Gifts of Character and Worth-Specialties for Ben and Boys · T>-"^>;^:%"-;SfO^ ^hiirsday" Evening...

T>-"^>;^ : %"-;SfO^ ^hiirsday" Evening ^WW^Wmm TH± MINNEAPOLIS JOURNALJ f % WOLPER GROCERY X:0 Successor to Ginter Grocery Go. SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Open Evenings Best Jersey Cranberries, 2 qts 25c Best Sweet Potatoes, 9 lbs for 25c Oranges, large fancy Floridas, per dozen 25c Florida Sweets, any size, box $2.65 APPLHS—APPLES Fancy Northern Spies and Bald- wins, in 1 bn boxes, your choice •'••$1.25 Apples—Northern Spies, Green- ings and Baldwins, pk.. 35 40c Best Burbank Potatoes, bu .... 65c Best Mixed Nuts, 5 lbs for 65 c New Shelled Almonds, per lb. 40c New Shelled Walnuts, per lb. . -30c New Seeded Raisins, 3 pkgs .... 28c Imported Cluster Raisins, per lb 25c Fancy Sultana Raisins, per lb. -15c Clean Currants, 3 1-lb pkgs... 25c New Halloween Dates, 3 pkgs 25c New large Citron, Lemon or Or- ange Peel, per lb 15c Popcorn, 2-year-o'.ld Best, 8 lbs 25c Imported Olive Oil, qt bottle.. -65c Prunes, 30 to 40, verv finest 10- ib box : $1.00 Maple Sugar, 2-lb -cake, for 23c Maple Syrup, 1 gal. cans, strictly fine ••••$1.00 Medium Brown STijgar, 24 lbs $1.00 Nabisco Wafers, 3 pkgs for 25c TTneeda Biscuit, 6 for. 25c Ginger Snaps, 5 lb& for 25c COFFEES AND TEAS Best 2V> lbs Java, and Mocha CoiTee, in can, for 50c Best Tea, any kind, 1*4 lbs for 50c MEATS Turfteys, Geese, Dn«'ks and Chick- ens' cheaper than the cheapest. Lamb Legs, per lb 13 c Pork Lioin, per lb. , 8V2C Pot Roavst, per lb...,, g y c Bib Roast, per lb 10~ 12V2C Round Steak, per lb .g« Homemade Mincemeat, 3 lbs. -25c Best Sugar-cured Ham, lb HV2C .Fancy Celery, six in bunch, for 15 C S. & H. Green Trading Stamps with all Cash and C. O. D. Orders. We also give as an Inducement for Chrislmias double the amount of Trading Stamps on all Teas and Coffees. BOTH PHO.NES. ICE GORGE THREATENS - GITY'S WATER SUPPLY Special to The Journal. Fort Dodge, Iowa, Dec. 21.—An ice gorge, extending from above the waterworks of this city to a point in the Des Moines river below Kalo, a dis- tance of more than six miles, threat- ens to shut off the water supply of the city, owing to anchor ice collecting around the intake in the river. The gorge has been forming for a week and each day adds to its length and grad- ual rise of the water. The river is now five feet above normal. Superintendent Pray of the water- works is watching the river day and night to guard against serious conse- quences. Continued warm weather as- sists in cementing the gorge, and unless cold weather comes soon the results will be disastrous. Anchor ice forms in the bottom of the stream in the swift cur- rent and it is almost impossible to dis- lodge it. " ' /—' A-*-December 21, 1905. "••flpsj Pipes and Tobacco Jars. Best selection ever seen in Minne- apolis. Cox & Harris, 413 Nicollet, 400 lst'av S. Cutlery, Skates, Skis. Gardner Hardware Co., 304-6 Henn. av. Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco Jars. Hundreds of things to select from for the smoker. Cox & Harris, 400 1st av S, 413 Nicollet av. Croup. Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. It never fails, and is pleasant and safe to take. King of All Cough Medicines. Mr. E. G. Case, a mail carrier of Can- ton Center, Conn., who has been in the IT. S. service for about sixteen years, says: "We have tried many cough medicines for croup, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is king of all and one to be relied upon every time. We also find it the best remedy for coughs and colds, giving certain results and leav- ing no bad after effects. We are never without it in the house." No Opium in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is