Girl Scout Week ROCKETEER - · PDF fileHoward E. Lynch, BMC, Ita ... fifth: and Dick...

TlM,.U. TUIIS ....... Feb. 26 33 71 Feb. 27 37 71 F.b. 28 .60 n Mar. I 041 17 Mar. 2 042; 79 Mar. 3 043 81 Mat. 04 049 68 Friday, March 6, 1959 Offlce, BOlUlln.. Bid.... Top Deck TURBOJET MTh'IATVRE-Cal't. W. W. lIollister receh·C11 II miniature lJeale motlel of the j07 Turbojet Trans()Ort from American AJrlines re!l('ntath'e l\I. 1.. l\IHehe.U II memellto of the militlir"-alrlinCII part. nershlp for national defense, Station personnel lire regular customers of tbe airline. Flight» from Los Angeles to Washin&1on are planned, dent J. Elliott Fox; Chatrman, Kern Ceunt)' Board of Suller'l'illorll w. ItO)' Woollomes; A. E. uu·m, LM An- geles; NOTS OHi.eer Capt. HuberL-L Ander.- lion; Kern County Clerk Vera Gibson; Kern County n.oard of .lobll Hanning; and Uobert Bothwell, Rialto, Phones 718M, nolI2, 'l'LMti Emplayee,Community Pass Must Be Active To Allow Admission Station employCCll and holderll of community passes are noti- fied thllt paUl'S which have ex- pired will. not be honored for admiuion to the Station, erfec. t1ve March 10. Holder" at community paSSCIi are ad.-l!Oed lhat 8 red, sur- <:hargetl date must be stamped on theIr passe", of the expiration t!8te sho"... on the ... Stillion employees and holdeu or community passes may have their passes validated by report. lng to the Pefllonnel Security Branch at the top deck of the HOWling Building. 55 Visitors Impressed by Wednesday's _ .... , 'Business, Industrial Relations Day' Tour group comprised of Kern County. offiCials, bUSiness and Industry representatives from Bakers. field, Ridgecrest and as far south as Los Angeles, Riverside. San Bernardino, and Northridge, participated in the "Busi. ness and Industrial ReI:ttions Day" tour of the Station \'Vednesd:ty. ed even this was their view of At the request of the Rldgecrellt the Station, having neglected to Chamber of Commer<:e and the take advantage of the annual Atm. China Lake Community Council, cd Forces Day's tours. Commander, U. S. Naval Ordnance A registration and bus tr'anspor_ Test Station, acting as host on tatlon cenler was set up at the Station, a for Community Center Building for the repre!cntauves from busmess and visitors. Alillembling here at 9:30 government who are intercsted In a.m. the visitors upon reglslratlon the future development of thi& were given lour badges and paeketll area. containing a program of the day's !tf.any from the Bakersfield area events, brochures on the Station's and Southern California were vlew- technical programs, and statilltieal Ing the Station for the firlit time, data and literature complied by a few Ridgecrest members confen- the Ridgecrest Chamber of Com- merce relative to this area. Following this, the Visitors boant- ed buses for a tour ot Charley Range where they witnessed a visiting Navy A4·D Squadron prac- ticing over-the-Jihouider bombing, a technique developed here at iNOTS. They thcn toured the &-...rORT track fadlity where they were shown do<:umentary film of test work performed on the 4.1-mile track. Following a luncheon at the Ot. tittrs Club, the visiton a&Sembled In Conference Room A of It-ilehel. son Lab, for a welcoming addresl by the Station's Executive Officer Capt.-H. B. Hahn. Refering to the "Business and Industrial Relations D..llY" toWr In which the visitors were participating, Capt. Hahn re- marked, we at NOTS eonsider this a Community Devel- opment Day"-elarlfylng it by lng, "All of the twin com- New Flight Service munitles of Ridgecrest and China Lake we are pleased that we can Offered Loco Ily join with the Ridgecrest Chamber Being made available to Indian of Commerce and the China Lake Community Council in demonstl'.ll.t· Wells Valley r'csidcntll on Friday, ing to you, who have come varying March la, is the Skymaaleu In- ternational's new fllght r out e dislancCll, the intere!t that we have which will lerve the communitlea collectively In further development of Burbank, Palmdale, Inyokern, of this area." Lone Pine, Bishop, Hawthome and Continuing he said, "It is a plea- Reno, wit h the newly formed sure to welcome you to NOTS be- "Sport.!lman·s Route." cause we are proud of NOTS-itll Presenl dally scheduling ealill for achievements, its peraonalitiell-.ll.nd a morning fIlght from Burbank our civllian-milltary concept of and leaving the Inyokern Airport at workln;-. The fountainhead of our 9 a.m., thence to Reno. An after- productivity Is our people. 'VI' like noon flight leaving Reno will leave to feel that NOTS is an asset to Inyokern at (1:30 p.m. going to Bur- this area. We feel that when NOTS bank. thrlvea we are a help to the area- Skymasten' hope to lIOOn add a and what is good for NOTS Is good morning flight. which will enable for the Ridgecrest-China Lake local people to arrive at Burbank, area and the county." the day In the metropolitan Following the welcoming address area, and return to lnyokern on the Villitolll viewed a new NOTS' ;;;-, All-Hands Meetings Continue in March Capt. W. W. Hollister, Station Commander, Is continuing the se. rlCli of 33 All-Hands Meetlngll be. gun laat month. In the attempt to g81n Insight in- to employee viewpoint and to pro- vide an opporlunlty for employeell to 8llk que!tions of 8 general na- ture, all personnel IlCheduled for meetings may submit qucstions to their department head in advance of the mC('tings planned for their department. Theile queations will then be fonvarded to CapL Hol- lister's office. The March ll(:hedule of All-Hands Meetlngl is 8.lI follows: Mar. 9--eode Community Cen- ter, 3 p.m. Mar. 13-eode 35, Community Cen- ter, 3 p,m, [ Mar. 23-C0de 55, Community Cen- ter, 2 p.m. and S p.m. Mar. 26--C0de 45, CLPP Cafeteria. 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. Mar. Z1--Code 41S, CLPP Cafeteria, 3 p.m. Mar. 30--C0de Community Cen· ____ I ter, 3 p.m, U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake, California 7177 Service Expands I'ublic \VO rk If Dellartmenl' Trouble Desk, Exl. 7t77. ili now scn'iced from .. a.ln. to 6 il.m. lUanda)· through Frida}'. The ex. trnded hourli of ""gular 8Cn·ice are Intended to relie'-e the Pf"ak loatl8 of 7:80 a.lll. and "':80 to 5 p.m. Emergenc)· calls will <:ontlnue to be aCClejlted lit any time. Photography Course Needs More Enrollees A baaic photography eourtlC, cov- ering techniquClJ of picture-taking and darkroom procedures, will be- gin in late March If at least six more enrollCCll are obtained. The cl8Sll will convene each Monday night, from 7-10 p.m. at Burroughs High School after the beginning date. Those Intctellted in the course may contact Leroy hlarquardt, Ext. 71730. VISITOH$ nEGlsn;R--.lohn Lewis (seated) issues tour batlges to nidgeere»t Chamber of Commeru men'ben (I. to r.) Eunice Fowler, Vie Ellis. and J. Elliott Fox, with Cal FallgaHer and LeRoy Jackson, who ll!i- sistetl guidelil lor the "Business and Intlustrial Relstlons Day" tour. TOUR NQTS-"Uuslnelill 8ntl Intlustrial Relations Da)'" "illitors make reatly to board the bus for. lour of lhe ranges during their vlllit to the Sta- tion last Wednesday. Ldt to right Carl)'le Miller, u..kersfleld; NOTS Community Couneil President Don JUoore; Ritlgecrest Chamber of Comnlt-f1:e Presl- NOTS Novy Men Receive Awards At laat Tuesday's personnel In- Spection of NOTS Dlvi.lon. Cap- tain Harry B. Hahn, Executive Of- ticer, presented awardll to (our Navy men. Vlneent F. Scanlon, HM2, re- ceived the Presidential Unit Cita- tion, for duty with the First Ma_ rinI.' Aircraft Wing Reinforced. Howard E. Lynch, BMC, Ita· tioned at Morris Dam. received a commendation for high level per- formance of duties under adverse conditions during recovery opera. tions at Walker Lake, ncar Haw- thorne. California, during ASROC testll. The period covered by the commendation for Lynch and his crew was September 29 through November 1958. William H. !>i1llll, CSt, received his fourlh Good Conduct Award, while Paul E. Mills. ET2, was pre- sented with a Good Conduct Award, his fil"llt. ROCKETEER Budd Gatt. Edltor fo Girl Scout Week March 8·14 XV, Na. 30 Students Display Winning Exhibits at School Science Fair Rocketeer Deadlines Newll, Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. Photos, Ty.esday, 11:30 a.m. Pearson to Exploin Explosive Forming John Pearson, Head, 'Varhead Research, Weapons Development Department, has bet:on appointed :lS a panelist for a discussion of ex- plosive metaill forming at the 11th Western Metal Congress In Loll Angeles next week. In September, 1958, the NOTS "Explosive Press," designed and patented by Edward La Rocca, a research metallurgist In the War- head Research Bran<:h. WRll made known. PearlJOn will dill(:uSlll reas· ons for explosive forming and formable materials on March 19. NOTS personnel who are mem- bers In any western seetlon of any member organization of the Amer· Ican Society for Metals are 8uthor- ized. to register, without fee, at the Metals Congress. EJthibltors of projects Judged the winnen at laat weekend's China Lake Ikhools Science Fair were: Blology-KrisUn Highberg for "Fairy Shrimp," fir s t: Carolyn Snearly for second: Rolly MCl."i/elll, for "Desert \Vildflowers," third and Karen Holton for ''CIrcu- latory System," honorable mention. Judges were Dr. Carl Heller and Judith Undo Mathematics-David Skaar for "Primary Multlpller Computer," and Bruce Waft for "Algebraic Com- puter (be-bop nursery rhymes") tied for fif$t: Don Davis and Alan RobinlJOn for "Ex}li:rlmental Deter- mination of Pi," tied for third: 'Vayne Smlth for "],lodel of Rock- et Attitude," fourth. Judges were Dr. Margaret Maxfield and Dr. Newton Ward. Home Economi<:s-Gwen Shum- way for "Nylon Rope Trick," first: Sandra JenJIen and Carol Anderson for "Detergent.!l vs. Soaps," second pla<:e tie; Mary Cole and Nela Mc- Millan for "Bone Shape-A Clue to Tendernesa of Beef." tying for third. Judges were Elinor French, Martha Bovee and Marguerite fWg- on. Physics-Wayne Smith for "Gyro," first; Bob R08eth for "Tes- Ja Coil," second; Monte Frisbee and Bob Fojt for "Expansion Cham- ber," tying for third; Davld Con- nelly for "Wind Tunnel," fourth; David SherlOO,lk for "Satellite," fifth: and Dick Clodfelter and Steve Clark for "Infra-Red," sixth. Judg- es were: Dr'. G. J, Plain and Dr. Ernst Bauer. Chemistry-Don Davis and Alan Robinson, first; Bill MacInnes, sec- ond and Loulae McEwan. third. Judgea were Dr. Elmo Julian, Dr. Alvin Gordon, John Gregory and Martin Kauphman. Photography - Harold Go lye r with flf$t; Richard Al- drich with '"Trapped," second and Jack CrowlJOn with "Beach," third. Judges were James Moore and Jack Lelrlinger, A apeeial Award of $10 was awarded to Richard Wilson, James Monroe School, Ridgeerellt, for his display encompasslng sea shells and sea organisms. Local organizations contributing financially to the Sclence Fair awardll were: China Lake PTA, CLEA, RESA, the Elks, lnsUtute of Radio Englneera, Community Thrift Shop, ROO,lkhounds. AAT.JW and the Astronomical Society. All awards to Burroughs High School studenlll were monetary, except for honorable mentions. The Grand Prize bonus award of was awarded to Kristin Hlghberg for her biology project. Frid'I' M.reh 6, 1959 Captain W. 'V. Hollister haa 8p. pointed Station Forms' Manage- ment Analyst Hazel Coleman. Cod" 171, to head the Station Committee for Forms :Management MonUl which Is being conducted during the month of March. Committee members are the Forms Manage.