Gifts from 10 wrappers - University of...

yv = n F rtlE PENSACOLA JOURNAL FRIDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 12 1909 5 1 JSJ and Phone 38 Phone 38 i P From eople Events From- 73Oto1Opm 2to6pm By BONNIE BURNHAM I r u J THE WEEKS EVEN- TSI L i 43 Meeting of the Social Card club hostess Mrs W Burch on 0 East Belmont street 4 4 + + c4 + o9 A PRAYER 1 God bless our Wobbly President Give him a new backbone And grant him grace to have the nerve To say his souls his own 4 Behold him Blowing hot and cold Assuming various grounds And While he holdcth with the hare He runneth with the hounds Expert in anibidexterousness He playeth fast and loose lA bird with eagles piercing scream But talons of a goose Deliver him from Aldrich Knox And from Joe Cannons power Wo want no weakling at the helm In this momentous hour Oh may a healthy change come oer The spirit of his dream Bid him unfurl proud Freedoms flag And Let the Eagle scream Direct him in the ipaths of right Shaw how and where and when And may the God of Nations guide Our Ship of StateAmen- J TV DUTTON TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT 4 OF THE REUNION Tonight at Rafford hall at 8 oclock an Interesting event will take place- In the reunion of the I O O F many uuests to be present ibeside the regu ¬ lar membership The place is being fittingly decorated a fine program is being prepared and refreshments will be served immediately at the close or the speaking This is an order or which Pensacola is especially proud having waxed strong and flourishing during the years which have marked its history in local fraternal af- fairs t U SOCIAL CARD CLUB MEETS TODAY The Social Card club meets today- at tho home of Sirs W Burch on East Belmont street These meet- ings ¬ of this delightful club are always full of the keenest interest to all who belong o YOUNG PENSAcoLIAN- WHO IS MAKING GOOD Mr Prank W Broughton who left- S tcItyfqnr years ago toJbattle with L I worm in general and to make good after the fashion of all ener- getic ¬ p young Americans has succeed- ed ¬ in a manner which makes his home- town very proud of him Mr Brough- ton ¬ who is but 23 years old holds a responsible place with the commis- sioner ¬ of Indian affairs Mr Robert C Valentine the young Pensacolian be- ing ¬ his secretary Starting in as messenger boy at the nary yard here Mr Broughton was transferred to the I AN HONEST DOCTOR remarked to his patient who had been cured by Lydia E Pinkhams Vege ¬ table Compound atter his efforts had railed Mrs Weber I do not believe- In patent medicines tout I will say that Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com- pound ¬ is the best medicine ever dis- covered ¬ for women Continue to use It This Is another link in the long chain of evidence to prove the relia- bility ¬ of this standard medicine for I omen J t c NEW YORKS LATEST STYLES In Millinery Just arrived Call and see them Wilkins Millinery j Parlors Blount Building r THE PURE FOOD ST- OREVISITORS to th- eTriCounty Fair You are invited to vis ¬ it this the Pure Food a Store every day you are in Pensacola There will be something new for you to see every day You could not learn all the good points about- our enormous and vari- ed ¬ t grocery stock if you stayed here a month However there are many good things to eat here that will interest you and your family Come o Sol Cahn GO Agents Nunnaltya Candles Phones 17201721 I T war department at Washington goiue from there to Clayton X M as chiet clerk in the land interior office While- in Clayton the Pensacola boy was also clerk and treasurer of the town Later he secured his present fine position where he has been making a good rec- ord ¬ for himself- It is such boys af Frank W Brough ton in whom Pensacola people take decided interest- TOMORROW IS ARBOR DAY WITH THE GADSDEN STREET- M E LADIES- All those who are planning to < lid the ladies of the Gadsden Street M E church in their work of bcauti fying the groflnds about the pardon age tomorrow should begin making the nature of these special efforts I known The plants shrubs trees or anything you may be thinking of do- nating ¬ for the good of the cause should be left at the parsonage JOS East Jackson street before tomor- row as that is the day which is si t aside for the diggings MISS CALLIE GENTRY VISITING IN CITY Miss Callle Gentry who is ono ot Miltons handsomest young ladies is visiting her aunt Mrs D Wilson on South Reus street Miss Callie is hero to visit the Fair the circus and tela ¬ tives W C T U REGULAR MEETING- AT FORT BARRANCAS- The W C T U held its regular meeting at Fort lJarrancas on Wed- nesday ¬ night in the gynnsium as usual Mrs M E Wilson conducted- the meeting making a strong moth ¬ erly appeal to the boys to follow the teachings of Christ Her remarks were both eloquent and pathetic The musical features were also in ¬ teresting and it is gratifying to learn that interest is rapidly increasing in these particular meetings- REV MR A A ROYCE RETURNS- The Rev Mr A A Royqe has re- turned to Pensacola after a pleasant visit in Xew Orleans He wiH preach as usual Sunday at Christ church AT SALVATION ARMY LAST NIGHT Rev Thomas Callaway of the Firt Baptist church aided in the good woFk of saviHgBoalBat the Salvation Army quarters last night toy a par ¬ ticular fine address which found in ¬ stant favor among all who heard it A number of the local divines have been aiding in the interesting cam- paign ¬ inaugurated by Adjutant Grim shaw and they deserve much credit for so doing It is evident in a case of this kind that purely noble im pulses of the purest sort of generosi- ty ¬ and the desire to accomplish much good prevails and the local congrega- tions ¬ whose pastors have officiated should take pride in this fact MRS AVERY ENTERTAINED- AT BRIDGE