not the least danger in giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to small children as it contains no opium or other harmful drug. It has an established reputation of more than thirty years as the most successful medicine in use for co^ds, croup aud whooping cough. It always cures and is pleasant to take. Children like it. PIANOS.... See us in our new quarter, when you want a PIANO 8 Segerstrom Piano Co. 804 Nicollet Ave. S2E?J BUY YOUR Xmas Gifts OF * Eustis Bros JEWELERS. New Importations Arriving Daily. New Designs. New Ideas That Will Surely Please Even the Most Fastideous. 712 Nicollet Ave, BOOKSELLER AND IMPORTER. 605 First Avenue South Minneapolis. 1 ? ffer l * or 1 Chri8t f a " the largest and finest stock of rare and handsomely bound books west of Chicago. Many unusual books at moderate prices. Fine Library Sets of Standard Authors Dickens, Thackeray, Scott, Fiske, Prescott, Macaulay, Byron, George Eliot, Balzac, Hugo, Swift, Lecky, Freeman, Pope, Lamb, Parkman, AND MANY OTHERS. Cheap Round-Trip Rates Vi » The Rock Island SOUTHWEST JANUARY 2nd AND loth, 1906. * . One . Round Way. Trip. Oklahoma City. .. ,$14.15 ; $18.20 El Reno .... 14.15 18#2 o Ft. Worth 16.35 21.50 Galveston 20.75 28.15 Denver .... :.. 17.45 25:70 Proportionately low rates to all Southwestern points. One way rate and round trip. Full information on request. Office 322 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis. Minn. W. L. HATHAWAY, ,fBff—» A * L * STEECE ' DIst Pass. Agent. iHiflYillHf City Pass. & Tkt. Agt. Rock Island LA FOLOTTE ELECTION . COSTS HIM NOTHING Sieoial to The Journal. _ Madison, Wis., Dec. 21.—For the first time in the history of Wisconsin, and perhaps in the history of the nation, a sworn statement was made to the effect that a senator was elected with- out the expenditure of one cent by himself or his friends. Senator La Follette filed a'statement of his campaign expenses during his senatorial campaign. They amounted to nothing. Mr. La Follette will have to sign his own credentials, which may give the down-east officials the impression that he is the whole thing in Wisconsin poli- tics. TRAMPLED TO DEATH. Speolal to The Journal. •.;'.•••% Sioux City, Iowa. Dec. 21.—K. Muenv, a wealthy farmer of. Mapleton, was trampled to death by a herd of cattle. He disappeared two days ago, and. a search. was made for him. Today *the body was found. Cigars, Pipes and Novelties. Just the thing for Xmas. Cox & Har- ris, specialists, 400,1st av S, 413 Nic. v* y WASHINGS^ %OM3 ?-** • Attorney General Young and State Auditor Irerson have submitted a brief to Attorney Gen- eral Moody on the application of the secretary of the interior and the secretary of agriculture for an opinion as to the practice to be followed by the state of Minnesota lu selecting lands under the swamp grant. Senator Hansbrough today introduced to the president G. B. Wetzger, W. B. Oversow, J. W. Jackson and wife. E. G. Greenup and Frank Jones of Wlllltstoii and Buford, the delegation which is in Washington to secure definite ac- tion on the construction of the three pumping projects in North Dakota, known as the Willis- ton and Buford-Trenton projects. Hansbrough urged the president to use his influence to have $2,200,000 set aside by thd secretary of the interior, and the president said he would do what be could to bring this about. Pipes and Cigars. Cox & Harris, 413 Nicollet and 400 1st av S, have a complete line. Very Low Excursion Bates for Christ- mas Holidays To all points on the Nickel Plate road between Chicago and Buffalo. Dates of sale, Dec. 23, 24, 25, 30 and 81, 1905. and Jan. 1, 1906, limit returning Jan. 3, 1906., Bate one and a third fare for the round trip. Individual club meals ranging in price from 35c to $1, and midday luncheon, 50c, served in Nickel Plate dining cars; also ser- vice a la carte. No excess fare. Chi- cago city ticket offices, 111 Adams street and Auditorium Annex. Depol La Salle and Van Buren streets, the only depot in Chicago on the elevated loop. THE EVENING LUXURY •rrs A Box of Cigars for Xmas. If he smokes, give him a box from Cox & Harris' big stock. 