- ment representatives in each de· partment. Formll Management Month Is be- Ing spollllOred by the Commandant of the 11th Naval District and has the endorsemcnt oj the. of the Navy. ·'It has all Its 81m," Huel Coleman said, "the elimina- tion ot burdensome and costly pa. perwork through better designed forms and improved procedures." "Here III a real opportunity for all of us to cut through ·the rca tape and come up with some real II&vlngll. stated Capt. Holllster. "The Federal Government USCII 18 billion torms a year which COlt.!l the taxpayer $867 million annually. With the presenl budgetary re_ strictions, this i.! an area rlpe for coat reductions. H8%CI Coleman 8nd her committee will need the help of 'all hands' to harvest our share of the savlngs." Local plans include training slons on the use of forms manage.- ment techniques, 8nalysls of the five top usage rornu In each partment, and ellminatlQn of sooo called bootleg forMS. The Station Forms Management Analyst re- quests that all Station personnel be on the lookout for forms that are unnecessary, outdaled, cumbersome or sloppily designed. Any depart. ment forms representative will be available to assillt In either eliml- natlng or improving them. The Station's goal Is to come up with a substantial .avlni"s by the end of March. Analyst Spearheads Forms Review Drive Boxing Instructions For Military Slated All military perlfOnnel Intereated In taking bodng lesaona are Invit- ed to participate In these sessions given free of charge by Bernie Locker each week day from <4:30 to 6 p.m. at the Station gym, , , teurs. Shown in row (1. to r.) are: Don l'a!>Cual anti John DOl1ohue, co-chairman anti chairman for tli§pl")1J: FA Uallllncrberf, lH"<:rctary to jutlging CQm· ",Iltet:: I'hilip Schuyler, general eh_frlllan; a,nd Pat Cox, exhibits. The annual fes(i,.. ls are eOllIluctrtl to Iitimulate llntl encourage a,rt interest. nalre will be circulated on a cross- sectlon baai.s throughout China Lake and \lIherry in order to help prCJICnt to the Council directors the needs. qucstions and suggestions of residents of these areas. All China Lake and Wherry residents are memberli of the Com- munity Council. and all are wel- come to attend the mcetlnp on lhf> second and fourth Tuesdays of each month al the Community Center. I 'HI! AltT FESTIVAl. OFFICIALS-Details for thc COIll- In(l: Kcrn Count)· Art Fe>itinll, l\lareh J4 alld Ill, are bt-ing coortllnatetl by the committee membenl abo,·e. Shown in frollt row (I. to r.) are: Allee Dubin, h05- jlitality: Uuth Schu)'ler, 11IIhliclt)': Joyce Casaroli, general co-chairman: and Uarel I'orter, adult _rna·, JUl'EltiOn AClfJE\'El\U;IST-Members of NO'fS' 4l\-man tire Dellarlment fillare a $SOO SuIJerior ment aw.. rd for luning placet! a,non.. the first tcnNnl'al elItablishments III the .National tire tlon Association eomplltition tluring the )'ean 19:;0..1956. A.ssistllnl. t'lre Chief J. A. DII,-is Is picture" sewnd N\l', far right. To dale the Dept. has re<:ei>'ed se,·en .uccessi\·e NFPA'a "A".. rt!s . r Credit Union Officers for 1959·60 RE-ELECTt;D-Ortleers of NOTS Employeell Federul Credit Union BOl,rd ot Directors re-elected to sen·e for tile coming (I. to r.) are: Henr)' IL Wllir, I,rcsident; 'VIUiIlIll I'. Koontz, "iee-ll!C$itlent; nobert C, HollowKy, tretlsurer: Kntl Lewis ltadcliff, clerk, Directors for tile <:oming )'ear are Berce Giles. James Coogll", anti CharlCll Radcliff. Community Council Navy Wives Club Offer Reports Activities Welcomes Semee Wives to NOTS At the regular business meeting Parentll attending eonferenee. of the China Lake Community with teaehel'23 at the China Lake Council on February 24, Elementary Schools may again reslgnatlons from David COlPlttll, take advantage of baby silting of- Ridgecrest (Precinct 10,> reprellen- by the Navy Wives ClUb. This lallve. and Rev. A. A. Bllls, Wher!)' rree service is available at each of (Precinct 9) repr'e.entative, were the four s<:hools February 9 and 10 accepted. Any NOTS employee or and February 16 lind 17 from 2 to) adult dependent residing within 4 p.m. each day. these preclnll is eligible tor con- During the next three monthll lIideration by the Board at Dlrecton the Navy Wives ClUb is planning to fill the vacancies. Those Inter· an extenslve membenhlp c8mpalgn ested lIhould contael Tillie May- for newly arriVed Navy and M.arin'.l berry, Ext. 72290, between 3:30 and wives. The organi1.lltion ofters an 5:30 any week day. opportunity lor depcndenu to p8rti- The resignation of John Pearson, cipate, as a group, in aetivltiell of Preclnel 1, Crc8tes a third vacancy Interest and ald to milltar'Y person- on the Board ot Precinct nel on the Station. Projects and 1 Indudes the hlll area of China actlvitiCfl of the Navy Wives Club Lake plus the block bounded by will be of Interest and value to all Blandy, Mltscher, Nimitz and Rleh- service wives. For further informa- mond. tion, call Ann Smllh, Ext. 77033 or Hilde Shafter, nomlnallng com- Barbara Nelson. Ext. mittee chairman. may be contacted at Ext. 74M2 for details concern- Ing Board membership dutles, while petitions for candidacy may be ob- tained from Mrs. Mayberry. Jack Kirby and Joe Bllr'rs wero.· asked to survey the Station to dis- close area. most urgently nccdinz <:urbs and sidewalks. and the Coun· cllmen abo voted to ask the Chin" Lake Garden Club to plan land- .leaping for the trattie circle. In the ncar future a queSllon- Water Safety Course To Begin Moreh 10 The Red Cross Water Safety In- struction CourllC wiIJ begin at the Station Swimming Pool on March 10, at 6:30 p.m, Regi.!tration will be taken at that time. Regl5trantl must hold a current senior lifesaving certificate and bc at least 18 years of age. The course will comilst of two Hi·hour parh - conditioning and learning various strokes, and the methods of teaching swimming. Station Library Lists New Books Station Baseba II 55 Visitors Tour ... A l\ledieine for Melanehol)' by Ray Bradbury. 1\I.·enty-two storie. Clf wonder by the author of ''The l1artian Chronicle.." Nautilus 9(} North by William R. AnderlJOn. An on-the'scene account Clf the first Crollsing under the North Pole. The, Might and Mildness by lvar Ussner. Colorful lIkctchcs Clf the men who ruled the Roman Empire. Ifenderson the Uuln King by Saul Bellow. The adventurca ot an Am_ erican millionaire who traveled to Africa In the hope of finding him- .elf. 'Negev Desert' Film Slated for Tonight All Stallon Ilrc invited to altend the showing of ''The Negev Dellert" at the new wing of the Ali-Faith Chapel tonight, fol- lowing Hebrew service. at 7:30 p.m. In addition, a book review 01 -RIvers in the Desert" by Dr. Ntl- Iron Glueck will be given by Dr. )lax Dubin. The tilm deplcls Dr. Nelson Glueck's luccessful archaclogical ,Iud)' made of the 4,OOO·square·mile descrt which extends lIOulh l)(:tween Egypt and Jordan to the Gulf of Aqaba. It ill a land figuring largely In the centuries old hlllWry of the l\'ear ElLlIt and In the Scriptures and rellgioull tradition. of three of the world', major faithll-ehrill- tlllnlt)', Judaillm and Mohamme- danism. Refreshments w III be .erved alter the movie. Girl Scout Week, March 8-14 Celebrates 47th Anniversary Indian \\?'clls Valley Girl Scouts will launch their 47th anniversary celebration next week, March 8 through 14, with an annual Leaders Tea to be held in their newly reno- vated Troop House next Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m., accord- ing to an announcement by Betty Taylor, District Chair- man. In addition to the Girl Scout an- nlvenary fCfltlvitles, the event will be in honor of the many parenlll and friends of the Scouts who con- tributed their time lind energy to the six-month beautification pro- ject of the Troop House, a slgnifi· cant geslure of appreciation for the usc of community property. The tea arrangements were made by lIeventh and eighth grade Girl Scouts under the leadership of Jen- ny Miller, May Butler, Katherine Wentlnk, Bula Kecne and Alma Matheny. Progmm Included In the program will be a prelJentation of 10, and l(1-.year membenhlp pins to resident.!l of lndian Wells Valley. and a IIpecial skit lIeheduled at 3:30 p,m. pre- pared by Girl Scout Troop 183 led by Jenny MllIer honoring Scout with LaV McLean all mis- tress or ceremonies. Troop 119, led by Katherine Wcntlnk, will close the ceremonies with a choral read- Ing. During the tea hour. original art exhibitll deplCllng life at China Lake will be shown In the North Room, and tape recording. of varl- ous Girl Scout radlo program. will be played. Some will be original lJeripts written by local girl., Other El'enhl Six have been re- ceived by the local Girl Scoutll from the Veterans or Foreign Wan, WACOfo1, and the Uons Club. These campershlplI make it possible for Girl Scoutll to go to camp who otherwise would not be able lo afford It. Camperships do not provide the entire camp fee sineI' the individual girl is expected to earn part of her way. Camping represenls a major part of the Girl Scout progr'am, Weather permitting, the week- long celebration will be climaxed by a Giant Play Day on Saturday, March H. tram 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sandqui.t Spa. Otherwise, the event will take pla<:e in the Super- vlson Hut and the Anchorage. All Brownies will bring nos e bag lunches. Chairman of the Play Day event Is Betty Heflin and her commiltee eon.illls of leaden of third grade Troop. 69, 113, 16, 366, 521, t.H, 313, and Play Day givC!l the girls an op- portunity to play together and get acquainted, and it gives the young- er girls a chance lo feel they arc a part of a large organb;ation. WHEREAS the Girl Scouts of the United States of have rendered continuous SC'rvice to their country and communities since their founding on March 12, 1912; and WHEREAS we the residenu of China Lake ate aware of the im- portant contribution to community welfare being made by Girl Scout I kaders through their work with the youth of the nation; and WHEREAS the Girl Scout organization has grown to more than 2Yz million girl members and more than 700,000 adult leaders, who .rc tach day living up to their Promise to Do Their Duty to God and Country, to Help Other People at All Times, and to Li,·e By the Girl Scout Laws of loyalty, honesty, counf'SY. chttrfulness, usdulness, kindness, and helpfulness to others: 1 therefore call upon all residents of China Lake to gin the Girl SCouts now and in the coming years the fullest cooperation :md sup- port SO that increasing numbers of girls may benefit from the splendid program of training in citizenship which the Girl Scout organization offers. (ContinUed from Page 1) film "Expanding Frontiers of Ord- nance" which showed many facets of onl.nance research and testing carried on at China Lake and Pasa- dcna and the community and rcc_ reatlon life of the Station. At the conclusion of the film, a brief lec- ture on the functions of the IBM 704 computer was given by Harle)' Tillitt prior to the group's visit to 6ee It in operation. A return to the SNORT track to witnellll a SNORT track firing con- cluded the tour for the visitors. 1 Girl Scout Week Proclamation Iii CArTAIN W. W. HOLLISTER, USN Commander. NOTS The Station will have a ballCbali team this coming IlClL9On. All mili- tary men Interested In playing for this ball club should report to Schoeffcl Field at 4:30 p.m. Monday, :Mareh 9. Captain J. G. Baker, Marine Corps Guided Missile Unit. will manage the team. Chleh Charles Castle and Paul Coffelt will coach the ball club. Home and home series are being arranged "'ith Camp lrwln, Twentynine Palms, Long Beach Navy. Barstow Marine Balle, Trona, Edwards Air Force Base, George Air Force BUll end Pt. Mugu,

