GERMAS EIES ON lüE ERESCIL PANOEB OF WAR IN THE CABINET CRISI8. non.s-.OKiVs isrLVKNci..pnocKKMNoe or tub R.1CI_8TAG.POLITICAI. AND PERSONAL· CopyrHiht; 1R87,· by th* Xnc York Attociatctt Iren. BiKi-iN, May 21.- Pending the leene of the Cabinet a Palie, official opinimi here maintains a « iieitni- .pect silence. The VerrR German BMWB refrains from giving inore than meagre ttopMBBM BBneorRtBg Un· «le¬ si clopinent*. In France. A frank expression.of official _,oi«es would havo the etfeci of etieiigtluuintr Conciai Boulanger'· party and weakening the Opportunists, who are wwrkiii-to oust hlui. Th. lioveruiucut ree*·tve» full advices res'tectiiie every plat«*· of the iiego- Bl the Fly see. The l:'te-t dispatches«· that Boulanger'· position is unshaken aud that a Rouvi.r-Dr Freyeiitt.1 Mimtrv is likely to be k which will adopt the Bimlan;-ir _?*|?·1 of ·'· .«in. Ac and plans to attack Germany. Whatever may be the cL__r- iict.r of the next French Ministry, the BOb.l Ina gtoBBgtMaei tho war party in Germany and the war .pirli or tl;e jieople. R_B__M_. PROPHETIC VISION. The ever recurring changos, ot Hie French Government , Prinee BteBaarek*· argument during th·· fr·* piemia;. .Vi ..ite that the m'·mal instability of Fran··.· wae a chronic danger to «'»·, as any day Might hring a change. <»f Ministry which would precipitate a war. IM MtrUm Peel, the Krai; z> Rang and etMe MMee dwell uifei this theme, urging Die completion of KM war ¦BMbM «i. Ibe ground that Hie niiny must be ready for the worst, as the coining Ministry, conformili·: to Ikiulaugi r ¡m «lict.tti'r, may mean liura___a_BWar. If M. Jtouvier -uccei'd. in ??p?????. a MihLstry all Hie poafMte are that General Boulanger'· encvn«hincy will be greater than if aRMr ML d· Irc.vciii.t or M. Clenicliceuu were J'remiiT. 'lhevYw eutertuined in official circles here Is that »it!. ML ReWTtar I.Ma Mini-t.T.t.ciieral Boulanger would ab-oliitely dictate e\cuts aii'l render the mainte¬ nance of p.tcUle relations, cvoedingly ditlleulr. l'ublie Interest lu the result ot the Frcuch Ministerial crisis la iuteiis.·. tIntugli uiiileiU'iiistrauv.«. The French prest publish fantaatlfl raféete of demonstrations against (.en¬ erar Bou ¡anger, allegetl to ha\·· <.<-iurr*^l at Uutcr-der I.iiiilcn. but tho rei»orts have uo bit-Is of truth. Boulan¬ ger'· name Is in even b«».l>'s ìuuuih, his photograph displayed erarj when·, and ins igne ta IM Mawptteva Waxwork* is the centre of oltservaiioti; but Beiiin pre¬ se-, a -. rr.'ot esititi,lenco in the ability of the army to »lispoee o;' Boulanger and France when the time comes, .nid has im nupi'i-to toward vaiu display» of auti-Freuch feelings. REFORM IV .V1..SACF-IORRAINK. " A Ministerial lull sent to the Bundesruth today con- templates nu Important step toward the reform of the ad¬ ministration of Alsace-Lorraine. It alters the present Oyatcaa of npi-tintlue burgomasters and abeRahea the regiilatnui-i.^uiitng biirguiiiiisieis to be chosen from Ma ? ""..i una! Coñett. It provide« ni-o that barge Rtaatere and dentar hurfomBalara aitali hi lumini ih Im Sinne salaried ollieíitls ot tin.wrntiicut, with allow anees Ixed by the district presidents. DUTIKS OX SPIRITS, STOABS AND CKRI'AI.S. * A bill with a sugar project wUl l«e presented In the Iioichstair when that body reassemble* on June B> after IkS ¦ intsiiu holidays. At about the same time a project to tanteaste tbeduty on eeteala win he ready. There it prospecte. n"bUM pernal of practical le-lslat'on afu-rtac ¡tuiilavs, the Beiobstag respon«ltugwtlungl) t<> _M_uauclaI demands of the t.ovcriiineiit hr inrpostng new tàuiics on ».pir.ts, sueurs unti «.reals, iu marked contra«! to the budget di.sseur.ious iu the licnch Par¬ liament. The New Cernían Liberal« intend to renew their pro- fBBB-SSSaZ the flllldol luc«"iica» a counter preject to .if liovcriii.ieut's cereal tat bill. The latter Is certain to hare the oiajot-tla». ef assetata ol the National lib¬ erale, am'>t is «Mtually certain that the New ( .«rinati Liberals have no chance to che.kiuate the (ioieniioeiil's Bilanciai policy by any proposai tending to ;.. direct ta\ «tion. ANTI-SEMITIC WWStLtWm t The ftnM-Sciultie epirit is displayed afresh In a petition S>:it to ihe Kcichatag euianaliug from the Society for the lion of Animal*. The society pnSSStS _··?.·?·;??;> «.gainst the cruelties practise! in theslanghterlBgof saimals and sepeetallj Bgatast the Jewish method of ) Ulng, <ui th«· ground that prolonged torture is t___cted. Ilerreu Windthorsl and Mi.nel defended the ri ? i-t-Miis of the Jew* and rebutted the charces of crtu Ity. The Kclehsta. BltST I loii_ discussion rejected a to send the petition to the Chancellor aud passed to the order of the day. sisananr t? csuoras with kaiaokv. Althoiua i:ni}K-ror William will vt.sit Gastu ? and will forego the yearlr nicotine· with the Kmpcrorof Austria, Prince Bismarck \«ill hold a confèrent·«· with Count K.iluoVv at Vran/ A -«i-it of Emperor l rancia Josejih to the Kaiser was iiii.bT consideration. but was decided a.almst, BB BBaBBS the Czar U&tted in the Conference It would have Been au obi lolla declaration thai the triiile imperial alliance was üelinltely broken. ¿ince the êlmrtk ua^etlr't exposure» res.|wctin_ t ouut Ajxiraissy's lurrecment with iBMtBks, the friemtship between Pitaes Bismarck ami Conni Kainoky has become Stronger. Jlerr vnu Tiztn's B__BJaaBNl before the 1/ower ¿louse of the Hungarian We! to-d.iy that the BgYeeUMBl BJSS S tiltil hBS TTBafO-tOd Count Atidrt.s.s.i's _Qid «tilth«· ftlagyai ?. mht re, .ml nds to ttreogthrsi the poettsoa <>f Could KalnoUy. Aiming the anhjeets ol the Fransenbad eouferenci, nu report«Hi. will fie the rsiaa-oas betweea the Vatican and the Italian .overtum-nt. Mgr. UalllB berti, sine-enU-rtn pon the duties of I'apal Nun. lo at Vici na, hi- sounded ount KuiuoUy on th> qnestl.iii «o supporting the Vati in claims. To obtain ftoDMBSa Pupal is the indl-js·!«· basis of the Tope's rcc«>giiitiou of the kingdom ot Italy. Prince Bu has Kiv. ? assurance to Mgr. Oallmbetti lb.4 he «111 assist m the citons to effect a recoucilialloii between the Vaticau and the (.¿uirin.U. CIIiMAMZIM. AI.SA. -I/.R'tAlNK. The Volk of (? niiaiii/iii-' Aa.kBS Iain._M Dtl.Il apace. Tlie Landes 2*iheng publish«·« an oölciiu census Bhowiujt during tlie live >ears (»iiiee ls'bO the lierman cmiri-uts BBBBBSBSi ;fT,(HNl, B_BJs_BfeBJ 1!