GHSA Officer Election Candidates

Drew Blasco Secretary Global Health I am in my first year at Arizona State University and had course conflicts the first semester; however, I am enthusiastic about becoming more involved with GHSA and know that through a leadership position I will be able to take on a greater role within the organization. I am interested in becoming an officer because I would like to become more involved in Global Health Student Association. I would like to be able to learn more about what GHSA has to offer to its members and to be able to promote the benefits of the organization to others. I am extremely organized, which I consider one of my strongest leadership skills, because it allows me to accomplish everything I need to get done. I served on Omega Phi Alpha's Standards Board as a new active which is fairly usual. I will also be teaching LIA 194 for Global Health for Fall 2012 which will significantly improve my leadership skills and will also allow me to promote the club. I think this organization is a wonderful resource to its members and I would like to not only be able to use it but also help to improve upon it and promote it. I would like GHSA to grow as an organization and become more prominent in the university community. I think that holding mixers and information sessions at the beginning of each semester would help increase membership. I also believe that continuing social networking and putting flyers around the campus will substantially increase membership. As a facilitator for LIA 194, I think it would be a great recruiting technique to plan for an officer of GHSA to come in and present to the freshmen. As freshmen, they are looking for organizations to join and become a part of and with I was originally a Biology major and fairly quickly decided that was not the major for me. I found Global Health and knew that it would be a much better fit. I am pre-med and this major allows me to pursue a career in the health field. Global Health is very interesting to me and I believe the major provides many opportunities such as study abroad where you get first hand experience. Global Health looks at the broad picture for health and how better medicine can be provided all around the world. Which officer position are you running for? What is your major? How have you been actively involved with GHSA in the past? How long have you been a member of GHSA? Why are you interested in being an officer of GHSA and what leadership skills do you possess? As an officer, how can you make GHSA better? Basically, what is your vision for GHSA? What is your interest in Global Health?



Transcript of GHSA Officer Election Candidates

Page 1: GHSA Officer Election Candidates

Drew Blasco Secretary Global Health

I am in my firstyear at ArizonaState Universityand had courseconflicts the firstsemester;however, I amenthusiastic aboutbecoming moreinvolved withGHSA and knowthat through aleadership positionI will be able totake on a greaterrole within theorganization.

I am interested inbecoming anofficer because Iwould like tobecome moreinvolved in GlobalHealth StudentAssociation. Iwould like to beable to learn moreabout what GHSAhas to offer to itsmembers and tobe able to promotethe benefits of theorganization toothers. I amextremelyorganized, which Iconsider one of mystrongestleadership skills,because it allowsme to accomplisheverything I needto get done. Iserved on OmegaPhi Alpha'sStandards Boardas a new activewhich is fairlyusual. I will also beteaching LIA 194for Global Healthfor Fall 2012 whichwill significantlyimprove myleadership skillsand will also allowme to promote theclub.

I think thisorganization is awonderful resourceto its members andI would like to notonly be able to useit but also help toimprove upon itand promote it. Iwould like GHSAto grow as anorganization andbecome moreprominent in theuniversitycommunity. I thinkthat holding mixersand informationsessions at thebeginning of eachsemester wouldhelp increasemembership. I alsobelieve thatcontinuing socialnetworking andputting flyersaround thecampus willsubstantiallyincreasemembership. As afacilitator for LIA194, I think itwould be a greatrecruitingtechnique to planfor an officer ofGHSA to come inand present to thefreshmen. Asfreshmen, they arelooking fororganizations tojoin and become apart of and withsomeone takingthe time to cometalk to them, Ibelieve many willbe persuaded tojoin GHSA.

I was originally aBiology major andfairly quicklydecided that wasnot the major forme. I found GlobalHealth and knewthat it would be amuch better fit. Iam pre-med andthis major allowsme to pursue acareer in thehealth field. GlobalHealth is veryinteresting to meand I believe themajor providesmany opportunitiessuch as studyabroad where youget first handexperience. GlobalHealth looks at thebroad picture forhealth and howbetter medicinecan be provided allaround the world.

Which officerposition are you

running for?What is your


How have youbeen activelyinvolved with

GHSA in the past?How long have youbeen a member of


Why are youinterested in beingan officer of GHSA

and whatleadership skills do

you possess?

As an officer, howcan you makeGHSA better?

