Glad Tidings - States Glad...

Gulf States Glad Tidings 1 Gulf States Glad Tidings Winter Edition 2015 Lutheran Women’s Missionary League - Gulf States District Volume LX, Issue 4 I NSIDE T HIS I SSUE 1 Call to Convention in Gulfport, Mississippi 2 District President Judy Lessmann’s Message 3 Senior Counselor Rev. John Jankens’ Message 4 District Officer’s Reports 8 10 11 12 Zone News Officer Candidates Convention Update Convention Registration Form Dear Lord, Your gifts are greater than I can imagine. May I live each day with thanksgiving in my heart and praise on my lips. Thank You for the gift of Your Son and for the promise of eternal life. Let me share the joyous news of Jesus Christ, and let my life be a testimony to His love and His grace. Amen Call to Convention The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, Gulf States District, will meet in convention on April 29 to May 1, 2016, at the Courtyard® by Marriott Gulfport Beachfront in Gulfport, Mississippi. Direct my footsteps according to your Word. Psalm119:133 Next Gulf States Glad Tidings Deadline: February 1, 2015 E-mail Lana Pratt: [email protected] 780 Gross Road Guntersville, AL 35976

Transcript of Glad Tidings - States Glad...

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Gulf States Glad Tidings 1

Gulf States

Glad Tidings Winter Edition 2015 Lutheran Women’s Missionary League - Gulf States District Volume LX, Issue 4


1 Call to Convention in Gulfport, Mississippi

2 District President Judy Lessmann’s Message

3 Senior Counselor Rev. John Jankens’ Message

4 District Officer’s Reports





Zone News

Officer Candidates

Convention Update

Convention Registration Form

Dear Lord,

Your gifts are greater than I can imagine.

May I live each day with thanksgiving in

my heart and praise on my lips. Thank You

for the gift of Your Son and for the promise

of eternal life. Let me share the joyous

news of Jesus Christ, and let my life be a

testimony to His love and His grace.


Call to Convention

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, Gulf States District,

will meet in convention on April 29 to May 1, 2016,

at the Courtyard® by Marriott Gulfport Beachfront in Gulfport, Mississippi.

Direct my footsteps according to your Word. Psalm119:133

Next Gulf States Glad Tidings Deadline:

February 1, 2015

E-mail Lana Pratt: [email protected]

780 Gross Road

Guntersville, AL 35976

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As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday later this month, please do not let the time go by without sincere thanks to our heavenly Father who

“daily and richly supplies us with all that we need to support this body and life.” Indeed, He lavishes us with His sweet grace every moment of every day. Thanksgiving can easily be overtaken by family get-togethers, delicious meals, mini-vacations and football games. It will take effort to override those things in order to turn the celebration into one of real Thanksgiving. But if we live with an attitude of gratitude, Thanksgiving Day will be the highlight of our year. “Give thanks to the Lord Almighty, for the Lord is good; his love endures forever.” Jeremiah 33:11 (NIV) Three zones have new presidents: Mollie Anderson is now president of Azalea Zone, Ethel Smith in Magnolia Zone, and Susie Smith of Women of Vision Zone. We welcome these three ladies to the Board of Directors and pray the Lord will bless their time of service to Him through the Gulf States District. We also thank Betty Crawford, Ginny Hermetz, and Bettie Woods for their faithful service as presidents of these three zones, respectively. It has been a joy to work with them and pray God’s continued guidance on their lives. The zone rallies have all been held and I hope you were able to attend the one in your zone. I had the privilege to attend three zone rallies this fall and each one was well-planned and implemented. Participating in the zone rally is so important for our mutual encouragement and spiritual growth. The zone rallies give us a chance to meet with other Lutheran ladies, visit other churches, and get a

broader view of the vision of the LWML. We can sometimes get to feeling isolated as we serve God in our societies since the closest LWML group may be many miles away. To alleviate that sensation, it is imperative that we meet together a couple times a year. The next great “get-together” will be our district convention in Gulfport, Mississippi, at the Courtyard® by Marriott. While all the details are still being worked out, we are looking forward to an exciting and uplifting time in Gulfport. We met with the staff of the Marriott at the convention hotel and found the facilities to be absolutely beautiful. You will enjoy delicious food, lovely rooms, and a marvelous

