God's work in Africa (UBF)

I. Introduction II. UBF Missionary Work III.Future Direction and Prayer Topics By Isaac H. Kim Mission Report (Sep. 1, 2012)



Transcript of God's work in Africa (UBF)

  • 1. Mission Report (Sep. 1, 2012)I. IntroductionII. UBF Missionary WorkIII. Future Direction and Prayer TopicsBy Isaac H. Kim

2. You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judeaand Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8 3. Part I. Introduction 4. Africa > [U.S. + Europe + China + India + Argentine] 5. Beautiful Women 6. Handsome Brothers 7. Queen of Sheva 8. She is a singer 9. They believe in fashion 10. Bountiful Resources 11. Yet, the missionary societies have neglected ortotally abandoned the African mission saying:"It is ... too difficult to get there too expensive to travel to Africa Africa is a money pit too dangerous For example, the British Missionary Society ofearly 19th Century - "Africa is a white mansgrave yard", so they did not dare. 12. But some with a brave heart dared: Prince Henry theNavigator (Portugal) of15th Century - though hewas a prince, lived like amonk, made maps,encouraged people to goout, suffer, and even diefor the sake of others. Thus he opened the wayfor the PortugueseMissionaries to reach, notonly Africa but even Japan 13. David Livingstone (1813 1873) For to me to live isChrist, to die isgain (Phi 1:21) He devoted thebest of his life toJesus and hispeople in Africa(28-60) Victoria Fall 14. So, some did get in, and preachedthe gospel. But.... Here is theproblem: Africa does have mega-churches. They do sing songs of praise. They love to say, Godis good then the congregation say, All the time. But their words and actions are different: somepraise the Lord even while doing the robberies at achurch. But Christians in Africa have not turned toChrist in the real sense. 15. 16. So, people need to repent and turn to the Lord! Africa needs shepherds; they need Gods servantswho would labor until they would be disciples ofJesus Just as our Lord Jesus said: Therefore go and makedisciples of all nations, baptizing them in thename of the Father and of the Son and of the HolySpirit, and teaching them to obey everything Ihave commanded you. (Matthew 28:19,20a) 17. Part II.UBF Missionary Work 18. UBF Missionaries went in... Beginning 1990s All as lay missionaries Via various routes like: embassy employees,Korean companies (e.g., Samsung, LG, Kotra) As a means to support themselves, some rantheir own businesses (like wig factory) 19. David Livingstone went in 140 years ago,and served African mission for 32 years.UBF missionaries(a handful of them like Peter Park of Lagos,Monica Yoon of Kenya, James Lee of S. Africa andAndrew Kim of Sudan)have been there for a little over 2decades... 20. 21. Suffering for the gospelby Gods power Diseases such as AIDS or malaria, or yellow fever, danger ofbandits, robbers, thieves, con men, carrying the cross of self-support, taking care of families, Going through the Pain of going out to college campuses, invitingstudents, preaching the gospel, teaching them the Bible so theywould not only be born of God but also grow up, And for this they have endured all sorts of hardships thehardship to help the students develop godly character, hardship ofconstantly correcting, rebuking, and encouraging, so they wouldbe transformed from a social welfare Christians level into ashepherds level, So that by overcoming sinful lifestyle and developing the image ofChrist they would learn to endure hardship, knowing how tocorrectly handle the word of truth, and be cleansed of ignoblepurposes, so they be established as workman approved by God. 22. The LORD, Risen JesusWorked with them Blessed their struggles(and all of your prayers and material supports) so far. 23. As a result the Lord established UBF chaptersin 15 nations out of 55 African nations in three regions: North eastern region: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, N. Sudan, S. Sudan, Egypt, Rwanda Southern region: S. Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique Western region: Nigeria (Lagos I-II, LUTH, Yabatech) 24. 