Get them in the door! increase foot traffic with social media


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Drive your business's social media growth, engagement, email database and consumer to consumer branding with iSnap. iSnap is the leading social photo station designed to build your brand while providing an excellent amenity for your customers. We like to call it "Presence-Based" marketing.

Transcript of Get them in the door! increase foot traffic with social media

  • 1. 5 Essential Steps for using Social Media to Increase Foot Traffic to your Business

2. ABOUT ISNAP iSnap believes in presence. iSnap enables Presence-Based Marketing by engaging users via a photo sharing appliance while they are at a physical location. Presence-Based Marketing allows businesses to interact with their consumers while they are on site and in the venue, capturing and sharing positive moments. The iSnap team has over 30 combined years of experience in the interactive marketing industry, and over 10 combined years of social and digital marketing experience building market- ing analytics company Ad Propel. iSnap is the creator of the social photo station and accompanying software subscription services. The connecting of our online social networks and our physical spaces through a network of permanently installed appliances. 3. WELCOME! How can you use social media to drive traffic to your business and impact sales? As a business owner, youre constantly faced with the challenge of navigating social media effectively. Here at iSnap, we work with business owners every day to make their social media efforts easier and more effective. Here are our 5 essential Steps every business owner needs to use social media to increase foot traffic and get customers through their doors. 4. BUILD THE FOUNDATION The first step to using social media success- fully is making sure your pages exist and are up to date Does your Facebook page contain your correct physical address, website and phone number? Does your Twitter page contain a link to your website? Consider also adding interesting backgrounds and photographs that go beyond your logo or pictures of your location. For example, try photos of special events, new merchandise or menu items, or adver- tisements for upcoming promotions. The key is to make your pages interesting and to encourage customers to visit them more often by regularly updating the content. Also dont forget your busi- nesss Foursquare page! Speaking of content, consider what you post on your Facebook and Twitter pages. Are you regular- ly tweeting and posting updates? If not, consider setting a schedule and holding yourself account- able for at least two posts per week. Try to make these non-sales related and visual in nature, since studies show that posts with photos or videos get the highest rates of engagement on social media sites. Visit the pages of some businesses you admire to see what theyre doing, and take your cue from more established brands. 5. TALK IT UP Now that your pages are looking great, its time to start using them to their full advantage. Remember that social media should encourage conversation, and always use your pages to start conversations with your customers. Dont be afraid to use social media to interact directly with customers after all, thats really what social media is all about! As long as you make sure to always keep your communications positive and address any complaints or issues privately, you should be good to go. One great way to increase foot traffic to your business is to use your social media profiles to personally invite customers to your business. Using check-ins: When a customer checks into your venue and posts it to Facebook or Twitter, welcome them and invite them back! Just make sure you post from your businesss account. On photos: If you see a customer has taken a photo in your busi- ness and posted it publicly or on your business wall, comment on the photo (again as the business). Say youre glad they had a great time and to come again! With searches: Utilize social media search features to search for your businesss name. Retweet conversations your customers may have had about your business or reach out directly to those who said they had a great time. 6. START THE PARTY Now that youve been updating your pages regularly and are interacting with your fans and followers, dream up some fun contests, promotions or events specific to your business, that are beyond the norm for your industry. Examples of these run the gamut from theme parties, special promotions or events that are specific to your region. Use social media to promote and invite your fans and followers. Make sure you start the promotions at least a few weeks in advance, and be enthusiastic about your events. Entice customers to attend events and participate by offering incentives and acknowledgement. Have some fun with your social media pages! be enthusiastic 7. CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES Personal touches are impactful By now you should have a good idea of who your best and most active customers are on social media. One fun idea is to use social media to find out when these customer's birthdays are, and invite them to your business to celebrate with special discounts or promotions. Make birthdays a big deal. 8. SHOW, DONT TELL Everyone loves looking at photos, right? This type of word-of-mouth recommendation is invaluable. Your customers are no different! Encourage your customers to use social media to post photos of themselves having great experiences in your venue. Employees can be a huge asset in this make sure they offer to play photographer! Then entice your customers to post their favorite pics, and always encourage them to tag your business on social media. Your customers friends will then see what a great time theyre having in your busi- ness! If your customers friends see how much fun theyre having, whats to stop them from stopping by too? 9. Good luck and Godspeed! We hope youve enjoyed learning about how to use social media to effectively impact foot traffic to your business. Social media can be a challenging maze to navigate. Fortunately iSnap can help with each of the steps mentioned above and more. By installing an iSnap photo station in your venue, youre enticing customers to take and share photos, talk about your business, share their positive experiences with friends, and participate in contests and promotions. As a business owner you also have access to a wealth of demographic information and marketing contact data. Contact us today to learn more and for a free demo. [email protected] 916-333-0330 Contact Glenn Felty [email protected] Ext. 112