Glossary of Linguistic Terms 1

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  • 8/6/2019 Glossary of Linguistic Terms 1


    Glossary of the Linguistic Terms in Language Learning 2

    Part (1)

    is concerned with the study of the way in which anlanguage acquisitionSecond1.

    individual becomes able to use one or more language different from his first language(Krashen,1982).

    2.Definition of CPH : It is a biologically determined period of life when language can beacquired more easily and beyond which time language is increasingly difficult toacquire. The notion of the CPH is connected to 1 st language acquisition. Then, 2 nd language researchers have brought this notion to 2 nd language acquisition.

    3. Definition oF Lateralization As the human brain matures, certain functions areassigned, or lateralized to the left hemisphere of the brain, and certain otherfunctions to the right hemisphere.

    uniquebrain'sthetorefertousedterma isplasticity Brain:Plasticity FoDefinition4.ability to constantly change, grow, and remap itself over the course of a lifetime.

    ;ty in academic coursessuperioriit refers to a potentially mental ability;Intelligence:5.

    ability in problem-solving; quickness in understanding ambiguous situations; andsociability.

    6.Aptitude : the leaner's natural talent (skill-gift), or a specialized ability to learnlanguages.

    7.Motivation : refers to the desire or interest of the learners in acquiring the L2.

    8.Attitudes : refers to the feelings of the learners towards the second language

    community, the target language, the people who speak it, and the process of learning a foreign language.

    9.Integrative motivation: refers to language learning for personal growth and culturalenrichment.

    10.Instrumental motivation: refers to language learning for more immediate orpractical goals.

    11.Inhibition A negative psychological feeling or force which prevents one from doingcertain skills.

  • 8/6/2019 Glossary of Linguistic Terms 1
