God is The Master Mathematician Riddle of 2,520 Revealed is The Master...2 Daniel 5 - “MENE, MENE,...

1 God is The Master Mathematician Riddle of 2,520 Revealed The Bible contains an infinite number of incredible themes, and they are all inter-related in such a way as to validate its Real Author. In my last post of marking the 100th day until September 22/23, 2017, I stated that the number “Seven" is the "Key" to unlocking the Bible. Bible scholars and teachers will tell you the number "Seven" stands for completion or spiritual fullness. But it is so much more than that. It is the 'Covenantal' number of God's creation. It marks all of life. All your body vitals actually go into a Sabbath rest every seventh day. It is not the same day for everyone. Even the single-cell amoeba goes into a rest mode once every seven days. Biologists discovered this several decades ago. It is known as the "Circadian Cycle" and biologists have found it exists in ALL forms of life, down to the fruit fly, fungi, and the single cell amoeba. Its existence pre-dates recorded human history and the oldest books of the Bible and exists in all forms of life. We see it especially with those who work night shifts, or with the result of jet lag when flying. One of the most amazing numbers in the Bible is the number 2,520. The following Bible verses illustrate how God has woven into the Biblical historical narrative and physical events this most significant astonishing number. Take a look at how the Bible focuses on the number 2,520 in such a diverse way. 2,520 is a factor of "Seven" or "Multiples of Sevens". Genesis 1 & 2- The 7 Days of The Creation Week - each day the Earth revolved 360 degrees for a total of 2,520 degrees in the course of a week. Genesis 15 - God's Unconditional Covenant that He established with Abraham. (The essence of 2,520 is God's Covenant with Israel for all generations) Numbers 7 - The dedication of the Altar...2,520 shekels of Gold and Silver, and 252 animals sacrificed unto the LORD. Joshua 6 - The Ark of the Covenant (described in Exodus 25:20) was carried around the walls of Jericho "seven" times on the 7th day, demonstrating evidence of the Divine standard. Seven-360 degree circles = 2,520.

Transcript of God is The Master Mathematician Riddle of 2,520 Revealed is The Master...2 Daniel 5 - “MENE, MENE,...

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    God is The Master Mathematician

    Riddle of 2,520 Revealed

    The Bible contains an infinite number of incredible themes, and they are all inter-related in such a way as to validate its Real Author. In my last post of marking the 100th day until September 22/23, 2017, I stated that the number

    “Seven" is the "Key"

    to unlocking the Bible. Bible scholars and teachers will tell you the number "Seven" stands for completion or spiritual fullness. But it is so much more than that. It is the 'Covenantal' number of God's creation. It marks all of life. All your body vitals actually go into a Sabbath rest every seventh day. It is not the same day for everyone. Even the single-cell amoeba goes into a rest mode once every seven days. Biologists discovered this several decades ago. It is known as the "Circadian Cycle" and biologists have found it exists in ALL forms of life, down to the fruit fly, fungi, and the single cell amoeba. Its existence pre-dates recorded human history and the oldest books of the Bible and exists in all forms of life. We see it especially with those who work night shifts, or with the result of jet lag when flying.

    One of the most amazing numbers in the Bible is the number 2,520. The following Bible verses illustrate how God has woven into the Biblical historical narrative and physical events this most significant astonishing number. Take a look at how the Bible focuses on the number 2,520 in such a diverse way. 2,520 is a factor of "Seven" or "Multiples of Sevens".

    Genesis 1 & 2- The 7 Days of The Creation Week - each day the Earth revolved 360 degrees for a total of 2,520 degrees in the course of a week.

    Genesis 15 - God's Unconditional Covenant that He established with Abraham. (The essence of 2,520 is God's Covenant with Israel for all generations)

    Numbers 7 - The dedication of the Altar...2,520 shekels of Gold and Silver, and 252 animals sacrificed unto the LORD.

    Joshua 6 - The Ark of the Covenant (described in Exodus 25:20) was carried around the walls of Jericho "seven" times on the 7th day, demonstrating evidence of

    the Divine standard. Seven-360 degree circles = 2,520.


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    Daniel 5 - “MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN,” = 2,520. Commonly translated "the handwriting is on the wall" has a Gematria numerical value of 2,520 in

    Hebrew. Bet you didn't know that!

    Daniel 9 - The duration of the "70th Week of Daniel" is 2,520 days. And its midpoint (the 1260th day) represents Satan's animosity toward the plans of the Most High God.

    Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week;

    [one 'week' = 7 years, 7 years (360-days) = 2520 days]

    But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.

    Daniel 12:6 - specifically mentions the half-way point of the 2,520 days. “How long shall the fulfillment of these wonders be?"..."a time, times, and half a time."

    Revelation 12:6, 14 - Again, Like Daniel 12, it specifically mentions the half-way point of the 2,520 days.

    Vs. 6 "Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days." 14: But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.

    “Hast thou perceived the breadth of the earth? declare if thou knowest it all.” -Job 38:18

    2520 - 360 = 2160 = diameter of the Moon 2160 x pi = 6785.8401 = circumference of the Moon


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    The earth’s diameter is 7916.813 statute miles and is determined by multiplying 360 x 7 = 2,520, and 2,520 x pi = 7916.813. The most recent NASA studies list the Earth's average diameter at 7,917.479 statute miles. This modern measurement is off by only 0.666 of a mile greater than the sacred calculation from the Bible. Isn't that an interesting number of deviation from the sacred unit of measure? To find the Earth's circumference (the distance around the Earth), multiply its diameter by pi. 7,916.813 x pi = 24,871.403 statute miles 7,916.813 + 0.666 = (7,917.479) x pi = 24,873.493 (the modern calibration). The modern studies of NASA have confirmed the Bible to be absolutely correct! Should that be a surprise to us?


