ofThe Deadl iner, Edi tor Sam Lesch reported

    in j - t the ini t iat ion into the chapterof John 0tHara, novel is t and magazLnecolumnist ; DeWit t Wal l -ace.r publ isher ofRaqrlov- I q f) i ooqf. . Oor lon Ra' i d nrao

  • 8/13/2019 Golden Anniversary Book


    The Deadl i -ne Club entered i tsFi f t ieth year with Morton Frank, Presidentano Publ lsher of Family Weekly, as Pres-ident and former president Russ Tornabene,of NBC, ds chairman of the Golden Anni-ver-sary Commi-t tee.Two annual awards for iournal ist icaccompl ishment were establ lshed by thechanter- . the .Temes ,r l r iEht Brown award

    fnn hoqi nannp1- ino ' i n tha mctr .nnnl i tnnM LUpV I UyVI UJ l lb l lMlu f l lv vr vlrvrrvsrrarea, and the Deadl i-ne Club award ft l r best' r . ins nf . the United i\Tat ions. In v y vaddit ionn since then, bhe Chapter hasawarded prizes for excel lence in radio,televis ion, f inancial and sci-ence wri t ing,and photography.

    Rube Goldberg, bhe renowned cartoonist ,designed, i r r 1968, the special acknow-r^ran-aa+ ^j- .en to al_l award winner:s.ELr ]s l i rs l I t / 6r V 'He named i t r?The Deadl lne. ' r A drawingand h1s explanat ion of i ts name are foundon the back cover of th is hi sLory.

    From the beginning and unt i l L969,nnlrz mrle io irrnal ists Were considered v* "accepLable for SDX membership. But at thenat ional convent ion in L969, th i-s commonlyadhered-to provincial ism was thrown outthe window and since then female j ournal-lsts--who always had been welcomed toDeadl ine Club gather ings and who had takennnr-L. n menv club act iv i f ies--have been,sr venj oying ful l membership -. and have begunto hold leadership posi t ions on committeesand as off icers.

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    Marl-ene Sanders, Producer and report-er for ABC-TV News, was the f i rst womanjournal ist in i t iated into the Deadl ineClub.

    The term lt journal ismft as i t appl iesfa a' l ia i1.r i1if17 fnr momhcrrqhin intn . l-haUU UI-LE;-Ll- / I IJ-UJ r vr rr lvrrrvvr ulLI l . , I I l t /U U11gQnaiatrr iq r laf inod hrr J-ha Qnniol-rz lauvvrv vJ uvvrv vJ vvinc l-ude:

    'rThe direct i -on of the editor ia l pol- icynf tho adi1- incr nf i l . ' ro l1FAnqrr l- inn nfvr , urr9 9uI vlrrb v1 , vrrg yr vI/4r qurvrr vrnews and editor ia l content of newspapers,magazines r press or syndi-cated services,professional or business pubf icaLions,radio and tel-evis ion; and the teachingof journal ism so def ined. r '

    Pr ior to the adopt ion of th is off lc ia l-def in i t ion in L958, professional chaptershad been permit ted to in i t iate as assocj-atemembers (or as they were cal led ttsecondclass membersrf experienced journal istswho had gone i-nto publ ic relat lons, adver-t is ing and kindred careers. A11 suchrrsecond cl-assrr members at the t ime theby-Iaw defln l t ion of journal ism was approvedwere welcomed. as fut l - f ledged members.Today no member is inel ig ib le to be crownedto serve as King or Queen.

    The Deadl ine Cl-ub part ic ipates in anat ional program designat ing s i testhroughout the nat ion as histor ic placesin f lra r larra- lnn-ani nf inrrrn2]fSm aS al r urf v uu v u vvlt tvrrv vr aJ vqr rJprofession.

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    John Peter Zenger, father of thefreedom of the press i_n Amerlcae was sohonored dur ing an event ful administ rat ionof Deadl ine Cl-ub president HowarC L"Kany, then a CBS execut ive. A plaque wasdedicated at the Federal- Hal_l (Memoriat)Bui ld ing on lr , la l l Street in 1958.

