Global Connections #4-B&W - Shluchim Connections Adar.pdf · GLOBAL CONNECTIONS B”H There is a...

GLOBAL CONNECTIONS B”H There is a special hidden message in this newsletter. To find it, look for the letters hidden in the odd numbered pages. They will be purple and b bold. The letters are in the order they appear. Looks like gibberish? Its not! Try and figure it out. ¡ɐɥɔɯısıq ɯıqɹɐɯ ɹɐpɐ sɐuɥɔıuıɥsıɯ Try to guess what that that says! - Purim’s in in the air, and we’re all getting ready ready! First with the shtick (keep it it subdued!), then parties, costumes, and Mishloach Manos! Talking about that, if you need help for Mishloach Manos ideas there are some ideas and themes in here… and so so much more! A poem, Dear Doctor Devorah (as always! -), fun pages, and also a funny Purim story with a bunch of countries hiding in it that’s instead of Join Chabad, See the World! There’s also also lotsa news that’s going on in online school! Now I’ll let you go on to the fun stuff editor’s letter is not not a table table of contents! - Hope you all have an amazing Purim, and no sadness only joy joy! Chana Stein, Editor-in-Chief 1 Figure out the bubbles, and email us. The first two people will win a prize!!

Transcript of Global Connections #4-B&W - Shluchim Connections Adar.pdf · GLOBAL CONNECTIONS B”H There is a...

Page 1: Global Connections #4-B&W - Shluchim Connections Adar.pdf · GLOBAL CONNECTIONS B”H There is a special hidden message in this newsletter. To find it, look for the letters hidden


There is a special hidden message in this newsletter. To find it, look for the letters hidden in the odd

numbered pages. They will be purple and bbold. The letters are in the order they appear.

Looks like gibberish? Its not! Try and

figure it out. ¡ɐɥɔɯısıq ɯıqɹɐɯ ɹɐpɐ sɐuɥɔıuıɥsıɯ

Try to guess what that that says! Purim’s in in the air, and we’re all getting ready ready! First with the shtick (keep it it subdued!), then parties, costumes, and Mishloach Manos! Talking about that, if you need help for Mishloach Manos ideas there are some ideas and themes in here… and so so much more! A poem, Dear Doctor Devorah (as always! ), fun pages, and also a funny Purim story with a bunch of countries hiding in it that’s instead of Join Chabad, See the World! There’s also also lotsa news that’s going on in online school! Now I’ll let you go on to the fun stuff – editor’s letter is not not a table table of contents! Hope you all have an amazing Purim, and no sadness – only joy joy! Chana Stein, Editor-in-Chief


Figure out the bubbles, and email us. The

first two people will win a


Page 2: Global Connections #4-B&W - Shluchim Connections Adar.pdf · GLOBAL CONNECTIONS B”H There is a special hidden message in this newsletter. To find it, look for the letters hidden

#The Fridge#

The shvat newsletter was


#Shaina Zirkind

Do you have comments, stories, or pictures you want on the fridge? Email them to [email protected]. Please wait one to three weeks for your comment to be put in. Not all pictures etc will be put in. Although we love feedback, complaints will not be put on the fridge. But we do look at them and try to fix the problem. [We L+VE pictures and stories!!]

Dse wait on



To Do:

%Plan Adar Shtick

%Make Costume

%Chumash Project


WWheree do you get

all the stories in

your newsletter

from? +Anonymous Many different places! Some of them our staff has written, and others we have found online (like -Global Connections Staff

The newsletter is fun

to read!

]Rivka Freedman

Thanks for making

an entertaining




The newsletter was


[Mrs. Raitport

Caracas, Venezuela}

Thanks for making

an entertaining

newsletter! newsletter!



I love the contests

and especially Raizel

and the golem...

good job g7! keep

it up!!

+Mushka Goldman

Mazal Tov Bluma

LLaufer on

winning the

Shvat Contest!!!

Page 3: Global Connections #4-B&W - Shluchim Connections Adar.pdf · GLOBAL CONNECTIONS B”H There is a special hidden message in this newsletter. To find it, look for the letters hidden

Purim Popcorn

RRecipe Corner

1. Put the margarine, sugar and corn syrup in a

medium sized pot.

2. Put it on the fire until it boils. Remove it

from the fire.

3. Pour it over the popped popcorn, add

peanuts and mix well.

4. Let it cool. Wet your hands with cold water

and form balls.

Enjoy!! 1 tablespoon margarine

1 cup sugar 1 cup corn syrup 10 cups popped popcorn 1 cup salty and peeled peanuts

After years of stuffing myself with Hamantashen every Purim, Hamantashen just don’t appeal to me the way they used to, especially after dealing with the terrible stomachaches that comes after you’ve consumed a dozen in under 5 minutes. That’s why I decided to try out a new recipe this Purim (don’t worry, the Hamantashen will still grace us this Purim, this is just in addition!). They look YUM and are really fun to eat! I’m giving you the challenge of connecting this funky recipe to Purim, email your connections and how the recipe turned out to [email protected] and it might turn up on The Fridge!!!



We want your pictures!!! Send us your Purimm pictures, and they will be

put into a special edition of the fridge! -YYou can send up to 4 pictures (we will pick 1 or 2 to use))

--We must receive at least 3 pictures for the special fridge edition. If not, we will just put the pictures on the regular ffridge.

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DDisclaimer: This is jjust the thhoughts aand ramblings of a 7th grader. If you hhave a real health problem, obviouslly, ccontact a real doctor.

Have any qquestions? Sick? Just need some advice? E-mail

yyour questions to g7soseditors@gma


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Rebbe Story AAn entry in a Yeshiva student's diary from 1952.

