God is Dark

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  • 8/12/2019 God is Dark



    God is Dark


    In Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament, we find the following sentences:

    "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and

    void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of

    the waters. And God said, let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it

    was good: and God divided the light from the darkness."

    Before the creation of the universe there were two things, darkness and waters. Here we see a

    logical consequence, that the creator God was with them, which existed before the creation of thelight. As the scientists of today infer, God has created the light through the Big Bang around 13.7

    billion years ago. So God dwelled in darkness at that time. The ancient king, Solomon, has once

    said, the Lord said that he would dwell in the thick of darkness. (1 Kings, 8:12). The once wisest

    king of Israel has built nearly three thousand years ago a fine magnificent temple in Jerusalem,

    which has been dedicated to God. He knew, however, that the Lord doesnt want to dwell there,

    since He would dwell in the thick of darkness. Then wed raise a question, what is the thick of

    darkness? According to the proportion of the universe composition, the luminous part of the

    universe, our galaxies, stars, nebulae, etc., consist of 4% of the whole universe and the other part

    of universe is occupied by the dark matter (22%) and the dark energy (74%). The space, in which

    God would dwell, is so huge, that nobody could reach there as a sole mankind.

    In Genesis we find further a sentence, God divided the light from the darkness. Now we

    understand, that the quantity of the light is only 4% of the whole universe and the other part

    remains as the darkness. If God dwells in the thick of darkness, it means Hed be with the dark

    matter and the dark energy. Thus its obvious, that the creator God dominates the world of light

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    through the darkness. The providence of God, through which the universe is reigned, is a great

    secret and mystery due to the unknown dark matter and unknown dark energy. God created not

    only the luminous stars and galaxies, but also the dark matter and dark energy. As weve already

    seen that the proportion of 96% of the universe is the darkness, the creator obviously dwells thereto rule the luminous universe. In this survey the darkness of the universe will be explained

    presenting the recent reports of the dark matter and dark energy and thereafter their roles for the

    universe. As a conclusion itll be cleared, that the dark matter and the dark energy might be the

    tools of God reigning the whole universe. The grandiose realm of Gods providence wont be the

    luminous universe, but will be the darkness of the universe. The comparison of the light

    interpreted as wisdom with the darkness interpreted as foolishness are nowadays a prejudice and

    a misunderstanding for us. The darkness is the womb of all beings. The whole luminous universe

    could be in protection and under cultivation there and grown up as well as the mothers womb is

    doing for the embryo. The ancient Greek philosopher, Parmenides, said about me on (not being).

    The me on is for him not a simple negative form of the on (being). It means more or less the

    emptiness, where the dark matter and the dark energy could dwell. The understanding of the

    Gods providence should be the understanding to the darkness of the universe.

    The Swedish philosopher, Emanuel Swedenborg, has said at his work, Divine Providence, as

    follows: The universe, with each and all things in it, was created from divine love by divine

    wisdom. Divine love and divine wisdom proceed as one from the Lord. The luminous universe has

    been created from divine love by divine wisdom, which is dwelling in the darkness. The darkmatter might be the divine wisdom and the dark energy might be the divine love. Both proceed

    as one from the creator God.

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    The dark matter constraints the luminous universe and the dark energy repels the whole universe

    both the luminous and the dark. Divine love and divine wisdom are latent, since they are the

    properties of the darkness. Jesus Christ has taught to his disciples: But when you give to the poor,

    do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving will be in secret;and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. (Mathew 6:3). When our giving

    will be in secret and our father who sees what is done in secret will reward us. What does it

    mean? The reality of love and wisdom should be done in secret even the left hand may not know

    what the right hand is doing. The creator God is ruling the luminous universe in secret, so that

    the dark matter and dark energy should have been in action, however nobody could see it. Isnt it

    the divine love? Isnt it the divine wisdom? Swedenborg says, the universe, with each and all

    things in it, was created from divine love by divine wisdom. To comprehend the divine providence

    from the darkness is the main interest of this survey.

    1.Dark Matter and Divine Wisdom

    Where the creator God dwells is the thick of darkness. Today its relevant, therere two

    components in the deep darkness of the universe: dark matter and dark energy. Since the last 80

    years a new paradigm has been closed up among the astronomers and astrophysicians: the dark

    matter. The name has been given by the Swiss scientist, Fritz Zwicky in 1933. He has measured the

    velocity dispersion of the galaxies in the Coma Berenices constellation, which has 350 million light

    years distance from the earth. He found that the velocities in mass-to-light ratio exceeds extremehighly in comparison with the expected velocities of the luminous matters in those galaxies.

