Get Visibly Fit™ in Mind, Body, and Spirit with Wendie Pett - It’s … · 2013. 11. 18. ·...

It’s time to become VISIBLY FIT ! Includes a list of key foods that get you ripped on the hurry-up. Plus! 7 Meal Plans and helpful eating tips to apply to your life TODAY! A quick reference for quick answers to everyday eating! 1 STEP AT A TIME NUTRITION GUIDE FOR MAXIMUM RESULTS visit us at

Transcript of Get Visibly Fit™ in Mind, Body, and Spirit with Wendie Pett - It’s … · 2013. 11. 18. ·...

Page 1: Get Visibly Fit™ in Mind, Body, and Spirit with Wendie Pett - It’s … · 2013. 11. 18. · Once you incorporate positive habits to replace the old then you will start seeing

It’s time to become VISIBLY FIT™!

Includes a list of key foods that get you ripped on the hurry-up.

Plus!7 Meal Plans and helpful eating

tips to apply to your life TODAY!

A quick reference for quick answers to everyday eating!



visit us at

Page 2: Get Visibly Fit™ in Mind, Body, and Spirit with Wendie Pett - It’s … · 2013. 11. 18. · Once you incorporate positive habits to replace the old then you will start seeing


1. YOU ARE NUMBER ONE!Not in a selfish way, but in how-you-should-value yourself way! One step at a time to reach your goals!

2. PERSISTENCE AND COMMITMENTCouple the Visibly Fit™ exercise program with its delicious eating plan. Keep track of your daily foods and exercise, and journal your every success.

3. MEASURE YOURSELFUse a cloth measuring tape and measure yourself every 4-6 weeks. Stay away from the scale — it doesn’t tell you the whole story. Also, take a photo to mark your transformation from the beginning.

4. TAKE CONTROL WITH SELF-CONTROLEat until satisfied, not until you are full. Aim for 5-6 small healthy meals daily.

5. HYDRATE AND CLEANSEMake sure to drink 8-12 glasses of water daily. Cleanse seasonally.

6. SUPPLEMENT YOUR DIETAn exceptional food-based multivitamin ensures you receive all daily nutrients required.

7. JUST SAY “NO”No to the wrong foods and to wrong eating times.



Page 3: Get Visibly Fit™ in Mind, Body, and Spirit with Wendie Pett - It’s … · 2013. 11. 18. · Once you incorporate positive habits to replace the old then you will start seeing


1. YOU ARE NUMBER ONE!This first step is the most important step and you have already taken it by purchasing the Visibly Fit™ program. The number one thing to remember is that YOU are number ONE! Not in a selfish way, but in a self-worth kind of way! Recognizing the importance of your health and applying these steps to your daily life will assist in transforming you to be the person you deserve to be . . . the real you!


1. What is my WHY? In other words, why are you ready to change your life? Your “why” will need to be bigger than your situation in order to stay motivated and encouraged to press forward in your wellness journey.

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Did I schedule me into my day today? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. How will my wellness attitude affect others today? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What can I learn new today about my health? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. What have been my strengths and/or weaknesses today? Why? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. What can I do today to get one step closer to reaching my goals? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. What other questions could I ask myself today that would offer motivation? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

“The first wealth is health.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

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2. PERSISTENCE & COMMITMENTUtilize the Visibly Fit™ program daily along with a proper eating schedule. Use a journal to track all the foods that you eat daily. Journaling is key to your success! Notice the emotions that may be attached to your eating habits and change your thought process. Replace positive habits in place of those that are sabotaging your efforts to reach your goal. For example . . . You might associate a certain room or chair in your house that may trigger eating signals. Or, maybe it’s even a certain television program. I want to encourage you to remove yourself from those associations by replacing your “comfort” eating pattern with something more positive. It will take practice and really being aware of your actions in the beginning, but it will soon become second nature. Maybe you could try a crossword puzzle, going for a walk, doing my Visibly Fit™ 7X11 core foundational exercises, or writing in your journal every time you feel yourself slipping into a negative eating habit. Being conscious of your actions is important so that you can recognize your impulsive behavior.


Pam released OVER 100 POUNDS IN TEN MONTHS by changing her habits into positive ones. She is now VISIBLY FIT™!

