God’s got a great plan for your life – A how to-find-out-guide

Want2get on? is a unique career draw upon their Christian www.want2geton.co.uk God’s got A ho This worksheet will offer som Astronomy can teach us a lot abou hear Him talk to us. God’s revelation is like the light sp break white light into its constitu represents just a minute portion of spectrum, you need specialist tool Many of us restrict ourselves to ju that God can chose to speak to ways or ‘frequencies’. This blog g light’ portion of God’s revelation sp Detecting all sorts of ‘light’ Science has given us an amaz electromagnetic spectrum and thro r coaching service that offers 1:1 support faith and apply it in a practical way to the Tel: 07503 177126 charles@ t a great plan for your ow-to-find-out guide me really practical and spiritual ways calling for your life ut how we can learn to tune ourselves int pectrum. We can see visible light with our uent spectral colours – of the rainbow. f what is out there, and to detect the rest ls. ust the ‘visible light’ portion of God’s reve us, for example about our career direc gives some suggestions to help you dete pectrum! zing range of telescopes to view incre ough this we are viewing ever amazing pa for those who want to eir job situation. @want2geton.co.uk r life s to discover God’s to to God – so we can r eyes, and a prism will However, visible light t of the electromagnetic elation, without realising ction, in any number of ect the ‘beyond-visible - easing portions of the arts of the universe.


This worksheet will offer some really practical and spiritual ways to discover God’s calling for your life Astronomy can teach us a lot about how we can learn to tune ourselves into to God – so we can hear Him talk to us. God’s revelation is like the light spectrum. We can see visible light with our eyes, and a prism will break white light into its constituent spectral colours – of the rainbow. However, visible light represents just a minute portion of what is out there, and to detect the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum, you need specialist tools. Many of us restrict ourselves to just the ‘visible light’ portion of God’s revelation, without realising that God can chose to speak to us, for example about our career direction, in any number of ways or ‘frequencies’. This blog gives some suggestions to help you detect the ‘beyond-visible -light’ portion of God’s revelation spectrum!

Transcript of God’s got a great plan for your life – A how to-find-out-guide

Page 1: God’s got a great plan for your life – A how to-find-out-guide

Want2get on? is a unique career coaching service that offers 1:1 support for those who want to draw upon their Christian faith and apply it in a practical way to their job situation.


God’s got a great

A how

This worksheet will offer some really practical and spiritual ways to disco

Astronomy can teach us a lot about how we can learn to tune ourselves into to God hear Him talk to us.

God’s revelation is like the light spectrum.

break white light into its constituent spectral colours

represents just a minute portion of w

spectrum, you need specialist tools.

Many of us restrict ourselves to just the ‘visible light’ portion of God’s revelation,

that God can chose to speak to us

ways or ‘frequencies’. This blog gives some

light’ portion of God’s revelation spectrum!

Detecting all sorts of ‘light’

Science has given us an amazing range of telescopes

electromagnetic spectrum and through this we are viewing

Want2get on? is a unique career coaching service that offers 1:1 support for those who want to draw upon their Christian faith and apply it in a practical way to their job situation.

Tel: 07503 177126 [email protected]

got a great plan for your life

A how-to-find-out guide

This worksheet will offer some really practical and spiritual ways to discocalling for your life

Astronomy can teach us a lot about how we can learn to tune ourselves into to God

God’s revelation is like the light spectrum. We can see visible light with our eyes, and a

break white light into its constituent spectral colours – of the rainbow. However,

portion of what is out there, and to detect the rest of the

specialist tools.

any of us restrict ourselves to just the ‘visible light’ portion of God’s revelation,

God can chose to speak to us, for example about our career direction,

. This blog gives some suggestions to help you detect the ‘beyond

’s revelation spectrum!

given us an amazing range of telescopes to view increasing portions of the

electromagnetic spectrum and through this we are viewing ever amazing parts of the universe.

Want2get on? is a unique career coaching service that offers 1:1 support for those who want to draw upon their Christian faith and apply it in a practical way to their job situation.

[email protected]

plan for your life

This worksheet will offer some really practical and spiritual ways to discover God’s

Astronomy can teach us a lot about how we can learn to tune ourselves into to God – so we can

visible light with our eyes, and a prism will

. However, visible light

hat is out there, and to detect the rest of the electromagnetic

any of us restrict ourselves to just the ‘visible light’ portion of God’s revelation, without realising

, for example about our career direction, in any number of

detect the ‘beyond-visible -

to view increasing portions of the

parts of the universe.

Page 2: God’s got a great plan for your life – A how to-find-out-guide

When a range telescopes observe a distant object in space varying light frequencies produce

different views, which can then be combined to produce a single picture. This composite image

offers a view that is far more complete than anything a single telescope could produce on its own:

An optical telescope An infra-red telescope An x-ray telescope A composite image

Using different techniques to ‘detect’ God’s instructions

God will always call you to something for which He has placed inside of you the potential skills,

personality and other necessary attributes. But let’s be honest, hearing from God and trying to

understand where we should direct our careers or shape the direction of our calling can be really

a confusing process.

The Confirmation chart, at the bottom of this page, is designed to pick up the different ways or

‘light frequencies’ that God can speak to us regarding the career that He is calling you to. The

chart will capture a number of factors through which God could be speaking to us – creating a

composite image of what God has planned for you.

Just as using an infra-red image will only show you the red portion of light coming from a distant

galaxy, concentrating solely on one factor to determine your career direction, such as what are

my skills, will give you a similarly limited understanding of what God is calling you could do.

To create a true ‘image’ of your calling, you need to consider a number of factors, which are

found in the Confirmation chart. If you use this it will help you to see or hear more clearly from

God about your next steps.

Scroll down for images of Confirmation Chart

Page 3: God’s got a great plan for your life – A how to-find-out-guide
Page 4: God’s got a great plan for your life – A how to-find-out-guide

1) Qualifications

Suggestion: If you don’t have the correct qualifications for the job this could mean a return to

college. Make sure you’re being realistic about your goals and ask yourself if you will be able to

hit the grades!

2) Related experience

Suggestion: Assess what you’ve done in the past. Can you gain relevant experience through a

sideways move at work or by doing voluntary work? Not only will relevant experience help you

into a job but it will also help you to confirm your ability in this area.

3) Known ability

Suggestion: It’s essential that you know what you’re good at doing. If you don’t know, then do an

assessment (hyper link), ask close friends and family, and review your past successes. God will

only call you to something that matches either your present or potential skill set. For example, if

you cannot impart knowledge then teaching is probably not for you!

4) Personality fit

Suggestion: If you’re a square peg, don’t force yourself into a round hole! If you’re a creative

type, you’ll find work in a procedure-bound nuclear power station frustrating!

5) Heart’s desire

Suggestion: You know those deep desires in your heart? Well, they were put there by God.

Spend some quality time getting in touch with these desires, and then pursue them!

6) Prophetic confirmation

Suggestion: Prophetic encouragement is extremely valuable because it will encourage and

confirm your calling. It will never contradict scripture and it will never contradict all the above

factors in your calling.

7) Confirmation from others

Suggestion: The bible recommends that we seek the counsel of others. However, be wise about

who you ask, and make sure they have your best interests at heart. Ask for genuine feedback on

your suitability for a certain career / role, and not platitudes!

Want2get on? is a unique career coaching service that offers 1:1 support for those who want to draw upon their Christian faith and apply it in a practical way to their job situation.

www.want2geton.co.uk Tel: 07503 177126 [email protected]