Get Smart: Empower The Mobile Workforce

Get Smart: Empower The Mobile Workforce @802dotchris #getsmart Chris Silva, Industry Analyst
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Transcript of Get Smart: Empower The Mobile Workforce

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Get Smart: Empower The Mobile Workforce

@802dotchris #getsmart

Chris Silva, Industry Analyst

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© 2012 Altimeter Group

Consumers have spoken regarding their “screen of choice.”

What happens when consumers go to work?

Knowing and providing tools for mobile users.

Case example/Recommendations


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Mobile has become the screen of choice.

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The world shipped 500M smartphones in 2011

2012 is off to an even faster start. Vendors shipped 145M smartphones during Q1 2012 versus 101M in the same period last year. (IDC)

Total shipments in 2011 were 491.4 million units up 61.3 percent from 2010. This makes smartphones 31.8 percent of all handsets shipped.

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Despite economic fallout, the world went mobile

• Smartphones have been relatively recession-resistant, growing from 25% penetration to 50% penetration overall in the last two years in the U.S., according to Nielsen.

• New devices inspire confidence in spending behavior: 4/5 US smartphone owners use their device in shopping (in store or m-commerce)

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Rutberg & Co research (Jan 2012) found VCs spent $6.3 billion or 42.4% of their budgets on mobile investments in 2011 (up from $4.5 billion or 30.4 percent in 2010)

VC investments in mobile marketing and advertising companies was $592 million in 2011 (up from $128 million)

Mobile innovation is all but a certitudeThe

innovations we’re seeing

are just a start.

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The ways we use mobile continues to vary

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How mobile changed the game

• We’re past the point of anticipating the mobile rush, it’s on and we’re already well into a second device wave;

• Consumers are workers and IT must make investments to drive your productivity;

• End users can be subject to or drive mobile policy, focus on active involvement toward the latter

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What happens when consumers go to the office?

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The most prolific consumers are business users

The expectation of mobile is being driven

by the current and impending workforces.

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Strong correlation in increase of consumer device penetration and increase in business application

No single usage statistic on the new iPad saw a bigger

bump than business applications. 21% of all New

iPad users are business users, versus 13% of

previous iPads.Data Source: Consumer Intelligence Research Partners

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More than 80% of workers continue to work when leaving the office, totaling 30 hours a week, 365 hours every year.

50% check work email in bed

69% will not sleep before checking work email

Access is ubiquitous and, when it’s not from a laptop, we have it via smartphones and tablets.

We’re working more, and more places…

Data Source: Good Technology, 2012

We expect this trend to grow as the

traditional “enterprise” definition atrophies.

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89 of top 100 US companies offer telecommuting

58 percent of companies consider themselves a ‘virtual workplace’

67 percent of all workers used mobile and wireless computing to get work done

61% of a mobile worker’s day is within range of a Wi-Fi network.

…and the definition of the workplace is changing

We expect this trend to grow as the

traditional “work” definition atrophies.

Data Source: Insight Research

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The average worker carries 3.5 ‘mobile’ devices…Laptops are still the top choice, largely due to lack of custom mobile apps.

Data Source: iPass Mobile Workforce Report, March, 2012y

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… but we’re behind in multiple device support

Connect: Basic Device Access

Coordinate: Dynamic Mobile Use Cases


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Configure: Traditional MDM

Permeation of Mobile Devices

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There are three stages to mobility

• Connect: At the most basic level we allow connection to company-wide resources like email, Passwords can be set, we can lock devices and wipe them when lost. Risk relatively low but so are returns.

• Configure: Building and buying apps adds complexity and the need to develop deeper policies. In addition to managing the device, we need to provision apps by user type, apply policy to varying data stores and provide lifecycle management to the applications. We begin to control data, assume more risk yet see more returns that vary by role.

 • Coordinate: As the control structure for devices expands to take

on HR, Legal and Risk inputs as well as other technology inputs, the potential for new and different devices (some autonomous) greatly expands, the upper limit of return is now approachable.

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Which stage is your organization in today?

