Get Out of Her

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  • 7/29/2019 Get Out of Her


    Get Out of Her - My People !



    WHO IS SHE ?

    ".......Babylon The Great.......'Come away from her, my people.Do not take part in her sins,or you will be punished with her.For her sins are piled as high asheaven, and God is ready to judgeher for her evil deeds.' "(Revelation 18:1,4)(NASB)-BibleGateway


    WHO IS SHE ?

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    The highly symbolic book of Revelation,

    like so many other prophesies in the Bible,is filled with many puzzles pieces.

    By taking each piece of the puzzle andplacing them together, we get an entire picture;that will be easy to recognize.

    Are you ready to build the puzzle?

    Who is the Female Prostitute ?

    Who is the female prostitute that we are toldto run away from - to flee from - to get out of ?


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    Literal Babylon was no longer a great citywhen Revelation was written at the end ofthe first centry C.E. .

    Ancient Babylon

    "The city (of Babylon) was taken bythe Persians under Cyrus the Greatin 539 B.C. . Later Alexander the Great

    planned to make Babylon the capital ofhis eastern empire, but after his deathBabylon gradually lost importance."--The Encyclopedia Americana(New York; 1956), Vol III, p.7

    "Although the Persian Kings made Babylontheir residence, nothing was done for the restorationof the city; and Alexander the Great, who, on hisentrance, in 331 B.C., had promised the inhabitantsto rebuild the ruined temple, was unable even toclear away the rubbish, although he employed10,000 workmen for two months. After his death

    Babylon went rapidly to decay."-- The New Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia

    (New York; 1950), Vol. 3, pg. 872)

    So who is - "Babylon The Great" ?

    Could she be the world's people?
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    No, because the nations were said to be madedrunk with the wine of her fornication.

    ".....and the inhabitants of the earth

    were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries."(Revelation 17:2)(NIV)-BibleGateway

    Could she be the political element ?

    No, for the scriptures say that she committedadultery with the kings of the earth.

    "With her the kings of the earthcommitted adultery......."(Revelation 17:2)(NIV)-BibleGateway
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    In fact, she rides the backof the political wild beast.

    "I will explain to you the mystery of the womanand of the beast she rides"(Revelation 17:7)

    Could she bethe merchants of the earth?
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    No, because the Bible says that the merchantswere made rich because of her shameless luxuries.

    Think of the money that is made by merchantsaround the world - due to religious events,and religious holidays, like Easter, Christmas,Halloween, Communions, Weddings, Christenings,Baptisms, Birthdays, and the list goes on.

    Think of the money that is spent by chuchesin order to impress people. The marble, andprecious stones, gilded art, gold finishings,copper urns, and very expensive garbs, mitres,robes, vestments, tonsures, chalices, altars,gables, and even the buildings themselves.

    Think of the money that is spent for a ChurchWedding, or a church baptism. Think of theoils, and fabrics used in church services, andthe list goes on.

    "The merchants who sold these things

    and gained their wealth from her....."(Revelation 18:15)(NIV)-BibleGateway


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    How can we be sure that this harlot -is relgion ???

    That's where the smaller pieces of the puzzlefit in.

    Where do brides and bridegrooms usually taketheir wedding vows?

    Inside of religious institutions !!!
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    "Babylon the Great" is said to have hadthe bride and the bridegroom inside of her.

    "The voice of bridegroom and bridewill never be heard in you (her) again."

    (Revelation 18:23)(NIV)-BibleGateway


    "Babylon the Great" -indeed - amassed Much wealth -

    "The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet,and was glittering with gold,precious stones and pearls."(Revelation 17:3)(NIV)-BibleGateway

    Has religion amassed such wealth ???
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    One has only to look at the buildings erectedin the name of religion -

    Also looking at the religious leaders themselves.

    John XXIII Pontifex MaximusMaryknoll Fathers, Maryknoll, N.Y.``

    And how did these institutions amass this wealth?

    Holy Wars, Holy Crusades, Holy Inquisitions, torture,trickery, murder,plunder, raping, pillaging,

    forgery, false promises, stealing, selling of indulgences,colloboration with rulers and governments, politics,selling way into heaven, simony, illegal means, etc.

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    Evidently there was something in ancient Babylonthat would be a very strong identifying mark ofthis harlot.

    Her religion.

    According to Genesis 10:8-10,Nimrod established a kingdom for himself in Babylon.