400 1st av S and 413 Nicollet. My Hair is Scragglu aa*+i*. *:-#Mu^lm-L-ini-**m—mipmm^ Do you like it? Then why be contented with it? Have to be? Oh, not Just put on Ayer's Hair Vigor and have long, thick hair; soft, even hair; beautiful hair, without a single gray line in it. Have a little pride. Keep young just as long as you can. J.C.AWOO., Lowell, Mass. CEYLON AND INDIA TEA. , i Anticipated with Delight by All Who Use It. Never Sold by Peddlers or in Bulk. Lead Packets Only, at 60c and 70c per pound. By All Grocers. HIQHEST AWARD ST. LOUIS, 1904. <&- <& *9A|3oaj noA S13M.SUV am mjM. pausu'BS aq njAi noj£ pae A"BM yem pB )UBM. A*. <S> u.iio jnoif a*!JAl *no.£ aoj eiqBjjns sj uonjsodoad aqj ?ou JO jaqiaqM. }qSje }« ass <s <S> u«o noiC os XJO;S d^oqM. em jno pvaads UOJUM. sauo am aq oj uiaqj pay in* <$ ' <3> noX esi30 XjaAd m -noX O) readdB )sota qoiqM. Suipao^ jo saj.tjs aq-j sa* p u s •* *- <j> sreSisd )UBM. aq* J»AO HOOI OJ nail B\ }j PB JUBAI. iBuanof v 3uj;jaM. oaojag 4 ' «8> «• Xmas Fur Collars . OUR OWN MAKE. River Mink Collars, $ ^ . 5 0 . South American Beaver Collars, $5 t Seal Dyed Nutria Collars, $10. Persian Lamb Collars, $12,50. Unplucked Otter Collars, $10. Black Marten Collars, $15. Hudson Bay Otter Collars, $25. Labrador Otter Collars, $27.50. STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Quality—Satisfaction MINNHAPOIiIS-315-325 Nicollet Ave. ST. PAUL-Seventh and Robert Sts. Merchandise in Gift Boxes With,' out Extra Charge. Money , Cheerfully Refunded Be- fore or After Christmas. Mail Orders Shipped Same Day ' Received. Use Our Merchandise Bond System. Gifts of Character and Worth-Specialties for Ben and Boys The Prestige of Unmatchable Values Centers Greatest Christmas Buying Here. Hand Crafted I Neckwear 900 JOOZ. NEW HOLIDAY POURR IN-HANDS AND SQUARES-EX- tra large shapes. Cords, warps, bare- theas, swivels. $1 silks, Christmas special REGULAR 50c SILK NECKWEAR— French fold four-in-hands 50c grade 25c LYPORD ENGLISH NECKWEAE—$1.50 St. Etienne imported weaves, $2. INDIA CHUDDA SILK NECKWEAR— Brocades, $1. ' i \ : *'.•' - 50c Christmas Gloves $1.50 DENT'S, PERRIN'S AND FOWNE'S Dress Gloves. Lined or unlined. Worth up to $2 and $2.50 SILK LINED KID AND MOOHA GLOVES, and French Chevrette Gloves, $1.50 grade, $1. FANCY GOLF GLOVES—Wor- sted knit, 50c. LAMB'S WOOL LINED REIN- DEER GLOVES, $2.25. DOG SKIN FUR GLOVES AND MITTS, $5. Swell Gift Suspenders SWISS EMBROIDERED SUS- PENDERS—Twill weaves, light and dark patterns. Specially adapted to Christmas giving, in fancy boxes—75c and _ ^x $1 quality O UC ORIENTAL SILK SUSPENDERS— Roman gold plated buckles, fancy trimmed, $1. SILK AND SATIN SUSPENDERS—Sterling silver and 14-carat Eoman gold plate buckles. Plain for embroidering, $1.50. Umbrellas and OutiS'"" SUIT CASE UMBRELLAS - Hatural wood jointed handles, folding to fit in suit <t ^ case; $5 quality ........ %Pt3> TAFFETA SILK UMBRELLAS— Scorched buck horn handles, $5. OIL BOILED SILK UMBRELLAS, $2. PARTRIDGE WOOD CANES—In- laid handles, Si.50 WANGEE CANES^-Scorched buck handles; $5 quality, $3. NEW PERSIAN LAMB ALEXIS CAPS—Largest line in the North- west ^fcl 2 ''MINNESOTA 1 ' PENNANTS and Pennants from 36 other schools, "east.and -west, -!75c. Handkerchiefs for Presents 50c INITIAL SILK HANDKERCHIEFS ^- Rich French' silk and linen handkerchiefs. Extra large sizes. Hemstitched or plain. Fancy and pure wjiites; $1 quality. PURE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS—And silk full dress handkerchiefs, $1. JAP ( SILK HANDKERCHIEFS and imported Irish linen handkerchiefs, 25c. Holiday Night Robes MUIJ^ NIGHT SHIRTS— Silk front and silk cuffs, tan, blue and pink trim- ^ -g EJ / \ med, regular $2.50 quality'. . ^ 1 • t 7 \3 FRENCH DOMET FLANNEL PAJAMAS, $2 grade, SOISETTE NIGHT SHIRTS—Silk embroidered, $3.75 value, $2.50. DOMET FLANNEL NIGHT SHIRTS, 50c Christmas for Your Boy SILK AND LINEN MUFF- LERS—Plain blacks, whites and browns. Square shape. Full size. $1.50 /Lf% quality O VC HIGH OUT LEATHER SHOE PACS, $1.19. SKATING SWEATERS, $ 1 5 0 FUR COLLARS, $2. * CASTLE WINDSOR TD38, 25c ROUGH RIDER GAUNTLETS, 75c DRESS GLOVES, $1. SILK TRIMMED SUSPEN- DERS, 50c. FUR LINED CAPS, $1 SKATING TOQUES, 89c. STIFF BOSOM SHIRTS, 98c Men's Christmas Clothes $15 FANCY WEAVE OVERCOATS-Surtouts |. Paletots, Rytons. All proportions for men and young men of any physique; $20, $22, $24 and $25 values, Christmas special CANADIAN CHEVIOT OVERCOATS and storm proof friezes. Strong $15* values, $9.75. SCOTCH PLAID SUITS-Imported fabrics. Men's and young men's suits of every propor- tion. $20, $22, $24 and $25 grades, $15. SEMI-DRESS SUITS—Venetian lined Llama Thibets. Deep center vents; welt seams, $20. BLACK THIBET CRAVANEiTTES—Slater woolens; also Kuppenheimer $22.50 cravanette coats, $15. "RAIN-SHED" OVERCOATS-1,200 in al* Worsteds of reg. $15 quality, special $9.75. Immense Smoking Jacket Stocks EXTRA LENGTH LOUNGING ROBES AND REGULATION SHORT CUT REVERSIBLE CLOTH SMQKIN JACKETS-Fine blanket materials Plain and fancy effects d^T tZ£\ Swiss tones; $10 values Jp J * f) \J VELVET SMOKING JA0KETS-$15 grade, $12. GOLF CLOTH SMOKING JACKETS —Hand tailored, $8 quality, $5. MATELABSE SMOKING JACKETS- Richest fancy materials woven, $12.50 CAMEL'S HAIR SMOKING JACK- ETS, $9.75. BLANKET CLOTH BATH ROBES- $7.50. DOUBLE FACED, ANKLE LENGTH BATH ROBES, $8.50. MEDICATED FLANNEL AND TER- RY CLOTH BATH ROBES, $5. SURAH TOWELING BATH ROBES- Ankle lengths. Mingled stripes. Girdle* to match, $5 value, $2.95. BoyV Holiday Apparel YOUTHS* BUSINESS SUITS—Single and double breast- ed all wool cheviots and cassimeres. Plain £ O P A cut. Sizes 14 to 20 yeaYs; $12 quality... «PO«d \J YOUTHS' COLLEGE OVERCOATS—Scotch plaids and Metcalf mixtures; belted or box. Sizes 14 to 20; $18 grade, $12.50. YOUTHS' COLLEGE SUITS—Serges, Thibets, Worsteds, Fan- cies. Single and double breasted* •••„ ' Varsity shapes. Sizes 14 to 20. Special, $12. r YOUTHS' OVERCOATS—Oxfords, Cheviots, Novelty Plaids; 14 to 20 years; $15 quality, $9.75* » BOYS' PEAJACKETS FOR SKATING—Friezes and chin- chillas; 6 to 17; $7.50 values, $5. CHILDREN'S FANCY HUS- SAR OVERCOATS—Kerseys and chinchillas; sizes 3 to 8. Special, $5; JUVBNIXE SUITS—Silk trimmed Russians, Etons and Norfolks. Sizes 3 to 10; $10 value, $0.50. CHILDREN'S NOVELTY SUITS Busters, Norfolks, and Etons. Serges and Scotches. Sizes 3 to 10. $8.50 quality, $5. Gordon Gift Caps Invisibly Pieced Seal Caps, Detroit or' College Shapes, $6 grade, $4.75 Always Acceptable. Every Shape. Every , Style.^ Silk or Chamois Lined. All with Patent Brook Mink Inband. $1.50 "Royal" Gordons, with beaver in-band, $3.50 *A? . 5 4 ^ ^ *£^A-fi,V—.«^Sj-^£-*Zn..»>sH*»*'-iJ Selz Gift Shoes Christmas Slippers, Hand Turned, Russian, Seal, Calf and Vici. Extra Value, " $1.39 Sold Direct or by Bond. All Leathers. All Styles. Drill or Cold Proof Calf Lining. All with Celebrated Non-leak "Sole of Honor." $3.50 h.iw .i m NpMi! ••••" «• M, ^'-r-r .^.UZr?} H— it J- •* 4 n ii in^f i \~ "' - • k~- •***' : -Ji. ± * .... V* • - - * * • -" %' ^ V"