Transcript of Girl Scout Week ROCKETEER - · PDF fileHoward E. Lynch, BMC, Ita ... fifth: and Dick...

Page 1: Girl Scout Week ROCKETEER -  · PDF fileHoward E. Lynch, BMC, Ita ... fifth: and Dick Clodfelter and Steve ... Frid'I'M.reh 6, 1959 Captain W. 'V. Hollister haa 8p

TlM,.U.TUIIS.......Feb. 26 33 71Feb. 27 37 71F.b. 28 .60 nMar. I 041 17Mar. 2 042; 79Mar. 3 043 81Mat. 04 049 68

Friday, March 6, 1959

Offlce, BOlUlln.. Bid.... Top Deck

TURBOJET MTh'IATVRE-Cal't. W. W. lIollister receh·C11 II miniaturelJeale motlel of the j07 Turbojet Trans()Ort from American AJrlines rell~

re!l('ntath'e l\I. 1.. l\IHehe.U 8§ II memellto of the militlir"-alrlinCII part.nershlp for national defense, Station personnel lire regular customers oftbe airline. Flight» from Los Angeles to Washin&1on are planned,

dent J. Elliott Fox; Chatrman, Kern Ceunt)' Board ofSuller'l'illorll w. ItO)' Woollomes; A. E. uu·m, LM An­geles; NOTS ~ledical OHi.eer Capt. HuberL-L Ander.­lion; Kern County Clerk Vera Gibson; Kern Countyn.oard of Superviso~ .lobll Hanning; and UobertBothwell, Rialto,

Phones 718M, nolI2, 'l'LMti

Emplayee,CommunityPass Must Be ActiveTo Allow Admission

Station employCCll and holderllof community passes are noti­fied thllt paUl'S which have ex­pired will. not be honored foradmiuion to the Station, erfec.t1ve March 10.

Holder" at community paSSCIi

are ad.-l!Oed lhat 8 red, sur­<:hargetl date must be stampedon theIr passe", ~g:artlICM of theexpiration t!8te sho"... on the...~

Stillion employees and holdeuor community passes may havetheir passes validated by report.lng to the Pefllonnel SecurityBranch at the top deck of theHOWling Building.

55 Visitors Impressed by Wednesday's_ .... ,'Business, Industrial Relations Day' Tour

~ fifty-~ve mem~r group comprised of Kern County.offiCials, bUSiness and Industry representatives from Bakers.field, Ridgecrest and as far south as Los Angeles, Riverside.San Bernardino, and Northridge, participated in the "Busi.ness and Industrial ReI:ttions Day" tour of the Station\'Vednesd:ty. ed even this was their fir~t view of

At the request of the Rldgecrellt the Station, having neglected toChamber of Commer<:e and the take advantage of the annual Atm.China Lake Community Council, cd Forces Day's tours.Commander, U. S. Naval Ordnance A registration and bus tr'anspor_Test Station, acting as host on tatlon cenler was set up at theStation, sP~lIIsored a p~ram for Community Center Building for therepre!cntauves from busmess and visitors. Alillembling here at 9:30government who are intercsted In a.m. the visitors upon reglslratlonthe future development of thi& were given lour badges and paeketllarea. containing a program of the day's

!tf.any from the Bakersfield area events, brochures on the Station'sand Southern California were vlew- technical programs, and statilltiealIng the Station for the firlit time, data and literature complied bya few Ridgecrest members confen- the Ridgecrest Chamber of Com­

merce relative to this area.Following this, the Visitors boant­

ed buses for a tour ot CharleyRange where they witnessed avisiting Navy A4·D Squadron prac­ticing over-the-Jihouider bombing,a technique developed here atiNOTS. They thcn toured the&-...rORT track fadlity where theywere shown do<:umentary film oftest work performed on the 4.1-miletrack.

Following a luncheon at the Ot.tittrs Club, the visiton a&SembledIn Conference Room A of It-ilehel.son Lab, for a welcoming addreslby the Station's Executive OfficerCapt.-H. B. Hahn. Refering to the"Business and Industrial RelationsD..llY" toWr In which the visitorswere participating, Capt. Hahn re­marked, "lo~rankly, we at NOTSeonsider this a Community Devel-opment Day"-elarlfylng it by add~

lng, "All membe~ of the twin com­New Flight Service munitles of Ridgecrest and China

Lake we are pleased that we canOffered Loco Ily join with the Ridgecrest Chamber

Being made available to Indian of Commerce and the China LakeCommunity Council in demonstl'.ll.t·Wells Valley r'csidcntll on Friday, ing to you, who have come varyingMarch la, is the Skymaaleu In-

ternational's new fllght r out e dislancCll, the intere!t that we havewhich will lerve the communitlea collectively In further developmentof Burbank, Palmdale, Inyokern, of this area."Lone Pine, Bishop, Hawthome and Continuing he said, "It is a plea­Reno, wit h the newly formed sure to welcome you to NOTS be­"Sport.!lman·s Route." cause we are proud of NOTS-itll

Presenl dally scheduling ealill for achievements, its peraonalitiell-.ll.nda morning fIlght from Burbank our civllian-milltary concept ofand leaving the Inyokern Airport at workln;-. The fountainhead of our9 a.m., thence to Reno. An after- productivity Is our people. 'VI' likenoon flight leaving Reno will leave to feel that NOTS is an asset toInyokern at (1:30 p.m. going to Bur- this area. We feel that when NOTSbank. thrlvea we are a help to the area-

Skymasten' hope to lIOOn add a and what is good for NOTS Is goodmorning flight. which will enable for the Ridgecrest-China Lakelocal people to arrive at Burbank, area and the county."s~nd the day In the metropolitan Following the welcoming addressarea, and return to lnyokern on the Villitolll viewed a new NOTS'

:~:~;l~lh~.~.~.~m~'~d~'~Y;.==",,;;;:c_;;;_~;;;;;;;;;;(~Co~n~,~(n;U~'~d;';O~O~P~.~g~.'.;.~);;;-,All-Hands MeetingsContinue in March

Capt. W. W. Hollister, StationCommander, Is continuing the se.rlCli of 33 All-Hands Meetlngll be.gun laat month.

In the attempt to g81n Insight in­to employee viewpoint and to pro­vide an opporlunlty for employeellto 8llk que!tions of 8 general na­ture, all personnel IlCheduled formeetings may submit qucstions totheir department head in advanceof the mC('tings planned for theirdepartment. Theile queations willthen be fonvarded to CapL Hol-lister's office.

The March ll(:hedule of All-HandsMeetlngl is 8.lI follows:Mar. 9--eode ~, Community Cen­

ter, 3 p.m.Mar. 13-eode 35, Community Cen-

ter, 3 p,m, [Mar. 23-C0de 55, Community Cen­

ter, 2 p.m. and S p.m.Mar. 26--C0de 45, CLPP Cafeteria.

2 p.m. and 3 p.m.Mar. Z1--Code 41S, CLPP Cafeteria,

3 p.m.Mar. 30--C0de ~, Community Cen·____ I ter, 3 p.m,

U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake, California

7177 Service ExpandsI'ublic \VO r k If Dellartmenl'

Trouble Desk, Exl. 7t77. ili nowscn'iced from .. a.ln. to 6 il.m.lUanda)· through Frida}'. The ex.trnded hourli of ""gular 8Cn·iceare Intended to relie'-e the Pf"akloatl8 of 7:80 a.lll. and "':80 to 5p.m.

Emergenc)· calls will <:ontlnueto be aCClejlted lit any time.

Photography CourseNeeds More Enrollees

A baaic photography eourtlC, cov­ering techniquClJ of picture-takingand darkroom procedures, will be­gin in late March If at least sixmore enrollCCll are obtained. Thecl8Sll will convene each Mondaynight, from 7-10 p.m. at BurroughsHigh School after the beginningdate. Those Intctellted in the coursemay contact Leroy hlarquardt, Ext.71730.

VISITOH$ nEGlsn;R--.lohn Lewis (seated) issues tour batlges tonidgeere»t Chamber of Commeru men'ben (I. to r.) Eunice Fowler, VieEllis. and J. Elliott Fox, with Cal FallgaHer and LeRoy Jackson, who ll!i­

sistetl a~ guidelil lor the "Business and Intlustrial Relstlons Day" tour.

TOUR NQTS-"Uuslnelill 8ntl Intlustrial RelationsDa)'" "illitors make reatly to board the bus for. lourof lhe ranges during their on~'y vlllit to the Sta­tion last Wednesday. Ldt to right Carl)'le Miller,u..kersfleld; NOTS Community Couneil PresidentDon JUoore; Ritlgecrest Chamber of Comnlt-f1:e Presl-

NOTS Novy MenReceive Awards

At laat Tuesday's personnel In­Spection of NOTS Dlvi.lon. Cap­tain Harry B. Hahn, Executive Of­ticer, presented awardll to (ourNavy men.

Vlneent F. Scanlon, HM2, re­ceived the Presidential Unit Cita­tion, for duty with the First Ma_rinI.' Aircraft Wing Reinforced.

Howard E. Lynch, BMC, Ita·tioned at Morris Dam. received acommendation for high level per­formance of duties under adverseconditions during recovery opera.tions at Walker Lake, ncar Haw­thorne. California, during ASROCtestll. The period covered by thecommendation for Lynch and hiscrew was September 29 throughNovember 1~. 1958.