Mrs Avery entertained at a pleas antly informal bridge party on Wed- nesday ¬ I night a few favored friends I having been present The honoree was Mrs Jackson of Louisville Kj MEETING OF THE THURSDAY CLUB A meeting of the Thursday club which was pleasant indeed took place yesterday afternoon at the home or Mrs G Rupert on Roman treet The efforts of the hostess to make the afternoon an interesting one for her guests were wholly successful delici 1 oils refreshments being served and j several pretty features enjoyed The prizes were unusually pretty Mrs M I D Merrill winning first honors Mrs Rady the lone hand and consolation- and I Mrs Commyns the booby The next meeting will be with Mrs M P Bonifay on Romana street- A I FRESHMAN AT 79 YEARS I you imagine a nice gentle old hady of 79 years wearing spectacles antI with gray hair smoothed over her I forehead suddenly rising from her seat and exclaiming Wahoo Walioo Rip Zip Bazoo- I i yell I yell For O S IV Would sound rather peculiar wouldn it Well thats just what Mrs A D Winship of Racine Wis does every time theres a foot ball game there for i shes one of the most enthusiastic freshmen in the school I There arc not many college fresh ¬ men aged 79 and none other woman that old in school at all so Mrs Win ship haS a distinction that she knows- is remarkable j But its very easy to explain why when most people are thinking of en- tering their second childhood that I she is just starting to win an A B j degree Two years ago she visited frienns I here and attended a lecture on psy- chology by one of the professors at- I the university It was her hobby LIFE OF A PIMPLE Complexions are Cleared and Pimples Disappear Overnight Without Trouble Th dispensers of poslam a new skin Discovery ask that notice be given that no one is urged to pur- chase ¬ it without first obtaining an experimental package Everyone who has tried it knows that the fiftycent- box on sale at the Crystal Pba- raacy and all drug stores is suf- ficient ¬ to cure the worst cases- o eczema where the surface affected is not too large The itching ceases on first application It will also cure acne tetter blotches scab scalp hives barbers and every othti form of itch including Itching feet Being fleshcolored and contain ¬ ing no grease the presence of pos lam on exposed surfaces such as the fare and hands is not perceptible Water and soap cannot be used in connection with it as these irritate and prolong skin troubles sometimes even causing them As to the experimental package of poslam it can be had free of charge- by mail of the Emergency labora ¬ tories 32 West Twentyfifth Street New York It alone is sufficient to clear the complexion overnight anti to rid the face of pimples in twenty four hours f I RHODESFUTCH COLLINS FUR CO 26 and 23 E Garden St Health and Beauty Culture Massage- r Scalp Treat- ment ¬ Chiropody Freckles and Wrinkles Re ¬ moved Suite 38S390 Brent Building Phone333 B1IIi1 We Iron the Collar of a Mans Shirt so that the edge is smooth and round x> it will fit the neck pmp rly Thats a point worth < ndering Ktiitleinen I NEW METHOD LAUNDRY E W LAWRENCE Proprietor I 1517 W ROMANA ST I Phone 186 c this study of the mind She always had brnn interested in the material effort of mental effort She had a dream that generally only conies to a person in youth it was a dream of knowledge I have a motto that rules my life she explained hIt is To live that my attending angel be no less an angel for his walk with me She has registered this year for two courses in psychology and one in Eng ¬ lish literature She has no dread of midterm or final examinations and Is an ardent rooter for the football eleven She attends all the games and notwithstanding her marvelous career is just as humble as any other freshman Mrs Winthrop is living in the now and in the future She says she will live long past S3 If she reaches that age and all goes well she will get her diploma MISS ADELE SPIES COMPLIMENTS- MISS BANCROFT AT A LINEN SHOWER This week is truly brides week with the many pretty weddings crowning- the love romances and the many love ¬ ly antenuptial affairs given in com plitneut to next weeks brides Yesterday a very delightful and en ¬ joyable affair was introduced into the afternoon hours when Miss Adele Spies entertained at a linen shower at her home 19 Montauk avenue at 4 clock in compliment to a popular November bride Miss Maude Ban I croft t With all the sunshine that is ilium I The Better Kind of Nursery Service t 1 Yu plAnt tree for a lifetime Ytall ia before they romp into lx > sad uil th1 S U eiri >1 tJ hither r ot vu r t the ant f you pad for All nur x TIt a 00 j O h That method but we have a better aoae that meaaa- ereit I cr Ji ai to Ehl lanttr I 42 Glen Saint Mary Trees Are I 4e Tested in the Nurseries i ifc TJ r ean tfcat vc do nil the piptnaientine w know how and when each rri 4i i T i froitJt hat roar ie expected t st If it doe not promixp hand l roOI to inakp aood it i rrj tej tJHn there never Ee Into or- t U tf1 i HH offer ho > dnock of iriti of t ruit and NutH Ko and c OrrumontBi Our en pk ee are FilJert mei each trained to hU duty Me aI1 iLdly iKslp nu e lect tht rieht kind of lrer and Plante fur ir ur > o lrJ o fd > Onr 1Icd orrly illutrated Nnrwry Book Q contaiai r T ian i t rre ic fat ami mir eipenea e is freely at yonr eervwe- riu u uo cH> liKatOK on > our part GLEN SAINT MARY NURSERIES CO GLEN SAINT MARY FLA t 4 ap saaa ining the brides pathway during these beautiful Indian summer days it would seem but natural that there should be- a shower to temper its brightness Vith the indoor one that fell yester- day afternoon upon this bride her happiness was made complete by the wealth of thoughtfulness which came to her with the pretty gifts from her friends I The home was attractively