Glenohumeral Joint Jessica Vila & Carrie A. Hoch.

Glenohumeral Joint Jessica Vila & Carrie A. Hoch
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Transcript of Glenohumeral Joint Jessica Vila & Carrie A. Hoch.

Page 1: Glenohumeral Joint Jessica Vila & Carrie A. Hoch.

Glenohumeral JointJessica Vila


Carrie A. Hoch

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Anterior view

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subscapular bursa

subacromial bursa subdeltoid bursa

subcoracoid bursa

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Cartilage and Articular Capsule

glenoid labruim

glenoid labruim

articular cartilage

synovial membrane

fibrous layer

Anterior/sliced view

synovial membrane

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surgical neckgreater tubercle

lesser tubercle

anatomical neckanatomical neck

intertubercular sulcus

surgical neck

deltoid tuberosity

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superior angle✗

inferior angle✗Anterior view Posterior view

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Rotator Cuff Muscles

subscapularis infraspinatus

teres minor


Rotator cuff

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Clinical Issues

Common rotator cuff injuries:• Tendinitis = tendons are inflamed due to

overuse or overload

• Bursitis = bursa become irritated or inflamed

• Strain or tear = can result from tendinitis or stress

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Rotator Cuff Cont.

Common causes:• Normal wear & tear - leads to breakdown of

collagen in tendons and muscles• Poor posture - muscle or tendons can become

pinched under clavicle• Falling - breaking fall w/ arm or falling onto

arm can bruise or tear tendon or muscles

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Common Causes Cont.

• Lifting or pulling – can strain or tear tendons or muscles

• Repetitive stress – repetitive overhead movement can result in inflammation and tearing in tendons or muscles

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Risk Factors

• Age - most common in people > 40

• Athletes - pitchers, tennis players

• Construction trades – painters, carpenters

• Weak shoulder muscles

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Surface AnatomyEssential Clinical Anatomy p. 428

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acromial part of deltoid

spinal part of deltoid

triangle ofauscultation

middle part of trapezius

ascending partof trapezius

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clavicular head ofpectoralis major

clavipectoraltriangle clavicle

descending partof trapezius

clavicular part of deltoid

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posterior axillary



sternocostal headpectoralis major



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Accessory Nerve XI, Cervical & Brachial Plexus







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✪ Brachial PlexusC5-T1

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Brachial Plexus

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Deep Scapular artery????

circumflex scapular a.✓

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Anterior DeltoidOrigin: Lateral third of clavicle

Insertion: Deltoid tuberosity

Action: Shoulder flexion, Medial Rotation, Horizontal ADDuction

Innervation: Axillary Nerve

Vascular supply: Posterior Circumflex artery

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Middle DeltoidOrigin: Acromion process

Insertion: Deltoid Tuberosity

Action: Shoulder ABDuction

Innervation: Axillary nerve

Vascular supply: Posterior circumflex artery

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Posterior Deltoid

Origin: Spine of Scapula

Insertion: Deltoid Tuberosity

Action: Shoulder extension, hyperextension, lateral rotation and horizontal ABDuction

Innervation: Axillary Nerve

Vascular Supply: Posterior Circumflex artery

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Pectoralis Major(clavicular and sternal portions)

Origin: Medial third of clavicle, sternum, costal cartilages of the first six ribs

Insertion: Lateral lip of bicipital groove of humerus

Action: Shoulder ADDuction, medial rotation and horizontal ADDuction

Innervation: Lateral and medial pectoral nerve

Vascular Supply: Lateral thoracic artery

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1.)Teres Minor Origin: Axillary border of scapula Insertion: Greater tubercle of Humerus

Action: Shoulder Lateral rotation horizontal and horizontal ABDuction

Innervation: Axillary nerve

Vascular supply: Circumflex scapular artery

2.) Teres Major Origin: Axillary border of scapula (near the inferior angle) Insertion: Crest below lesser tubercle next to the latissimus dorsi muscle attachment Action: Shoulder extension, ADDuction and medial rotation

Innervation: Subscapular nerve

Vascular supply: Circumflex scapular artery



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Latissimus Dorsi

Origin: Lower three ribs, Spinous processes of T7 through L5( via dorsolumbar fascia), posterior surface of sacrum and iliac crest.

Insertion: Medial lip of bicipital groove of humerus

Action: Shoulder extension, ADDuction, medial rotation and hyperextension

Innervation: Thorocodorsal nerve

Vascular supply: DEEP scapular nerve

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1.) Subscapularis

Origin: Subscapular fossa of the scapula

Insertion: Lesser tubercle of the humerus

Action: Shoulder medial rotation

Innervation: Subscapular nerve

Vascular supply: Subscapular artery

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Origin: Supraspinous fossa of the scapula

Action: Shoulder ABDuction

3.)Infraspinatus Origin: Infraspinous fossa of scapula

Action: Shoulder Lateral rotation horizontal and ABDduction

The Supraspinatus and Infraspinaus have the same:

Insertion : Greater tubercle of the Humerus

Innervation : Suprascapular nerve

Vascular Subscapular artery

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TrapeziusUpper Trapezius

Origin: Occipital bone, nuchal ligament

Insertion: Outer third of clavicle, acromion process

Action: Scapular elevation and upward rotation

Middle Trapezius

Origin: Spinous process of C7 through T3

Insertion: Scapular Spine

Action: Scapular depression

Lower Trapezius

Origin: Spinous processes of middle and lower thoracic vertebrae

Insertion: Base of scapular spine

Action: Scapular depression and upward rotation

Innervation of all Three: Spinal accessory (cranial nerve XI)

Vascular supply of all Three: Transverse cervical artery




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Levator ScapulaeOrigin: Transverse process of first four cervical vertbrae

Insertion: Vertebral border of scapula between the superior angle and spine

Action: Scapular elevation and downward rotation

Innervation: Third and fourth cervical nerve

Vascular supply: Dorsal scapular artery

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Pectoralis minor

Origin: Anterior Surface, third through fifth ribs

Insertion: Coracoid process of the scapula

Action: With ribs fixed: draws the scapula forward(ABDucts) and rotates scapula downward against the thoracic wallWith scapula fixed: elevated the rib cage

Innervation: Medial pectoral nerve

Vascular supply: Axillary artery

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Serratus Anterior

Origin: Lateral surface of the upper eight ribs

Insertion: The anterior surface of vertebral border of the scapula

Action: Scapular protraction and upward rotation

Innervation: Long thoracic nerve

Vascular supply: Lateral thoracic artery

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1.) Rhomboideus minor

Origin: Spinous processes of C7 through T1

Insertion: Vertebral border of scapula at the spine process2.) Rhomboideus MAJOR:

Origin: Spinous processes of T2 through T5

Insertion: Vertebral border of scapula between the spine and inferior angle

The Rhomboideus major and the Rhomboideus major have the same:

Action: Scapular retraction and downward rotation

Innervation: Dorsal scapular nerve

Vascular supply: Dorsal scapular artery

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Origin: Coracoid process

Insertion: Medial aspect of humerus

Action: Weakly ADDucts shoulder joint

Innervation: Musculocutaneous nerves, C6 and C7

Vascular Supply: Brachial Artery

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Study Reference

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Study Reference

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