William H. !>i1llll, CSt, receivedhis fourlh Good Conduct Award,while Paul E. Mills. ET2, was pre­sented with a Good Conduct Award,his fil"llt.

ROCKETEERBudd Gatt. Edltor



Girl Scout


March 8·14

~al. XV, Na. ~

30 Students DisplayWinning Exhibits atSchool Science Fair

Rocketeer DeadlinesNewll, Tuesday, 4:30 p.m.Photos, Ty.esday, 11:30 a.m.

Pearson to ExploinExplosive Forming

John Pearson, Head, 'VarheadResearch, Weapons DevelopmentDepartment, has bet:on appointed :lS

a panelist for a discussion of ex­plosive metaill forming at the 11thWestern Metal Congress In LollAngeles next week.

In September, 1958, the NOTS"Explosive Press," designed andpatented by Edward La Rocca, aresearch metallurgist In the War­head Research Bran<:h. WRll madeknown. PearlJOn will dill(:uSlll reas·ons for explosive forming andformable materials on March 19.

NOTS personnel who are mem­bers In any western seetlon of anymember organization of the Amer·Ican Society for Metals are 8uthor­ized. to register, without fee, at theMetals Congress.

EJthibltors of projects Judged thewinnen at laat weekend's ChinaLake Ikhools Science Fair were:

Blology-KrisUn Highberg for"Fairy Shrimp," fir s t: CarolynSnearly for "Molds,~ second: RollyMCl."i/elll, for "Desert \Vildflowers,"third and Karen Holton for ''CIrcu­latory System," honorable mention.Judges were Dr. Carl Heller andJudith Undo

Mathematics-David Skaar for"Primary Multlpller Computer," andBruce Waft for "Algebraic Com­puter (be-bop nursery rhymes")tied for fif$t: Don Davis and AlanRobinlJOn for "Ex}li:rlmental Deter­mination of Pi," tied for third:'Vayne Smlth for "],lodel of Rock­et Attitude," fourth. Judges wereDr. Margaret Maxfield and Dr.Newton Ward.

Home Economi<:s-Gwen Shum­way for "Nylon Rope Trick," first:Sandra JenJIen and Carol Andersonfor "Detergent.!l vs. Soaps," secondpla<:e tie; Mary Cole and Nela Mc­Millan for "Bone Shape-A Clueto Tendernesa of Beef." tying forthird. Judges were Elinor French,Martha Bovee and Marguerite fWg­on.

Physics-Wayne Smith for"Gyro," first; Bob R08eth for "Tes­Ja Coil," second; Monte Frisbee andBob Fojt for "Expansion Cham­ber," tying for third; Davld Con­nelly for "Wind Tunnel," fourth;David SherlOO,lk for "Satellite,"fifth: and Dick Clodfelter and SteveClark for "Infra-Red," sixth. Judg­es were: Dr'. G. J, Plain and Dr.Ernst Bauer.

Chemistry-Don Davis and AlanRobinson, first; Bill MacInnes, sec­ond and Loulae McEwan. third.Judgea were Dr. Elmo Julian, Dr.Alvin Gordon, John Gregory andMartin Kauphman.

Photography - Harold Go lye rwith ''Chapel,~ flf$t; Richard Al­drich with '"Trapped," second andJack CrowlJOn with "Beach," third.Judges were James Moore andJack Lelrlinger,

A apeeial Award of $10 wasawarded to Richard Wilson, JamesMonroe School, Ridgeerellt, for hisdisplay encompasslng sea shellsand sea organisms.

Local organizations contributingfinancially to the 19~9 Sclence Fairawardll were: China Lake PTA,CLEA, RESA, the Elks, lnsUtuteof Radio Englneera, CommunityThrift Shop, ROO,lkhounds. AAT.JWand the Astronomical Society. Allawards to Burroughs High Schoolstudenlll were monetary, except forhonorable mentions. The GrandPrize bonus award of $1~ wasawarded to Kristin Hlghberg forher biology project.

Frid'I' M.reh 6, 1959

Captain W. 'V. Hollister haa 8p.pointed Station Forms' Manage­ment Analyst Hazel Coleman. Cod"171, to head the Station Committeefor Forms :Management MonUlwhich Is being conducted duringthe month of March. Committeemembers are the Forms Manage.­ment representatives in each de·partment.

Formll Management Month Is be­Ing spollllOred by the Commandantof the 11th Naval District and hasthe endorsemcnt oj the. ~retaryof the Navy. ·'It has all Its 81m,"Huel Coleman said, "the elimina­tion ot burdensome and costly pa.perwork through better designedforms and improved procedures."

"Here III a real opportunity forall of us to cut through ·the rcatape and come up with some realII&vlngll.~ stated Capt. Holllster."The Federal Government USCII 18billion torms a year which COlt.!lthe taxpayer $867 million annually.With the presenl budgetary re_strictions, this i.! an area rlpe forcoat reductions. H8%CI Coleman 8ndher committee will need the helpof 'all hands' to harvest our shareof the savlngs."

Local plans include training sell~

slons on the use of forms manage.­ment techniques, 8nalysls of thefive top usage rornu In each de~

partment, and ellminatlQn of sooocalled bootleg forMS. The StationForms Management Analyst re­quests that all Station personnel beon the lookout for forms that areunnecessary, outdaled, cumbersomeor sloppily designed. Any depart.ment forms representative will beavailable to assillt In either eliml­natlng or improving them.

The Station's goal Is to come upwith a substantial .avlni"s by theend of March.

Analyst SpearheadsForms Review Drive

Boxi ng InstructionsFor Military Slated

All military perlfOnnel IntereatedIn taking bodng lesaona are Invit­ed to participate In these sessionsgiven free of charge by BernieLocker each week day from <4:30to 6 p.m. at the Station gym,

, ,

teurs. Shown in row (1. to r.) are: Don l'a!>Cualanti John DOl1ohue, co-chairman anti chairman fortli§pl")1J: FA Uallllncrberf, lH"<:rctary to jutlging CQm·",Iltet:: I'hilip Schuyler, general eh_frlllan; a,nd PatCox, profefi~ional exhibits. The annual fes(i, areeOllIluctrtl to Iitimulate llntl encourage a,rt interest.

nalre will be circulated on a cross­sectlon baai.s throughout ChinaLake and \lIherry in order to helpprCJICnt to the Council directors theneeds. qucstions and suggestionsof residents of these areas.

All China Lake and Wherryresidents are memberli of the Com­munity Council. and all are wel­come to attend the mcetlnp on lhf>second and fourth Tuesdays of eachmonth al the Community Center.




AltT FESTIVAl. OFFICIALS-Details for thc COIll­In(l: Kcrn Count)· Art Fe>itinll, l\lareh J4 alld Ill, arebt-ing coortllnatetl by the committee membenl abo,·e.Shown in frollt row (I. to r.) are: Allee Dubin, h05­

jlitality: Uuth Schu)'ler, 11IIhliclt)': Joyce Casaroli,general co-chairman: and Uarel I'orter, adult _rna·,

JUl'EltiOn AClfJE\'El\U;IST-Members of NO'fS' 4l\-man tire Dellarlment fillare a $SOO SuIJerior Allhl~')l'e­

ment aw..rd for luning placet! a,non.. the first tcnNnl'al elItablishments III the .National tire l'rotee~

tlon Association eomplltition tluring the )'ean 19:;0..1956. A.ssistllnl. t'lre Chief J. A. DII,-is Is picture"sewnd N\l', far right. To dale the Dept. has re<:ei>'ed se,·en .uccessi\·e NFPA'a "A"..rt!s ~ ~Ierlt.,\- . r

Credit Union Officers for 1959·60~

RE-ELECTt;D-Ortleers of NOTS Employeell Federul Credit UnionBOl,rd ot Directors re-elected to sen·e for tile coming )·~r (I. to r.) are:Henr)' IL Wllir, I,rcsident; 'VIUiIlIll I'. Koontz, "iee-ll!C$itlent; nobertC, HollowKy, tretlsurer: Kntl Lewis ltadcliff, clerk, Directors for tile<:oming )'ear are Berce Giles. James Coogll", anti CharlCll Radcliff.

Community Council Navy Wives Club OfferReports Activities B.b~sittin~, Welcomes

Semee Wives to NOTSAt the regular business meeting Parentll attending eonferenee.

of the China Lake Community with teaehel'23 at the China LakeCouncil on February 24, wrl~ten Elementary Schools may againreslgnatlons from David COlPlttll, take advantage of baby silting of­Ridgecrest (Precinct 10,> reprellen- fefl~d by the Navy Wives ClUb. Thislallve. and Rev. A. A. Bllls, Wher!)' rree service is available at each of(Precinct 9) repr'e.entative, were the four s<:hools February 9 and 10accepted. Any NOTS employee or and February 16 lind 17 from 2 to)adult dependent residing within 4 p.m. each day.these preclnll is eligible tor con- During the next three monthlllIideration by the Board at Dlrecton the Navy Wives ClUb is planningto fill the vacancies. Those Inter· an extenslve membenhlp c8mpalgnested lIhould contael Tillie May- for newly arriVed Navy and M.arin'.lberry, Ext. 72290, between 3:30 and wives. The organi1.lltion ofters an5:30 any week day. opportunity lor depcndenu to p8rti-

The resignation of John Pearson, cipate, as a group, in aetivltiell ofPreclnel 1, Crc8tes a third vacancy Interest and ald to milltar'Y person­on the Board ot D1recto~. Precinct nel on the Station. Projects and1 Indudes the hlll area of China actlvitiCfl of the Navy Wives ClubLake plus the block bounded by will be of Interest and value to allBlandy, Mltscher, Nimitz and Rleh- service wives. For further informa­mond. tion, call Ann Smllh, Ext. 77033 or

Hilde Shafter, nomlnallng com- Barbara Nelson. Ext. 7~71.

mittee chairman. may be contactedat Ext. 74M2 for details concern­Ing Board membership dutles, whilepetitions for candidacy may be ob­tained from Mrs. Mayberry.

Jack Kirby and Joe Bllr'rs wero.·asked to survey the Station to dis­close area. most urgently nccdinz<:urbs and sidewalks. and the Coun·cllmen abo voted to ask the Chin"Lake Garden Club to plan land­.leaping for the trattie circle.

In the ncar future a queSllon-

Water Safety CourseTo Begin Moreh 10

The Red Cross Water Safety In­struction CourllC wiIJ begin at theStation Swimming Pool on March10, at 6:30 p.m, Regi.!tration willbe taken at that time.

Regl5trantl must hold a currentsenior lifesaving certificate and bcat least 18 years of age.

The course will comilst of twoHi·hour parh - conditioning andlearning various strokes, and themethods of teaching swimming.

Station LibraryLists New Books

Station Baseba II

55 Visitors Tour ...

A l\ledieine for Melanehol)' byRay Bradbury. 1\I.·enty-two storie.Clf wonder by the author of ''Thel1artian Chronicle.."

Nautilus 9(} North by William R.AnderlJOn. An on-the'scene accountClf the first Crollsing under theNorth Pole.

The, Might and Mildnessby lvar Ussner. Colorful lIkctchcsClf the men who ruled the RomanEmpire.

