Ghana @ 56 - A Call for Rapid de-NeoColonisation, Full Independence, Advancement & Development...

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  • 7/29/2019 Ghana @ 56 - A Call for Rapid de-NeoColonisation, Full Independence, Advancement & Development Through Co



    - GREAT TRUST____________________________________________________________________________________________________


    The COUNCIL FOR AFRIKA INTERNATIONAL___________________________________________________________________________________

    The AFRIKA LIBERATION SOCIETY__________________________________________________________________________* International Headquarters, London WC2E 8JT, United Kingdom* Africa, Latin American & Australian Regional HQ, Tema, Ghana. West AfricaWeb: www.thegreattrust.orgWeb: www.thegreattrust.webs.comEmail: [email protected]: +44 [0] 7092859885/6




    Date: 5th March, 2013/For IMMEDIATE DISPATCH



    Ghana @ 56: A Call For Rapid De-NeoColonisation, Full Independence,Advancement and Development through Conscientious Ethical Leadership

    On the 56th Anniversary of Ghanas Declaration of Political Independence, the GREAT

    Trust, Council for Afrika International and the Afrika Liberation Council extend

    goodwill and cordial Patriotic Africanist Relations with Ghana and its Peoples at home

    and in the Diaspora for the rapid attainment of the Ultimate Vision, Mission and

    Purpose of the De-colonisation Struggle. We also commend Ghanas Leadership for

    managing to prevent Ghana from plunging into outright violence as witnessed

    elsewhere on the African Continent and other parts of the world.

    It is noted that while strides have been made in the 56-year journey of post-Colonial

    Ghana, it is regrettable that Ghana is still very much dependent on all things foreign

    and un-African, and has not attained the aspirations and desires of the Pioneers of

    Decolonisation in Ghana, not the least the necessary Economic, Political, Educational,

    Military, Industrial, Engineering, Scientific, Medical, Technological Advancement, Self-

    reliance or Self-sufficiency and Cultural Rediscovery envisaged by the Founding

    Fathers and Mothers.

  • 7/29/2019 Ghana @ 56 - A Call for Rapid de-NeoColonisation, Full Independence, Advancement & Development Through Co



    - GREAT TRUST____________________________________________________________________________________________________


    The COUNCIL FOR AFRIKA INTERNATIONAL___________________________________________________________________________________

    The AFRIKA LIBERATION SOCIETY__________________________________________________________________________* International Headquarters, London WC2E 8JT, United Kingdom* Africa, Latin American & Australian Regional HQ, Tema, Ghana. West AfricaWeb: www.thegreattrust.orgWeb: www.thegreattrust.webs.comEmail: [email protected]: +44 [0] 7092859885/6




    It is significant to remind that one of the crucial factors that distinguished the then

    Gold Coast from the other Colonies was that the Pioneers of Decolonisation took a

    stand to operate positively, radically differently from the norm, through an

    uncompromising and categorical objection to the savagery and barbarism of

    Colonialism. The attainment of political independence in Ghana thus became an

    attractive proposition that snowballed into a cascade of Political Independence

    Declarations by several other former Colonies on the African Continent. Without the

    bold stand of the UGCC and the CPP to take a principal and principled stand against

    Colonialism, the Declaration of Political Independence would have taken far longer andcostlier.

    Similarly, Contemporary Ghanaian Leaders have the opportunity, luxury and duty of

    democratic mandate to take a collectively uncompromising stand against Neo-

    Colonialism, to be able to complete the unfinished business of Total Decolonisation

    and Liberation of Ghana, permanently restore Justice and Freedom with the high

    probability to positively repeat the history of contagion and reverberation throughout

    the African Continent.

    That Neo-Colonialism has been countenanced, accommodated and tolerated to becomean asphyxiating albatross around the neck of Africas Contemporary Leaders is

    unacceptable as it is very costly in all senses, not the least, extremely undermining of

    National, Regional and Continental Sovereignty as well as the Collective Wellbeing of

    Ghanaians and the African Peoples.

    Dr Koku Adomdza, President of the GREAT Trust, Council for Afrika International and

    the Afrika Liberation Society reflects We share the generous goodwill of the Majority

    Indigenous Ghanaians for Contemporary Leadership to rapidly attain the Vision and

    Purpose of Total Decolonisation and Full Independence. That it has not been attained

  • 7/29/2019 Ghana @ 56 - A Call for Rapid de-NeoColonisation, Full Independence, Advancement & Development Through Co



    - GREAT TRUST____________________________________________________________________________________________________


    The COUNCIL FOR AFRIKA INTERNATIONAL___________________________________________________________________________________

    The AFRIKA LIBERATION SOCIETY__________________________________________________________________________* International Headquarters, London WC2E 8JT, United Kingdom* Africa, Latin American & Australian Regional HQ, Tema, Ghana. West AfricaWeb: www.thegreattrust.orgWeb: www.thegreattrust.webs.comEmail: [email protected]: +44 [0] 7092859885/6




    for 56 years is a disaster. Make no mistake; the business of Neo-Colonialism is to

    continue the agenda of Colonialism by entrenching and prolonging Ghanas

    Dependency under African Self-Rule which undermines her Development and


    It is a mirage to think that Neo-Colonialism will facilitate the delivery of Freedom,

