Going South With His Secrets

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Bruce Bernstein

Transcript of Going South With His Secrets

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Ocopyrllhl 1994

PoSe l

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The Going Sosth Lc\tute

PERSONaT 6TTf rclt 1.r ElrT

l'll never forget lhe lsi lime I sow the 'Thought Cord Across" performed. Riclq Joy performed o versionof it on the Dino Shore Show mony yeors ogo ond it blew my mind! | hod obsolutely no ideo how ihetrick hod been done, ond could ihink of little else for lhe next few hours.

The plot wos simple enough. Ricky hod o deck of cords. which if memory serves, wos exomined ondshuffled by Dino. Ricky lhen cul off oboui 15 to 20 cords which he then fonned focing Dino so lhoi shecould moke on obsolutely free mentol choice of ony one ol them. He then squored up lhe cords fromwhich lhe seleciion hod been mqde ond oloced them down in fullview. Onlvlhen did he osk Dino whotlhe cord wos thot she hod menlolly selecled He lhen hod her look through the cords thol her selectionwos from, ond lT WAS GONEI lNow he hod my undivided ottentionl This wos okeody different thenonylhing else I hod ever seen.) He ihen hod ihe resl of the deck spreod out, ond lhere wos one cordreversed. She removed it ond lurned it over - il wos her cqrd!

lwos dumbfounded. Using o regulor deck, how could he merely let someone iusi THINK of o cord ondhove it "invisibly" trovel from one bunch ofcords to onolher. before the selection wos idenlified? Gettingthe cord from one pile lo onother wos bod enough, ll wos "pretty sure" he didn'l polm ony cords), bnthow ihe hell could he know exoclly whot wos the menlolly selected cord?

I ron it over ond over in my mind, bul lo no ovoil. lhen lhe fomous Sherlock Holmes quoiolion come tomind - "eliminote the impossible, ond lhol which remoins, no motler how incredible, musl be ihe truth."Afler o while, ii suddenly downed on me whot HAD TO HAVE HAPPENED, but I wosn't sure HOW HEHAD DONE lTl Some doys loter, lfound lhe version Ricky used in the book, 'The Cord Mogic of E.G.Brown". I wos righi obout whot "HAD TO HAVE HAPPENED," bul didnl feel the method wos suited to oklulz wilh o deck like me.

Afler o few more week of reseorch, I ron ocross olher mefhods, buf for one reoson or onoiher, nonereolly oppeoled lo me, so lpulon the ol'thinking cop, ond method for "PersonolAtlochment" wos born.

EmCT: You osk someone io remove 20 cords from his own deck, ond hond lhem lo you. He mqychoose ony cords lhol he wishes, bui you requesl lhot Aces, Jokers, or ony olher cqrd he fuels moysiond oul psychologicolly lrom the olhers be ovoided. The reg of lhe deck is put oside.

You fon the cords fqce up ond osk if he is hoppy with lhem. Closing up fhe {on, you exploin thqt he isio lHlNK ofo number between I ond i0. You stote lho't you willshow him l0 cords. You lhen slote thol,for exomple, iI he lhought of the number 3, he is lo remember the 3rd cord lhot you show him. lf helhought of 8, he is io remember lhe 8lh cord shown. Holding the 20 cords in your right hond, you peeloff one cord ol o iime wilh your left hond, counling from I to t0 os you go. Atter he ocknowledges hehos o cord in mind, you ploce the l0 cords from your left hond loce down on the loble to your left. theremoining l0 cords ore ploced oboul o fool otf to the righi ot the others.

You now osk ihe speclolor ifyou moy borrow on ilem lhoi hos personol significqnce tor him, such os opiece of iewelry, o keepsoke, or good luck piece. Before he honds il over, he is to hold ii tightly ondconcenlrole on his menlol selection. When ii is honded over, you hold il ond seem lo be'feeling itsvibes". You lhen ploce it on lhe lefl pile oI l0 cqrds lhoi conioins his mentolly selecled cord.

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Brocc Bernstcin

Before conlinuing, you give him o shorl "reoding" lsee 'A COID READING). You then osk him lo move hisobiect from fhe pile conloining his seleded cord to the olher pile, while imogining thol his cord is frovel-ing olong with ii. When lhis hos been done, you osk him to count, foce down, the omouni of cords inthe lelt hond pile. THERE ARE NOW ONLY 9 CARDS. He is then to count, foce down, lhe cords in lhe righthond pile. THERE ARE NOW ll CARDs. You then osk him, Ior lhe lst lime, to reveol lhe nqme of hismentolly chosen cord. You smile ond lhen show him lhol Hs MENTATLY SELECIED CARD HAS VANISHEDFROM THE tEff HAND PILE. You turn the righl hond pile foce up ond spreod ihem. In lhe middle of thepile lS Hls CARDI

l{lElHOD: The only woyfhis con be done is lo switch ALL OF THE CARDS lhot were shown lo ihe specta-tor! When I reolized lhis, lchuckled io mysell for quite some lime.

As you spreod ihe 20 cords, gelyour lefl little finger into posilion, solholwhen you squore up the cords,you will hove o litile linger obove lhe bottom 2 cords. Toke lhe pocketfrom obove wilh your right hondond toke over the breok with your righf litlle finger.

llthe spectoior ignores your suggeslion lhot obvious cords should be excluded, cut lhem fo ihe bollomofthe foce up cords. the bottom 2 cords willlhen end up in lhe "proper" pile.

Pull off cords wifh your left lhumb, counling from I to l0 os you do so. on ihe coun'l of 10, you will do oswilch os follows:

As your left lhumb comes over lhe right hond pocket, you grip lhe cords from your left hond betweenyour righl lhumb ond {ingers, direclly beneolh fhe cords in your right hond. Ihen wilh your right middlefinger you swing oll of lhe cords obove the breok towords ihe left. Your left hond lhen pinches lhe blockof cords in the crotch of your lhumb ond corries lhem owoy, simuloting the previous peoling off of thefirsl 9 cords.

