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  • 7/30/2019 Gnl 28pages a4 Gb


    LiqueFieD NATurAL GAS

  • 7/30/2019 Gnl 28pages a4 Gb


    The benefits of a

    clean energy source2

    The LNG market








    Trading and


    Total, innovating

    in LNG technology22

    Totals LNG

    activities worldwide24

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    Ov th last two dcads, lfd natal gas has gown n mpotancto bcom a vtal lmnt n th global natal gas balanc.

    Consmpton of LNG s gowng vy stongly by abot 7% p ya

    and dspt th conomc downtn that bgan n 2008, ts sha of th gas makt

    s sng stadly as wll. LNG mt aond 7% of wold gas dmand n 2008 and

    ths fg s pojctd to s to naly 11% n 2015.

    Th tadtonal LNG makts (Nothast Asa, eop and Noth Amca) as wll

    as mgng makts (inda, Chna and Soth Amca) claly appcat

    th advantags of an ngy soc that s at onc ngy-ffcnt, clan, andas asy to tanspot as ld hydocabons.

    in ths contxt of stong gowth, Total, whch was among th LNG ndsty

    pons, s backd by vy sold postons n th pstam and downstam

    sgmnts of th gas chan.

    O objctv s to ncas o LNG podcton by dvlopng nw pojcts.

    in ths spct, 2009 has bn a watshd ya fo Total: th stat-p of two

    majo lfacton pojcts qatagas 2 and Ymn LNG wll n th shot tm

    allow th Gop to boost ts LNG podcton by 50%. Oth pojcts nd

    way o nd stdy n Nga, Angola, Astala, rssa and ian wll pmt

    th pst of podcton gowth thogh th dcad 2010-2020.

    O ablty to gaant sals fo o lfacton pojcts s a dcsv advantag

    n mtng ths objctvs, whch s why w hav bn stngthnng

    o downstam LNG psnc. Total has acd ntsts n fo cvng

    tmnals n inda, Mxco, Fanc and th untd Kngdom and has svd

    lag-scal gasfcaton capacty n a tmnal n th untd Stats.

    W a now stdyng fth mpot tmnal pojcts, ncldng on n Coata

    ntndd to spply Sothn eop.

    By consoldatng o potfolo of cstoms n ths gowng makts and

    scng physcal accss to makts as wll, w a n a poston to pchas

    LNG oslvs, thby facltatng th lanch of nw pstam pojcts.

    Jean-Marc Hosanski

    Senior Vice President, LNG

    Total Gas & Power

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    Gas-fd pow plants not only hlp to mt stadly xpandngdmand fo lctcty, wth savngs n constcton tm and captalcosts, bt wth cognaton and combnd-cycl tchnologs,thy also hav lmtd nvonmntal mpact bcas thy a xtmlyngy ffcnt. Ths mans that mo sabl ngy s podcdfom lss natal socs. Lvagng natal gas socs sthfo a ctcal challng.

    THE BENEFITS OF A CLEAN ENERGY SOURCEGlobal dmand fo natal gas s gowng fast than dmand footh fossl fls, lagly bcas of ts nvonmntal advantags.Combston of natal gas dos not podc havy nbndcomponds and also gnats lss gnhos gas mssons,thanks to ts hgh hydogn contnt.


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    Maintaining integrity

    evythng abot an LNG pojct choc of sts fo th

    lfacton plant, loadng faclts and gasfcaton

    tmnal; szng of pmnt; slcton of tchnologs to

    b sd s caflly stdd so as to ns optmm asst

    ntgty. Mtoologcal xtms and ssmc sks a

    also dly takn nto accont. Optmm safty dstancs

    a calclatd fo ach plant st, povson s mad fo

    pmannt montong, and mgncy pmnt, sch as

    tnton tanks and f-fghtng systms to cb th

    consncs of a potntal lak, a always ncldd.

    Total s pa tc patng n a nmb of advancd sach

    pojcts to mo accatly assss sks and thby

    mpov faclts dsgn, opatng pocds and,

    wh ncssay, vacaton condtons. Th Gop also

    contbts to th ndstys ntnatonal ntatvs to

    nhanc LNG shppng and stoag safty thogh ts

    patcpaton n th Socty of intnatonal Gas Tank

    and Tmnal Opatos (SiGTTO), whch ovss

    complanc wth stngnt constcton and opatng

    standads fo LNG cas and tmnals.

    Patrice Lecomte

    Senior Vice President,

    Health , Safety,

    Environment & Sustainable


    Total Gas & Power

    The applicationof the highest safety

    standards in the design and

    construction of the facilities,

    constantly improved risk

    management and the

    promotion of a strong safety

    culture in our operations are

    basic rules and imperat ives.

    Total implements

    internationally recognized

    safety management systems

    that demand constant

    vigilance and a commitment

    to progress.

    Safety throughout the LNG chain

    Podcton, handlng, tanspotaton and stoag of LNG and ths s tof all nflammabl sbstancs nvolv navodabl sks. So all possbl cas takn dng pojct dsgn and daly opatons to mantan th hghst

    possbl safty standads.


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    THE LNG MARKETLNG tad has gown at a makabl pac.

    Tadd volms hav ncasd at an avag at of aond 7% a yafom 2000 to 2008 and xcdd 230 bllon cbc mts n 2008.

    LNG, helping to interconnect gas markets

    Th wol d gas makt s st l l bas ca ll y gonal and

    chaactzd by long-tm contacts and dffnt pcng

    fomlas n ach zon, bt ths gonal spaaton s now


    Ths s bcas cagos of LNG, nlk p pln gas, can

    b asly dvtd to a nw dstnaton, wth th stong

    ncas n logstc capacty n th past fw yas (LNG

    cas and gas tmnals) now fth nhancng

    flxblty. Thfo t s possbl to abtat btwn

    dffnt mpot makts and sll at th bst pc.

