Global Cryosphere Watch Perspective on Needs for the … · R. Lindsay, C. Haas, S. Hendricks, P....

Jeff Key NOAA Satellite and Information Service Madison, Wisconsin USA Mark Drinkwater European Space Agency The Netherlands WIGOS Space 2040 Workshop, Geneva, 18-20 November 2015 Global Cryosphere Watch Perspective on Needs for the Space-based Observing System

Transcript of Global Cryosphere Watch Perspective on Needs for the … · R. Lindsay, C. Haas, S. Hendricks, P....

Jeff Key NOAA Satellite and Information Service

Madison, Wisconsin USA

Mark Drinkwater European Space Agency

The Netherlands

WIGOS Space 2040 Workshop, Geneva, 18-20 November 2015

Global Cryosphere Watch Perspective on Needs for the Space-based Observing System

Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW) Mission: GCW will provide authoritative, understandable, and useable data, information, and analyses on the past, current and future state of the cryosphere to meet the needs of WMO Members and partners in delivering services to users, the media, public, decision and policy makers.

On behalf of:

Polar Space Task Group (PSTG) Objective: To develop the satellite component of the observing infrastructure in support of polar and high elevation cryosphere observations, by federating space agencies around the world.

Presentation Notes
Greenland figure: Combined result using RADARSAT-1 (CSA), ALOS PALSAR (JAXA), and Envisat ASAR (ESA) InSAR data – with processing funded by NASA. Credit: Rignot, E. and J. Mouginot (2012).

The cryosphere collectively describes elements of the earth system containing water in its frozen state and includes: solid precipitation, snow cover, sea ice, lake and river ice, glaciers, ice caps, ice sheets, ice shelves, permafrost and seasonally frozen ground. The cryosphere is global, ~100 countries

How the polar regions look from space


Arctic: an ocean surrounded by land

Antarctic: land surrounded by ocean

Presentation Notes
There is a very important difference between our two polar regions: the Arctic is an ocean surrounded by land; the Antarctic is land surrounded by ocean. The meteorological and climatological differences and reactions to global climate change are significant. The Arctic, with the March 2009 sea extent. Image by Matt Savoie, National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado, Boulder, using SSM/I data overlaid onto the NASA Blue Marble. The 60o N latitude circle is shown.

Properties of the Cryosphere


Snow - snow water equivalent (SWE), depth, extent, density, grain size, albedo

Solid Precipitation - snowfall rate, amount Lake and River Ice

- freezeup/breakup, thickness, snow on ice Sea Ice

- extent, concentration, type (age), thickness, motion, temperature, leads, snow on ice

Glaciers, Ice Caps, Ice sheets - mass balance (accumulation/ablation), thickness, area, length (geometry), firn temperature, velocity, snowline/equilibrium line, icebergs, snow on ice

Frozen Ground/Permafrost - soil temperature/thermal state, active layer thickness, borehole temperature, extent, snow cover

(Green: mature capability; Blue: moderate/developing capability; Red: little or no capability)

There are more than 30 cryosphere properties that, ideally, would be measured. Of those, measurement techniques from space can be considered mature for only 9-12.

Ice sheet elevation, sea ice thickness

Sea ice extent and concentraton, ice sheet elevation, glacier velocity, snow accumulation

Sea ice extent and concentration, glacier area, surface albedo and temperature, radiation budget

Ice sheet mass change


Observing the cryosphere requires many satellites

Presentation Notes
GCOM-W1 (Japan), part of A-Train: AMSR2 GCOM-C1 (Japan), Dec 2016: SGLI (global imager) Metop-A, -B (EUMETSAT): AVHRR, IASI, ASCAT, MHS, AMSU-A CryoSat-2 (ESA): SIRAL (radar altimeter) Sentinel-1 (ESA): C-band SAR (5.3 GHz) Sentinel-2 (ESA): MultiSpectral Instrument (MSI) Sentinel-1 (ESA): SLSTR (like ATSR) RADARSAT-2 (CSA): C-band SAR (5.4GHz) Oceansat-2 (India): OSCAT (scatterometer), OCM-2 (ocean color), ROSA (radio occult.) FY-3C (China): IR and microwave sounders, vis/IR imagers, microwave imager Kompsat-3, -5 (S. Korea): AEISS (vis, not IR, imager), COSI (SAR) TerraSAR-X, TanDEM-X (Germany): X-band SAR (9.65 GHz) SMAP (NASA): L-band SAR (1.26 GHz)

(Animation courtesy of P. Romanov)

Annual Cycle of Snow and Ice

Product Examples


(Courtesy of NSIDC)

Snow Water Equivalent

Product Examples

Presentation Notes

Ice Surface Temperature

Product Examples

Surface Albedo

CryoSat-2 Sea Ice Thickness (ESA)

Product Examples

2-day composite

Sea Ice Thickness from S-NPP VIIRS




ss (m


Ice Sheet Elevation


Product Examples

Presentation Notes


Product Examples

Large area velocity mapping produced with Landsat 8.