12DE3F45689 7ABC 25. North Eastern Africa 26. Southern Africa 27. Western Africa 28. House churches S. Africa: 4 Zimbabwe: 3 Namibia: 1 Kenya: 4 Uganda: 6 Sudan: 4 Nigeria: 4 29. 30. 31. 32. Nancy and Kevin 33. Wekesa and Lena 34. Everlyn and Joram 35. The Lord establishes Native Chapter Directors / Shepherds Abraham Victor from Namibia Andries Coetsee from Cape town Dr. Oyor Moses from Malakal South Sudan Padiet Deng from Juba South Sudan Abraham O from Lagos Nigeria James O from Luth Nigeria 36. Dr. Oyor and Shepherd Philip 37. Powerful Messengers Kevin Namudeche and Otieno from Kenya Stephen Sebale and Julius Ecuru fromUganda Johnson Deng from South Sudan Theo from Pretoria, Desmond from Wits Oliver and Blessed from Zimbabwe Boas from Zambia 38. Pioneering Work Nigeria UBF Yabatech; LUTH (LagosUniversity Teaching Hospital); Unilag II(Abraham Omoding); Ghana; Abujah Sudan Egypt North Sudan S. Sudan Uganda Makarere; Chiambogo; Rwanda S. Africa Cape Town; Mozambique Zimbabwe Namibia 39. Mozambique Mission Report * Last March, shepherds from Pretoria went out toMaputo capital city of Mozambique, on a short termmission. There they invited one student Cremeldo to aBible study. The team came back, invited Cremeldo back to a springconference in S. Africa. He did come, had Genesisstudies, went back to Maputo, and started a ministry. He then attended a conference and made a missionreport. Cremeldo now is feeding 10 students. Shepherd Theophilus of Pretoria UBF wants to go outto Mozambique to pioneer Maputo 40. Pioneering of CongoPeter Ban of Hanoi is already in Congo as a company employee of Posco. (mid of Aug.)Please pray for his safety. 41. Pionnering of Ghana Truman Lee of Nigeria will goto Ghana next month as amanager for SamsungElectronics. 42. Team Work (Soccer Team) 43. Team Work (Soccer Team) 44. In many other ways like sacrificial offering cooking for the sheep cleaning center serving group Bible studies 45. Second Gens are growing: In case of Nigeria UBF:Abe and Eli (2)James and Wrongke (2)Fato and Aderonke (2)Seun and Kemi (1) Oyo Moses (5) 46. The Relief Work (feeding) South Sudan USA UBF: $26,517.88 Korea UBF: $10,000 323 households 380 sacks of TURAH 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. Bethesda Mission Clinic Thus far, Dr. John Jun worked to raise fund for theconstruction, totaling about $100,000. ($40k fromKwangjoo UBF 3; $40k from Chicago UBF, and $20kthe amount reserved by Uganda UBF for bethesdaclinic. The raw materials remained stranded at thecustom authority in Uganda. It was worth about$400k. The custom office demanded $200k. But theysoon learned that it is of no use for them to retain itindefinitely. So they decided to release them for $15k. 55. Last Summer, two weeks before the Conference, Dr. JohnJun sent Paul Chung who is experienced in constructionwork to Uganda a month ago. He worked with coworkersof Uganda UBF (Luke Lim and Msn. David a chinese). Theyhired local workers based on hourly rate (menial worker for$4/h, skilled worker $8/h, and foreman - for $12/h). Theyordered the raw materials (cement, gravel, and sand, aswell as bricks and cinder blocks) locally. Nowadays if theyordered materials the local vendors deliver them on to thesite. They also decided to serve lunch for the workers, sothey hired a cook paying hourly rate. The workers liked thelunch service. In less than a month, the Bethesda Clinic nowcame to have all the walls erected, from the basement up tothe first and second floor. Dr. John Jun projects that they arein deed of about $150k more to complete the project. 56. The Relief Work (Healing)Bethesda Medical Clinic in Uganda(Kampala)- Pediatrics, Optometric Physician,Laboratory 57. Part III.Future Direction & Prayer Topics 58. Please pray for: Reaching out to 53 nations (39 more nations topioneer) through the African shepherds andshepherdesses Peter Ban of Congo, Truman Lee of Ghana Send out more missionaries to Africa Missionaries (their health; self-support; child-education) 59. One Word You will be my witnesses (Acts 1:8)