view of the Gulf and its sandy beach. All this, plus inspiring speakers, Bible study leaders, music, and fun. And we will of course have business to conduct and officers to elect. Do not miss this great experience! In fact why not come a day early and stay an extra day to enjoy all the Gulf coast has to offer. Jackie Morris has been hard at work developing our new website. We have contracted with CPH to use

their Church360° Unite program. This is powerful website builder used by LWML and many churches. I am sure you will find that it fits our needs and portrays our district well. We will let you know when it is up and running. “Give thanks to the Lord Almighty, for the Lord is good; his love endures forever.” Jeremiah 33:11 (NIV)

Judy Lessmann Gulf States District Presiden

President’s Message—Judy Lessmann

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Rev. John Jankens – Senior Counselor

Thankful Then, Now, and Forever

Deuteronomy 8:10 When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the

LORD your God for the good land He has given you.

A thankful spirit reminds us of the blessings of

the past. When we remember how the Lord has satisfied all our needs it keeps alive in us the memory of His great goodness. If God had not supplied all your needs for all your life you wouldn’t be here today to give Him the thanks He deserves. There’s an old saying about counting your blessings. If we really sat down and thought about God’s loving care for us we would be overwhelmed by it all. The Bible says, “Many, 0 LORD my God, are the wonders You have done. The things You planned for us no one can recount to You; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare.”

Yet the greatest thing God has done for us in the past is to send His Son Jesus to be our Savior. You see, God has promised to supply all our needs. He knows we need food, clothing, and shelter to live. He knows what we need because not only did He create us He became one of us in Jesus. Jesus knows what it is to be tired, cold, hungry, without a home, and to suffer great pain. He was born in a stable, slept in a manger, and died on a cross. He’s known the worst of human existence so He knows what you need and He will supply it all. But that which He knows you need the most is forgiveness. So He came and gave us that as well, on the cross where all our sins were paid for.

A thankful spirit also enables us to use the blessings we have now in a God-pleasing way. It is always a danger that we either take God’s blessing for granted or start to think that they are our own doing alone. There is a balance that God wishes us to keep. Scripture tells us, “it is good and proper for a man to eat and drink, and to find satisfaction in his toilsome labor under the sun moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work-- this is a gift of God.” God wishes for us to be productive and to find satisfaction in the work

we do. He has given you and the LWML great and joyful work to do in His Name. In Eden Adam worked in the garden even before the fall. But we need to also remember that the fruits of our labors are still the gift of God. “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights.”

Finally, a thankful spirit helps us to pray rightly for blessings in the future. Perhaps this is most clearly given to us in Scripture where it says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Sometimes, when people

ask me how to pray I suggest to them an acronym to follow: A.C.T.S. Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. If we begin our prayer with adoration of God we will begin with a proper respect for and confidence in God to supply all that we pray for. Following that with

confession puts us in mind of our need to be made right with God through His Son Jesus Christ and it removes the wall of sin we have built that separates us from God. Next comes thanksgiving. In giving thanks for what God has already given us we can begin to see more clearly what His will is for our lives. Then we conclude with supplication - asking for what we need. Thanksgiving strengthens faith, gives us encouragement in the love of God we have already experienced, enables us to pray with proper submission to God’s will for our lives, and then prepares us for the reception of the blessings that we seek.

This Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas season, let’s embrace the Giver and not the gifts. Be satisfied most of all with the gift of salvation in Jesus Christ alone. With all we have been given as individuals, as congregations, as Lutheran Women in Mission, we can’t help but be satisfied. And then let’s remember to say thank you as well! “Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever.

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Diane Plotz -- 2nd

Vice President

The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be my God, the Rock, my Savior. 2 Samuel 22:47 (NIV) I have been receiving Grant proposals for the 2016-2018 biennium in the mail. The

deadline is October 31st, so I am sure I will be getting a few more soon. The Grant

amounts are shown in the chart below, as they have been paid. David Gieseling was

our only recipient for a scholarship for the school year 2015-2016. He was a previous

recipient, but since he was the only applicant, he was granted the scholarship again

this year.