    Justice and Wholistic Independence to Ghana. Freedom, Justice and Independence

    are not given, you claim it with all the tools you have, including Courage, Ethics,

    Patriotism and Leadership. The best Neo-Colonialism can do for Ghana and Politically-

    declared African Countries is to create exclusive privileges for Rulers against the

    Majority of their citizens who are underprivileged, impoverished, marginalised and

    excluded in their own Country in which their forebears are the greatest, priceless

    investors with their genealogy. Neo-Colonialism exploits the resulting tensions within

    African Rulers and Citizens to divert attention from its catalogue of treasonable

    atrocities, not excluding facilitating an illicit annual capital flight of circa $1.06 Trillion

    in exchange of a pittance in Foreign Aid.

    It is important to caution against the danger of mushrooming Dependency Platforms

    in the name of business, growth, foreign investment without ethics and similar on theAfrican Continent fronted by Africans [knowingly and unknowingly] which promote the

    rule and domination of Unethical Foreign Capital in Africa which is the

    contemporary character of Neo-Colonialism, and sets in trail the unleash of false

    economic development and foreign takeover of natural resources that belong to the

    African Peoples for a pittance. Ghanaians and Africans must embrace a heightened

    awareness of the changing nature and agenda of Neo-Colonialism, but this requires

    clear Conscientious Leadership. There is no lacking of intellectual resource in Ghana

    or Africa; it is the wisdom of its application to guarantee provision and protection for

    the Fundamental Human Needs of the Peoples.

  • 7/29/2019 Ghana @ 56 - A Call for Rapid de-NeoColonisation, Full Independence, Advancement & Development Through Co



    - GREAT TRUST____________________________________________________________________________________________________


    The COUNCIL FOR AFRIKA INTERNATIONAL___________________________________________________________________________________

    The AFRIKA LIBERATION SOCIETY__________________________________________________________________________* International Headquarters, London WC2E 8JT, United Kingdom* Africa, Latin American & Australian Regional HQ, Tema, Ghana. West AfricaWeb: www.thegreattrust.orgWeb: www.thegreattrust.webs.comEmail: [email protected]: +44 [0] 7092859885/6




    What stops Ghana or Africa effectively mobilising its human resource talent pool to

    developing the Science, Technology, Engineering, Medicine, Pharmacy, Agriculture and

    Industrialisation necessary to trail-blaze a 21st Century Economic Model or Giant,

    worthy of replication across the African Continent?

    Lets also be clear that Neo-Colonialism will not survive a day without the

    acquiescence or cooperation of Ghanas or Africas Rulers. Neo-Colonialism is no friend

    to Ghanaian or African Rulers nor the Majority Ghanaians and Africans and explains

    why after over half a century of Ghanas Declaration of Political Independence, she

    remains impoverished and deeply entrenched in Foreign Dependency. Continuing

    swimming with the sharks of Neo-Colonialism is dangerous and require a forensic

    examination of Sovereignty-validation through a Patriotic, Ethical and Human Rights-

    oriented Approach with deliberate haste, propelled by a clear Total Independence

    Leadership Mind-set.

    Thats is why the GREAT Consortium consisting of the GREAT Trust, Council for

    Afrika International and the Afrika Liberation Society advocates the adoption of a

    regime of Independence Impact Assessments [IIA] to conduct a coherent Reality-Check

    of journey travelled in each of the African Countries to culminate at the ContinentalLevel, as a viable proposition to stem the tide of deepening Dependency and facilitate

    the process of Rapid Independence, Total Liberation, Advancement and Development.

    We cannot wait to see a Totally Liberated Ghana and Africa in which Neo-Colonialism

    is defeated, Sovereignty is protected, all Indigenous Citizens become Respected

    Significant Stakeholders, Fundamental Human Rights Guaranteed and future secured

    for the Youth.

  • 7/29/2019 Ghana @ 56 - A Call for Rapid de-NeoColonisation, Full Independence, Advancement & Development Through Co



    - GREAT TRUST____________________________________________________________________________________________________


    The COUNCIL FOR AFRIKA INTERNATIONAL___________________________________________________________________________________

    The AFRIKA LIBERATION SOCIETY__________________________________________________________________________* International Headquarters, London WC2E 8JT, United Kingdom* Africa, Latin American & Australian Regional HQ, Tema, Ghana. West AfricaWeb: www.thegreattrust.orgWeb: www.thegreattrust.webs.comEmail: [email protected]: +44 [0] 7092859885/6




    Like Ghana, Africa is blessed with an enviable reservoir of rich natural resource pool,

    which Neo-Colonialism has managed to prize out of the ownership of the Majority

    Ghanaians and Africans to whom they belong and given by the Creator. As history

    portrays, it is not possible for the benefits of Ghanas and Africas rich natural

    resources to be of full benefit to Majority Citizens, precisely because of the incredibly

    stifling, exploitative, cruel, inhuman, anti-African characteristics of Neo-Colonialism

    that so aggressively undermines the Collective Citizenship Rights of Majority

    Indigenous Ghanaians and Africans.

