Going backward--to go forward

Q'4hdMol --to go forward: Whyselective live-harvesting is vital to the survivalof Pacfficsalmon. Courtesyof the Steelhead SocieN of B.C.


Why selective live-harvesting is vital to the survival of Pacific salmon.

Transcript of Going backward--to go forward

Page 1: Going backward--to go forward

Q'4hdMol--to go forward:

Why selective live-harvesting is vitalto the survival of Pacffic salmon.

Courtesy of theSteelhead SocieN of B.C.

Page 2: Going backward--to go forward


nin,"d in Canada on paper made from zOEo post-consumer fibre,

Page 3: Going backward--to go forward

PrefoceThe title of this modest treatise

is intentionally ambiguous, simplybecause there is no sure way toavoid oversimplifying the subjecti tsel f . And over-s impl i f icar ionmust be avoided if we are to findthe formula for our own lons-termsurvival.

The title's "going backward"phrase suggests returning throughtime- -which we can never do inthe real world- -but which wemust always do in our imagina-tion. From the past, we learn howbetter to behave in the future.

Only the def iant exploi ter canapprove the Pacific Coast'ssalmon market-fishing industry'scurrent behaviour.

Consider these two sad facts: l) the present west coast salmon commercialfleet, numbering 4,399 purse seine, gillnet and troll (not trawling) vessels, isso etficient in its speed of catching the dwindling numbers of salmon it chases,that it sits idle most of the year; 2) the herring fleet is so efficient in speed that"openings" are as short as eight minutes, during which some boats areoverloaded, and sink.

Hence, we have a hasty and grossly non-selective, overcapitalized, mainlyidle fleet. Unfortunately, fishing "efficiency" can also be incredibly wasteful.In the North Pacific, some 300 million pounds of edible fish are caught anddiscarded overboard- -dead- -every year. Did that register? That amounts to100 pounds of fish for every British Columbian. Every year. Wasted. Manyof those dead "discards" are undersize "target" fish. Many are incidental, or"by-catch", fish- -caught but not sought- -caught simply because they hap-pened to swim among the "target" fish. Many of the released, undersized fishsoon die of their various injuries. (The "Chinook Technical Committee" ofCanada's Department of Fisheries and Oceans estimates that as many as 30 to50 per cent of all undersized chinook salmon, almost casually released by thetroll fleet, eventually die. It's worth noting, too, that the death rate forundersized sport-caught chinook, usually much more gently released, is muchlower.)

The incidental by-catch of non-target fish should concerx all North Ameri-cans. Each year, hundreds of thousands of chinook, coho and steelhead- -theso-called "lesser stocks" salmon- -die in net and even troll fisheries which

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seek the far more numerous chum, sockeye and pink salmon. Because all sixspecies of West Coast salmon often swim together, we refer to our currentway of harvesting salmon as a "mixed stock" fishery. But gill and seine netsdon't discriminate among weak and strong stocks. Nets don't care aboutbiodiversity. Nets don't respect the integrity of genetically distinct "races" ofsalmon. Nets don't acknowledge thiLt species such as incidentally caughtsteelhead are wofth much, much more per fish to the economy when capturedin the sport fishery, than if they end up in the fish market. Management justdon't care enough about either the salmon or the taxpayer.

It's unconscionable that Canada wages "wars" with the United States overtheir shares of the sockeye salmon (as happened in 1992 and 1994) when thecost of the wars- -in which nothing is resolved- -also includes hundreds ofthousands of coho salmon. Those coho are the remnants of the now-extinctColumbia River and endangered Georgia Strait stocks. Stocks of wild GeorgiaStrait coho, alone, have been plummeting at the rate of 66,000 per year forthe past 15 years.

It's also unconscionable to enhance, artificially and massively, one speciesof salmon (sockeye) in an otherwise "wild" Skeena River watershed, whichthe Department of Fisheries and Oceans has chosen to do, then allow a fleet ofI,600 commercial boats to "accidently" kill half of all returning wildsteelhead (and inexcusably large numbers of coho). And what do you call amarket fishery that kills up to 80 per cent of each year's extremely valuableand greatly depleted Thompson River steelhead, while aiming at low-valuechum salmon? Doesn't "unconscionable" fit again?