PRESET{IAIION: Obviously, this could be done os o regulor cord fricl( withoul oll fhe woo-woo, but Ifeel this slyle of presenlolion con moke it much more memoroble. The use of lhe obiect personolizeslhe performonce, ond involves lhose wolching, Porticulorly the Person who gefs lhe reoding. This willsound weird lo onyone nol tomilior wiih menlolism, but ihe use oflhe obied olso odds o "logic" io ihepreseniotion. The spedolor lhoughi ofo cord. ond os his obiect is moved from lhe pile wilh his selectedcord, by "sympothefic mogic", lhe cord follows. And since you hove iold him things obout himself thotyou shouldn't be oble lo know, something weird definitely musl be hoppening. Why iust do o TRICKwhen you con do MAGIC?

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The Going Soath Le<tsle


The concepl of Cold Reoding hos probobly been oround since the beginning of history. The loct thot ALl,of us hove similor feors ond desires is well known omong ihose who sludy humon nqture, yet wepersist in feeling thol eoch oI us ore unique ond different from everyone else.

This cold Reoding wos developed to serve os o fromework to build upon ond embellish when tryin9 todeduce more specific in{ormolion. li is meonllo be os brood os possible, yelolmoslonyone should lindits stolemenls quife occurqle.

These "lines" ore nol meont lo be used all ot once, bui ore lo be used os liller mqteriol os I try to deducemore specilic informolion obout the person for whom I om doing o reoding.

Reod ihrough the following, prelending ihoi someone who hos never mel you is telling obout yourself,ond I lhink you'll be surprised ot how occurote you will find it to be. Of course, o good Cold Reoderwould be oble to deduce much more oboul you os lhey sludy your responses lo his stotements ondthe physicolcues you offer,{i.e., How you are dressed, body longuoge, etc.l


I sense modest beginnings, for ollhough you were for from despero'le. ond the normol needs weremet, you reolized ol quile o lender oge,lhere were olhers much betler offlhon you.

Then I sense thot school wos not olwoys o pleosont ploce for you. Even with other children oll oboul,you were still olone in your mind. li wos though you were set oport from lhe olhers. Luckily, this didnlprevenl some hoppiness ond good inffuences from enlering your life, events thot shoped your loter lifegreory.

Loier in your eorly childhood you hod greoldifficulfy over moking o choice concerning mofters of importonce lo you. Cought belween lhe urge io slrike oul ond explore ond the need for security, your mindfound it hord lo know whof ihe lrulh wos. 'Should I be lhis? Should I do ihol? How do I moke the rightchoice?" Finolly lhe sifuolion come fo o heod, ond it wos good fhot you hod the couroge to moke ihebest possible choice, for os growing up hos loughl you, the other choice would hove been muchworse. In foct, hod the wrong choice been mode, you life-style would be so for removed from yourpresenl one lhol vou would hove holed it.

Also inleresl in lhe opposile sex wos influencing your life, bul olthough new horizons opened up, ogreol mony new desires ond needs were left unfulfilled.

Agoin, outside ofo feor people would see inside your ormor ond see thol you werenl olwoys os com-fortoble os you ocled, lhere were new inlerests ond mony people hove influenced your liie lo thjs doy.I sense thol one mon's influence wos poriiculorly strong during this lime.

Then I sense o stronge eveni loter on in your life. You discovered lhol q person who you irusted ondgreolly looked up to hod "feei of cloy" ond wosn't reolly who you hod thoughl ihem fo be. This left youdisillusioned ond mode you lhinkthot mony oflhe iudgments you hod mqde eorlier moy hove locked

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Broce Bcrnstcin

qn inner moturity ond thof q chqnge of perspeclive would seem colled for.

The next period ofyour life held much promise of hoppiness, bui on occosion lherewerevogue discon-tents. llf morried) I sense o slight unhoppiness wilh your mqrrioge, not so much your mote, but reollyoboul morrioge iiself. Thoughls lhoi on offoir might sofue your needs hove possed through your mind.

More time possed ond I sense o dislurbing scene. An incident shocked you, ond o sironge Ieelingovertook your body moking you teel dizzy ond weok, perhops even physicolly ill. I fhink it offecied yougreoily, ollhough you rorely speok of it, ond you hove olmost repressed it.

You often hove doubts concerning your own obililies, until you reolized ihot no one else con sel therules for you. ond thol your own heollh ond hoppiness were more importontlhon ever.

You've become bored with oll lhe gossiping, bockstobbing, ond politics in the world oround you. foryou oren'i the type lo go in for such behovior.

I olso sense thol you ore the lype of person who would rother work os your own boss rolher thon hoveo porinerlo dow you down, or work under someone else.

You hove o lendency lo toke lhings loo seriously, bul lry nof to lei il show on lhe surfoce.

People ore generolly on your side, ond the ones who orenl con't hurt you by tolk olone. Yours ore nolreolly enemies. bul iusl people who ore ieolous.

lpick up thol there is someone fhol no motter how hord you try lo pleose, you find them lo be indifferentlo you. Thol isnl reolly lrue, fhey oppreciole whot you do, bul ore under oulside pressures ond influ-ences ihollor o while ore unlovoroble lo you.

Finolly, lsense thol your intuilion is excellent bui lhol you don't tend to irust it. lf you leorn to get more inlouch wilh your inner leelings, you will leorn lo irusl yourself more ond more eoch doy.

O.K. Even lhough the obove stotemenls ore irue tor iusi obout everyone, iheysure seemed prefty occu-rote, didnl they?

Obviously, mony oflhe "lines" in the reoding ore loo "heow" lo use in q Mqgic show, but I think you geiihe ideo.