Ifenderson the Uuln King by SaulBellow. The adventurca ot an Am_erican millionaire who traveled toAfrica In the hope of finding him­.elf.

'Negev Desert' FilmSlated for Tonight

All Stallon «:~identll Ilrc invitedto altend the showing of ''TheNegev Dellert" at the new wing ofthe Ali-Faith Chapel tonight, fol­lowing Hebrew service. at 7:30 p.m.

In addition, a book review 01-RIvers in the Desert" by Dr. Ntl­Iron Glueck will be given by Dr.)lax Dubin.

The tilm deplcls Dr. NelsonGlueck's luccessful archaclogical,Iud)' made of the 4,OOO·square·miledescrt which extends lIOulh l)(:tweenEgypt and Jordan to the Gulf ofAqaba. It ill a land figuring largelyIn the centuries old hlllWry of thel\'ear ElLlIt and In the Scripturesand rellgioull tradition. of three ofthe world', major faithll-ehrill­tlllnlt)', Judaillm and Mohamme­danism. Refreshments w III be.erved alter the movie.

Girl Scout Week, March 8-14Celebrates 47th Anniversary

Indian \\?'clls Valley Girl Scouts will launch their 47thanniversary celebration next week, March 8 through 14,with an annual Leaders Tea to be held in their newly reno­vated Troop House next Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m., accord­ing to an announcement by Betty Taylor, District Chair­man. In addition to the Girl Scout an­

nlvenary fCfltlvitles, the event willbe in honor of the many parenllland friends of the Scouts who con­tributed their time lind energy tothe six-month beautification pro­ject of the Troop House, a slgnifi·cant geslure of appreciation for theusc of community property.

The tea arrangements were madeby lIeventh and eighth grade GirlScouts under the leadership of Jen­ny Miller, May Butler, KatherineWentlnk, Bula Kecne and AlmaMatheny.

ProgmmIncluded In the program will be

a prelJentation of ~. 10, and l(1-.yearmembenhlp pins to resident.!l oflndian Wells Valley. and a IIpecialskit lIeheduled at 3:30 p,m. pre­pared by Girl Scout Troop 183 ledby Jenny MllIer honoring Scoutleade~ with LaV McLean all mis­tress or ceremonies. Troop 119, ledby Katherine Wcntlnk, will closethe ceremonies with a choral read­Ing.

During the tea hour. original artexhibitll deplCllng life at ChinaLake will be shown In the NorthRoom, and tape recording. of varl­ous Girl Scout radlo program. willbe played. Some will be originallJeripts written by local girl.,

Other El'enhlSix eampe~hlps have been re­

ceived by the local Girl Scoutllfrom the Veterans or ForeignWan, WACOfo1, and the UonsClub. These campershlplI make itpossible for Girl Scoutll to go tocamp who otherwise would not beable lo afford It. Camperships donot provide the entire camp feesineI' the individual girl is expectedto earn part of her way. Campingrepresenls a major part of the GirlScout progr'am,

Weather permitting, the week­long celebration will be climaxedby a Giant Play Day on Saturday,March H. tram 10 a.m. to 2 Sandqui.t Spa. Otherwise, theevent will take pla<:e in the Super­vlson Hut and the Anchorage. AllBrownies will bring nos e baglunches.

Chairman of the Play Day eventIs Betty Heflin and her commilteeeon.illls of leaden of third gradeTroop. 69, 113, 16, 366, 521, t.H, 313,and 7~.

Play Day givC!l the girls an op­portunity to play together and getacquainted, and it gives the young­er girls a chance lo feel they arca part of a large organb;ation.

WHEREAS the Girl Scouts of the United States of Americ~ haverendered continuous SC'rvice to their country and communities sincetheir founding on March 12, 1912; and

WHEREAS we the residenu of China Lake ate aware of the im­portant contribution to community welfare being made by Girl ScoutIkaders through their work with the youth of the nation; and

WHEREAS the Girl Scout organization has grown to more than2Yz million girl members and more than 700,000 adult leaders, who.rc tach day living up to their Promise to Do Their Duty to God andCountry, to Help Other People at All Times, and to Li,·e By the GirlScout Laws of loyalty, honesty, counf'SY. chttrfulness, usdulness,kindness, and helpfulness to others:

1 therefore call upon all residents of China Lake to gin the GirlSCouts now and in the coming years the fullest cooperation :md sup­port SO that increasing numbers of girls may benefit from the splendidprogram of training in citizenship which the Girl Scout organizationoffers.

(ContinUed from Page 1)film "Expanding Frontiers of Ord­nance" which showed many facetsof onl.nance research and testingcarried on at China Lake and Pasa­dcna and the community and rcc_reatlon life of the Station. At theconclusion of the film, a brief lec­ture on the functions of the IBM704 computer was given by Harle)'Tillitt prior to the group's visit to6ee It in operation.

A return to the SNORT track towitnellll a SNORT track firing con­cluded the tour for the visitors.

• 1

Girl Scout Week Proclamation


The Station will have a ballCbaliteam this coming IlClL9On. All mili­tary men Interested In playing forthis ball club should report toSchoeffcl Field at 4:30 p.m. Monday,:Mareh 9. Captain J. G. Baker,Marine Corps Guided Missile Unit.will manage the team. ChlehCharles Castle and Paul Coffeltwill coach the ball club. Home andhome series are being arranged"'ith Camp lrwln, TwentyninePalms, Long Beach Navy. BarstowMarine Balle, Trona, Edwards AirForce Base, George Air Force BUllend Pt. Mugu,

Page 2: Girl Scout Week ROCKETEER -  · PDF fileHoward E. Lynch, BMC, Ita ... fifth: and Dick Clodfelter and Steve ... Frid'I'M.reh 6, 1959 Captain W. 'V. Hollister haa 8p



,.i '., .


Page Three

Katherine P, Atkin....

Employed in the simulatIOnbranch of UOD's Guidanc,-' a.1Control Division, Kathy is a Illlithe­Illfltlcs ald. She haJj l)e(>n with. ·t 'TSPasadena Since June l' 1

she wa$ "recruited'" fr ]1

FranCisco StRte CoII~ll:e

A protesslonal mu~i

since the early age of 1pla)'ed with the D"n\" rKalhy was attending Sco State to prepRre torcareer. She WBfI requ;re:l aphysical .lIeience course60 much, she dccid,<J toC8/"C('I"lI-trom musit'"1< nmatielan. "Math was noshe uys.

"I'm alwaYI lookln ·Ol.thing Important lO sim118ys. '"Thst's why Mtb

fascinate me."Born in Manila wh('['(' h

er was building brldgu trHighway Deparlm('nt. K abackground Includes a )'(' Ir' l~

lard Sehool ot Music in Nt'" Y ..:City and tour years at HluiilieliCollllervfltory.

She has played with such no' blas Leonard Bernstein. H,Barlow. Mitch MlIIer. Burl IvArthur Fiedler, Jacques GOl"d)n.and has worked concerts. radio,and tclevision.

And In between all this.•h{' m;'l('ried and had a son. Ian. who 1.1now nine )'ears of age and ....111 prob~

ably be a physicisl, Kath)· sarli.In off-duty hours. Kathy pur~uu

her many hobblcs-art. philOSOph)",semantics. alltronomy. hiking an;lmuslC---iltring quartets e$peclally.

~,I trainer andon human re­PIl!lBdcna andl...IIke. Admin­

t' develop­...tng super\'I­


. I be 'llubmltted.' r h 13 to Fred,lI.8.


Overseas Trip ListCloses Next Friday

Your ideas don't have

to be "out of this world"

to win a Benny SU99


NII\·Y Incenth'fl Awards Program

Last Trip Says Club

There is one more week In whichto make reaervatiolUl for the Euro­pean trip wilh the NOTS OverseasClub, aecordlna: to Leonard Se~

meyn, chairman. The reservationslist will clolC next Friday, March

" Thfl N"OTS O\'etllCas Club willmee' tomorrow afternoon. % p.m..

at the Pasadena J>ublle Librar)',Serncyn has also announced that

the torthcomlng trip, the tourthannual charter, I. to be the lut onethe group will make.

Members ot the travel group planto leave Loll Angeles ?ttay 27, re­turning June 2:>. during which timethey will have made an extensivetour ot European countries.


This And That


NOTS HoopstersPlace Second InIndustrial League

The NOTS Basketball Tea m,mansged by Norm McDonald. hasended sesson play wit h lecondp I ace In Pasadena IndustrialLeague standing.

Playcn on the team are: RayBrooks. Wayne Groesbeck, JohnMartin, Rod Rotter, Tom McKin­ney, John Wood. Gerry Gold, TomPaine. Tom Cloer, and Lee Haynell,

Firat apot in the league went tothe Poll c e D<!partment, secondplace to NOTS. third to the FireDepartment "B" leArn. and tourthto Spanjian SPOrtllwear.

Red Cross Fund Drive Opens0:-0 Tin: J08­T1M'kjl1C: up Jt('<.1(..-... po;,tel'll hi

'.;'1 Johnson,ntary III the

O«'1Ll1i,· Jk..earell(.roup. '" ho ~­ninds ('ml.lo)·ee'ief th ... currentRed (r(>'o~ tU1U1d, "h1eh rWI,.

"'IIj,;hout 'heIs' ,,,til or )larch•Otlle" avpointed10 h ..nd Il, ... dri\'eInclude Fred Na_HuUI. chairman;Bill Spechl. oper­aUons chlet; nnllSt.·tt)· HalminJikl,treasurer.

[]i'!~~~:~!=JNOTS Hosts VisitOf Teachers Today

NOTS Pasadena ill todaytirtel'n (acuIty membeI"ll tlPasadena city liIchools at tnesa-lndustr)'-Education asponllored by the Chambt (Itmerce.

Pa.aadena hOlIts are Cdr. C J.Beers. OlnC; D. J. Wilcox, H ~ rthe Vnderv.'8ter Ordnance n..·p.a:r.ment: E. J. Jones ,Jr.. I)Eoputy torAdministration: and Robe~t Lf;>.yd•Head of Quality Enginecring Divi·slon.

Meeting at McKinley Junior Hi8;hthis morning. a panel dl!JCuulonwill be held during whiCh tcacherflwill speak on new Innovations inPasadena schools and answe.r que..tions po&ed by bUll.incsa representa~

livell.Following luncheon, the vlsitoNi

will be escorted to Footbill tor anopen house. Cdr. Bcerfl will dcliverthe addreaa ot welcome after whichthey will hear talks on stations.faclllties, proa:rams. and labora_tory needs for scientists and e.ngl­neers. They wlll also \'Isit the gage.simulator, and model laboratories.

Guests of NOTS arc John R. Tre­vor. PCC; Herbert R. Sheppard.PCC: JeSllle S. Chittenden. Pee:Jacob Sadolt. PHS: Elton C. Davis,PHS: John S. Stanton. La Canada;Forre.t P. Geyer. Marshall: Made­h"ine T. Wirth, Webater; Evelyn F.Morgan, Webster; Judith C. A$kew,Hale; Richard K. Sommerville. DonBenito; Nellie D. Collins. Jefterson:Ruby A. Ne..... ell, Special Edllcallon;Martha A. Van Der Veen, \Vlllard:and Helen M. Williams, C1evcland.