    Th LNG sgmnt ths plays a balanc ng ol btwn

    wold gas makts. So fa, ths abtag phnomnon

    nvolvs only lmtd volms of gas bt ts mpotanc

    wll gow as th sha of LNG n wold gas consmpton

    ncass. Ths wll slt n a mch stong colaton

    btwn makts that w pvosly ndpndnt.

    indd, ths can alady b obsvd btwn th untd

    Stats (Hny Hb) and th untd Kngdom (NBP).


  • 7/30/2019 Gnl 28pages a4 Gb


    In Asia

    LNG satsfs naly all gas dmand n Japan, Soth Koa

    and Tawan, whch togth accont fo aond two-thds ofth wold makt.

    Nothast Asa s a mat makt, long domnatd by

    natonal and gonal mpot monopols bt now

    xpncng swpng changs fom ncasd comptton

    btwn gonal plays. As monopoly postons a bng

    challngd mo and mo, a nd has asn fo mo

    flxbl and dvs spply mchansms, wth mo mphass

    on shot- and mdm-tm contacts n patcla.

    Th Chns and indan makts off xtaodnay gowth

    potntal fo th LNG ndsty n Asa.

    in Chna, dmand fo gas s gowng fast and nth th

    contys dynamc domstc podcton no ts pplnmpot contacts can mt cnt nds. in ths favoabl

    contxt, LNG mpots a xpctd to ncas by an

    stmatd 15% a ya. Chna s now scng ts mpo ts

    va a gowng nmb of long-tm LNG pchas

    contacts and s bldng th ncssay cvng


    in inda, th stady gowth of ngy dmand and

    nsffcncy of domstc gas socs, at last n th

    shot tm, a spng ntst n LNG, patclaly fo

    pow gnaton.

    At psnt, LNG acconts fo 10% of gas dmand (and

    22% of mpots). Bt ths pcntag s ncasng

    stadly and LNG consmpton s pojctd to ncas

    vy sgnf cantly n th comng yas, sng fom

    57 bllon cbc m ts n 2008 to 130 bll on n 2015.

    Makt l bal zaton s modl ng th l andscap.

    Nw cstoms a mgng, nmos cvng

    tmnals a bng blt, and vn thogh long-tm

    contacts a st l l th l, th s stong gow th n

    shot-tm and spot tads.

    In Europe

    New opportunities an new markets

    Th latv mpotanc and th ol playd by LNG dff sgnfcantlyn th th man makts: Asa, eop and Noth Amca.Nvthlss, LNGs gowth potntal n ach gon s hgh, fo a vaty

    of asons. At th sam tm, nw makts a mgng.

    Masaki Yamaa

    LNG Marketing Manager,

    LNG Div ision, Total Gas & Power

    In the early 2000s, the first signs of de regulation

    in Japans energy sector, strong growth in Asian LNG

    markets and stif fer competit ion among LNG producers

    led Total to strengthen i ts LNG marketing presence

    in Japan. An LNG off ice was set up in Tokyo to capita lizeon the proximity of the LNG players in Northeast Asia

    (Japan, South Korea and Taiwan), which is still the

    biggest import market in the world, and to leverage

    new growth opportunities in the reg ion.

    The specific mission of the Tokyo office is to analyze

    market trends, identi fy new opportunit ies for shor t,

    medium and long-term supply contracts, and make

    appropr iate market ing recommendations to other

    Total units, working closely with the LNG team in Paris.

    Our local presence also means that Total can respond

    faster to new trading opportunities, in cooperation

    with Total Gas & Power Ltd.


    Japan, a thirst for LNGJapan has bn th wolds lagst mpot of LNG

    fo naly 40 yas.

    in 2008, th conty accontd fo 40% of th global

    makt, mpotng 69 mllon mtc tons, p 3% fom

    2007. Wth 2/3 of mpots sd fo pow gnaton

    and 1/3 fd nto th gd fo ndstal, commcal

    and hoshold s, LNG cntly mts a lttl mo

    than 13% of Japans pmay ngy nds. Gvn thscontys ngy scty and nvonmntal concns,

    Japans LNG mpots a bond to ncas vn

    fth n th comng dcads. To handl th gowng

    mpot volms, Japan a l ady boasts 27 LNG

    cvng tmnals (a cod that s lkly to stand fo

    som tm) and addtonal facl ts a now nd


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    The Unite States: regulator

    of global LNG flows?

    Wth th stat-p of nmos nw LNG pojcts lanchd

    n th md-2000s n qata, Ymn, rssa, indonsa,

    avalabl volms of LNG wll ncas spctaclaly

    n 2010-2012/13. in som makts, ths wll tmpoaly

    lad to a spply spls. Gvn th flxblty and th

    consdabl sz of th uS gas makt (th tms lag

    than th wold LNG makt), th untd Stats wll no

    dobt play a ky ol n absobng a sgnfcant pat of

    ths LNG volms. Ths addtonal nflow of LNG wll

    sv, among oth thngs, to dv ncmntal makt

    gowth. it can also b xpctd to pompt nw comptton

    btwn gas and coal as fl fo pow gnaton, as

    wll as a confgaton of domstc gas podcton

    (shtdowns of th last poftabl gas flds).

    Convsly, f dmand fo LNG w to s (and pcs

    wth t), th spply-sd flxblty njoyd by th untd

    Stats wold nabl ths conty to f p antts of

    LNG fo oth makts to by.

    untl cntly, LNG playd only a magnal ol n Noth

    Amcas ovall nata l gas consmpton, wth annal

    mpots flctatng btwn 10 and 25 bllon cbc

    mts, dpndng on dmand and th pc of local

    ppln gas. Howv, th staton s volvng apdly. in

    th last fw yas spply has dvsfd (npt of non-

    convntonal gas) and majo gasfcaton capacty has

    bn addd. Factong n th stady gowth n gas dmand

    n ths zon, as wll as th mpotant ol bng playd by

    non-convntonal gas (at tactv at vayng pcs) n u.S.

    domstc gas podcton, dmand fo LNG s xpctd

    to ach 40 to 70 bllon cbc mts by 2015.