“My mom was raised on a farm, so needless to say there was no such thing as portion control at my home growing up. I always had a weight problem and remember being incredibly self-conscious and had low self-esteem. I felt invisible at times. I tried every diet and exercise program imaginable. Some worked at first, but then I was always back to where I started. After working Wendie’s Visibly Fit™ program I have released over 100 pounds and have kept it off for almost three years! The doubt and fear that I hadoriginally has turned to self-love, self-esteem, and a new way of life. Wendie taught methat consistency is key to success. Thank you, Wendie!” — Pam Roland

“When you accept the fact that the only constant is change, you’ll no longer be willing to do damage to yourself and others by refusing to accept it. Welcoming change is welcoming life.” — Anne Wilson Schaef

Page 5: Get Visibly Fit™ in Mind, Body, and Spirit with Wendie Pett - It’s … · 2013. 11. 18. · Once you incorporate positive habits to replace the old then you will start seeing


3. MEASURE YOURSELFUse a cloth measuring tape and measure yourself every 4-6 weeks. Stay away from the scale — it doesn’t tell you the whole story of your body composition and it is just a number.

Track your measurements by measuring the following:



Right Bicep

Left Bicep




Right Thigh

Left Thigh

Right Calf

Left Calf

Always measure in the same place on the body for consistency. A helpful hint is to wear similar clothing each time you measure and to always measure in the mornings. Make sure to take a before photo (front, side and back) so it can become a “then” photo. It will be inspiring to see your “then” photo when you have reached your goals and compare it to your “now” photo. Share your story and your images to inspire others. Send them to [email protected]. You’ll have a chance to receive great rewards and cash prizes if your story is chosen as the most Visibly Fit™ transformation!

“The greatest amount of wasted time is the time not getting started.” — Dawson Trotman

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4. TAKE CONTROL WITH SELF-CONTROLEat until satisfied and not until you are full. Eat 5-6 small healthy meals daily. This will allow your body to process the foods you eat much more efficiently while avoiding hunger or overeating at any given time. It will also help to boost your metabolism and more actively burn calories throughout your day.

FOR EXAMPLE:Breakfast 7 AMSnack (2-3 hours after eating breakfast) 9-10 AMLunch (2-3 hours after snack) 12-1 PMSnack (2-3 hours after lunch) 3-4 PMDinner (Complete at least 3 hours before bed) 7-8 PM

Most people barely get in two or three meals a day so this may seem like a challenge in the beginning. If you need a reminder, set your watch, computer or cell phone to signal an alarm to get your attention. The idea is to eat smaller meals during breakfast, lunch, and dinner so that your body will eventually let you know that it is hungry during snack time. I mention 5-6 small meals because you may (at times) need to snack twice instead of once during a snack period. It depends on your activity during the day and your need for calories. Do not skip meals! It’s important to get your body on a feeding schedule so it doesn’t go into survival mode and hang on to unnecessary fat.

Keep in mind that not all calories are of equal value. It’s important to consume “good” calories to fuel your body properly. Eat to live . . . do not live to eat! Stay away from the fat calories that do not take as much energy to digest and therefore settle on your hips, waist, or butt. Try to ingest more protein and carbohydrates as your caloric intake to see faster results.

“To lengthen your life, shorten your meals.” — Proverb

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• Eat slowly and take breaks when eating. It takes about 20-30 minutes for the brain to confirm that you are full. You may be “full” prior to this timeframe so eat slowly and enjoy your food, and be aware of what and how much you are eating.

• Drink a glass of water before your meal (12-16 oz glass)• Grill, Bake, or Broil your foods to avoid cooking with fats.• Portion control is key. Remember the palm of your hand is an adequate serving size.• When out to eat at a restaurant, ask for a to-go box right away and put half of your meal in it before

you even start eating.• Conduct a kitchen clean-out to rid it of high-calorie, high-fat foods from the pantry and refrigerator.• Don’t go to the grocery store with hunger pangs. You will end up buying more than you need and

usually they won’t be healthy choices. Utilize a grocery list and stick to it. This will keep you on track nutritionally and financially.

• Cut up all fruits and vegetables and put in “grab and go” bags to take with you during your day for snacks or part of your meal. It will keep you away from vending machines and fast food.

• Limit dressing on salads. Stay away from creamy dressing. Use vinaigrettes instead.• Holiday and party leftovers – send home with guests! They will be glad to take them and you will be

glad that you didn’t eat them.• Limit desserts. If you are really “craving” something sweet after a meal then reach for a piece of fruit.

Or better yet, brush your teeth right away and you won’t want to eat anything sweet after you have clean teeth.

