Girls' Education Policy Analysis

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Girls Education PolicyAnalysis Workshop17 June 2014

Welcome from NUDOR ESWelcomeWhat is NUDORGround rules

Agenda: morningTimeActivityResponsible9.00amWelcome and opening remarksNUDOR Executive Secretary9.05amObjectivesEmile 9.10amGroup introduction ice breakerEmile9.30amWhy are we analysing the policy?KateThe Girls Education Policy Analysis ProcessKate10.00amEducation of girls with disabilities in RwandaEmile10.45amTEA BREAK11.00amWhat does a good Girls Education Policy look like?Group work11.30amGroup feedbackGroup work12.00pmAgreeing terms of referenceKate12.30LUNCH


Agenda: afternoonTimeActivityResponsible1.30pmPolicy AnalysisEmile3.00pmGroup FeedbackEmile 3.45pmSummary and closing remarksNUDOR Executive Secretary


Objectives:Identify areas for development in the Girls Education PolicyConsult and gather the view of persons with disabilities / DPOsCollect ideas and feedback from stakeholders on how girls with disabilities can be included in the policyDevelop stronger working relationships with NUDOR MOs and education and gender specialistsTo raise awareness of issues girls with disabilities face amongst gender and education specialists


IntroductionsTell us who you are and which organisation / institution you are fromTell us one short funny story about when you were at school

Why are we analysing the Girls Education policy?MINEDUC and MIGEPROF are currently reviewing the policy this is an opportunity for the sector to ensure that disability is mainstreamed.NUDOR wants to ensure that the new policy complies with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as the current policy does not.

United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with DisabilitiesAll laws and policies with must comply UNCRPD

The United Nations Convention on the Persons with Disabilities and Rwanda

Which articles?Article 6 - WomenArticle 7 Children with disabilitiesArticle 8 Awareness raisingArticle 9 AccessibilityArticle 24 EducationArticle 30 Participation in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport

Women with disabilities being treated equally Countries agree that women and girls have a disability are treated unfairly in lots of different ways.

Countries will work to make sure that women and girls who have a disability have full, free and equal lives.

Article 6

Children with disabilities being treated equally Countries agree that children with a disability have the same rights as other children and are treated equally with others.

What is best for the child will be the most important thing to think about.

Countries agree that children with a disability have the right to be heard in all things that can affect them in their lives. Support will be given to children to help make this happen.

Article 7

Giving people information about disability Rwanda has agreed to do things to make everyone else aware that persons with disabilities have the same rights as everyone else and to show them what persons with disabilities can do.They should do this by:Teaching all children about equal rights for persons with a disability.

Article 8

AccessibilityCountries should make sure persons with disabilities have better access to things in all areas of life.

There should be better access to public buildings like hospitals and schools, and transport.

Article 9


There should be better access to information.

Signs should be in easy read and Braille.

More guides and sign language interpreters should be available in public buildings.

There should be guidelines about how to make access to public services better.

EducationPersons with a disability have a right to education.

Rwanda will make sure persons with a disability have the opportunity to go to mainstream schools and can carry on learning throughout their lives so that:

Article 24

Persons with a disability are able to develop their skills and abilities and take their place in the world.

Persons with a disability are not excluded from (kept out of) any sort of education.

Persons with a disability can go to good local schools, and dont have to pay for them, the same as everyone else.

Persons with a disability have their needs met as far as possible.

Persons with a disability get proper support to learn.

People can learn Braille and other ways of communicating as needed.

Teach people sign language and see it as a language of the deaf community. Deaf and blind children get the right education and support for them to learn.

Make sure teachers have the right skills.

Provide the right support for persons with a disability to continue their education as adults if they want to.

Sport and leisure Persons with a disability have the right to take part in sports and leisure as much as anybody else.With a view to enabling persons with disabilities to participate on an equal basis with others in recreational, leisure and sporting activities, States Parties shall take appropriate measures to ensure that children with disabilities have equal access with other children to participation in play, recreation and leisure and sporting activities, including those activities in the school system;

Article 30

Girls Education Policy Analysis Process

Education of girls with disabilities in RwandaPicture of girl with a disability at school

The global pictureThere are over one billion people with disabilities in the world, of whom between 110-190 million experience very significant difficulties. This corresponds to about 15% of the worlds population.

Globally, an estimated 93 million children or 1 in 20 of those aged up to 14 years of age live with a moderate or severe disability.Gender is a crucial factor: Girls are less likely than boys to receive care and food and are more likely to be left out of family interactions and activities. Girls and young women with disabilities are doubly disabled. They confront not only the prejudice and inequities encountered by many persons with disabilities, but are also constrained by traditional gender roles and barriers.

Girls with disabilities are also less likely to get an education, receive vocational training or find employment than are boys with disabilities or girls without disabilities.