    The galaxy rotation velocity could be measured using the Doppler color shift. When the galaxies

    approach to us, wed see the blue-shifted. When the galaxies become more distant from us, wed

    see the red-shifted. Its the Doppler effects. The visible color wavelength could be analyzed

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    through the telescope spectrograph. Fritz Zwicky used such a Doppler effect to measure the

    velocities of the galaxy cluster. As a result some invisible things became aware to him. His

    research work On the Masses of Nebulae and of Clusters of Nebulaehas been published in the

    Astrophysical Journal. There the very important invisible criterion, which has been detected by him,has been mentioned with the name of dark matter. Thereafter many publications for the

    existence of the dark matter came out in the field of the recent astronomy. The evidence for the

    existence of dark matter in M31 Andromeda galaxy, for instance, became on the basis of the

    research to the rotational velocities a famous and well-acknowledged concept.

    Today the existence of dark matter is not to doubt. Franz Kahn and Lodewijk Woljer estimated in

    1959 the mass of the local group galaxies, in which our Milky Way and Andromeda are the

    important dominant members. They used the gravitational lensing observation method.

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    The picture above explains the gravitational lensing, the bending of light rays by gravity, can also

    tell us a clusters or galaxys mass. The cosmic phenomenon, gravitational lensing, has been

    detected firstly by Fritz Zwicky in 1937. He was a pioneer, who knew that the gravitational lens

    effects could be used to measure the mass of galactic objects. Isaac Newton knew already thenotion that gravity can bend rays of light. But Zwicky has found such a cosmic phenomenon after

    observing the galaxy clusters.

    Kahn and Woljer have concluded the most mass of that local group based on the dark matter.

    The halo areas of those galaxies consist of the dark matter ten times larger than the luminous

    matter. The American woman scientist, Vera Rubin, has explained the existence of dark matter in

    her theory of the galaxy rotation problem (cf. Dark Matter in the Universe, 1970). The dark

    matter is scattered in the whole universe and consists of 22% of the composition, meanwhile the

    luminous matter consists of only 4%. The following picture explains that the visible luminous

    matter of a galaxy lies deep in the heart of a large halo of dark matter. The dark matter halo has

    really a womb shape and the luminous matter looks like an embryo in that womb.

    The dark matter bears, protects, cultivates the luminous matter independently from the expansion

    of the universe. All galaxies and all clusters are surrounded by the dark matter without any tiny

    exception. Dark matter constraints the visible luminous matter of the universe like the picture

    above. The dark matter has own proper mass, but it neither emits nor absorbs the light, but it

    affects the rotation velocities of the galaxies and clusters. Even the universe is expanding the stars,

    galaxies, clusters, nebulae, etc. dont let expand themselves. Otherwise the solar systems and the

    planets could be enlarged due to the expansion. However the dark matter constraints the visible

    luminous matter, which have been created by God through His logos. Since the dark matter

    contains the logos of the creator God, itd be a divine wisdom. The picture below explains the

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    various galaxies and clusters, wherein the luminous matter must have been surrounded by the

    dark matter.

    The logos of God should define the fate of the universe. As a divine instrument the dark matter

    could slow the expansion rate of the universe. The density of dark matter affects the fate of

    universe, since low density leads to accelerating expansion and high density leads to big crunch.

    The dark matter density affects, on the other hand, the geometry of universe, since low density

    leads to open universe and high density leads to closed universe. Current measurement of dark

    matter density indicates a flat universe with accelerating expansion. A new axiom: God defines the

    density of dark matter in order to keep the universe infinite.

    2. The Nature of Dark Matter

    In the universe there exist two kinds of matter, mysterious dark matter and normal atomic

    (baryonic) matter. Since the dark matter neither emits nor absorbs light, it could be detected only

    through the gravitational influences. Baryonic matter is a particle physics classification of matter

    made of atomic nuclei, composed of protons and neutrons. It is the ordinary matter that makes

    up the stars, planets, gas, dust, and our bodies. Shortly after the Big Bang the baryonic dark

    matter was about five times more abundant than baryonic matter in the early universe. Its sure

    that there are huge amount of dark matter lurking in the universe. The rotation curve of spiral

    galaxies provides the evidence of this. The spiral galaxies consist of a central bulge and a thin

    rotating disk. The velocities of the rotation curve could be measured by Doppler shift system as

    mentioned above. Vera Rubin is a specialist of this kind of measurement. There is a giant elliptical

    galaxy M87 at the center of the Virgo galaxy cluster, which has 54 million light years distance

    from the center of our Milky Way galaxy. The dark halo of M87 appeared to be surrounded by the

    substantial amounts of invisible matter, i.e. the dark matter. (cf. Stewart et al. 1984 & Fabian et al.