(T. Scambos, NSIDC)

Presentation Notes
Large area velocity mapping produced by Landsat 8 – Antarctic ice flow speed for the 2013-2014 season (left). Upper right, count of image pairs used in the flow mapping. Lower right, standard deviation of flow pair speeds per cell. Mountain shadows show high variability (high std dev) due to shadow movement over the season.

Applications, Users

Application areas:

• Weather forecasting

• Navigation, shipping

• Agriculture

• Fisheries

• Hazards

• Recreation

• Process studies

• Climate

Some users:

• Ice services for commercial and recreational uses: North American Ice Service (NAIS), U.S. National Ice Center (NIC), Alaska Ice Desk

• Numerical weather prediction centers: ECMWF, Met Office, CMC, JMA, NCEP, BoM, RosHydroMet

• Security: Navy, Coast Guard (various)

• Research: University and government scientists


Supporting Operational Ice Services

Satellite data used routinely in operational Ice services


Presentation Notes
Examples courtesy DMI and Met.No

Coastal Research

The Arctic coastal zone is undergoing rapid changes related to loss of sea ice

Shishmaref Alaska Erosion & Relocation Coalition

• Increased coastal erosion • Later formation and earlier breakup of

landfast ice • Increased commercial activity

… but a consistent sea ice concentration data product is not available • Passive microwave estimates suffer

from “land contamination”

(Courtesy of A. Mahoney)

Prediction WWRP Polar Prediction Project

... and risks!

Photo by Chilean Navy/Reuters

Arctic opening comes with opportunities ...

Photo from Llodys report

Data gaps and model deficits cause poor forecasts in polar


Uncertainty of near-surface temperature initial conditions (K)


ill, p




(mid-2017 – mid-2019)

Coming up:


et a

l. 20


Error reduction of subseasonal forecasts with improved Arctic predictions

Better Arctic forecasts better mid-latitude


Ice Surface Temperature in Navy Model

Lena River Delta

Fast Ice Pack Ice

Glacial Ice

ACNFS NAVO Modeled Ice Thickness with NPP IST 8/16 1340 UTC overlay


Presentation Notes
The NIC will apply the IST data from VIIRS to help in the determination of the current ice condition and particularly for assessing ice of land origin. The IST will become a compliment to I5 file brightness temperatures to help determine ice stage of development, icebergs from fast ice, and if an area has open water in a lead. The NIC also will use it in conjunction with models to determine the state and structure of the ice for operational activities in ice infested waters. The slide in the upper left shows the IST while the lower left shows the NIC marginal ice zone product for the same day. The image in the lower right demonstrates the potential use of IST to compare with modeled ice thickness data to analyze the ice conditions. In the northern Chukchi Sea, the ice is suggested by the model to be over 1 m thick, however ISTs are above or near freezing. This would suggest to analysts that melt onset has begun in this region.

Assimilating Ice Thickness

The difference in mean ice thickness for September between the corrected and the control runs of the PIOMAS model, where corrected runs use IceBridge and SIZONet ice thicknesses to correct the initial thickness field. The thin red lines are the ice extent (0.15 ice concentration) lines for each of the corrected ensemble members and the thick red line is the mean for the ensemble. The thick green line is the mean of the ensemble of control runs and the black line is the observed September mean ice extent. From Lindsay et al. (2012)

While little work has been done on assimilating ice thickness in models, indications are that doing so would improve ice forecasts.

Presentation Notes
R. Lindsay, C. Haas, S. Hendricks, P. Hunkeler, N. Kurtz, J. Paden, B. Panzer, J. Sonntag, J. Yungel, and J. Zhang, 2012, Seasonal forecasts of Arctic sea ice initialized with observations of ice thickness, GRL �

1982 2001



Cloud and Surface Temperature Trends


ud F










Climate Trends, Interactions, and Feedbacks

Sea Ice Extent

Presentation Notes
And finally, the third level of the science: interactions and feedbacks between variables. Numbers on figure: (1) Melting snow increases radiation absorption. (2) Ice sheets contribute to sea level rise. (3) Retreating sea ice increases radiative absorption, heat and moisture fluxes. (4-6) Degrading permafrost increases methane; wetland drying increases CO2 emission. (6-8) Increasing precipitation plus melting snow change the freshwater flux. Shrinking lake ice cover and runoff have ecological impacts. (9) Retreating glaciers increase runoff. (10) Cloud cover impacts the energy budget. (SWIPA, 2011)

Winter Clouds and Summer Sea Ice

Presentation Notes
And finally, the third level of the science: interactions and feedbacks between variables. Numbers on figure: (1) Melting snow increases radiation absorption. (2) Ice sheets contribute to sea level rise. (3) Retreating sea ice increases radiative absorption, heat and moisture fluxes. (4-6) Degrading permafrost increases methane; wetland drying increases CO2 emission. (6-8) Increasing precipitation plus melting snow change the freshwater flux. Shrinking lake ice cover and runoff have ecological impacts. (9) Retreating glaciers increase runoff. (10) Cloud cover impacts the energy budget. (SWIPA, 2011)


Cryosphere Requirements: IGOS The first comprehensive set of cryosphere observational requirements and gaps was compiled for the IGOS Cryosphere Theme (2007). These and others are available on the GCW website.

