GitLab 8.5 Highlights and Step-by-step tutorial

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Transcript of GitLab 8.5 Highlights and Step-by-step tutorial


Welcome to GitLabs Release webcast! At GitLab we have one vision: Everyone can contribute. That underscores everything we do. Thanks for joining us today to find out more about using GitLab.

Heather McNamee () - [email protected] Is this a dumb idea?In this webcastHighlights from GitLab 8.5 CE and EEGitLab Flow OverviewQ + AGitLab Community News

Recording and Slides will be available!Keep an eye on our blog and newsletter

HeatherDeveloper Marketing

Hi Im Heather McNamee, Developer Marketing Manager at GitLab.In this webcastIf youre watching us live, you will get a follow-up email with the recording. And if youre watching the recording, please do sign up to make sure you dont miss our next webcast.



GitLab is where you collaborate on code. And GitLab is used by more than 100,000 organizations and millions of people. Check out our site to find out more.

JobVP of Product

Our special guest is Job van der Voort, VP of Product! Tell us about yourself.

8.5 Highlights

Over to Job


Much fasterEasier to prioritizeInterface improvementsMore powerful Git tools

(Benefits.) Such as Ill give you a guided walk-through of the improved experience with GitLab. (after demo the individual features are named and recapped)


Now well switch over to the browser and see the changes.


Performance of GitLabTodos - task listSidebar interfaceRevert commit

Recap features which were Demod


TLS, CNAME for PagesLabels in MilestonesBetter voting toolsRenders SVGs

Some other features we didnt show in the demo.

Example: Labels in milestone view.

Make a point about this feature and that it is in Alpha.

Any questions?Well answer what we can and follow up via email after!Watching the recording?

As always you can ask questions here, but if youre watching this recording, dont forget you can contribute issues on our issue tracker.

GitLab Flow

Next well take a look at GitLab Flow in practice. Of course this just one git workflow, and its only a concept. GitLab is a completely flexible system and our users love that they can just drop it in and it works with your own existing workflow. Job will you talk us through an example GitLab Flow in practice?

Start with an issue

In most cases youll start with an issue before writing any code.

WIP it!

Dont wait to share your work. Start early. Create your branch and your merge request marked with WIP in the title. This prevents accidental merges. And now you can get feedback on work.You can link to issues either in a commit message or from the merge request description. In GitLab this creates a comment in the issue that the merge requests mentions the issue. And the merge request shows the linked issues. These issues are closed once code is merged into the default branch.


Alternatively, depending on the access levels, you might need to assign the MR to someone with a developer role who can commit the merge.

Heather McNamee () - [email protected] I added this as an alternative story to "Merge when build succeeds" To show that an issue gets assigned, and then shows up in someone's Todo list after that.Job van der Voort () - Not sure I understand. This is a screenshot of a MR.Todos!

By either assigning the MR to them, or mentioning them, they will get a notification on their Todos list. Depending on their notification settings they will get an email when they are mentioned or an issue is assigned.

Code Review in GitLab

Your collaborators can provide you line by line feedback on your work. Usually, the author of the MR is the one to make the changes, however other collaborators can make improvements by providing merge requests to your branch.

Merge when build succeeds

Now the issue is ready to merge. Remove the WIP! Youre ready to publish. On the hand, if the original author has commit access, they can simply click Merge when build succeeds!

Issues are closed after MR is merged

When the MR is merged, the referenced issues get closed.Tip: You can reference issues without making them close too.

GitLab Flow - Code Review Create an issue firstGet your work out early for feedback - WIP MR, with linksLine by line code reviewMerge when build succeedsMerge commits communicate and close related issues

Lets take a quick review of what we did in this workflow.

GitLab Flow

Case:Web app

Lets look at what is happening at a macro level across an example web app. Requires multiple environments. You cant push code to production in all cases.

GitLab Enterprise EditionFast-forward merges

Rebase before merging

Indicate some EE special features.

Heather McNamee () - [email protected] Forgot to ask you what to include here specifically!Job van der Voort () - I didn't see this slide! I'll edit

Community News!

Now for some community news!


Relative URL support


This month, the MVP award goes to Artem Sidorenko! Some of the best contributions come from developers scratching their own itch.Due to environment requirements they had to use a relative url setup. (Ask Job to explain the relative_url feature?)It was possible only for source based installation which meant huge maintenance effort for them. With upstream contribution his team have been able to switch to omnibus packages, this turns the maintenance efforts for our Gitlab installation from hours to minutes. Weve interviewed Artem about this Upstream first philosophy. So keep an eye out on the blog for more info! Artem is one of over 1000 contributors.

Over 1000contributors!

Many are contributors made single contributions, and that is awesome. A long tail of contributors is a healthy sign of an open source project and open-minded maintainers. Its also a sign of high community engagement (accepted merge requests).These contributions make an impact in aggregate on the project, and also on the individual. If youve ever contributed to open source you also know that awesome feeling when you can say Hey I did that! There is a long tail of contributions, and this means the barrier to contribution is very low and were proud of that. Not only are there code contributions, but each issue, bug report and feature proposal helps make the product better. We thrive on your feedback. Keep it coming! (Even I personally have seen a feature proposal I put in get added, so now when I look at my branch and see a link to an existing MR for that branch, I will know how I made a contribution.)

Call for Writers

Well be publishing some of our first contributed content soon.

Thank you!

Thank you!