Get A Life, Get A Virtual Assistant

Get A Life, Get A Virtual Assistant


Get A Life, Get A Virtual Assistant Over the past few months, it was becoming increasingly evident to me that I was working WAY too hard. Short term I could cope. But I didn’t want to ALWAYS be stuck at my laptop, checking emails and doing the 1001 tasks that come with being an app producer. Anyway. Things had to change. So I had an idea. I realised that I could train up someone to do a lot of this work for me. I had already outsourced my graphics and development work. For more info visit: Learn how to start your mobile app business at Mobile app university How to make your first iPhone app App Producer Secrets iOS App Development Chartboost Mobile Ads IPhone App Development Virtual Assistants App Game Blog Learn how to make mobile apps Buy iPhone app source code Iphone app Development mobile consultant Get a free app audio book How to make Flappy Bird iPhone App Development, buy app course code, iphone app source code, mobile app source code, iphone, ios, mobile application development, how to make apps, how to make games, how to make mobile apps, mobile app consultant, iphone apps, android apps, flipping apps, reskinning apps, how to reskin apps, make mobile games, mobile app, android, app developer, start app business

Transcript of Get A Life, Get A Virtual Assistant

  • Get A Life, Get A Virtual Assistant w w w . t h e c h o c o l a t e l a b a p p s . c o m
  • A Word From Elaine Over the past few months, it was becoming increasingly evident to me that I was working WAY too hard. Short term I could cope. But I didnt want to ALWAYS be stuck at my laptop, checking emails and doing the 1001 tasks that come with being an app producer.
  • Things like these Keywords for apps and naming apps Finding great images on Shutterstock Prepare kits to keep my artists busy Market research. Writing app descriptions.
  • Things like these Then there is all the other little stuff you havent had time to do. Then there is app QA, tracking, more market research. Uploading the app icon & 15 screenshots for app store. Registering apps in ITC. Creating SDK IDs
  • I wasnt running the show any more. The show was running me!
  • Anyway. Things had to change. So I had an idea. I realized that I could train up someone to do a lot of this work for me. I had already outsourced my graphics and development work. So why not outsource my work.
  • The IDEA It was the best idea I had this year. I found a great virtual assistant on oDesk and created a outsourcing VA training kit. Within 12 hours of being hired my VA was already saving me lots of time. Now I have much more time to focus on working ON my business, instead of IN my business. I have more free time and my business is growing faster. Also its great to be able to spend my time on some really exciting new ventures that I am really excited about. This wasnt possible when I was doing everything myself.
  • So, if you are worried about this, remember two things
  • Keep in mind 1. If you dont have enough work for a full-time VA, you can absolutely find someone to help you on a part-time basis. 2. If you want your business to grow, then you cant continue to wear yourself out doing everything yourself. At some stage you will have to bite the bullet and get someone great to help you with your day to day tasks.
  • In conclusion I have found this process really positive for my business. I think its definitely worth trying once you have a few apps published and you can feel yourself getting bogged down doing the same tasks every day.
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