It's clearly time to go backward to go forward. In this case, going backwardmeans resuming centuries-old live-capture technology: fish traps, fish wheels,river-bank seines. Those and other methods were used on this coast forcenturies- -and abandoned early this century in favour of the wasteful marketfleets. We must reembrace the technology that allows fishers to chooseharvests from the abundant stocks and release individual fish of all lessnumerous stocks. Nor should we overlook other significant benefits of aneconomically and ecologically sensible, selective live-capture fishery- -lesswasted fuel, less danger to fishers, more potential for stock assessment andmore long-term social benefits and security.

What follows is a brief look at selective fishing technology. Some methodshave recently been resumed by B.C.'s aboriginal fishers- -the Nisga'e,,Gitksan (fish wheels), Ditidaht (fish traps) and Nuu-chah-nulth (beach or bankseines). Little wonder that more and more First Nations rcalize that liberatingfish of the weak stocks is strong medicine. Some of the cumently usedmethods originated and are used in other countries. Are "other" people moresensible than North Americans? Or did they simply learn sooner?

The live-capture fishing methods described in this booklet have alreadyproved themselves. It is in the best interest of the planet that we look back tosee our future. The compelling question is, "Can we see clearly enough tosave our salmon?"2. Steelhead Society of B.C.

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FishwheelsFishwheels have been used by various groups for the capture of adult

salmon. Historically, they have been used by commercial fishers on theColumbia River and, more recently, by First Nations in the yukon Territoryand Alaska, and by fisheries biologists for salmon tagging programs. Thecommercial use of fishwheels on the Columbia River began in 1879 andcontinued until abolished in 1934. By the turn of the century there were up to76 wheels in operation, accounting for 5 to'77o of the total commercialharvest of Columbia River salmon.

Those fishwheelshad various levelsof success,depending onlocation andoperation. Forexample, twowheel-operatorstook 857o of thefish caught abovetidewater, and itwas reported that"a few fishwheelstook as many fishin 24 hours as theaverage gillnet fisher took in four years of labour." The most productivefishwheel was near The Dalles, Oregon, with a reported record seasonal catchof 209 tons of fish in 1906, and record daily catch of 35 tons of fish on May10.1913.

The Columbia River fishwheels were of two main designs; fixed andportable wheels. The most common was the fixed wheel, which was normallysituated near the river bank. Large cribworks were used to support the wheeland provide protection from flood waters. The timber log cribwork wasapproximately 6 by 1l metres and 4m high, while the wheel was I I m indiameter and 2.5m wide, with three "dips", or baskets. The ideal speed ofrotation was three to five revolutions per minute. Most fishwheelsincorporated leads (fences), to direct the fish from mid-channel toward thewheel, with ramps built below the wheel, to force the fish upwards, into thepath of the baskets. The leads took many forms, including parallel rockworks, channels created by blasting or dredging, and rows of pylons. Leadsnormally ranged from 18 to 60m in length, but, as designs were modified,became longer and eventually legislation was enacted to restrict the length toone third of the river's width. The most common lead was made of pylons,usually angled outward and downstream from the wheel.

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The other commonly usedfishwheel, called scow wheel, wasbuilt on a barge so that it could bemoved easily and provide theopportunity to fish anywhere thatfish seemed abundant. It alsoalleviated the problem of beingleft high and dry during lowwater condi t ions, which iscommon with the fixed, shore- il***l***,,it,:**;u,;k;;,*,&ffibased wheel. The portable wheels were smaller, typically only 8 to 9m indiameter and 2.5m wide. Once productive sites were identified, the operatorwould often construct a lead of pylons, which would serve to guide fish to thefishwheel and hold the barge in place while it fished.