36 Min.


61 M,n

{10 Ml

/IIAI. .-,In'"

B)' !<"fln CON~, R~N'~.tjoPl Dirt.tor

March b.

_TlNnkt......., ..nd Sund"r _ 1 .. _....

tvENING'.nd •p.". clan,

'No;SHORTS, "80'"" "'n"Cond,d M," N, 5


'"Rock'SHQ«S. "Mawoo

..a.......o ..

.""IQ.\IAIfA,WK "l!"'IL,SHOO' ,

"Wildl!o; Hd


KRCK (1360)Chi.... l ..b ,_, _,.-;-;:-_ 7>05 .....

Manda, t1tr""'lIIh hi.tChI"" to.. HoodU.... 12 "-

Monday Ihr.",11 l'fl6<st

·'Hcw.f SEfORf 0 ...","0 •

"palog"to ~....f, h..............10;" ...

In 1coY. w;NO SHOIlT5


HOTS NEWS lh5' ......Itoodcost d1.octlt tr..... the._k_ ..ffl<••

Mondoy 'hr....,,, f,lclay• • •

TUE5..WED. MAR. 10..11"S!VENll! VOYAGE Of 51NlAD 8' ..... ".)

Ke<wi" Molh, 1(0


RondPlp' Se. K,~

$HQIUS, "Oobbe,r 80"T"pl. Cro:s


Adult Stlltlon DDnceThe next adult Station dance will S~ring Dance

be held on Friday. March 20 at theCommunity Center. ThOlle (amlliar lan$ are beIng considered to holdtavorlte.ll of China Lake, The MiJ_ the NOTS Spring Dance at thelion-Alrell. wlll .lIupply the mualc. Huntington-Sheraton pool-side areaA I , . I il ih I' hi in July. according to Bob Ribe.lin,t n erm1S$ on me e spot Ig P"m,l,',."

'11 be t used II chairman. ,-

::al tal:t. Yo:n ;:~: ~:te~~ th;h~~;~~~ee~IIISe";vI~~~~;~I::~CI::'8O"Gt~.cktoJ{je~:~:I:omllCre~~:~~millS thil fun·tllled e\'enlng! (IO"i,um,,"U,,', C S,', ., dtlon. he salt!, who will assume mOllt ....

California Hobb)' SIlO\\" o( the coSL George W. Steed from electronicFrom March 13-29. Loa Angeles technician (instrumentaUon), GS-

will hOllt the California Hobby Noon~Time Program 10 to GS-H.Show. This elty Is known lUI the P808-Shelby F. Sullivan trom"h bb o. f 'h Id·' Th The noon proa:ram on Wednesday,o y cen...,r 0 e wor. ree electronic scientist (generalJ. GS-9.'I , 'h Sh I A dlo. . III March 11, Is entitled "The SOundGOrl 0 erne u .....num w to electronic lIeientist (instrumen-•• "II·" "h i ,." . lind the Story,~ which Is a step by"" I "'" WI ar s. cra ..... ceramlCll, tatiolll. cs-n.d I,· . I od I I d step production of a hi-fi record-

0 ..... Jewe ry, m e panes an 1'809--E\'erett F. Gouge from pro-t I d i I 1"'1 l ing- - Romeo and Juliet, Carlra ns, an s amps. nv ons n duction apcelalist (ordnance), GS.s.- I I I,·" I I Munsch conducting,~ anguages nv.... ore gn na· to lIh...... planner (machinist),. "I h'bli "Caribbean Carrousel" will be ~..t,onl to y n ellt s. Terminations

Square Oanclnl' shown on March 18. ?o1arll!ne E. Boberlck. clerk-steno-This weekend will be a gay time Sh· . 0 k grapher, P808; Thom8ll S. Pucoc,

for ail square dancers in tills area. IpS In oc electronic engineer. P801: and Dor-Saturday evening, March 1, the, The ~ruiset, USS TOLEDO (eA othy A. Oliver. editorisl clerkCactus Squares of China Lake are, 1331, Will be In dock tomorr?w and Uypillt). P809.holdin&" the annual dance In honor SUlldsy. lof3.rch 7-8. and wlll J)("t- i----"'----.,,---:----of lhe graduates from the aquare mit gl'ncral visiting during the Promat,'onaldance clalllilC. ot the thr~ local hours of 1-'" p.m. Call TE 2-1~ torcluba. the Cactus Squares of China. tho:- ('xart ll)Cation o( the ship in OpportunitiesLake. the Stumbling Tumblew.....d. Long Beach. ' :...:.. _

o( Ridgecrest, and the Panamint Photo;:raphy is not permittedI Emplo}"", Dc'whl[lmt'nt OfticerPromenadera of Trona. The call<'\" ah rd the OJ'hlp. (IIALF-Tnrt; BO.l.ET), CS-12. I',tor thll occasion will be none other ,D, No. SGAA-I, Cod' 1'6.'I:l. Applicantsthan Bob Rut! who il coming h.. rc GSA..Contract Cars will al90 hf :I,d at the GS-lI

o' trom 'Vhlttier to make thla dan.:e level.a huge succeas. The dance Is to be DoubIe licenses Servesheld at the Jamelf Monroe School manag..mIn Ridgecrest at 8 p.m. Will Be Needed lations prob

The tollowlng day, Sunda~' occasion IMarch 8. tbe Cactus Squares" ill After Me rch 15 Istcr. PI!hOlIt t b e Desert Area month" m", p'

A< " March l~ cmplo}'ees o~Roundup. The Roundup will a so ~~r,' •, hlng to rent a GSA auto .,.,be held at the James Monro e,mmerclal rent-a-csr vehicle training p

I SChool. To start off the day at _ A 1"t .1J] contract with GSA will be pp lC&

p.m. tbere ""1lI be a ....ork shop ", - u ~d to have in hla posll«8lIion not lat('r Iliion to tcach some of the nc\\,r Ii stato:-. D. C.. or terrttorlallNathan, &'1:calill. At 6 p.m. there will be a plUck dinner and then trom 7 to 10 r t'lr'~ pt:rmlt and a U.S. Go\'- ---p.m. square dancing to tine callel ,; mOlor vehicle operator's Benny Suggs Awarded

d II I All d 'Ion card, according tOI Benny Su '" rd check.:~ w:::x.~ue~ ceome s:~~r:nda;~;..~ E I'rlc(', head of management smounting to ')-tlve dollarsthe tun. For turther information, x He 118ys loo that a NOTS have been r~ 1\ b}' three VODcall Clyde Hazen. EXL 12880. wilt 800n be Issued on this mo:-n.

I ~ George W Str In ot P8084. S4:l.

NOTS F ' CI b E travel oHicc emplo)·ec.s tor suggesUng I fixtures torenclng U cnr rentals on the travel use in assembh' work.

A tenclng meet belw~n NOTS otlJ.(>r tlll'Y will require that the Harold L. Shinn. I'SOH. and Nor-and Pomona College WIll be heldl tm.... ltr ahow up-to-datc driving man G. Rend,r, Sr., P8027. cachtomorrow. Saturday, March 7. In permits. received len dollar awardS-the Statloll gym, trom 2-li p.m.Devotees ot this activity arc In..,lt-ed to attend the meet. the tourthbetween Pomona and NOTS whichwill consist ot bouts between more

ll!Ut5.ftl. /II..... 1213 experienced tour-man teams. alld"5TOty Of /ltANI(INO" (IDO /II'n. Ithr~-man teams made up ot tlrst

tonald Colo<non. Y,,,,,.'" p. ked, l:> "IT scmester students trom Pomona(No .y",", ol and or China Lake players wllh

SHOtTS, "0.001"" 0....." h,,,ble' (7 M;nl. about three months Instruction,

It will be a mighty busy weekend for Frank C. Duke,SA, NOTS, (left), if he uses all this equipment! Shownwith Duke is the manager of the newly established equip­ment issue room. Joe D, Goodman, AOt. NOTS, An ex~

cellent selection of athletic gear is available to organiz.edciviJian athletic teams in this new Special Services facility.

For military personnel. available fishlnl" equlpmenl. There are tlsh­equipme.nt covers a wide range ot lng rods and reels, sleeping bags,actlvltiu. Gear tor the tollowlna: lanterns, camp stoVel, a. n dice.POrts ill available (or chec.k-out to cheslll.them: b8llE'ball. basketball, sottball, For the military hunting enthu~

football, VOlleyball. table tennis, alast. titles and shot guns may bebadminton, boxing. hOl'llCshocl, and cheeked out at the Armory. To ob­tennis. Gol( clubs and bap arc lain guns trom lhe Armory, comeavailable tor luue to military per- to the Special Services oHice tor aaonnel at the golt courae club The ronner cqulpment luuo The new equipment iuue roomroom In lhe Station gym has been Is located north ot the Station ten­converted Into It welghtilttlng room. nia courta. Further intormation canA rowing machine. chelt pull exer- be obtained by callina: u:terutionclser. and various welghu are now 71334.available.

Particularly popular with mlll·tary peraonnel II the camping and

Cdr_ Nit'holaltCWO. Pollick

CIlpt. HollisterLt. (jgl Olson

LCdr. WestepttLCdr. Kllbbe

Cd~ Gr~ney

(;\\'0. ElUbl'rtOIl

Cdr. AdamsD. Mitchell. YN2

Cdr. MayJ. Boatwright, GFl

capt. Miller. USMC\'1. Coome.s, A..'l"

Friday. March 6, 1959

Golf Tournament

Little League TryoutsSlated Tomorrow·

AnT,o,;r-OI'-TI-U;-)IO:OOTII-"J'ItI" C<>~, MlOreh Artist-of-Iht--lIronlh:;'1"ho,",,\ 1,jlh Il~~ .. att'rwlor "Dor)" Fleet" which \Im be edllbihd In thoStalloll Library willi liOl1le ot her Olher 1Irt. workJo.I'al hi a gr.odultleot ,\111hi Collc~e "lth It master'. degree III art and hi v.ell-known locallytor )ll'r .....h·e llartieiPl.tion in lhe DelIert Art League and Kern CoulltyArt Fe,tintl...



"ki8u(; ficatlon" prok<:t ot the Girl Seuutr 01" n HOlllie Tea and J-1OIl;,ew:armlng

ul ""1"1 k. \Hueh 8-14, trom 2 to 5 p.m.

'age TwoL.oo:'"~t$.....,"'-~tf--'~~

Whatj :baing..~~~fJ~~~

!!rIo",):..)'AfGE, 2<1. Community e..,le., 1 p_m........i""'" Ch....i<a! ~;..,. lot•• p.m.e"", In)'Ol"", Sq. n \Cod.b) • ....u.. l"yo.

k..n Ai.pool, 1 p.m. j IIChino Loke """' • ~'l\, At<"-, Hut, 51'-1

.0"".' hJO p.1

C"""""nilY W...""o'. CI"b. 101, ~rhodl ..Soclol lloU•• p..... I

OAV, (!>oil'" 13'. W. C<>oM, 11119., 7,30 p .....

