Getting started with microsoft band


Transcript of Getting started with microsoft band


• Coder by Profession | Gamer by Heart

• Microsoft MVP – Xbox | Developer @ DELL

• @iAmVMac

• http://iamGa.Me


What’s Microsoft Band?

Microsoft Band SDK Preview


Using SDK

Band Studio for Visual Studio



The Microsoft Band SDK Preview is designed to allow 3rd party application developers to harness

the power of the Microsoft Band hardware.


Multi-platform support

Subscribing to sensor data from the Band

Sending application notifications to the Band

Allowing and application to personalize the theme of the Band


Windows Phone 8.1

iOS 7 or later

Android 4.2 (API 17)


Sensor Details

Accelerometer Provides X, Y, and Z acceleration in g units. 1 g = 9.81 meters per second squared (m/s2).

Gyroscope Provides X, Y, and Z angular velocity in degrees per second (°/sec) units.

Distance Provides the total distance in centimeters, current speed in centimeters per second (cm/s),

current pace in milliseconds per meter (ms/m), and the current pedometer mode (such as

walking or running).

HeartRate Provides the number of beats per minute, also indicates if the heart rate sensor is fully

locked onto the wearer’s heart rate.

Pedometer Provides the total number of steps the wearer has taken.

Skin Temperature Provides the current skin temperature of the wearer in degrees Celius.

UV Provides the current ultra violet radition exposure intensity.

Band Contact Provides a way to let the developer know if someone is currently wearing the Band.


App Tiles

App Notifications





Using SDK