Various wheels caught a variety of size and species of fish. Fishers notedthat fish with specific swimming capabilities took various routes on theirupstream journeys. They also noted that coho and steelhead traveled nearer thesurface and chose shallow water, while chinook traveled in deeper water. Fishcatches were generally higher at night than during the day, likely because leadsand dips could be seen by fish, and thus avoided during the daylight hours.Traps in their first year of operation reportedly had poorer success than thoseof seasoned materials, which the fishers believed resulted from the ability offish to detect and avoid fresh concrete and creosote, used in construction.

Initial selection of sites for fishwheels was near aboriginal dipnet sites,generally associated with back-eddies downstream of rock outcroppings.Wheels were placed at the upstream edge, where fish reentered the maincur:rent. As fishers on the Columbia River became more familiar with fishbehaviour, wheels were built or placed to choose certain species of fish. Forexample, a wheel to catch chinook would be built to operate efficiently in highwater conditions. Fishwheels caught many species of fish, with reports ofsturgeon up to 300kg being taken on occasion.

A few fishwheels are currently in operation in Alaska, the Yukon. andnorthern B.C., for limited commercial harvest and tagging programs. Thewheels used for tagging fish on the Taku River in B.C. can fish approximately3m deep with a wheel 7m by 2.4m, mounted on a floating platform. Thewheels include four baskets, and operate efficiently in slow water current.Other wheel designs used for tagging have included two baskets with twopaddles to maintain rotation. Both wheels are supported on a floating platformapproximately 8 by 3.6m and capable of operating in areas of high water flow.They also contain "live boxes," designed to allow water to flow through thebox. Studies show that survival rates of fish caught and held in live boxes areclose to l007o. The fishwheels currently used for commercial harvests on theAlaskan part of the Yukon River, and B.C.'s Taku River are smaller, designedfor surface waters and to focus on chum salmon. which also tend to surface-migrate, like steelhead and coho salmon.

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Fish TrapsTraps have been used throughout the world for capturing fish migrating up

streams, or as they move in and out of sea bays and lagoons. Usually, trapsare used with some type of barrier or guide, often called a "leader", thatdirects fish into the trap. Traps are generally considered passive fishingdevices. Such structures consist of a maze or series of progressively smalleropenings that lead to a holding pen, from which escape is difficult for fish. Insome circumstances, the holding area is designed to keep fish alive until theyare removed for processing.

Fish traps have along history in thePacific northwestand have provokedsignificant politicalissues and fishmanagementdevelopments. Asin Europe and Asia,traps were firstused to satisfy localfood requirements,then were modified,or enlarged, forcommercial d&LVrl t t l t l tLtdl

operations. Strategically placed traps captured many fish and were oftenblamed for the decline of salmon runs, and for inhibiting development in otherareas of commercial fishing. Fish traps have been used extensively forcapturing salmon in Japan, Ireland, Scotland, and Scandinavia.

The use of traps in Ireland has been documented as far back as the I lthcentury and became popular in the 1700s and 1800s. Historical reportsdescribe "head weirs", which were used in the tidal reaches of rivers. Theyconsist of two walls, or wings, arranged in a V-shape, and were contrived totrap fish on a falling tide. The salmon moving through the estuary with thetide are funnelled into the trap, or bag net, placed at the apex of the V, whilefishers monitor the capture of salmon from a small platform built at the apex.Over the years, some head weirs were modified to fish both ebb and floodtides. Also, longer wings were tried and, sometimes, the length had to berestricted to reduce obstructions to navigation.

Scottish traps also have a long history and their design has remainecconstant over the years. The two main traps in use today include stake andbag nets, and are used specifically for Atlantic salmon. The Scottishgovernment has generally restricted the use of traps inside headlands next totr ibutary mouths wi th in r ivers.

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Stake nets are set off beaches having gentle slopes and a soft bottom. Stakesare driven into the sand to support a "leader" set at a right angle to the shore.Salmon entering the net are led to the trap, which is also supporled by stakesat the offshore end of the leader. A variation of this trap uses a leader attachedto f-loats, rather than stakes, so that it rises and stays in operation on theincoming tide.