decora ted with white roses palms and ferns and between the folding doors hung I suspended a large white floral beli which in its beauty told nothing of I the treasures it concealed The shower took place upon the ar ¬ rival of the fifty guests the prospect- ive ¬ bride becomingly gowned in a coat suit of white chiffon serge with- a light blu bengaline hat trimmeJ with chiffon and blue wings being the center of attraction while surrounding- her was her maid ot honor Miss Net lie May Bancroft her matron of honor Mrs J H Bancroft and her three maids Misses Ida McKinstr Adele Spies and Hattie March Each of these five attendants held one of the white streamers which Tell from the bell and upon pulling them a shower of the daintiest linen fell around the young bride After admir- ing ¬ the many pretty articles an ice course and punch were served the guests punch being dispensed in the back parlor by Miss Corn Cawthon while th ° ices and cakes which car ¬ ried out the color tone of green and white were passed by Misses Bessie LoU Louis May March and Annie Taylor Miss Bancroft will be th honor silent at several more affairs this week none of which will give hor more pleasure than this first which brought with it the tender thought- fulness of so many friends Mobile Register PERSONAL MENTION Mrs C C Burke of Texicanna is visiting Mrs Richard Lewis on East Gadsden street Mr P M Kelley of DeFuniak who has been the guest during the fair of his son Mr Dudley O Kelley ol Tenth avenue leaves this morning for home Mrs Alice A George and little daughter left yesterday for Argyle- Fla to spend a fow weeks with rela- tives ¬ Mr and Mrs P W Majette lUll North Palafox street have returned- to the city after a months absence in Washington county Mrs Nat Cohen is visiting C U Robinson She is from DeFhrriaK Mrs J R McLane is entertaining friends and relatives from DeFuniak Miss Frances Beard will spend Christmas in Annapolis Mrs Mary Landrum is entertaining guests from Mobile Mrs Mary Land rum has returned from a visit to Mobile Mrs Goodloe is entertaining Mrs Jackson of Louisville at the Old Mill Inn IrsV D MTcDavid of McDavid Fla and Mrs T B Perkins of OaK Grove Ala are visiting Mr and Mrs W J McDavid Misses Bessie and Lulu Finlay or Pollard Ala are guests of the Misses Duncan on Lakeview avenue A TINY BABY can t tell you in words what the trouble is but it its complexion gets Jwisty if it gets weaker and weaker loses flesh and is cross and peevish you can be certain that it has worms Give It Whites Cream Vermifuge guaranteed harmless Expels the worms and puts the baby in a healthy normal Oiidltion Sold by W A DAIeinberte drug- gist ¬ and apothecary 121 South Pala ¬ fox Street WASHES FOR THE HAIR For heads whose locks have been ruined by bleaching with peroxide heads whose crowning glory has lost its lubier through gross neglect or severe illness heads whose own rs are to be classed among the anaemics all cry out for help And almost Invariably every head demands at the outset a harmless lye to aid in the restoration of its former crown of glory There are certain pastes and washes which are harmless In their effect and which fashion and society sanction when the urgency is great when a woman recovers from her peroxide madness and wishes to get back as speedily as possible the natural color and luster of her hair or when ones hair has suffered greatly during a siege of illness Yet even when the I use of a harmless paste or wash is I permissible its use should invariably- be preceded by the natural methods- for restoring hair which I wrote about last week Only then will the paste or wash have the effect desired But though society allows one to use a hair wash or coloring fluid when the case is one of such urgency that to do without it means being an actual fright society frowns down upon the woman whose hair is dyed- in season and out Not only that The woman who persists in dyeing her hair when she has no good reason therefor is fro I quentily punished by having her hair go off into all sorts of unexpected I colors until to say one has a pink or purple head is no exaggeration I Painted hair is a phrase frequently I used in Paris to describe these woe- begone i heads and though they are- I sometimes owned by persons other- wise I entirely conventional they yet have a look of depravity You say to yourself when you see one Thank goodness Im not a fool But now to the pleasant sidethe simple washes and herbs and nuts which can be used to improve looks to some extent and not really harm the t hair when one is trying to rid her ¬ self of her peroxide foolishness or waiting for nature to resume its full task of keeping the hair beautiful Of course it is understood that in every case the natural color of the hair should be striven for when using these simple beautifiers Henna and sage tea are considered- by persons of authority in such mat- ters ¬ to be the least harmful coloring I Wrappers on all three count 1 KZ cJO JEIS 1- I 5c Sc Large Size 15c THE THREE GREAT SOAPS Small Size Sc 7 II J 14- L r c- Gifts from 10 wrappers up Wrappers from Grandma Pearl and Export Borax SoapI counting make it easy to save Write for our ILLUSTRATED CATALOG and Special Christmas Certificate showing Christmas reductions on hundreds of articles in silver jewelry toilet articles personal and household articles of every kind leather goods toys magazines books music musical instruments lamps rugs and any piece furniture you want We save you over onethird of the usual cost Write today f Address The Globe Soap Company Cincinnati Ohio UPTODATE JEWELRYO- ur display is both novel and attractive Our styles- are exclusive but most mod ¬ erate in price We invite your inspection Bring your repair work here We have the best work ¬ man in the city Satisfaction