Glad Tidings 2015 - Amazon S3

Glad Tidings First Presbyterian Church of Haddonfield, New Jersey • May 2015

Transcript of Glad Tidings 2015 - Amazon S3

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Glad Tidings

First Presbyterian Church of Haddonfield, New Jersey • May 2015

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Dear Family of Faith Members, I shared the following prose with the church staff at a recent Tuesday morning meeting. It was written by Kathleen Hughes and included in “Disciples at the Crossroads: Where Do We Go Now?” As the Session continues to discern how our mission statement, “Hearts Open to Christ - Doors Opening to His World,” will guide our ministries and missions, Hughes’ words are instructive. May you find them so!

In Christ’s peace, Bill

Rev. Bill GetmanSenior Pastor

May we take nothing less for granted than the life we seek to build up in common. May we suffer the pain of a fully generous love. May we remain steadfast in the shadow of the cross, And rise to meet the passion of this world Relying always on the untiring good Spirit of our God.

Pastor’s Notes Glad Tidings

Betsy Westermaier Editor

[email protected]

Joe Routon Online Editor


— Church Staff —

Rev. Bill Getman Senior Pastor

Rev. Rachel Rhodes Associate Pastor

Peter Leibensperger Music Director

Laura Colee Christian Education

Barbara Sewall Preschool Director

Joe Routon Pastoral Assistant

Ed Hess Director of Social Work

Ted Barr Organist

David Rhody Chapel Organist

Nancy Ruth Wainwright Children’s Choirs

Rebecca Wilhjelm Lentine Youth Choir Accompanist

Elizabeth Olson Cherub and Carol Choirs


Robert Joubert Conducting Assistant

Bud Miller Director of Grace Notes

Beth Thomas Financial Secretary

Linda Wilhjelm Secretary

Betsy Baumhauer Secretary/Receptionist

Mike Richardson Custodian

First Presbyterian Church 20 Kings Highway East Haddonfield, NJ 08033 856-429-1960

Rachel Achtemeier Rhodes and her father, Rev. Dr. Mark Achtemeier Photo by Joseph Routon

Many thanks to Dr. Mark Achtemeier for his thoughtful presentation on the recent changes to the constitution of the PCUSA.

Holiness is doing God’s will with a smile.

—Mother Teresa

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Laura Colee Director of Christian


Christian Education News

VBS Volunteers Needed!! Vacation Bible School will be July 13-17 from 8:30-noon each day here at First Presbyterian Church. We would love to have you and your family volunteer as station leaders, shepherds, decorators and snack providers during the week. Shepherds should be going into 6th grade. If you are interested in helping us make VBS fantastic this year, please contact me at [email protected]!

UPCOMING SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHEDULE — Sunday, May 3rd — Sunday School Teachers’ Breakfast (8:45am) — Sunday, May 10th — Last Sunday School Class — Sunday, May 17th — Closing Worship

On Sunday, May 17th 2015, the children of the Sunday School will celebrate the end of this 2014-2015 Sunday School year by leading in the 9:30am worship. Each class will lead us in one or two of the worship elements by reading, reciting, singing and praying during the service. By giving children an opportunity to lead in worship, we are contributing to their experience of God, reminding them that they are a vital part of our church community and inviting them to go serve God outside of the church walls. Come be a part of this student-led service with us! After worship students will be dismissed for a special treat outside near the playground.

This church is blessed with many faithful, thoughtful and talented people who give of their time and many talents to the educational ministry of our faith family. We are grateful for their dedication and constant service. Many thanks to: Baptism Class - Joyce Stout Cradle Roll – Barbara Field Nursery – Dotti Peatman, Tori Joubert 3 & 4 Year Olds – Sarah Brees, Elyse Yerapathruni Pre-Kindergarten – Tina Edmonston, Briana Gess Kindergarten – Chuck, Jayne and Jayne Grabowski Grade 1 – Gabrielle Heimerling, Wendy Preihs, Megan Zeigler, Aaron Boucher Grade 2 – Allysa Gatti, Margaret Warner, Jessica Hourani, Ellen Berry Grade 3 – Laura Poliero, Kelly Shirley, Kim Kipers, Grace Elgart Grade 3 Communion – Anne Walters, Maria Watson Grade 4 – Kris Bean, Rebecca Brubaker Grades 5 & 6 – Denise and Steve Tucker Grades 7 & 8 – Michele Taffet, Jeff VanderKuip, Bryn McCullogh Grade 9 Confirmation – Lee Federline, Lindsay Harris, Holly Robins, Laura Colee Adult Faith Formation – Dan Colombi, Deb Nussbaum, David Stedman, Alan and Ginny Ritchie, Judy Grantham, Kelly Shirley, Dick Ringenwald, Laura Poliero, Becky Bryan, Nancy Ruth Wainwright and C.L. Seow Sunday School Superintendent – Olivia Plunkett Support – Betsy Baumhauer and Mike Richardson In addition, thank you to the many wonderful people who substituted for leaders throughout the year. We are grateful for your service!