>,_.??«·.», It is estimated that if (fee native i-muri alien Continue» m the saine rati·· the ??·vince» will us: «oui Bli-ti-ly German within a nuart«-r of n century. ???????_· (n.· ree« nt notable espili-ions have tn>cn those of Baiini-'frtuer. a merchant of '»alni Marie Mines, wim received only throe days' noti««·, RoasSUBU.? Kreuch profes»,! of Mulhouse; Hastian, a inert haut of Weiler. Slid Holeroft a luauufacturer of Ncidt-rbroiiu. al! open Frein-", «ynipatliiters. Sereni shooSnrpers nt Btalhrnnsr bave ,.?,? lined for selling pip«··· fn.-hioned to reprts« lit, BesjItSS and other kreuch t.cuci als. AUlQlll VKKNC'II M'IKS ?? SS EXAMIVCU Tlie iii.iuiry at Lolpsic Into the affair of the alleged ¦pie*, Klein and (ireUrt, who were assonate·? with tSs-Hii.»1« !t , oiieiis about the Uiid<Ue>t June. The utiu.'st import aajet attache«. t<. tht exi^.tted revelstions as to the futiré. ba*i.s lor oilicial represeBtatteat So trance a0'.iln.-t espionage. A bill dealing witii spie, is being prc- parvxl (Bf Ihe Helchstag. SOCIALISTS TRKATF.I> WITII RIGOR, Among the thirty-one Hooiallst.s uiani whom the Mivicliiirif tribunal imposeil SSBSSMSS varying from two week- to nluo liiontiis' iin]iii-o· ..-nt are the lea«Urs, Breiner and Kb·«««, who acted a* medium- for th·· secret circulation of soelnlist pamphlets The imiuiry BfOt e«l the e \i,!· lice Ol a DeifOOl orgaitizalloii. Ihe BSetalBS trial« in lJaiit/.ie, involving the leader, T.M'hi'iu, mid tweutyseveu oUita· lierions, «ill be. begun 01. May ·_7. STATK OS p.ii:gk at sprkmhk.iìi; pkouingko. A Mliiisien..l decreo has l»een issued prolonging the Stale of «lege at SprcmbeigOiic year. TUR CROWN PKINCli'pJ TUROAT. The throat trouble of Crown Prince Frederick Wllílam Is growing worse. A laWBBBB spc-ialist, Dr. Morell Mac keiiile, hcl.l ('«ULsiiltatioti with the i'riuce'* physi« laus, _tufls_sf (.ci'h.irdt and l»r. »taSBtBSwBtj today. Dr. Slacken.!·· __4c ? pniloiigecl exumnuf ion of the i'rin«'«'» throat. It is publicly giveu «nit th it the, malady is » tincWeiiin« «>f tfea \ chord«, while It la privately Statt*! Uiat there are distinct »yuiptoms of a cancerous growth. THK ixnAV« »Manas (»r ( i.mkkrlaxd. .The Queen of Deiiinark veiling her daughter, the Duchess of Cumberland, at the BSjAbbB at Dobliug. Xlic Quaea travelled under the »tritt, st iuc«igiii!o, rettisinif to allow the ulrit ials to receive, her at Dresilen, Vienna and ether station» on the JourHe>. Th. BSegaaaSM ? of the Duche** delays her restorán..? to sanity. H_r generally eideubucd statu causi;« grave an.iii iy.. l_KSON.\I. AM» TIIKAThlCAI. XOTK8. The Klug of Wurtemberg BBS returned to Stuttgart from his sojonrn at Nice. He Is much Imprond in health, but the doctors continue to insi-t iiim.i^ his abso¬ lute repos«·.. Krank htin-ken. the eondnctorof concerts nt ('bicker¬ ing Hal!, w ill opea the concert kuhib at iierliu on Mou- Oay at the rhiliiarnionlc. A new theatre will soon be built In Berlin for Oscar felumeuthai. "Der p;K)ttvogel" will reach its 1.10th night at the Central Theatre on Monday. It will be withdraw a nt the <·?<1 of the month. The piece will then bo produced in Hew-York. riooKixo t? tur satioxal »g//.r_ Wasui.noton, May 21..The arrangements far the Na¬ tional Drill, which begins on Monday, are praeiically complets. The grand stand facing the drill ground It one of the larv'cM m the country aud It capable of seating about VJO.OOO spectator*. The militia organ.-atmus al¬ ready bere ars : The I/>ulslaua Baues, of NswOileaua; thsiAleaito Zouaves; the Volunteer Southrons, of Vleks- burg.lh. Muteatlne lUfle». of Miucatios, Iowa ; the -_JSJS "¿adsU, of Toledo, Ohio, the cadets of Peeks- Bui, N. Y. Military Aetulomy. and the Moninoutb Uuartts, of Montuouth, fa The kort Wayne KlSes, of WsH Wayue, Ind. and the ttelknap Ititi»», ot Sao Antonia, Texas, aie «spected tu-ntght Tomorrow's arrivals will lii.dudetiiaInilUiiap.Uie u»_t Anillsry. the botuax glues, of Mobile; Umimj D, 3_d iUgiment, N. (.. rt. 1*. Y., and two companiea of the _d Ohio Ue-linentaud the Jackson Kiües, of Michigan. mm TBt PA IIA DR Of ??? COA CMISß OLVB. Tas am.uai pande of the Oachiugtluh will take place BestB-Uotiay aad in all probability It will be as brill» lent aa affair as any of ita kind tu recent years. It can- Bot be more so, as 'he ineuberaulp of the club has been restricted. There will be twelve coaches In the pro cession, wbtcb will Inelude Hugo KHteeh, J. ? Kooa«v<dt, Mr. Pai'ktir. iaouiau holers, A. J Casaatt, Colonel Wlll- JaaJay.N ?,. ??p??ßpG W. P. Douslaa, ?. K., T. A. Haveiiieyet and rY««de:ic liroitsou. Tbsre «111 be SOBHd_ai>rs.intin«_it In the tact that Colonel De Latucey Baa« will uot drive a team this year and also m the fact taatasvaiaj proa*_s*nt membars, notably August Bel- mont and F. R Rives, are In mourning at present and therefore will eot be able to teke port. The meet will be In < e..tr_l Ww.fff^ftMfg the Webster statue, and the ^.«."«*"'_1?ß Hotel the Part with a lluish down Fifth-are. to tne now Bruu»wiok._? TUE GLADSTONE TESTIMONIAL FINISHED. ON EXHIBITION AT TIFFANY'S.A DK.-CUIPTION of TIIK OKSlllN. About a year ago a number of well-known men of this city dined togethr, and one of their number suggested that it would bo quite In keeping with the times to pre¬ sent Mr. Gladstone with a testimonial. The Idea wa» eo heartily received that a commi ttoo wae at once appointed to collect the mooev. Iht \eir- Vor!; World lent Its colnmn· and Influence to the work, and the success of the idea largely duo to the efforts of that tournai. Yesterday the testimonial was put on exhibition It Tiffany à Co.'· privati» exhibition rosen aud many people calle! to »ec It in tue course of the «lay. wl.t ¡admiration forth* teeUm««iiial. and couiphinriifcd he committee 0:1 tho result of Its labors. The testi¬ monial wa» prepared at the Instance of a committee composed of Christopher C. .-haym«. ch tlriuaii Bichar 1 ... Walters, secretary; Joseph Pulit_er. treasurer; ward B. Harper. James 8. Coloman. Colonel 0eorge F. .Otter, Jaha H. Htariu. cenerai James R. O'Beirue, I__nls ?. ..