guaranteed GER SONS 40 South Palafox St Thie sen Buildi- ngMoyerontheSquare Cor Government and Alcaniz Phone 718 Choice Groceries Try our homemade Sausage made in our market on our oyvn clean marble slabs The finest meats in the city Ve challenge any one Ring Phone 718 when you want something nice A McD MOVER mediums which can bemployed upon the hair When combined with green tea sage is in fact bpneflcial to the hair while the henna flowers may be made to lend a tinge of burnished gold- or to produce lotks of midnight black- ness ¬ or to effect a soft and charming brown- In oriental lands the blueblack locks so much admired are accom- plished ¬ by spreading a paste of pow- dered ¬ henna all over the hair from the roots to the tips This is left on for a halfhour or longer according to the darkness of the hair and is then washed off when the hair is found to be a dark red After this a paste of indigo is applied which is left on from an hour and a half to three hours After the indigo has been washed off the hair is well oiled and the burnished blackness striven for if seen in all its glory The henna paste is mad by reducing the dried flowers to a fine powder and mixing it with hot water FLORIDA ITEMS SHOWN IN SPAINU- NION OF PRODUCERS OF SPAN ¬ ISH COUNTRY FOR THE EXTEN ¬ SION OF EXPORTS HAS BEEN ORGANIZED AND HAS ESTAB- LISHED ¬ MUSEUM IN BARCELONA ViceConsul J L Borras represent- ing ¬ at Pensacola the Spanish govern ment has issued a circular addressed- to the commercial interests of West Florida in wnich notice is given of the organization and establishment in the city of Barcelona of a commercial museum where are exblbked all ar- ticles of export and import handled b > Spanish dealers Mr Borras will gladly furaish all tile data that may be desired and he- W urges Florida exporters and bankers- of this city to be in close relation to the Spanish institution His card to West Florida commercial interests- Is as follows Card From Mr Borras Spanish Consulate Pensacola Fla Nov 11 1909 To the Commercial Interests of West Florida The Union of Producers of Spain for the extension of exports an off- icial ¬ corporation has established in the city of Barcelona the First Com- mercial ¬ Museum of Spain where are exhibited all articles of export and import of Spain- As a national commercial office this corporation will gratuitously fur ¬ nish alt and every kind of Informa ¬ tion required from the exterior and referring to the Spanish business- It is to the interest of all export- ers ¬ importers and bankers of this ih to be in continuous relation with the Spanish institution whose only object in view now held is to bind closer together the bonds of commer- cial ¬ union and sympathy which unite both countries Increasing thereby the commercial traffic between them r will gladly furnish any data re- quired ¬ J L BORRAS Spanish Vice Consul- A BROKEN BACK That pain in your back caused by lumbago stiff muscles or a strain is an easy thing to get rid of Ballards Snow Liniment cures rheumatism lumbago sore and stiff muscles strains sprains cuts burns bruises scalds and all aches and pains You need a bottle in your house Sold by W A DAlemberte drug ¬ gist and apothecary 121 South Pala fox StreetWALNUT HILL Soeclal to Ther 3urtaX Walnut Hill Nov 11 Mr and Mrs K Graham visited relatives at Robin sonville Ala Saturday and Sunday Cecil Graham and Celestine Mimms went to Pine Barren on Sunday Joe Mimms has accepted a position- near Pine Barren Mr and Mrs Robert McNeil of Robinsonville visited relatives here j last Sunday The boys appointed to the Tree I scholarships in agriculture left Sunday- i for Gainesville to enter the State Uni versity Miss Mattye Steward of Atmore- was a pleasant visitor here last Satur ¬ I day and Sunday i Miss Cora Graham of Company Camp visited her friend Miss Dela i Lambeth last Sunday I Country Bred PoultryD- ressed or on foot at any time We specialize our poul ¬ try service We receive fresh country poultry weekly and the difference between our nice heavy- fat stock and the ordi ¬ nary kind is easily dis ¬ tinguished by the house ¬ wife THE PARLOR MARKET 214 SOUTH PALAFOX ST Phones 173458 LevI Minims visited near McDavid on Sunday- J B Steward mad a business trip to Atmore on Saturday J K and Charles Gully were among the business visitors from here to At more on Saturday Wallice Graham went way up to Bratt the other day Miss Lizzie Mills of Buckeye was a welcome visitor here last Sunday K Graham is attending court in Pensacola this week Lonnie and Walter Mimms visited their home folks here Saturday and Sunday- Mrs James Boyington and Mio Delia Lambert visited their parents near here Sunday Miss Lucyle Graham visited Miss Ola Mimms on Sunday Charley Bartley of Denis was a caller here Sunday evening Carl Henderson and Will Miller of Buckeye attended the prayer meeting here Sunday night I COMPARISON I I LUZIANNE BULK or Loose COFFEE COFFE- EI i Always FRESH In its airtight can stale from exposure Often Always PURE Always STRONG contains dust Seldom strong Nev ¬ I Always PROPERLY BLENDED er uniform Haphazardy blended Always of UNIFORM QUALITY Never satisfactory to any one who Always satisfactory KNOWS whats best Poundcost a little higher but Poundcost a little lover but cup cost very much lower cutcost very much higher j Make a wise mans choice between the two I THE REILYTAYLOR CQ NEW ORLEANS U S A- isuitiiiitioAgiivai j i I 1 Ruined I will undergo a remarkable transforma- tion ¬ l I in our hands All those nasty I spots which were so annoying will I I J have vanished during our process of 14 cleaning and the whole suit will look I so clean and fresh as to be equal to i I a new one Send anything you wish 4 pi cleaned to us and you will be more than satisfied Star Laundry i a Cp1IGHTpCC9 a Phone 114