Transcript of Gifts of Character and Worth-Specialties for Ben and Boys · T>-"^>;^:%"-;SfO^ ^hiirsday" Evening...

Page 1: Gifts of Character and Worth-Specialties for Ben and Boys · T>-"^>;^:%"-;SfO^ ^hiirsday" Evening ^WW^Wmm TH± MINNEAPOLIS JOURNALJ f • % WOLPER GROCERY X:0 Successor to Ginter

T > - " ^ > ; ^ :%"-;SfO^ ^hiirsday" Evening ^WW^Wmm TH± MINNEAPOLIS JOURNALJ

f •



Successor to


AND SATURDAY Open Even ings

Best Jersey Cranberries, 2 qts 2 5 c Best Sweet Potatoes, 9 lbs for 2 5 c Oranges, large fancy Floridas, per

dozen 2 5 c Florida Sweets, any size, box $ 2 . 6 5

APPLHS—APPLES Fancy Northern Spies and Bald­

wins, in 1 bn „ boxes, your choice • ' • • $ 1 . 2 5

Apples—Northern Spies, Green­ings and Baldwins, pk . . 3 5 — 4 0 c

Best Burbank Potatoes, b u . . . . 6 5 c Best Mixed Nuts, 5 lbs for 6 5 c New Shelled Almonds, per lb. 4 0 c New Shelled Walnuts, per lb. . - 3 0 c New Seeded Raisins, 3 p k g s . . . . 2 8 c Imported Cluster Raisins, per lb 2 5 c Fancy Sultana Raisins, per lb. - 1 5 c Clean Currants, 3 1-lb pkgs . . . 2 5 c New Halloween Dates, 3 pkgs 2 5 c New large Citron, Lemon or Or­

ange Peel, per lb 1 5 c Popcorn, 2-year-o'.ld Best, 8 lbs 2 5 c Imported Olive Oil, qt bottle. . - 6 5 c Prunes, 30 to 40, verv finest 10-

ib box : $ 1 . 0 0 Maple Sugar, 2-lb -cake, for 2 3 c Maple Syrup, 1 gal. cans, strictly

fine • • • •$1 .00 Medium Brown STijgar, 24 lbs $ 1 . 0 0 Nabisco Wafers, 3 pkgs for 2 5 c TTneeda Biscuit, 6 for. 2 5 c Ginger Snaps, 5 lb& for 2 5 c

COFFEES AND TEAS Best 2V> lbs Java, and Mocha

CoiTee, in can, for 5 0 c Best Tea, any kind, 1*4 lbs for 5 0 c

MEATS Turfteys, Geese, Dn«'ks and Chick­

ens' cheaper than the cheapest. Lamb Legs, per lb 1 3 c Pork Lioin, per lb. , 8V2C Pot Roavst, per lb. . . , , g — y c Bib Roast, per lb 1 0 ~ 1 2 V 2 C Round Steak, per lb . g « Homemade Mincemeat, 3 lbs. - 2 5 c Best Sugar-cured Ham, lb HV2C .Fancy Celery, six in bunch, for 1 5 C S. & H. Green Trading Stamps with

all Cash and C. O. D. Orders. We also give as an Inducement for Chrislmias double the amount of Trading Stamps on all Teas and Coffees.



Special to The Journal. For t Dodge, Iowa, Dec. 21.—An ice

gorge, extending from above the waterworks of this city to a point in the Des Moines river below Kalo, a dis­tance of more than six miles, threat­ens to shut off the water supply of the city, owing to anchor ice collecting around the intake in the river. The gorge has been forming for a week and each day adds to i t s length and grad­ual rise of the water . The river is now five feet above normal.

Superintendent P r a y of the water­works is watching the river day and night to guard against serious conse­quences. Continued warm weather as­sists in cementing the gorge, and unless cold weather comes soon the results will be disastrous. Anchor ice forms in the bottom of the stream in the swift cur­rent and i t is almost impossible to dis­lodge i t . " ' /—'

A-*-December 21, 1905. "••flpsj

Pipes and Tobacco Jars. Best selection ever seen in Minne­

apolis. Cox & Harris, 413 Nicollet, 400 lst 'av S.

Cutlery, Skates, Skis. Gardner Hardware Co., 304-6 Henn. av.

Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco Jars. Hundreds of things to select from for

the smoker. Cox & Harris, 400 1st av S, 413 Nicollet av.

Croup. Not a minute should be lost when a

child shows symptoms of croup. Cham­berlain's Cough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. I t never fails, and is pleasant and safe to take.

King of All Cough Medicines. Mr. E. G. Case, a mail carrier of Can­

ton Center, Conn., who has been in the IT. S. service for about sixteen years, says: " W e have tried many cough medicines for croup, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is king of all and one to be relied upon every time. We also find it the best remedy for coughs and colds, giving certain results and leav­ing no bad after effects. We are never without it in the house."

No Opium in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.

There is not the least danger in giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to small children as it contains no opium or other harmful drug. I t has an established reputation of more than thirty years as the most successful medicine in use for co^ds, croup aud whooping cough. It always cures and is pleasant to take. Children like it.