¡irrison. f/orenzo Reich and Frustas Wlinnn. Mr. Walters and Mr. Sbavilo wero present yesterday r reiving callers in behalf of the committee. The testi¬ monial Is made of sterling silver, Tiffany A ·""· be li¬ the iiiakers. It Is three feet high and twenty-two inches wide at lit« ba«·. A bus·· of Oladstone «tan.Is e-il the top. and l< regarded as a capital ????- ress of him. Below tbe statue and on in rightla a female fttrure «rearing a »tar-epangled roi«» ani holding in on* hand the Irish harp, while her ruht arta M thrown around the bnat, twining erooea na wreath of il aroroqk leavea TM aUtnatte lt-e.f ..placeo on a solid bloe In the centre of which is the les'emi "HomeRii.e" with tho faneee and scale» of Ju-ii.·· Around this l* tho laurel wreath of Tlrtory and the laaenptlon which reel-: "William Kwai r.ladatone Testimonial. Presented l>.v lus American .miren." Celtio ornamentation rharnctenaee tne en· lie placet I m IM left of the cul..· is a wreath of laurels and on the right " 1887," the year of presentation. The cube rests on a base which surmounted M a bordar of «tan and shamrock« alterna*.*«, aad ·**¦_ 'rout of the base Is 1' ? lamp -f wiadom which bears ine word"Saplentìa" 4a ave »ni tii« coat of era» or briet Church College. Oxford, with the word» p°uble First," are groupe* with tin« lamp <·! wi-mu, the oue tvpir.viiu' Mr. r.l ?.?.???.«;* h«. >v an. the other represent!... bis rank la eolie.e. On »«left of the lamp of wisdom l* a wroeth aBHroUn* a Mar« ei flames, ami on IM righi ami'her wreath enclosingthe sealesof Justice, evcnlviialan.L The bust of I>-;i"''s- tb.-n-s is ,,n the right of the taw. and on the le fltriire of Homer. On the back el the »Meare «»'* 'V*: the Hhaniroi·. ami the thistle, n·'resenting tbe _ulic_ Kinu'dom of Groat BrlUla am! Irelanl. ????*? The testimonial cost about *ft.00U It «·»¦._? fxnl, , ,,. for two weeks in Tiffany*· -if-d-We and then seul tu Londra, whet.· It will first t<c .\Ltituted, aud theu formali) presented to Mr. Qladal ma. TIFFANY <f CO. AND THF CROWN JE" ' ' v IMPORTANT PLBOHASKS OR ??????- BOHR THF. s [?.vis BOt'ORT, Tiffany co.*b ia»t ,.n«! Baeat MpaetaM mm at the -ale of the G? neh ersi« ? Jewels mas on Fri¬ day, when tbe firm boinMit thMUgh its MBMfe In l'an· um. antlro Ma ami a fourth of aaotReri lng for th« entire pnreRaae fit» ?.··_«>. out of tb»· forty-flvo lots already Mid Tr.any A Co. have boogtrt in whole or In part ten lots pnyins for all. incliuliii, the ins| paOMROBO, MMMBA4C* TM Met bnpoitant lut of iRooa MogM aa ti lai wa- a cor- ago of brinanti consisting of to.Otea ?·?¦·¦ atunbei of m huh are mail·· np of tmalke atone·, in ?·· eoroag* there is a pendant of .lite ? earat·. tWO of fourti en caiat-, and an oval brUliau. of fourteen carat.s. G·t this , ,··.,( , Tiffany A Co. paid tieSJMXt The other entire hit consists of .I'Jl brilliants ol |M :; i··· carats in ail, and 30*J brill¬ iant- of thlr'v-u caia«- together. Tuo pile«' 1 al I for this lot was *·_' !.·_<). Ta«* other pVOMee foiii-tlt prtrt if a t of ru' M and briLLum», lor which TifTany ? Co. raid ¿-.l<si. Ther«. me ihn·, rii'.rv Jut- to be disposed of. or. of which an· th" fatimi* .Minami·«. Mr. Cook, a ¦eeaMr <»f th·· Ine, MM reefe éb| tí.at the Ma/arin- wnulil e·.;,una: ? an e-??me|y high price. lie did not say that litfiu. 11*1 tuiy tU-C Colaclioii i-ut hi i- linn woul pro! Bhlj make othi pttrchBM s ili l_i·· tin·"»- lot», e_.p< tiding in his opiiii'B a- _??ß_ M0U.00U in all. BklR hit brm has alrnnly bought act far luían. % co. The ijiTu ?, ,,,,? tayta| (.,< private m though many people haw nada iu»piiri··* ol the .New Vol'K h0U-.l clli 'h''. "We may _cll a good many uf th»' ' Ml 'a Eu¬ rope," » he. 'V.·· hue airead) ??-, ·-'.'. ·? two purchases through our l'art* branrri." Ut. Cook -imi ih·, fu-l purcha-o that bis lin.? Biadi va- alreadj ??? ? torn one m Raroaa. it ?- a iiciila«·.· of four llrk-HO, for which TUfanv ? o. ¡a¡,? I ,.;.;.isi ? »,.- othei loi is a buckl·.· u-iplle am) Ma Br_B pt'l (09,000 for that stated y papen «hen tins lot wa· -¦id that it weal to a MaOnaae »-an TtRuy'· ageate la ? ca'disl ov< r a message which mid: ·¦ 1 h<· pa¡ ·?- aie wrong. \?·? M-_M th* jewel* ¡»ml ba.e air·-., ?-. them." Amerieaos aro now goma Bhroad and the ). trade in l'ait» is i>n-k. in Mr. cook - eptnl a, A«_fi- ie._n· «ID get a .osi »bars« of Tiflauy s purch-s-es. QUEEN KATI0LAN1 TIRED. a niXRiii >v in ii MOR or ??? oivkn ?? KAYOI AND MRR BWIft Queen Kaplolanl dcv<.t«M .?·-·?>?.1:?>· to s.,rlal pV-a- ure-i. She begin the morning as u____l by gtrlM audiences tO foin.ei Nettanti ol tfce Nuiil'tich Islands. ;...'! -h'» al-· leeeived a nunii»»r ol entren* ol thi- city who have visited Ik Among th·· lati» r eren Mr. and Mra. ?.??«·.··? ?: Xhorafl. who recenti. \|siirsl lliiioiidu and wer« entert.ned b> the Kuih- uni Qnean. 11. r .M.i.e-ty lad Intended to be present Bt I straw- jjcrry fiaCtval at M Jtofea'i EefeooB. Re. .i Vc-t Thtrt] ¦eeeanel -t, altea Fi\m^ her moiniux looopttea, it iM w_- unable to ami Liter in the day tooh a i»rtvo with .Mrs J. f. Graham. In th·» afternoon from 4 until 7 iior Majesty and her party with in·· axeeptioa u. the Prinroea and her husband· lionera! tenuat·, ware prt enl at ? reception given by Majot Hewitt at his imu-u m then honor iti·· ITIue··-* ha· BOI vet r·' ?\ ered frolli her linll- iHi-aioii aud tu« Oenanl had au en.«taraient out ol town. Between _>*. nad Mil veopu.· -m·»» BOBeaat al th»i reception. Amoag those pienoni «ere Mr. aud Mrs. t -itttiiK'cy M liopew, ___l_yor and >Irs "William it Urne·, <-\ Mayar ami .Mrs. Omo, Mr and Mi- J. RuWara Klmmun·, oniataalonBr and Mr· G uter, ommll loBbr an Mis. Bnbmmr, IM Hawaiian Minister at IfaeferBftOn, Mr. urni. Conanl Allen, uf tin, cite, and KMderick ? ????-?. Her Ifajeetg had Intruded te visit the theatre In the evening, bul »he wa· loo tired to do to, and the i<»\al party remained at the Victoria Holel. This ¦ernlag the party will atte,, ? eetrleea at Tiiaity Church, the Qiieeu being a BMmber of the Crot i,mt F.pise<d'ai Cfenreh. To-morrow the iiarty win M-ir the iimoklyn Navy Tard, and 0..H hau· been made foi th'in to sail for Liverpool on the iMtBM· ObUM on Vediaaedaj· ?- VMIfEABtn ini: .i.vvr.if, MEETlxn. At the annual ineetlng of th· luhvrsity Club last night the limit Bar resident members was rateai frotn ."»Otol.OOO. The fol-owluir wero elet-led member» of th· rouurll: A. W. K vint», A uste u (1. im, W. H. |_ l>ee, Hrayton lvt»s, U O. Rolliti·. fir the Committee mi Aii.uiss.on-. to eerva until Mat, ?