The moin trick is lo put yoursell into lhe minds ofyour specific oudience. Whof would YOU be lhinking ifyou were one oflhem?

ls o womon who you osked lo pick o cord weoring on unusuol piece ol iewelry, ond does she loke herlime mqking her decision? lf so, you mighi soy, l'm picking up fhot you're o very ortisiic person, ondthink differenfiy ihon mony of your friends. You ofien loke delighl in keeping people who know you ontheir loes by doing things no one would ever expecl.

ls o mqn you chose to ossisl in on effeci one oflhose who siis quietly in o corner, observing eveMhing

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Tha @ng Swtl, Lc(late

lhof is going on? You're o person who lokes his lime lo moke decisions. |rs nof thof you doubt lhedecisions you moke, but ore lhe lype of person who likes to hove os much informclion os is possiblebefore you do. ln focl, I hove lhe feeling lhol you've been woiching me like on eogle, lrying to figure oufhow I do lvhot ldo.'

f fhis lype of "Reoding' informoiion oppeols fo you, ihere ore mony publicolions ovoiloble lo fhe Mogiccommunity fhot will go i o greot detoil obout this foscinoling study of humon noture, ond outside ofmoking your performonces more mogicol, will teoch you more oboul yoursetf ond others fhen youcould hove possibly imogined.

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Brsre Bchstain


This "effecl" probobly encouroges behoviolthot drives me crozy, but hell, since when do Mogicions leltheir own sociol elhics gel in lhe woywhen they come up with o new irick, or presentolion.

lf you ore one of lhose people who iusl con't help giving odvice oboul how unheolthy olher's lilestylesore, ond jug how ihey con gel heollhy, fhen lhis hick is for you.

EmCT: There you ore, woiching someone chowing down some BBQ flovored potoio chips, or lhotstople ofpeople who live on the dietory edge, ihe chocolote donul ond suddenly, your concem for theirblood pressure, ond/or choleslerol level couses you to leop inlo oclion.

Informing the dielory heothen lhol the innocenl looking munchie thotfhey ore enioying is in octuolity oticking lime bomb, you pick up o couple of the chips in your empty hond. Then, while exploining lheserious effects of too much soh in one's diel, you squeeze lhe olfending chips unlil o streqm of soltcomes pouring out ofyour hond untilit creotes o while pile of deolh in lroni of lhem.

METHOD: I lhink thot this moy well be the weirdesl presentolion for the clossic effect, the "Solt Shower",since cocoine fell out of fovor.

All you need is o rubberlhumb tip wilh o smollX cui inlo il ond some Popcorn soll (or sugor, depend-ing on your oudience)

Fill up the tip obout holf woy wilh lhe soll, or sugor,etc., stick it on your lhumb, ond Vou?e sel.

Pick up o lew of the chips wilh your lefl hond,(ossuming you ore raght hondedl, ond ploce lhem onyour right hond. Close your hond oround the thumbond the chips ond then squeeze. Squeezing ihe iipwill couse the X ihol wos cuJ inlo lhe tip to open up,ollowing lhe solt io pour oui in o coniinuous $reom.Allow pieces of chips to foll down olong with ihe sqllto complete lhe illusion of squeezing the solf out oflhe chios.

Obviously, ifyou prefer lhe "donul" type voriolion, you lood the fhumb tip wilh sugor insleod of soh.

I guess you con tell lhot I hove on ox lo grind obout "heolih freoks", bul obviously you con, (ond Irecommend fhol you do)presentlhis in o lighi honded monner. thiswoy, you loo con live o long hoppylife!

P.s. I pqrticulorly DO NOT recommend lhe, "there's loo much FAT in your diel" presentotion - much tooorossl

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T|ne Coing Swth lnatue

swBouc l'tdTc]l

EFFECT: Two ungoffed decks of E.s.P. cords ore disployed. The symbols ore seen to be rondomly dis-tributed lhroughout eoch deck.

You pick up one oflhe decks os you exploin thot you ore going to lel lhe oudience switch the positionoflhe cords within eoch deck bylhe following procedure:

You will slowly deolthrough eoch deck, dropping one cord ol o me down lo lhe toble. When o chosenspeclolor colls oul "srwifch", you will very cleorly swilch lhe cord in your hond wilh ihe next cord to bedeoli. This is done os mqny or os few limes os wished.

To be perfectly cleor, you proceed lo demonstroie the switching procedure, which shows howlhe posi-lions otlhe swiiched cords do indeed chonge.

An oudience member is chosen io coll oui "swilch". You deolfhrough ihe deck swiiching whenever,ond os mony limes os lhe spedotor chooses. You run through ihe deck o second lime, offering moreoooortunilies for lhe cords lo be s,witched.

A ditferent spectolor is osked lo porlicipote. You pick up the olher deck ond offer lhe spectotor lheoption lo choose when lo hove ihe cords swilched. He loo is gjven o second run lhrough to swkhsome more.

In spife of oll this swiiching of cords, you now turn over the lop cord of eoch deck - lhey mofch!

'lhen you iurn over lhe next cord on iop oleoch deck. They too mofch. This confinues, ond il is seen thoteoch ond every poir molches exqclly!

IIETHOO: Ihis efiect uses o lechnique entitled, 'The Poul Curry Swindle Swifch", firsl published in thenow out of print 'Poul Curry Presents". lt olwoys omozes me how few mogicions ond menlqligs oreowore of it, ond even less of them use it.

I wonf you lo try lhis out. Get o deck o{ cords ond remove lhe Ace lhrough Nine ofony one suii. Put themin consecutive order from lhe top down.



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Bro(e Bcrnstein

>Hold lhe cords loce down, in deoling posilion, in your left hond.>W-rth your left thumb, push the lop cord to lhe righl oboul on inch.>Toke il off ond hold it toce down with your right hond.>After o pouse, turn it Joce up ond drop ii on ihe loble.>W'rlh your left thumb, push the nexl cord over, ond toke if with your right hond>Wrlh your le{t thumb, push lhe nexi cord over, ond then slide lhe cord from your righi hond holf woyunder the iogged cord on lop ihe left hond pile, bui obove lhe resl.>vUrth youi right hond, toke lhe lop lwo cords ond, os o unit, lurn lhem foce up ond ploce them on topol lhe foce up cord on fhe foble.