    Other nat ional hi_stor ic sl tes markedby the nat iona I Sor, . i 1- . r r ond local- s i tesmarkedby t i re*oeaJi i ; ; 'd i i t - . inctude :L954 Henry J. Raymond, co-founder andf i rst edi tor of the New york Times:L962 Horace Greeleyr one of rnost inf lu-ent ia l newspapermen in Americanhistory;L963 James Gordon Bennet t - . who profoundlyinf luenced the chaxacter of Amer i_canjournal ism by emphasiz ing thepr inciples of f ree enterpr ise;L965 Adolph S. Ochs, largely responsiblefor revival of the Neir york Times;f966 CBS News, for leadership in foundingan i_ndependent radi_o ner irs departmeni,and dj_st inguished report ing by EdwardR. Murrow and H.V. Kaltenbarn;L967 The Associated press in Washi_ngton.D.C. and New York" esLabl ishment of

    the wor ldrs f l rst -pr lvate leasedwire news transmi-ssion i_n IBT5; andmnplrad hrr tho ohqnl an - ^ ' t 'i l r .d.r_'1^'e( l uJ IyO4e WOOO._br idge, N.J., honor ing Jamei parker.NeW JefSgvrs f i re1- nnintef:

  • 8/13/2019 Golden Anniversary Book



    l-972 NBC News studio from which f i rstnat i -on-wide bul let in was broadcastof Japanese at tack on Pearl Harbori

    March 25, L9T5 Commemorat ive plaque inOld Times Tower, s i te off irst Deadl- j -ne Club meet ingsin L925, in E&P off ices ofJames Wright Brown.In l-960, Kany obtai-ned support forthe Dead] in6 Club to host in New Yorkn-:rr , . t - l - ra ^hhir3.1 nat iOnal COnVent iOn Off / I UJ t/ I .Ls d,I f f IucSigma Delta Chi. Kany served as GeneralCh5irman. The club president in 1960was Wil l iam C. Payette, now Pres j-denN ofUnited Feature Syndicate. Incl-udedamong the Host Committee were Dr. Frank

    Stanton, President of CBS; Robert W.Sarnoff , Chairman of NBC; LeonardGn'ldor '*on Pnesident ARC' Wil- l iam R.vvlugrrpvrrg t vu svrrv tHearst, Jr. , Edltor- in-Chief, HearstPubl ic i t ions; Jack R. Howard, Presj-dentand General Editor ia l Manager, Scr ipps-Howard Newspapers; Arthur Hays Sulzberger,Publ isher and Chairman of the Board,New York Times; Richard W. Clark,Execut ive Editor, New York Dai ly News,and Robert M. White, Ed"itor, the Herald-Tr ibune.

    Among the most lmportant act iv i t iesof the Deadl ine Club are educat ional andscholarship assistance. Workshops forhigh school pupi ls , intern programs r Pro-viding advisers and speakers for col legemeet inss io int part ic ipat ion in Regional

    -' dv+ 'meet ings of the Society, and gif ts ofthousands of dol lars in scholarships forpromlsing students are among pr ior i ty aet-iv i t ies of the Deadl- i -ne Club, 1ts members

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    and off icers. Some of these programshave been co-sponsored by Women n Commun-icat ions, formerly known as Theta SigmaPhi, and by the Overseas Press Club.Aid and suPPort is given to thenat lonal Society 's Freedom of Informati-onCommittee and act iv i ty, which exercisesconstant vigi lance for a free press.The society has assumed no posture relat ingto the act iv i t ies of the Newspaper Gui ld.In T9f i bhe Chapter sent a crackini t iat ion team to Toronto No assist i -nthe instal lat ion of the f i rst Sigma Del- tachi ehentei- i n Canada. I t required aful l two hours to c l-ear customs whi le theCanadian Customs men pondered the possi-b1esigni f icance of the ten black robes and

    the four huge altar covers used in theini t iat ion ceremony.The Deadl i -ne Club , over the Years,has been instrumental in bhe instaf l -at ionof the John Peter Zenger professionalahrnter. of L i lh i te PIalns - and nearbyr rsy vv rcol lege chapters of Fordham, New York

    Universl tV, Long Is l-and Universi ty and theCol lege of White Plains. The chapteroften takes part in iournal ist ic andceremonial- act iv i t ies at these and otherinst i tut ions of higher learning.The f i rst nat i -onal president of SDX,Laurence H. Sloan, and the current nat ional

    presi-dent in L975, Wil l iam Small , Execut iveVice Presldent of CBS News are on thel ist of members of the Deadl ine Club.