1. Gulf States District Scholarship Fund $6,000 Scholarship Fund to be distributed in the amount of $6,000 per biennium to students in the amount of $1,000 each. Recipients are selected yearly.

2014-2015 $3,000 PAID 2015-2016 $ 500 PAID

2. International lChurch Workers Scholarships, $5,000 PAID Concordia College, Selma, Alabama

3. Curriculum for Trinity Lutheran School, Mobile, Alabama $2,955.91 PAID 4. Support Trinity, HOPE, in Haiti $5,000 PAID

5. Lutheran Books for Families in Ethiopia $3,000 PAID 6. Lutheran Braille Workers’ Lutheran Library for the Blind $5,000 PAID 7. Computer/Playground Equipment, $1,544.09

Good Shepherd Lutheran School, Elberta, Alabama

Respectfully Submitted

Diane Plotz

Thanksgiving Beatitudes

Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to? Be thankful when you don’t know something, for it gives you the opportunity to learn. Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times you grow. Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement. Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character. Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons. Be thankful when you’re tired and weary, because it means you’ve made a difference. —Author unknown

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Flo Hofman – Treasurer

Mites and Missions Update

In addition to the regular mites, a special offering was received for national grants at the Board of Directors meeting in the amount of $293. A memorial was also received in the amount of $25 which was designated for district mites. In this biennium, we have collected $45,369.28. This is 80% of our mite goal of $57,000. Money donated through January 31, 2016, will be counted toward this biennium.

Do you like to shop on the internet with Amazon? A great way to donate money to LWML is to use AmazonSmile.

LWML is listed among many other charities to receive 0.5% of your “eligible” purchases. Follow these easy instructions to also support our mites:

1. Go to to log in to your Amazon account. 2. Select your charity by clicking on “Your Account” in the upper right corner of the site

page. (LWML is listed with the St. Louis, Missouri, address. There are many Lutheran groups listed.)

3. Click the yellow “Select” button and begin shopping!

Once you have set this up, every time you log in to, 0.5% of your “eligible” purchases will be donated to LWML. Once each quarter the accumulated donations are transferred to the LWML’s bank account.

Respectfully submitted, Flo Hofman, Treasurer

$0 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000





District Operations

National Grants

District Grants

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Norma Palmer – Special

Focus Ministries

Has 2015 been a year of seeing our Lord working through you and your local LWML group? The Des Moines Convention moved us to “Sow, Nourish, Reap” as we share Jesus with others. Our out-going President, Kay Kreklau, asked the LWML to “…focus on missions and not

meetings”. Our Gulf States District mission focus has the goal of sharing Jesus and His love and forgiveness. Each Blessing Bag gives us a way to say, “God loves you!” My Blessing Bag was a real treasure one day as a friend riding in my car noticed The Bag on the floor and asked about it. Perfect! Thanks to the Lord who used my unused bag to start a conversation about this ministry to the needy. A Christian Book Club that is open to your LWML women and friends, gives another opportunity to talk about Jesus working in our daily lives. MOST Ministry collection of used eyeglasses carries Jesus love to strangers who need vision help and receive the loving care of MOST volunteers. Pillowcase dresses lovingly made and given to little girls is another service of Jesus’ love. Encourage all your LWML friends to join us in Gulfport, Mississippi on April 29, 30, and May 1, 2016. The GIFTS FROM THE HEART will be blessings for Harrison County Youth Court Child Emergency Shelter. Ps. 119:133 NIV, is our focus verse, “Direct my footsteps according to your word…” That is us—stepping forward with our personal and LWML mission to share Jesus as He gives opportunities. God bless you as you serve Him with gladness!

Norma Palmer

Recycle to Raise Funds toward the 2019 National

Convention in Birmingham, AL

WE CONTINUE TO TURN TRASH INTO CASH! A project of your LWML Gulf States District to raise funds for the 2019 National Convention in Birmingham, Alabama. We will also be doing something good for the environment!

