Gist Bootcamp Remote Launch Presentation

GIST Entrepreneurship Boot Camp HELI-Pad Series! Welcome!!

Transcript of Gist Bootcamp Remote Launch Presentation

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GIST Entrepreneurship

Boot Camp

HELI-Pad Series!


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The program starts…

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The program starts…


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Program Delivery

•  Remote Study & Preparation

•  3 Days of dynamic, hands-on critique and educational development

•  Extended Mentorship

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Remote Study & Preparation

•  Watch Online Videos – Lectures 0, 1, 1.5A, 1.5B & 2 – Available in Launchpad Central

•  Populate the Business Model Canvas

•  Conduct Customer Interviews

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Remote Study & Preparation

•  Watch Online Videos – Lectures 0, 1, 1.5A, 1.5B & 2 – Available in Launchpad Central

•  Populate the Business Model Canvas

•  Conduct Customer Interviews Rate: 10 / Week!!

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Hands-On in Country

•  Presentations – Scientist Presents! – 3 mins Day 1

– 5 mins Day 2 & 3

•  Flipped Classroom – it doesn’t work if you don’t watch the videos!

•  Active Mentorship / Office Hours

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Extended Mentorship

•  Access to Launchpad Central – It’s a tool, use it!

•  Teaching team critiques on interview narratives

•  Office hours for 1-1 guidance

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How do you succeed?

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Apply the Scientific Method

• H ypothesize (Guess!)

• E xperiment (Test your guesses)

• L earn (Interpret your findings)

•  I terate (Modify your approach based on facts)


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The Business Model Canvas

•  It’s a tool, not a report! – You have to use a tool for it to be useful

•  Every entry is a Guess (Hypothesis)

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The Business Model Canvas

•  It’s a tool, not a report! – You have to use a tool for it to be useful

•  Every entry is a Guess (Hypothesis)

How do you turn Guesses into Facts?

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The Business Model Canvas

•  It’s a tool, not a report! – You have to use a tool for it to be useful

•  Every entry is a Guess (Hypothesis)

How do you turn Guesses into Facts?

Collect Data!!

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Get Out of the Building!!

•  There are no facts in your office / lab!

•  You collect data by interviewing potential customers!!

Don’t talk to people you know! 10 Each Week!

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Reminder: Your Assignment

•  Watch Online Videos – Lectures 0, 1, 1.5A, 1.5B & 2 Available in Launchpad Central

•  Populate the Business Model Canvas

•  Conduct 10 Interviews each week!

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Graded on two objectives: 1.  Customer derived “insights” Can only be obtained through Interviews!

2.  Interview count Must be useful / constructive!!