Overall Need of CryoLand Snow, Glacier and Lake Ice Products for User Group

Snow products

Glacier products

Lake and river ice products

High relevance Essential

Low relevance

No relevance


PSTG User Needs: Floating Ice The Polar Space Task Group (PSTG) is compiling user requirements for space-based observations of the polar regions.

For floating ice the variables deemed most important are sea ice thickness, snow on sea ice, and sea ice deformation:


PSTG User Needs: Snow

Snow priorities include (but are not limited to):

• Assure continuity in routine continental scale monitoring of snow areal extent and SWE data in support of GCW Snow Watch and snow applications and service development

• Develop new methods for retrieval of snow depth on sea ice.

• Plan SAR data as complement to passive microwave and 300 m optical data for continental scale snow extent/SWE; also in alpine regions.

• Develop a snow product intercomparison exercise in connection with GCW CryoNet for quality assurance.


PSTG User Needs: Ice Sheets

Ice sheet priorities include (but are not limited to):

• Coordinated acquisition plan of SAR/InSAR imagery over Antarctica and Greenland.

• SAR and gravimetric ice sheet mass balance.

• To provide complementary data on ice sheet surface accumulation and albedo.

• To extend optical imaging and stereo image data for generation of digital elevation models, glacier and ice cap outlines and hypsometry.

• To investigate capabilities of SAR altimetry over mountain glaciers and ice caps.


PSTG User Needs: Permafrost

Permafrost priorities include (but are not limited to):

• Routine high-resolution circumpolar SAR coverage.

• Multi-sensor monitoring around key research locations where GTN-P and in-situ measurements are made (“cold spots”).

• Bi-weekly InSAR for subsidence.

• Obtain <1 m summer (July-Aug) optical images around each Arctic Cold Spot for up-scaling/downscaling of local periglacial processes.

• Quantify rates of pan Arctic coastal erosion. Annual circumpolar Arctic coastline mapping at < 10m optical resolution; InSAR estimates of erosion/degradation).

• Other: Land surface temperature, albedo, SWE, DEM, land cover


User Needs: Snowfall

Snowfall (solid precipitation) priorities include (but are not limited to):

• CloudSat gives us the first active snowfall observations at high latitudes. However, single-frequency, non-Doppler radar quantitative snowfall estimates have large uncertainties (> 50%).

• Passive microwave radiometer-based retrievals offer some hope, but snowfall event detection - much less quantitative precip estimation - is still developing.

• Passive microwave radiometer snowfall retrievals over snow and ice surfaces are very difficult.

• Dual-frequency radar may be the best tool for high-latitude space borne snowfall estimates. However, this is a long way off.

• We need trustworthy ground-based validation sites at high latitudes.


WCRP CliC Earth Observation Priorities

The Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) project identified the following priorities for Earth Observation (January 2015) (not a complete list):

• Sea ice: • Sea ice thickness • Snow on sea ice • Sea ice mass balance • Polynyas, thin ice, and

marginal ice processes • Sea ice drift and deformation

• Snow: • Snow mass and water equiv. • Albedo • Density, grain size • Vegetation-snow interactions

• Glaciers: • Elevation • Volume change

• Ice Sheets: • Accumulation rates • Mass balance • Elevation

• Permafrost: • Gas emissions (CO2, CH4) • “Hot spots” of change

• Hydrology: • Arctic lakes and rivers

APP-x CryoSat-2



Side note: To meet user requirements, not only do we need to plan for new instruments and products, we also need to fully understand the products that we have.

Product Intercomparisons

The Arctic from space: pseudo-geo

Large-scale circulation from geostationary and polar-orbiting satellites


Presentation Notes
Animation: Multi-satellite infrared composite, courtesy of M. Lazzara (AMRC). NOAA’s GOES satellites, NOAA and NASA polar-orbiters.


• User needs for short-term applications have the following priorities for future (near and far) remote sensing of the cryosphere: – Sea ice thickness, deformation, and motion (altimetry, PM, vis/IR) – Solid-precipitation/snowfall (dual frequency radar) – Snow on sea ice (possibly with laser + radar altimetry) – Snow mass, SWE (PM, SAR) – Ice sheet mass, mass variability, mass balance (SAR, altimeters, gravimetry) – Permafrost: subsidence (hi-res SAR), surface characteristics (various) – Sub-surface phenomena - such as in ice sheet thermal sounding (similar to

atmospheric sounding) and permafrost – Bidirectional reflectance of snow and ice (multi-angle optical)

• Some of these are also priorities for climate. Though many climate requirements have been defined (e.g., GCOS), space agency requirements have traditionally been driven by NWP.

WMO Conclusions

Presentation Notes