Getting to the Root of Anger: Facilitating Healing in a ... · Getting to the Root of Anger:...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Karen Campbell 616-309-4390 [email protected] Getting to the Root of Anger: Facilitating Healing in a Relationship with an Angry Child Beloved fiction and nonfiction author, Tricia Goyer, is back, this time sharing her knowledge on the challenging process of parenting, loving, and supporting a child with anger After raising three biological children, Goyer and her husband answered the call of adoption, welcoming six more girls and one boy into their hearts and home over the next several years. Throughout their family’s growth, the couple learned to face the overwhelming anger they found in some of their children with compassion, grace, and patience. Tricia Goyer’s journey from frustration and hurt to understanding is chronicled in her new book, Calming Angry Kids: Help and Hope for Parents in the Whirlwind. Struggling parents will find refreshing honesty, vulnerability, and grace in Goyer’s work, and learn to reshape their own responses from irritation (and, sometimes, anger) to helpful compassion. Engaging and personal, Calming Angry Kids breaks down the barrier of embarrassment that often isolates parents of angry children, while offering concrete, tested suggestions for engaging with kids in healthy, nurturing ways, as well as managing one’s own expectations and responses for angry kids who may or may not be struggling to cope with a trauma. Parents who’ve felt helpless in the path of their children’s tornado of anger will learn and grow with Goyer as she recounts her experiences in developing a familial environment of peace, gentleness, and healthy communication. "If you are parenting an angry child, you’d give anything for tools and ideas to help your child,” says Goyer. “Yet where do you find them? It’s not as if every parent in your cul-de-sac faces these same issues. Sometimes you feel isolated and alone. That’s one reason I wrote this book—so you won’t feel alone. Or frustrated. Or hopeless. I’m writing to you as a mom who’s

Transcript of Getting to the Root of Anger: Facilitating Healing in a ... · Getting to the Root of Anger:...

Page 1: Getting to the Root of Anger: Facilitating Healing in a ... · Getting to the Root of Anger: Facilitating Healing in a Relationship with an Angry Child Beloved fiction and nonfiction

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Page 2: Getting to the Root of Anger: Facilitating Healing in a ... · Getting to the Root of Anger: Facilitating Healing in a Relationship with an Angry Child Beloved fiction and nonfiction

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Page 3: Getting to the Root of Anger: Facilitating Healing in a ... · Getting to the Root of Anger: Facilitating Healing in a Relationship with an Angry Child Beloved fiction and nonfiction

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1. Howhasyourexperienceinlearningtohelpyourchildrenmanageanddiffusetheirangeraffectedyou,personally?

2. Whatisthefirststepyou’dencourageastrugglingparenttotakewiththeirangrychild?3. Howdoyoubalanceyourdesiretoserveandloveyourlargefamilywithministryand

writing?4. Howdidyourexperiencewithchildangerdifferbetweenyouradoptedandbiological

children?Canevery/anychildstrugglewithanger?5. Youexploretheroleoftraumain“creating”anangrykidinyourbook;istherootof

childangeralwaystrauma?6. Howcanparentsavoidallowingtheirchild’sangertofueltheirown?Arethereways


7. Whenandhowshouldaparentdecidetoseekadditionalprofessionalhelpforsupportinganangrychild?

8. Whatwasthemostchallengingpartofchangingyourapproachwithangrykids?9. Howdoesestablishingaroutinehelporhurtangrykids?10. Doyouhaveafavoriteverseortwothatyourefertointimesoffrustrationorpainafter