-?·'. these were, ciMisen Phtliji Henry Adee. s_m.i··! !'. IU.ig.leii, Henry C. inin_. (liarle» P. Iuibrl·, l.u.l- low cigdan. Walter Trimble and Kduiund Wctmore. 7HE D. K. B. CLIO'S SEW HOUSE. The Delta ???μ?» K: süoii Club will hold Us up.nlng in Its I new club lmn_#>. -Nn. 4M Kiftli »t«., on Thursilay IrtTltatloes b.,vr ?>?·p aent twaM tb· _?_??ßß of the Iritisrrutv Iu thUcliy ? ut to B_BM Ihrougbuut the country. Aiuong lini-*· »ili··, ini ? In· liresriii are Julun Ila«Unirne, Wayne MacVragli, J. »V. llusiasl s«r»rurr Kulrciiilit, i ·,_ «roiier Treaheini, Bacate? U.C. Butter. BuBep ? inuna» b. Diiilli y, .lubii ?·. lutili, (.«uejal ?. ? walker. ?··.: .-ii ?. Walker. Oeaera) vv»^>r (swayne, i',»u. unni. Theodor· lt<Misevel|»a«l liraavl le G. Haue«. One uf Die Icc.r·. of the rrec|iliiiu will lie a lara*lvMH eilitbltlnn of )>aini.i.g» by snch artists as L. W. Sfarey, o. s. Wstic, H. W. Van líos- . érele. KMirnn «ox. J.« »rr.ll iieck-ltli. HamUtou liaudltou A. liiHibci aad «?. iieiclier. TUE SiUEEXAT BCVFALO HILL'S SUOVT. »om The Chicago Stiel. Bufi«lo Kill'· WiW West «how ha· met with a tremendous triumph iu London, and people ol all condition·, ages, and ai·«· bave runhed to see It. The Prince ol Walee set the Ushion by aiteudiug the first performance and by laviahing snúies ol approrai upon Mitiuewaha. who is advertised as the daugltor m a l'i« in, unum·· ? iianied Drink Itearts- Hiood, but who la really the seventh child of an Omaha iourneyiuuu tail···'. When this young woman yets on her ,>aint nod t»'athers ami wampuiu ttnd tilings ahe really pre»^uts a veiy aburiginaj appear- mu-e. aud we do not wouder that »he sella over .fit) worth oi bead bags to the Mrilish no Meinen pgg diem At th· l.t» .lUi.tst table the other iin.niii.- «,· ?. ?, N'ictorla anuouueed that ebo win goiug to |_a «bow that a'U'iii »on ; she had beard Wal«· lalkiug aboui it end she propueed to take it lu on Mg own MMRRt So ahe weut RB_ bad ? charming time. That evening t'olotiel James Kuwell Lowell calie«) upon her, aad ! »be aeked ldm ii be bad been to *ee liuftale Utili yet. ·· No, QwBOn, answered the eoioncl, " but ? ?????? through hie town on my way to ? hicago laat winter". ·· Well, now do you knosr," «aid Her HMaBOj. frankly. " that 1 üuapectrd as mueh iu ·|.«\ win ? I wae taltin^' with one of the ludían Iadi··». M..· wa· very »traugc.y dreeised aud wa» roatily very homely. I invited her tutu my ureeence and asked ber bow .he tb-Ught our propio compared with Ameiie_u eis in/ i.i'in. 11'«" I asked: 'Hid you «ver read any ot Colonel Lowell'· poenis f and when ehe «aid " lluuich. nie no mid.we Leiip kill,' I just made up my muni that «be couldxit have ¿very much »ocial atandiu<( at huiua." e I'ardon tne. Queen."' »aid Colonel Lowell, " ii I remain «lumi« «>« tbi· siili¡eet The lady to whom you reter may be u member of tho Chteago Colon League Club, and that, you know, ia a very delicate matter With me." - . ?-. MEAMMATJCAL· fr<m The Yemtk'e OMtfBW?»"· llltlt three year-old Hairy lev«« tu gather flowers, so oar na,, wliil·. his Aunt ) Hell was there on ? visit, M brought iu some " Bweat WitlUui· " assi helil then up to uar. s«vm«, " Auuly, 1 couldu't Uud uaiy two Uncle W'tl- Iiaia·. " PERTINENT QUESTIONS ABOUT BtBRINQ BEA. ASKED BY ??? ETON. FREDERIC* W. SEWABD. To the I.ilitor of Th* TriSan«. Sir: Iks wnfereacc between tlie Secretar>' St Mule and the Minister, in regard to rights in lteluing Sea, is represented as pi-ovlexling with that friendly courtesy which befits discussions be¬ tween .¿n-al lowers. Muy I \enture to siurcest ou«; or two courteous inquiries tliat I think Mr. bayard B-ifM retj ÎlHj_Srt_ make in the progreae or Unit conversation? .¦Hat-Did Great Britain ever claim or receive from Russia any sudi SOBS s>ioii of richte in UehrlBfi bea, pris. t<> Las álaska Treni voi _8_?, « diiidcl Us walcis between lfussia and Uh; ? luted stau*? Dl'cond-lltis (Ir.nt Hrltiiin clainicd and received li.m s-USBBV, since that treaty, uii.v auch BSbV u of rights in tbe EUBBaa* purt of jlsSBHSJ bea us she now claims m tas Aniericiin port I·* I liir.l.If not. whv not? It i> quito poSatibls Unit the BrftsBh Minister ¦sifhl sot he säe to aaewev tfeess asBBfatefsi with- i.iit fin t her instructions [MSB tlie G?G?-'? Office. While tsWSkWsg t'em, SUppoSS Mr, lluyanl should pTOnovtw) the same qauâfeBBBS SS Ihe Kusaian Mildster? Il«· profeallTj could unswer th«m. FihtuHICK W. SKWABD. JTei Iroir-on-thr-rruil^n. Mav 21, 1887. A lCB_nr_ poi \ \-, i.rvTi:i:r. navy. To lor Fi! tir -f ? PrtSttaa Silt: The prono»ed icberne otan auxiliary nary nub r the SSBtiaJ BBthsttlj sf CoafpsBSaj »hieb, by the Way, was Bret saBJgeeetd by Secretary of the ? a' \ '..r ne,irle t, p,· years SSO in an orderte th· Heard of Na' ;il Inspection nt Xetv-York tn report upon Mieli vessel· ol Iks meicbant marine 'as mijiht bs nt "lized as cruiser«, torpe.|s>bo tt«, dispatch boats ami heap 11al ships, h is hai a ninrked eftect In the Faet i·.!.·.. I;.·. there arasse tro the sSffcttffe Boari ol Atlt-iiralty treni fa!.·itti·, the metropoli« ot Britieh India, a «omcwln.l ir,!ere-tin_ scheme o* a praetical »??? in winch oib.-era and sailors of the Hrin-'i nercbaat p arme ms» bs Bastle available ·«* the per¬ sonnel ot the nniiiary ? ivy in time war. Tfet schein« feas in.iti·, -iinel und anni«??_ feilure«. One »ni»_i.«tioii that the Rsnr.l ot A<!ml'nMr provide Bailable plessi 'or naval \«lunte<>r drill in every Hntish poit wii'To tture \»o.iM i>c a sullicient amount of «luppiii','to «arrant it. and thai arran_etuent« should Le m lite hv wbii h the ??.?? of any naval b .ttery «r» could pal in ti eir Olir»'· drills or portion« ot their eOBIM al Drtttah or oeteaa-1 port al anv ronseijiiene« iu the w< rbl. The only body ot men approaching tei a volunteer nival torco ol firent 1 tt tt «in whose dut es t.-» -·· the S BOt/tatld th.