All you have to do is donate the following items: Empty inkjet printer cartridges (no Epson cartridges); Empty laser printer cartridges; Empty toner bottles; Used cell phones; Laptops (include power cords); Digital cameras (include power cords); E-Readers (include power cords); Tablets (include power cords); GPS systems; and Scientific calculators (include power cords). (No items are accepted from Office Depot, Staples, or Office Max—their items are reconditioned.) These items must be packed in 30 to 40 pound boxes. Please do not leave them in the original boxes, but wrap them individually in plastic. We’ll collect these items and turn them into a company--for cash--that will safely recycle them. It’s easy and it’s the right thing to do. Each Zone must have a Zone Facilitator and they will be collecting the items for shipment. Gulf States LWML will thank you…and so will the environment.

Ellyn Collett, District Facilitator

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Jackie Morris – Organizational Resources

The LWML web site has a new look – again. But then for a website to be interesting and current it is constantly in a state of change. And that’s for the good. Have you been exploring the website or gone to it because you needed a bible study?

Please forgive me for sounding like a broken record, but go to the website because you can find just about anything you want, and most of it is downloadable! On the home page to the right is a box titled “What’s New in LWML”. If you scroll down it has

the latest information on the happenings at the national level, mite goal update, the present month’s program resources, latest e-News and other info tidbits. Of course, you can also click on the tabs at the top of the page and find the same thing. Do you need bible studies or devotions? Go to the bottom of the page and click on BIBLE STUDIES or use the tab THE WORD at the top. They have all been reviewed by our pastoral counselors, so they are in keeping with God’s Word. There’s even the ‘Mustard Seed’ devotions on the website. If you haven’t looked at these, take a few moments to check them out. When you shop for LWML items they will be sent from CPH. We are in partnership with CPH where our national office is located and they handle all the store and shipping of our LWML goodies. Under the SERVICE tab click GROUP RESOURCES in the drop down menu. There you will find bylaws and meeting helps, leader development resources, program helps, Quarterly Bible Study archives, League pledge and songs, and archivist-historian resources. Zone Presidents—you can help your societies by sharing or directing them to this information. Have you looked at the WMU power points A couple of years ago Ginny Hermetz, Judy Lessmann, and I presented the second power point, “What to do, what to do”. There are two others, 103 The Heart of LWML and 104 Your LWML Designed. They are an ideal way to introduce LWML to LCMS women in your congregation, zone, or district who are not yet participating in the mission of the LWML. It’s also useful as a refresher for women who are already involved. Need a specific resource and can’t find one? I’m only a phone call or click away. I’m here to serve you. Jackie Morris -- Phone: 251-401-2050 -- Email—[email protected]

Angels Among Us

“When God wants to speak and deal with us,” said Martin Luther, “he does not avail himself of an angel but of parents, or the pastor, or of our neighbor.” Never underestimate how powerfully God can use you in the life of a child, a church member, a friend or a stranger. The Hebrew word for angel also means “messenger.” You may be specially chosen to deliver to someone the message of God’s love or guidance. Listen intently for what God would have you share with others, then do so faithfully and caringly.

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Azalea Zone

The ladies of Shepherd of Bay Lutheran Church celebrated

Lutheran Women's Mission League Sunday with a special

cake for fellowship after the Divine Service on Sunday,

October 18. At the Service, the ladies participated as

greeters, ushers, candle lighters and Fellowship hour

servers. The ladies mission is to assist each woman of the

Lutheran Church -

Missouri Synod in

affirming her relationship

with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the

people of the world. We have a three-fold purpose: nurture faith in Christ,

make our mission meaningful, and share encouragement. We aim to help

every woman find personal opportunities to discovery her unique gifts, aid in

making a difference in the lives of hurting and helpless people at home and in

the world, and offer to help women strive as they grow in faith and

relationships as sisters in Christ. Submitted by Marie Anderson

Central Alabama Zone

The Fall Rally was held in Selma, AL, on Oct. 17, at Trinity Lutheran Church. All societies are busy w holding

an October Fest and celebrating LWML Sundays. Trinity Lutheran, Selma, has partnered with the local food

pantry so surrounding societies are helping gather items for this project. Submitted by Lucinda Mosley, Zone President

Emerald Coast Zone

Using the theme “Strength, Song & Salvation”, 37 of the ladies of the

Emerald Coast Zone joined together for the Fall Rally at Redeemer

Lutheran Church, Pensacola, on Oct 24. Rev. Ferry Nye, the new pastor

at Jehovah, Pensacola, and new counselor for

the zone led the Bible study. Bea Daily

presented a PowerPoint presentation on the Des Moines convention, followed by

Jackie Morris, Esther Swords and Jen Wendt expressing their feelings on attending the

convention. Esther and Jen were first time attendees to a national convention.