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    1986) It was very early on, there were no galaxies, no stars, no clusters, no planets, no nebulae,

    etc. The universe immediately after the Big Bang was filled by a gas of subatomic particles at an

    extremely high density and high temperature in form of plasma. We call it as quark-gluon

    plasma. Recently the research team of LHC (CERN) has approved that the quark-gluon plasma isnot gaseous, but colloidal. Thus they called it quark-gluon soup. Here we could imagine the

    preexistence scenario of waters as written in Genesis of the Old Testament.

    After the quantum inflation period the universe began to expand in huge speed, so the energy

    density dropped and the cosmic plasma began to cool down. During the first three minutes after

    Big Bang the universe had so extremely cooled down, that the baryon synthesis had begun and

    shaped H (hydrogen), He (helium), Li (Lithium) and Be (beryllium) etc. This epoch of universe is

    called as nucleosynthesis at around 240,000 years after the Big Bang, This early universe had

    reached a sufficiently low temperature (around 4,000 Kelvin) to allow protons and electrons to

    form neutral hydrogen. Such a status of the early universe we could know from the information of

    the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR), which is well-known to us as the

    afterglow of Big Bang. At this stage the baryonic dark matter has been already formed like three

    quarks system, which is familiar to us for H, He, Li, Be etc. The James Webb Space Telescope,

    which will be launched in 2018, could give us informations about the fluctuation of the dark

    matter density during the dark age of the early universe around 200 million years after the Big

    Bang. The measurement of the dark matter density at this period (z=20) could deliver us a

    definitive clue, how the expansion rate of the early universe has been evolved. If we could get theclue, the future fate of our universe could be predicted. The picture below explains the four

    models for the fate of universe. 1) recollapsing universe, 2) critical universe, 3) coasting universe,

    4) accelerating universe. The accelerating universe is currently favored.

    But some scientists predict the pessimistic doomsday for the fate of universe. For example the

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    recent Chinese cosmologists infer big rip as the fate of universe. The Chinese academy of science

    published 2012 an article, wherein saying as follows: For example, for the worst situation, namely

    the 95.4% CL (confidence level) lower limit, the Milky Way will be torn apart 32.9 million years

    before the big rip; two months before doomsday, the Earth will be ripped from the Sun; five daysbefore the doomsday, the moon will be ripped from the Earth; the Sun will be destroyed 28 min

    before the end of time; and 16 min before the end, the Earth will explode. However, from what

    we already know of the dynamical properties of dark energy, one thing is all very clear, we still

    have a very long future ahead. Since God created our universe with love and wisdom, such a big

    rip couldnt come even in far distance of time, some hundreds million years later. The fact, that

    the universe expands, means the universe grows larger whereas the density of dark matter

    decrease. How is it possible? Dark energy has the property that its gravity becomes repulsive.

    This negative pressure against the gravity has a consequence: the influence of dark energy

    becomes ever greater as the density of dark matter diluted. The well balanced action of the three

    components of the universe, ordinary matter, dark matter, dark energy is the everlasting grand

    work of God created by His great wisdom (Opus Dei): ordinary (baryonic) matter 4%, dark matter

    22%, dark energy 74%. Unless this proportion is changeable, the expansion of universe could not

    indicate a big rip as a final fate of universe.

    Einsteins General Relativity (GR) predicts already that the universe should expand. When the

    galaxy distance is measured with redshift Doppler-system, we see that the expansion of universe

    is actually happening. The cosmological constant, , is an explanation of the acceleration of theexpansion rate. This agrees with the type Ia supernova distance versus redshift measurements (cf.

    S. Perlmutter et al. Measurement of Omega and Lamda from 42 high-redshift supernovae). The

    CMBR (Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation) anisotropy explains us that the universe is flat,

    and the total density is equal to the critical density which also implies flat geometry (cf.

