Ghs is now in place in canada but what about tdg


Transcript of Ghs is now in place in canada but what about tdg

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GHS is NOW in Place in Canadaand the United States



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Lets make it perfectly clear from the startTHIS IS NOT THE SAME AS THAT

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HAZMAT/TDGGHS is about controlled products for industrial use and deals with the effects to workers of hazardous materials. TDG Regulation deals with controlling the immediate hazards of exposure to hazardous materials in the event of a spill or leak during transportation. GHS stands for the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals. GHS is a system that defines and classifies the hazards of chemical products, and communicates health and safety information on labels and material safety data sheets (called Safety Data Sheets, or SDSs, in GHS). The goal is that the same set of rules for classifying hazards, and the same format and content for labels and safety data sheets (SDS) will be adopted and used around the world. An international team of hazard communication experts developed GHS.What is a ERAP? • An ERAP is an Emergency Response Assistance Plan. This is a plan which must be filed and

approved by Transport Canada when certain hazardous goods are transported.

How will the GHS ( Globally Harmonized System) affect TDG in Canada?• According to Health Canada - not that much. Canadian TDG Regulations are already based on

the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations. Only acute health and physical hazards are addressed by GHS and GHS symbols used for them are the same as those used in the TDG. More detailed information is available at: . Information about the schedule for implementation can be found at:

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Yes it is talked about in here a lot

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GHS is a program governed by a law

TDG/HazMat is just that it is A LAW no programs govern

It! Hence you must still follow And conform with this law

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Do you have your ERG Guide BookThe ERG contains an indexed list of dangerous goods and the associated ID number, the general hazards they pose, and recommended safety precautions. For example, if emergency responders arrive at the scene of an overturned tractor trailer displaying a DOT hazmat placard, they would use the guide to identify the material associated with the placard and how to respond accordingly.• The 2012 version of the ERG includes general revisions, reorganized

general information pages, and new tables such as Initial Isolation and Protective Action Distances for large spills involving six common toxic inhalation hazard gases. Updated every four years, the ERG is available free to public safety agencies in all states and territories through designated state coordinators’ offices.

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•Globally Harmonized System (GHS)•DOT hazardous materials

o labelso placardso materials of trade

•International symbols•Emergency response guidebook•Safety Data Sheets (under the Globally Harmonized System)

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• OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.120(q): Hazardous waste operations and emergency response (HAZWOPER)

• EPA: 40 CFR 311 Title 40: Protection of environment Part 311: Worker protection


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Assist Standards

NFPA 472:National Fire Protection Association, Standard 472: “Standard for professional competence of responders to hazardous materials incidents”

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Level 1: Awareness

General employees and responders at the awareness level are trained to:

1. Recognize the presence of hazardous materials/dangerous goods

2. Notify proper authorities to respond:

o In-house spill teamo Off-site emergency serviceso Contracted clean-up personnel

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Haz Mat: DOT

• DOT (Dept. of Transportation):

“Any substance or material in any form or quantity that poses an unreasonable risk to the safety and health and to property when transported in commerce.”

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Hazardous/TDG Materials Locations

•Found everywhere•Department of Transportation categorizes materials according to potential hazard during shipment for purposes of:

o labelingo placardingo packaging requirements

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DOT 9 Classes of Hazardous Materials

DOT classifications include the following:Class 1 ExplosivesClass 2 GasesClass 3 Flammable liquids Class 4 Flammable solidClass 5 OxidizerClass 6 PoisonClass 7 RadioactiveClass 8 CorrosiveClass 9 Miscellaneous

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Reading a Label

Labels go on packages

Each label (and placard)has its own:

o Coloro Symbolo Wording or ID numbero UN hazard class number

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Class 1: Explosives

Hazard: rapid rate of pressure rise within short time intervalExamples/hazard:

1.1 TNT, mass explosion1.2 Detonating cord,

projection hazard, fragments

1.3 Ammunition, fire, blast or projection hazard

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Class 1: Explosives

1.4 Detonating material, minor explosion hazard

1.5 Blasting agents i.e. ANFO (ammonium

nitrate and fuel oil mixtures), mass

explosion but very insensitive

1.6 Articles, explosive, extremely insensitive

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Class 2: Gases

2.1 Flammable, propane

2.2 Non-flammable, nitrogen, argon, helium

2.3 Poison (toxic), chlorine and hydrogen cyanide; may also have other hazardous properties

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Class 3: Flammable/Combustible Liquids

Class 3: Flammable liquids may easily ignite (e.g., gasoline and alcohol)

Class 3: Combustible liquids will not readily ignite and may have to be pre-heated (e.g., kerosene and fuel oil)

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Class 4: Flammable Solid

4.1 Burn readily and violently; aluminum powder, coated

4.2 Air-reactive, barium alloys, pyrophoric

4.3 Water-reactive with possible poisonous

fumes, barium

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Class 5: Oxidizer

5.1 Provide oxygen to the combustion process; potassium superoxide

5.2 Also enhances burning and may be heat, shock and friction sensitive; organic peroxide

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Class 6: Poison (Toxic)