• Stay far away from any product that has trans fats.• Eat all the raw veggies you want!!!• Write down what you are about to eat in your journal prior to eating it.

Once you incorporate positive habits to replace the old then you will start seeing progress and be well on your way to reaching your fitness and wellness goals. It’s amazing how just a few minor tweaks can make a huge impact to get you motivated and inspired. If you change the way you think about all areas of your life and follow through with new actions, then transformation WILL occur. You will soon become Visibly Fit™ in all areas of your life! So visible, in fact, others will stop and ask, “What Have You Been Doing?” And I encourage you to share your Visibly Fit™ secrets and take them to

“We have one life to live - and one chance to live it in the richest way possible.” — Judith Thurman

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5. HYDRATE AND CLEANSEThe best way to get rid of excess water weight is to drink more water. The more water you drink the less you retain, which might seem a bit ironic. Your body is actually comprised of 70% water. Make sure to drink 8-12 ounce glasses of water daily. Depending on your size, you’ll require drinking at least 2 to 4 liters per day to receive maximum benefit. Don’t just drink when you are thirsty. By the time you are thirsty you are already reaching dehydration. Drink water consistently throughout your day. Keepin mind that if you are a coffee drinker you will need to drink an extra glass of water for every cup of coffee you drink. Coffee acts as a dehydrator.

Water will assist to flush and rid toxins from the body naturally. An additional cleanse specifically used to release toxins from all areas of the body such as the colon, liver, and kidneys should be considered seasonally. A cleanse is a great place to start when looking to release unwanted weight. There are many to choose from so find one that suits your needs or go to for more information.

What about alcohol? While a glass of beer or wine has approximately 200 calories, it’s not technically bad for you to have one glass (especially red wine). BUT . . . it will not assist you in releasing your extra weight any quicker. Alcohol consists of empty calories, most of which are carbohydrates. When training to release weight it’s best to cut out your alcohol consumption completely. Alcohol typically causes more food cravings which will alter the timing in which you reach your goal. Stay away from it if possible.

6. SUPPLEMENT YOUR DIETAn exceptional food-based multivitamin ensures that you get all the nutrients you require daily. Supplements are extremely important when you are on a low-calorie diet. Supplements (especially liquid supplements that reach you at the cellular level) are key when your body is going through transformation and requires extra energy.

“The person that sends out positive thoughts activates the world around him positively and draws back to himself positive results.” — Norman Vincent Peale

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7. JUST SAY “NO”Say “NO” to the wrong foods and eating them at the wrong times. Try to stay away from all fast foods and learn to cook for yourself. That way you know how your food is being prepared. It can be tough to walk into the grocery store hungry, without a list, and with no direction so I’ve included a great list to go by when purchasing and eating foods as well as a 7 day sample food plan. Eating “clean” is best! Try to stick with lists one and two as much as possible. Stay away from processed foods and anything that has trans fats. Not everyone needs to eat the same number of calories because people have different weight loss needs and some are more active than others. But, a 1500 calorie diet daily is a safe place to start for most people looking to release weight. If you reduce the calories below what is believed to be a healthy level you could begin to burn not only stored fat but muscle as well. This is NOT the goal! You will continually be adjusting your caloric intake until you’ve established nutritionally consistent and healthy eating habits that can become a way of life…a lifestyle, if you will. On average most women release 1-2 pounds weekly by consuming 1,200-1,500 calories and men release 1-2 pounds weekly by consuming 1,700-2,000 daily.

Before you calculate your caloric intake, it’s important to determine your Body Mass Index (BMI). To do this you should multiply your weight in pounds by 704.5 and divide it by your height in inches squared.

For example: 5'6", 150 lb. female has a BMI of 24.26.

150 X 704.5 = 105,67566 X 66 (height in inches, squared) = 4,356105,675 divided by 4,356 = 24.26BMI of 30 or above then health risks increase.