    In North America (Canaa, Unite States, Meico)

    40%A BOOMING ENERGY SEGMENTToday, LNG accounts for more than a quarter of theinternational gas trade, a figure that is forecast to riseto by 2015. Volumes are

    projected to grow by

    around 7% a year.

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    26,218BCF (Billion cubic feet)

    Totals proved reserves

    of gas at the end of 2008



    The LNG industry was born at Skikda in Algeria during the 1960s with a project

    intended to supply the UK and French markets. Involvement in this world first gave

    the Group an early lead in LNG expertise. A few years later, Total was also a player

    in the LNG boom in Asia and the Middle East triggered by Japans decision to give

    preference to LNG. The Group was thus involved in construction of the Bontang

    plant in Indonesia and the Adgas project in Abu Dhabi. Both plants started up in

    1977 and were decisive steps in the Groups gas strategy. Total subsequently

    participated in major projects in Qatar, Nigeria, Oman, Norway and Yemen and

    gradually broadened its port folio of activities to become a leading LNG player.

    in th Sothn Con (Agntna, Bazl, Chl), gas mpots

    a stll vy modst and manly sd to mt swng

    dmand dng th cold months. Bt th Sothn Con

    s skng to sc and dvsfy ts gas spply and cold

    ncas gas mpots n th comng yas. On patclaty

    h s th gons stong ntst n offsho gasfcaton

    faclts, whch nvolv both shot constcton lad

    tms and lss havy captal nvstmnt.

    South America: an emerging market

    5.4%Totals share of the world LNG market in 2008. The

    Group marketed 9.15 million metric tons of LNG, making

    it one of the top three international companies in this


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    LIQUEFACTIONCololss, odolss and non-toxc LNG manly consstsof mthan (mo than 75%) along wth than, popan,btan and ntogn (lss than 1%).

    Gas is transporte from the fiel by ppln thn

    pocssd to mov ld condnsats, acd (CO2,

    H2S and oth slf componds) and wat. in addton,

    ts mcy contnt, whch can cood th alloys sd

    n pmnt fo sbsnt stags of th pocss, s

    also movd.

    The LNG has to meet st ngnt commc a l

    spcfcatons that can vay dpndng on th dstnaton

    makt. Ths spcfcatons ncld hatng val

    and Wobb ndx, whch chaactzs th combston

    popts of th gas.

    Heay hyrocarbons (condnsats) and any lfd

    ptolm gas (popan and btan) a solatd va

    pcoolng and factonatng n a ss of dstllaton

    pocsss. Th gas thn ndgos hat xchangs n a

    ss of fgaton cycls, bcomng ld at aond

    -160C. Thn t s stod at atmosphc pss ntlt s loadd on an LNG ca.

    Liquefaction plants comps dffnt sctons fo th

    sccssv opatons, whch ncld gas pfcaton,

    lfacton and stoag as wll as pot nfastct.

    Th pmnt sd s vy lag, ng spc f c

    mat a l . Appoxmatly 10% of th natal gas

    avng at a lfacton plant s consmd fo ts ownopatons.


  • 7/30/2019 Gnl 28pages a4 Gb


    Abs orb er & R ege ner atoreed Gas








    H2O & Hg Removal


    S cr ub Co lu mm Ma in Hea t E xc han ge r Bo il of f

    H2S & CO2Removal Dehydration Cooling Liquefaction Storage


    LN G

    LP G

    LNG takes up 600 times

    less space than natural

    gas in its gaseous

    state but contains

    the same amount of

    energy. So LNG can

    be transported at

    atmospheric pressure

    at a temperature of

    -160C aboard purpose-

    built ships to terminals

    where it is regasifiedand fed into the natural

    gas transmission grid.


    Christophe Thomas

    Head of the LNG department ,

    Strategy, Business development, Engineering

    and R&D d ivision,

    Total Exploration & Production

    Total enjoys an international reputation for its LNGprofic iency, acquired dur ing many years of act ive

    technical participation in a large number of LNG projects

    involving a variety of technologies, in many dif ferent

    countries. For more than 40 years now we have been

    involved in all the main technological advances, that have

    taken the industry from the first small ADGAS and

    Bontang liquefaction trains to the large-capacity trains

    now operational in Qatar.

    Alternative liquefaction processes are now challenging

    the near-absolute domination of the C3-MR process

    originally developed by Air Products & Chemicals Inc.

    (APCI). An outstanding characteristic of Total is

    our involvement in projects using the five or six main

    processes currently available on the market. We are

    determined to maintain complete freedom of choice,

    which doesnt prevent us from working on improvements

    to enhance process ef ficiency.

    Given the capital-intensive nature of the LNG projects,

    we have to be more rigorous than ever in the preliminary

    phases preceding the investment decision. Nevertheless,

    forecast future demand for LNG naturally encourages

    Total to consider liquefaction projects in increasingly

    difficult locations such as the Barents Sea that require

    us to devise innovative technological solutions such

    as modular plant construction and transfer systems

    that can be used in the open sea.

    Units making up a liquefaction plant

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    Totals net LNG prouction in 2008 ae up to more than9 million metric tons. Wth th stat-p of two majo Mddl eastlfacton pojcts, qatagas 2 and Ymn LNG, th GopsLNG podcton wll ncas by 50% n th shot tm. Ths wll lft thGop nto a hgh lag, stngthnng o poston as a ladngplay n th LNG ndsty and a majo podc n th Mddl east.

    As a p on of qa ta s ga s nd st y, Total was th

    dv bhnd qatagas (l at to bcom qatagas 1) n

    1984. Wth ts th tans and an ovall capacty of

    9.9 mllon mtc tons p ya aft dbottlnckng,

    qatagas s contnng to xpand v a th qatagas 2, 3

    and 4 pojcts nvolvng dffnt ntnatonal patns.

    Th am has bn to man th wolds lagst spp l

    of LNG.

    qatagas 2, th wolds f st ntgatd pstam/

    downstam pojct, was nagatd on 6 Apl 2009.Th pojct nvolvs th nmannd of fsho plat foms,

    two lfacton tans ach wth a capacty of 7.8 mllon

    mtc tons p ya, 14 q-Flx (215,000 cbc mts) and

    q-Max (265,000 cbc mts) LNG cas, and th Soth

    Hook gasfcaton tmnal n th untd Kngdom.