Basically, what isyour vision for


What is yourinterest in Global


Page 2: GHSA Officer Election Candidates

Drew Blasco Secretary Global Health

I am in my firstyear at ArizonaState Universityand had courseconflicts the firstsemester;however, I amenthusiastic aboutbecoming moreinvolved withGHSA and knowthat through aleadership positionI will be able totake on a greaterrole within theorganization.

I am interested inbecoming anofficer because Iwould like tobecome moreinvolved in GlobalHealth StudentAssociation. Iwould like to beable to learn moreabout what GHSAhas to offer to itsmembers and tobe able to promotethe benefits of theorganization toothers. I amextremelyorganized, which Iconsider one of mystrongestleadership skills,because it allowsme to accomplisheverything I needto get done. Iserved on OmegaPhi Alpha'sStandards Boardas a new activewhich is fairlyusual. I will also beteaching LIA 194for Global Healthfor Fall 2012 whichwill significantlyimprove myleadership skillsand will also allowme to promote theclub.

I think thisorganization is awonderful resourceto its members andI would like to notonly be able to useit but also help toimprove upon itand promote it. Iwould like GHSAto grow as anorganization andbecome moreprominent in theuniversitycommunity. I thinkthat holding mixersand informationsessions at thebeginning of eachsemester wouldhelp increasemembership. I alsobelieve thatcontinuing socialnetworking andputting flyersaround thecampus willsubstantiallyincreasemembership. As afacilitator for LIA194, I think itwould be a greatrecruitingtechnique to planfor an officer ofGHSA to come inand present to thefreshmen. Asfreshmen, they arelooking fororganizations tojoin and become apart of and withsomeone takingthe time to cometalk to them, Ibelieve many willbe persuaded tojoin GHSA.

I was originally aBiology major andfairly quicklydecided that wasnot the major forme. I found GlobalHealth and knewthat it would be amuch better fit. Iam pre-med andthis major allowsme to pursue acareer in thehealth field. GlobalHealth is veryinteresting to meand I believe themajor providesmany opportunitiessuch as studyabroad where youget first handexperience. GlobalHealth looks at thebroad picture forhealth and howbetter medicinecan be provided allaround the world.

Which officerposition are you

running for?What is your


How have youbeen activelyinvolved with

GHSA in the past?How long have youbeen a member of


Why are youinterested in beingan officer of GHSA

and whatleadership skills do

you possess?

As an officer, howcan you makeGHSA better?

Basically, what isyour vision for


What is yourinterest in Global


Page 3: GHSA Officer Election Candidates

Brina Groves President

Global Health &Family and HumanDevelopment

I am a newmember of theGHSA and haveonly recentlydeclared myGlobal HealthMajor. Although, Iam inexperiencedin the world ofglobal healthacademia, I am notnew to the ideaand have activelysupported the ideain my own way.

The studentassociations I seearound campuskeep to their ownmeetings filled withpeople who havealready taken theinitiative to seekthem out. I havebeen seeking andnever found aplace that has myvision until now. Iwant to be a partof this, further thanattendingmeetings, I want tobe the voice. Iwant to encourage,lead and createthe opportunities. I have been inanotherorganizationoutside ofuniversity for 10years called theNational UnitedChurch UshersAssociation ofAmerica, Inc. Forthe last 4 years Ihave been anofficer, includingParliamentarian,Health UnitChairperson twoyears running andActing Historian. Iwas also veryinvolved with mychurch and duringthe years of 2008and 2009 I waselected VicePresident of theYouth and JuniorUsher board. Before college,where I decided tofocus on mystudies and lesson extracurricularactivities, Iparticipated inAcademicDecathlon, theSouth MountainThespian Society,State ChampionTrack andcheerleading.

I want to take themessage of globalhealth beyond thetabling events atASU, beyond themeetings, and theevents GHSAholds. I want to putit into every ASUstudents mind thatthey can make animpact on theworld's health. Iwant Tempe toknow that they arecommunity andunderstanding theissues that effecttheir health andwell-being are notisolated butinterconnected. As president, Iwould like to helpthe Global HealthStudentAssociation getinvolved with otherglobal healthstudent networksin the region andnationwide. As afield that iscreating more buzzand is relativelynew there are a lotof opportunities tobegin newmutually beneficialties betweenprograms. I wouldfind a way tonetwork with otheruniversities globalhealth studentclubs anddepartments, hearwhat they do intheir communities. Currently atUniversity ofArizona, they havea group called theGlobal HealthAlliance andconnecting withthem during a"Colleges ofArizona GlobalHealth Meetup"could open updoors forgraduating seniorsinterested inGraduateprograms inTucson.Additionally, if westarted a dialogwith the pre-healthand medical trackswe could find moremembers who aresoon to be doctorswith interests inGlobal Health.