· boiitidmi. s ol harbor are lite Rojhal Naval Kcterve«. who bave to re· rt themselves al he.,d |OaitSSS in Kngland every voir. The ot the proposed «elicine »· ut from ? iilciiIts is «?. -, in«" ..? it. ...limite «ucee»«, and ho Mggest· ,n·'' ieoüitiee Srigfel bs lite· at even .»entre, » I. iher in Kngl ni·', lu lia, .attraila, r lu ci.ina. for men tuenrn.l llsoasssìfSB in auv cor|i»i tbey Btifhl select¡ sash san so joining to leseiTSsa sorol Bical cantor fagsBtSf Sat wfetefe te note hie dr.ll«, ami tlii« «¦nt cur.? 11 be eogi ised as a certificate and in- "cote.? ? ti,e leettl SSVtfS of snv volunteer port he «boil.l aitrrwird \i-.t. und there resume hi« drill« Atibe end el the weal the esrd er Mghtter would be «eat to the generai headijuattT« tob« put on record to the indinuu».'s credit. arm», am in million and drdling placa are practleully In ejiateiice at nn_t Hriti-h port», the pr.»nn ¡erf ot Mie »eheni« thinks that tin. ehlei espetaos won ., be for uniforms only. He sut'.c,u that tie· uni:.ciii unglit be "1 «neh an un· assiimin^ character t!i_t it mi ¿ht be worn in every-day ß irk .m.! pin« id. ? i.\ the Beasse. Ibi· . a bate outline ol the scherno, and it look« we'l.en naper. Ihe ebiel difficult J to It» succeea wonhl »«seui to l*> the 1 u-k «1 motive 'ler the ordinari' «ailor to i.iin »neu a toree voluntarily. All seafaring people will witness that a sailor's lifo Is an ex eeedin_itr Monotonous oae Bod attT .«peudinir weeks aii.l» awe] li it ada aud homo on the list- lea« uri, » ith i.nh 11 ? ? »core ot sailor BOOB» panions i»nd a ·' ill lite el harAohtp, be will hardly Ie «lisposcd to turn In« .??ßp??··? to learning how to m»reh. le les· plateasas ami leattssasj Is double ¡ quid, lo li.m.i ? ¡?. il. and great bui.a. Jack will ask jovial companion« and amnsements on n arc not »? a nature to SSSSSSSM them j bsItos to philantbrvtpasta A costarne of an " Beai mriin_ eharac er " wi'l not attract the sailor to th» Unie· er a aoltthaT, but a little extra ,.ar and ? t.ilertblr showy unii.trai mijbt be aa inducement to him dnrin · r-esc inues. r»\ ß. April _. 1887. MOW LONO 1'OK.s IT TAKK TO OTT.* ? 8?G?? Tn t h* § elisir of á'As Ir i k un e. In yonr Ttlnablo ps|>««r of Bun.lsy. th.« 1 '.th tn»f. ai Is BBBtti fep ».r»u lo sa laUtrvkiw with Pah.i BSpOl ("t JI7 BBS, S Stell ?··: furiti· priwimii.« of Mr. llyii·· the fset that the |.ut>l:c wonl.i be lucl.u-4 to secret tu« state¬ ments as male I17 one ? »now», w. w«.all not care to «11« rus» ili«, mattet at alt.· Wad» to SeSSref a swOjt ? tke pSBSef ShSBS wao as« e the keeping ami mpou. . r.» TM· < .a".Vi.< ·· has boon ballt ni> h/ year» sf pstlsat stsaty aaS la» >r 00 Uis part of repaubls safe makers, » IJasSsSS to all ooacerus 1 tlnnk run S'en',.I _.T<> tins BBBM p'it.1 rllv t«t tiis«.t ..poll leilor to tho li.»[«sell·1 us y on BOOB riven lo III* tatet vi,·«-. ata·*, ram. Mar SS, . Maaris Bim 00. vsw.Toas; Msyco. issi Mr. ??««. Brats«. Im i«sh our nUe-itlon has »"»? ^s!l«»d to an sr'l !s i.i I ili BUM si of Issi hun Ut Ih w.,i, 1, it rsport··! rito bar.· said, " sur-.' aed at kalf an boar.*aad ne »urli t! ,:.. »s s «a' SttcbaSBaSsBtettl r*pr»s*Rt>>d omini: from pati aatinally rarr··» r.>p»ittert!le wrl»!.t. sad can ha/.ttj think t··?? tan leaBy bar· m»ite th· »esril'.n latenliou ¦Kr II. wver. ws will nata yon Hila nr«i|_>sltli>n. U < Will f irw ..It a tafo »u:h »t tia<rx »i».l» fnr som· of »tir Matassa oar t». so.l Bach ?? wr· S'· bow matins: for ti.nke ant triitt »s, au.l .lel.Trr th· »ame 111 rear baililiiif. ?·· «???_ ti.·· safe fun Bsey hare all th t:m· »?·? aseare Ss Binar Its in». Iianla.o. leeSa, eSa., ami if »on ran th.a «i|m-ii II within twnityfonr hours, with s ir tools or with aar .r «1 atea r«a awe, OlsBof In »rontuf Jail, we will ooxiti ibn'e 91 oOO te in« polt«·· aeaSlM inn I. It however, t?« rail to tak· o it thr content« rno areto pay fot the iUci-SS «lous to the safe. ? err respectful.7. M «mis Hars CO. MISS WAItl'l G?. J.M) aTJM DAUVRAT. To the Weitet ot The Tribune. Bin: As Mist I>aurray han scut a rather peculiar carl fo the pr»·«. wlUyoti IrtndlT allow m«· »r»n~e for thl» «·,,, luat >>' reicrritia· thelaiirto the cotirt rr«-«irde and full le tinenv 00 beth shies I Kn.Laia Wakl'LU- Xew-Xoik. Kay ti, IS87, -ay- J U WjûBSM I/' I;.I¡.TIMORE. t?? DRi'ins rkatrm bt ntr mtw-tork team. Bai.ii'I'.hk, Mar Si isprrinl).-A brilliant r»mo ef lacros»· wa» pia/ad liara today between ti* New York teaoi and II.ß li., la, of laltlm·'·. The New York learn was tat Io iipcf It. .\|»t»liews. Iterili Rrown. W, TmiseSsB. ?. ?. Bl W. I'lyor, G seare. T. M. Msrsen. (· Poobaat, W, M. liar'. ?. G. Mc lain. It. U.rt llryarisia, I «. H I.«.. I»r and K. a.ej.u. iii» lnui'is were 11. (. Prtatreee, Attae I.«ne, h. M. Hopkins 1'. rtyniii.atoll, (?. G·????|????. It. M. ?»,.... n \? Beste. 11. G. c >\ ils.n. ir., m. J Pos, Jebe Ms· lleary. M'Uiyu feaaunan su.l II « l'rimroae, caylaïa. The Sue Vor» ('lab wen ?>t a ore of ? to ·. ."! ? l'ii ni m l'.nu. .Mar Si. Tie Brooklyn La' «¦iota« Claw waa tWf»a ed it« aaf Uy ll«o I_iii.U Laav.i-uy team liy a scoi· of :i to g mi raLBCoi 1.1«.? bumaita, NnvIlA I Mac -1 OaS t.".i»ainl peetSMl Wiln.>»e.l IBS Y'ala Re*tal. k at Iati««· Hailoliiiall to'lay. II.» -..?·' wea tbe -itilhi rate m J(i IS _ A. ( . l'iunA'U, (37. win iho Plnteland Cuti. ? l:\. Ufa M [aOUISVIUal, IXl l».ILLS. Mav tt, Ilo CsBt-Bg 4sg of the Jiiikty Club spi.-?' lusalluN ???????ß- sobi· eice.leul »V"H nut ?:»· rtrrrt snaiitr. ? astile Beata telila tic ti; .,( wi.i.i siilo le scent First heat woei by (lue Friend ti. »remi inai won hy l.island, Hum, I 1 ? 'a. la ? ?.ca. WOB by Our It siel BUM, 1 I^J*. coi DWblbaofa mile, »«???ß? |p??_«, tuto ut w' eh SlOO lo srcuii.l, 'or i«>. ;.-ar .iliia. J.«. k. luci.· woa; ti'..'·. Ta ni r..< a. ??*?»|??>??· "«takes Cue and u quarter t Ihr tbrr· rewi e_S -«tat BBOard: S1.000 a.i.trtt, of which Il ..? -.. -»? _e! add i,.l0iu lliir.l Irish l'ai won II. Kttiiit'i rece "lt. aril Ihre*· etchths miles dasli ; the ifirnnlrr bmr*r*Tf Won added or JobB I. àlaiunley, of ilo'» to secol, 1. Insl. ñStWOBi Unir .'.'.',. fCH ¡MISTS A M> ¡Hi: I VTtl l> I. I >08 ¡'MTV. ? -ocilistfc laihur 1'aity, at its mceiiny ·. (i.rmajiia gfaBjBjsbjtj lUkoBis, Nu. '.'!»:) Itowery, lasi inil.t, .tiseii»so«l u... ¦SeSBaal WBSSfeSB It was 'wilt.e al In» Un... lo .Iemali.? Inai tini I Ui'e»1 Lahor Tarty,.' tilt· plat:..? in of Hi· Soriallstlo Labor l*«rfy. All the »peak.!« n y rcrsl tliat the stiel»! lewd it on ? onlil t.nlv I. «ceniiii ??»?.··? tliiuuKb U. plan· ?.?.? ilo»ü ??? Ih.