    Total s a 16.7% patn n th scond tan of qatagas 2,

    alongsd th natonal company qata Ptolm (65%)

    and exxonMobl (18.3%). Th Gop also has an 8.35%

    shaholdng n th Soth Hook tmnal and has

    contactd wth qatagas 2 to pchas 5.2 mllon mtc

    tons of LNG p ya fo a pod of 25 yas. Ths LNG

    wll play a sgnfcant ol n mtng Totals gas spplycommtmnts n th Atlantc Basn (Fanc, untd

    Kngdom, Noth Amca).

    Qatargas 2, the worls first integrate LNG project

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    Ymn LNG s by fa th most ambt os pojc t

    v ndtakn n ths conty and Total s playng

    th ladng ol. Th Balhaf lfacton plant on

    Ym ns soth coast has two t a ns wth a

    combnd capacty of 6.7 mllon mtc tons p

    ya. Th fdgas s podcd n th cntal

    gon of Mab, 180 klomts ast of Sanaa,

    and tanspotd to th coast va a 320-klomt

    ppln. Aft naly fo yas of constcton

    wok, Ymn LNG statd ts commssonngopatons n smm 2009.

    As th lagst shahold n Ymn LNG

    Company Ltd, Total (39.62%) s pojct lad,

    playng an actv pat n ts dvlopmnt. Th

    Gop povdd assstanc n al l ky aas

    (tchncal, maktng, fnanc) and scondd

    psonnl to occpy ky postons n th company,

    ncldng that of Gnal Manag.

    Tota l Gas & Pow has also sgnd a long-tm

    sals and pchas agmnt wth YLNG to lft

    2 mllon mtc tons of LNG p ya ov 20 yas.

    Most of th gas wll b shppd to Atlantc Basnmakts.

    Yemen LNG: a newcomeron the LNG scene

    One of Totals top priorities in all projects is to

    minimize the impact of its activities on the environment

    and the local communities. The site location for the

    Yemen LNG liquefaction plant was chosen after

    studies carried out in consultation with stakeholders

    (local communities, the authorities, international

    experts). The plant and associated infrastructure

    were designed for minimized impact on biodiversity

    and marine currents. Total also helped to implement

    a Coastal Zone Management Plan devised by the

    World Bank to conserve the Gulf of Aden coastline.

    At the same time, sustained efforts were made to

    integrate all project activities into the local socio-

    economic fabric. Starting in 2006, Yemen LNG

    implemented a wide-ranging recruitment and training

    program for local technical personnel. The company

    has set up its own training center and trained some

    200 technicians and operators (among others) who

    will be working at the plant. Yemeni nationals already

    account for nearly two thirds of all Yemen LNG

    personnel and the company aims to raise this to

    90% in time. The same attention is being paid to

    gender diversity, and women already account for

    more than 25% of the personnel at Yemen LNGs

    head office in Sanaa.


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    in Jly 2007, Total and Gazpom sgnd an agmnt

    fo th fst phas of dvlopmnt of th gant Shtokman

    gas and condnsats f ld n th Bants Sa. inFbay 2008, th Shtokman patns st p a nw

    company, Shtokman Dvlopmnt AG (Total 25%), to

    dsgn, constct, fnanc and opat ths fst phas

    of dvlopmnt. engnng stds a cntly

    nd way. Th fst phas of dvlopmnt tagts a

    podcton of 23.7 bllon cbc mts of gas p ya,abot half of whch (7.5 mllon mtc tons p ya) s

    to b xpotd n th fom of LNG.

    Shtokman (Russia)3

    A jo nt po jct of Sonangol (22.8%), Chvon (36.4%),

    BP (13.6%), en (13.6%) and Total (13.6%), Angola LNG

    wll pocss assocatd gas fom ol-podcng offsho

    blocks (Total e&P Angola opats som of ths offsho

    flds and holds a stak n oths) and fom gas flds

    ddcatd to th pojct.

    Th gas fom offsho f lds wl l b collctd and ppd

    to a lfacton plant cntly nd constcton nZa povnc. Th plant wll podc p to 5.2 mllon

    mtc tons of LNG p ya, along wth assocatd lds,

    and podcton stat-p s plannd fo 2012.

    Svn LNG cas chatd by th pojct wll tanspot

    th LNG to th Glf LNG engy gasfcaton plant now

    nd constcton na Pascagola n Msssspp (untd

    Stats). Onc gasfd, th LNG wll b sold to th

    pojct patns commcal sbsdas n th untd

    Stats. Total Gas & Pow Noth Amca wll pchasand makt Totals sha of th gas.

    Angola LNG (Angola)1

    Total s a 24% pa tn n th ichthys of fsho gas fld,

    locatd n th Bows Basn abot 200 klomts off th

    nothwst coast of Astala. Total and ts patn inpx

    (76%, opato) hav lanchd basc ngnng stds

    fo th dvlopmnt of th ichthys fld and th constcton

    of a lfacton plant na Dawn, 850 klomts to th

    ast. Ths stds wll b th bass fo contacts to bld

    th podcton, pocssng, tanspot and lfacton

    nfastct. Th dvlopmnt schm wll ncld

    sbsa wllhads connctd to a Cntal Pocssng

    Faclty basd on a sm-sbmsbl platfom, a Floatng

    Podcton Stoag and Offloadng nt (FPSO) fo th

    condnsats and a gas ppln to th lfacton plant,

    whch wll b blt na Dawn. Th plant wll ntally hav

    2 tans wth a combnd capacty of abot 8.4 mllon

    mtc tons p ya of LNG, bt povson wll b mad to

    ncld 4 addtonal tans. Th Dawn plant wll also

    podc 1.6 mllon tons p ya of LPG (btan and

    popan) as wll as condnsats.