When I first cameto Arizona State, Iwas so young anddoing what Ithought was what Ishould bestudying. I had alove of biology andthe chemicals ofthe brain, butmostly humanbehavior andabove all,newborns. Imajored inbiological sciencesand was going tobecome aneonatologist untilI realized that itwas not what I wasreally interestedwith. One classchanged it all forme, Infant/Toddlerdevelopmentwithin the family. Iwanted to studythe beginnings oflife from all overthe world becauseit is static anddynamic all at thesame time.Reproductive andsexual healthacross the globe,the United States,regionally, statewide and in thecommunity istumultuous, muchlike the othercrises plaguing ourworld. Theparenting processis a piece ofhuman nature thateffects each andevery singleperson on theplanet; that iswhere I see mylife's work.

Which officerposition are you

running for?What is your


How have youbeen activelyinvolved with

GHSA in the past?How long have youbeen a member of


Why are youinterested in beingan officer of GHSA

and whatleadership skills do

you possess?

As an officer, howcan you makeGHSA better?

Basically, what isyour vision for


What is yourinterest in Global


Page 4: GHSA Officer Election Candidates

Brina Groves President

Global Health &Family and HumanDevelopment

I am a newmember of theGHSA and haveonly recentlydeclared myGlobal HealthMajor. Although, Iam inexperiencedin the world ofglobal healthacademia, I am notnew to the ideaand have activelysupported the ideain my own way.

The studentassociations I seearound campuskeep to their ownmeetings filled withpeople who havealready taken theinitiative to seekthem out. I havebeen seeking andnever found aplace that has myvision until now. Iwant to be a partof this, further thanattendingmeetings, I want tobe the voice. Iwant to encourage,lead and createthe opportunities. I have been inanotherorganizationoutside ofuniversity for 10years called theNational UnitedChurch UshersAssociation ofAmerica, Inc. Forthe last 4 years Ihave been anofficer, includingParliamentarian,Health UnitChairperson twoyears running andActing Historian. Iwas also veryinvolved with mychurch and duringthe years of 2008and 2009 I waselected VicePresident of theYouth and JuniorUsher board. Before college,where I decided tofocus on mystudies and lesson extracurricularactivities, Iparticipated inAcademicDecathlon, theSouth MountainThespian Society,State ChampionTrack andcheerleading.

I want to take themessage of globalhealth beyond thetabling events atASU, beyond themeetings, and theevents GHSAholds. I want to putit into every ASUstudents mind thatthey can make animpact on theworld's health. Iwant Tempe toknow that they arecommunity andunderstanding theissues that effecttheir health andwell-being are notisolated butinterconnected. As president, Iwould like to helpthe Global HealthStudentAssociation getinvolved with otherglobal healthstudent networksin the region andnationwide. As afield that iscreating more buzzand is relativelynew there are a lotof opportunities tobegin newmutually beneficialties betweenprograms. I wouldfind a way tonetwork with otheruniversities globalhealth studentclubs anddepartments, hearwhat they do intheir communities. Currently atUniversity ofArizona, they havea group called theGlobal HealthAlliance andconnecting withthem during a"Colleges ofArizona GlobalHealth Meetup"could open updoors forgraduating seniorsinterested inGraduateprograms inTucson.Additionally, if westarted a dialogwith the pre-healthand medical trackswe could find moremembers who aresoon to be doctorswith interests inGlobal Health.

When I first cameto Arizona State, Iwas so young anddoing what Ithought was what Ishould bestudying. I had alove of biology andthe chemicals ofthe brain, butmostly humanbehavior andabove all,newborns. Imajored inbiological sciencesand was going tobecome aneonatologist untilI realized that itwas not what I wasreally interestedwith. One classchanged it all forme, Infant/Toddlerdevelopmentwithin the family. Iwanted to studythe beginnings oflife from all overthe world becauseit is static anddynamic all at thesame time.Reproductive andsexual healthacross the globe,the United States,regionally, statewide and in thecommunity istumultuous, muchlike the othercrises plaguing ourworld. Theparenting processis a piece ofhuman nature thateffects each andevery singleperson on theplanet; that iswhere I see mylife's work.