6.1 Solid or liquid state with poisonous properties (e.g., chloropicrin)

6.2 Infectious substances like biological and organic materials that may cause disease (e.g., live micro-organisms) inhalation hazard also used for materials listed as poison inhalation hazard (PIH)

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Class 7: Radioactive

Used to denote emitters of alpha or beta particles of radiation or gamma radiation

o Radioactive I: Least hazardous

o Radioactive II:Moderate hazard

o Radioactive III:More serious hazard comparatively

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Class 8: Corrosive

Damage to skin; may corrode steel or aluminum as well as some may be water-reactive

Nitric acid and hydrochloric acid in addition to sodium hydroxide are examples

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Class 9: Miscellaneous

Mildly hazardous and may be physically solid, liquid or gas state

Extremely annoying due to producing vapors which may interfere with flight crews

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Additional Labels and Markings

Subsidiary risk labels indicating secondary hazards:

Additional labels will be hazard-dependent

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Labeling Example

•Drum as example:

1-Orientation label2-Hazardous waste3-Hazard class 8 Corrosive material

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New GHS Label Requirements

Information required on a GHS label:

1-Product identifier2-Pictograms3-Signal word4-Hazard statement5-Precautionary statement6-Supplier information

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Packing Groups

•Packing group: degree of material’s danger

•Shipper determines packing group

•More than one packing group:

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Reading a Numbered Placard

• Numbered placards may better identify contents by using the United Nations, or UN, ID number

For:• Tank cars• Cargo tanks• Portable tanks• Other bulk packaging

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Example: UN #1993

• The Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) indicates UN #1993 could be:

o Combustible liquid, oro Flammable liquid,

n.o.s, oro Fuel oil, oro Medicines, oro Refrigerating machine

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•For safety of cargo and vehicle, materials shipped together must not react with each other.•Check compatibility before shipping or storing products.

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Other Identification Means

NFPA 704 system• Four categories:

o Healtho Flammabilityo Reactivity (instability)o Special remarks

• Hazard Rating: 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 - with 4 being

most severe rating for that category

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Emergency Response Guidebook

Divided into colored sections:•White: User instructions•Yellow: Materials listed by UN identification number•Blue: Materials listed by name•Orange: Guide pages with response instructions•Green: Matrix of protective action distances

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White Pages

User instructions• Shipping papers containing as a minimum:

o Emergency phone numbero Type of packageso UN identification numbero Proper shipping nameo Hazard class/divisiono Packing groupo Quantity

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Yellow Pages

• Lists materials by UN number• Page example:

ID Guide No. No. Name of Material

2187 120 Carbon Dioxide, refrigerated

liquid2188 119 Arsine

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Yellow Pages

• 2188: United Nations identification number• 119: Orange guide page number • Arsine: Material name

o Since Arsine is highlighted, if no fire, go directly to green pages and determine isolation distance from the material.o If fire is involved, go to orange guide page 119 and determine safest actions.o If not highlighted, go directly to orange guide page 119.

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Blue Pages

• If material name is known, find in blue pages alphabetically.• Once found, use same sequence:

oIf not highlighted, go directly to orange guide page.oIf highlighted, go first to green pages using UN ID# to determine isolation distances.oThen go to orange guide page for further actions.

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Orange Guide Pages: Response Categories

Potential Hazards• Fire or explosion• HealthPublic Safety• Initial actions• Protective clothing• EvacuationEmergency Response• Fire/spill or leak• First aid

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Green Pages

•Table 1 – Initial isolation and protective action distances

•Distances regarding:o Small spillso Large spills

First isolate in all directions (distances given) Protect downwind


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Safety Data Sheets

SDS* Information Categories:1.Product and company identification2.Hazards identification3.Composition/information on ingredients4.First-aid measures5.Fire-fighting measures6.Accidental release measures7.Handling and storage8.Exposure controls/personal protection*These were the MSDSs but under the Globally Harmonized System, SDS(Safety Data Sheet) will have 16 categories.

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Safety Data Sheets

9. Physical and chemical properties10. Stability and reactivity11. Toxicological information12. Ecological information13. Disposal considerations14. Transport information15. Regulatory information16. Other information

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Section 14: Transport Information

• To be GHS compliant, this section is provided, but compliance is outside OH&S jurisdiction.

• UN number• UN proper shipping name• Transport hazard classes• Packing group, if applicable• Environmental hazards such as marine pollutant (yes/no)• Transport in bulk (per Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and IBC Code)• Special precautions that a user needs to be aware of or needs to comply with, in connection with transport or conveyance either within or outside their premises

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Section 15: Regulatory Information

To be GHS compliant, this section is provided, but compliance is outside OH&S jurisdiction.

1. Safety2. Health3. Environmental regulations specific to product

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