
Charlotte Billingham Film Poster Analysis Sheet Title of Film: Ghost (1990) Type of Poster: Main Film Poster


Film analysis for the ghost postr

Transcript of Ghost

Page 1: Ghost

Charlotte Billingham

Film Poster Analysis SheetTitle of Film: Ghost (1990) Type of Poster: Main Film Poster

Page 2: Ghost

Charlotte Billingham

Mise-En-Scene Codeor Convention Detail (description & what it means)


There is real setting in this poster. However the darkness of the background suggests they are in a black hole to represent problems within life or the way in which their lives have turned out. It suggests privacy and in a way separation, blacking out the world so that no one can be with them. To them only they exist within this world or they are separated from others, only having each other. Another interpretation of there being no background is the idea of the film makers not wanting to reveal where they are or what situation they are in. People may think by the way the character on the poster look that they are in the comfort of their own home but in actual fact, no one knows where they are. This suggests the characters’ lives are very secretive or unrevealing which shows an unpredictable approach to the characters and their personalities by not showing their location.


Non-Verbal Communication

The way in which the male and female are positioned, it suggests they are a couple or at least seeing each other. The way in which the male and the female have their arms wrapped around each other suggests they are in love and never wish to let go suggesting happiness and love within their life. By their facial expressions and their closeness, it suggests the couple enjoy being in the company of each other, and are willing to express their love for each other. The fact that the male is slightly lighter than the female, fading out into the distance suggests a ghost like sense about him. The poster tells the audience that in some ways, this couple is different yet in love which tricks the audience into thinking they are just a normal happy couple. The lighting suggests a subtle hint towards a difference in life and death between this couples.

Costume / Make-Up

Within this poster, the male and female aren’t wearing any clothes and if they are you can’t see them due to the bright exposure towards the lower area of the poster. This suggests to the audience that the couple are intimate with each other. The female is wearing basic make up which gives us the impression that she is just an ordinary female who isn’t too fussed about the way she looks. It gives us the idea that she feels her male companion loves her just the way she is, without having to look tarty or wear excessive makeup. In some ways the way in which they have limited the couple to what they are wearing suggests the idea of not needing anything other than each other, showing a sort of moral of life. By having them with very little shows that they don’t need fancy clothes and makeup etc. to win in life, all they need is each other.The female does come across in some ways as having a little money due to the diamond earrings she is wearing within the image which are prominent and hard to miss. These earrings could be of value to her or a gift or even an inheritance that has ran in the family. It does suggest that either she or her family have enough money to live off with the style of earrings in which she is wearing.The male has nothing other than his looks to go on. It suggests that maybe he doesn’t have feelings or keepsakes due to maybe lack of family love or money. He has nothing of value on but this does re enforce the idea that the only thing of value he needs is true love.

Page 3: Ghost

Charlotte Billingham


There are only two colours contained within this poster, black and white. The colour white is typically associated with death and ghosts which is relevant to the plot line of this film but doesn’t reveal which of the two is actually dead. The contrasting colours also could represent opposites, in this case life and death. The one character is dead and the other alive, suggesting that the two worlds can communicate with each other or in this case have a relationship. The way in which the light is catching the two people within the poster, suggests that they are both ghost like figures, this could be for different reasons. One is actually a ghost but the other may be there to represent the ghost she has become due to the loss of her loved one.The colour of the title is purple which is usually associated with royalty or religious people of high authority. By having the title in a deep purple suggests maybe the character who is a ghost is of great importance or show they are important and of high authority to others within the film.


The image again suggest the two people are intimate and in love. The way in which they are intertwined with each other suggests they are close and never wanting to let go which is hegemonic to a happy couple. The way in which both the male and female have their eyes closed gives the idea of them not knowing what happens next, trusting each other to guide them along. With this in mind that is also suggesting that they can’t do without each other. The way in which they aren’t separated at the slightest suggests that they are inseparable. You can’t see truly where one person begins and the other ends, making it seem like they are one whole which is a cliché saying with a hegemonic romantic couple.


The use of a brief plot from the film within the poster shocks the audience. The line ‘Before Sam was murdered’ is said in such a casual manner when in actual fact it’s a rather shocking way to begin describing a film someone hasn’t seen. The use of the word ‘murder’ suggests that the male was killed brutally, not by accident. This gives the audience the idea that this isn’t just a normal love story, they want to go and find out why and how the male died. No one is just murdered for no reason. This statement gives the audiences the certainty that these two are in love and a couple as well as re enforcing the idea of them being protective over each other with the quote ‘he’d love and protect her forever’ which instantly states they are in love or at least he is in love with her.The tagline at the top ‘Believe’ adds to the name of the film. People don’t tend to believe in ghosts but it’s stating that if you believe your loved one is near you even when they have passed, they will always be there. This is a great match to the films storyline because the male who ends up being murdered is always with her. The tagline then brings in the idea that because she believes he is with her and imagines he is there, she can feel his presence, as if he really is right by her side through everything.


The title for this film ‘Ghost’ is in a rather fine font which is unusual for a title as you want it to stand out to ensure passersby see the title of the film. The title is short and to the point and in a rather hard to see font which represents the idea of a ghost not being able to be seen or believed in. The title also shows that there is a fine line between life and death and that in some ways these worlds can communicate. This is relevant to the storyline of the film as the male is actually trying to communicate and get his fiancée to believe he is really there. He does this in the end which is why the title represents this in a subtle way.The font of the tagline at the top is the same as the title but smaller which again shows this idea of there being a fine line between believing and reality. The spacing between the letters of the tagline so that it stretches out across the top of the poster comes across as if the film makers are spelling out the word slowly. This in a way represents the times when Sam is trying to communicate with Molly via computer, slowly spelling out each letter to show that it is possible if you believe your loved one is there.

Page 4: Ghost

Charlotte Billingham


With the two people taking up the majority of the poster, the audience are drawn to the image which clearly shows them it’s a romance without them having to look straight at the title.The actual tagline is at the top rather than the title, however with the title being in a larger font this is the next thing the audience are drawn to. Everything is rather spaced out which represents the idea of being lost or alone in a big world when you have lost a loved one.The layout of the poster and the size of everything gives you the idea that this is going to be from the romance genre due to all the light and shading as well as the large image of the couple placed slightly off center in the poster.At the bottom of the poster, it states the people who have been involved within the making and starring in the film. It shows the distribution company which can sometimes have an effect on the audience that comes due to them being a well-known distribution company. In this case it is paramount who are film distribution giants and so this will attract more people to the cinema. This is larger than the rest of the text at the bottom.There isn’t a BBFC certificate rating stated on this poster, however from the poster image you can tell that it isn’t really going to be for young children. The romantic elements of the poster suggest that it is going to be for an older audience so that should add to the idea that it isn’t really for a younger audience.