Which officerposition are you

running for?What is your


How have youbeen activelyinvolved with

GHSA in the past?How long have youbeen a member of


Why are youinterested in beingan officer of GHSA

and whatleadership skills do

you possess?

As an officer, howcan you makeGHSA better?

Basically, what isyour vision for


What is yourinterest in Global


Page 5: GHSA Officer Election Candidates

Rachel Olsen Secretary Global Health

I have been goingto meetings when Ican for the pastyear afterbecoming enrolledin ASU.

What drew me toGlobal Health ishow much ofdifference we canmake on the worldusing theknowledge gainedby the degree, andI would love tostart making animpact here in thiscommunity withthe GHSA. In thepast I have beenthe President ofmy high school'sNational HonorsSociety, VicePresident of theHealthOccupationsStudentAssociation, andwas aCommissioner formy city's YouthAdvisoryCommission. All ofthese groups andleadership rolestaught me how totake action and bein control of largescale (or smallscale) events andhow to organizegroup relations.

For me, I wouldlike to see a betterorganized group,with meetingsplanned farther outin advance so thatmembers canmakearrangements.Having minutesfrom the meetingor simplestatements of theevents thatoccurred sent outto the email listwould be beneficialas well. These areall duties that I, assecretary, wouldbe happy to do.

I am a pre-medGlobal Healthmajor hoping topractice medicinearound the world inclinics. I have longbeen interested inimproving thehealth andwellness of thosethat have limitedresources and areunable to helpthemselves. Alongthis line, I reallywant to becomeinvolved in AIDSprevention andawareness, aproblem that stillplages this world.With the educationthat my GlobalHealth degreeoffers, hopefully Iwill be able toaddress theseproblems in myfuture career witha strongbackground.

Which officerposition are you

running for?What is your


How have youbeen activelyinvolved with

GHSA in the past?How long have youbeen a member of


Why are youinterested in beingan officer of GHSA

and whatleadership skills do

you possess?

As an officer, howcan you makeGHSA better?

Basically, what isyour vision for


What is yourinterest in Global


Page 6: GHSA Officer Election Candidates

Donny Nelson President Global Health

I am new toGHSA, and havejust recentlybecome amember, I am atransferringstudent and will beattending ASU filltime in the fall.

I am a highlymotivatedindividual withextensiveleadership skills. Iam verypassionate aboutserving others andbelieve it is at theforefront ofhumanity. I haveserved asPresident & VicePresident ofGateWayCommunityColleges StudentVeteransAssociation. VicePresident ofLeadership ofAlpha AlphaEpsilon chapter ofPhi Theta Kappa,a Member of theAssociatedStudent Council. Ihave served asVice President forDivision 134 of theBrotherhood ofLocomotiveEngineers andTrainmen.

My vison is to seethat not justindividuals who aremajoring in GlobalHealth but theentire ASUcommunityunderstands thatserving others isthe core, theessence, thefoundaiton of whatwe believe andwho we are. It allstarts with us. Notonly must we be avoice, we must beseen. GHSA mustlead by example. Iam a firm believerin "Preach whatyou Practice". Asleaders we mustbe seen and notjust heard.Homecoming weekis a great place tostart. I wouldstrive to see GHSAas servant leadersfor the events, butnot stop there.Homecomingwould only be thelaunching pad.Imaging acommunity ofstudents servingstudents...

To create aServeolution, to bethere when no oneelse wants or hasthe will to be. I amnot here to solve, Iam here to serve.Imaging a world inwhere peoplesever othersbefore themselves.It's not about meand it's not aboutnow. It's aboutthose who cannothelp themsleves...

Which officerposition are you

running for?What is your


How have youbeen activelyinvolved with

GHSA in the past?How long have youbeen a member of


Why are youinterested in beingan officer of GHSA

and whatleadership skills do

you possess?

As an officer, howcan you makeGHSA better?

Basically, what isyour vision for


What is yourinterest in Global


Page 7: GHSA Officer Election Candidates

Kristopher Krohn Public Relations Global Health

I have not been amember of GHSAin the past due tothe fact that I aman incomingtransfer student.But I was involvedwith MCC'sAnthropology Clubas President, PR,and treasurer.

I am interested inbeing an officer ofGHSA because Iwant to share myinterest in GlobalHealth and I feelthat myassertiveness canhelp spread thereach of GlobalHealth. Also, withprior leadershipexperience I canpull on past eventsand shed new lighton topics andideas.