PIANOS.... See us in our new quar ter , when you want a PIANO8

Segerstrom Piano Co. 804 Nicollet Ave.



Xmas Gifts OF

* Eustis Bros JEWELERS.

New Importations Arriving Daily. New Designs. New Ideas That Will Surely

Please Even the Most Fastideous.

712 Nicollet Ave ,

BOOKSELLER AND IMPORTER. 605 First Avenue South Minneapolis.

1 ? f f e r l * o r1

C h r i 8 tf a" t h e l a r g e s t and finest s tock of r a r e and handsomely bound books w e s t of Chicago. Many unusual books a t modera te prices.

Fine Library Sets of Standard Authors Dickens, Thackeray , Scott,

Fiske, Prescott, Macau lay , Byron, George Eliot, Balzac, Hugo, Swift,

Lecky, Freeman, Pope, Lamb, Parkman , A N D M A N Y O T H E R S .

Cheap Round-Trip Rates Vi» The Rock Island


* . One . Round

Way . Trip.

Oklahoma City. . . ,$14.15 ; $18.20 El Reno.... 14.15 18#2o Ft. Worth 16.35 21.50 Galveston 20.75 28.15 Denver. . . . : . . 17.45 25:70

Proportionately low rates to all Southwestern points.

One way ra t e and round t r ip . Full information on request .

Office 3 2 2 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis. Minn.

W. L. HATHAWAY, ,fBff—» A* L* S T E E C E ' DIst Pass. Agent. i H i f l Y i l l H f City Pass. & Tkt. Agt. Rock



Sieoial to The Journal. _ Madison, Wis., Dec. 21.—For the first

time in the history of Wisconsin, and perhaps in the history of the nation, a sworn s ta tement was made to the effect t ha t a senator was elected with­out the expenditure of one cent by himself or his friends.

Senator La Follet te filed a ' s t a t emen t of his campaign expenses during his senatorial campaign. They amounted to nothing.

Mr. L a Follet te will have to sign his own credentials, which may give the down-east officials t he impression t h a t he is the whole th ing in Wisconsin poli­tics.

TRAMPLED TO DEATH. Speolal to The Journal. •.;'.•••%

Sioux City, Iowa. Dec. 21.—K. Muenv, a wealthy farmer of. Mapleton, was trampled to death by a herd of cattle. He disappeared two days ago, and. a search. was made for him. Today *the body was found.

Cigars, Pipes and Novelties. Jus t the th ing for Xmas. Cox & Har­

ris, specialists, 400,1st av S, 413 Nic.

v*y W A S H I N G S ^ % O M 3 ?-**

• Attorney General Young and State Auditor Irerson have submitted a brief to Attorney Gen­eral Moody on the application of the secretary of the interior and the secretary of agriculture for an opinion as to the practice to be followed by the state of Minnesota lu selecting lands under the swamp grant.

Senator Hansbrough today introduced to the president G. B. Wetzger, W. B. Oversow, J. W. Jackson and wife. E. G. Greenup and Frank Jones of Wlllltstoii and Buford, the delegation which is in Washington to secure definite ac­tion on the construction of the three pumping projects in North Dakota, known as the Willis-ton and Buford-Trenton projects. Hansbrough urged the president to use his influence to have $2,200,000 set aside by thd secretary of the interior, and the president said he would do what be could to bring this about.

Pipes and Cigars. Cox & Harris, 413 Nicollet and 400

1st av S, have a complete line.

Very Low Excursion Bates for Christ­mas Holidays

To all points on the Nickel Plate road between Chicago and Buffalo. Dates of sale, Dec. 23, 24, 25, 30 and 81, 1905. and Jan. 1, 1906, limit returning Jan. 3, 1906., Bate one and a third fare for the round trip. Individual club meals ranging in price from 35c to $1, and midday luncheon, 50c, served in Nickel Plate dining cars; also ser­vice a la carte. No excess fare. Chi­cago city ticket offices, 111 Adams street and Auditorium Annex. Depol La Salle and Van Buren streets, the only depot in Chicago on the elevated loop.


A Box of Cigars for Xmas. • I f he smokes, give him a box from Cox & H a r r i s ' b ig stock. 400 1st av S and 413 Nicollet.

My Hair is Scragglu

aa*+i*. *:-#Mu^lm-L-ini-**m—mipmm^

Do you like it? Then why be contented with it? Have to be? Oh, not Just put on Ayer's Hair Vigor and have long, thick hair; soft, even hair; beautiful hair, without a single gray line in it. Have a little pride. Keep young just as long as you can. J.C.AWOO.,

Lowell, Mass.


Anticipated with Delight by All Who Use It. Never Sold by Peddlers or in Bulk.