Transcript of Gifts from 10 wrappers - University of...

Page 1: Gifts from 10 wrappers - University of the complexion overnight anti to rid the face of pimples in twenty four hours




JSJ andPhone 38 Phone 38 iPFrom eople Events From-73Oto1Opm2to6pm


r u



Meeting of the Social Card club hostess Mrs W Burch on 0East Belmont street

4 4 + + c4+o9


1 God bless our Wobbly PresidentGive him a new backbone

And grant him grace to have thenerve

To say his souls his own4 Behold him Blowing hot and cold

Assuming various groundsAnd While he holdcth with the hare

He runneth with the hounds

Expert in anibidexterousnessHe playeth fast and loose

lA bird with eagles piercing screamBut talons of a goose

Deliver him from Aldrich KnoxAnd from Joe Cannons power

Wo want no weakling at the helmIn this momentous hour

Oh may a healthy change come oerThe spirit of his dream

Bid him unfurl proud Freedoms flagAnd Let the Eagle scream

Direct him in the ipaths of rightShaw how and where and when

And may the God of Nations guideOur Ship of StateAmen-



Tonight at Rafford hall at 8 oclockan Interesting event will take place-In the reunion of the I O O F manyuuests to be present ibeside the regu ¬

lar membership The place is beingfittingly decorated a fine program isbeing prepared and refreshments willbe served immediately at the close orthe speaking This is an order orwhich Pensacola is especially proudhaving waxed strong and flourishingduring the years which have markedits history in local fraternal af-fairst U


The Social Card club meets today-at tho home of Sirs W Burch onEast Belmont street These meet-ings


of this delightful club are alwaysfull of the keenest interest to all whobelong



Mr Prank W Broughton who left-S tcItyfqnr years ago toJbattle with

L I worm in general and to makegood after the fashion of all ener-getic

¬p young Americans has succeed-


in a manner which makes his home-town very proud of him Mr Brough-ton


who is but 23 years old holds aresponsible place with the commis-sioner


of Indian affairs Mr Robert CValentine the young Pensacolian be-ing


his secretary Starting in asmessenger boy at the nary yard hereMr Broughton was transferred to theI

AN HONEST DOCTORremarked to his patient who had beencured by Lydia E Pinkhams Vege¬

table Compound atter his efforts hadrailed Mrs Weber I do not believe-In patent medicines tout I will say thatLydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com-


is the best medicine ever dis-covered


for women Continue to useIt This Is another link in the longchain of evidence to prove the relia-bility


of this standard medicine forI omen



LATEST STYLESIn Millinery Just arrived

Call and see them

Wilkins Millinery

j ParlorsBlount Building


to th-eTriCounty FairYou are invited to vis¬

it this the Pure Fooda Store every day you are

in Pensacola Therewill be something newfor you to see every dayYou could not learn allthe good points about-our enormous and vari-ed

¬t grocery stock if you

stayed here a monthHowever there are

many good things to eathere that will interestyou and your family


Sol Cahn GOAgents Nunnaltya Candles

Phones 17201721


war department at Washington goiuefrom there to Clayton X M as chietclerk in the land interior office While-in Clayton the Pensacola boy was alsoclerk and treasurer of the town Laterhe secured his present fine positionwhere he has been making a good rec-ord


for himself-It is such boys af Frank W Brough

ton in whom Pensacola people takedecided interest-TOMORROW IS ARBOR DAYWITH THE GADSDEN STREET-M E LADIES-

All those who are planning to <lidthe ladies of the Gadsden Street ME church in their work of bcautifying the groflnds about the pardonage tomorrow should begin makingthe nature of these special efforts

Iknown The plants shrubs trees oranything you may be thinking of do-nating


for the good of the causeshould be left at the parsonage JOSEast Jackson street before tomor-row as that is the day which is si taside for the diggingsMISS CALLIE GENTRYVISITING IN CITY

Miss Callle Gentry who is ono otMiltons handsomest young ladies isvisiting her aunt Mrs D Wilson onSouth Reus street Miss Callie is heroto visit the Fair the circus and tela ¬


The W C T U held its regularmeeting at Fort lJarrancas on Wed-nesday


night in the gynnsium asusual Mrs M E Wilson conducted-the meeting making a strong moth¬

erly appeal to the boys to follow theteachings of Christ Her remarkswere both eloquent and pathetic Themusical features were also in ¬

teresting and it is gratifying to learnthat interest is rapidly increasing inthese particular meetings-


The Rev Mr A A Royqe has re-turned to Pensacola after a pleasantvisit in Xew Orleans He wiH preachas usual Sunday at Christ churchAT SALVATION ARMYLAST NIGHT

Rev Thomas Callaway of the FirtBaptist church aided in the goodwoFk of saviHgBoalBat the SalvationArmy quarters last night toy a par ¬

ticular fine address which found in ¬

stant favor among all who heard itA number of the local divines havebeen aiding in the interesting cam-paign


inaugurated by Adjutant Grimshaw and they deserve much creditfor so doing It is evident in a caseof this kind that purely noble impulses of the purest sort of generosi-ty


and the desire to accomplish muchgood prevails and the local congrega-tions


whose pastors have officiatedshould take pride in this factMRS AVERY ENTERTAINED-AT BRIDGE

