Get focused talk for WiSE how to make your website your most productive online marketing tool june...

A Get Focused Presentation Online Marketing for Business 101 June 2011 Clodagh S.Higgins Online Marketing Specialist


Is your website working for you? It should be - learn the 5 key strategies that you should have on your website to get more vistiors, leads and sales for your business.

Transcript of Get focused talk for WiSE how to make your website your most productive online marketing tool june...

  • 1.
    • A Get Focused Presentation
  • Online Marketing for Business 101
  • June 2011
  • Clodagh S.Higgins
  • Online Marketing Specialist

2. By the end of this . . .

  • My goal is that you can see at least one way you can improve your website to get it working for you and your business.

3. Agenda

  • Bricks & Mortar Analogies
  • How Google works
  • 5 key strategies for successful websites
  • Websites in the Hot Seat
  • Ask Questions throughout


  • 72% of people research online for purchases over $100
  • 36% of Aussies shop online monthly
  • 6% do it weekly
  • We are behind the rest of the world
  • Average spend 4 x AU $700 ish/mth
  • Online spending grew 12% in 2010
  • 12% access internet through mobile

I should care about being online because . . . 5. High Street vs Shopping Mall How many people are searching for your product/service online? You need to be where the peopleare. 6. 7. Traditional Marketing 8. How are we tuning out? 9. Think . . . Attract not Force 10. Wrong reasons to redesign your website

  • New corporate look & feel
  • You are tired of the old website
  • It is and old website
  • Design department wants to
  • Just because . . .

11. Write Reasons for upgrading your website

  • To increase visitors, leads and sales to your business.
  • 62% less expensive than traditional marketing.
  • Create an action for the visitor to engage with you.

12. 13. Googles RoleLocal Search Organised Relevant Content Be AliveRSSMake sure your website Is well organised ! 14. Gaining visibility on search engines

  • How do search engines work ?

15. 16. Ask Google to help you

  • Webmaster will show you how to improve your website to make sure people can see it.

17. Your website should be on your sales team. How many leads is your website generating? How much does a lead worth to you? (How many visitors are you getting to your website every month?) 18. High Street vs Shopping Mall 19. 5 essentials for successful websites

  • Blog & updating 3 x per week
  • A clear call to action on every page
  • Correctly named images with your keywords
  • Url Headings
  • Social Media linked to your website

20. What is a blog?

  • A blog is a website in which items are posted on a regular basis and displayed in reverse chronological order. The term blog is a shortened form of weblog.
  • Where is your blog?
  • Your email sent items!


  • Blog on your website - the simple premise is to create two way communication between you, your company, your existing clients and your potential clients.

22. Blog & updating 3 x per week 23. 24. A clear call to action on every page 25. A clear call to action on every page 26. Correctly named images with your keywords 27. Correctly named images with your keywords Cannot read images only words so call your pictures your keywords 28. 29. URLs must contain your keywords 30. URLs must contain your keywords NOT Or 31. Social Media linked to your website

  • Over 10.2 million AU profiles on facebook
  • 20% of tweets are about products & services
  • Go to where the market is.

32. Gaining visibility on search engines

  • How do search engines work ?

33. Metadata tags allows you to tell the search engines what your webpage is about What does this shop sell? 34. Metadata tags your shop window online ! 35. Free Websites 36. Google places 37. 5 essentials for successful websites

  • Blog & updating 3 x per week
  • A clear call to action on every page
  • Correctly named images with your keywords
  • Url Headings
  • Social Media linked to your website


  • We can help you grow your business using online tools
  • Our five step process to get targeted traffic and quality leads into your business via online tools, what we provide is:-
  • Website audit
  • Online Marketing Strategy in line with your business objectives and offline marketing activities.
  • Implementation of an SEO package that generates targeted traffic.
  • Monthly report on how your website traffic is improving.
  • Monthly meeting to discuss additional marketing or promotional ideas that will grow your business.

39. Get in touch today [email protected] See you Online !