GIB2015_Increasing Efficiency of Sustainable Infrastructure_Changsheng

This presentation was hel d during the 5th GIB Sum mit, May 27-28 2015. The presentation and mor e information on the Globa l Infrastructure Basel Foun dation are available on The next GIB Summit will take place in Basel, May 24-25, 2016. The information and views set out in this presenation are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation. Neither the Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation nor any person acting on its behalf may be held re sponsible for the use of the information contained therein.

Transcript of GIB2015_Increasing Efficiency of Sustainable Infrastructure_Changsheng

This presentation was held during the 5th GIB Sum

mit, May 27-28 2015. The presentation and more information on the Global Infrastructure Basel Foun

dation are available on

The next GIB Summit will take place in Basel, May 24-25, 2016.

 The information and views set out in this presenation are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation. Neither the Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation nor any person acting on its behalf may be held responsible for the use of the information contained therein.  

2 May 27, 2015

中国太阳城—德州 新能源发展经验与合作机遇

China Solar City - Dezhou Development Experience and Cooperation

Opportunities in New Energy 德州市政府常务副市长 翟长生

Zhai Changsheng, Deputy Mayor of Dezhou Municipal People's Government


目 录

Dezhou Overview

Development of New Energy Industry in Dezhou

Experience in Promoting New Energy Development

Cooperation Opportunities in New Energy Industry

德州概况-纬度图 Dezhou Overview


Introduction to Dezhou Location: The northwest of Shandong Province Population: 5.7 million Total square: over 10,000 square kilometers Latitude:37.45 northern latitude

Transportation Advantages 6 Railways

6 Highways The national transportation hub city

德州概况-优势产业 Dezhou Overview


德州市农业优势明显,工业門类齐全,现代服务业发展迅速 Dezhou features distinct agricultural advantages, complete industry categories and fast, and growing modern service industry

德州概况-人与自然 Dezhou Overview


德州概况-城市名片 Dezhou Overview


中国新能源示范城市 China’s New Energy Demonstration City 中国太阳城

China Solar City


National Garden City

可再生能源建筑应用示范城市 National model city of app -lication of renewable energy


新能源产业发展及应用现状 The development and practice of new

energy industry in Dezhou

一 新能源产业发展及应用 Development and Practice of New Energy Industry

太阳能、生物质能、风能装备、热泵、新能源汽车 Solar energy, biomass, wind power equipment, heat pump and new energy vehicles


新能源产业发展及应用-太阳能 Development and Practice of New Energy Industry-Solar Energy


太阳能热水器、真空集热管、定日镜、太阳能建筑应用 Solar water heaters, vacuum tubes, heliostats, solar integretedbuildings



We can annually provide more than 3 million square meters of solar water heaters to the market.

新能源产业发展及应用-太阳能 Development and Practice of New Energy Industry-Solar Energy


太阳能电池组件、发电系统、照明系统 Solar cell modules, solar power and lighting systems

新能源产业发展及应用-太阳能 Development and Practice of New Energy Industry-Solar Energy



The PV generation installed capacity

太阳能清洁能源研发基地 The largest R & D

太阳能清洁能源生产基地 Production base of solar clean energy

新能源产业发展及应用-太阳能 Development and Practice of New Energy Industry-Solar Energy

5万吨纤维素燃料乙醇生产装置/封闭推广燃料乙醇汽油 50,000 tons of cellulose fuel production line; promoting ethanol gasoline in Dezhou

生物质发电装机90兆瓦Biomass power generation with an installed scale of 90 MW

145个村沼气入户The household biogas project in 145 model villages


新能源产业发展及应用-生物质能源 Development and Practice of New Energy Industry--Biomass


新能源产业发展及应用-生物质能源 Development and Practice of New Energy Industry--Biomass

5万吨纤维素燃料乙醇生产线 50,000 tons of cellulose fuel production line


生物质发电装机90兆瓦 The biomass power generation project with a total installed scale of 90 MW

