GIS Final Project: Delineation of landslide-prone areas on ...

Miriam Nnadili December, 2010 GEO 326G/387G GIS Final Project: Delineation of landslide-prone areas on basis of slope, soil and/or geology grids in Yosemite National Park, California Introduction Problem Overview For this project, I have will be delineating the landslide-prone areas at the Yosemite National Park, California. I also formulated a method to determine this land slide prone areas in the park by ranking certain features such as the elevation which was used to calculate the slope, permeable rocks and vegetation within the park. The landslide prone areas were then determined using the Spatial Analyst Tool within ArcGIS. This study shows that permeable rocks and vegetation has an effect on landslide most especially in areas where the elevation is slow. Furthermore, since Yosemite National is well known for the high amount a snowmelt (waterfall) within a short period and the large human activities in this area the water flow line will also be used to delineate the areas that are will be prone to landslide. Background Yosemite National Park is located in the central Sierra Nevada of California and it is one of the first wilderness parks in the United States, is best known for its water falls, but

Transcript of GIS Final Project: Delineation of landslide-prone areas on ...

Page 1: GIS Final Project: Delineation of landslide-prone areas on ...

Miriam Nnadili

December, 2010

GEO 326G/387G

GIS Final Project: Delineation of landslide-prone areas on basis of slope,

soil and/or geology grids in Yosemite National Park, California


Problem Overview

For this project, I have will be delineating the landslide-prone areas at the Yosemite

National Park, California. I also formulated a method to determine this land slide prone

areas in the park by ranking certain features such as the elevation which was used to

calculate the slope, permeable rocks and vegetation within the park. The landslide prone

areas were then determined using the Spatial Analyst Tool within ArcGIS. This study

shows that permeable rocks and vegetation has an effect on landslide most especially in

areas where the elevation is slow. Furthermore, since Yosemite National is well known for

the high amount a snowmelt (waterfall) within a short period and the large human

activities in this area the water flow line will also be used to delineate the areas that are

will be prone to landslide.


Yosemite National Park is located in the central Sierra Nevada of California and it is one

of the first wilderness parks in the United States, is best known for its water falls, but

Page 2: GIS Final Project: Delineation of landslide-prone areas on ...

within its nearly 1,200 square miles, you can find deep valleys, grand meadows, ancient

giant sequoias, a vast wilderness area, thousands of lakes and ponds and much more. The

park has an elevation range from 2,127 to 13,114 feet (648 to 3,997 m) and contains five

major vegetation zones: chaparral/oak woodland, lower montane, upper montane,

subalpine, and alpine. The geology of the Yosemite area is characterized by granitic rocks

and remnants of older rock. The geologic story of Yosemite National Park can be

considered in two parts: (1) deposition and deformation of the metamorphic rocks and

emplacement of the granitic rocks during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic; and (2) later uplift,

erosion, and glaciation of the rocks during the Cenozoic to form today’s landscape

Yosemite is famous for its high concentration of waterfalls in a small area. Numerous

sheer drops, glacial steps and hanging valleys in the park provide many places for

waterfalls to exist, especially during April, May, and June (the snowmelt season). Located

in Yosemite Valley, the Yosemite Falls is the highest in North America at 2,425-foot (739

m). Also in Yosemite Valley is the much lower volume Ribbon Falls, which has the

highest single vertical drop, 1,612 feet (491 m). Yosemite's hydrologic resources are

fascinating to examine because the park lies at the heart of one of the most extreme

Mediterranean climates on earth. Such climates are characterized by cool, wet winters and

long, dry summers. In the case of Yosemite, most precipitation falls in the form of snow

that accumulates above 6,000 feet (1,830 meters) during the winter, making a natural

water tower that slowly releases melt-water through the spring and early summer. This

slow release of water nourishes lower regions well into the hot dry season.

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The objective of this study is to determine the areas that are prone to landslide on the basis

of slope, soil and/or geology grid and water flow area/line. For this analysis, the ArcGIS

software will be used.


Data required

1) Elevation (DEM)

2) Geologic Map

3) Hydrographic data

4) Boundaries, land use and land cover

Data acquisition

In other to delineate landslide prone areas, the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was

downloaded from the USGS seamless server which is available to the public

(, and in other to download this file

from the server, I highlighted the region to be downloaded. Other additional features

(boundaries, land use, land cover, roads, and streams) were also downloaded from this site

by selecting the areas of interest from the drop down menu in the download button and

display button and then highlighting the area within the Yosemite National Park which is

my area of interest (Figure 1) a new window appears with an option to download all the

files selected.

