Gold Rush Math

Gold Rush Math By Caroline Hardeman

Transcript of Gold Rush Math

Page 1: Gold Rush Math

Gold Rush Math

By Caroline Hardeman

Page 2: Gold Rush Math

A covered wagon can haul one ton of supplies. A covered wagon is hauling four 125 lbs. sacks of flour; 125 lbs. of salt pork; 125 lbs. of cornmeal; and 50 lbs. of each of the following: dried apples, dried peaches, beans, potatoes, and rice. How many more pounds can the wagon haul?

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How many lbs. are in one ton?


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A forty-niner wants to look for gold in California. He needs to buy a shovel for $11.73, a pick axe for $12.34, a rake for $10.21, and an iron pan for $8.53. How much money does the forty-niner need?

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Don’t forget your decimal or dollar sign.

Don’t forget your decimal or dollar sign.

What is the question asking?What is the question asking?

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A forty-niner found gold!

A forty-niner found three nuggets of gold. One nugget weighed 92 oz., another nugget weighed 37 oz., and the third nugget weighed 39 oz. How many pounds of gold did he find?

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How many ounces are in a pound?

How many ounces are in a pound?

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One ounce of gold is worth $0.25. If a miner has 2.8 lbs. of gold nuggets, how much is his gold worth in dollars?

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How many ounces are in a pound?

How many ounces are in a pound?

Don’t forget your dollar sign or your decimal point!

Don’t forget your dollar sign or your decimal point!

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Problem # 1: 1,000 lbs.

Problem #2: $ 42.81

Problem #3: 10.5 lbs.

Problem #4: $ 10.00

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M4N3. Students will solve problems involving multiplication of 2-3 digit numbers by 1 or 2 digit numbers. M4N4. Students will further develop their understanding of division of whole numbers and divide in problem solving situations without calculators.b. Solve problems involving division by 1 or 2-digit numbers (including those that generate a remainder). M4N5. Students will further develop their understanding of the meaning of decimals and use them in computations. c. Add and subtract both one and two digit decimals.M4M1. Students will understand the concept of weight and how to measure weight. b. Know units used to measure weight (gram, kilogram, ounces, pounds, and tons). c. Compare one unit to another within a single system of measurement.

Georgia Performance Standards