Bag nets are similar to stake nets except that the former are suited fbrdeeper water and rocky shorelines. They have similar shapes and usually havea leader moored to the beach. Bag nets are suspended from floats, however,and held in place by anchors, rather than by stakes driven into the sand. Thetrapping chamber is situated at the offshore end of the leader and, sometimes,two trapping chambers are set opposite each other at the seaward end of theleader. Bag and stake nets can be set individually or in series, out from theshore, and can consist entirely of the stake or bag types, or a combination ofthe two.

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Traps were introduced to the Pacific northwest market fishing industry inthe late 1800s. In Washington State, the number of traps increased from 13 in1893, to 163 by 1900, providing fish for 15 canneries. The firsr salmon trapswere pile (very large poles) traps similar to stake nets used in Scotland. Pileswere driven into the sandy bottom to secure the netting and shape the trap.Floating nets were introduced soon afterward, particularly in southeasternAlaska, where there were few sites suitable for the installation of pile traps.By 1930, there were 423 floating traps and 276 plle traps in southeastern andcentral Alaska. Most fish traps, however, were outlawed by 1935 inWashington and 1959 in Alaska, except a few still operating in southeasternAlaska.

Floating traps along the west coast of Annette Island, off southeasternAlaska, are operated by First Nations and the catch is processed and cannedon the island. The nets consist of a wire mesh leader that extends

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approximately 300m from the shore to the trap section, which is typically 35mto 55m wide. The outer trap is usually l3m deep to the floor, which slopes upto 9m at the heart and 7m at the entrance to the holding pen.

Fish traps were used in B.C., also, but never became so popular as inWashington or Alaska. The fixed or pile traps were normally used, but thereis less information about the use of floating traps in B.C. The longestoperating traps were in the Sooke Harbour area in Juan de Fuca Strait. Thosetraps required 320 pylons (piles), each between 10 and 45m long. Wirenetting was used for the leader and the outer chambers of the trap, whilecotton or manila webbing was used to construct the holding chamber. Thelength of the leader depends on water depth and channel width, but isgenerally between 200 and 300 metres. As in Washington and Alaska, therewas considerable opposition to the use of fish traps along the B.C. coast. Thelast trap, near Sooke Harbour, was phased out in 1958, the victim of politicalpressure.

Traps are also used in rivers, in conjunction with weirs or fences that spanthe entire width of the watercourse to create a total barrier. In B.C., the nativefood fishery made extensive use of traps, which were subsequently adoptedfor market fish capture. Aboriginal weirs were traditionally built acrossshallow estuaries of rivers and streams, to block the upstream movement ofsalmon and to guide the fish into traps or areas where they could be spearedor netted. Until very recently, the use of weirs and fences in rivers andstreams has been generally limited to fisheries research, to capture and tag orcount upstream and downstream migrating salmon. During the last threeyears, aboriginal bands have been permitted to research trapping fish withinrivers. Contemporary fences and weirs are usually constructed of metal andconcrete but are similar to the primitive designs constructed of interwovensticks, supported by stakes.

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Seine NetsSeining, in its

many variations, isthe most widely usedfishing technique inthe world today,targeting specific fishin the open sea,coastal areas and inlakes and rivers.

Seine nets are usedto encircle fish fromthe sides and below.As the ends are drawn together, and the bottom edges puckered, the fish areconfined to a very small area, from which they can be pumped or brailed(scoop-netted) into a ship. Salmon can be kept live or "ponded" in the purseseine until they are taken aboard the vessel. If the fish are taken aboard bybrailer, smaller numbers of fish are handled and the catch can then be spilledgently onto the deck, sorted, and non-target species released. Sometimes, fishare pulled directly up onto a beach or riverbank (beach seining). In mostsituations, seining allows the live-capture of fish, and provides an opportunityto retain target species and release, unharmed, the non-target fish.

