“Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski...

“Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski Comments by Robert McCauley*, Senior Adviser Monetary and Economic Department For The Tenth Annual Workshop on Macroeconomics of Global Interdependence, organised by the Centre for Economic Policy Research, Central Bank of Ireland and Trinity College Dublin Dublin, 6-7 March 2015 * Views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily the views of the BIS

Transcript of “Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski...

Page 1: “Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski Comments by Robert McCauley*, Senior Adviser Monetary and Economic.

“Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & RatnovskiComments by

Robert McCauley*, Senior Adviser

Monetary and Economic Department

For The Tenth Annual Workshop on Macroeconomics of Global Interdependence, organised by the Centre for Economic Policy Research, Central Bank of Ireland and Trinity College Dublin

Dublin, 6-7 March 2015

* Views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily the views of the BIS

Page 2: “Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski Comments by Robert McCauley*, Senior Adviser Monetary and Economic.


What this paper does Analyses 77 countries over the period 1990-2012. LHS: BIS locational banking statistics (Table 6):

Allowing a long time series. Adjusting for foreign exchange valuation effects. Including bank security holdings. Suggestions:

- Make more clear the construction of LHS variable- Allow a Q4 seasonal, especially for interbank

flows.- Discuss different behaviour of interbank and

nonbank.- Re-run benchmark regression w/o financial

centres. RHS: Global liquidity drivers: VIX, TED spread, bank

leverage, real credit growth, yield curve slope yield curve, real policy rate, M2 growth.

A particular contribution: non-US drivers for global liquidity.

Page 3: “Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski Comments by Robert McCauley*, Senior Adviser Monetary and Economic.


What this paper finds: familiar results VIX, US broker-dealer leverage and term spread matter. Results for full sample driven by latter subsample,

2001-2012. 2001-06 similar to 2001-2012.

Big effects: VIX 25th => 75th percentile => 5+%, 3+5 for bank,

nonbank Leverage 25th => 75th => 5+%, 4+%

Page 4: “Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski Comments by Robert McCauley*, Senior Adviser Monetary and Economic.


What…finds: familiar results (con’d): term spread?

Authors cite Bruno & Shin, but JME version of their paper has no term spread.

Authors say: “Banks borrow short-term and lend long-term, so their domestic investment opportunities are less profitable when the yield curve is flat: this may trigger banks’ search for yield, including in the form of cross-border loans”.

This implies substitution of cross-border and domestic credit while domestic credit and M2 results point to complementarity.

Versus work by Estrella (with Hardouvelis (1991) and Mishkin (1998)) that uses flat or inverted yield curve to predict recession (ie as indicator of tight money)?

Mid-2000s as an unusual case of tightening at so “measured” a pace that term premium went down, VIX went down, carry trades enabled? Distinguish term premium from term spread?

Page 5: “Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski Comments by Robert McCauley*, Senior Adviser Monetary and Economic.


Term spread and its components

Source: Rosenberg and Maurer, “Signal or noise: implications of the term premium for recession Forecasting”, FRBNY Economic Policy Review, July 2008, p 5.

Page 6: “Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski Comments by Robert McCauley*, Senior Adviser Monetary and Economic.


What…finds: familiar results (con’d): interest rate gap?

Authors find no effect of yield gap (or even negative for reduced advanced and large emerging market sample) vs Bruno & Shin in REStud.

Could point to a problem with proxies for local credit demand, namely GDP growth and inflation. Re-run yield gap without local inflation? Use local credit growth instead of proxies? (Positive coefficient on real federal funds rate could

also result from its proxying for global economic activity.)

Some have synthesised local risk-free rates by subtracting sovereign CDS spread from local yields.

Page 7: “Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski Comments by Robert McCauley*, Senior Adviser Monetary and Economic.


What this paper finds: European bank leverage matters

Leverage of broad banking sector for UK and euro area from flow of funds entered separately from leverage of US broker-dealers.

While multicollinearity prevents a head-to-head comparison, bank leverage in UK and euro area works as well as US broker-dealer leverage for non-G4 sample. Authors go too far: “UK ban leverage has a higher

explanatory power than US bank leverage”:- US: coefficient of .364, R2 of 0.035- UK: coefficient of .930, R2 of 0.031, but lower

variance! And UK bank leverage works as well for Asia and

Western Hemisphere as US broker dealer leverage. Interesting result because US broker-dealer leverage

based on repos, whereas UK and euro area bank leverage measure whole banking system.

Page 8: “Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski Comments by Robert McCauley*, Senior Adviser Monetary and Economic.


Bank leverage measures for G4

Page 9: “Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski Comments by Robert McCauley*, Senior Adviser Monetary and Economic.


