GNOME Suite for Oil Spill Modeling · 2018-10-17 · research, and education. In the last few...

Open Source The GNOME Suite is entirely open source: external partners can use the code, contribute enhancements and fixes, or adapt the code for their own use. Availability: All code is on GitHub at: PyGNOME: WebGNOME: ADIOS Oil Library: gridded: NUCOS: nc_particles: Use in Emergency Response Numerous incidents occur every year in which oil or other hazardous chemicals are released into the marine environment NOAA has a mandated role (under OPA90) to provide scientific support to the USCG who are the federal response agency for marine spills in the US. The Emergency Response Division provides 24-7 response to spill events anywhere in US coastal waters, as well as support for international incidents upon request. Requirements for Operational Oil Spill Model Robust spill initialization techniques - point source, line source or polygon Surface slick or subsurface release (droplets) Flexible in inputs and data requirements - utilize currents/winds forecasts from multiple available sources Scalable – rivers to ocean gyres Timely – answers in hours Configurable – parameterizations can be updated to match observations. Adaptable – also used for Marine Debris, Fish Larvae, … GNOME Suite Components PyGNOME (link is external) is the computational core of the GNOME oil spill modeling suite. It is written in the Python and C++ and is designed as a flexible particle tracking framework that can adapted to multiple uses such studying the transport of marine debris, fish and coral larvae, and harmful algal blooms. WebGNOME is a web-based application that provides a rich, intuitive user interface to the GNOME spill modeling tools. WebGNOME comes with about 30 pre- configured Location Files, mostly in the United States, or it can be configured for custom applications. An instance of WebGNOME is offered by NOAA for the general public, or the WebGNOME stack can be installed and operated on a single laptop, workstation or server. ADIOS Oil Library is a database and computational library that provides services for working with oil data and estimating oil properties. It includes an embedded data set with over 1,000 oils and their properties. It is used by PyGNOME to help predict oil fate processes. NOAA is in the process of updating the library and associated software as a community project for more general use. GOODS is a web application that provides access access base maps, ocean currents, and winds used to drive GNOME: ROC is a tool that assesses the general performance of oil spill response systems, such as the mechanical recovery (skimming) of oil from the water, the application of dispersant, and the burning of spilled oil. TAP is contingency planning tool that investigates the probabilities that spilled oil will move and spread in particular ways within a particular area, such as a large bay or inlet. CAFE is a database, and program that estimates the environmental impacts from oil or chemical spills into an aquatic environment. NUCOS is a simple desktop unit converter that includes units unique to oil spill response. GNOME Suite for Oil Spill Modeling Christopher H Barker, PhD Abstract The GNOME Suite for Oil Spill Modeling is a set of modeling tools for predicting the fate and transport of pollutants (such as oil) spilled in water. These modeling tools are used for NOAA’s spill response support and are also publicly available for use by the broader academic, response, and oil spill planning communities. It is developed and used by the United States' National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Emergency Response Division (ERD). It is ERD's primary tool for trajectory analysis in support of oil spill response in the United States. In addition, it is widely used internationally by the general public for use in planning, intuition building, research, and education. In the last few years, GNOME has seen a great deal of development. GNOME Oil Spill Modeling System Transport 2 nd or 4 th order Runge-Kutta particle advection Bilinear interpolation from native hydrodynamic grids* Horizontal diffusion by random walk Vertical diffusion (background and mixed layer) Rise velocity for oil droplets Surface wind effects (wind drift) Beaching and refloating algorithms Influence of ice on surface transport Fate ADIOS oil database includes data for 100s of crude and refined products • Spreading Ø Modified Fay spreading Ø Adjustments for wind, diffusion, Langmuir circulation Evaporation (pseudo-component model based on distillation data) • Dispersion Ø Function of white capping, wave energy, viscosity, and interfacial tension. Ø Slicks are broken into buoyant droplets which are mixed below the surface Ø differential rise velocities and lead to differential dissolution. Dissolution (Thibodeax and Overton, LSU) Ø from bottom of oil slick or dispersed oil droplets Ø limited to aromatics Ø decreases with increasing carbon number Emulsification (Lehr 2017) Biodegradation* (Thrift-Viveros, D.L et al., 2015) • Oil Particle Aggregation • All fate algorithm ice-modified TX City “Y” Spill, Galveston Bay, 2014 Refugio Beach Spill, Santa Barbara, CA 2015 Web-based GNOME GUI Oil on Cat Island, MS, Aug 2010 Deepwater Horizon Spill, April –July 2010 NOAA | Office of Response and Restoration | Emergency Response Division National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Response and Restoration Emergency Response Division [email protected] Bayou Perot, LA 2007

Transcript of GNOME Suite for Oil Spill Modeling · 2018-10-17 · research, and education. In the last few...