The current seine operation in B.C. is responsible for catching most of thesalmon from coastal waters (447o of the total salmon catch in 1987). It is notconducive, however, to effective live-capture of fish. With the increasedefficiency of hydraulic systems and the ability to swiftly haul the net onboardover a roller and drop-ramp in the stern, there is much greater potential forstress and physical damage to fish. The non-target species released sufferreduced survival rates.

The great sizes of net and the potential for a large catch on a single set mayalso reduce the survival of fish. When confined in number, crowding,crushing, and de-scaling can result in suffocation or severe physical damage.In the highly competitive fishery with such short, frantic openings, time iscritical and commercial fishers are generally reluctant to modify currentfishing practices with techniques that require increased time for each set, andperhaps reduced overall catch. The effective release of non-target salmonidscaught in purse seines would require significant modifications to existingregulations, and closer monitoring by fisheries enforcement officials.

A seining technique that permits the live-capture and sorting of salmonwould have minimal impact on the existing commercial fishing fleet. For themodern purse seine to catch and release non-target species, however,significant changes in current seining operations would be required, negatingsome advantages of modern technology. Hauling a catch of 4,000 to 8,000kg

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over the stern of a seiner now results in high mortality rates of any fish that issubsequently released. To maximize survival rates, seiners must gently brailall the catch onto the deck, which requires extra efforl and time. Tocompensate for the increased handling time, fishery regulators can allowlonger openings for the seiners. Also, when salmon are penned, or "ponded",in a seine, they tend to swim rapidly back and forth along the net as it is beingpursed, causing scale loss and, as a consequence, increased susceptibility toinfection and reduced survival of the live-released fish.

Reef NetsReef nets were first developed by Pacific northwest First Nations and

adopted by the commercial fishery in the 1920s. Today, a commercial reef netfishery exists in the Puget Sound area of the United States, just south ofGeorgia Strait. Reef nets are fixed in shallow water over a reef (rocks), in theroute of migrating salmon. The net consists of two leads, up to 60m long,which forms a funnel, to direct fish into a lS-square-metre net, suspendedfrom boats equipped with high-speed electric winches. Observers on each boatwatch for fish, and start the winches to raise the net immediately, once aschool of fish enters. Today's boats also incorporate a live tank, large enoughto hold 800 fish safely, and keep their catch alive until a packer arrives. Reefnets are generally aligned on salmon "highways" determined by trial and errorand, once a productive site is found, it is used year after year.

The effectiveness of reef nets depends upon wind, light, tides, and otherenvironmental conditions that influence the migratory behaviour of fish, aswell as the fisher's ability to see the fish enter the net. Those variations canresult in significant fluctuation in catch over very short distances and periods.In Puget Sound, for example, it is common for one net to harvest 400 to 500fish, while a net only 200 to 300m away may catch only 100 fish.

Reef nets have been used in Puget Sound for many decades. From 1935 to1945, those nets caught an average of 87o of the U.S. share of sockeye takenin "treaty" waters -- more fish than taken by U.S. gillnetters. The proportionof fish harvested by reef nets decreased, however, as the gillnet fleetexpanded, and as other technological advances occurred. From 1982 to 1985,reef nets took approximately 2.77o of the total U.S. catch in treaty waters.

The live-capture of fish does not reduce the efficiency of reef net fishingbecause fish from each haul are dumped directly into the live tank and thensorted. During the 1991 fishing season, the Washington State FisheriesDepartment closed down several gear types because of fears that coho wouldbe over-harvested during the sockeye fishery. Reef net fishers were notrestricted, however, because officials recognized that they could sofi andrelease any coho that they incidentally caught.

Reef nets have several positive features for live-capture of salmon,demonstrated in Puget Sound. Those nets could conform with the cumentmanagement requirements of B.C.'s salmon resource much better than can

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traps and fishwheels, because each reef net can be operated by only fourpeople. This is every bit as practical as other gear types used today, andmuch, much easier on released salmon than are gillnets and high-speed seines.