    Th ichthys plant s xpctd to opat fo abot 40 yas

    and wll mak a sgnfcant contbton to th local conomy,

    mployng mo than 2,000 popl dng th constcton

    phas and abot 300 popl onc th plant s opatonal.

    Th ichthys pojct s xpctd to go nto podcton halfway

    nto th dcad 2010-2020, and th LNG shold b

    shppd to Asan makts, manly Japan.

    Ichthys LNG (Australia)2

    Top priority for Total is to increase its LNG prouctionand dvlop nw lfacton capacty. Sval nw pojcts and constcton o nd stdy.







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    Total has a 15% ntst n th Nga LNG lfacton

    plant on Bonny island. Th plant, whch alady nclds

    sx tans, has a podcton capacty of 22 mllon mtc

    tons p ya. Stds fo a pojct to add a 7 th tan

    wth a capacty of 8.5 mllon mtc tons p ya a nd

    way. Total Gas & Pow has sgnd a 20-ya pchas

    agmnt wth Nga LNG to lft 1.375 mllon mtc

    tons p ya of th LNG podcd by th ft tan 7.

    Nigeria LNG train 7 (Nigeria)5

    Total s a 17% pa tn al on gs d N g as na t on al

    company NNPC, en and ConocoPhlps n th Bass

    LNG pojct n th Ng Dlta (Nga). Th pojct

    nvolvs two tans, ach wth a capacty of 5 mllon

    mtc tons p ya, and wll xpot most of ts LNG

    podcton to th eopan and Amcan makts.

    Fdgas wll com fom th pstam gas opatons of

    pojct patns, wth Total havng th ght to povd

    half th gas. Th plant s xpctd to stat podcng n

    th mddl of th dcad 2010-2020.

    Dtals of gas spply fo th pojct a cntly bng

    fnalzd. Th ngnng stds hav bn compltd

    and ppaaton of th plant st s nd way. Total Gas

    & Pow wll b among th bys of th LNG podcd.

    Brass LNG (Nigeria)4

    Total s lad patn fo th Pas LNG pojct n ian, wth

    an ntst of 30%(1). Th oth patns a Ptonas and

    th natonal ol company NiOC. Th pojct nvolvs th

    constcton of a lfacton plant 60 klomts nothwstof Assalyh. Th plant, wth two tans podcng 5 mllon

    mtc tons p ya ach, wll tak fdgas fom Block 11

    of th offsho Soth Pas fld, whch wll b dvlopd

    nd a by-back agmnt, wth Total also patcpatng

    n th dvlopmnt. Half th LNG wll b xpotd to th

    Asa-Pacf c Bas n and hal f wl l b shppd to eop.

    Basc ngnng stds hav bn compltd anddscssons a nd way wth NiOC on th contactal

    famwok.(1) Company stmats aft LNG bys ntd th pojct

    Pars LNG (Iran)6

  • 7/30/2019 Gnl 28pages a4 Gb


    deicate technologies

    Th nd to tanspot lag volms of lfd gas ov long

    dstancs, at vy low tmpat and n condtons of th

    tmost safty nvolvs majo tchncal constants. in patcla,

    LNG cas th most ffcnt nslaton possbl,

    both to pvnt th LNG fom wamng p and to potct th

    adjacnt vssl stcts fom xcssv chllng.

    As a slt, only abot a dozn shpyads woldwd a

    abl to bld LNG cas. Ths vssls, costng btwn

    $200 mllon and $250 mllon ach, a th most xpnsvcago shps n th wold.

    Wold LNG shppng capacty s gowng fast, wth a

    flt of 305 vssls n opaton and 76 nwblds on

    od n Jn 2009. Th majo Soth Koan shpyads

    domnat th bldng makt. Th s also a tnd

    towads lag vssls; th standad sz has sn fom

    125,000 cbc mts to 165,000 cbc mts, and a

    nmb of vssls wth capac ts angng fom 215,000

    cbc mts (q-Flx) to 265,000 cbc mts (q-Max)

    hav bn blt fo th qata pojcts n whch Total sa stakhold.


    Total has gand vy sold xpnc n ths ky lnk n th LNG chanthogh ts patcpaton n a lag nmb of pojcts. Saftymnts and th gowng mpotanc of contollng tanspotatonn a mo flxbl LNG makt hav ld th Gop to bcom modctly nvolvd n shppng.


    Moss Rosenberg LNG

    carriers feature

    self-supporting spherical

    cargo containment

    systems. These tanks are

    made of thick aluminum

    plates that are welded

    and insulated. They are

    attached to the ships

    double hull using a steel

    skirt at the spheres

    equator, equipped

    with a thermal brake made

    from a special alloy.


  • 7/30/2019 Gnl 28pages a4 Gb



    1973: Sgnat of th fst long-tm

    chat agmnt fo a Total pojct


    1986: Fst spot chat agmnt,

    fo a cago fom Bontang n indonsa

    fo dlvy to Boston (wold dstanc

    cod fo th LNG ca Pollenger)

    1990: Fst acstons of vssls (Gastor

    and Nestor) fo an el f pojct (Nga LNG)

    2002: Sgnat of a fst long-tm agmnt

    dctly by a Total sbsday (Total e&P

    Nog fo Snhvt LNG)

    2002: Fst shot-tm chats by th

    London tadng tam (Hyundai Oceanpia,


    April 2006: Dlvy of thArct ic Lady,

    a 147,000-cbc-mt LNG ca,

    th fst vssl chatd by Total tslf to

    tanspot th Gops podcton of LNG fom

    Snhvt n Noway.

    March 2009:Ymn LNG, wh Total s

    th lad shahold, bgns long-tm chat

    of fo 160,000-cbc-mt LNG cas.Total psonnl spvsd constcton.

    Since 1995, through its stakes in variousLNG schemes Total has been involved in numerous

    LNG transport operations and we have acquired

    expertise in developing new projects. With Snhvit

    we reached a new milestone, chartering our first vessel(Arctic Lady), which will form the basis of a fledgling

    fleet that is expected to grow as new projects are

    undertaken. A large team of experts was also set up

    to supervise the construction of the four LNG

    carriers on charter to Yemen LNG.