BMI between 19-24.5 = healthy weightBMI between 25-29.9 = overweightBMI more than 30 = obese

“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates yourenergy, and inspires your hopes.” — Andrew Carnegie

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110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200

Sedentary (exercise 1X a week)

M 1,700 M 1,800 M 1,900 M 2,000 M 2,100 M 2,200 M 2,300 M 2,400 M 2,500 M 2,600

W 1,500 W 1,600 W 1,700 W 1,800 W 1,900 W 2,000 W 2,100 W 2,200 W 2,300 W 2,400

Moderate (exercise 2–4X a week)

M 1,900 M 2,000 M 2,100 M 2,200 M 2,300 M 2,400 M 2,500 M 2,600 M 2,700 M 2,800

W 1,700 W 1,800 W 1,900 W 2,000 W 2,100 W 2,200 W 2,300 W 2,400 W 2,500 W 2,600

Active (exercise 4–6X a week)

M 2,400 M 2,500 M 2,600 M 2,700 M 2,800 M 2,900 M 3,000 M 3,100 M 3,200 M 3,300

W 2,100 W 2,200 W 2,300 W 2,400 W 2,500 W 2,600 W 2,700 W 2,800 W 2,900 W 3,000

Just add 100 calories for each additional 10 pounds above 200.


3,500 – number of calories stored in ONE pound of fat.

35 – number of calories burned by ONE pound of MUSCLE each day.

2 – number of calories burned by ONE pound of FAT each day.

The more muscle you develop the more fat you will burn! You will love the way your body will look and feel when you start to replace body fat with lean, sculpted muscle. Within two-three weeks of practicing my Visibly Fit™ program you will start to feel stronger, shed fat and inches and have more energy — VISIBLY to you and those around you!

“If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results.” — Jack Dixon

Page 11: Get Visibly Fit™ in Mind, Body, and Spirit with Wendie Pett - It’s … · 2013. 11. 18. · Once you incorporate positive habits to replace the old then you will start seeing


LIST ONEAlmond MilkArtichokesBeans, all varietiesBee pollen, organicBeetsBlackberriesBlueberriesBoysenberriesBranBroccoliBrussels SproutsCabbageCantaloupeCarrotsCauliflowerCereals, whole grain onlyCitrus, raw fruit & juices (w/no added sugar)Cranberry juice, all naturalCurrantsEggs,poachedFish, cold water varieties (salmon, mackerel, cod)Garlic, freshGrapes and grape juice (no added sugar)KaleKiwi FruitMangoesMushrooms (portabello, miiake,and shitake)NectarinesOatmeal, steel cutOlivesOlive OilOnionsPapayasPeasPeppers, red and greenPlumsProtein Drinks (plant-based protein)PrunesRice, brownSalsaSpinach, freshSweet potatoesTea, green and blackTofuTomatoes and tomato productsVegetable juices, fresh squeezedWater


LIST TWOAlmonds, rawApplesAsparagusBananasBarleyBoca burgersBread, sprouted whole grainBroccoli sproutsCeleryCereal, dry, high-fiber varietiesCherries, fresh, all varietiesCoffee, blackCorn on the cobCucumbersEggplantGoat’s milkFish, fresh water varietiesLentilsLettuce, romaine, leafy green or redLima beansMelon, honeydewMushrooms (morels)Pancakes, buckwheatPasta, high protein (with marinara) sauce, fish or vegetablesPasta (rice or quinoa)PeachesPecansPineappleRaisinsRaspberriesRhubarbSquash (butternut and summer)StrawberriesString beansSunflower seedsTuna, albacore packed in spring waterSpinach, freshVegetable juice, canned or bottledSweet potatoesVeggie burgersTea, green and blackWalnutsWatermelonYogurt, low-fat varietiesZucchini

LIST THREEApplesauceApricotsAvocadosChocolate, dark naturalCoconut oil Eggs, wholeEnglish muffins, whole grainFrench fries (sweet potato, baked)Fruit, driedFruit juice, unsweetenedGranola, natural low-fatIced coffee and tea drinksJams and marmalade (all-natural fruit)Lamb, roast legMargarine, fat freeMustardNuts (walnuts, macadamia, pistachios, hazelnuts, and pine nuts)Olive oilOlivesPancakesPasta, plainPeanutsPeanut butter, all-naturalPotatoes, whitePretzels, whole grainRefried beans, low-fatRice cakesRice, long grain basmatiSauerkrautSoups, canned brothYogurt with natural fruit

