GIS-enabled ILI Repair Prioritization and Follow-Up · API 1160 . Inspection History, Threat...

GIS-enabled ILI Repair Prioritization and Follow-Up An integrated workflow from the submission of the Final Report to the Validation of Dig Results. ROSEN Integrity Solutions GmbH Markus Brors 24-October-2011

Transcript of GIS-enabled ILI Repair Prioritization and Follow-Up · API 1160 . Inspection History, Threat...

GIS-enabled ILI Repair Prioritization and Follow-Up An integrated workflow from the submission of the Final Report to the Validation of Dig Results.

ROSEN Integrity Solutions GmbH Markus Brors 24-October-2011

• The ROSEN Group

• Pipeline Anomalies & Inline Inspection Technologies

• Prioritization Approaches

• Involvement of the «Linear and Spatial Component»

• Automated Workflow as part of ILI Reporting

• Deliverables

• Conclusion


The ROSEN Group ROSEN  delivers  the  industry’s  most  advanced  sensor  technologies,  integrity management software and inspection solutions.

• Privately-held company for over 30 years • Continued reinvestment ensures stability and long-term growth

opportunities • Regional focus ensures commitment to needs of local

customers and markets • Our culture is built on family values - we conduct our business


The ROSEN Group


Kuala Lumpur










SLO Lingen


Worldwide Coverage in more than 100 countries with 14 major operating companies and branch offices (> 2000 employees)

Buenos Aires

Rio de Janeiro


Research Center Lingen, Germany

Research Center Bogota, Columbia

Research Center Stans, Switzerland

4 research facilities house > 25%  of  ROSEN’s  employees

Research Center San Luis Obispo, California

Pipeline Anomalies

“Single  Defects“

“Combined  Defects“

In-Line Inspection Technologies

UT – ultrasonic wallthickness MFL – magnetic flux leakage

Complementary technologies for corrosion assessment, high resolution geometry survey and inertial measurement brought together in single inspection tools ...

Geo – extended geometry service XYZ – IMU mapping of pipe route

42”  RoCorr.Geo

... addressed in One Run • Corrosion / Metal Loss • Mill Related Anomalies • Mechanical Damage • Dents and Stress Riser • Ovality / ID Reduction • Strain Mapping • Pipeline Route

42”  RoCorr·UT/Geo

How to evaluate which Anomaly is a Safety Concern…  

Pipeline Anomaly Evaluation

“Straightforward Rules“

“Decision Tree“

e.g. B31G; RStreng calculation of safe maximum pressure based on dimensions of corrosion

e.g. cfr 49 – 192 or 195 complex decision tree with different consequences (remediation schedule) understanding of multiple threads and environmental factors (HCA)

Isolated ILI considerations

• ILI Defect parameters • Operating Conditions • No influence of environmental factors or inspection history

Basic screening identifying immediate repairs utilizing ILI Vendors Reporting Software.

Practical Prioritization Methods

Immediate Concerns are usually reported in a Preliminary Report and require  actions  “ASAP”  (max.  5  days). • Metal Loss > 80% • Top side Dent + Metal Loss • … Those  defects  usually  don’t  require  further  pre-assessment, but immediate  action…so  no  spatial  interaction  required. This process goes further and utilizes advanced Data Management to optimally tackle scheduled and monitored conditions.

Practical Prioritization Methods

API 1160

Inspection History, Threat Interaction & Environmental Factors

• ILI Defect parameters • Inspection History • External Events / Threats • Influencing Geographical Factors

Accurate and focused process requiring stringent data collection and integration processes and sophisticated integrity assessment / query tools.

Practical Prioritization Methods

To interact ILI defects with external features, the accuracy of the alignment to known installations is usually sufficient.

Linear and Spatial Alignment

Just getting rid of the «Slippage Factor»

To interact ILI defects from consecutive runs, a weld-to-weld and considerations of the o’clock  position  is  mandatory.  

Linear and Spatial Alignment

Weld-to-Weld as basis for «Corrosion Growth»

• ILI vendors often implement specific export queries/lists as requested by the operator

• Such  queries  usually  do  not  include  features  “around”  the  pipeline,  as  “Data  Evaluation”  doesn’t  know  about  those  (unless  provided  by  the operator in an aligned manner)

The Spatial Component

“High  Consequence Areas“

“Foreign Line Crossings“

Which Parameters matter in the Decision Tree?