    In addition, the increase in LNG trading has created

    a need for short-term charters.

    Totals Vetting Department is actively involved

    in verify ing that our shipping operations comply with

    the most stringent safety standards. Six Total experts

    are in the fie ld on a daily basis, supervising fleets

    and ship-owners to ensure that the vessels are

    in prime condition and the crews fully trained.

    Membrane LNG carriers use a technology developed by

    Gaz Transport & Technigaz, in which Total has a 30% stake.The LNG is contained by a thin double metal barrier, or

    membrane, that creates liquid-tight containment barriers

    and maintains its mechanical properties at low temperature.

    Loads are transferred to the double hull by the insulation,

    which protects the structure from the cold. The tank shape

    is designed to make optimal use of the available space on

    the vessel.


    An increasingly strategic challenge

    Wth th dvlopmnt of long LNG chans and

    tanspotaton to v mo mot dstnatons,

    shppng acconts fo an ncasng sha of LNG

    ndsty captal xpndt and opatng costs. in

    addt on, contol l ng tanspotaton cats val

    bcas plays can dct shps to tak advantag

    of g ona l p c d f f ncs th ogh a b t ag

    tansactons, whch a gowng apdly.

    Howv, th gowth of th LNG sgmnt dpnds on

    compans mantanng an xcllnt shppng safty

    cod and complyng wth vy stngnt standads

    concnng shpbldng and cw alfcatons.

    Jacques Besse

    Vice President LNG Shipping,

    Total Gas & Power


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    REGASIFICATIONTotal has gasfcaton capacty n all th man gas makts:Noth Amca, eop and Asa. Ths dct accss to a nmbof dffnt makts has allowd th Gop to consoldat tsdownstam potfolo. it s also a ky advantag fo th dvlopmnt

    of nw lfacton pojcts.


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    LNG receiing terminals comps

    offloadng nstallatons, cyognc

    stoag tanks, pmps and LNG

    gasfcaton nts.

    The LNG is heate from -160C

    to jst abov 0C at hgh pss

    (btwn 60 and 100 bas), sally

    sng sawat pcolaton hat

    xchangs, a tchn that s

    hghly ngy ffcnt. Th LNG

    can also b hatd by bnng

    som of th gas.

    When the gas leaes the terminal,

    ts hatng val s adjstd by

    blndng wth oth stod gass

    bfo t s gas f d and, f

    ncssay, by addng ntogn,

    btan o popan bfo th gas

    s fd nto th dstbton gd.

    Securing access to consumer markets

    rgasfcaton logstcs a ctcal to scng accss

    to nd makts.

    Th stps takn by th Gop dmonstat Total s

    commtmnt to stngthnng ts psnc n ths vtal

    lnk of th LNG chan and a pat of an ovall pocssdsgnd to sc otlts fo th Gops podcton

    fom th Mddl east, th Glf of Gna, nothn eop

    and th Asa-Pacfc gon.

    Ths s why Tota l, whch alady ss th B lbao and

    Baclona tmnals n Span, has acd ntsts o

    svd capacty n a nmb of tmnals n th wolds

    man consm gons: indas Haza tmnal,

    opatonal snc 2005; Mxcos Altama faclty, whch

    cam on stam n lat Sptmb 2006; and n eop,

    th Soth Hook tmnal (untd Kngdom), whch bcam

    opatonal n 2009, and th Fos Cavao tmnal (Fanc),d to go nto svc n lat 2009. Total s also stdyng

    a pojct fo a thd eopan facl ty, n Coata.

    in th untd Stats, Total has sgnd p fo lag-scal

    svd capacty at th Sabn Pass tmnal n

    Losana, on th Glf of Mxco.


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    Capacity subscribe

    by Total: 10 bcm/year

    Oerall capacity:

    26 bcm/year (Phase 1)

    then 40 bcm/year (Phase 2)

    Start-up:September 2008 (Phase 1)

    then 3r quarter 2009 (Phase 2)

    As of April 2009, Total has 10 bil lion

    cubic meters per year of regasification

    capacity in the Sabine Pass terminal,

    built and operated by a subsidiary

    of Cheniere Energy Inc. The facility

    can accommodate the biggest LNG

    carriers currently operating (up to

    265,000 cubic meters) and is equipped

    with three 160,000-cubic-meter

    storage tanks (Phase 1). Two more

    similar storage tanks will be available

    by the end of the 3 rd quarter 2009,

    when Phase 2 is due to be completed.

    In addition, Total has also reserved

    equivalent capacity in a downstream

    pipeline. This gasline will tie the terminal

    into a number of natural gas trunklines,

    thereby securing access to the main

    gas markets in the northeast United

    States. Total has also signed up for

    0.06 bcm capacity in salt-cavity

    storage facilities located at the endof the pipeline.


    Totals equity interest: 8.35%

    Capacity: 21 bcm/year

    Start-up: 2009

    The South Hook terminal in Milford

    Haven (Wales) is the largest

    regasification complex in Europe and

    can accommodate todays biggest LNG

    carriers (Q-Flex: 215,000 cubic meters,

    and Q-Max: 265,000 cubic meters).

    Total has an 8.35% interest in the

    terminal, alongside Qatar Petroleum

    (67.5%) and ExxonMobil (24.15%).

    The terminal, with a total capacity

    of 21 billion cubic meters per year,

    is designed to regasify production

    from Qatargas 2. It will receive

    Totals share of production from the

    second Qatargas 2 train, that the

    Group plans to market in the United


    South Hook can fulfill up to 20% of

    Britains overall gas needs, offering

    the country (and indeed Europe as a

    whole) a much more secure and

    diversified supply of gas.




    The South Hook terminal has five storage tanks each holding

    155,000 cubic meters of LNG that is maintained at a temperature

    of -160c thanks to double concrete walls. The tanks, 41 meters

    high and 100 meters across, have been built in a small valley amid

    cliffs so as to minimize their visual impact: a very successful idea

    because they are hardly visible from the nearest village. At peak

    construction, nearly 2,400 people were employed at the site, 40%

    were recruited locally. Once the terminal is fully operational,

    80 people, mostly recruited locally, will be employed at the site,

    where about 160 LNG carriers are expected to come in per year,or one every two days.