You'll nolice lhol lhe 2 ond the 3 hove now sl^,/ilched position

Repeol the obove sequence. The 4 goes where il should, bul now lhe 5 ond 6 hove been s'witched'

Reoeot lhe 'no s1,itch" - "switch' sequence once more. The 7 is where it wos, but fhe I ond 9 orereposilioned.

the cords should now be foce up on lhe toble, in fhe following order from the top down.

As you con see, the three sr,/ilches hove significonfiy chonged the order. Now Put lhem bock in slroighlorder, loce down A to 9, os before.

Now you ore going lo be my spectotor.

'l'm putling you into o deeP hypnolic fronce." "This lime leove the cords foce down when you pLtt themon tobb -l don'i woni you fo see lhe resuhs unlil we're finished." "Deol lhem one ot o time os obove'only this iime you moy switch lhe cords WHENEVER YoU WSH - As MANY TIMES As YoU UKt "

'Go through lhe cords three timet ogoin siwiiching whenever you like.'

Betore you iurn lhe cords foce up, lel me osk you o question. could I possibly know whol order.lhecords ore in now? You wouldn'l guess l could, bul l con Turn lhem foce up, you'll see whot I meon!


Pretty cool huh? Ihe cords DO gei siwitched if lhey gel tumed foce up os lhey ore deolt, bd if they ore



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The Going Soath Lcfitrc

dropped to loble foce down nothing hoppens!

Now you hove lhe bosic ideq, butwhol l'm proud of is coming up with lhe concepf of siocking lhe cordsin lhe qct of demonstroiing how lhe siwitch works.

Get 2 decks of E.S.P. cords, or you could use the Ace through 9 ofony lwo suits.

Put lhe two piles in the some order, so thot oll the poirs molch. Do lhe obove "no swilch - switch"demonstrolion os before. Moke suae you turn lhe cords FACE UP, os you deollhem down.

Turn lhe cords foce down, ond ploce fhem offto the side.

Now o reheorsol. Show lhe "mlred pile" to be in o rondom order. Toke lhe unmixed pile ond do fhe"demonslrotion sequence". Now your imoginory oudience is convinced lhol the "switching" procedureisloir. Since both piles ore now in the some ordet NO ly'lAlltR HOW MANY IIMES yOU SWffCH CARDS,THE CARDS WIU Att MATCH I

ll should oll be cleor now. lf you wish to ollerlhe foce up "demonshotion" sequence, iusi do if wjfh onegroup of cords 0he "mixed" pile)ond the do it exoclly the some woy with the other pile.

lf using E.S.P. cords. shuffle one of the decks, ond ihen pui the oiher in the some order. Do o"demonslrotion" sequence wjfh one oflhem ond proceed os obove.

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Bluce Bcrnstein


This wonderful "scom" wos firsl shown to me by Jim Sieinmeyer {one of the lrue creolive geniuses In

mogic ), when he poid o visit lo Mogic tnc oround {our or five yeqrs qgo He lhen published q voriqtion

of itin :;Mogic" Mogozine using o lriongulor loyoui. As the story goes. he hod leorned of il from Doug

Henning who hod seen it performed on ihe streels of lndio.

EFFGCI: 13 piles o{ pennies ore loid OUt in q Squore formotion. wilh onywhere from 2 10 4 pennies in

eoch pile. iou lhen proceed to cleorly ond openly show lhoi eoch side of lhe squore of coins odds up

to lO. Of lhol, there is no queslion.

You now hqnd o sPectqtor o bunch o, extro pennies ond osk him io odd 1 coin lo ony of the 13 piles ol

colns tnot they wisn. Obviously. one o.f fhe sides musl now conloin 11 coins. After lhol hos been done,

vou op"nfy tnitt torn" penniesirom pile to pile. You now slotglhot the coin he-iust odded hos vonished!

i", oi,"nfi .ount tt'" omouni of pennies in eoch side - THERE lS STILL ONLY l0 COINS lN EACH ROW!

Aooin. vou osk thol he odd onothel coin io 'l of the pibs As before, withoul removing ony colns' you

shifi c;i;s from I Dile to qnother ond stofe thot the coin hos vonished. You counl the coins on eoch side

oJ fhe souore - THERE ls sTlLl- oNLY l0 colNs lN EACH RoWl

This orocedure of lhe spectolor odding o coin, you shifling coins obout ond then proving lhot ihe coin

thot wos iust odded hos disoppeored is repeoted lime ond lime ogoin

The effecl on people wolching this is quile omusing They know ihol.ii conl be possible' yet if you. keep

up-rtr" r"tpd, |hey don't hoie enough iime to think things through, ond with eoch new coin ihol is

odded, so does lheir slote of confusionl

MEIHODT This wilt be much eosier io understond with visuol oids, so gei o bunch of coins ond follow

olong. Loy oul the coins in ihe following monner:


B - c









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The Going Soafl, Lecfire

AS YOUcotns In

con see lhe 2 opposiie corners hove 4 coins in -eqch

pile The ol!:l -t-:9f 1::t"

totn"" nouu '

...f, "if".if.r"

JJ.,1". 2 piles of eoch side hove I coin ond 2 coins resPectively in eoch pile

lf you now count lhe omounl of coins on eoch side o{ the squore' lhey will odd up to 10.

Whol skips everyone's mind is ihol iocl thot eoch row of coins shores o corner pile wiih the 2 rows

"ii"i""ii" iriatia rr,ol quirk of ihe humon mind is on whoi we ore "counting

Try lhis ond you'll see who't I meqn Add o penny lo eilher of the cenler 2 piles on I oJ the sides count

the coins. lhot row now tros ti colns, me- rii-iiii 'nou. io gut, ir v* now move o coin {rom o corner pile

jitn?l"i ii *',-r,'. i, ."in wo, oaaei lo o miJdle pile on on odlocent row,-eoch side will now onlv hove

lo coins! Why? Becouse lhe coln you moved {romihe corner is now only counled once Try ii' qnd you'll

see whol I meon.