Lead Packets Only, a t 60c and 70c per pound. By All Grocers.


• <&-<& *9A|3oaj noA S13M.SUV am mjM. pausu'BS aq njAi noj£ pae A"BM yem pB )UBM. A*. <S> u.iio jnoif a*!JAl *no.£ aoj eiqBjjns sj uonjsodoad aqj ?ou JO jaqiaqM. }qSje }« ass <s <S> u«o noiC os XJO;S d^oqM. e m jno pvaads UOJUM. sauo a m aq o j uiaqj p a y i n * <$ ' <3> noX esi30 XjaAd m -noX O) readdB )sota qoiqM. Su ipao^ jo saj.tjs aq-j sa* p u s •* *-<j> sreSisd )UBM. aq* J»AO HOOI OJ na i l B\ }j P B JUBAI. iBuanof v 3uj;jaM. oaojag 4 ' «8> « •

Xmas Fur Collars . OUR OWN MAKE.

River Mink Collars, $ ^ . 5 0 . South American Beaver Collars, $ 5 t

Seal Dyed Nutria Collars, $ 1 0 . Persian Lamb Collars, $ 1 2 , 5 0 . Unplucked Otter Collars, $ 1 0 .

Black Marten Collars, $ 1 5 . Hudson Bay Otter Collars, $ 2 5 . Labrador Otter Collars, $ 2 7 . 5 0 .



MINNHAPOIiIS-315-325 Nicollet Ave. ST. PAUL-Seven th and Robert Sts.

Merchandise in Gift Boxes With,' out Extra Charge.

Money , Cheerfully Refunded Be­fore or After Christmas.

Mail Orders Shipped Same Day ' Received.

Use Our Merchandise Bond System.

Gifts of Character and Worth-Specialties for Ben and Boys The Prestige of Unmatchable Values Centers Greatest Christmas Buying Here.

Hand Crafted I Neckwear

900 JOOZ. NEW HOLIDAY POURR IN-HANDS AND SQUARES-EX-t ra large shapes. Cords, warps, bare-

theas, swivels. $1 silks,

Christmas special REGULAR 50c SILK NECKWEAR—

French fold four-in-hands 50c grade 2 5 c

LYPORD ENGLISH NECKWEAE—$1.50 St. Etienne imported weaves, $ 2 . INDIA CHUDDA SILK NECKWEAR— Brocades, $ 1 . ' i \ : *'.•' -


Christmas Gloves



FOWNE'S Dress Gloves.

Lined or unlined. Worth

up to $2 and


SILK LINED KID A N D MOOHA GLOVES, and French Chevret te Gloves, $1.50 grade, $ 1 . FANCY GOLF GLOVES—Wor­sted knit, 5 0 c . LAMB'S WOOL LINED REIN­DEER GLOVES, $ 2 . 2 5 . DOG SKIN FUR GLOVES A N D MITTS, $ 5 .

Swell Gift Suspenders SWISS EMBROIDERED SUS­

PENDERS—Twill weaves, light

and dark patterns. Specially

adapted to Christmas giving, in

fancy boxes—75c and _ ^x

$1 quality O U C

ORIENTAL SILK SUSPENDERS— Roman gold plated buckles, fancy trimmed, $ 1 .

SILK AND SATIN SUSPENDERS—Sterling silver and 14-carat Eoman gold plate buckles. Plain for embroidering, $ 1 . 5 0 .

Umbrellas and OutiS'"" SUIT CASE UMBRELLAS -Hatural wood jointed handles, folding to fit in suit < t ^ case; $5 q u a l i t y . . . . . . . . %Pt3> TAFFETA SILK UMBRELLAS— Scorched buck horn handles, $ 5 . OIL BOILED SILK UMBRELLAS, $ 2 . PARTRIDGE WOOD CANES—In­laid handles, S i . 5 0 WANGEE CANES^-Scorched buck handles; $5 quality, $ 3 . NEW PERSIAN LAMB ALEXIS CAPS—Largest line in the North­west f̂cl 2 ''MINNESOTA1' PENNANTS and

Pennants from 36 other schools, "east.and -west, -!75c.

H a n d k e r c h i e f s f o r P r e s e n t s

50c INITIAL SILK HANDKERCHIEFS ^ - Rich French' silk and linen handkerchiefs. Extra large sizes. Hemstitched or plain. Fancy and pure wjiites; $1 quality. PURE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS—And silk full dress handkerchiefs, $ 1 . JAP ( SILK HANDKERCHIEFS and imported Irish linen handkerchiefs, 2 5 c .