The reef net is fixed in its place, however, and accordingly, requires aproductive location to be effective. Choosing a good location takes time but,once sites are established, they are used year after year. Reef nets work best atsites sheltered from large waves, and with strong tides.

Another favourable attribute of the reef net is its low operating cost--muchlower than with any other gear type.

Fishing With Electrical ImpulseElectric impulses or "shocking" devices are commonly used in both marine

and freshwater fisheries to guide or capture fish. In commercial fishing,shocking is normally used with other devices, such as seines, trawls (towednet bags), or hook-and-line. Electric impulse can be used just to guide fishinto nets or trawls, or even to attract fish into an area from where they can bepumped, along with water, aboard a vessel. In other fisheries, electricalcurrents stun or kill fish, which are then collected in nets. The most commonapplication of electricity has been in the freshwater environment, where it hasbeen used to stun and collect fish in rivers, commercially or for biologicalstudy. Electricity is also used in freshwater to repel fish from intakes, ordirect them past hydroelectric projects.

The use of electricity in the marine environment is not so well developedbecause saltwater has much greater conductive properties. In freshwater,living organisms are generally better conductors of electricity than is water. Inthe marine environment, however, fish are generally less conductive thansaltwater and, as a result, the cument passes around the fish. Consequently,high electrical currents are required to generate sufficient field strengths toinfluence fish. There has been greater success using pulsed, rather thancontinuous current, to induce fish to swim toward a positive electrode(anode). Fish response to electrical current varies, however, depending uponspecies and size, in both fresh and salt water.

Electricity has been used in rivers to guide or block fish movement, and hasalso been applied to live-capture of adult salmon in combination with captureboxes and traps. Electrical barriers in rivers do not require bulky instreamsuppoft structures such as weirs, nets, or fences, and are less prone to foulingby debris. Electricity has also been used in helping fisheries biologists incollecting broodstock for hatcheries.

In Russia's eastern Arctic, electrical barriers were installed on the 1,500 to1,600-m.-wide estuary of the huge Petschora River. Electric screens totalling360m in length were positioned across a 4-to-7m-deep section of the estuary.Electrodes were attached to concrete blocks and held close to a verticalposition by a heavy nylon rope that was pulled taut. To allow boat passage,the rope was loosened, so that the water flow pressed down the electrodes.

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Nets and several fish trapswere placed on either sideof the screen to block offthe rest of the river. Thefence required between 80and 90 kilowatts (kW) ofelectricity to operateeff ic ient ly. For comparison.B.C. Hydro currentlyassumes that 10kW ofinstal led electr ical capaci tyis required for the typicalelectrically-heated singlefamily home.

The electrical screeninstalled on the PetschoraRiver (east of the KolaPeninsula) interceptedAtlantic salmon migratingupstream during high waterflow. The objective was toconcentrate fish in front of the screen for capture by seine nets or to guide fishinto traps. This system allowed boat passage and operated with minimaldisruption from debris despite high flows, while providing an effective methodof capturing adult salmon.

Electricity used in fish capture is basically a variation of traps and weirs,employing an electrical current as a barier or lead, rather than nets or otherfixed structures and could be applied to the B.C. commercial fishery. Thepositive feature is that it provides an effective way to arrest upstream migrantswhile allowing boat passage. Fish congregate downstream of the electricalbarrier, where they can be caught in beach seines or easily guided into fishtraps. Both capture methods would allow the live-release of non-target fish.The electrified fences do not require the same in-river structures asconventional barriers and would not accumulate masses of drifting debris, orrequire the same level of maintenance, allowing the barrier to operate moreefficiently and for greater percentages of the time. Although electrical barriersare fixed rather than mobile, they are not sensitive to the variability of fishmigration routes, since they can block the entire width of a river.

Of significant concern, though, is the appreciable risk to individualsworking in the fishery, and to the general public. In saltwater, the risk ofelectrocution is relatively low, but in the less conductive freshwater, there isreal danger of electrical shock. Therefore, it still seems possible to useelectrical barriers in the brackish (dilute salt) waters of estuaries. where thereis minimal risk.