We’d love to have you bring your thoughtfulness, your passions and your creativity to the Sunday School program next school year. We have some great things planned for next year including new Sunday School curriculum and monthly creative children’s worship! If you wish to be a part of the educational team please contact me at [email protected].

Summer Adult Education Mark your calendars for the Summer Porch Series at Deb Nussbaum’s house! Once a month during the summer, we will be gathering to watch and discuss a video from the Animate Faith series. We’d love to have you join us on Thursday, June 25th; Thursday, July 30; and Thursday, August 20, at 7:30pm.

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Peter Leibensperger Music Director


May is upon us, and our musical season is coming to a close! Please check the schedule to see when your ensemble will participate in worship for the final time. And don’t miss our children’s cantata, David and the Giants, on May 3rd at 4:00pm!

Worship Participation Schedule

Thomas Sherrerd 5/3/15 11:00am Choir

Carol Choir 5/3/15 4:00pm

Cherub Choir 5/3/15 4:00pm

Chapel Choir 5/3/15 4:00pm

Moore Bells 5/17/15 11:00am

Children’s Cantata On Sunday, May 3rd at 4:00pm in the Sanctuary, the Cherub, Carol, and Chapel choirs will perform this year’s children’s cantata, David and the Giants. If your child is participating, please arrive at the church no later than 3:30pm. Choir members should wear jeans and sneakers. Special T-shirts will be distributed to them upon their arrival.

Adult Choir Dinner The annual choir dinner is scheduled for Thursday, May 21st from 6:00pm–7:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. All Chancel Choir and Moore Bell members will be invited, but please indicate your intent to attend on the sign up sheet during rehearsal to help us get a handle on numbers. (Chancel Choir rehearsal will follow the dinner.) Keep your ear to the ground for further details!

Strawberry Festival The Presbyterian Women will host this year’s Strawberry Festival on Friday evening, June 5, in the Fellowship Hall. The Chancel Choir and other musical ensembles will provide intermittent entertainment during the gathering. If you are interested in participating in the choir or another musical ensemble during this event, please contact me at 610-301-2776.

PRIMETIMERS Our luncheon will be on Wednesday, May 13, this

month. The menu is

pulled pork on a bun, barbecue beans,

coleslaw, and dessert. Please call the church office by

Friday, May 8th for reservations.

On the Bus with Betsy B.

Charleston and Savannah - September 13-18. We’ll tour a tea plantation, take a cruise in Charleston harbor, and see a Broadway style show in Savannah. Cost is $879 per person which includes 5 dinners and 5 breakfasts. Reservation deadline - July 15.

SPRING LUNCHEON OF PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN It’s not too late to make your reservations for the Spring Luncheon of PW. The luncheon, held on May 12 at 1:00, will take place at Casa Bella, at 51 Kings Highway East. The cost, $15, is payable in advance to the PW mailed to Marge Tatem, 510 Tarrington Road, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034, 856-429-8904. Menu selections to be made are: (1) Penne alla Vodka or (2) Chicken Piccata. Parking will be available to the rear of the church,

The luncheon speaker, Joanie Balderstone, is the founder, with Rebecca McIntire, of Distributing Dignity. The nonprofit organization provides new bras and feminine products to women in need who are living in homeless shelters. The two women had seen the necessity of providing these items when they were donating work in Camden almost five years ago.

On Palm Sunday, those attending the 9:30 service processed around the church, waving palm branches, and shouting, “Hosanna!”

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Join us for


What is Youth Sunday?

Youth Sunday is a Sunday like any other Sunday in the life of our church, except the youth are leading worship! At all three services (8:15am, 9:30am, and 11:00am) on May 3rd, Middle School and High School students will be leading worship. It is our way of saying thank you for all the ways that you support us throughout the year, and also an opportunity for you to see who we are and the ways that our faith has grown through the youth ministry program at First Presbyterian Church. We hope that you will join us to worship!