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spread with 1 Tbsp Tahini paste, add sliced avocado,

sliced tomato & alfalfa sproutsseason with pepper

eat as open-faced sandwich

1 cup mixed berries or 1


Small Garden Saladwith bowl of low-sodium

black bean soup

Cucumber slices, stringless sugar

snap peas & carrots

Mixed Green Salad(piled high) with a no oil

dressing, half sweet potato, steamed broccoli, 1/2 cup

strawberries & 1/4 slice avocado

Small Bowl of Steel Cut Irish Oats

one small bananaOne kiwi

Black Bean Bunless Burgerwith veggies of choice

no condiments

Plant-based protein drinkadd banana &

berries to almond milk & protein mix

Homemade Mexican Veggie Pizza

on thin sprouted grain pizza crust with mushrooms,

tomatoes, green peppers, black beans, corn & onionsIn blender, mix black beans, tomatoes & garlic for sauce

bake until hotno cheese needed

1 Cup Low-Fat Yogurt with granola & blueberries

2 Tbsp peanut or almond butter

with celery

Veggie Wrapon gluten-free tortilla with veggies of choice

1 handful raw almonds

2 Tbsp raisins

2 Soft Shell Fish Tacosusing tilapia, red cabbage,

carrot strings & spice of choice

Vegetable Omelet4 egg whites, diced tomatoes, green peppers, mushrooms,

fresh spinach & low-fat almond or rice cheese

Small tangerine

Tuna Sandwich on Sprouted Wheat

make sure that tuna is in water, add red onion, 1 boiled egg, ½ kosher pickle & 1 tsp mustard

3 avocado slices1 cup raw broccoli

Lentil Soup & Toasted Multigrain English

Muffin Sandwichwith grilled tomatoes & portabella mushroomsalmond or rice cheese

Plant-Based Protein Smoothie

with banana, strawberries & peaches – mixed & pureed

Half grapefruit, banana,

strawberries or peaches

Lettuce Wraps on iceberg or romaineuse black beans, water

chestnuts, avocado, tomato, green onion & bell pepper

season to taste

1 small organic green apple

Veggie Stir-Frywith whole grain brown riceuse two or three veggies of

choice (bock choy, pea pods, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, green beans or mushrooms)

1 Cup Red Quinoawith mixed berries

Green Smoothie made with almond milk, banana, berries,

mango & 1 tsp chia or flax seeds

2 slices cantaloupe

1/2 Cup Turkey Chili1 oz low-fat almond or

rice cheese1 cup steamed veggies

1 small organic low sugar & low

sodium granola bar

3 oz Grilled or Broiled Salmon1 cup steamed cauliflower

& broccoli 1 small sweet potato

1 Slice Ezekiel Bread toasted with nut butter

1 cup jicama sticks

Kale Saladshredded kale, 1/2 squeezed

lemon, diced orange bell pepper & avocado mashed

throughout – Celtic sea salt & pepper to taste

1/2 baked sweet potatosmall piece fruit

2 cups organic air-popped

popcornno butter – just

spice (cinnamon) for taste

Grilled Vegetable Kabobswhole mushrooms, tomatoes, onion, bell pepper, pineapple

or veggies of choice brush with 2 tsp teriyaki sauce

serve over 1 cup quinoa

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WEIGHT LOSS/WEIGHT MANAGEMENTQ: I am 40 pounds overweight and want to be sure to be doing enough cardio exercise to shed these pounds as quickly, yet safely as possible. How much cardio should I be doing?

A: At a healthy 2 pounds per week, you should be able to shed those 40 pounds in about 5 months. So, here is what I would suggest: 30-45 minutes of cardio three times a week. But, you need to do the Visibly Fit™ exercises daily to replace the weight that is lost with lean muscle.

Q: What is the recommended balance of fat, protein and carbohydrates I should be eating for healthy, maximum weight loss?

A: While we are all unique, a general rule of thumb and what I recommend for maximum weight loss is a diet which consists of 15 percent fat, 15 percent protein, and 70 percent unrefined carbohydrates. I emphasize unrefined carbohydrates! This means whole-grain breads, cereals, rice and pasta vs. the white varieties. Lesson Two in my book Every Woman’s Guide to Personal Power details how to eat for proper nutrition during weight loss and weight management.

Q: I recently read that overeating is a major cause of premature aging. Is this really true?

A: Absolutely. This is because most people who overeat are undernourished. Scientific research has proven that when an anti-oxidant rich, nutrient-rich diet is eaten in moderation, aging can be delayed and you can add years of vitality to your life. A great anti-oxidant that I recommend is found at

Q: I have been doing the exercises on your Daily 7x11 DVD for 3 weeks, while eating a 1500 calorie per day healthy diet (I am 5’6” tall) and the scale has barely moved! I’m really getting frustrated. What do you suggest?