· -o or par: r. ? hev .listi woe nn,nun.nis m tl.r opinion (bat the 11. my lltrorxtitav tefotni «rut uni of suiti teat ????,.? ' ime lo lì.· ? ti* tu« MH-iallikU and warrant ?,.ni .mían. of e..nati i, iu «uh party. ?he out of-towu lOpreewiilalIT·« were Ite railhal in llielr >l«mai>ila. I h. t le ?..· ? ad that uni« li.,·, nnh ih« -.? laimit: pai ly to.ii.t thereferatt ut.tit t.u t»u btoufthiatout. Vedecltlna waaarnv «·.. Si. . ·> » eVMMWM TIMITQMMAl MiSqi ¡T PLACE. Ni ?,-lin.niui», May l'I |SpBsaas«sj.·The followlnir are amonK those who will »¡.end ihu suuiincr at Nomiiilt ria.e: A. li. Uoard-iau, Harriet (i. Courtis, ailsa Baker, artist; I laiikiin PelSM, Mr. lii.'kinoie, t'hurles Jionnd, all of New York; J f. asstSSSBSb of Mtateti I.-hmd; Ah In t rocker, godree lUtefeht, Anurow (rocker, of Blé .Uh ? Ih·· BOT. il.«IH is W lilla j.». \> Ulta n lioleli. Valtoa Kickel-ain. T. IL hherwell. Mrs. 0_??_??\ ????? ?'?????, ?. Davis Weld, Mr·, (iraoe tlook, Itosi.m, fls-tSTBl P. H. Sberidan. who has Issosd the eottatte ol Hr., ol th.: \ns«,ciat ·.! l'ieea, » asllln^ti.n;» M. Alcotl, (mi coid: (.olourl Yates, VI uehlj_toii, Ju»e4ih i_ lliikli, Wut ceatex. ^^ 80G? J£/.'.N tMI 11- VI???? X* DISPUTS. ?t. 1^ hi-, May _1 '>,·<. io/i. -The (leueral Asacinb'.y of the l'reshj terlau Church, South, resiiiusd Its work this inumi!)»;. A teleirraiii from tbe Northern Assembly, in session Bl ('inaba. was read, which staled that the North¬ ern Assembly indorsed tbe Missouri daclaralluu for closer relationship and s«_«f fraternal greeting to the brethren of the Smith. The Houtheru Assembly answered In tho same spirti, atinouuciug that a special committee on or- (auie union had bean appolata<l, but bad not yet reported. It was discovered when tas» minutes were read that the words "ora-anta union'' had been omitted and that the words -cooperative relations "aubstiiutad. This oreatod a ecaea, la »Vich the permanent elerk, the Ber. Dr. Farrle, of Bt I>on_», denounoed the toeinuationa of Ut· Ber. Dr. rítuoat, of Texa·, that the minute· had b«en Umjiered with. Dr. Bmoat replied that It wae remarkable that an otflclul could not bear an ail u*iou te a paper without fly leg off »ad biting himself like a snake The Moderetor inter¬ fered and ruled the debate out of order. The minutes were ameuded. , Petition* against Sunday newspapers, rail¬ road train· and barber ahop· were read and referred tp the proper committee·. A roiw- lutiori wa« adopted opposing the colleotion ox money for church purposes by mean· of concerts and suppers, (living should be an act of worship and not .ttmtUated by the g rat I uralten of the appetite- ROLLTCKISO COLLEGIANS. COHNFLL STUDENTS SJ.KI.NAOR TIIK Wr.LLS COL- MCGEOIKLO AMD CIII:MATK "AI- Ü. BllAY.'' ifHACA, May 21 (Special·.-Lint night RM a red letter time in the hutory the uu.'.er clas-inen ot Cornell University. The QOfaalOB Was the annual ex- enrsiou ot the aophomoree aud Ireshmcn down (.'abu¬ lia Luxe, the former to serenade the lady students at Well· College, aud the latter to cr .mate their algebra, wlnoli had tu ove·! so tatal to niaiiy promising men ot ??? The «· boy· " had chartered a bias· band to veni tin ir pont up leeling*. and lins not being deemed .ullicieut, a number ot kt__* ot beer wore broaght alone which was freo ¦ without money and without price." I he procession, made up ot »everal Uuaured C.rnellians, marched to the '.steamboat .lauding about 4 p. m., the »tresH· ot the town beim un.d with people to »ee the collegians oft. Foilowins the band wero a milliner ot paU-MaMCB und mourners, tho former ot »vlio.n bore on ih«ir shoulder» a pine ccttin which contained the remains ot "Al. ti. Brav, the ncc.iii'I son ot MnttbOW Matice." The uoinires in a xiaius w.n dresse 1 in sonbro robes and earned a black rlii- over Ins shoulder on which was portra.ed a skull and ß??ß????. cmVeiuiifit. of the «lance of iieiiih w__e_ waa soon to bo uniulgeil ¡_. G? first .top waa in.ule at Rar ra. where the procesiou l.irnifil ami marched to Well.. College. Tne .voun^ Inaiai were oxp<>ctiug th»> Cornell tuns, tor ali in· windows und porticos wor« orowdod with tue youth ami beuuty ofth· institution. A serenade was the tirst thing >n Cornell's ????.HRR attor which the struggle tor bouquet» and iluwers to.ssed ti'.tn lair li.u.l» above bogan. These in· latOatOOO ilio Wells bellt·» wer.» cu_i ri.v BBnght tor iiv the chi vati uns «¦.illesi,,!!·. Ir.iii Itliiica, lor be it __M_0 thai lioiit one ot th·· situo ? ??,??,,?t* s.vcriil years n^o Fraiikii l'ol- eoiii, now Mr*, rreanleiit Cleveland, bad thrown a beautiful ribbon with her Iritisl» on it. ami that tbfl MM is now held by an alumnus as a souvenir B_ hie col MB dare, it wiis witli tLi* in· ilent ,u ui'.ud that the lorneilians inaile a ruth tor the piue.-, Cicilia li.ip·· ol t,· u ìb| |.stillar t·» treasure up as lite gilt ot aaetMr poaeible Praalaéntlal brida, naca were «ni-iied in tb» scramble, hut IM ¦??????? were Incomparably dearer to tne Ithaca collegian» than the destruction ul lluii· feaad ji-ar, ani thus the »crimtuit^·« e.iiit.uucd lor an hour, much to th·* enjoy¬ ment ol tito ladies above. Alter the excitan,:«· ot very tender gltnce» on both «ules ti.· Mjl took their departure. At BbeldrnM the ereaaatiea exercise» Wele hell. the pontili t max,in,is had ch.irg· o( the ceremonies At the cose or nia funeral oration the pyre was nred, then the dan·« ut death lieg.tu. ? .umpliions suppôt adori IM trolie ou laad. a Sap.en I Ile Im, on the wit ci. This I liter Sta* the iii'ti.ilion ut a iiiim'uer ot Ir·· ·???? en into tIn· invsterice ol Kho Kap tan. FM pr.»biniti m el.-iiirui, h»wt»ver, wa* too si ron» a mm | the - boys " so that lew «iaudl- dates were availaole. TUE SEW POMI SEASON. AI L Ki.AHY POI Till. ??????? COTTAor.K*· AltiilviN«; Sl.owi.T. TBRKKBMfff visir«>rs -ah*. XTRRR. ?RRBORRX. Xr.tti'iiiiT, May XL. The ^??? jieoplo of Newport are being favoni WttROXeaUeut WOOthOC and It Is being im- pr.ivrd. Nearly everj tinnir and everybody Is In rcadi ne»· for th« seuaon of IM7 and sign« point to an average harvest of good things. Many cottagers have arrived and not a few transient visitors may !