This will work if the spectolor odds o -coin

io I of the 2 cenler piles of eoch side Ah' but whol iI' you osk'

he odds o coin to .t of tne + corner pui dr""i qr"rii;i ft

" rd more complicoled, but follow olong

qnd you'll get it right owoy

Add o coin lo o corner Pile. Now 2 rows hove'll coins Thot coin is now counled in eoch ofthe 2 rows

thol end in ihol corner' No* tou" o p"nny od of eoch of the 2 closest corne-r piles lo o middle pile on

o side thoi does not sr'or" t".ornerrnot ilJlo-ro-Jn *o. p6ted in ond oll i rowswill now only odd

up 10 to. (see next Poge)

I know lhol lhis sounds exlremery complicoled' but il reolly isn'l Run through it wiih lhe coins loid oul in

fronl ofvou qnd you'll gel il ofter iusl o few minutes'


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Brorc Bcrnstcin



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ln performonce. ifyou iusl reolign i or 2 coins to moke'lhe coin vonish," people will cotch on, so wholyou need lo do is move ot leosl 3 or 4 coins eoch stoge. Since you only NEED to move I coin ff lhespectolor odds l io o cenier pile, or 2 if in o corner, you're going io olso move oround some coins ihotWILL NOT offect lhe oufcome. For exomple, you con move o coin from one of lhe center piles lo ihe olhercenier pile next lo it wilhout chonging the count. You could olso move o coin from one row lo onoiherond lhen move onother one bock to compensote. The importont lhing lo remember is lhoi lhe cornerpiles ore whol moke lhe lrick work.

Anoiher imporlonliouch is keep lhings moving olong ot o brisk poce. Afler I loy out the coins ond showhow there ore l0 coins in eoch row ond hove o coin odded, I offecl o look of concentrolion ond soy,"Hmm, lefs see, if I move this I here, ond this I here, ond, oh lefs see, ond fhis I here ond thot I lhere,you see your coin hos disoppeoredl" The spedotor will look ot you os if you ore crozy, ond wiihoutskipping o beol, very openly, counl lhe coins in eoch row fo "prove" il. "You see, lhere is1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 coins in lhis row ond fhere is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 coins in this row, ond1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1O coins in fhis row, ond 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 coins in lhis row - see the coin hos von-ished." And withorrt giving him lime lo survey the siluoiion hove him odd onolher coin, ond repeot.

How mony coins you con 'Vonish" will depend on the exoct locotions lhol lhe speclotor odds his coins.Wiih luck, you con gei up to lO coins'lo "vonish". Whenever possible, move coins from cornerslhol hovethe mosi coins slill remoining. The time to stop is when one ol the corners hos only I coin in it. tf youcontinue, the spectoior mighl well ploce his coin in o locolion lhol would require you to move thol linolcoin, which would give fhe melhod owoy.

|rs hord to put this into words, bul follow olong wilh coins in hond, ond iry il out. You'll be omozed oihow much fun this routine is for everyone involved.

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The Aoing Soath le<Lnc


Although l've wrilten lhis iiem os o self conioined effecl, I would hope thot lhe reoder will ioke thiswrjie-up os on obiect lesson. For yeors it bothered me lhoi mosl "Mogicions" lookdown with disdoin qt"Menlolisls'. Ihis is not lhe ploce for me lo defend "Menlolisls" ond "Psychic Enlertoiners", olthough Icould eosily qnd PROUDI,Y do so, but why ihe lechniques of the field ore so under used hos o{lenconfused me.

By the iudicious use of these lechniques, I feel thol mony oi lhe clossic effecls of mogic con be modemuch more effective ond decepiive. The following is iust the tip otfhe iceberg.

ETFECT: You hond someone o deck of cords lo be exomined. He is then io shuffle ond cul ihe deck iohis heorfs contenl. He is lhen lo ploce lhe deck foce down on fhe center of lhe ioble. As lhis is beingdone, you exploined thot eorlier you hod osked o lody to think of o cord. lt could be ony cord, ond shewos NOTIo wrile ii down, or fellonyone, including yourself, iusl whol her secret cord is.

Now, for the frsi time, she is osked to nome her menlolly selecied cord out loud. For exomple, she collsoul lhe 8D.

You ploce on obviously emply hond underneolh lhe toble, os you osk her lo ploce her hond on iop oiihe deck. She is now to think of her cord ond push down on lhe deckwhen you soy, "NOW."

Woit o moment ond then suddenly, os if lhe moment is linolly right, you collout, "NOW."

She pushes down, ond lhen you hond comes up lrom underlhe ioble wiih o cord which you ploce focedown off to lhe side of the toble. You now osk her lo look lhrough the deck for the 8D. lT lS GONE! Younow osk someone io lurn over lhe cord thot penetroled lhrough the toble. lT lS IHE 8D!

Not bod eh? Before you reod "Melhod", think oboui it. Con you come up wilh o melhod lo occomplishihe obove? Remember, she reolly did hove o lololly free seleciion of ony of ihe 52 cords in the deck -no force, ond the deck is toiolly legil. Also imogine the etfecl on your oudience. There is obviously no"suspicious moves" ond the whole effect ploys os described.

MEIIIOD: I know lhot lhe vost moiority of mogicions reoding lhis qre obout to cry oul, "CHEATER." l{you?e one oflhem, oll I con soy is "loo bqd." fs o shome thqt you'll be missing oui on techniques iholsome of ihe biggest nomes in mogic use lo fool you oll the timel ftey ore the some people who feelbummed out when theyfnd oul lhol Blockione, in his pick pocket oct, sloge whispers lo his "mork" lohond him his wollel. My poor disillusioned ones. I generolly feel lhoi lhe "effect iusfifies the meonsl"

Allyou need lo do, before you slorl lo perform, islo lind outwhot the cord is lhol he person willcollout,remove il from s regulor deck, ond put it, held in ploce wiih o liftle wox if needed, under the ioble.