A: Remember that you are in the process of building muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat. Be patient, keep persisting and you will see results with that number on the scale moving down! But, more importantly, be sure to take your body measurements and take note of how your clothes feel now vs. three weeks ago. You may be losing inches now and the pounds will follow later. This is often the case, especially if you are new to fitness and strength training.

Q: Your Firm and Fabulous DVD Series is great, but how often should I do each DVD?

A:. Great question. I recommend that you do the Visibly Fit™ 7X11 daily and practice the Firm and Fabulous DVDs in order as an add on daily. So, start with the booty workout, then the upper body, then the abs. Continue to rotate . Feel free to incorporate my new Visibly Fit™ Baby Boomer DVD for a new all over body routine.

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TONING & SCULPTINGQ: Will my muscles get used to this type of training and eventually “peak” at some point?

A: With my Visibly Fit™ system, you will either be able to achieve a lithe, sculpted look, or you may gain mass if that is your desire. Since Visibly Fit™ training is based primarily on the self-resistance, visualized resistance and isometric training; there is really no room for “peaking”. The goal is for you to achieve the look and size you desire, and then to maintain that. If you choose to add mass later, the same dynamics that got you to where you are come back into play. By adjusting the muscle tension you use as well as adjusting your diet, increased mass is always possible.

Q:On the Daily 7x11 DVD and Firm and Fabulous DVDs we are instructed to do 8-10 repetitions of each exercise. Is that what a beginner of your program should do right away, or should they begin with one or two repetitions. Also, should someone following the Visibly Fit™ program faithfully for weeks be increasing these repetitions to 10 or 15 a day?

A: As a beginner, the level of tension you create will be minimal in relation to how much it will increase the longer you do the Visibly Fit™ exercises. Therefore, you should begin with the 8-10 repetitions of each exercise twice daily. There is no need to increase the number of repetitions with the Visibly Fit™ technique because your benefits will gradually increase, not by doing more repetitions, but by increased levels of tension and resistance as you perform each exercise.

Q: You talk about “mind over muscle”. Can you explain exactly what this means?

A: Sure. Picture yourself with a five-pound dumbbell in your hand, then bend your arm as though you are doing a Bicep Curl and focus on your muscle doing its job of lifting this dumbbell. We call this focus on the muscle “thinking into the muscle”. Now picture a ten-pound dumbbell and do the same. Now, a fifteen-pound dumbbell and repeat the exercise. Do you feel the tension in your bicep? If you don’t, then you weren’t “thinking into the muscle”.

Q: I would love to finally have great abs. What is the best Visibly Fit™ exercise for achieving a sculpted waistline and great abs?

A: In my Firm and Fabulous Abs DVD, one of my favorites is the Abdominal Contraction, which is all about deep breathing. I also teach the “Crunch” and its multiple variations. All of these exercises strengthen every area of the abdominals as well as the oblique muscles on the sides of the waist. Following my abs sculpting program on the DVD will get you results in no time flat!

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Wow Wendie! Thanks for teaching me a workout I can take anywhere. I have a very busy schedule and I had stopped exercising totally. I felt tired and had put on the 20 pounds I had lost three years ago. I was not putting myself first. You helped me get my priorities straight and helped me break through the emotional barriers as well. Your program included the emotional and spiritual along with the physical training. That is what I needed to get myself on track. I have lost 15 pounds and 15 inches so far and know I will continue on to reach my goal. You are a excellent coach! Thank You!! — Julie Rosenberg

These testimonials are just a few selected to show you that everyone has a different starting point and a different goal. Do what feels right for you and you only. Get your mind, your body, and your spirit connected to achieve maximum results. Transformation comes from the inside – out! Make time each day for meditation, prayer, and positive affirmations. When you know and accept the real you and what you deserve then it will begin to reflect externally as well.

No matter where you are starting – you can and will succeed! Blessings to you along your wellness journey!

Go to Make sure to sign up for free weekly tips and monthly newsletter. Or join my membership program to receive extra support during your time of transformation. You deserve it!


I’ve lost 22 pounds, 14 inches and 7.2% body fat using Wendie’s Visibly Fit™ techniques. Wendie Pett is not only an exceptional model of physical health, she is a phenomenal encouragement coach. No matter what your fitness goals are, she will deliver the perfect recipe of motivation and perseverance to make success happen for you. — Susan Zimmerman

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you’re right.” — Henry Ford