What this paper finds: sterling drivers for global liquidity?

Cerutti et al suggest that sterling variables drive growth of cross-border bank claims: Not just UK bank leverage but £ TED UK credit growth £ real policy rate £ M2 growth

And £ TED affects cross-border bank lending to Asia and Western Hemisphere.

Problem: there is very little sterling cross-border claims.

Broader conceptual problem: international finance assuming triple coincidence

Page 10: “Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski Comments by Robert McCauley*, Senior Adviser Monetary and Economic.


Foreign currency assets and liabilities of BIS reporting banks

Bruno and Shin, Cross-border banking and global liquidity, BIS Working Paper no 458, August 2014, forthcoming Review of Economic Studies, citing Table 5A.

Page 11: “Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski Comments by Robert McCauley*, Senior Adviser Monetary and Economic.


Need to free ourselves of triple coincidence? Tend to assume that the triple coincidence:

National borders—hence use crossborder stocks. Economic units—UK banks respond to domestic

variables. Currency—so sterling yields relevant for UK banks.

“for the UK and Euro Area, where an increase in bank deposits (part of M2) translates into larger bank balance sheets and more cross-border lending”.

But, but, but

Page 12: “Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski Comments by Robert McCauley*, Senior Adviser Monetary and Economic.


Triple coincidence

All firms are domestic, All domestic assets and liabilities are denominated in

domestic currency, Country coincides with spending units and with

currency. Global liquidity flows out of source country to ROW

through cross-border credit.

Home countryDomestic firms Domestic currency

Rest of worldForeign firmsForeign currencies

Page 13: “Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski Comments by Robert McCauley*, Senior Adviser Monetary and Economic.


But, but, but Some domestic firms are multinationals. Some foreign multinationals present domestically. Part of the domestic banking system dollarised (or

euroised) UK and European banks borrow and lend in dollars

outside of their home countries.


Domestic multinationals

Foreign multinationals

$ (€)

Rest of world

Page 14: “Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski Comments by Robert McCauley*, Senior Adviser Monetary and Economic.


Dollar credit to borrowers outside the US, end-2013

Source: McCauley, McGuire and Sushko (2015).

Page 15: “Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski Comments by Robert McCauley*, Senior Adviser Monetary and Economic.


What this paper does not do

Analyse second phase of global liquidity. At the margin, dollar bonds issued by nonbanks outside

the United States have gained on bank loans. Growth of these bonds outstanding responds to term

premium, which in turn is focus of unconventional monetary policy (ie large-scale bond buying) of Federal Reserve.

Page 16: “Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski Comments by Robert McCauley*, Senior Adviser Monetary and Economic.


Effect of changes in US Treasury term premium on growth of stock of US dollar bonds issued by non-

US borrowers16-quarter rolling regression coefficient and standard errors

Page 17: “Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski Comments by Robert McCauley*, Senior Adviser Monetary and Economic.


Fed’s unintended effect: $ bond net issuance 2010-2014

In billions of US dollars

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014Q3









2000Non-US US corporate US GSE US ABS

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Financial Accounts; McCauley, McGuireand Sushko (2015).

Page 18: “Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski Comments by Robert McCauley*, Senior Adviser Monetary and Economic.


A big question: Monetary policy divergence??

Federal Reserve expected to raise IOER from 0.25% in 2015 to 2% in 2017.

ECB and Bank of Japan to add $2-3 trillion to their bond holdings.

At some stage, Federal Reserve to stop replacing maturing bonds.

What happens if major central banks on both sides of globally integrated bond market?

Term premium: US Treasury vs bunds/OATs

Page 19: “Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski Comments by Robert McCauley*, Senior Adviser Monetary and Economic.


Policy divergence: quantities

Manoj Pradhan and Sung Woen Kang, “The QE chartbook: The QEquation: ECB + BoJ = Fed?”, Morgan Stanley Global Economics, 20 January, 2015.

Page 20: “Global liquidity and drivers of cross-border bank flows” by Cerutti, Claessens & Ratnovski Comments by Robert McCauley*, Senior Adviser Monetary and Economic.



Paper contributes to studies of cross-border banking and global liquidity by suggesting the importance of European bank leverage.

Given the tests reported, skeptics could take the view that US broker-dealer leverage is sufficient, but it is nevertheless remarkable that general European bank leverage does so well.

More thought could be given to interpretation of term spread, possibly using distinction between expectational component and term premium.

Findings regarding role of sterling variables problematic, suggest need to free analysis from assumption of triple coincidence.

Beyond paper lies question of divergent central bank unconventional policies and effects on flow of global liquidity through bond markets.