·· found al tho hotels and private MaMtaajdMBBOR Tbe cottagers are arriving slowly. They meet a warm reception at the depo s aud are obliged to fa«·« li.ingo¬ ino knien aud «tn-eky runners for lo. j' bmino·* house». They do nut like the BOfdM r-cepiion tendered them aM are Ignoring all business inen who liar·) their cards thrust ini·· then· face· upon their arrival. i__te Mitrale ateaatafeca lnaM__ the following : Jo¬ seph Tu< krniiiin. Mm Mraft b. t.ibhe», tin· MissesOg- bu, Henry .1 lloyt; W. ft Miller, of New York; · P. lyl-r. Mi· Flunk vmytle, r». I owel.Jr.. an.l Mrs, II. J. Hopkins, of Philadelphia; S. II. Urnwn, of l'.iterson, N. .1.; 1». II. Harsiow, of l'.o«ton and Joseph Iiatittran, of I' ?·?·??·«\ A formidable uirlnx «if rotta,.-·· p-tidonts Is ex pec toil next week, fiver a bundrisi famiiies Lavo ar¬ rived «itiriiiK tne pest four weeks. liurliik- tho past week mane foti,.;rers. Includili.· Mr. aad Mm Jmbob F. Keraechaa. W. & \c.;is, Mrs. Jmatee Uairtuiau, J. A. Hai rima.?. Kotiert 1_ lljr_.nn. 1. |L Jo_k s .in.l Ueors· 11. Kurvst, of Naw-Yo.k, bare been m the · iu lu·· lvrkslsy Memorial «"Ttapel. loeate«! en tbe rllfls, Mar the re si·! eim· of Id·» In Booth, th· at or. open· for ? the aivn to morrow. JkllsT. Dr. J. G. Murray will have eher·» durine the sinnier. Ibi« pretty house of worship waa «reeled by SuBocttptleBa ani is «»· i> tir the cottagers who have horses. Il Is HenBai sh»nt tltr··· itili·» from Hie cite. .'¡contains .arerai ussunorial rtuilows,lueluiUag one place«! there by Mr. lloota In memory of his wlfu. Mise C. A. Kuss.ll. of New-Turk, is vlalilng Mrs. Waiter I_ Kane. air. aod Mrs. '¡.arles Steel.« »n·! IM Jones, of .Vow- York, an.! Joha I!, rHurgi», of Itoston, nava '.>· ?a .spend¬ ing a lew days here. The yachts have began to drip si (Ree In New¬ port's haautlfal harbor, th· arrivala· the w. i»t eluding tho ¦team yachts la.isinan aud Magnolia and ·· buoner yai'ht Feerie»·. lu U.·· ileaih or Mrs 1. l·'. lushing, of Hoston, Newport im··* another ol her prvailnoni wctety re*:.lent». Mrs. ( usiti.ig owuad »mt occupi···! a h am I «oui» coUa>ro and she was aiw.iv* aeoatM apea at allliapesiani m ..«¦te, it is preAlete., o «io»· to th« fliaay daa-M in the hlrnisat social »-Ireies which nave o.urre- aluce the ·??»ß of ')>· past season, that liie couiiug ws_uu will be a very quii ? mia. Charles G. Bates, of New-Y'ork, has arrived at the fleikeley. Mrs. Peterson, wtdov of the late C .T. Poteison, the Philadelphia publislier, ha· rented her Newport vliU and will not ite here. «'. IT. ftaT-t. of ramlf-li-fi faea. haa purchased a site (ora cottage <»n Coiiaulciii (aland. l.ate visitéis In· lud« l'r"fe»»<>r Lartied, G. ?. ?., of West l'oint, «i. A. haunders, of Avon, ? onn. ; l'rofesaor »tribur K. Marsli.of l.iwrence I'nlvarsity in Kan·». D. W. T. Hull, am! Dr. ? '·.<«>*, of Ncw-ïork, and W. G. iJti.ller. of « hsrlesUm. R «'. X%BOaaanBÌBBM «ili h«· or»*nel for the sei*on on June -S. The wifeot fteth Haleuian. a prominent Newport land¬ lord, died a few days «go. flie wa· w»ll aud favorably kuotvn to many who have vi»tted »he place. Q H. Dane and family, of Lelnuiuii, N II. R. P. Hol- Hns, Jr.. and wife, of N».sbi ,». O u. Packerand J. ? < hiimpllii, of .New .ork. ani J. I. Ilarttaud family, of Huston, are at the AquMae« ? Hasse·. tiiaugura'biii dav (JlBWpWt. i-reat bnltil..y> occurs on tlie las' 1'.les lac In t .its uiMM *U'l "u litar .t»y llol li.ivls aad hi* ?-_0___??ß OB the iciniicratle- Ki|iial Klfhta ticket will M sworn intooOlco e. Uh the usual iincbiutciisioms In vol-u« ine iuaai' tratlea parade will be very tine, und the cltv will bo crowded Uh visit¬ or· am! ir will Im tu full Boli'Uy «tune Arbor Hay wa» observed here foi the first time y»s- terday, The Newport l.a 1 lrust .mipaii) hare secured the service· of ? Law olmateail to taj out tin· preporty of tt lin h a topographi« al survey is being uiailo at the pre·· .¦m time. ' olia.· I. tve rectttlv bsen nuitel liy Mrs.« .Houovan, ef Net*.\ork, urn! by l.obert II, \c- (.»uiiticll, of 1'iovi· donee. Mr. William «lumniel!. of Provi.lenee and Capi. G |I. 1 cikins. 1 R K., nave ·_·?__? ífeatl co.tage» for the sensnii Newaart'a MlM and la··«* are I.Miklng very pretty. The -li'.-.'t in . ill m·· aleo, aio In Misi-· la-i cuidr Ion. Illsmi· evi·.·,?· tint -.a« V: il», ou 1 Vi.evusave.. Mill ?. ..:,· ? ?·, us owner. Jame· HorJon Bennett, tliia -' · .m ·· .er prewlaeul abaaataae »eludo Let l*. .·., v.! m·.? Iti:·'.« m. >1 l'ai-an Hi.·· en*, Eriwin [i Morirán. Ht-hop rotter, Mahlen Mim I*. w*. w. Bker ¦.«.in. Anguatns .In and II. '·'"' <r WeweowM,ol ' ··*· ^.?k, ?; m. «us'.im.-an ? ? p ümi, at Beatón, ana lern John «.'artel· Browr. · r i", ·. .leu.···. .Mr. an.l Mv*. !__¦_· I- I.orli inni M«0 l>c*n spi'iulmg a few .lu.vs In Huston. Itlueilsli have arrived, but only tuo riet can niocnro theiu. ? -laiaaOinneat QBE KtMU Uoosevelt havesailett for l.urooa. , , it.. Baaar !' impoiiy and will shortly go to their COttUlta at Hub'ln, N. B. 1 M. EUbooek.of New Tort, la at Mr cottage ou p·· Ululi ne., for the season, TiieiuMd Bordea, of Mew-Yorh, has lentM "lair I.awn." ?^,?? !'. Morton's villa, en MMvnO-Ta. Mis. c. J. fetanoa. Villa,un lluth raed, will bo eoe» pled by Madame 1 ramisi a uc Barril ?. of (..UAI.-UìAla. Mark R Parlai ami wife, um l'oul. of Na ?- \ ora. have Iritseil He eottii-e.Tt l'.od ifsu-av e., owiimI by James M. ; iraké, of New-York. The Vaiiderbllls will arrive artoul Inno 1. Henry«;. MarauaM «'"» '»""'.?. of New-.ork. will ar¬ rive at ilieii- Ne »p.·it ··..[:.·."*· next week. <i. Ilo iman Burro«·, ot :,e\v York, arrived at hi» col· till.'· to ila» , . Mrs. A. < r-.'e, of lt.e_, ?. Y., h«_lopcu*d h«r ? ·_?· I.u II,e sea«.in »__.«, , K. A. lliirker und ?. .'. I'.iaton. of I'. »tnckot, B. I.. In·».· attired al their cattasi·· »a l'uradise nxwi. Atguitus Whiting, of New-York, at hi* tottage in Hellet IU »ve. . _.__ _ _. , Joha Lawrence and 'imily aud John II. Olover, or New York, are atl'litabl's. . K. <i. French and family, of New-York, have returtieil from I in pe and will.irrivc at their cottage ou llaiiuon Hui invi weak . ., , . Mis. "Oak Lawn" cottage for th«· summe-. ?. li Unitoti, of llaltluiorw, wdl o.ioupy tin» villa near . natie Hill. owneU by his brotUur-lu-Uw, Knssll. Winuu·, of 1 , , ._ Mi*. .1. I». Vei ? m, of I'rovl lenee, has purrhaeed uud ? coita ·· lit llvcietl pluce. TM alan at ? trai a·* ors hat becu ordered to tue tor imdtt stutluu it'ioitt June 1. O.Y* J.J.V WILL 1>IK; AEQTMEM MISSIXO. CuauAMi, May .M. lue work» ot the Krle llunal Case Mtt_ntB__-_M_ Co in pay Krie. l'emù, haul», burn.