Mrs Avery entertained at a pleasantly informal bridge party on Wed-nesday

¬I night a few favored friendsI having been present The honoreewas Mrs Jackson of Louisville Kj


A meeting of the Thursday clubwhich was pleasant indeed took placeyesterday afternoon at the home orMrs G Rupert on Roman treet Theefforts of the hostess to make theafternoon an interesting one for herguests were wholly successful delici

1 oils refreshments being served andj several pretty features enjoyed Theprizes were unusually pretty Mrs M

I D Merrill winning first honors MrsRady the lone hand and consolation-andI Mrs Commyns the booby Thenext meeting will be with Mrs M PBonifay on Romana street-



I you imagine a nice gentle oldhady of 79 years wearing spectacles

antI with gray hair smoothed over herI forehead suddenly rising from herseat and exclaiming

Wahoo Walioo Rip Zip Bazoo-Ii yell I yell For O S IV

Would sound rather peculiarwouldn it

Well thats just what Mrs A DWinship of Racine Wis does everytime theres a foot ball game there for

i shes one of the most enthusiasticfreshmen in the school

I There arc not many college fresh ¬

men aged 79 and none other womanthat old in school at all so Mrs Winship haS a distinction that she knows-is remarkable

j But its very easy to explain whywhen most people are thinking of en-

tering their second childhood thatI she is just starting to win an A Bj degree

Two years ago she visited friennsI here and attended a lecture on psy-

chology by one of the professors at-I the university It was her hobby


Complexions are Cleared and PimplesDisappear Overnight Without

TroubleTh dispensers of poslam a new

skin Discovery ask that notice begiven that no one is urged to pur-chase


it without first obtaining anexperimental package Everyone whohas tried it knows that the fiftycent-box on sale at the Crystal Pba-raacy and all drug stores is suf-ficient


to cure the worst cases-o eczema where the surfaceaffected is not too large The itchingceases on first application It willalso cure acne tetter blotches scabscalp hives barbers and every othtiform of itch including Itchingfeet Being fleshcolored and contain ¬

ing no grease the presence of poslam on exposed surfaces such as thefare and hands is not perceptibleWater and soap cannot be used inconnection with it as these irritateand prolong skin troubles sometimeseven causing them

As to the experimental package ofposlam it can be had free of charge-by mail of the Emergency labora¬

tories 32 West Twentyfifth StreetNew York It alone is sufficient toclear the complexion overnight antito rid the face of pimples in twentyfour hours

f I


26 and 23 E Garden St

Health and BeautyCulture Massage-

r Scalp Treat-ment



Freckles and Wrinkles Re ¬

movedSuite 38S390 Brent Building Phone333


We Iron theCollar of aMans Shirtso that the edge is smooth andround x> it will fit the neckpmp rly Thats a point worth< ndering Ktiitleinen


E W LAWRENCE ProprietorI


Phone 186


this study of the mind She alwayshad brnn interested in the materialeffort of mental effort

She had a dream that generallyonly conies to a person in youth itwas a dream of knowledge

I have a motto that rules my lifeshe explained hIt is To live thatmy attending angel be no less anangel for his walk with me

She has registered this year for twocourses in psychology and one in Eng ¬

lish literature She has no dread ofmidterm or final examinations and Isan ardent rooter for the footballeleven She attends all the gamesand notwithstanding her marvelouscareer is just as humble as any otherfreshman

Mrs Winthrop is living in the nowand in the future She says she willlive long past S3 If she reaches thatage and all goes well she will get herdiploma


This week is truly brides week withthe many pretty weddings crowning-the love romances and the many love ¬

ly antenuptial affairs given in complitneut to next weeks brides

Yesterday a very delightful and en ¬

joyable affair was introduced into theafternoon hours when Miss AdeleSpies entertained at a linen shower ather home 19 Montauk avenue at 4clock in compliment to a popularNovember bride Miss Maude Ban

I crofttWith all the sunshine that is ilium


The Better Kind of Nursery Servicet 1 Yu plAnt tree for a lifetime Ytall ia before they romp into lx> saduil th1 S U eiri > 1 tJ hither r ot vu r t the ant f you pad for All nur

x TIt a 00 j O h That method but we have a better aoae that meaaa-ereitI cr Ji ai to Ehl lanttr

I 42 Glen Saint Mary Trees AreI

4eTested in the Nurseries

i ifc TJ r ean tfcat vc do nil the piptnaientine w know how and when eachrri 4i i T i froitJt hat roar ie expected t st If it doe not promixp hand

l roOI to inakp aood it i rrj tej tJHn there never Ee Into or-t U tf1 i HH offer ho>dnock of iriti of t ruit and NutH Ko and

c OrrumontBi Our en pk ee are FilJert mei each trained to hU dutyMe aI1 iLdly iKslp nu e lect tht rieht kind of lrer and Plante fur

ir ur > o lrJ o fd> Onr 1Icd orrly illutrated Nnrwry Book Q contaiair T ian i t rre ic fat ami mir eipenea e is freely at yonr eervwe-riu u uo cH> liKatOK on > our part


t 4

ap saaa

ining the brides pathway during thesebeautiful Indian summer days it wouldseem but natural that there should be-a shower to temper its brightnessVith the indoor one that fell yester-day afternoon upon this bride herhappiness was made complete by thewealth of thoughtfulness which cameto her with the pretty gifts from herfriends I