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    ' i / l

    Other Deadl iners who have been pres-ident of the Nat ional organizat ion, andwith whom readers of this history havealready become acquainted include LaurenceSloan, Roger F_. Steffan, Kenneth C. Hogate,John E. Stempel, Robert U. Brown, Wil l iamB. Arthur and Wil l iam C. Payette. Othernat ional- presidents from the New yorkchapter have been Barry Far is, who waseditor- in-chief of Internat ional_ NewsService; Robert J. Cavagnaro, generalexecut ive of the Associated Press. andBuren McCormack, Vice President anOeditor ia l director of the Wal l StreetJournal , al l now deceased.In L959, to mark the f i f t ieth anniver-sary of the founding at Depauw Universityof the Society, the Deadl ine Cl_ub plaeeda gigant ic display in New York City r sGrand Central Terminal , featur ing three-by-f ive foot blow-ups of New york news-papers which appeared dur i_ng the past hal_f_century.The chapter in 1963 chartered. a bus,with bui l t - in bar and pr ivy, and withthe late foreign correspondent Louls p.Lochner and his lovable wife as chaperones,sent a delegat ion of members headed byformer Chapter President Bi l l Authur.Edl tor of Look magazine, to the nat i6nal_convent ion in Norfolk, Virginia, Bi l_ lwas convent ion program chairman and inNorfol-k the Deadl ine Club t ied for secondplace in the t tsuper ior performancei lcategory among professional chapters. Lnmany other years, the Chapter has wonpr izes for super ior performance. I t isthe largest chapter in the nat ional organ_izat ion.

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    More recent ly, Bi l - ] Ar thur del ivereda touchlng eulogy at a chapter meet ingfor the late 1959 Club President JohnBrogan, the moustaehioed and booming-voiced vice president for internat ionaloperat ions of King Features. Broganwas so compel l ingly demeanored that theClub affect i -onately dubbed him trSir John.f rChapter t reasurers have earned ameasure of fame and high respect by holdinga t ight bank balance whi le providingfunds for c lub act i -v i t i -es. Among themore daunt l -ess included Ear l Bwan andChar les Speaks, just two who served overlong per iods.Many meet ings at Toots Shorts or ig inalhangout provided a legendary cycle of

    Deadl- ine romps and Journal is t exci fements.The late B.0. rrBortMcAnney, a World-Telegram edi tor , provided charm and pro-fessional ism which caused the members toelect hlm president in 1939 and then againin I95L, a repeater president for thef i rst t ime since the f i rs t President ,

    Frank Stockbr idg, served a second termten years af ter his f i rst in i t la l - serv ice.E1mer Walzer was the business andf inancial edi tor of UP, who, as Cl-ubPnaqir lonr or lOWed RUSSian ambaSSadOf f vv4svrrv,Mikhai l - (cal - led Mike) Menshikov, to bethe speaker at the annual banquet, wi th

    Bob Considi -ne as master of ceremonles.Elmer succeeded in get t ing a Deadl ineClub affa i r p lcketed for the f i rst andonly t ime in i ts h istory.

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    Nou that both male and femalej ournal is ts are ningLdng LegaLLg i ,nDeadLine CLub act iui t ies, fu lL confidenceis enpressed that the second half-centuz,yui.LL bring foz. th more fun and jounnal is t i .eaccompLishment than haue the f iz .s t fnf tyaeaTs.

    MaLe membez,sqr.e uLsiblg and aud.iblyelated since they ui ,LL no Longez, beobl iged to trA to act as Lf theg neueruanted tLte uomen to be membez.s .n thef i t "s t pLace.


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    Gol-den Annj.versaryHonor Rol l

    Heguood BrounJames [, ir ight 'Erou)nJimmy CannonRobert CapaKent Coopera LmeT uau1,sBanrg Far isWiLLiam Randolp'h HeanstHoa hl . HoUaT,AEduin L. JamesEaz,L JohnsonBevnard Ki,Lgoz.eA.J " LiebLingl laLtev, LippmanHenr, .gR. LuceAnne 0' Hav. ,eMcCov,miekRaymond MoleyEdward R. Munr.owGeoz,geJean NathanDan Pav,kerALic ia Pat tersonJoseph MediLL Pattev 'sonGv,ant land RiceI IaroLd RossDamon RunyonAv, thux Hays SuLzbergerHev,bert Bagand SwoPeDorot l ' ty TLtompsonStanleg Walkev'vq.uL wn'?, 'DeWalter Winc|teLLStanley Woodwaz'd

  • 8/13/2019 Golden Anniversary Book


    t tDeadl ina r " e bronze statuet te, is aunique possession of the Deadl ine CLub. I thas been awaz'ded to uinners in the annualeompet i t i .on among iournalLsts in the metto-pol i tan New lork area fot ' the past seuen Aears.The Late Rube Goldberg, dean of Amerieancav, tooni .sts, scuLpted t tDeadLinet ' fot ' the clubat the age of 80, tuo Aea,vs before hls deathin L970.Communieatov 's be theg from the pr intor broadeast media regaz'd the t tc loek onthe uaLl ' t ' tn aae because i t has no respectfov, the uonld- famous deadl i .ne that hangs ouereDerA iouxnal is t I s head. t 'Asked to comment on his creat i .on, RubeGoLdberg sai-d:t 'Deadheads, deadbeats, and dead peoplehaue been presented uisuaLLy ouer the years;but neoez. has a dead Line been shoun in three