My vision is tomake GHSA apopularassociation acrossall the campuses,pulling from thecollectivepopulation of ASUrather than just theTempe campus.

My interest inGlobal Health iswidespread. Sincethis will be my firstyear as ASU Ihave yet to takemy intro to GlobalHealth course, butas a previousAnthropologymajor I like theidea of relatingmedicine anddisease to certainareas of the worldand trying tocombat them.

Which officerposition are you

running for?What is your


How have youbeen activelyinvolved with

GHSA in the past?How long have youbeen a member of


Why are youinterested in beingan officer of GHSA

and whatleadership skills do

you possess?

As an officer, howcan you makeGHSA better?

Basically, what isyour vision for


What is yourinterest in Global


Page 8: GHSA Officer Election Candidates

Kendall Crever Public Relations

Anthropology(minor in GlobalHealth)

I have no priorexperience withGHSA, but havebeen activelytrying to contactthe club formembership. I aminvolved with theUndergraduateAnthropologyAssociation, butam looking toexpand myunderstanding inthe Global Healthfield.

My interest lies inbecoming betteracquainted withother GlobalHealth studentsand professors inthe field andbecoming involvedonly enhances myexperience. I havevolunteered in thepast with theArchaeologyResearch Institutehere on campus aswell as being apartof a surveycollection teamthrough my statsclass at MCC.Those experienceshave given me theopportunity tospeak with manydifferent peopleoutside of mydirect field. Aleader shouldpossessresponsibility whileconsidering anyand allsuggestions, whichI always try tocommit to.

As an officer it isyour job toenhance bothunderstanding andmembership intothe club. I think it isvital and efficientto talk to incomingstudents at eithercommunitycolleges or evenlocal high schoolsto find others whoare interested inthe field and club.Learning fromothers is alsoimportant forspreadingknowledge and Iwould venture thatmany GHSAaffiliates could usea meeting time tospeak about acertain diseaseand/ororganization thatboth interests themand that they haveresearched.

Being apart of afield thatspecializes inhuman health isobviously a grandundertaking, butalso an importantone. In this age wehave now enteredthe thirdepidemiologicaltransition wheredisease travelsfaster, is moreprevalent, andwhere ourantibiotics haveproven to createever evolvingresistant strains ofdisease. It is moreimportant thanever to reducehuman sufferingwhere possible.My interest is insolutions toprovide safedrinking water tofamilies in need. Iwould also love tojoin the GlobalBrigades toexpand myknowledge aboutwhat solutions canbe made fortoday's issues.

Patrice Nipape Treasurer Global Health

I am activemember for yearand half

9I want to be anoffice of GHSA toachieve the goal ofGHSA by using allmy skills andstrenghts.

GHSA bettermeans hard work,attendancy,innovation andteam work to riseup the Association.

Global Healthactivities and goals

Which officerposition are you

running for?What is your


How have youbeen activelyinvolved with

GHSA in the past?How long have youbeen a member of


Why are youinterested in beingan officer of GHSA

and whatleadership skills do

you possess?

As an officer, howcan you makeGHSA better?

Basically, what isyour vision for


What is yourinterest in Global


Page 9: GHSA Officer Election Candidates

Joel Vincent Treasurer Anthropology

I have not beenactively involvedwith GHSA. I didnot know about theclub at all until Ibegan to receiveemails from theclub.

I am interested inthe club because Ihave an interest inthe area of GlobalHealth despitebeing anAnthropologymajor; I begantaking relatedclasses lastsemester and thenagain thissemester, whichled me to desire todo the RoaringDragon (China)Study Abroadoptions throughSHESC thissummer. In termsof leadership, Ithink I am able torelate well toothers and I feel Ican actcompetently as aTreasurer for theclub.

My vision is tohandle thefinances of theclub responsiblyand work togetherwith the other clubleaders to providea wide range ofinterestingopportunities tomembers. I wouldlove to help bringmore activities andawareness to bothclub members andthe students ofASU.

My particularinterests lie inexploring GlobalHealth conditionsaround the world,especially in thecontext of disastersituations andscenarios, andhow we as apeople might bebetter preparedand ready to meetthe challengesposed by the lossof health systemsafter devastatingevents. Examplesof a few of themore obvioushealth catastrophesituations includethose that aroseafter hurricaneKatrina, thedevastation of the2004 tsunami, theHaitianearthquake, andthe nuclear crisisin Japan.