**If you would like to receive regular updates about Youth Group events, please send your name and e-mail address to me at

Rachel RhodesAssociate Pastor

Deacons’ Bench One of the greatest pleasures of the Board of Deacons is to financially assist students in their academic careers. This is done through scholarships to graduating high school seniors and through loans to any student currently pursuing a degree.

Each Spring the Deacons present three $500 scholarships to graduating high school seniors who are participating members of the church. Application forms for a scholarship are obtained in the church office and will soon be available on the church web site. Just click on the “Connect” link and follow to scholarship applications. This year applications are due by May 31. Scholarships will be awarded during worship.

In addition, the Deacons offer three interest free $1000 loans to any student who is a participating member of the church regardless of age or level in school. These loans are offered each year and may be requested at any time. Applications are available in the Office or on the web site under the “Connect” link. Loans must be paid back six months after discontinuing one’s education. An additional loan may be requested upon repayment of the first loan if the student is still in school. All scholarship and loan information remains strictly confidential within the Scholarships and Loans Committee.

Our congregation may contribute to the Scholarship and Loans Fund by dining at PJ Whelihan’s on Haddon Avenue on May 20, from 5-9 pm. A portion of the evening’s receipts will be donated to the fund. Invite friends and ask them to say they are there on behalf of First Presbyterian Church.

On the Routons’ recent trip to Dresden, Germany, they went to the Hofkirche, a famous church constructed in the 18th century and badly damaged by the bombing in World War II. In one of the side chapels is a contemporary altar, dedicated to all who died in WWII. The Pieta altarpiece, shown at left, was made in 1973 of porcelain. The tall, vertical stone represents Mary—her two eyes are at the top. Halfway down, Mary offers a crown of thorns made of Dresden rubble. Jesus, in her lap, is represented by the horizontal slab. On either side of the altar is engraved 30-1-33 and 12-2-45, which mark the period between Hitler’s rise to power and the night that Dresden was destroyed.

An Unusual Altar

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Mission Collection for May

We will be collecting gifts to give children of parents who come to St. Wilfrid's for health screening and healthcare. Each year, we have a Christmas party for the kids (or parents to choose gifts for their kids). Suggested items are below. There will be a large basket outside the church office for the items donated in April.

Plastic farm animals or dinosaurs Games that don't need batteries Dolls, clothing (no stuffed animals please due to dust allergies) Books for all ages: reading, coloring, activity. Arts and Craft Kits: crayons, scissors, glue sticks Card games Matchbox cars, Small cars, Dump truck (no batteries needed), Small Raceway Plastic food, small plastic kitchen dishes. Items for older children: hair accessories, jewelry, nail polish, hygiene items. Building Blocks for all ages: Legos Toddler and infant toys, books, receiving blankets

Books may be left in the closet in the hallway behind the parlor in the box labeled ST. WILFRID'S at any time throughout the year as each child who comes during the year may choose a book. Any questions, please call Jill Mascena (428-7342). Thanks for caring!

. In addition to volunteers from Grace Church and Christ the King, those from our FPC family include: Judy Blank, Kae Fretz, Annie Goettleman, Melinda Lamb, Bonnie Manskopf, Jill Mascena, Alice Moore, Mark Oswald, Allyson Semple, Jackie Tucker, and John Wackes. Pictured below are Dr. Mark Oswald, examining an infant, and Jill Mascena reading and imagining a book with a child.

Presbyterian Women

CHURCH WORLD SERVICE BLANKETS+ PROGRAM Mother’s Day is the time we’ve set aside to contribute to the Church World Service Blankets+ program. Blankets+ is a special mission of more than 8,000 congregations and groups across our country for providing funds to help people around the world, including here in the United States. CWS, which was established in 1946 after World War II, works in partnership with local governments to support sustainable self-help development, meet emergency needs, and aid refugees while addressing the root causes of poverty. In the wake of a disaster, CWS supplies blankets, tents and food. Tools and seeds are provided for refugees coming home to replant their fields; wells for families living in drought-prone areas are dug; literacy training and microcredit are given to women struggling to realize their potential. Here in our country, including in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, CWS has been responding to low-income families affected by floods and tornados. Our gifts are urgently needed. They give hope to people in great distress by providing emergency relief and long-term assistance, helping them create a far brighter future. Please join us on Mother’s Day, May 10, as we reach out to those less fortunate.

