Giver 1

First essay KIM, TAE EUN 5AW – 2 February 9, 2015 Positive Aspets o! t"e #o$$u%ity i% The Giver I% T"e &iver, aut"or 'ois 'o(ry reates a soiety ("ere t"ere is so o%!)i T"e prie !or t"is is, u%!ortu%ate)y, a o$p)ete )oss o! i%+ivi+ua) !ree+o$* es so$e parts o! t"is soiety are or-a%i.e+ better t"a% our soiety* For e/a$p)e, t u%e$p)oy$e%t, overpopu)atio%, "u%-er or poverty i% to+ay s soiety* I% t"is ess e)aborate o% t"e a+va%ta-es o! t"e #o$$u%ity, i% o$pariso% o! to prob)e$s i% t" soiety* T"e "i-" u%e$p)oy$e%t rate, o%e o! t"e $a or soia) issues i% Korea soie -ra+ua))y i%reasi%- si%e t"e 19 0s* It (ou)+ be o%e reaso% o! !or t"is prob)e$ t"at ob3 see4ers te%+ to avoi+ t"e )abor3i%te%sive (or4 s, so a))e+ 6 +a%-erous, +i!! obs* A%ot"er o%tributor o! to t"is issue (ou)+ be t"at you%- peop)e are re)u s$a)) busi%esses beause t"e e%terprise u)ture o! t"e ou%try is sti)) i% t"e r $aster a%+ serva%t, %ot "ori.o%ta) part%ers"ip bet(ee% $a or a%+ $i%or o$pa%ie o%trast, peop)e o! t"e #o$$u%ity i% t"e &iver +o %ot "ave to (orry about see4i% a%y soia) +isri$i%atio% o! oupatio%s* T"e bu+-et +epart$e%t o! Korea sai+ t"at %atio% eo%o$y (i)) beo$e ba%4ru 20 beause o! t"e )o( birt" rate a%+ a% a-i%- soiety* W"i)e a)) birt" s a%+ o%strai%e+ by t"e ru)es i% t"e #o$$u%ity, it is a)$ost i$possib)e to o%tro) op opti$a))y t"ose i% a rea) soiety* I! t"e Korea% -over%$e%t i$p)e$e%ts 4i%+s o! t"ose (it" %o !ata) i))%ess, t"e pub)is pub)i (i)) +e$o%strate !or "u$a%7s basi ri-"ts, i% "osti)e "osti)ity state to t"e -over%$e%t s e%!ore$e%t* T"ere are %o protests



Transcript of Giver 1

First essayKIM, TAE EUN

5AW 2

February 9, 2015

Positive Aspects of the Community in The Giver

In The Giver, author Lois Lowry creates a society where there is so conflict or pain. The price for this is, unfortunately, a complete loss of individual freedom. Despite this fact, some parts of this society are organized better than our society. For example, there is no unemployment, overpopulation, hunger or poverty in today's society. In this essay, I will elaborate on the advantages of the Community, in comparison of to problems in the Korea society.The high unemployment rate, one of the major social issues in Korea society, has been gradually increasing since the 1970s. It would be one reason of for this problem that job-seekers tend to avoid the labor-intensive works, so called 3D: dangerous, difficult and dirty jobs. Another contributor of to this issue would be that young people are reluctant to apply to small businesses because the enterprise culture of the country is still in the relation of a master and servant, not horizontal partnership between major and minor companies. In contrast, people of the Community in the Giver do not have to worry about seeking jobs or any social discrimination of occupations. The budget department of Korea said that nation economy will become bankrupt in 2033 because of the low birth rate and an aging society. While all births and deaths are constrained by the rules in the Community, it is almost impossible to control optionally optimally those in a real society. If the Korean government implements kinds of euthanasia to those with no fatal illness, the publics public will demonstrate for humans basic rights, in hostile hostility state to the government's enforcement. There are no protests and elderly people in the Community, which need not to invest a sheer number of money on building any initiatives or additional infrastructures for the rising population. It can be also also be seen that the diseases and disasters could cause the most heavy casualties. The Community's weather is limited by human memory action and there are enough of those who care for patients immediately. No one dies due to the natural power disasters in the Community. In comparison, there was the maritime accident wrecked and brought out the with a tremendous death toll on April 2014 in Korea. where did not arranged the The system for managing the crisis and the insufficient rescue activity led to many deaths. If the weather were controlled by a weather system like in the Community, above 200 students in the vessel would have lived, expecting their upcoming campus life. What these disasters are not worried do not exist is a blessing and the public in the Community can not help but have the a positive belief effect on its life.In conclusion, there is not the high unemployment rate, the over crowded population and any disasters in the Community. It means that they do not have to invest too much time, money and manpower on dealing with the ripple effect or collateral damages on of those problems. In spite of this these merits, we pursue the freedom. Without this, we can not love. I believe the world born from the love given by curious scientists, developers, economists, historians and all walks of life. In our history, several people lost their life by arguing for liberty. Thus, we know that there is no substitute for freedom in the world.