Census data 2012There are 446,453 people with disability in Rwanda (over the age of 5) in a total resident population of 10.51 million inhabitants.More women with disability (225,303) than males (221,150).PrevalenceThe prevalence of disability increases with age. It varies around 3% between 5 years and 29 years before increasing quickly from age 30 to reach 25% by age 80.The prevalence of disability varies slightly by sex and substantially by area of residence. It is far higher in rural areas than in urban areas at all ages.Difficulty walking or climbing is the most common disability among the population aged 5 years and above (2.5% of them suffer from it). It is followed by difficulty in learning/concentrating with a prevalence of 1%.Difficulty speaking is the rarest disability with a prevalence of 0.2%.The prevalence of the different types of disability does not vary by sex but it varies importantly by area of residence. Typically the prevalence of each type of disability is twice higher in rural areas than in urban areas.Causes of DisabilityDisease/illness is the main cause of disability in Rwanda, reported by 52% of people with disability. It is followed by injury/accident (20%) and congenital origin (13%). War, mines and genocide were reported as the main causes of disability by 8%.Disease/Illness is more reported by females than males (58% vs. 45%) while injury/accident is more reported by males (25%) than females (15%) as well as war/mines (7% vs. 3%).

Girls with a disability in schoolHow many girls with disability are receiving an education in Rwanda?

32,241 children and young persons with disabilities were enrolled in Rwandan schools. 14,733 (or 46%) are female

MINEDUC Educational Statistical Year Book 2012

Pre-primary1,259 children with disabilities out of 130,403 total students588 girls with disabilities out of 67,242 girls671 boys with disabilities out 63,161 boys

MINEDUC Educational Statistical Year Book 2012

Only 0.4% of all students in pre-primary school are girls with a disability

Primary23,863 children with disabilities out of 2,394,674 total students10,793 girls with disabilities out of 1,214,190 girls13,070 boys with disabilities out 1,180,484 boys

MINEDUC Educational Statistical Year Book 2012

Only 0.45% of all students in primary school are girls with a disability

Secondary6,153 students with disabilities out of 534,712 total students3,012 girls out of 279,209 girls3,141 boys with disabilities out 255,503 boys

Only 0.56% of all students in secondary school are girls with a disability

VTC966 students with disabilities out of 13,577 total students340 girls with disabilities out of 5,333 girls626 boys with disabilities out 8,244 boys

MINEDUC Educational Statistical Year Book 2012

Only 2.5% of all students in Vocational Training Centres are girls with a disability

What does this mean?The data also shows a decline since 2011; the full cohort of student from any one level in the school system in 2011 has not progressed to the subsequent level in 2012, and overall student numbers have declined.

Why is participation so low?

Why are so few girls with disabilities going to school?

Socio - cultural factorsHigh levels of stigma and discrimination around disabilityPointlessness of education argument for girls is often even worst for those with disabilitiesPatrilineal nature of society - Cultural bias against women and rigid gender roles leads to preferential treatment and allocation of resources and opportunities to male children at the expense of their sisters.Anecdotal evidence suggests that girls with disabilties may be more exploited in the home than non-disabled girls.

School related factorsNo child-centred curriculumStill waiting for Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education PolicyFocus on segregation rather than inclusionLack of adaptive materialsSchool infrastructure inaccessible and far awayInaccessible toilets with no sanitary pads or place for disposal

Educational AdministrationLess female teachers role modelsLess female teachers with science and technology Lack of awareness of barriers for girls and girls with disabilities amongst educatorsLack of awareness of obligation to raise awareness of the rights of children with disabilities amongst educators

Measurement and assessmentNarrow, medical definitions are likely to yield lower estimates than broader ones that take into account social barriers to functioning and participation. Difficulties in registering and recognizing the presence of children with disabilities and certain impairments.Data collection what constitutes disability?Classification is still new and being rolled out.

Affirmative ActionAffirmative action measures are currently at risk given the recent Government position regarding tertiary education.

Gender Based ViolenceIn Rwanda, women with no education are twice as likely to have experienced physical violence as women with secondary or higher education. (DHS 2010)Two in five women (41%) have suffered physical violence at some point since age 15; one in five women has experienced sexual violence. (DHS 2010)According to the United Nations, women and girls with disabilities suffer from sexual violence twice as often as girls and women without disabilities. Fact sheet on Persons with Disabilities ( (March 5, 2011)

Have we missed anything?Let us know!

What does a good girls education policy look like?Post it note exerciseWrite down things that you think should be included in the new policy, specifically for girls with disabilitiesPut your group number on your post it

Group feedbackCan one person per group present the findings from each group.Please put your post its on the flip chart

Agreeing the terms of referenceWe need to agree on how we are to assess the current policy For instance:Has the policy clearly identified the problem it hopes to solve?Is it the right problem?Does it have a clear vision of what it wants to achieve?Does it have a budget?Does it have clear measurable targets?How will it be monitored?

Policy AnalysisPlease can everyone re-join their group.Please can everyone read the Executive Summary and Introduction.Then each group will analyse a different section of the policy.Write your comments on a flip chart.

Group 1: iii 5Group 2: 6-11Group 3: 12 17Group 4: 18 23Group 5: 24-29Group 6: 30-36

Remember to use the agreed Terms of Reference!

Know what good policy looks like.(a) Has the policy clearly identified the problem it hopes to solve?b) Is it the right problem?(c) Does it have a clear vision of what it wants to achieve?(d) Does it have a budget?(e) Does it have clear measurable targets?(f) How will it be monitored?


Group feedback

Summary and closing remarks

ReferencesWorld Report on Disability Factsheet -

UNICEF: State of the Worlds Children Children with Disabilities 2013

WHO World Report on Disability -

Global Campaign for Education - Equal Right, Equal Opportunity: Education and Disability