Page 4: GIS Final Project: Delineation of landslide-prone areas on ...

Figure 1: green.

For this pr

the United

for the hy


Data prep

Data was

of the file

National P


roject, I us

d States Ge


odatabase (


collected f

es needed

Park was d

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to be conv


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Survey (ht

also down


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verted to u

ed in the fo

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the Yosem


nloaded fro


and were e

useable for

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Yosemite N

mite Nation

om the Uni


extracted. I

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National P

nal park fr


ited States

In other to

e geologic

s converted

Park highl

reely availa

) and the s

s Geologica

use this da

map for Y

d in ArcC

ighted in

able from


al Survey

ata, some


atalog by

Page 5: GIS Final Project: Delineation of landslide-prone areas on ...

using the A

shown in t

Figure 2: C

After conv

in other fo

achieved u


dataset for


the Figure


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on and tran

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ox >Covera

2 below;

g .eoo file

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in the sam



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in ArcCata

map it wa

me coordin

g and click

n >Feature

geologic d

> To Cove

alog to a us

as then proj

nate system

king on the

e > Project

data that w

erage > Im

seable form

jected from

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will be con

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other data c

box > Data

window pop

nverted wh


1866 to NA


a managem

ps up, and

hile the ico

ge file, as

AD 1983,

This was

ment tools

the input

on for the

Page 6: GIS Final Project: Delineation of landslide-prone areas on ...

output coo

NAD 1983


below, wh

ArcMap, I

Mosaic to

input raste

1983. This

Figure 3: flowline.

ordinate sy


M was also

hich was p

I selected t

New Rast

er, the outp

s produced


ystem allow

o extracted

projected to

the ArcToo

ter, a new w

put locatio

d the raster

aded block

ws us to s

d and was

o NAD 19

olbox > Da

window po

on was def

r shown in

ks of Digi

select a pre


983. In oth

ata Manage

ops up and

fined, and

Figure 4 b

ital Elevat

edefined c

ded in fou

her to conv

ement tool

d the four b

the coordi


tion Mode


ur blocks

vert this m

ls > Raster

blocks was

inate syste

el, Water

system in

shown in

mosaic to a

r > Raster D

s download

em was set

bodies an

this case

Figure 3

a raster in

Dataset >

ded to the

t to NAD

nd Water

Page 7: GIS Final Project: Delineation of landslide-prone areas on ...

Figure 4: The bound

in the Ma

area cover

these featu

This was

bar and th

tool bar, c

Mosaic co

dary that w

ariposa Co

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ures where

done by c

hen selectin

click on m

overing the

was downl

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osemite Na

e exported

licking on

ng the feat

merge and

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loaded from

re Yosemit

ational park

to the tabl

n “start edi

tures to be

select the

e National P

m the USG

te Park is

k, features

le of conte

ting” from

merged. F

e attribute

Park conve

GS website

located. H

s covered b

nt and mer

m the dropd

From the d

table whe

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down men

drop down

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other to ex

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g the editor

nu in the e

n menu in t

ew polygon

t features

xtract the

ected and

r tool bar.

ditor tool

the editor

n will be

Page 8: GIS Final Project: Delineation of landslide-prone areas on ...

merged to

the result

Figure 5: A Next, I tr

interest (Y

tool, I sele

and expor

o, from the

shown in F

Area in Ye

ried to rem

Yosemite N

ected water

ted the file

new wind

Figure 5.

ellow cove

move all th

National Pa

r flow line

es as can be

ow that po

red by the

he feature

ark). Hence

e and water

e seen in F

ops up. Thi


es downloa

e, using the

r body that

Figure 6 be

is will mer

national P

aded that

e “select b

t are within


rge the poly


were not

y location”

n the Yose

ygons and

within my

” from the

emite Natio

will give

y area of


onal Park

Page 9: GIS Final Project: Delineation of landslide-prone areas on ...