Ah, bul how do you know whol lhe cord will be? Belore the show stortt I osk someone if fhey will helpme in on effecl. I exploin lhol I wonl her 10 think of o cord, but iI you iust osk someone during o show,people tend lo pick obvious cords, like the AS, or lhe OD. Soying thot you wont her lo come up wilh oiruly rondom selection, you give her o deck of cords lo shuffle ond cut. You lhen spreod lhem loce

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down on the toble ond osk herfo slide out onycord thot slrikes herfoncy. Since you ore using o morkeddeck, ils quife eosy to know whot cord she slid oul. You lum owoy ond osk herlo look ol, ond remem-ber the cord she iusioicked. She is then lo oulbocklhe cord ond shufffe the deckso no one could knowher choice. She is then inslructed nol to lelionyone whol her cord is.

Yes, ifs iust lhot simple. The resi is up lo you.

The iype of mqrked cords I use is lhe -Ted Lesley Working Professionol's Morked Cords". These ore BYFAR lhe best morked cords oround. They con be reod quickly ond eosily, even o few feef owoy. Teddeserves o lifelime ochievement oword" for this one of his mony creolions. Check wilh your fovorileMogic Deolerto gei the mokings for one. You'll be delighied.

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ll|P Going Sottth Le<lurc


This rouline is bosed on the effect "Ring of Protection" creqled by one ofihe greol choroclers in mogic- Mosklyn Ye Moge - o.k.o. Tony Andruzzi. Under ihe nome Tom Polmet he creoted ond performedillusions ond comedy mogic bul os iime possed. Tony decided lo explore new horizons, ond becomeTHE leoding force in whol hos grown to be colled "Bizqrre Mogic". His mony books, mosi of which orenow out of print, hove become sought ofler colleclor's ilems, ond lhe "lnvocolionol', o convenlion hethot he heoded, otioined o neor legendory repulotion. Under his neorsingle honded tuteloge, thelieldof the Bizorre grew from o fun topic of conversoiion lo o fullffedged ort form. Tony possed owoy o fewyeors ogo, but his spirii is olive lo everyone who wonts to pul reol mogic bock into mogic.

EfFECI: someone commenls on, {or you leod the conversotion in lhe direcfion ofl on unusuol ring lholyou ore weoring. You ihonk lhem for noiicing it, ond lhen exploin lhol il is much more fhqn iust o pieceof iewelry, it is o Ring of Prolection. This commenl should elicit questions oboutwhol o ring of proleclionis ond fiom whol il con proiect you. After o bil of prodding, you exploin thol il hos the obility to sopenergy from onyone who might be thinking of horming iis owner, ond propose o demonsirolion.

You osk for someone lo help. ln focl, the bigger qndsironger, lhe betler. Asking him lo siond up ondhold his orm groighi out in lronl of him, you lell himihot you ore going lo lryto push his orm down, so heis to resist you lo the besi oI his obility. Holding hisorm on his wrisl, you try io push his orm down, bulore unoble to do so. You now osk him lo hold thering tightly in his olher hond, exploining thot it is nowsopping his strengih. You now push down on hisouistrelched orm ond io his, ond everyone else'ssurprise, ii goes down eosily!

To lokelhings o siep further, you now osk him lo ex-lend his orm ond close his eyes so thot he won'l seewhere you pui the ring. You put lhe ii oboui 6leelowoy fiom him, ond try io push down his orm. Al-though you huff ond puff, his orm wonl budge. Askhim to open his eyes ond see where lhe r'ng is.Hove him close his eyes ogoin, ond exlend his orm.You now move lhe ring close lo him ond push on hisorm. Although ii is seen ihol you ore using muchless energy lhen before, the orm goes down quiteeqsily. Hove him open his eyes ond see where lhering is.

Forlhe finol demonstrotion, you osk o 2nd person to help. Agqin, he is lo extend his orm, ond, with hisolher orm, hold honds with the znd person before closing his eyes. You put lhe ring o lew feei owoyond try pushing the orm down. Although lrying hord, ihe orm sloys up. Hove him open his eyes ondsee where the ring is. Agoin hove him close his eyes, bullhis time you hove ihe 2nd person hold on to

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lhe ring. This time, you push down on his orm with iust I finger, ond his orm drops like o leod bolloon.Hove him open his eyes lo see the Ring oi Proiection hos slruck ogoin!

METHOD: 2 words - Psychology ond muscle fotigue. Somehow I lhink you wonl more, so here goes.

First of oll, ifs notthoteosy lo hold your orm stroight oui in fronl of you ond resist o downword pressure.Aiter o slrong push or 2. the muscles involved get fotigued quite quickly ond il's o neor impossibility lokeep ii extended. Anolher imporlontfoctor is lhol ifone's concenkolion is split qmong 2 muscle groups,it olso becomes horder lo resisl.

The firsl lime you push down on his orm, you weoken his muscles.Ihen when you osk him lo "hold thering TIGHTLY in his other hond", you ore splitting his oflention between boih orms, moking it even eosierto push his weokened orm down the 2nd time.

lhe 2nd phose is when lhe psychology comes inlo ploy. Ahhough, becouse his eyes ore closed itshould seem ihol he couldn'f know where you prt the ring, if you ore iolking os you lurn owoy from himos you put the ring down, his subconscious will pick up on it. In fhe lsi porl of phose 2, you wont him tothink his sfrength hos relurned, so when you hold his wrisl to push down, you squeeze his wrist quitefirmly ond ACT os if you ore pushing down wilh oll your strength. ll is quite convincing ond feels os ifyou ore pushing down quite hord. Now, when you hove him close his eyes ogoin, you foce him ondlolk os you put ihe ring close to him. Believe i't or nol his subconscious will pick up lhot the ring is neorhim. Push down on his qrm ond woich it drop!