• Connect – single device, basic access• Configure – more devices, apps and data• Coordinate – limitless device support

Poll Question

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Why aren’t mobile users as well served as they should be?

• The single definition of a mobile user is an antiquated notion as is simple connectivity;

• Mobility must be dynamic, and adapt to various roles in order to provide real value

• BYOD is not a moneymaker unless thoughtful tools have been provisioned that go beyond simply controlling devices.

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Knowing and serving the new mobile workforce.

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How Did We Test Our Hypothesis?

• Conducted in Mar – Apr, 2012• Identified active mobility leaders• Covered a sampling of industry solutions

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Who Are The Mobile Users?

Source: Altimeter Group June, 2012 “Power To the People”

Altimeter’s research began with three archetypes of mobile users, across functions in an


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Which persona best represents you?• Information worker – looking to consume

info• Field sales and service – “living” on a

mobile devices• Executive or technical worker – replacing

the laptop or desktop

Poll Question

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Here’s what workers need

Field staff and sales are top priority, executives, information workers are important, but not as


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Source: Altimeter Group June 2012 “Power To The People”

The Three Most Common Mobile Roles’ Needs

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Consumption Tools, For Information Workers

Consumption Solutions

Example Vendors

Solutions in this category can be largely classified as content management or content presentation Solutions aimed at re-purposing content from a central store for access on devices and other computing platforms by users. • Focused on information access• Format information for mobile• Retain central control and iteration

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Use Example: Mobile Access To Common Content

370 employees Distributed physical and remote

locations across the US iOS, Android, Blackberry

Large Law Firm: Respond to growing use of iOS vs.

Blackberry, due to more productivity tools IT must ramp up its control plane and support

to anticipate users’ collaboration and data access needs

Provide library of legal applications Integrate more systems together in this


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Collaboration Tools Empower Field, Sales

• Access and sharing are central• Can account for creation of IP• Some tools offer detailed role-based


Collaborative Solutions

Example Vendors

Collaborative solutions are focused on the interchange of information contained in files and media with either a central information store on premise or off premise consisting of new, purchased storage or existing data stores like Microsoft Sharepoint.

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Use Example: Rolling Out Custom Workflow Applications

7000 employees Distributed physical and remote

locations in the US, Canada, China, Australia, Spain, Germany, France, Belgium

All types of devices

Multi-National Energy Company: Better manage new internally built apps as

well as existing legacy apps Improve time-to-resolution metrics of the IT

staff Use a tool to manage all apps and support

efficiently Increase efficiency for all roles using mobile

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Compute Keeps Execs, Technical Workers Working

• Portable, full computing suites• Mobile becomes primary computer • Relatively binary across simple and


Compute Solutions Example Vendors

Either extending via Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) or replicating applications or the entire computing platform on a mobile device, Compute Solutions focus on letting the user compute from anywhere, though complex, back-end infrastructure may be required to bring these solutions to fruition.

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Case Example III: University leverages mobile in the classroom and beyond

US State University: Provide students and faculty necessary tools/

content via mobile Provide parity of experience across multiple

platforms Manage ‘long-tail’ of enterprise software

systems through organizational transition Enable both students and faculty to compute

from anywhere, through any device

33,000 students, 5500 faculty Distributed physical and remote

locations across the state All types of devices

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How mobile workers can move the needle

Illustrating that there are mobile

users and diversity among them is job

#1, to be led by business

management, not IT.

Providing access to and a feedback for what works and what does not work

for the role you represent and the roles you support

is critical to getting the right tools.

Expect for the process to be

organic with pieces of support and

tools coming into play organically, we

won’t be at “coordination” from

day one.

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Where should we take mobile next?

• The future is a connected one and the concept of “devices” gives way to “sentient world,” think big;

• Increasingly there are no “non-mobile” workers, just different rates of return for investment, lead with the “no-brainers” and others will reap benefits.

• Start with people, but follow with process, big data analytics and the plummeting cost of connecting systems is your ally.

This webinar was recorded on Aug 15, 2012. Watch the recording here:

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Chris [email protected]

Twitter: @802dotchris

Stay in touch

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