Dear Diary, The Rebbe instructed Yeshiva students to visit Shuls in

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Interviews with staff members of SOS

Ask The Teacher nname: morah chanowitz WWhat's something that, no matter what, always puts you in a good mood? Teaching my amazing students in the G1 class! What's worse: teaching when there's two months of Adar or teaching when there is one month of Adar, and why? Well, they both have an advantage. When there are two months of Adar we get to experience the happiest chodesh of the year for a longer time . On the other hand when there is only one month it is packed with so much Simcha! What is your favorite thing about Purim? My all-time favorite thing is the Purim Spirit which permeates the whole month of Adar! Thank you, Morah Chanowitz! 7

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TTehillim List: If you unfortunately have any names to add to this list, please email it to us [email protected]


יהושע בן שרה שמואל בן שיינא

מנחם מענדל בן רבקה ה'מנחם מענדל הכהן בן חי

דוד בן לאה משה בן נחמה דינה

חייים אליעזר ליפמן בן דבורה לאה משה הכהן בן לאה

יעקב בן חוה שלמה זלמן בן חנה

הלל בן חנה משה בן רחל

יעקב עמנואל בן שרה סאשא שמואל מאיר בן לאה

ם טויבאאברהם משה בן מרי יהודה בן אורה

צבי הירש בן קיילא אייזיק בן אביבה דניאל בת אביבה שירלי בת הלדה

רוחמה אליזה שרה חנה בת אסתר ליבא אלנה לאה בת שיינדל רחל טובה רייזל בת נחמה דינה

שיינא דבורה בת תמר נחמה חנה רחל בת ביילא

ה'ה בת צבי'חסי דבורה בת חנה ביילא

שיינדל בת רייזל אסתר בת מרה מאשא דבורה רחל בת אורה

ה צפורה בת נחמה לאה'בתי אהרן בן ריינה

רוחמה אליזה שרה חנה בת אסתר ליב ה צפורה בת נחמה לאה'בתי

אהרן בן ריינה חנה בת שרון

פרידה בת שרה בריינדל בת בעסי מרים בת לויסא

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HHey G7, JJust wanted to let you know how GLOBAL your newsletter of GLOBAL CONNECTIONS really is! At the Day of Celebration, as I was carrying things from the Shluchim Office to the car to go to Chovivei Torah I held the door open with the box of newsletters ( Because they were 30 pages each, it was the heaviest box). As I saw people coming in and out of the Shluchim Office, I saw so many people (not online school parents!!) spot the newsletter, see the color, grab one, and move on. :) It was so exciting to see that Shluchos and high school girls from all over the world took them, even NON Online School parents! The newsletter was so eye catching, interesting, and fun- SO many people enjoyed it! You girls rock, Mushkie Lipsker

Mail from Mushkie


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Chapter 4 Summary: The Zeligson family relaxs, chatting about their day. Itta comes home. Now read on.

The first signs of springs had appeared, with bits of snow melting day by day. Temperatures rose from 5 Celsius to 25. It was Taanis Esther, and the little shtetl was preparing for one of the happiest days of the year - Purim. In the home of the Zeligsons, preparations were underway. The little children jumped around in excitement, trying on their costumes, made by their grandmother from old clothing again and again. Bubbe Chayka and Zaide Beirish, their mother’s parents, were coming all the way from Vitebsk to visit, which was quite a journey. Once they were there, they would be staying for Pesach as well.

Three year old Hinda wobbled around squealing, “I love Queen Esther!” Her brother Zalmke, older by two years, had come home from cheder the past two weeks full of stories about Purim. Hinda listened intently, gobbling up every word. Leibel, who was eight, would laugh at them, showing off how he could read and translate a few lines from the Megillah. Seven year old Itta would sit beside them with wide eyes, braiding her gorgeous auburn hair over and over. She was obsessed with making the perfect braid.

Yisrolik was a young father, eager to make a living as a cloth

merchant. He was also very learned, and tutored young boys in Chumash as a side job. Now he was side by side with his wife Fraidel, who was kneading dough for her famous hamentashen. “Fraidel, I think your parents should be arriving any minute. Should I dress up the kids and take them to the wagon station?” “Yes, they will be so excited! Kinderlach, go and put on your sweaters!” That was the way it was in Russia, people wore layer upon layer of sweaters instead of a warm coat.

Zalmke lay back, as memories streamed through his mind. ‘Those were the days,’ he whispered, ‘when life was practically perfect. Now, it is just so, so different.’ “Itta!” Raizel shrilled. “You’re home!!” She ran up to her big sister and placed her petite arms around Itta’s graceful figure. Zalmke sat up hesitantly. He didn’t know what to say. The room was filled with an awkward silence. “Long time no see. Maybe you can come home a little more often? Did you even know that you’re brother just had twin girls?” It was Zelda who was speaking, with her hands on her hips, eyes flashing. Ita looked shocked. Chanale and Hinda exchanged uncomfortable glances. Arele just laughed, and Raizel looked at everyone with wide eyes. “Itta! I’m finally a tante!” She cried happily. Itta picked up the little girl and held her close. She abruptly stopped, asking, “What are their

names?” “Sara Etka and Gitel Devoshe.” Zelda promptly replied. “We are going to be calling them Sare’le and Gitelle. Okay?” Itta left the room. She had gone to the corner of the next room, and was crying dejectedly. “You shouldn’t have been so harsh, Zelda. Next time just gently tell her.” Zelda rolled her eyes and snorted. “She should learn her lesson once and for all.” To be continued....



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This Month:

Looking forward to a great month!



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