Which officerposition are you

running for?What is your


How have youbeen activelyinvolved with

GHSA in the past?How long have youbeen a member of


Why are youinterested in beingan officer of GHSA

and whatleadership skills do

you possess?

As an officer, howcan you makeGHSA better?

Basically, what isyour vision for


What is yourinterest in Global


Page 10: GHSA Officer Election Candidates

Alissa Sabatino Event Coordinator Global Health

I have been amember of GHSAfor one year, andhave gone to mostof the meetings.

I am interested inbeing a GHSAofficer because Iam a GlobalHealth major and Iwant to be activelyinvolved in theGlobal Healthcommunity. I amvery good at beinga leader. I wasstudent bodypresident anddance teamcaptain in highschool. I enjoyworking withothers andorganizing events.

As an officer, Iwant to makeGHSA a more wellknown club oncampus. I wouldlike to partner withASU wellness andhelp put on moreevents.

I am veryinterested inculture and mentalillness. Currently, Iam planning onattending medicalschool after I getmy global healthmajor.

Which officerposition are you

running for?What is your


How have youbeen activelyinvolved with

GHSA in the past?How long have youbeen a member of


Why are youinterested in beingan officer of GHSA

and whatleadership skills do

you possess?

As an officer, howcan you makeGHSA better?

Basically, what isyour vision for


What is yourinterest in Global


Page 11: GHSA Officer Election Candidates

Christopher JohnFencl Event Coordinator

Psychology andGlobal Health

I have not beeninvolved in GHSAfor very long, onlythe past 3 months.However, I wouldvery much like tobecome muchmore involved andam ready to stepup for a position ofresponsibility if theclub so desires it.

I am interested in aleadership positionof GHSA becauseI care about healthconcerns in everycountry. I am aglobal health andpsychologystudent here atASU and I ambeginning tounderstand bothhow dire somepeople's situationsare. Moreimportantly, I ambeginning tounderstand thenecessity forglobal healthawareness. If Ibecame an officerof GHSA, Ihonestly don't carewhich position I getI just want to beinvolved, I believethere is anopportunity topromote theseissues andeducate the publicto a larger group ofpeople. As apsychologystudent, I have abasicunderstanding ofthe psychologicalproblems that arefaced around theworld. I am thevice president ofthe ToastmastersASU charter and Ican be anexcellent speaker.If elected, I will usemy leadershipexperience Igained to betterhelp educate boththe school, cluband myself aboutthese issues andcommit myself tobettering thisprogram.

As an officer ofGHSA, I wouldcreate moreopportunities forthe public toparticipate. What Imean is manypeople don't knowabout issuesbecause they areunaware they areoccurring. Tocoordinate is anevent is more thanget a room andspeaker to presentbut also toeducate. I wouldcreate moreawareness of theevents to not onlythe ASUpopulation butanyone interested.With mybackground inpsychology, Iwould look for aspeaker who caneducate us inmental healthissues around theworld and howthey affect us.Many people stilldon't understandthat conditions likebipolar disorderand schizophreniaare biologicaldisorders, not justa crazy person. Iwould bring inmore global mentalhealth to theorganization.

My interest inglobal health is tobetter understandall the healthissues we as apeople facearound the world. Ifeel very privilegedto grow up in thekind ofenvironment I havebut I feel ignorantabout many of theproblems manyface in their dailylives. I became aglobal health majorin order for me tobetter understandthe diverse issuesand, moreimportantly, what Ican do to helpthose lessfortunate than I.Basically, myinterest in GlobalHealth is to gaingreaterunderstandingabout healthissues around theglobe in order toknow how I canhelp.

Which officerposition are you

running for?What is your


How have youbeen activelyinvolved with

GHSA in the past?How long have youbeen a member of


Why are youinterested in beingan officer of GHSA

and whatleadership skills do

you possess?

As an officer, howcan you makeGHSA better?

Basically, what isyour vision for


What is yourinterest in Global


Page 12: GHSA Officer Election Candidates

Christopher JohnFencl Event Coordinator

Psychology andGlobal Health

I have not beeninvolved in GHSAfor very long, onlythe past 3 months.However, I wouldvery much like tobecome muchmore involved andam ready to stepup for a position ofresponsibility if theclub so desires it.