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    Totals equity interest: 25%

    Capacity: 6.7 bcm/year

    Start-up: 2006

    Located on the east coast of Mexico,

    the Altamira regasification terminal

    came on stream in fall 2006. With a

    jet ty and two 150,000-cubic-meter

    storage tanks, its initial capacity is

    6.7 billion cubic meters per year.

    The site configuration will allow

    construction of the third storage

    tank, which would double the

    capacity of the terminal. The natural

    gas from Altamira is sold to the

    Mexican electricity utility, under a

    long-term contract, to supply several

    gas-fired thermal power plants.


    Totals equity interest: 29.8%

    Capacity: 8.25 bcm/year

    Start-up: late 2009 (e)

    This terminal, in Frances Fos-sur-

    Mer industrial zone on the Cavaou

    peninsula, is being built by the Socit

    du Terminal Mthanier de Fos Cavaou

    (STMFC), a joint-venture subsidiary of

    GDF Suez and Total. The facility will

    have three 110,000-cubic-meter tanks,

    and regasification will be carried out

    by three seawater regasifiers (this

    technology prevents CO2


    The new terminal will mainly handle

    Totals Middle East production.


    Totals equity interest: 26%

    Capacity: 5 bcm/year

    Start-up: 2005

    Indias second regasif icat ion

    terminal, Hazira is located in Gujarat

    state on the countrys northwest

    coast. Designed to handle 5 billion

    cubic meters of gas per year, it

    may later be expanded to process 8

    billion cubic meters per year. Gas

    arriving at Hazira is sold directly to

    end-users (power companies, industrial

    users, fertilizer manufacturers) as well

    as to local gas companies.


    Totals equity interest: 25.58%. Capacity: 10 bcm/year

    Start-up: 2015 (e)

    In October 2007, Total became a shareholder in a new company,

    Adria LNG, set up to carry out studies for construct ion of an LNG

    import terminal on the coast of Croatia. The other partners in the

    venture are E.ON Ruhrgas (31.15%), OMV (25.58%), RWE (16.69%)

    and Geoplin (1%). The terminal is expected to be built on the islandof Krk on Croatias northern Adriatic coast. This terminal, located at

    the door to Central Europe, will be very well placed to serve Italy and

    Germany as well as markets in the immediate region.



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    TRAdING ANd MARKETINGTh globalzaton of ngy makts has adcally tansfomdmaktng pactcs n th LNG ndsty: th oppotnts fo tadnghav xpandd consdably, th nmb of plays has ncasdand bsnss modls hav bn adaptd vy apdly to th nwnvonmnt. LNG now acconts fo 27% by volm of wold gas tad.

    A changing enironment

    Th gd co nt ac t al lat ons hps th at pv o sly

    govnd spply agmnts a stad ly b ng

    wttn. Bys a now skng gat flxblty n

    tms of pcng fomlas and cago dcton class

    and both bys and podcs pf a combnaton

    of long-tm, shot-tm and spot contacts. Ths

    nv onmn t s mo condc v to a b t ag

    tansactons, wth th gowng nmb of spot dals

    now accontng fo 15% of woldwd tad.

    New marketing skills in an enironment requiringrapi response

    Fom th stat, Total alzd jst how mpotant LNG

    wold bcom n th ntnatonal gas tad pct.

    Bldng on ts cognzd xpts n tadng cd ol

    and ptolm podcts, Total s now consoldatng tsLNG tadng opatons on both sds of th Atlantc

    Basn and n th Pacfc zon too.

    Th Gops objctv n tms of LNG maktng s to

    optmz th flows fom ts woldwd potfol o by

    lvagng th tadng sklls that hav bn acd

    and consoldatd ov th last fw yas.


  • 7/30/2019 Gnl 28pages a4 Gb


    Total s consoldatng ts potfolo of pchass fom podcsand sals to consmng conts wth th am of maktngmo than 100 cagos (vssls of all szs) p ya n 2010.

    Patrick dugas

    LNG Trading Manager,

    Total Gas & Power Limited,

    United Kingdom

    We handle all types of LNG transactions for the Group,

    including direct purchase of LNG cargos at loading

    por ts or receiving terminals, ship char ter ing, capacity

    rese rvat ion at regasif icat ion facili ties for resale in local

    markets, and spot or short-term purchases /sales.

    Total has a growing LNG por tfolio, with new LNG plants

    star ting up, particularly in 2009 wi th Qatar and Yemen.

    Over the years, we have also developed skill in geographical

    arbitrage transactions and a lso (mainly for operational

    purposes) commodity arbit rage (pipe line/ liquef iedgas arbitrage ). Our a im here is to optimize our use

    of available volumes depending on the constraints and

    opportunities in the marketplace at any given time.


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    Total s patcpatng n nmos LNG sach pojcts focsdmanly on mpovng safty, optmzng th thmal ffcncy of th LNGchan and dcng costs. To fth nhanc compttvnss,

    Total has also lanchd r&D pogams on actal lfacton pocsss,dvlopmnt of socs n challngng gogaphc nvonmntsand nnovatv nfastct fo LNG tansf and stoag.


    Meeting the growing challenges of resource eelopment

    rsach h has th man thsts:

    Fstly, offsho lfacton. Ths s a vy topcal thm

    fo Total, whch s lookng closly at th concpt of a floatng

    offsho lfacton plant and has awadd a contact to a

    ladng spcalst ngnng company fo th concptal

    dsgn of a floatng LNG plant (offsho lfacton faclts

    on a floatng hll) and an nnovatv LNG tansf systm

    opatng n opn-sa condtons.

    On two pcomng lfacton pojcts Total also

    poposs to s modla constcton tchns, whch

    hav sgnfcant advantags n mot sts and/o thos

    wh wok s patclaly dffclt o costly.