The home was attractively decorated with white roses palms and fernsand between the folding doors hung I

suspended a large white floral beliwhich in its beauty told nothing of I

the treasures it concealedThe shower took place upon the ar ¬

rival of the fifty guests the prospect-ive


bride becomingly gowned in acoat suit of white chiffon serge with-a light blu bengaline hat trimmeJwith chiffon and blue wings being thecenter of attraction while surrounding-her was her maid ot honor Miss Netlie May Bancroft her matron ofhonor Mrs J H Bancroft and herthree maids Misses Ida McKinstrAdele Spies and Hattie March Eachof these five attendants held one ofthe white streamers which Tell fromthe bell and upon pulling them ashower of the daintiest linen fellaround the young bride After admir-ing


the many pretty articles an icecourse and punch were served theguests punch being dispensed in theback parlor by Miss Corn Cawthonwhile th ° ices and cakes which car ¬

ried out the color tone of green andwhite were passed by Misses BessieLoU Louis May March and AnnieTaylor

Miss Bancroft will be th honorsilent at several more affairs thisweek none of which will give hormore pleasure than this first whichbrought with it the tender thought-fulness of so many friends MobileRegister

PERSONAL MENTIONMrs C C Burke of Texicanna is

visiting Mrs Richard Lewis on EastGadsden street

Mr P M Kelley of DeFuniak whohas been the guest during the fairof his son Mr Dudley O Kelley olTenth avenue leaves this morning forhome

Mrs Alice A George and littledaughter left yesterday for Argyle-Fla to spend a fow weeks with rela-tives


Mr and Mrs P W Majette lUllNorth Palafox street have returned-to the city after a months absencein Washington county

Mrs Nat Cohen is visiting CU Robinson She is from DeFhrriaK

Mrs J R McLane is entertainingfriends and relatives from DeFuniak

Miss Frances Beard will spendChristmas in Annapolis

Mrs Mary Landrum is entertainingguests from Mobile

Mrs Mary Landrum has returnedfrom a visit to Mobile

Mrs Goodloe is entertaining MrsJackson of Louisville at the Old MillInn

IrsV D MTcDavid of McDavidFla and Mrs T B Perkins of OaKGrove Ala are visiting Mr and MrsW J McDavid

Misses Bessie and Lulu Finlay orPollard Ala are guests of the MissesDuncan on Lakeview avenue

A TINY BABYcan t tell you in words what thetrouble is but it its complexion getsJwisty if it gets weaker and weakerloses flesh and is cross and peevishyou can be certain that it has wormsGive It Whites Cream Vermifugeguaranteed harmless Expels theworms and puts the baby in a healthynormal Oiidltion

Sold by W A DAIeinberte drug-gist


and apothecary 121 South Pala ¬

fox Street


For heads whose locks have beenruined by bleaching with peroxideheads whose crowning glory has lostits lubier through gross neglect orsevere illness heads whose own rsare to be classed among the anaemicsall cry out for help And almostInvariably every head demands at theoutset a harmless lye to aid in therestoration of its former crown ofglory

There are certain pastes and washeswhich are harmless In their effect andwhich fashion and society sanctionwhen the urgency is great when awoman recovers from her peroxidemadness and wishes to get back asspeedily as possible the natural colorand luster of her hair or when oneshair has suffered greatly during asiege of illness Yet even when the I

use of a harmless paste or wash is I

permissible its use should invariably-be preceded by the natural methods-for restoring hair which I wroteabout last week Only then will thepaste or wash have the effect desired

But though society allows one touse a hair wash or coloring fluidwhen the case is one of such urgencythat to do without it means being anactual fright society frowns downupon the woman whose hair is dyed-in season and out

Not only that The woman whopersists in dyeing her hair when shehas no good reason therefor is fro

I quentily punished by having her hairgo off into all sorts of unexpected

I colors until to say one has a pink orpurple head is no exaggeration

I Painted hair is a phrase frequentlyI used in Paris to describe these woe-begonei heads and though they are-

I sometimes owned by persons other-wiseI entirely conventional they yethave a look of depravity You say toyourself when you see one Thankgoodness Im not a fool

But now to the pleasant sidethesimple washes and herbs and nutswhich can be used to improve looks tosome extent and not really harm the

t hair when one is trying to rid her ¬

self of her peroxide foolishness orwaiting for nature to resume its fulltask of keeping the hair beautiful Ofcourse it is understood that in everycase the natural color of the hairshould be striven for when usingthese simple beautifiers

Henna and sage tea are considered-by persons of authority in such mat-ters


to be the least harmful coloring


Wrappers on all three count1 KZ cJO


I 5c Sc

Large Size 15c THE THREE GREAT SOAPSSmall Size Sc



L r c-

Gifts from 10 wrappers upWrappers from Grandma Pearl and Export Borax SoapI

counting make it easy to saveWrite for our ILLUSTRATED CATALOG and Special

Christmas Certificate showing Christmas reductions on hundreds ofarticles in silver jewelry toilet articles personal and householdarticles of every kind leather goods toys magazines books musicmusical instruments lamps rugs and any piece furniture you want

We save you over onethird of the usual cost Write today fAddress The Globe Soap Company Cincinnati Ohio