Figure 6: W In other to

also to clip


“option” f


using the R

double cli


Water flow

o clip the a

p the land

es to NAD

from the d

and my A

Raster calc

icked on th

w line and W

area cover

cover and

D 1983 and


Analyst ma

culator from

he raster a

Water bod

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d geologic m

d for the ra

menu on

ask to the

m the same

and evaluat

dies that are


map showi

aster, I use

the spati


e drop dow

ted. This

e within th

National P

ing the dif

ed the spat

al analyst

for the Y

wn menu in


he Yosemit

Park to the

fferent rock

tial analys

tool bar,

Yosemite n

n the spatia

the result

te National

e raster cre

k types, I s

t tool. By

I set my

national pa

al analyst t

shown in

l Park.

eated and

set all the



ark. Next,

tool bar, I

Figure 7

Page 10: GIS Final Project: Delineation of landslide-prone areas on ...

Figure 7: Park. Next, the

the geolog


Input featu

output fea

right click

added all t

Map show

geologic m

gic map c

ox > Analy

ure, clip fe

ature class,

king on th

the differen

wing clipp

map was d

covered by

ysis tools >

feature whi

, where I d

e new clip

nt rock typ

ed raster,


y the Yos

> Extract >

ich is the a

defined the

p and sele

pes as show

water bod

d as shown

emite Nat

>clip. A ne

area cover

e location I

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wn in Figur

dies and flo

n in Figure

tional Park

ew window

red by Yos

I want to s


re 9 below

owline of

e 8 below

k using A

w pops up,

semite Nat

save the ne

from the



and in oth

ArcMap, I

where I de

tional Park

ew clip cre



her to clip

used the

efined my

k, and the

eated. By

s menu, I

Page 11: GIS Final Project: Delineation of landslide-prone areas on ...

Figure 8: different r The same

National P

spatial ref

Raster corock types.


Park. It is

ference, oth

overed by

e was used


herwise the

the Yose

to clip the

t to ensure

e clip cann

emite Nati

e Land cov

e that all t

not be perfo

onal Park

ver to the a

the data to


and geol

area cover

o be clipp

logic map

ed by the Y

ed are in



the same

Page 12: GIS Final Project: Delineation of landslide-prone areas on ...

Figure 9: different r ArcMap P

In other to

rank schem


Table 1: RRank

1 2 3 4

Geologic rock types.


o delineate

me I deve

d from the e

Ranking schk

map show


e the lands

eloped (Ta


heme usedGeo

Water Soft Glac


wing area

slide prone

able 1) to

and the ve

d for delineology

bodies rocks ciers rocks

covered b

e area in t

rank the d

egetation. T

eating land

by the Yos

the Yosem

different r

The proced

dslide proneSlope < 10 o

10 – 20 o

20- 30 o

> 30o

semite Nat

mite Nation

rock types,

dure used i

e areas.


tional Park

nal Park, I

, slope (w

s discussed




k and the

used the

which was

d below;



Page 13: GIS Final Project: Delineation of landslide-prone areas on ...

Creating a

In other to

created th

using the

Analysis >

surface, a


meters), a

This will p

Figure 10flow lines

a slope gri

o create a s

he slope gr

Spatial A

> Slope. F

and the o

d, the Z fa

nd the Out

produce th

: Map shoand Water


slope grid,

rid by disp

Analyst to

From the n

utput mea

ctor is 1 (

tput cell si

e map show

owing slopr body.

I derive a

playing the

oolbar and

new window


(i.e. horizo

ize is 100.

wn in Figu

pe derived


e elevation

d from th

w that pop

in Degre

ontal and v

I then spe

ure 10 belo

from elev

y dataset fro

n layer and

he dropdow

ps up, sele

ee so it f

vertical un

cified an o


vation, Yo

om primar

d the park

wn menu

ect Elevatio

follows th

nits are the

output raste

osemite par

ry data sets



on (m) as

he ranking

e same, in

er, and clic

rk bounda

s and then

and then

, Surface

the input

g scheme

this case

cked OK.

ary, water

Page 14: GIS Final Project: Delineation of landslide-prone areas on ...

The next s

geology to

toolbar an

Selected t

attribute t

different f

then selec

and I end


to symbol

Figure 11:

step was to

o a raster l

nd from th

he geology

table calle

features typ

cted output

ded up wi

ed with a v

ize the uni

: Geologic

o create a g

layer so I

e dropdow

y layer as

d “codes

pes as sho

t raster nam

ith a raste

vector laye


raster sho

geology ve

can use it

wn menu, I

the input,

” and the

own in tabl

me. I then

er as show

r file; this

wing the fo

ector layer

in my spa

I clicked o

and the fo

values in

le 1 above

clicked O

wn in Fig

is now a r

four differe

r. In other t

atial analys

on Convert

or the field

n the code

e. I use 10

OK. The co

gure 11 be

raster and

ent ranks o

to do this I

sis. Using

t > Feature

d, I created

es was ran

00 as the o

onversion t

elow. Thi

would nee

f rock type

I had to co

the Spatia

es to Rast

d a new fie

nk accordin

output cell

took a few

is raster c

ed a raster


onvert the

al Analyst

er. I then

eld in my

ng to the

size, and

w minutes

cannot be

layer file

Page 15: GIS Final Project: Delineation of landslide-prone areas on ...


