God's Messages

February 11, 2011 9:48am You are not your wallet, your job, your kids, your house. You are not your activities or your worries or the labels other people give you. Like an actor you play these roles, and like a good actor you sometimes forget who you really are. Time to wake up now, and remember that you are a being of immense power and breathtaking beauty created in the image of God. We should not live for demanding miraculous signs; rather, we should live by interpreting the signs of time God has been continually giving to us. Asking God in vain for a miraculous sign if would you be able to finish your degree program on time or you could able to pass that Finals bugging you? STOP! One should not demand to God miraculous signs from God for God has revealed that only an evil, adulterous person would demand a miraculous sign (Matthew 16: 1-4). See that when the clouds are gray, we should be able to know that it would rain. Conversely, in life, we have been giving signs of times by God--it may be an exam or quiz that has a miserable mark. All of these things were set by God in order for us to interpret. There is no need to ask for a miraculous sign. One should seek first the Spirit to guide us interpreting all of these things to be able to know what action should be taken.



Transcript of God's Messages

Page 1: God's Messages

February 11, 2011 9:48am

You are not your wallet, your job, your kids, your house. You are not your activities or your worries or the labels other people give you. Like an actor you play these roles, and like a good actor you sometimes forget who you really are. Time to wake up now, and remember that you are a being of immense power and breathtaking beauty created in the image of God.

We should not live for demanding miraculous signs; rather, we should live by interpreting the signs of time God has been continually giving to us.

Asking God in vain for a miraculous sign if would you be able to finish your degree program on time or you could able to pass that Finals bugging you? STOP! One should not demand to God miraculous signs from God for God has revealed that only an evil, adulterous person would demand a miraculous sign (Matthew 16: 1-4). See that when the clouds are gray, we should be able to know that it would rain. Conversely, in life, we have been giving signs of times by God--it may be an exam or quiz that has a miserable mark. All of these things were set by God in order for us to interpret. There is no need to ask for a miraculous sign. One should seek first the Spirit to guide us interpreting all of these things to be able to know what action should be taken.