新能源产业发展及应用-生物质能源 Development and Practice of New Energy Industry--Biomass


新能源产业发展及应用-生物质能源 Development and Practice of New Energy Industry--Biomass

145个村沼气入户 The household biogas project in 145 model villages

新能源产业发展及应用-生物质能源 Development and Practice of New Energy Industry--Biomass


乐陵900万立方米秸秆生物天然气项目 The 9 million m³ straw biomass gas project in Laoling County

新能源产业发展及应用-风能利用 Development and Practice of New Energy Industry- Wind Power Utilization


300瓦至20千瓦离网型风力发电机、风电叶片、机舱罩、导流罩 The 300W-20KW off-grid wind power generator, wind power blad

e, cabin cover and air deflector

新能源产业发展及应用-热泵 Development and Practice of New Energy Industry - Heat Pump


地源热泵空调机组国内市场占有率10%,地源热泵供暖(制冷)面积220万平方米 The ground source heat pump air conditioning unit products have

covered 10% of the domestic market shares and the heating (cooling) area of

ground source heat pump has reached up to 2.2 million m².

新能源产业发展及应用-新能源汽车 Development and Practice of New Energy Industry –New Energy Automobiles



10 new energy auto manufacturers


富路新能源汽车生产线 Production line of Fulu New Energy Automobiles

新能源产业发展及应用-新能源汽车 Development and Practice of New Energy Industry –New Energy Automobiles

新能源产业发展及应用 Development and Practice of New Energy Industry



新能源产业发展及应用 Development and Practice of New Energy Industry


德州市新能源发展动力和经验 The developing momentum and experience of new

energy industry

二新能源发展动力和经验 Major Experience of Promoting New Energy Development


Unified planning

Exhibition and promotion

Unified standard

Demonstration effect


Policy and promotion

新能源发展主要经验-统一规划 Major Experience of New Energy Development - Unified Planning


Unified planning

New Energy Industry Development Planning

Planning of Constructing the National New Energy Demonstration City

Application Planning of Renewable Energy

新能源发展动力和经验-统一标准 Major Experience of New Energy Development - Unified Standard


More than 400 enterprise standards 企业标准400多部

45 international standards 国际标准45部

36 national standards 国家标准36部

统一标准 Unified Standard

新能源发展动力和经验-示范带动 Major Experience of New Energy Development-Demonstration Driven


新建房屋太阳能建筑一体化应用100% Integrated application rate of solar energy buildings among newly built houses will achieve 100% 新建城镇住宅小区太阳能热水器安装率100% Installation rate of solar water heater in newly built urban communities will achieve 100%

太阳能百万屋顶 Millions of Solar Energy Roofs Project


新能源发展动力和经验-示范带动 Major Experience of New Energy Development-Demonstration Driven

The area of solar integrated buildings will be 1.86 million㎡ the GSHP and building integration area will be 450,000 ㎡ 可再生能源建筑一体化

Renewable energy building integration


50个路口、50条道路、50个住宅小区、5个景区,安装太阳能灯13000盏,太阳能路灯里程170公里 50 main intersections, 50 roads, 50 communities and 5 scenic spots are installed with 13,000 solar energy road lamps and the length of road with solar energy lamps has been up to 170 kilometers

5555示范工程 The four FIVES Demonstration Projects

道路太阳能光电应用Solar photovoltaic applications on roads

新能源发展动力和经验-示范带动 Major Experience of New Energy Development-Demonstration Driven

新能源发展动力和经验-示范带动 Major Experience of New Energy Development-Demonstration Driven


住宅小区太阳能光电应用 Solar PV applications in residential area

新能源发展动力和经验-示范带动 Major Experience of New Energy Development-Demonstration Driven


住宅小区太阳能光电应用 Solar PV applications in residential area

光伏发电应用示范工程 Application demonstration projects of PV power generation


市博物馆分布式光伏发电系统 Distributed PV power generation system in Dezhou Museum

Ø  金紫荆花园小区电站Solar power station was in Jinzijing community

新能源发展动力和经验-示范带动 Major Experience of New Energy Development-Demonstration Driven


院士德州行、对接北京天津大院大所 设立各类基金 Academician Visiting Dezhou and Docking Key Universities and Institutions in Beijing and Tianjin

新能源发展动力和经验-创新驱动 Major Experience of New Energy Development- Demonstration Driven


Salt spray test chamber

Photoelectric lamps lab

国家太阳能热利用工程研究中心 National Solar Thermal Utilization Engineering Research Center

新能源发展动力和经验-创新驱动 Major Experience of New Energy Development- Demonstration Driven


太阳能热发电 Solar Thermal Power Generation metal coating tube, high temperature resistant reaching 500℃, was successfully applied in the first megawatt solar thermal power experiment generation.

