Glossary 1

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Glossary 1

Transcript of Glossary 1

Anthony OrtizPsy 347Glossary

Affective life- market will play on your emotions, appealing to insecurities, greed, lust, fear, and so forth. By appealing to our most basic, fundamental emotion, the market can surely trigger a response. Agency- combination of reflection and spontaneity dictated by our understanding of the past. Age of Ambition- Time of expiration and expanding. Rules are constantly being reinvented are very liquid. Opens opportunity. Don't be a prisoner to the past. Wider range of agency. Contention-a fierce struggle or competition between two opposing forces or people Despot-a King or ruler with absolute power and authority of a State, or congregation of people Discursive- passing randomly and aimlessly from one subject to the next. Unorganized. Distributive Justice- in theory, the equal distribution of goods or services in an unbiased manner. Enlightened-a individual whom has acquired some special knowledge or understanding. The gift of insight. Entrepreneur of the Self- we have the ability to choose and shape our own future and destiny. This power is a double edge sword, however. This causes more anxiety than experienced by previous generations who had their destiny assigned to them without fear of failure. Failure is the risk of being an entrepreneur of the self Epistemology- The study of knowledge. How the group sees the world. Provides guidelines. Born into it Essentialism- the idea that things exist prior to their discovery and understanding;certain things last forever. Such things are fixed, provided that certain elements don't change. Construct essentialisms and treat them as if they are fixed and immutable; however, each is vulnerable to change. The universe existed despite our ignorance to anything outside of our solar system. Freedom- a man is said to be free to the extent that he can choose his own goals or course of conduct, can choose between alternatives available to him and is not compelled to act as he would not himself to choose to act, or prevented from acting as he would otherwise choose to act, by the will of any other authority. This understanding of freedom, however, is influenced by its relative position on an axis with the following four variables: social influences, physical environment, the limits of one's own body, and personal psychological factors. Hedonic treadmill- continuous pleasure seeking Hybridity-the combination of two dissimilar things that produces Something with similar features from both but unlike either Market- establishments were goods or services are bought or sold (commodities). We live in a market culture where everything is bought and sold. Thus, you must package yourself according to the demands of the market Minerva- the roman goddess of wisdom and the arts. She is associated with the Greek goddess Athena, the goddess of war. Owl of Minerva- a metaphor to wisdom. Everyday at dusk, when the Sun has set and things are no more brightly lit and easily found, the owl spreads its wings. The owl provides protection to the darkness (i.e. Ignorance). We are invested in the present and discount the past until the repurcussions. Tendency of an individual to discount the past. Ontology- The branch of metaphysics that deals with the question of what it means to be. The study of being. According to bauman, you are the entrapranuer/engineer of the self. Predestination-the concept or notion that one's destiny is set at birth and all routes or choices will inevitably lead to the predetermined outcome. Pliability-something easily flexible or fluid. Praxis- practice, as distinguished from theory; application or use, as of knowledge or skills. Protean- able to adapt and adjust to new environment. Includes the following vital components: fluid self-determination, catering to marketplace, functional cognitive and emotional knowledge base. Renaissance- a rebirth of culture or ideas for the pursuit of knowledge. Age of inquiry, by looking at past and present to shape the future. Not hostage to external forces. Bringing about a shift in epistemology. Rendition-to do, provide, or perform some service or task. Rationality- marginalizes emotionality, which is crucial for creativity, with a preference towards logic Relexivity- the process of thinking with three vital components: experienced based hindsight, logical metacognition, and thoughtful action. Sanguine- cheerfully optimistic, hopeful or confident even in the face of certain adversity/opposition. Idealistic. Sankofa Bird- Consistent with concepts of Faulkner, ability to reflect on the past as if it was in the present. In order to move forward you Structural- of or pertaining to the very nature or foundation of a particular structure, system, or institution. Totalitarianism- the strict rule from an absolute authority, such as a dictator or King. Time- past present and future. Trepidation-a strong fear, alarm, or agitation Volition- an autonomous individuals ability to make a choice as a function of their free will. For example, choosing to disobey your mothers rules despite the clear and present danger of punishment.