PAY, A"~OI: ..., 1l3. 2<1 and 41h,' INEW U>Oli-A s;.t.monthItcfg., 7 p'"

....., Arl t... and 3<d. Anchotog•• Jlut l!; completed in tim,-' (07}30 p.m. next Sumlay honorlllg Ghl '

bOl..... $lor. j ~ .."d .Ih. 1Il.IS.,n"

,.~.,. ,0. Girl Scouts lauded.....r..,~tlil. CJl.>b. ~.~. VfW. 1Il......,ial Holi.

,. .'" ,~, F T H......y w Club. iot ...... W. Navy WIve. or roop ouse·

. Club 7:)0 1'..... R' P'• NOTS Ou<l<_. Club. 2d.• '-"'..nlty C.",•. / enovatlon rOfeet Onl)' l~rsOlifi currenlly cmplo}'cd

• 7,:10 1'..... I I I 'h ~ I ' Ih' S' Ii , ' I Ih...........nd., eo<h. t..d<.ho...1'Id H..,. 7 1'...... n apprec at on 0 t e ma"..r n- 11 I,. a 011 may al'l'} or eR.N. CI , .Ih. C""""'y C"",.... p.m. aide and outside beautitication pro-'ll" p<)!>itiOllli, lind "n Ull-to-.,USQ5 (aon..rchap H..,mony). IM><h, H... jcct ot the Girl Scout Troop House date F'orm lilj should be fiub".itteJ

II •• 1'..... recently completed by the Scouta.. wh\'n ap~)'llIg.

$"9W1'i_'...." ...I....y. ht. ",_I",..' Hut. their parenUl. trlenda, tuld volun-' Mo.Ion Pi<l Suipl W.I'.... G5·1071·',• Po...• tccr Publlc WorkS employees. a ICl- PO 2~' 11. Code 7523. PI...,.. ...... -I '::-:"":C:-:=-="'G~--;;:-''"'-:::'='::::-;:

TuClida}' ter ot praise (rom Captain W. \V. _rch,"II, and _"'''11 01 ......1..... P.Cl...•1[~MIN ~v~Nr~

H 'I' I ." b .. KI'P,", a. w.1l 0' ~........ llo""'" wllh 8foneh

Alk"'i ~. (Model A;,pI......I. eod<. Hobbr 0 Ister wall rece v"'" y tty Hoeod. ProcNc;..... plIo."",o",*,. and '0<1_"Shop, 7 p..... Taylor, District Chairman ot thell o"'hoc.".' lne.....c.e", I. prn..only ~ l

......UW, 10.,. C..........nilt C.nt.. 7,30 p..... Indian Weils Valley Girl Scouts. w"h u,wol ",.....,..lio,," of ",,>10,,1 ;:o;;:;~:.:co.;.;:o;_.;.;:;~;;::;:.::.;:;AlIO< Socl.,y, 5,. Ann'•••'h. lCf<iIlM...I eo. The letter stated: "The recent 5' ptogroou China Lake Little League tryouts

I.....b ... H..n. I p.m. major transformation ot the Girl CI T-,pl .., GS..J22..J, po 12113-7. Cod. Children's Film Society are set (or tomorrow moming,....... i<on t.1I1"". 101 ..nd 3d, ".",...1<on \.a. Scout Hut III receiving wlde1lpread 6533. TypI ..... I 1...- __I octlano. The March lIho..... ing o( the March 7, at 9 a.m. at LitUe League

",Ion Hall. 7:30 1'..... pooitiott delCflpl, I."." ond .._""'-i<o.. Leg10n "'u.lII...-y. hi ..nd :)d. Anlw· comment and admiration. A mul- ' ........".1 CI...k (GCIfI.) (Itplnv), G5-302-4. Chlldren'l Film Soclely will begin diamond No.1.

I...,. l"",1on HolI, 7,30 p.m. titudc ot projecUl were undoubtedly I'D XIOJO-J, Cod. 6533. hYr.-lng all per. at It> a.m. tomorrow at the Statioll All boys except 8-year-oldll andJ"",I........dceory• ...u.. g.a ._. St.. 5131). necellllllry to bring the building and, -.....l 0<:.1..... ".'W.llO, c"",plellnu PAl'. Theatre. The program Includu: those alread)' the property of an

7,)0 p..... grounds up lo the condition that I .... n<>n-<_,Itiv. OCli , ".. Ing new "Bananas, SI Senor." "Beaver Val- "A" team must try oul on one ofCA', I..,.,...n Sq.•2 ($e,,;....). 2d .nd.1h. exists today. You are to be com- hl.ol. and leo....noll , "..ovldl clo<lcol ley." "Sports 'Round the Globe," the lhree tryout days.

In"""'n "'Irpo<t, • p..... d Chi 'C........unh, ",,,,,,iI. 2d ..nd .'h. C..........nity mended (or your eHorts and sue· ._, I.or leo", ..nd I« moin••nonca Pllan. ". mps ~amboree." Member- If a boy desiring to play hlUl notCCSll In the renovation of the build- 1,100. _lion (QnI'ol. '""ord•.•" shIp tickets Will be on ule (or 40 1 dedi r t' h

~~=.C~:: ~. 241. h' ..nd :)d.. Elk> Inl". Serving lUI part ot the gateway £...pI_ t.Io'i..... Offi , G5·23G.12 PO cents at the box oWee tram 9'4:1-1 a rea r turn n an app lca Ion eto the Naval Ordnance Test Sta- 3003~, Cod. 6'1. "'I /11..... I. lhen pi 10 a.m. . may tIll out one at the Lryouta. but

ta<l"••• p..... Heed, £...pIO," MoflG9O'l'l.n. ReIa'I...... Oivl_ musl have one parent with him.fIr "hl ,11, Comm..nity Coni•• tion lUI It dOCll, a better impreuion .1 and .he d",IH 1".lude "..~o'" 1. Rent? Buy?-Home Forum Each boy will be llISigncd anum-

7,30 p.",. of the communily wlll result and ! of I d' \v"el'~ V·'Ilay..1 Qrd., of Ih.. Mao... hi .nd :)d, MoP.. _N. prO\Jfom -"I,on. ev" ..0"..... 1 n Ian e .. .... ey Toaatmall- ber-hls only Identi(ication to theH..II, • p..... thereby be o( benefit to all the Sla- Ill""'....... porli<lpo,,,'9 In tho ......fIOlIO'lWnl tett will eonduct a torum Wednes- viewing manageMl. Tryouts will be

McxhinM•• 1....1 Au.... "2, hl ..nd :)d, eo.. tlon. 01 lhe Oeportmen" and conTOO w"h oI1-S.0· day, March 11, at 7:4:1 p.m. In the on a firat-come first-lIen'cd basis"Please convey my lIppreclation lion gro<If» rr_ Ie' 'm..nlty 7,30 p..... ',I. oppl,<ollon lor abou. ~.i,lon. w;,h vvmmun ty enler. presentlllg the Rnd each will field three batted

o.w. Gorden Club••'h. " ollon ,ld\l.• to your Building Chairman, Mrs. /IIildred ""., p.......n.1 II~, ~ 26, hI. advantages and dill8dvanlagelf of ball(..I;~••, eo...." 1' ',30 m. Doris Dassat, BllI well lUI the troops 72723 b, _do ll. Irentmg and of buying a home. No

W........ of ,'''' _ 2d! .Ih. Moo.. and indiViduals who eonlributed • deCiSion 8lI to the benefits obtaln-Hall•• p..... their time and talents. It II worth S..--..;..... , !'hyoid" (()PH«). G5·1l. 1'0 able (rom either renting or buying I

",edne&day noting that the age o( ~me of our 3327~, Coda 3521. Il>C'Umbont ",..ll be obi. wlli be prescnted. The Forum Pr..f....-' W_n, 2of.-....olo "._ .....' b Iidl III i' , ., • ,...,mpora' J u np w no per- 10 ",ocl a prog,o", a ,n '0'''' ,a ,......,ry. also present the correet and sale Usted below are the lineups ror

...... C...Iflty .Idll...,Io-Oln_. Mideo_t, , h I I _ I N""" , .. ,.. ,.,• 1'..... m t t e r conl nu.... usage un ess .tbor 0 .•x""·"'''''nd no' I~"'on;;;; manner In which home purchase the Military-Civilian Golt Tourna_

CAP. Ch,.... Lok. Sq... (Cadat.l. _h...... thll type or care ill shown. I am ~';7"",''';,':=;''IIi:lll prnogr:......... ~ne:"" lIhould be negotiated. Iment to be held Sunday, March 8..._h. HI!Ih••Idll. "', 7,15 p..... sure your example will stimulate bon., 01", .....n.'o bo ocq....,"'ed wHit .....-I"Sllive PlIrty" and Potluck First tcc-orr time ill 8:30 a.m.


.•, c, ,.. "C ,._-,,', , .- the interellt of olher organizations." L. E I U '100" ... IiI"'...• ......... ' ..............n' y ....... ,.,,01 nd ,ed>... q of lnhorad 'ochnolooy. Volunteer services will be auc_ nr quea va. .... re7,30 p..... Sincerely. '11 ppli<...lon I pO.i,l"" wi,,, Uoncd by Choplain Robert "Q" K. Bever LCdr. \Valstro:n

lAM. W......n'......"iIi...., (c.c"'. todge 3171 W. W. HOLLISTER , " •• ,.,".. ,. ,..wn nOy<o<, ". ...... ....... ..... 1J t th NOTS~· I'2nd ..nd .'h, C......ty lido.• tldlle<t• ." 7,:NI Captain. USN bt. 71S1. by /11 <1. 13. ones 8 e vvmmun y C. C\VO Maclnnlll

p..... Commander' • • Church tamily potluck dinncr and D. Mead LCdr. HenningIWV Spot,. Cos CI..b, 2<1. e-.....nlty C_ In"""or, (Ord........ _hi... Port.) a. "Slave Party~ to be held Saturday.