As you probobly hove reolized by now, o condilioned response hos been creoted. His subconsciousnow reolizes thot ihe first lime someone holds his hond, he is to be 9rong, ond thot the 2nd time hisorm will drop, nol fo meniion how weok lhol orm is now. Repeot the wrist squeeze ond ocling for theiirst pori, ond when lhe 2nd person is holding the ring, you will be oble to push the orm down wilh iusto finger or 2 in the most cosuol, of{honded monner!

Ployed seriously, its omozing how well ihis ploys. In foct, l've hod some people gel so weok lhoi iheyhove io sif down, ond ore oble lo describe ihe ring octuolly sopping their energy.

Tony, in lhe originol version published in his book, "Doemon's Diory", hod someone hold their thumbond first finger together ond he would iry to seporole lhem. I lind lhot lhe orm is more impressive ondis octuollv eosier lo do.

,Obviously, you could use ony type otobiectlo be the "proleclor", buf moke sure ifs qn unusuol ilem thotcould live up lo its build up.

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The Going Soatl Lerune


l'm often osked by mogicions to recommend o simple, effeclive menlol rouline ihot moy eosily beodded to their regulor mogic progrom. I think the lollowing routine fts lhe bill perfectly. lt ploys quiteeffecfively, ond yet is eosy lo do, leoving you free lo concentote on the presenfolion. lt follows theclossic 3 port prediction presenfotion, but does nol use the I oheod lechnique.

CFFECT: An experiment concerning E.s.P. is proposed. You hond o coin fo o member of lhe oudienceond osk them lo flip it on lo o ffol surfoce. As this is done, you remove on envelope from your pockelond hond it to someone for sofe keeping. Ask ihe speclolor to collout whefher ihe coin is heods or toils.

Next, o deck of ploying cords is disployed, ond while spreoding lhe cords foce down, from hond tohond, you osk someone 'to ploce his tinger on the bock of ony cord thol fhey wish. You hond him hiscord, which is ihen shown 1o oll presenl.

For lhe finol phose of lhis routine, you show 9 cords, numbered 'l through 9, in o rondom order. Youshuffle lhem furlher, ond osk o spedolor lo give lhem o couple of cuts. The cords ore lhen deolt oul,one ot o lime inlo 3 piles. 2 speclolors ore lhen osked lo help. Eoch is to pick up one of lhe Piles, lheremoining pile being discorded.

Picking up o pod o{ poper, you osk one of the 2 speclolors to colloui one of lhe numbers in his pile. Youthen osk him if he would like his numbers lo be written on lhe righl or lhe lefl, You do os he requesls.The other specloior is osked to coll oul one of his numbers. ll is writlen nexi lo the lsl spectolofs num-ber creoting o rondom 2 digit number. The tsl specfofor is lhen to coll out onolher of his numbers.which you wrile underneoth of his firsf choice. lhe second speclolor is lhen lo coll oul o 2nd numberwhich, of cours€, goes under his ll choice. The 2 rondom, 2 digil numbers ore now odded togelher.The ]sl spedolor is then osked for his finol number, ond then the 2nd spectotor is osked for his. This 2digil number is odded io the previous totol, creoiing o lotolly unknown, rondom, 3 digil number.

The 3 seledions ore now recopped for lhe oudience. For exomple, the coin londed Toils up, lhe cordchosen wos the 6 ol spodes, ond ihe number creofed oi rondom wos ]65.

You osk lhe person who hos been holding your prediclion envelope lo open il tor lhe firsl lime ond reodout loud lhe prediction lhat wos seoled inside. It siofes, "l prediclthotthe coin will lond toils up,lhe cordwill be lhe 6 ofSpodes, ond lhe number will be 165!"

METHOD: Only fhe coin flip is truly rondom, the cord seleclion, ond number ore forced.

2 prediction envelopes ore needed. 1 ot lhem siorls, the coin will lond Heods up, ihe other storts, thecoin will lond Toils up.

You con lorce lhe cord "by yourfovoriie melhod", bul lfeellhot o Pop-Eyed Eye Popper Deck", {bosicollyo rough - smooth svengoli deck) is o good choice for ihis rouline. of course, your force cord is writlenon bolh prediclions.

The number force requires 9 cords, numbered I lhrough 9, but lheir order is nol quile os rondom os it


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looks. Follow olong with cords in hond ond you'llsee whot I meon. Put lhe 1,5.9 in one Plle' lhe 2'6'7 ino 2nd pile, ond fi; 3,4,8 in o 3rd pile. Nofice thol eoch ol lhe 3 piles odd up to 15 To gel the cords inlhe proper order, iust toke o cord fiom pile l, ihen put o cord from pile 2 on top of ii, lhen o cord frompile 3 goes on top of lhe lst 2 cords. Then o 2nd cord from pile 1 goes on lop, then 1 from pile 2, ondlhen pile 3. The finol cords ore olso put on lop in order, ond you?e reody io go

The cords con now be cut os mony times os you wish, yet when deolt out, lhe 3 piles will eoch still oddup lo'15.

Since eoch pile conloins cords thol will odd up to 'l5, il doesnl mofter which oI the 3 Piles is io bediscorded.

BecoUse ol lhe locl thot eoch person's numbers ore writlen diredly undemeoth lheir Previous choices,lhe lotol HAS to be i65. Here ore o lew exomples:

Similor concepls hove been used by.Jock London, [orry Becker, ond ofhers over fhe yeors. The ideo oIhoving eoch group of numbers iofoll5 belongs lo o clever Mentolist, Terry Nosek. The orrongemenfoiihese numbers inlo o slocklhol con be cul repeoledly is my moin imProvemenl.