    Apart from the fact that it was a political kingdom,it also became a powerful pagan religious centrefrom where idolatry spread across the world.

    "Advantageous as was Babylon's geographicalposition, other factors helped to make her adominant city for a long period. Throughout thewhole history of Mesopotamia (Babylon)....religionhas played an important part in giving prestigeand power to a city..."

    --The Encyclopedia Britannica(Chicago; 1946)Vol. 2, pg. 841

    Babylon was the home of Nimrod -the first opposer of Jehovah God.

    "He was a mighty hunterbefore(against)Jehovah:wherefore it is said,Like Nimrod a mighty hunterbefore(against)Jehovah."(Genesis 10:9)(ASV)-BibleGateway

    It was under the direction of Nimrod that false religiongot its start. Before that time, all people on the earthwere worshippers of the Omnipotent Creator; Jehovah God.

    Historians such as Wilkinson and Malletthave proven conclusively from ancient documentsthat at one time all the peoples of the earthbelieved in ONE GOD, supreme, eternal, invisible, holy.

    "The researches of modern writers..... uniformly regardBabylon... as the cradle of the ancient Paganism."--The Worship of the Dead (London; 1904),

    Colonel J. Garnier, pg. 8

    Evidently then, "Babylon The Great" would be theentire religious empire that rejects JEHOVAH God.

    Yes, any religion that worships anything or anyoneother than Jehovah God - Is part of "Babylon the Great".

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    Unlike early Christianity, where all followers of Christwere to be ministers of the faith - Ancient Babylonhad a Clergy/Laity distinction.

    "The distinction between priest and laymanis characteristic of this (Babylonian) religion."--The Encyclopedia Britannica (Chicago; 1946),

    Vol. 2 pg. 861

    All of Jesus' Followers were required to preach -even the women. (Matthew 24:14) (Matthew 28:19)

    Unlike early Christianity, where Christ and his followersrefused political involvement - Ancient Babylon'sreligious element were deeply involved in politics..

    So too, Apostate Christendom is deeply involvedin the world's political affairs. Like a whore whohas prostituted herself to the Political wild beast,Babylon The Great is pictured as riding the backof the political beast. How unlike Christ and his Apostles,and the early Christians who refused political involvement.
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    Apostate Christendom like ancient Babylonprostitutes herself with the kings of the earth.

    "Church and State (in ancient Babylon) were soinextricably mingled that while the State has to beregarded as a theocracy, the Church must in partat least be judged as a political institutionand the state religion as a politcal instrument."--The Sumerians (Oxford; 1929), C. Leonard Woolley,

    pg. 129
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    The religious Whore rides the Backof the Political Wild Beast

    Unlike early Christianity, where hope for the dead wasin a resurrection - Ancient Babylonian religion taughta belief in an immortal soul that lived on - after death.

    "After death the souls of men were supposed tocontinue in existence....."(Beliefs of Ancient Babylon)"--The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

    (Grand Rapids, Mich.; 1960), Vol. I, pg.373

    Unlike early Christianity, which needed no images orvisual aids - Ancient Babylon was noted for its use ofimages in its worship.

    " a land of graven images."(Jeremiah 50:35,38)

    "Once I saw the silver image, larger than life,of the Virgin Mary laden with rings, precious stones,

    gold and silver as votive offerings, being carried byfourteen men on a litterl out through the portalof the Syracuse Cathedral. It seemed to flat highover the heads of the teeming throng as it wasbrought forth, to the accompaniment of ecstaticmusic and the crowd's stormy prayers, into theGardens of the Stone-cutters. A procession ofMarduk, I think, must have looked the samewhen the god was carried in triumph out ofE-sagila, perhaps through the peribolos and
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    along the great Procession Street [of Babylon]."--Archaeologist Robert Koldewey, l

    Leader in excavationof the ruins of Babylon (1898-1917),as quoted in "Gods, Graves, and Scholars"(New York 1954), C.W. Ceram, pp. 296,297


    The trinity got its start with Nimrod -Tammuz - and Semiramis.Semiramis demanded worship for bothher husband and her son as well as herself.She claimed that her son, was both the fatherand the son. Yes, he was "god the father"and "god the son" - The first divineincomprehensible trinity.