    Cosmological Parameters of SDSS and WMAP). The expansion age of the universe is older than

    any of its contents. Dark matter which does not interact with photons begins to clump at the

    epoch of radiation-matter density equality which occurs before baryons and photons decouple.

    This gives gravitational collapse a head start, so that the density of galaxies today matches the

    density of the universe at decoupling. There are two possibilities for dark matter: hot and cold.

    Hot dark matter (HDM) particles are almost massless and have average speeds close to that of

    light. Cold dark matter (CDM) consists of massive particles and has speeds which are slow

    compared to light. In order to get a good fit between the density of galaxies today and the

    density at decoupling, it must be assumed that the dark matter is cold. Thus the standard model

    of the universe is called CDM, i.e. the universe consists of cold dark matter with something very

    much like the cosmological constant, Einsteins , which must be called dark energy. Einstein was

    a great astrophysician, who inferred the existence of dark energy as a cosmological constant. At

    that time the dark matter and/or the dark energy were quite strange term among the scientists

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    and philosophers. Stars, galaxies, clusters are complex systems. They are formed by the

    superposition of different stellar components like bulge, thin disk, thick disk, bar, spiral arms,

    stellar halo, spheroid, etc., plus gaseous nebulae, dark matter and dark energy. A certain

    successful galaxy formation model should be able to explain the formation mechanism behindeach one of those different components. The stellar components combine and interact with each

    other to form the main galaxy itself or cluster. The statellite populations orbiting around them are

    the key components that should be explained by a successful model. Nowadays the Lamda Cold

    Dark Matter (CDM) is a standard model of Big Bang cosmology. Einstein has inferred already the

    existence of a cosmological constant, , which is interpreted today as a dark energy. His idea of

    general relativity is a correct theory for the expansion of universe and its acceleration. The CDM

    is the key solution for the divine providence, how to reign the universe in the coordinate of

    infinite space and eternal time.

    Is the accelerated expansion of the universe the providence of God? Whats the divine purpose of

    it, then? Since when the universe began its expansion? And why the expansion had to be

    accelerated? Todays astronomers, physicists and particle scientists dont give any answer to these

    cardinal emerging questions. God created the universe in the formation of a grand phenomenon,

    infinite in space and eternal in time. For this purpose it was inevitable, that the universe should be

    expanded and accelerated. The grand cosmic harmony and grand mystery is the correlation

    between the dilution of the dark matter density and the enhancing property, in which dark energy

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    enable to do the repulsive gravity. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will have an

    important mission to clear, how was the composition of the universe at the time of the first star

    and galaxy formation. Was the proportion of dark matter and dark energy the same as todays

    universe composition like 22% and 74%? The dilution rate of the dark matter density and thestrength rate of the dark energy property for the repulsive gravity might harmonized from the

    very early universe for the expansion and acceleration. Then the correlation between dark matter

    density and the dark energy property should be an important clue for the accelerated expansion

    of the universe.

    In the Old Testament theres the book of Job, which has been written three thousand five

    hundreds years ago. There we could find the following sentences: Can you bind the cluster of the

    Pleiades, or loose the belt of Orion? Can you bring out Mazzaroth in its season? Or can you guide

    the Great Bear with its cubs? Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? Can you set their

    dominion over the earth? (Job 38:3133). At the beginning of the book we learn that Job was a

    man of renowned greatness, who would have studied heavenly star constellations. But he could

    not answer Gods questions about them, nor did he understand the ordinances of heaven, most

    likely meaning the Laws of the Universe, for the origin of which modern science has absolutely no

    explanation. But, Job was being forcefully reminded that these ordinances are the work of a

    super-intelligent Creator: God Almighty, the Lord of Heaven and Earth. He was the very One who

    was addressing His servant Job. David, the sweet psalmist, began Psalm 19 with the words: The

    heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork (Psalm 19:1). View thestarry heavens on a clear night, when there is no moon, and try and find a spot well away from

    city street lights, and ours will be a glorious and unforgettable sight. Both Job and David had not

    the slightest doubt that an all-wise God was their Creator. Truly, the more one looks at this

    heavenly glory, and understands the immense distances involved in constellations and galaxies,

    the more one is driven to the same conviction as Job and David. All this magnificence, held

    together by universal laws, can only be the work of Almighty God; the loving and all-wise Creator

    who speaks to us in His Scriptures about Salvation. (cf. Finding God network)