Emerald Coast Zone has a roving banner that is presented to the society having the

largest number of members in attendance. It was presented to Redeemer with twelve

ladies present. They will keep it until the next event.

Photo on Left: Counselor Ferry Nye. Photo above: Carolyn Johnson, president of local society

and Jen Wendt, Zone President.

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MAGNOLIA ZONE The LWML ladies held their Fall Rally at Christ Lutheran on Oct. 26. Ginny Hermetz

welcomed Judy Lessmann, District president, and Norma Palmer, Special Focus chairman.

Judy led the Bible study and Norma installed the new officers.

LWML Sunday was celebrated on Oct. 4, with the ladies participating in the service by

ushering, reading the lesson, and being greeters. After the worship service, the ladies and their

families at Good Shepherd enjoyed lunch at a local restaurant.

New Confirmands were recognized, receiving gifts and special made banners.

The LWML at St. Matthew’s is hosting a “Coffee and Chocolate Tasting” after church on Dec. 6. They

will be using organic and Fair Trade products, who are partners with Lutheran World Relief. This is a fund

raiser partnered with Thrivent Financial to aid “Gaits to Success, Inc.”

Three ladies of St. Matthews were elected as officers of the Magnolia Zone. They are Ethel Smith, Debbie

Gable, and Sarah Dukeman.

Rummage Sales were held by the ladies of both Good Shepherd and St. Matthew’s with funds being used

for Missions. Also at Good Shepherd a pre-Thanksgiving Dinner is being hosted by LWML followed by a

Dessert Auction to benefit their youth for expenses at the next Youth Gathering.

Remember the ladies of the Magnolia Zone are all very busy in preparation for the upcoming District

Convention being held in Gulfport, MS. Karla Maxfield of St. Paul’s is designing a Zone Banner and ladies of

the Church of the Pines are designing the table decorations and favors.

Mountain Lakes Zone

The Mountain Lakes Fall Rally was held on Oct. 10, at Our Redeemer in Florence,

AL, with thirty-four ladies and Pastor Biernacki in attendance. This zone is scattered all

across North Alabama and the societies are all busy with organized activity: quilts are

made for Lutheran World Relief and local nursing homes, items are collected for school kits in the community,

cards are sent to the sick and mourning, mites are collected at the congregational level, local food banks are

supported, diapers are gathered to support a pro-life center in Hanceville, AL, clothing is distributed to needy

families through a “Blessing Basket”, eye glasses are collected and sent to MOST, and monetary funds are

given to pro-life advocacy centers and seminary and college students. One of our churches runs a Child

Development Center. Many of their ladies volunteer at the center and every year coordinate a dinner to feed the

families and friends who use their center. This past year they fed 160 people at one dinner. Many societies are

actively trying to recruit younger women. One of the larger congregations have a group of young ladies from


through 12th

grade, that meets bi-monthly or quarterly depending upon time restraints. They complete

projects to give to someone they know or someone they have just met.

Submitted by Judy Jankens, Zone President

Women of Vision

The ladies of Women of Vision celebrated LWML Sunday and have given much

needed support to local homeless Veterans. The Mission Project at Unity

Lutheran Church in Birmingham, AL, is “3 Hots and A Cot”, a shelter for homeless Veterans. Quilts were

sewn and sent to World Relief and food boxes prepared for local Senior Citizens. Ladies volunteer quarterly to

serve lunch to 150 residents of Jimmy Hale Mission and sponsor Thanksgiving Meals for the community.