JEWELRYO-ur display is both novel

and attractive Our styles-are exclusive but most mod ¬

erate in priceWe invite your inspectionBring your repair work

here We have the best work ¬

man in the city Satisfactionguaranteed

GERSONS40 South Palafox St Thie

sen Buildi-

ngMoyerontheSquareCor Government and Alcaniz

Phone 718Choice Groceries Try our homemade

Sausage made in our market on our oyvn

clean marble slabs The finest meats in

the city Ve challenge any one Ring

Phone 718 when you want something nice


mediums which can bemployed uponthe hair When combined with greentea sage is in fact bpneflcial to thehair while the henna flowers may bemade to lend a tinge of burnished gold-

or to produce lotks of midnight black-ness


or to effect a soft and charmingbrown-

In oriental lands the blueblacklocks so much admired are accom-plished


by spreading a paste of pow-


henna all over the hair fromthe roots to the tips This is left onfor a halfhour or longer accordingto the darkness of the hair and isthen washed off when the hair isfound to be a dark red After this apaste of indigo is applied which isleft on from an hour and a half tothree hours After the indigo hasbeen washed off the hair is well oiledand the burnished blackness strivenfor if seen in all its glory The hennapaste is mad by reducing the driedflowers to a fine powder and mixing itwith hot water










ViceConsul J L Borras represent-ing


at Pensacola the Spanish government has issued a circular addressed-to the commercial interests of WestFlorida in wnich notice is given ofthe organization and establishment inthe city of Barcelona of a commercialmuseum where are exblbked all ar-

ticles of export and import handled b>

Spanish dealersMr Borras will gladly furaish all

tile data that may be desired and he-


urges Florida exporters and bankers-of this city to be in close relation tothe Spanish institution His card toWest Florida commercial interests-Is as follows

Card From Mr BorrasSpanish Consulate

Pensacola Fla Nov 11 1909To the Commercial Interests of WestFloridaThe Union of Producers of Spain

for the extension of exports an off-icial


corporation has established inthe city of Barcelona the First Com-mercial


Museum of Spain where areexhibited all articles of export andimport of Spain-

As a national commercial officethis corporation will gratuitously fur¬

nish alt and every kind of Informa ¬

tion required from the exterior andreferring to the Spanish business-

It is to the interest of all export-ers


importers and bankers of thisih to be in continuous relation with

the Spanish institution whose onlyobject in view now held is to bindcloser together the bonds of commer-cial


union and sympathy which uniteboth countries Increasing thereby thecommercial traffic between them

r will gladly furnish any data re-quired


J L BORRASSpanish Vice Consul-

A BROKEN BACKThat pain in your back caused by

lumbago stiff muscles or a strain isan easy thing to get rid of BallardsSnow Liniment cures rheumatismlumbago sore and stiff musclesstrains sprains cuts burns bruisesscalds and all aches and pains Youneed a bottle in your house

Sold by W A DAlemberte drug ¬

gist and apothecary 121 South Palafox


Soeclal to Ther 3urtaXWalnut Hill Nov 11 Mr and Mrs

K Graham visited relatives at Robinsonville Ala Saturday and Sunday

Cecil Graham and Celestine Mimmswent to Pine Barren on Sunday

Joe Mimms has accepted a position-near Pine Barren

Mr and Mrs Robert McNeil ofRobinsonville visited relatives here

j last SundayThe boys appointed to the Tree

I scholarships in agriculture left Sunday-i for Gainesville to enter the State University

Miss Mattye Steward of Atmore-was a pleasant visitor here last Satur ¬

I day and Sundayi Miss Cora Graham of Company

Camp visited her friend Miss Delai Lambeth last SundayI

Country BredPoultryD-

ressed or on foot atany time

We specialize our poul¬

try service We receivefresh country poultryweekly and the differencebetween our nice heavy-fat stock and the ordi¬

nary kind is easily dis¬

tinguished by the house¬




Phones 173458

LevI Minims visited near McDavidon Sunday-

J B Steward mad a business tripto Atmore on Saturday

J K and Charles Gully were amongthe business visitors from here to Atmore on Saturday

Wallice Graham went way up toBratt the other day

Miss Lizzie Mills of Buckeye wasa welcome visitor here last Sunday

K Graham is attending court inPensacola this week

Lonnie and Walter Mimms visitedtheir home folks here Saturday andSunday-

Mrs James Boyington and MioDelia Lambert visited their parentsnear here Sunday

Miss Lucyle Graham visited MissOla Mimms on Sunday

Charley Bartley of Denis was acaller here Sunday evening

Carl Henderson and Will Miller ofBuckeye attended the prayer meetinghere Sunday night



COFFEE COFFE-EIi Always FRESH In its airtight can stale from exposure OftenAlways PURE Always STRONG contains dust Seldom strong Nev ¬

I Always PROPERLY BLENDED er uniform Haphazardy blendedAlways of UNIFORM QUALITY Never satisfactory to any one whoAlways satisfactory KNOWS whats bestPoundcost a little higher but Poundcost a little lover butcup cost very much lower cutcost very much higher

j Make a wise mans choice between the twoI THE REILYTAYLOR CQ




I1 Ruined

I will undergo a remarkable transforma-tion


lI in our hands All those nasty

I spots which were so annoying willII

J have vanished during our process of14 cleaning and the whole suit will look

I so clean and fresh as to be equal toi I a new one Send anything you wish

4 pi cleaned to us and you will be morethan satisfied

Star Laundryi aCp1IGHTpCC9 a Phone 114