I am interested in aleadership positionof GHSA becauseI care about healthconcerns in everycountry. I am aglobal health andpsychologystudent here atASU and I ambeginning tounderstand bothhow dire somepeople's situationsare. Moreimportantly, I ambeginning tounderstand thenecessity forglobal healthawareness. If Ibecame an officerof GHSA, Ihonestly don't carewhich position I getI just want to beinvolved, I believethere is anopportunity topromote theseissues andeducate the publicto a larger group ofpeople. As apsychologystudent, I have abasicunderstanding ofthe psychologicalproblems that arefaced around theworld. I am thevice president ofthe ToastmastersASU charter and Ican be anexcellent speaker.If elected, I will usemy leadershipexperience Igained to betterhelp educate boththe school, cluband myself aboutthese issues andcommit myself tobettering thisprogram.

As an officer ofGHSA, I wouldcreate moreopportunities forthe public toparticipate. What Imean is manypeople don't knowabout issuesbecause they areunaware they areoccurring. Tocoordinate is anevent is more thanget a room andspeaker to presentbut also toeducate. I wouldcreate moreawareness of theevents to not onlythe ASUpopulation butanyone interested.With mybackground inpsychology, Iwould look for aspeaker who caneducate us inmental healthissues around theworld and howthey affect us.Many people stilldon't understandthat conditions likebipolar disorderand schizophreniaare biologicaldisorders, not justa crazy person. Iwould bring inmore global mentalhealth to theorganization.

My interest inglobal health is tobetter understandall the healthissues we as apeople facearound the world. Ifeel very privilegedto grow up in thekind ofenvironment I havebut I feel ignorantabout many of theproblems manyface in their dailylives. I became aglobal health majorin order for me tobetter understandthe diverse issuesand, moreimportantly, what Ican do to helpthose lessfortunate than I.Basically, myinterest in GlobalHealth is to gaingreaterunderstandingabout healthissues around theglobe in order toknow how I canhelp.

Claudia SugheiBecerril Event Coordinator

Psychology,Global Health,Micro Biology

I have shown up tomeetings and havevolunteered duringAIDS awarenessday. Until thecoming year, I hadlittle time forinvolvement, but Iwould like tochange that andtruly make adifference.

I have greatplanning skills andI am able to stayon task. I am alsovery passionateabout GlobalHealth,righteousness andmaking thingshappen.

I would createmore awarenessaround campusabout meetingsand activities. Iwould also plan afund raiser (silentauction outside ofcampus or bakesale) to send oneof our members toa conference on aglobal healthrelated subject persemester. Thisway, when thestudent comesback, he/she canshare theinformation withthe rest of us.

My interest inGlobal Health is innutrition and basicmaternal andpediatric care. Itcomes from havingbeen an immigrantto the statesbecause my familyhad little money tobuy basic foods,and as I was achild this affectedmy health andability to do well inschool. Becauseof this interest, Ihave become veryset in puttingtogether a non-profit that will aidrural areas inMexico to sell artthey create andreceive mealreplacement barsin return.

Which officerposition are you

running for?What is your


How have youbeen activelyinvolved with

GHSA in the past?How long have youbeen a member of


Why are youinterested in beingan officer of GHSA

and whatleadership skills do

you possess?

As an officer, howcan you makeGHSA better?

Basically, what isyour vision for


What is yourinterest in Global


Page 13: GHSA Officer Election Candidates

Mrwah Ahmad President Global Health

I am now endingmy fourthsemester at ASUand I have been amember of theGHSA since myfirst semesterhere. I served assecretary for theAssociation thispast year.

I am interestedbecause I am verypassionate aboutGlobal Health notonly because it ismy major, butbecause I love theconcept of it. Ireally want to seethe organization gofar and besuccessful. I wasVice President ofthe NHS in highschool and I wasleader of theevents committee.I was secretary ofthe GHSA.

I have been a partof the associationsince the verybegging, I evenattended meetingsbefore I evenstarted ASUbecause mysisters were apartof the organization.So I have seenwhat has workedand what has notworked with theorganization. Iwant theorganization togrow and be verysuccessful, I wantpeople to get tolove andunderstand GlobalHealth as much asI do.

I love everythingthat Global Healthstands for.

Which officerposition are you

running for?What is your


How have youbeen activelyinvolved with

GHSA in the past?How long have youbeen a member of


Why are youinterested in beingan officer of GHSA

and whatleadership skills do

you possess?

As an officer, howcan you makeGHSA better?

Basically, what isyour vision for


What is yourinterest in Global