Parish Register — Baptized —

Charles James Henry, son of Elizabeth Bell Henry and Dustin Henry,

Grandson of Bonnie and Chuck Bell

Brexton Domark Illiano, son of Amy and Salvatore Illiano

— Joined the Church Triumphant — Virginia “Ginny” Parsons

February 26 Bruce Brotzman

March 28 Ellen Smedley

April 2

Registration for VBS is now


Forms available in the Office and online

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Barbara SewallPreschool Director

Preschool News

It's May!

“Flowers are the hieroglyphics of angels” — Lydia M. Child

Flower Sale – May 5 – 8, Come shop in the Courtyard, 9:15 – 3 pm for the best flowers for your yard or as gifts.

Stella & Dot Trunk Jewelry Sale – May 6, Wed. – Courtyard, Come shop in the Courtyard. 9:30 am – 2:30 pm while you smell the flowers.

Mothers’ Day Week, May 4 – 8, Each child shares with their Mom during this class time.

Class picnics for Nursery School, May 12 – 15

4 & 5’s Year End Celebration, May 14, AM/PM classes come at 6 pm, Sanctuary Last Class day for school year 2014 – 2015 – May 15 SummerSchool: May 26 - June 12, 9:30 – noon. Classes for those children going into 2 ½ Class; going into 3’s Class; going into 4’s Class; going into Pre-K Class; and going into Kindergarten in the school year of 2015 – 2016. Please come to the office for information, or call.

Celebrate Memorial Day with this thought: “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” —Mother Theresa

Justice and Advocacy Watch

According to EAD, “The U.S. makes up only five percent of the world’s population yet holds nearly a quarter of the world’s prisoners.” In conjunction with the Ecumenical Advocacy Days (EAD) conference on Mass Incarceration, the Presbyterian Church is calling for the following actions: 1. Ask your Representatives to vote in favor of an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2016 Appropriations bill eliminating the detention bed quota for immigrants, and 2. Urge your Senators and Representatives to support the Smarter Sentencing Act of 2015 (S. 502/H.R. 920) to limit long mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses and expand judicial discretion. For more information, go to To sign up for Office of Public Witness Action Alerts, go to

Quoting Jesus’s words “When I was in prison, you visited me,” Sandra Sorensen writes, “In the lives and faces of those who fall into the criminal justice system, we encounter Christ….We are challenged to seek out the image of God in this complex and challenging context. We cannot enter the conversation at arm’s-length. As followers of Jesus, we are called to be present in jail cells, courtrooms, booking rooms, prison yards and detention centers as ambassadors of healing, restoration and justice.” We are also called to bear witness to these lives and faces in the legislative chambers where the fates of detainees and prisoners are often determined.

The Women’s Prison Ministry needs jigsaw puzzles for the women at the jail. Please drop your donations off in the closet in the parlor hallway.

National Day of Prayer Breakfast Join us on Thursday, May 7, at 8:30 AM at the First Baptist Church for this year’s National Day of Prayer Breakfast. Tickets for $10 are available in our church office. Our own Gerry Rice will be the speaker for the morning.

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An Evening to Celebrate & Support Wellness at UrbanPromise

When: Where:Thursday, March 14, 2015 The Home of Stephen and Karen Dante6:30-9:30 p.m. 360 Station AvenueHors d’oeuvres, Wine, Haddonfield, NJ 08033 Craft Beer and Silent Auction Cost: Tickets and sponsorships: Tickets: $75 event

Please RSVP to Rebecca Bryan by May 7th at (856) 986-8594 or [email protected]

Join Bruce Main and Rebecca Bryan for an opportunity to hear about

the importance of holistic care for the youth and staff of UrbanPromise.

You’re invited to the 3rd Annual Be Well, Be Promise:

Hosted by Suburban Promise Co-Chairs Linda Giudice and Elizabeth Wallace

Your participation will support the work of the Wellness Center,

including enabling youth and staff to receive individual and group counseling,

improving nutrition through access to fresh produce from the UrbanPromise

garden and supporting our staff to provide the learning environment that our

youth require. We are empowering our youth with the coping skills they need to

overcome the daunting challenges they face: 60% have already lost a loved one

to illness or accident, 45% are growing up with a single parent involved, and 63%

have experienced racism.

Your support is crucial to the success of the Wellness Center’s ability to facilitate

the positive, healthy development of Camden’s children and teens. Please

consider becoming part of the promise for healthier, better-prepared youth of


A great time was had by all who attended the Urban Promise fundraiser led by Taylor Mason, who has been a comedian for Disney and who was the opening act at Caesar’s in Las Vegas for Billy Crystal. A talented musician, great ventriloquist, and all-around funny guy!