H o l i d a y N i g h t R o b e s MUIJ^ NIGHT SHIRTS—Si lk f ron t and si lk cuffs, t an , blue a n d p i n k t r im- ^ -g EJ / \ med, r e g u l a r $2.50 qual i ty ' . . ^ 1 • t 7 \3 FRENCH DOMET FLANNEL PAJAMAS, $2 grade,

SOISETTE NIGHT SHIRTS—Silk embroidered, $3.75 value, $ 2 . 5 0 . DOMET FLANNEL NIGHT SHIRTS, 5 0 c

Christmas for Your Boy SILK AND LINEN MUFF­LERS—Plain blacks, whites and browns. Square shape. Full size. $1.50 /Lf% quality O V C HIGH OUT LEATHER SHOE PACS, $ 1 . 1 9 . SKATING SWEATERS, $ 1 5 0 FUR COLLARS, $ 2 . * CASTLE WINDSOR TD38, 2 5 c ROUGH RIDER GAUNTLETS, 7 5 c DRESS GLOVES, $ 1 . SILK TRIMMED SUSPEN­DERS, 5 0 c . FUR LINED CAPS, $ 1 SKATING TOQUES, 8 9 c . STIFF BOSOM SHIRTS, 9 8 c

Men's Christmas Clothes



| . Paletots, Rytons. All proportions for men and

young men of any physique; $20, $22,

$24 and $25 values, Christmas special

CANADIAN CHEVIOT OVERCOATS and storm proof friezes. Strong $15* values, $ 9 . 7 5 .

SCOTCH PLAID SUITS- Impor ted fabrics.

Men's and young men's suits of every propor­

tion. $20, $22, $24 and $25 grades, $ 1 5 .

SEMI-DRESS SUITS—Venetian lined Llama Thibets. Deep center vents; welt seams, $ 2 0 .


woolens; also Kuppenheimer $22.50 cravanette coats, $ 1 5 .

" R A I N - S H E D " OVERCOATS-1,200 in al* Worsteds of reg. $15 quality, special $ 9 . 7 5 .

Immense Smoking Jacket Stocks EXTRA LENGTH LOUNGING ROBES AND REGULATION SHORT CUT REVERSIBLE CLOTH SMQKIN J A C K E T S - F i n e blanket materials Plain and fancy effects d ^ T tZ£\ Swiss tones; $10 values J p J * f ) \J

VELVET SMOKING J A 0 K E T S - $ 1 5 grade, $ 1 2 .

GOLF CLOTH SMOKING JACKETS —Hand tailored, $8 quality, $ 5 .

MATELABSE SMOKING J A C K E T S -Richest fancy materials woven, $ 1 2 . 5 0




SURAH TOWELING BATH R O B E S -Ankle lengths. Mingled stripes. Girdle* to match, $5 value, $ 2 . 9 5 .

BoyV Holiday Apparel YOUTHS* BUSINESS SUITS—Single and double breast­ed all wool cheviots and cassimeres. Plain £ O P A cut. Sizes 14 to 20 yeaYs; $12 qua l i ty . . . « P O « d \J

YOUTHS' COLLEGE OVERCOATS—Scotch plaids and Metcalf mixtures; belted or box. Sizes 14 to 20; $18 grade, $ 1 2 . 5 0 . YOUTHS' COLLEGE SUITS—Serges, Thibets, Worsteds, Fan­cies. Single and double breasted* •••„' Varsity shapes. Sizes 14 to 20. Special, $ 1 2 . r

YOUTHS' OVERCOATS—Oxfords, Cheviots, Novelty Plaids; 14 to 20 years; $15 quality, $ 9 . 7 5 * »

BOYS' PEAJACKETS FOR SKATING—Friezes and chin­chillas; 6 to 17; $7.50 values, $ 5 . CHILDREN'S FANCY HUS­SAR OVERCOATS—Kerseys and chinchillas; sizes 3 to 8. Special, $ 5 ;

J U V B N I X E SUITS—Silk trimmed Russians, Etons and Norfolks. Sizes 3 to 10; $10 value, $ 0 . 5 0 . CHILDREN'S N O V E L T Y SUITS — Busters, Norfolks, and Etons. Serges and Scotches. Sizes 3 to 10. $8.50 quality, $ 5 .

Gordon Gift Caps






or '



$6 grade,


Always Acceptable. Every Shape. Every

, Style .^

Silk or Chamois Lined. All with Patent Brook

Mink Inband.

$1.50 " R o y a l " Gordons, with beaver in-band, $ 3 . 5 0

*A? . 5 4 ^ ^ *£^A-fi,V—.«^Sj-^£-*Zn..»>sH*»*'-iJ

Selz Gift Shoes

Christmas Slippers,

Hand Turned, Russian,

Seal, Calf

and Vici. Extra Value, "


Sold Direct or by Bond. All Leathers.

All Styles. Drill or Cold Proof Calf

Lining. All with Celebrated Non-leak "Sole of



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