    The GREAT Trust, Council for Afrika International and the Afrika Liberation Society is

    minded to urge, with minded goodwill, Contemporary Ghanaian Leaders to implement

    strategies and policies for the rapid disestablishment and irrecoverable demise of Neo-

    Colonialism, to pave the way for rapid development of Ghana, by facilitating the

    transparent, accountable and responsible discharge of the democratic mandates given

    to them by the Ghanaians Peoples with evidently fruitful, unambiguously positive

    results and impacts including the defeat over abject poverty, illiteracy, ill-health,

    insecure housing, unemployment, discrimination against local entrepreneurism etc.

    Neo-Colonialism creates an unhealthy schism between Africas post-Colonial Leadersand Majority Citizens analogous to any divided society of two worlds i.e. tensions

    between the advantaged and swathes of disadvantaged citizens which poses a

    permanent threat to desirable and desired Enduring Collective Peace, Stability and

    Security. We hold the view that Neo-Colonialism and a Fully Independent Ghana and

    Africa are completely at odds with each other and contradictory i.e. Neo-Colonialism

    cannot deliver a Totally Free Ghana, but rather undermine it. It is a sad illusion to

    continue to think otherwise after 56 years of relentless post-Colonial Struggle.

  • 7/29/2019 Ghana @ 56 - A Call for Rapid de-NeoColonisation, Full Independence, Advancement & Development Through Co



    - GREAT TRUST____________________________________________________________________________________________________


    The COUNCIL FOR AFRIKA INTERNATIONAL___________________________________________________________________________________

    The AFRIKA LIBERATION SOCIETY__________________________________________________________________________* International Headquarters, London WC2E 8JT, United Kingdom* Africa, Latin American & Australian Regional HQ, Tema, Ghana. West AfricaWeb: www.thegreattrust.orgWeb: www.thegreattrust.webs.comEmail: [email protected]: +44 [0] 7092859885/6




    On this anniversary therefore, we call for a period of profound reflection, introspection

    and prayers for wisdom, candour, patriotism and remembrance in honour of the

    martyrs of Ghanas on-going half-century process of de-Colonisation and reminder of

    the yet-to-be-realised ultimate objectives of the Declaration of Ghanas Political

    Independence. As we have said elsewhere and meriting repeat here, the pioneers of the

    Declaration of Ghanas Political Independence could have cut deals for themselves on

    excuses and prolonged Colonialism than it did, but in the main chose selflessly and

    conscientiously not to. A similar uncompromising stand can be taken against Neo-

    Colonialism to catalyse a rapid De-NeoColonisation, Full Independence, TotalLiberation and Development in all aspects that makes Ghana more Self-reliant and as

    a model for 21st Century Advanced Civilisation where Sovereignty and the Collective

    Wellbeing and Fundamental Human Rights of All Citizens, not the least Youth are


    May God Bless Ghana and Ghanaians for Total Independence, Freedom and Justice!

    May God Bless Africa and Africans for Total Liberation of the African Continent and

    Diaspora Africans!


    Koku AdomdzaPresident GREAT Trust, Council for Afrika International, Afrika Liberation Society

    On behalf of the Trustee Board, International Advisory Council and all StrategicPartners

    The GREAT Trust,

  • 7/29/2019 Ghana @ 56 - A Call for Rapid de-NeoColonisation, Full Independence, Advancement & Development Through Co



    - GREAT TRUST____________________________________________________________________________________________________


    The COUNCIL FOR AFRIKA INTERNATIONAL___________________________________________________________________________________

    The AFRIKA LIBERATION SOCIETY__________________________________________________________________________* International Headquarters, London WC2E 8JT, United Kingdom* Africa, Latin American & Australian Regional HQ, Tema, Ghana. West AfricaWeb: www.thegreattrust.orgWeb: www.thegreattrust.webs.comEmail: [email protected]: +44 [0] 7092859885/6




    The Council for Afrika International, andThe Afrika Liberation Society

    Notes to EditorsFor further information, please

    Emails:[email protected]@[email protected]

    Phone/Fax: + 44 [0] 709285988570928598867092987012

    The Global Race Equality Action Trust GREAT Trust, The Council for Afrika International and the Afrika LiberationSociety are 21st Century prominent, positively change-driven, ethics-inspired, race equality, human rights think and doingtanks at the cutting-edge of promoting creative and innovation schools of thought, paradigms, approaches and models forthe restoration and manifestation of justice, fundamental and global citizenship rights for societal stability, peace and moreperfect human civilisation.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://