Page 1: GNOME Suite for Oil Spill Modeling · 2018-10-17 · research, and education. In the last few years, GNOME has seen a great deal of development. GNOME Oil Spill Modeling System Transport

Open SourceThe GNOME Suite is entirely open source: external partners can use thecode, contribute enhancements and fixes, or adapt the code for their own use.

Availability: All code is on GitHub at:

PyGNOME: Oil Library:

Use in EmergencyResponse• Numerous incidents occur every year in

which oil or other hazardous chemicalsare released into the marine environment

• NOAA has a mandated role (under OPA90) to provide scientific support to the USCG who are the federal response agency for marine spills in the US.

• The Emergency Response Division provides 24-7 response to spill events anywhere in US coastal waters, as well as support for international incidents upon request.

Requirements for Operational Oil SpillModel• Robust spill initialization techniques

- point source, line source or polygon• Surface slick or subsurface release

(droplets)• Flexible in inputs and data requirements

- utilize currents/winds forecasts frommultiple available sources

• Scalable – rivers to ocean gyres• Timely – answers in hours• Configurable – parameterizations can be

updated to match observations.• Adaptable – also used for Marine Debris,

Fish Larvae, …

GNOME Suite ComponentsPyGNOME (link is external) is the computational core of theGNOME oil spill modeling suite. It is written in the Python andC++ and is designed as a flexible particle tracking frameworkthat can adapted to multiple uses such studying the transportof marine debris, fish and coral larvae, and harmful algal blooms.

WebGNOME is a web-based application that providesa rich, intuitive user interface to the GNOME spill modeling tools. WebGNOME comes with about 30 pre-configured Location Files, mostly in the United States, or it can be configured for custom applications. An instance of WebGNOME is offered by NOAA for the general public, orthe WebGNOME stack can be installed and operated on a

single laptop, workstation or server.

ADIOS Oil Library is a database and computational library thatprovides services for working with oil data and estimating oil properties.It includes an embedded data set with over 1,000 oils and theirproperties. It is used by PyGNOME to help predict oil fate processes.NOAA is in the process of updating the library and associated softwareas a community project for more general use.

GOODS is a web application that provides access access base maps,ocean currents, and winds used to drive GNOME:

ROC is a tool that assesses the generalperformance of oil spill response systems,such as the mechanical recovery (skimming)of oil from the water, the application of

dispersant, and the burning of spilled oil.

TAP is contingency planning tool thatinvestigates the probabilities that spilled oilwill move and spread in particular ways within a particular area, such as alarge bay or inlet.

CAFE is a database, and programthat estimates the environmentalimpactsfrom oil or chemical spills into anaquatic environment.

NUCOS is a simple desktop unitconverter that includes unitsunique to oil spill response.

GNOME Suite for Oil Spill ModelingChristopher H Barker, PhD

AbstractThe GNOME Suite for Oil Spill Modeling is aset of modeling tools for predicting the fateand transport of pollutants (such as oil) spilled in water. These modeling tools are used for NOAA’s spill response support and are also publicly available for use by the broader academic, response, and oil spill planning communities. It is developed and used by the United States' National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Emergency Response Division (ERD). It is ERD's primary tool for trajectory analysis in support of oil spill response in the United States. In addition, it is widely used internationally by the general public for use in planning, intuition building, research, and education. In the last few years, GNOME has seen a great deal of development.

GNOME Oil Spill Modeling SystemTransport• 2nd or 4th order Runge-Kutta particle advection• Bilinear interpolation from native hydrodynamic grids*• Horizontal diffusion by random walk• Vertical diffusion (background and mixed layer)• Rise velocity for oil droplets• Surface wind effects (wind drift)• Beaching and refloating algorithms• Influence of ice on surface transport

Fate• ADIOS oil database includes data for

100s of crude and refined products• Spreading

Ø Modified Fay spreadingØ Adjustments for wind, diffusion, Langmuir circulation

• Evaporation (pseudo-component model based on distillation data)• Dispersion

Ø Function of white capping, wave energy, viscosity, and interfacial tension.

Ø Slicks are broken into buoyant droplets which are mixed below the surface

Ø differential rise velocities and lead to differential dissolution.• Dissolution (Thibodeax and Overton, LSU)

Ø from bottom of oil slick or dispersed oil dropletsØ limited to aromaticsØ decreases with increasing

carbon number• Emulsification (Lehr 2017)• Biodegradation* (Thrift-Viveros,

D.L et al., 2015)• Oil Particle Aggregation• All fate algorithm ice-modified

TX City “Y” Spill, Galveston Bay, 2014

Refugio Beach Spill, Santa Barbara, CA 2015

Web-based GNOME GUI

Oil on Cat Island, MS, Aug 2010

Deepwater Horizon Spill, April –July 2010

NOAA | Office of Response and Restoration | Emergency Response Division

National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationOffice of Response and Restoration Emergency Response Division [email protected]

Bayou Perot, LA 2007