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Steelhead TroutOncorhynchus mykiss

DFO Canada illustration.

Combining Liv e -Capture Te chnologiesVarious species of migrating salmon display various preferences of water

velocity and depth. Effective harvest of surplus stocks may, therefore, requirea combination of live-capture techniques. For example, reef nets and floatingtraps could be used in coastal areas, while fishwheels and electrified barriersare indicated at fast-flowing sites in rivers and estuaries. It is also possible totake advantage of the migratory patterns of each species by using capturetechniques that reduce the harvest of non-target species. For example, shallowfishwheels are effective for harvesting chum salmon, while deep-migratingspecies such as chinook are unaffected. In that way, non-target fish can beavoided and those that are incidentally caught can be released unharmed. Asimilar result may be possible by selecting sites for reef nets or traps thatintercept proportionally more of the target species. More information isneeded about the migratory behaviour of salmon, however, in order to makeeffective use of migratory differences.

The gear types and fishing techniques best suited for the B.C. marketsalmon fishery are traps, reef nets, and fishwheels. Seining, with effectiveregulation and cooperation among managers and fishers, would also greatlyimprove the live-release of non-target species.

The live capture of salmon not only facilitates the release of those non-target species or sizes but would also provide a higher quality product, withassociated higher market value. The ability to catch and hold fish alive alsoprovides greater flexibility in the delivery of fish for processing.

Having the facilities in place that provide the opportunity to tag and releasefish would facilitate research on critical matters, such as stock-specific run-timing, migration routes and rates, greatly enhancing our ability to managemixed-stock fisheries. Thus, the benefit of live-capture goes far beyond theability to release non-target fish.

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Sources and Acknowledsments

Thanks to Dr. Craig Orr for writing the Preface.Grateful acknowledgment is made to Triton Environmental Consultants

Limited and the B.C. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, SmithersRegion, for the use of previously published material.

Thanks to the many sponsors of this project: Patagonia; B.C. Ministry ofEnvironment, Lands and Parks; Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.; and theShuswap Nation Fisheries Commission.

"Fishwheels", "FishTraps", "Seine Nets", "Reef Nets", "Fishing WithElectrical Impulse", and "Combining Live-Capture Technologies" have beenadapted from Live Capture Technologies for Pacific Salmon by Triton Environ-mental Consultants Ltd. Readers seeking information on sources and citationsshould refer to the original report.

Front and back cover photos are by Wendell Koning, "Salmon fishwheelsof the Skeena River. B.C."

Preface photo, page l, is by Greg Gordon, "Fishing boats tied up at

Steveston, B.C. (London's Landing)."

Photo, page 3, is by Wendell Koning, "A salmon fishwheel operated bythe Kitselas band on the Skeena River."

Photo, page 4, is by Dr. Craig On, "Fishwheel operated by Gitskan fishersat the Kitsegulka Reserve near Kitwanga, B.C."

Historical photos, pages 5 and 6, courtesy of the B.C. Ministry of Envi-ronment, Lands and Parks, Kamloops Region.

Photo, page 7, is by Greg Gordon, "Deadman River fish trap providesaccurate fisheries enumeration data. "

Photo, page 8, courtesy of the Shuswap Nation Fisheries Commission,"Beach seining Adams River sockeye salmon on Shuswap Lake."

Photo, page 1 1, courtesy of the Shuswap Nation Fisheries Commission,"Electro-shocking is used for fish stock assessment on the Deadman River."

Prepared by Director Greg Gordon, Kamloops.Revised by the Steelhead Society of B.C. editorial committee.Published by the Steelhead Society of B.C., October 16, 1995.


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To request additional copies:

The Steelhead Societyof British Columbia.1 30- I 140 Austin Avenue,Coquitlam, British Columbia V3K 3P5Telephone (604) 93 1 -8288Fax (604) 931-5014E-mail steelhd @ unixs.ubc.ca