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The Going so.t , Lc<llttQ


EfFECT: You loke oui nine ofyour business cords, ond openly number lhem from I to 9

On onolher cord, or piece oI pqper, elc., you secretly write down o prediction which is ploced in full

you then exploin thol you wish someone to "rondomize" lhe order of ihe cords. The "swkhing" proce-

dure is demonslroted ond then the speclolors ore to help you 'tondomize" the cords by lelling you

when to s,wilch cords.

Aftelthe cords hove been "rondomized", you hove someone give lhe cords o series of stroight culs

The cords ore lhen deon, one ol o time, into three piles.

To mixihings up even more, o sPectoior is osked to discord one of lhe lhree piles

You osk for o number lo be colled out fom one ol the two remoining piles You write ihot number on opiece of poper.

A differenl spectotor is osked lo coll out o number from the other remoining Pile. He is osked if hisnumbers should be ploced to the righi (i.e. in the one's column) of the firsl sPeclobrs numbers, or lo

lhe left (i.e. ihe Ten's column). A two digit number hos iust been formed

The lirst person is osked lo coll off onofher number from his pile. lt is wriflen underneoth ol his first

choice. Tie second person then colls out onother of his numbers, which is wrilien under his first selec-lton.

Boih speclolors now collofitheirfinol numbers which ore wrillen down under their firsl two choices

The numbers qre odded uP - ond then the Prediction is reod

You hove correcflv predided the lotol!

lJtEIlloD: This is o combinolion of the number prediction in 'ulility Mentol Routine" ond the switch

technique from 'Symbolic Molch".

In.this voriotion, you use the "demonstrolion" sequence lo slocklhe cords qlo '"Number Prediction"

As usuol, if you follow olong with cords in hond, ilwill be eosier to grosp

Hove lhe cords foce down in order from 1 down io 9 Do fhe "demonstrolion" sequence, remembenngto lurn the cords fqce up os vou deol them, os follows:

>Deol I singly.>Deol 2 singly.>Deol 3 singly.

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>"Swifch" 4 ond 5.>Deol 6 singly.>Deol7 singly.>-Switch' 8 ond 9.

The cords should now be foce up, in the following order:

Pick uD the cords, ond turn them foce down. You now show how two run throughs will mix lhings upeven more. This flme do the "demo" os follows:

>l fhrough 5 cord deolfsingly.>'5\ /itch" lhe 4 ond 6.>Switch'lhe 7 ond 9.>Ihe 8 is turned foce uP ond dropped on loP.

Ihe cords should be foce up, in lhis order:

The cords ore now in o proper slock fo Proceed with "Number Predidion'.

I hope you enioy fhis combinotion of methods. n ploys quite eJfeciively, ond hos served rne \ €l b(monyyeors.








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Thc coing sosth L*latc

6 FEWTltO0GltrS 6800T ilf,GrGtdilS flllD l,lEllrdUSTlS:

It sure seems like the Hotfields ond lhe Mccoys. they ore two groups lhol seem fo be forever ot eochother's lhrools ond nothing con ever moke lhem get qlong.

Mogicions olwoys seem lo ronl ond rove thot Mentolists ore rip off ortists lhol ploy upon the gullibilityoi people who octuolly believe in fhe possibility of E.S.P. And if ot o Mentolisfs performonce, ihey ore"fooled".lhe cry of set up or slooge rings out loud ond cleor. And worslololl, how DARE theycloim wholthey do is reol.

Menlolisls, on lhe ofher hond, often moon ond groon obout how Mogicions hove loken oll of the reol"Mogic" oui otlheir performonces, ond lurn whol ol one time would hove been considered o "mirocle"into o 'trick". Often fhey will put down o regulor mogic show os o "porode of poinled boxes", or odisploy of "iuggling" with o deck of cords.

It seems lo me thol lhis lock o{ respect beiween these fields is o sod stoie of offoirs. |rs nol whol styleils done in, bui whether ifs done with slyle, lhol should be the moin considerolion. Bui whot oflenREAI-LY gels fo me, is fhol bofh fields letlheir dislike for the olher stond in their woy of leorning from il.

lf I con get only one ideo ocross io you, is lhot by opplying some oflhe bosic lechniques of Menlolismto your Mogic, it con become more deceptive, os well os more Mogicol.

And don't think thof lhe oudience doesnl expecl you to be somewhot Mysticol, os well os pretly slickwiih o deck of cords. Anyone who hqs performed even lhe mod siondord of mogic shows is ollenosked if they con reod polms.

"Personol Atfochmenl" is o perfecl exomple. The effeci ploys quite well os o stroight cord lrick, bd Ihope ihot you reolize how much sfronger it ploys when some Cold Reoding is lhrown in. Alwoys re-membel people ore more lnteresled in themselves then in you. ff you con somehow moke on effeclmore personol to someone, they will enioy il oll lhe more. lf you moke ii more personol, in o moremogicol monner, lhon oll lhe better.

When you ore oble to discern some focts you should hove no woy of knowing obout the speciotor bymerely holding her ring, you ore helping lhem inlo o fromework of belief, or ol leosl curiosity obouiwhot is to follow.

Think o{ "Cord Through Toble", ond its effecl on on oudience. There ore obviously TONS of methods lodo this effect wilh, but noi wiih o menfolly chosen cord ond o regulor deck. Most peoPle think lhot onyMogicion musl be o whiz wiih o deck of cords 0olk oboui encouroging folse beliefs!), ond con mokeyou pick ony one lhof you wont'ihem to, so fhe impoct ofwhoi seems lo be o rondom menlolseleclionodds o loyer of myslery to almosl ony clqssic plot.

one of lhe besl woys I know for o Mogicion lo proclice o liifle Cold Reoding is to do o quick reodingwhen o speclqtor is osked to nome o cord {or number, or q color, eic.), in on effect lhot he is olreodydoing. A simple exomple would be:

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