I , • p..... ~ II 'SUpoU0r'tdOSUlaOOn't'sdO °"~ C..... 5'12. In.pee" nooch;ned ..,dna"". poTt. March 14 al 6 p.m. In the Richmond P. CropperJ i <hart. each, g..a 10_, "30 p..... I", c.....I"'mone. 01 d)........I...... '0 blueprint. School. J.~amliles whose last namea R. RockwellNFf~. hI. C i" C.nter. 7,30 p..... and .pecificotion. begill with A through L are asked............i< LodfilO Mo 1c T."",I., 7 p..... Go<-..1. Eng......., GS.Il, '0 1393~, Code to bring a hot dish and aalad' fam- J. GallienHo¥..1 b_ Ordn Co. 11.1. 2d .nd B1 "'Cbuek" MaDrolti . 5521. ,....,,'.... of 1lI~ ."9, The 1lI0- IlleS whose III.$l names begl~ wilh' G. Gorman

.,10, 'oam 1001, Mlchel",n tall, 7:30 p..... loch lnelude hydo.... 11< ond p mo,1< _va$_ Ii..... _h, ArKho<_, • p.m, The eighth annual city tourna- .,....... and will ._ II pho... 01 M through Z are to bring a hot J. SimaW '. "ormony so...........o,h, ..........09•• ment of the China Lake Bowlin:; angl.-.i ..... !,am lni',ol o.""n '0 pc"""'" dish and dessert. Proceeds will go C. Tursc

• p..... AlIolIociation came lO a close last "On liol...... !to the Fellowship Fund ot the Com.Thutllday Sunday niiht .... ith new records eS- N..... (WAEl. GS.5, PO 18IU Mtl·l, Code munlt)' Churcb. All local residenllf B. Kochman

IU. tneo'''' Sq.• fll. F, '«7th. eac", t_ tablished In sll evenl.ll or the tour. u. !WAf1 While 0<1 ....1.., .......Ioyod.lype are Invited to attend the "Party." G. Mead1001. MI<!>eI ..... lob, I 1""" h d bl La t 01 ..PPOin nl 1...- "P!'l'cu'tftO••lt 32 ........ N tiS ' CI b

Chell Cl..b. _It. """""'0Il•. 7 P..... nament except t e ou cs. :; ° ......uh. I, of pO".nll for ",Inor aura clence u F. Ma....hallDe••1 l>ancen. eo&.. C"",m..nlty C.n'•• week we reported the rCllults ot the Ini""", aPf>l11ng Ild ,erned;•• "nd ad",i". Robert T. Merriam will present a D. Haluza

• p.m. Team Event 110 we will concentrate i"... lng "ondc:>rd med;c,;..... slide Illustrated dlscuulon o( "Des-O..lI Oevll'......10 Cl ..b. eaclI, Jam.. MaN... on the doubles, linglell alld AIl- £1.....""lc $<:i.n,I". G5-9 ... GS.ll, I'D crt \Vildflowe....~ at lhe Community B. SOmcson

School. 7 1'..... Ew:onl.ll. 13190, Code 5562. Do.lgn ond <lev.r.,., mil- ~nter, next Monday, March 9 at T. Short~Ik•• 'I'OE (N... 1913). GOch. fib Lodll". In lhe Doublell EVent. Bob Owen; .iI. ,..1 oq"'"....nt, _ ".ppl'.' ond 0110- 8 II.m. E\'eryone III Invlled lo IIC(!

I p.m. and Gordon Zurn took first place C;g'ed .lectronlc ««""ry. Cond<ICI lelll and 'Mcrrlam·. colored lIUdell of last G. Reiger100f. 101 ..nd ScI. C......" Ild\l, • p.m. b . th dP'd 130-1 ....I....m ......wry I.Qloon.. G. Flkelodi•• 01 Cal""""'., 2d ond .,11, KJllghl. of Y one pm as ey recor a. Scrtsosvl_, Gone...l £"lili....... GS.12. PO ycars de ...rt tlowers, one of the

Col.....bvo H.. II, 7,30 p.fIL total includlni' lOS-pin hand1c.'lp 13905, Code 5321. POliti .... ,. lho. of 1'Ieod, most ext""hl\'C' and colorful tlowcr- _Pt... 18<1<,_...). 2d, ..........."... Col.'",I""" to nose out Frank L'Hornm 'die I s<"'o 5"'.m. Sec.lon. D.."e' Intl ..d<. ....fH'". Inp within the last decade. I

7,]0 p.m. and Rex Shacklett who roll~d a , ~ pr"Iecl ."IiII_ hyclra ..I'" and Motorcycle Race T ff' S fQ_tv /11I.,,,, .n., 2nd .nd "'h, C........... 1,300 ,erln. includini I!.... Iln f>'"'"I"""~"'J~""'~ .y', ~.. .,. ',' TIu :;;,"Jibl;1l1ters MOlQrcycle ClUb ra Ie ummary or

..It, Cenl.... 7,]0 p..... handicap. • <011..... POO' ,"". w, h f bShrl". Club. 3d.......... i<on lelll..n H..n.\ Others qualifying for PrJ7 ,n, Wondo 110'. Po 1 Ildll" loam 31, E.oI. will hold 'mH't on SundRy. March Mont 0 Fe ruary

6·30 p", 71"'1 bt _,It 13. 8 at thc tJ·"ton·)·cle track on Trona .$c ; - h i,,' 2d eo..n .1.... 7·SO Included Lynne Bladen an 0 \. Rood. 11 mi:, 5 east ot Rldgecrellt. Drunk drh-mg 4.. ". ,H.. ty ....... p.m. D'd Ith l~"r............'.... No. '33, .o<h, Contmi..........d Of. aVl son \II a._ - acrl Tlrnt T1 I bt'ftin at 11 a.m.: the RecklclllI driving 4,

licoo.· C1..o. 5.5 p_m. IEllington and Frank Grab and Al Ferris with 641 series. TT rac in at 1 p.m. Admi..ion Speeding .. .42TOOl'.....' .... No. 199, ...u., Hid._.." .1.291 total: Bcrt Andre, AlI-Evenl.ll also MW new N'conI~ pri t> tor adull.ll. children Ru.nnlng Stop SIgn _ 2

7 p.m. Kruse with 1.2~; CHnl ( lahllshed all Ernest Diede too under DrlVing on barrlc ..~ IT"o.."'I.'.... CI ..b 2d and .'h. pia..... 0'" Sam Beach with 1.2&.1: U t f1r~t place with a 1.962 total. inclu'J- Phoebe Circle of Guild Illegal parking _16

......"'ad. 6,3{I 1'''' tin and Oscar Dilvis WI,; 1 jng a 3OO-pln handicap. ~onJ 'rl, I Defective \'"hie' ..._10vf~io ~~."nd 4 h. VfW ""........ia1 H..n·IClYde Hewitt and Va fllace wenl to Frank Grober with ',,' Circle ot the Wo- No drivers lie ._ 3

F'r ay bridge with a 1.252 Sl.'r 1,1l::7 &erlcs which featured an 1.81; me a r,t NOTS Community Vehicle nol regtl 1tebeko.h I.odv- 0- .12. ht ..n<! 3d. Co..n" entries who won prl~ , cratch sertl!'!l. Third place in th Ch ttl et Tuuday. March

Ildst_. s pm. ell above the gcor" rc 1l1tndicap AII-Evenu was takt:n by 11' ..,~ the home of Emma ,******1lnIhIi:***1In *********"$ ..,.."._......... "_'. H~'. 11:30 the event In last year' Ted Krul!e with a t.921 scries, in lAu 2'11 Bonita. Wherry,I THE ROC 'ETEER

0.... The Singlell Event Wll. luding a lIeratch series of 1.819. CPO Wives ClubSalurday night ... G<l~ \ l'IUrth plac" In All-Events went t'l M the CPO Wi\'CS Club OffICI"'L wunv pUIlIC"'1l0Nrecorded a 11:1-p:..n _". ri G'''lIrge Wright with a 1.913 total. will )Ionda)', M.arch 9 at of ,he

U.S. NAv"'L O~cN"'HC~a 120-pin handicap to C and fiflh placc went to Coy Porter 8 I, tn. !~ Sierra Room ot thelw"h a new ,i<, tuurnu " wita a 1.009 total. All of these All. CI'O C TE5T ST",TIONC"-i"" Lo••• CGeorge lIparkcd his win w En'nUl tutalll were above the 1.800 Unitarians W. W. Ho .... USNgame. Competing on the HI AII-E...-cnUl lotal, the hlghellt tolal A Ik in the Unitarians' S.ati.... C"", doeron the same pair ot alleYlI 1,1... ..,iously recorded. --'u"i,o "'" Go, ;-=====..... ,"-Chr'.I Sci.n T h d d b NOTS ..." ~a ries en.Utled "The "'",_ w.,.

", ,5c land Bergeron. whOlle 601 he trap y onate y Jo PO"", I '.11 Ed ,_ . - ......... Edil'"I D. ' h h' h <.. I. n •..., glOUS uea-. GI.nn.. Mo~~- .. ._ Sloll W,lter

M.;>rn;"9 series and 246 gsme, gave p, S[l("eia "",rvlces for t e Ill' tion.'· \\ S""Unl,.l ..n, ... tal ot 683 pins-ll pins 61"o)et ,clatch AIl-Eventll total w'ts won h "rcs~ntcd nelltt un~ I. L. lyl... pH3, Jon ",1It., ...... 'HA~

day. 101, at ,:30 p.m. in the 1'Ioo,-••~h...Sundo,...7.3l> 694 .lIerlCll recorded by Erne: I.>y Tr·d Kruse, who combined a 5:12- Anchor!!. ..... -

ha'."o"', (A: who took aecond place. & so:-d{'s In the team event with a 620- As1 1ll...,...lion by T..hni<..1InfofmolionMol W 1 a Photo Club D."",''''.n'.s....:;..n: 5c ~ "".. oed ~~c~d~~t ~~ ~:r~r~~~c~:,:~ to 6 :. ~::: II; l~~e s~:;:~esio::dtoata~4;; Salon Ph,\ography will be con- 'ASADEN...R'c~",ond.1 GAP,'., iO<' .cratch, plus 34'" : ~l!l pins-an avcrage ot 202.1 pins liidcred v.iti, the Ulit' of slides and Na¥.. Som·tn c...r~

'am..n Catllol", ;A ~...~.. ed h ~ho,,", £.c:t. 35Holy Ma 7. S h handlcapl. Others "In the mOl r game ror 9 gan'tC$. Ted roUcd a tap commentary at t e next SIlo... Maro..n, .... E. 'Icc~. t>. Son<:""z.

Sunday. in tbe Slnglcs included: K"n \'11 i', doublcs and ~ingles last Sun- m~tln&, ot the China Lake Photo- 1'hot0\Jf0!>he<.6,30 o_m, Mand<s,. ~ f >c,.6300.m mort u·,'ih 6111, M·.U- ~·I,msn ",,'h (! Y to nose OUl Frank Grober lor graphIc Soci, t)·. next Wednesday,

• '< OJ ....... ',I••ed _kly "'r Hubbe<d P,;nllnv. tldpSa""doy. 677. George Boland Ilnd Al Palet\.."l thp trophy by 6 pins. Frank had March 11 at the Photo Hut,:IO King ",.ot, C.lif.• w/lh .pprop<Io'ecI f In _

Conl.........-a 'e S 2S ° 7 '0 1-30 1' ..... with 676 serict. Clllt Maxwell with. ",("onIl'd a $lS-656-:l92-1.S13 total. Slreet. I'll...... with N"'VUOS '-35 No l'olJ.So,,,,do,. n t f .. F,IOa)'- 656. Berl Brown with 6:lO, Tom ZUlli Th... re wl're 12 scratch sl'riu o\l'tlr The to<h_ ....; f", Pr...• !O 5.Xl pm I' d' h '" , Rocketeer De.dl,'ne, 5""'00 .....,..101. All or Welol U.$. 1'1....,.HOTS Hobc.w s.v;coo.; (fa WI- A'1 fp;th and Bill)' Martin wilh 643 seri &:on to led unna: t e ...urnaml'n'. I R '6 d -1 ,-, ,oh "' N Tu d, • '30 m pftal... "nI....'.....wl...paclfied.0- Clarence enne Wllh a n !I.'tles: 811 _ game.ll o"'er ~ scra ro - _ ews. es a', . p..

h ..... f....' ond ,hw<! f.,oal, 7,30 p-"". and John Turner. Da\'e Llvinl"$toll I'd. Phot.... TueJ;da}'. 11:30 a.m. **********.************.