Also performing at the Urban Promise fundraiser were several Urban Promise interns who performed native songs.

Photos by Joe Routon

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Every year, one or more musicians from the Philadelphia Orchestra perform a Young People’s Concert in our church for area school children. This year’s performer was Phillip Kates, who has been a violinist in the Orchestra for 35 years. He played to a full church and then interacted with the children and answered questions. The concert, organized by Barbara Tourtelotte, was sponsored by the New Jersey Committee for the Philadelphia Orchestra.

Photos by Joe Routon

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Becky Bryan takes a selfie of the Moore Bells

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8:15 Worship, Ch 8:45 SS Teacher breakfast 9:30 Sunday School 9:30 Worship, S 11:00 Worship.S 4:00 Children’s Cantata 5:00 MS Youth 6:30 HS YOUTH

9:00 David, Ch 9:00 Aerobics, FH 9:00 Flower Sale (’til 3:00) 10:30 Bible Study, P 11:30 Creative Movement, FH 6:45 Thos. Sherrerd Choir 7:30 Kirk Ringers

9:00 David, Ch 9:00 Aerobics, FH 9:30 Mom 2 Mom, 2R 10:30 Bible Study, P 7:30 Kirk Ringers, HR

9:00 David, Ch 9:00 Aerobics, FH 10:30 Bible Study, P 12:00 Primetimers, HC


8:15 Worship, Ch 9:30 Sunday School 9:30 Worship, S 11:00 Worship.S


8:15 Worship, Ch 9:30 Sunday School closing worship 9:30 Worship, S 11:00 Worship.S 12:00 JAC Mtng., 2R

10:00 Worship, FH

10:00 Worship, FH


9:00 David, Ch 9:00 Aerobics, FH 9:30 Quilters 9:30 Preschool Practice, S 11:30 Creative Movement, FH 12:45 Preschool Practice, S 5:00 Count, HC 7:00 Dance, FH

9:00 David, Ch 9:00 Sogetsu, HC 9:00 Aerobics, FH 9:30 Quilters, 2R 9:30 Preschool Practice, S 12:45 Preschool Practice, S 5:00 Count, HC 7:00 Dance, FH

9:00 David, Ch 9:00 Aerobics, FH 9:30 Quilters, 2R 5:00 Count, HC 7:00 Session/Deacons 7:00 Dance, FH 7:00 Le Leche, HC



9:00 David, Ch 9:00 Flower Sale (’til 3:00) 9:00 Aerobics, FH 10:00 Senior Exercise, CR 11:30 PS Class 10:00 Jewelry (courtyard) 11:00 Tai Chi, CR 11:30 Creative Movement, FH

8:00 Men’s Breakfast 9:00 David, Ch 9:00 Aerobics, FH 10:00 Staff Meeting 10:00 Senior Exercise, CR 11:00 Tai Chi, CR 11:00 Glad Tidings Deadline 1:00 Luncheon, Casa Bella 7:30 Daily Life Bible Study

9:00 David, Ch 9:00 Aerobics, FH 9:30 Circle, P 10:00 Staff Meeting 10:00 Senior Exercise, CR 11:00 Tai Chi, CR


9:00 David, Ch 9:00 Aerobics, FH 9:00 Flower Sale (’til 3:00) 11:30 Creative Movement, FH 7:00 Christian Ed Mtng 7:30 Chancel Choir, CR

9:00 David, Ch 9:00 Aerobics, FH 6:30 Preschool Celebration,S 7:30 Chancel Choir, CR

9:00 David, Ch 9:00 Aerobics, FH 6:00 Choir Appreciation Dinner


9:00 David, Ch 9:00 Aerobics, FH 11:30 Creative Movement, FH

9:00 David, Ch 9:00 Flower Sale (’til 3:00) 9:00 Aerobics, FH 11:30 Creative Movement, FH

9:00 David, Ch 9:00 Aerobics, FH

9:00 David, Ch 9:00 Aerobics, FH

25 299:00 Aerobics, FH 10:00 Staff Meeting 10:00 Senior Exercise, CR 11:00 Tai Chi, CR

9:00 Aerobics, FH 9:30 Mom 2 Mom, 2R 3:00 New Visions Cooking

9:00 Aerobics, FH

27 289:00 Aerobics, FH

May 2015