    Lastly, th pomsng otlook fo Actc gas svs has

    pomptd Total to stdy possblts fo stablshng LNGplants n sv clmatc condtons, wh challngs

    ncld, among oths, vy wd tmpat angs and

    sas that a c-bond a lag pat of th ya.

  • 7/30/2019 Gnl 28pages a4 Gb



    Simplifying transfer systems

    Two oth ams of Totals r&D a to s mplf y LNG tansf

    systms and to ns that cnt systms can b sd

    n a gat ang of nvonmnts.

    Total has wokd on th dvlopmnt of an LNG tansfsystm that can b sd n opn-sa condtons. Th

    systm ss a flxbl LNG pp and a lght connct/

    dsconnct appaats that ncopoats th safty

    systms sd n convntonal LNG tmnals.

    Th Gop s also a patn n th Floatng LNG Ln

    Jont indsty Pogam lookng at an aay of at tactv

    soltons fo tansfng LNG at sa wthot th nd fo

    ovhad tansf (loadng boom wth flxbl LNG ln).

    And fo a nmb of yas now, Total has bn actvly

    sppotng a pojct to dvlop a pp-n-pp-typ

    sbsa cyognc tansf ln. Ths nvonmnt-fndly,cost ffctv solton has bn chosn fo th Bass

    LNG pojct n Nga.

    Improing LNG storage systems

    Stoag whth at th lfacton st o at an mpot

    tmnal s a vtal lnk n th LNG chan. Total s nvolvd n

    a nmb of sach pogams to mpov safty, nslaton

    and constcton tchns of cyognc stoag tanks.

    Lnd ock cavn stoag has th potntal to sto lag

    volms of LNG wth only mnmal sfac faclts d.

    Gostock, a company n whch Total has a 50% sha, has

    hlpd to tst a 15-cbc-mt plot nt n Soth Koa.

    Th plot has now valdatd th concpt and cavn stoag

    s xpctd to mov to th commcal phas.

    Atomaton and standadzaton of th constcton of

    mmban tanks has gnatd nw ntst n ths

    tchn, manly fo s n pojcts n dffclt zons (th

    Actc ) o cont s wth hgh labo costs (Asta la ).

    evalaton of nw constcton mthods has also ld tonw soltons that can b optmzd to st st condtons

    o avalablty of local labo. Fo xampl, constcton of a

    dobl-walld conct nvlop can dc th amont

    of spcal stl d, as wll as spcal wldng

    tchns, ths allowng a pojct to s local manpow.

    Improing energy efficiency along the whole LNG chain

    Fo both fnancal and nvonmntal asons, lfacton pojcts ngnng stdsthat allow th managmnt of ach nw pojct to antfy tchncally fasbl gans and s howthy stand p to th cnt conomc alts of th LNG makt and th constcton makt.

    Total s also valatng tchns that cold mpov th ngy ff cncy of cvng tmnalswhl dcng gnhos gas mssons and covng th ngy contand d to xtmcoolng dng lfacton.

  • 7/30/2019 Gnl 28pages a4 Gb












    Reasificatin terminals

    Site 15HAZIRA(India)



    18SOUTH HOOK(United Kingdom)

    19FOS CAVAOU(France)

    20ADRIA LNG(Croatia) Projectunder study

    Tota capacity 5 Bcm/year 6.7 Bcm/year 26 Bcm/year (phase 1)

    40 Bcm/year (phase 2)

    21 Bcm/year 8.25 Bcm/year 10 Bcm/year

    TOTAls equity


    26% 25% Capacity suscribed

    by Total: 10 Bcm/year

    8.35% 29.8% 25.58%



    2005 2006 2008 2009 End 2009 (e) 2015 (e)

    Liefactin plants

    Site 1ADGAS(Abu Dhabi)



    4NIGERIA LNG(Nigeria)


    6SNHVIT LNG(Norway)

    7QATARGAS 2(Qatar)

    8YEMEN LNG(Yemen)

    Tota capacity 5.6 Mt/year3 trains

    22.2 Mt/year8 trains

    9.9 Mt/year3 trains

    21.9 Mt/year6 trains

    OLNG : 7.2 Mt/year2 trainsQLNG : 3.7 Mt/year1 train

    4.2 Mt/year1 train

    15.6 Mt/year2 trains

    6.7 Mt/year2 trains

    TOTAls equity


    5% Total supplied

    40.8% ofthe gas in 2008

    10% 15% 5.54% (T1/T2)

    2.04% (T3)

    18.4% 16.7%

    in the second train




    1977 1977 1996 1999 2000 (T1/T2)

    2005 (T3)

    2007 2009 2009

  • 7/30/2019 Gnl 28pages a4 Gb


    SouTH HooKUnited Kingdom

    FoS CAVAouFrance ADRIA LNg



    NIgERIA LNg (train 7)Nigeria

    BRASS LNgNigeria

    ANgoLA LNgAngola

    PARS LNgIran

    ICHTHYS LNgAustralia


    qATARgAS 2Qatar


    ADgASAbu Dhabi

    YEMEN LNgYemen

    oMAN LNgqALHAT LNgOman

    NIgERIALNg Nigeria

    SNHVIT LNgNorway



















    9ANGOLA LNGAngola)nder construction

    .2 Mt/yeartrain


    012 (e)

    Prjects and extensins nder stdy

    Site 10ICHTHYS LNG(Australia)


    12BRASS LNG(Nigeria)

    13NIGERIA LNGtrain 7 (Nigeria)

    14PARS LNG(Iran)

    Tota Capacity 8.4 Mt/year 2 trains 7.5 Mt/year 10 Mt/year

    2 trains

    8.5 Mt/year

    1 train

    10 Mt/year2 trains

    TOTAls equity


    24% 25% 17% 15% 30%

    (Company estimatesafter LNG buyers

    entered the project)

  • 7/30/2019 Gnl 28pages a4 Gb


    TOTAL S.A.2, plac Jan Mll

    La Dfns 6 al:Euros5,867,52




    LiqueFieD NATurAL GAS