Advanced process following ILI evaluation: • GIS Processing: All non-ILI features have to be processed along

the pipeline route to allow for interpretation and intersection • PIMS Processing: ILI data is intersected with each other AND with

linear features to calculate critical defect parameters and to apply queries

Automated Workflow as Part of ILI Reporting

GIS Processing

PIMS Processing

Parameter depend on Prioritization Rules

Sample Prioritization Query Implementation:

Automated Workflow as Part of ILI Reporting


corrosion – pitting – axial anomalies – ID/OD – deformation – IMU

HighRes MFL

HighRes CMFL

16”  RoCorr·CMFL/SIC

• Reported  “at  once”

• No misalignment

• Single repair campaign


Target Anomaly

Type Query Definition Query Details Repair Condition




1 Metal Loss Metal Loss > 70 % Depth >70% and HCA = YES Immediate Repair

2 Dent Top Side Dent within 5ft of any metal loss, cracking or a stress


o'clock  ≥08:00  and  ≥04:00  and event DENT-DWML, DENT-DWGC, IDAN-DWML, IDAN-DWGC and HCA=YES and STR=YES

Immediate Repair

3 Dent Top Side Dent with a Depth > 6 %

o'clock  ≥08:00  and  ≥04:00  and event IDAN-DENT and ID-Reduction >6% and HCA=YES

Immediate Repair



14 Gouge/ Groove Gouge or Groove > 12.5% NWT

Depth >12.5 % and event MELO-MEDA or MELO-GOUG


16 Crack Potential crack event like *CRACK* Scheduled

20 Metal Loss Metal Loss within 100 ft from a

CP reading  that  is  ≥  -850 mV

event like '*MELO*' and CP_UP=YES Scheduled

Automated Workflow as Part of ILI Reporting

Assessment results are interactively presented and can directly be related to any external feature for optimal judgement on rehabilitation activities ...

Joint decision Reporting Platform: • ALL environmental input parameters • ALL types of defects • External Inspections • Far beyond ILI standard software

Record Keeping and Demonstrating Compliance

Field activities should be tracked in their entirety...

• What was the input information?

• What was the decision tree?

• Who decided for the action?

• Which task was assigned?

• Who executed it? • What was the


Record Keeping and Demonstrating Compliance

Thinking about Accuracy for Immediate and Future Decisions...

• Utilization of Field Verifications for immediate run accuracy / acceptance checks

• Application of accuracy buffers for future Corrosion Growth Studies

Depending  on  what  the  operator’s  IT/GIS  environment looks like, there are various delivery options: 1) Enterprise GIS available: Spatial format

delivery (Geodatabases, Shape Files, PODS ILI Exchange)

2) Pipeline Integrity Management Software required: Implementation of ROAIMS environment

3) No supporting Hardware available: Hosted solution directly fed by ROSEN alongside an ILI campaign


Client Name Pipeline Name


Cloud Services available for Advanced Reporting...

• No need to install «Thick ILI Reporting Software»

• Centralized and enterprise availablability of ILI data

• Immediate analysis capabilities following submission of Final Report

Workflow Reflection

Definition of Decision Tree

Integrity Team GIS Team ROSEN

Enterprise GIS Hosted ROAIMS Installed ROAIMS

ILI Reporting ROSEN

ILI Reporting Vendor A

Data Processing

Boxed ILI Data

Pipeline Centerline + ext.


Prelim / Final Report

Field Capture

5-10 days following Final Report

results are available in any format. Decision Tree



Inline Inspection Data provides the Operator with a massive amount of highly accurate data along the pipeline. Immediate decisions can be taken based on Vendors Reporting

Software, if all concerned Parameters are accurately handed over to Data Evaluation Team.

Advanced software tools are made available (installed or hosted) to support decision making process and lifecycle data integration.

Further analysis can be quickly taken over by ROSEN in case accurate route and spatial surroundings are provided.

Service is provided compatible to Enterprise Pipeline GIS as all results can be directly imported and/or further be processed inside ROAIMS.

Thank you for joining this presentation. We look forward seeing you at our Booth!