    Semiramis introduced something that wascompletely new and foreign to the people -the worship of the father (Nimrod), the son (Ninus),and the Holy Spirit (the womb of Semiramis).Semiramis replaced the emperorship of Nimrodwith this new Trinitarian religion. She indoctrinatedher "divine son" into this religion, teaching himthe Babylonian mystery of the three-gods-in-one.The ones she indoctrinated became her priests,thus creating the first clergy class. Semiramis setup her son as the first Pontifex Maximus,or Shepherd King, and this person is known

    today as the Pope."--The Two Babylons ;Alexander Hislop; p.51

    2 Th 2:3Let no man deceive you by any means:for that day shall not come, except there

    come a falling away first, and that manof sin be revealed, the son of perdition;2 Th 2:4 Who opposeth and exaltethhimself above all that is called God,or that is worshipped; so that he asGod sitteth in the temple of God,showing himself that he is God.

    Yes, Ancient Babylon was noted for its"HOLY TRINITY" - The very first time inhuman history that a trinity god was worshipped.

    And from there it spread around the earth.

    All pagan religions have their trinity gods.Even apostate Christendom requiresworship of the Trinity as a requirement

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    for membership in the World Councilof Churches.

    "The Trinity is a corruptionborrowed from the heathen religions,and engrafted on the Christian faith."

    - (A Dictionary of Religious Knowledge.Lyman Abbott; 1875.section on 'Trinity' p944)

    ".....conception of the divine trinity . . .can be found in all the ancient[pagan] religions."(Dictionnaire Lachatre)


    Unlike Early Christianity; which believedin the resurrection and in eternal lifeon a paradise earth, as the supreme reward(Mat.5:5) - and everalsting destructionas the final punishment(Mat.7:13,14) -

    Ancient Babylon's religion espoused a placeof eternal torment.

    Ancient Babylon's religion believedin a place of eternal torment.

    In ancient Babylon "the nether picturedas a place full of horrors, and is presided over by

    gods and demons of great strength and fierceness."--The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria;

    Boston, 1898Morris Jastrow Jr., p.581


    "Babylon the Great" is held responsiblefor all the blood that has been spilledupon the earth.

    "In her was found the blood of prophetsand of the saints, and of all who have

    been killed on the earth."(Revelation 18:24)(NIV)-BibleGateway

    Looking at the history of both pagandomand apostate Christendom, t he blood guiltis tremendous. All the wars and atrocitiesdone in the name of religion have filledmany a history book.

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    Apostate Christendom holds a tremendousblood-guilt,from the days of the Holy RomanEmpire - down till this very day. The leadersof Apostate Christendom have prostitutedthemselves to the Kings of the Earth,by becoming involved in its bloody wars,and in its politics, something that neitherChrist nor his Apostles ever did - nor everwould.

    The Holy Crusades, the Holy Inquisitions,the Massacre of entire nations such as the

    Albigenses, the Waldenses,the Lollards,and Cathars - were all done in the name ofChrist - by Apostate Christendom and herleaders.

    Torture, pillaging, murdering, and rapewere all committed in the name of Christ

    by apostate Christendom.

    Ethnic murder and mass genocides werecommited with full consent and aid byapostate Christendom during the Jewishand Serbian Holocaust, and in 1994 inRwanda, and numerous other countries.

    Lynchings, mob violence, and evil deedshave been done in the name of Christ formany centuries by apostate Christendom.

    "The church was responsible for persecuting

    Jews, for the Inquisition, for slaughteringheretics by the thousand, for reintroducingtorture into Europe as part of the judicialprocess. . . .Popes appointed and sackedeven emperors, and demanded that theyimpose Christianity on their subjectsunder the threat of torture and death. ..The cost to the Gospel message washorrendous. It comes as a shock todiscover that, at a stroke, a pope killedfar more Christians than (pagan) Diocletian. .[Pope Innocent] had no qualms about usingChrist's name to do everything that Christobjected to."---The Dark Side of the Papacy

    by (Peter De Rosa)

    Both Pagandom and Apostate Christendom- will be held accountable by God.Neither one nor the other, will escapehis wrath for what they have done to mankind.

    They will receive their due reward for alienatingmankind from Jehovah God.

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    As a composite group - called "Babylon the Great",she will receive the reward due for her evil deeds.

    "...Babylon the Great,which made all the nations drink

    the maddening wine of her adulteries."(Revelation 14:8)(NIV)-BibleGateway

    ".....God remembered Babylon the Greatand gave her the cup filledwith the wine of the fury of his wrath."(Revelation 16:19)(NIV)-BibleGateway

    The religious whore will be destroyedby the Political Wild Beastthat she has been fornicating with.