Submitted by Suzie Smith, Zone President

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Officer Candidates



Beth Hornish Betty Alms

Decatur, AL Elberta, AL

Jean Caldwell

Tuscaloosa, AL

Jackie Morris

Pensacola, FL

Kathleen Hartley

Decatur, AL


Flo Hofman Maggie Johnson

Shalimar, FL Montgomery, AL

Vickey Southern

Elberta, AL Carolyn Kassulke

Navarre, FL



Dee Livingston Rev. R. Daniel Carlson

Decatur, AL Birmingham, AL

Diane Plotz Rev. Paul Leigeber

Decatur, AL Birmingham, AL

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Direct my footsteps according to your Word. Psalm119:133

Gulfport, MS, Convention Update

The LWML Ladies of the Magnolia Zone will be

hosting the 36th

Biennial LWML Gulf States District

Convention on April 29, 30 & May 1, 2016 at the

Courtyard by Marriott, Gulfport, Mississippi.

The theme is—Direct my footsteps according to

your Word. Psalm 119:133

Ginny Hermetz, (right) of Gulfport,MS, is serving as

Convention Chairman, with Canaan Herkamp as Registrar,

and Ellen Garnett as Treasurer.

The Keynote Mission Speaker is Rev. Rudy

Schaser (left), who spent many years as a

pastor in the Southern District and is now the

director of “With God’s Little Ones.”

Jan Struck (right), Humorous Interrupter, with

“Struck with Laughter” will be a part of the program, and also

the entertainment for the Saturday evening banquet.

The Gifts from the Heart ingathering will be items collected

for the Harrison County Youth Court Child Emergency


Bea Daily, PR Chairman, Gulf States District.

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LWML Gulf States District

April 29-30 & May 1, 2016

Courtyard® by Marriott Hotel and Conference Center

Gulfport, MS


Please type or print clearly - Make a copy of this form for your records

Check One Category

Badge Name: ______________________________________________ ________ General Registration

Address: __________________________________________________ ________ Delegate

City/State/Zip:_____________________________________________ ________ Young Woman Rep

Phone: _______________ e-mail: _____________________________ ________ District Board Member

Church/City: _______________________________________________ ________ Clergy

Zone: _____________________________________________________ ________ Past District President

________ Host Committee Worker

________ Guest (spouse, non-member)

CONVENTION FEES AMOUNT Friday registration 12:00 pm - Saturday registration 7:30 am

Registration (postmarked by March 15, 2016) $100.00 $

Late Registration (after March 15, 2016) $125.00 $

(Each of above includes registration,

Saturday lunch & Saturday banquet)

Clergy (registration waived) lunch & banquet $35.00

Banquet tickets for guests

$35.00 $

Total Amount Enclosed $

Mail registration and check to: Canaan Herkamp, Convention Registar

13700 Virginia Street

Make checks payable to : Gulf States Convention Treasurer Vancleave, MS. 39565

any questions? Call Canaan at: 228-217-8147 e-mail:[email protected]

No refunds after April 15, 2016--$10 processing fee will be retained for all cancellations

Choice for banquet will be Grilled Salmon, Pork Tenderloin or Vegetarian ( please circle one)

SATURDAY LUNCH ………. Will you participate in the choir? ______Yes

Soup, salad & beverage is included ______ Alto ______Soprano ______Tenor

and will be served buffet style in the hotel

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Do you have any special needs? (Disabilities, Food Allergies, Wheelchair, etc.)


INTEREST SESSIONS will be offered on Friday, April 29th. Sessions begin at 3:00 and 4:00 and last 55 minutes each. Please indicate your choice of 3:00-#1 and/or 4:00--#2

LWML Representative Servant event--St. Matthew Quilters




Reservations must be made directly with the hotel--800-442-0887

Reserve your room using CODE: GSDR (G S D R)--Rate is good two days before and two days after.

Courtyard® by Marriott Hotel and Conference Center

1600 East Beach Blvd. Gulfport, MS. 39501--228-864-4310

Room reservation deadline is April 10, 2016

Link for tourist information:

B.Y.O.C.B. (Bring your own convention bag)

To be better stewards of our finances, everyone attending the LWML Gulf States Convention in April will be asked to bring their "own bag" to carry their convention materials and personal items.