To reclass

the spatial

window n

the elevati

and a new

method an

the drop d

also select

my classes

or rock typ

Figure 12:

ing data se

sify the ras

l analyst to

now pops u

ion and lan

w window (

nd for this

down menu

t number f

s by shiftin

pes that I h

: Window


ster data se

ool bar, an

up (Figure

nd cover ra

(Figure 13)

project, I

u in method

four from t

ng the bars

have in the

showing sl

ets using th

nd from the

12) and si

aster, I use

) pops up,

will be us

ds from th

the dropdo

s with the m

ranking sc

lope value

he ranking

e dropdow

ince I will

e this as my

here, I can

sing the N

e classifica

own menu

mouse dow


s to be rec

scheme sh

wn menu, I

be reclass

y input ras

n then chan

Natural brea

ation box a

for classe

wn, so I can

lassified in

hown in Ta

clicked on

sifying the

ster. I then

nge the me

aks which

and since I

es, then I c

n get the f

nto four cla

able 1 abov

n Reclassif

slope crea

n clicked on

ethod to an

can be fou

I have four

can manual

four classes


ve, I used

fy, a new

ated from

n classify

ny desired

und from

r classes I

lly divide

s of slope

Page 16: GIS Final Project: Delineation of landslide-prone areas on ...

Figure 13statistics.


I will be tr

combine th

analyst too

clicking on


ranked gri

and my fin

3: Classifi

ng data sets

reating eac

he ranked

olbar and f

n one of th

ick on a sec

id, and clic

nal raster l

fication w


ch of the th

data sets a

from the dr

he ranked g

cond ranke

ck Evaluate

ayer is the

indow sh

hree factors

and produc

ropdown m

grids listed

ed grid, cli

e (Figure 1

screen cap

owing the

s equally, s

e a compo

menu, I sele

d in the upp

ick the plus

14). I then s

pture (Figu

e differen

so no weig

osite rankin

ected the R

per left col

s sign, dou


ure 15) bel

nt classes

ghting will

ng layer, I u

Raster Calc

lumn, click

uble-click o

d my resul


and clas

be used. T

used the sp

culator. By

k the plus s

on a third a

lting raster




y double-


and final

r output

Page 17: GIS Final Project: Delineation of landslide-prone areas on ...

Figure 14:

Figure 15that follow

: Window

: Raster Mws the rank

showing th

Map of Yosking schem

he raster ca

semite Natme develope

alculator su

tional Parked

umming up

k showing

p the differ

the four d

rent ranked

different co

d grids.

olor ramp

Page 18: GIS Final Project: Delineation of landslide-prone areas on ...

Figure 16that follow Discussion

The map

available t

this projec

line to det

: Raster Mws the rank

ns / Concl


to get the

ct took a l

termine the

Map of Yosking schem


n portion

area cover

look at the

e areas that

semite Natme develope

of this p

red by the

e different

t area pron

tional Parked and wat

roject too


rock type

ne to landsl

k showing ter flow lin

k informa


s, elevatio


the four dnes.

ation from

Park. The

on, vegetat

different co

m various

analysis p

tion and w

olor ramp

GIS data

portion of

water flow

Page 19: GIS Final Project: Delineation of landslide-prone areas on ...

Based on the analysis performed during this research, it is evident that the potential for

landslide in this area is not high although various factors was ignored during this analysis,

such as morphological factors (slope angle, vegetation change, erosion, uplift, rebound),

physical factors (rainfall, snow melt, earthquake, ground water changes, surface runoff,

seismic activity) and some geologic factors, this was due to the time limitation and

challenges faced in trying to get some of the data for this analysis.

Finally, it can be concluded from the Figure 16 that areas in brown are most likely to be

brown to landslide, this result was drawn as a result of the low vegetation and soft rocks

present in this area. Also the presence of multiple water flow line in this area can result to

landslide and Yosemite is known for its high amount of snowmelt (waterfall).

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