Getting out of a financial rut and creating a schedule

Getting out of a financial rut and creating a schedule that includes time for play – with Jordana Jaffe


Getting out of a financial rut and creating a schedule that includes time for play – with Jordana Jaffe In the first part of this episode, the amazing Jordana Jaffe covers how she got out of a financial rut and what to do when you “can’t afford” the things you want to buy. After that, we move into specific ways you can create a schedule that gives you tons of time for play and passion. This was a great episode that covered a lot. Enjoy! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Getting out of a financial rut and creating a schedule

Getting out of a financial rut and creating a schedule that includes time for play – with Jordana Jaffe

Jordana is cofounder

of magical business academy and is not your run-of-the-mill

business coach. She's a business

savvy, affectionate and magically

centered creator of life transforming

business strategies that not only make

your business sparkle but also your overall life.

She’s like an epic connector- people come to her to see if she can

connect them with someone.

Just recently she has her first

$50,000 month.She always kept the

faith in love and business.

Few months ago, she was emotionally

drained, she didn’t know what to do,

worried, but then she created a whole plan

over the course.

"I have to like make $200,000”

She believes that whensomeone says that they can't afford something it

means one out of two things. It either

means that they actually don't want something badly

enough, they don't want what they

said they can't afford badly enough but they're just not taking ownership over it.

She feels like urgency can feel really uncomfortable, can be such a gift because it's a catalyst to make you

do stuff. she feels like if someone wanted something badly enough then suddenly

if you open your mind enough, you'll make things


Make an empowered decision!!

"You know what you're offeringreally isn't what I want."

There's been many times in her life that she’s just decided to

anchor herself in writing ahappiness list or can be a list that starts out with saying ‘I

Want’, and then she just kind of let

her head grown wild. She started really reconnecting with herself and saying like, "What

do I really love to do?"

She does knitting and manages to stay in touch

even she’s busy.

She feels like she’s always working just because her brain is

always spinning like, "Oh...."Even if her

computer is off she could be like writing

like ideas on her phone.

She’s an introvert and so

unfortunately it took her many

years to be okay with

the fact that she just doesn't like

going to networking events, does a lot

of my marketing on Facebook.

"What are the three thingsyou're doing? What are the three

things I'm doing?" We'll check it out at the end of the day and what that

really just does for her is that it really focuses her. It A-focuses her.So we need to get really clear on

what are these three things and it's not easy for me because she’s like,

"I want ten things"

but she has to decide only three things that are the

most important. It also holds her accountable, and she's holding her accountable too. And lastly it's a

good practice in just acceptance. She doesn’t know who always gets the

threethings done. She usually gets two

out of the three things done minimum.

The most effective plan is

first you need to know where you're going to

go, so the more specific you can

get the better.

Want More?If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s

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