    BETWEEN THE EARTH'S AND MOON'S MEASUREMENT The moon does not appear to be spinning from our viewpoint on Earth because we only see it’s near side and its synchronous rotation keeps it almost perfectly still on its elliptical path around the Earth. It appears to the human eye as motionless. The moon’s diameter is 2,160 statute miles and is determined by subtracting the number of degrees in a circle, 360 (or the observable rotating component), from 2,520. The circumference of the Moon is 2,160 x pi = 6785.8401 statute miles.

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    The Moon's diameter and how it relates to the city of Jericho will be further explained in the book of Joshua, 2,520... In Scripture - Joshua Chapter 6. Initially, this study of 2,520 referenced Scripture only, then came the discovery of the late David Flynn's book, 'Temple at The Center of Time', This book demonstrates by showing how the number 2,520 was built into the Universe, as God created it.

    "Hast thou perceived the breadth of the earth?

    declare if thou knowest it all” -Job 38:18


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    The physical dimensions of both the Earth and the Moon are based on three factors: 2,520, pi, and 360. The dimension of the Earth and Moon are integrally related to and demonstrate the mathematical genius of the God of the Bible.

    360 x 7 = 2,520 x pi = 7916.813 = diameter of the Earth

    “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.” -Psalm 19:1-3 “Thus says the LORD: ‘If My covenant is not with day and night, and if I have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth, then I will cast away the descendants of Jacob and David My servant, so that I will not take away any of his descendants to be rulers over the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. For I will cause their captives to return, and will have mercy on them.’” -Jeremiah 33:25-26

    THE FUTURE 2520-DAY PERIOD – The Coming Tribulation ... (When ???)

    THE PRESENT 2520-WEEK PERIOD – June 7, 1967 to September 23, 2015 (***This 2520 Week Period is also now PAST HISTORY***)

    THE PAST 2520-YEAR PERIOD – 586 BC to 1967 AD (minus the 70-Year Desolations of Jerusalem)


    605 BC to 1948 AD (minus the 70-Year Babylonian Captivity)


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    The two dates of 1948 and 1967 are significant markers in the restoration of the nation of Israel in 1948 and recovery of Jerusalem in 1967.

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    Why does this number 2,520 show itself so mysteriously throughout Scripture?

    Why is the number 2,520 found in chapters of the Bible that mention the Ark of the Covenant, the Altar, the Temple, and the Time of Tribulation?

    Why does is it seem the number 2,520 is intrinsically built into the Universe, and is a critical component to measure not only distances and dimensions, but it's also used to measure time in Scripture, from Years, to Weeks, to Days, and, possibly, even to Hours?

    2,520 is the literal 'fingerprint' Or

    "Signature" of God!

    We are just 90 days before the BIG EVENT of September 21/23, 2017

    It seems the number 2,520 is intrinsically built into the Universe, not only in distances and dimensions, but it is used to measure time and important events from years to weeks to days… and possibly even hours! As knowledge is released as spoken of by Daniel as we enter deeper into end times, is the Bible pointing us to significant appointments on God’s calendar?

    You bet it is!


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    Exodus 6:4-8 I have also established My covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan, the land of their pilgrimage, in which they were strangers. 5 And I have also heard the groaning of the children of Israel whom the Egyptians keep in bondage, and I have remembered My covenant. 6 Therefore say to the children of Israel: ‘I am the Lord; I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, I will rescue you from their bondage, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments. 7 I will take you as My people, and I will be your God. Then you shall know that I am the Lord your God who brings you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. 8 And I will bring you into the land which I swore to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and I will give it to you as a heritage: I am the Lord.’”

    This unconditional covenant was an amplification of the covenant God established with Abram in Genesis 15 (it was not dependent upon Abram in any manner). God had him fall asleep, and God alone "passed between those pieces." -(Genesis 15:17) The details of this covenant with Abram are further explained in Genesis 15, where another occurrence of the number 2,520 emerges from the text. At the heart of the number 2,520, is the Covenant of God with His people.

    The Bible speaks of four numbers

    that demonstrate Divine perfection.

    Three – speaks of divine perfection (the Trinity, Jesus' role as Prophet, Priest and King)

    Seven – speaks of spiritual perfection (Seven Churches of Revelation, "seven" Spirits of God)

    Ten – speaks of ordinal perfection (ten toes, ten fingers)

    Twelve – speaks of governmental perfection (the Twelve Tribes of Israel, the Twelve Apostles)

    2,520 is the product of all four multiplied together

    3 x 7 x 10 x 12 = 2,520

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    The 19th Century Bible scholar E. W. Bullinger called 2,520

    “Chronological Perfection”

    From the Rapture on September 23, 2017, it will be 30 days until the Great Tribulation begins, commencing the final 2,520 days of the Great Tribulation, seven years of the most imaginable horror ever described in the Bible.

    All of the days noted in Daniel 12:11-12 fit the model with absolute precision based on this chronology of the [1,260, 1,290, & 1,335] day pattern.

    The links below will provide you two videos providing you an explanation of these dates.

    I do not expect everyone to grasp the significance of all of God’s amazing mathematics that I have shared here but watching the video will help you to make sense of it all.

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    You now have exactly

    90 days from today until the Rapture!

    The question is

    Are you ready and will you be included?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1Qv7JZjgek http://www.heavenlysign2017.com/

    Pastor Bob Reid [email protected]

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1Qv7JZjgekhttp://www.heavenlysign2017.com/mailto:[email protected]

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