新能源发展动力和经验-创新驱动 Major Experience of New Energy Development- Demonstration Driven


皇明定日镜 Himin heliostat

新能源发展动力和经验-创新驱动 Major Experience of New Energy Development- Demonstration Driven


延庆八达岭太阳能热发电实验电站 Badaling Solar Thermal Power Experiment Generation in Yanqing

新能源发展动力和经验-创新驱动 Major Experience of New Energy Development- Demonstration Driven


奇威特人工环境有限公司太阳能空调 Solar air conditioners in Vicot Air Conditioning Co., Ltd.

新能源发展动力和经验-创新驱动 Major Experience of New Energy Development- Demonstration Driven

太阳能空调 Solar Energy Air Conditioners


通裕集团兆瓦级纤维保持型及直驱式风电主轴 Megawatt fiber type and direct drive wind

power spindle in Tongyu Group

风电主轴 Wind Power Spindle

新能源发展动力和经验-创新驱动 Major Experience of New Energy Development- Demonstration Driven


新能源发展动力和经验-政策推动 Major Experience in New Energy Development-Policy Support

政府出台支持政策,推动新能源技术的规模化应用 Government introduces policies to promote large-scale application of new energy technologies


新能源发展动力和经验-展会推动 Major Experience in New Energy Development-Organizing Exhibition

In 2010, Dezhou held the 4th International Solar Cities Congress


新能源发展动力和经验-展会推动 Major Experience in New Energy Development-Organizing Exhibition


皇明与丹麦格兰富公司达成合作 John Fredrik Reinfeldt, Prime Minister of Sweden, meeting Mr. Huang Ming

新能源发展动力和经验-展会推动 Major Experience in New Energy Development-Organizing Exhibition


新能源领域的合作机遇 Cooperation Opportunities i

n New Energy Field


三、新能源领域的合作机遇 Cooperation Opportunities in New Energy Field In the next 5 to 10 years, Dezhou will enter a fast growing period in terms of its new energy exploitation. It is estimated that till 2020, the total sales revenue of our new energy industry will exceed$30 billion.

Methane Power Industry

New Energy Automobile Industry

Biomass Industry

Wind PowerEnergy Terrestrial Heat Application Industry

Solar Photovoltaic Industry


Diverse Financing Mechanism

Technological Breakthrough in Key


Setting up & Improving Certain


新能源领域的合作机遇 Cooperation Opportunities in New Energy Field


新能源领域的合作机遇-多元化融资机制 Cooperation Opportunities in New Energy Field-Diverse Financing Mechanism

Set up a fund for new energy investment and a guiding fund for investment and new businesse

Facilitate share joining, holding and acquisition activities among enterprises and encourage new energy enterprises to go public and issue bonds

Explore multiple models to set up projects like BOT, PPP and energy performance contracting


Cooperation Opportunities in New Energy Field-Technological Breakthrough in Key Areas

Solar cell and other related products

Main machine of ground source heat pump compressor

Bearing, gear case and control system of the wind driven generator

Technological Breakthrough in

Key Areas

Technologies like power generation through medium-high temperature from solar thermal, heating, cooling and sea water desalination

Key systems in power cell, driving motor and electrical controller of new energy automobile


Promote An Overall Technological Progress

Facilitate Cooperation Based on Mutual-Trust

Realize a Sustainable Development of New Energy Industry

Cooperation Opportunities in New Energy Field-Setting International Industry Standard

Participating in International Industry Standard Setting in Solar Thermal Application Field


As the Rhine generates this beautiful Basel, Yellow River also shapes good traditions and profound culture background in Dezhou people. They uphold high moral standard and advocate honesty in doing business. They are open, tolerant and innovative. In the future, Dezhou will actively commit herself into green development, generate more clean energy and make contribution to the slowing down of global warming.

We sincerely welcome friends at home and abroad to Dezhou to start your business!


Website: E-mail: [email protected]