    The Kings of the EarthWill turn upontheir religious paramour
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    The Kings of the EarthWill turn upontheir religious paramour

    "Come, I will show you the punishmentof the great prostitute, who sits on manywaters. With her the kings of the earthcommitted adultery and the inhabitantsof the earth were intoxicated with the wineof her adulteries. Then the angel carriedme away in the Spirit into a desert.There I saw a woman sitting on a scarletbeast.....The woman was dressed inpurple and scarlet, and was glitteringwith gold, precious stones and pearls.She held a golden cup in her hand,filled with abominable things

    and the filth of her adulteries.This title was written on her forehead -A MYSTERY - BABYLON THE GREATTHE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES

    AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OFTHE EARTH. I saw that the womanwas drunk with the blood of the saints,the blood of those who bore testimonyto Jesus. When I saw her, I was greatlyastonished. Then the angel said to me:"Why are you astonished?I will explain to you the mystery of thewoman and of the beast she ridesThen the angel said to me,"The waters you saw, where the prostitutesits, are peoples, multitudes, nationsand languages. The beast and the tenhorns you saw - will hate the prostitute.They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked;they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire.

    For God has put it into their heartsto accomplish his purposeby agreeing to give the beast their powerto rule, until God's words are fulfilled.The woman you saw is the great citythat rules over the kings of the earth."(Revelation 17:1-18)(NIV)-BibleGateway

    "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!She has become a home for demonsand a haunt for every evil spirit....For all the nations have drunk themaddening wine of her adulteries.The kings of the earth committedadultery with her, and the merchants

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    of the earth grew rich from herexcessive luxuries. Then I heardanother voice from heaven say:"Come out of her, my people,so that you will not share in her sins,so that you will not receive any ofher plagues; for her sins are piledup to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes.Give back to her as she has given;pay her back double for what she has done.Mix her a double portion from her own cup.Give her as much torture and griefas the glory and luxury she gave herself.Therefore in one day her plagues willovertake her: death, mourning and famine.She will be consumed by fire,for mighty is the Lord God who judges her.When the kings of the earth whocommitted adultery with her and

    shared her luxury see the smokeof her burning, they will weep andmourn over her. Terrified at her torment,they will stand far off and cry:" 'Woe! Woe, O great city, O Babylon,

    city of power! In one hour your doomhas come!' The merchants of the earthwill weep and mourn over her becauseno one buys their cargoes any more--cargoes of gold, silver, precious stonesand pearls; fine linen, purple, silk andscarlet cloth; every sort of citron wood,and articles of every kind made of ivory,

    costly wood, bronze, iron and marble;cargoes of cinnamon and spice,of incense, myrrh and frankincense,of wine and olive oil, of fine flour andwheat; cattle and sheep;horses andcarriages; and bodies and souls of men.They will say, 'The fruit you longed foris gone from you. All your riches andsplendor have vanished, never to be recovered.'The merchants who sold these thingsand gained their wealth from herwill stand far off, terrified at her torment. They will weep and mourn and cry out:

    'Woe! Woe, O great city, dressed in fine linen,purple and scarlet, and glittering with gold,precious stones and pearls!In one hour such great wealthhas been brought to ruin!'Every sea captain, and all who travelby ship, the sailors, and all who earntheir living from the sea, will stand far off.When they see the smoke of her burning,they will exclaim, 'Was there ever a city

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    like this great city?' They will throw duston their heads, and with weeping andmourning cry out: 'Woe! Woe, O great city,where all who had ships on the seabecame rich through her wealth!

    In one hour she has been brought to ruin!Rejoice over her, O heaven!Rejoice, saints and apostles and prophets!

    God has judged her for the way she treated you.'Then a mighty angel picked up a boulderthe size of a large millstone and threw itinto the sea, and said: "With such violencethe great city of Babylon will be thrown down,never to be found again. The music of

    harpists and musicians, flute players andtrumpeters, will never be heard in you again.No workman of any trade will ever be foundin you again. The sound of a millstonewill never be heard in you again.The light of a lamp will never shine in you again.

    The voice of bridegroom and bridewill never be heard in you again.Your merchants were the world's great men.By your magic spell all the nationswere led astray. In her was foundthe blood of prophets and of the saints,and of all who have been killed on the earth."(Revelation 18:1-24)(NIV)-BibleGateway