«! uight. Jossph lieseli wind. Urn watehmnn. wa» faUHy bunted. John HatrnniaB, who was wiia hl.ii. eaiual be iotiud. l~*s. friiMM··; InsursntH·. sj'J.'·.!""' a noun of bbtdjumd owwohi _μ__ß»?. FdwardCioker, age lorty-nlne, of No. 4S5 test One- Itundred and thirty llftlisk.a brother of Coiutuisslouer Hichsrd i-roker. was arresled last night by rlergeaal «titt- tle. ol the Oue-_uuared-aiid-l.*eiity lirth Street l'ollce BUlloa fur laterfanaa with bua while eri-Stiui. a pris- oner. Oroker, who Is a united State« Inspector or Boiler· wished the Hergeant loreUMiee the prisoner aud placed hi* hands on the prisoner's shouMers as If to take him from the officer. The sergeant ordered him off twlee, bai each time roker persieted in " protecting '' tho uiau aud Ute Herge_wu locked bota of thent up, WIT IT pr/ZT.EO ???? BISHOP. From The Sp.-ingtttlit kipvbKcnn. Bishop H aveu used to toll a good story a! out his per¬ sonal (Hand, ''r. New bali, who wa» at one lime pr. .iileut of Holeware Golletee, »t Newark The docb r was once very Id, aud thinking himself immortal, refused to take any foo·!. Itlstioii liaren tried to prerall upon him to ta_e some nourish nent. " No, l do not wan» anything," .aid he. " I am Immortal. I sin In hca-en. Tnls is heaven." Then pausing a moment an looking at his visitor with a troubled air, said : " But, ilavcu, how lu the world did you get hero G OBITUARY. AUTO PALMR BotTOsr. Stay '_ 1 (iiixcial). .The aunonncement of the death of ex Mayor Albert 1'aluicr title mondng took the city by surprise, ho was 111 only three da,», dying of pneumonia. Born In Cantila, ?. II., January 17, 1_31, Li· early _ducai.on was acquired at Dicier Academy and at Hai-luioutu College, Mr. Palmer graduating at the lat¬ ter laatltutlon lu leod. MeealVTStB U9_ Mr. Palmer waa a luotuber of tho Mussaci', usetti llouao of Kepre- sentattvu«. In IR79 ho w; promoted to the Senate. Again, In 1870, he served In the Renate. ?? 197. he roturued to the t-emie and waa an uustii c«.»- tut oaudlda'.e for ilia presidency of tbe -Senate Previous to IR71 Mr. l'aimer wa-of the Keptibllean partr but that Îear he announce·! himself as an advocate of Ueneral fuller in the «» f«n'»«st, aud wa· induced tu nreaido al the Independent Htate Convention which wa_ naldat Worceiter and ? «suited in the nouiuation of the . leurrai. G? tho fall of 1m 79 Mi 1'altner plunged at once lulu municipal politic«. The lirai, municipal ottico that he received wa» the .Mayoralty, Hi* ciindidaoy aa.nst Dr. Mainel ?. «¡?···««? In IMI aad resulted in a victory of the latter, hut In ISM Mr. Palm· r obtained the olile» In a general lteiuoerattc victory, remaining Mayor, how- eve-, nut one term. ? - JOHN M. SHIF.LEY. Bostom, M»y 21 O'/jti it John M. 8h_ri«v. who died at Andover.N. II., to-day. wa» one of the best-known law- yen in that stato, lie was bori· In that part of San in.rnbin BOW I.Own OB Raat 'Ilium on November If·, IMI, and was educated lu ftaubui'utou aud at the North- tieiil Conferente Meal lary. He w_.» adu 'ted to tbo bar m 1 '»l. and most of bis life was spent lu ..iidover, w bei ? he had a smsl prat-ll«.·. He pu tills bed lu a large MM a «oitipcti· nislory of tl» celehratud Hartmotith ocas·. I!» »Is« pu;d*s..od another nook entitled "ña I.-Hr .lucia]·! ill· nee of ? aw ? impedire" fn poulies rao a prominent.RBioarat Mr. Shirley rep- i·· seiiini .in. ·¦· .r iu the Maialatura In ISO-Olid in 1800. He was pou ,outer from läöti lo 185Ü. VOTMB TMOM ? Tí. IS'TIC CITY A.\D CAPE MAT. riiii-ibMi'iii-, May -1 (__*-__->..ExChlef of Police t-tewart and tu« ?????? Boportutandent of Police Lamon will both have ßß____? at AUauliI ( ity this summer. The Atl.tutte lty Mctnna tiard.n opens Juno__, un¬ der the tu magi-mcut uf Andrew Mack y and Jules l.rau. Juu*-5 a company of colored actor· play "Othello"* at Arianne City Hall noteaaer «ill.«, of the University of Pennsylvania, haa engaged rooms for himself and family at (ho Brighton for ii·· :??· »ut ? of July. M. ;. Hauiiv, of Tié Voce will pa·, tho manner with his madly at Cafe May. ? ?,« May resident* delaro tiar the great need of that ? .oil au opposition railroad It) the West Jersey. TUE WEATHER REt ORT. GOVERN MI-NT INÍ>I_ATIUN8-F0R 21 HOURS. Was u _..?t« m, May ai.-For Maeaaehtuctt·, Connec¬ ticut, New-Vork, Pennsylvania and New-Jeraey, fair -allier, light variable wind«, nearly »latlonary tem¬ perature. For the Histrtct ot Columbia and Virginia fair weather, light variable winds generally .outbeaalerly, nearly »ta- u.i.ini'y temperature· TKIliUNR UK'AL OPflERVATIONi Ornen. May 2_~l B. n.-The weather ye·- terday waa unc-i-.OrUbly warm. In ·. Ite of a please-it nttrtheily bree»·. Tha barvuie'^r was Iliuost .tatlouary. Tho temperature ranged between __" an«! M*. MB aver·*· 73 VI being higher thau ou the corre·· pou.im_.lav issi year, and I Mower taeaea^iM^ Hi and uear this oity to-day there will probalilr he fair weataei, light wutda, and aosvrly »u^ioo_y lumper atlllc. s????? t co:s NEW BUILDING. PCTTINO CP A tAI'.GK AM) IMPOSING STOHK.UOW t?? RTCHMM ir.s RRUWit. The firm of H. O'Neill ii Co. has lomr found Iti big and Increasing business uacomfort ibly cramped In Hie nar¬ row, Ibree-etory dwelling houses that it ha« bad to pre*· Into service as stores from ti ue to timo along the block In fclxth-avo. between Twentieth and Twcnti-tirst sta. Any one who liaa »hopped In the yeüow-faeed brick bulhl- tni; ae tt stands now will remember tiiolow celling· aad »doping floors of the old. made over houses, the deuce crowding and pie-sum ever/where of a retail trade squeezed Into half Its rightful coinp iss. The store Itself fronted on ihe lower half of tl.·· block and run back some dlstaneein West TwenfW st But the lots both to tho north aud west were held out of the market, and for a longtime, Cough the business was almost doubling lu many brunches in tho sneactime, no further expansion In the way of store room possible, Thlsyear. however, the firm r, i last got hold of the other half of the froutago on Sixth-ave., four and a half lots additional, and of ten lots down the side in West Twentieths.. Tne old houses aa these now plots were at one·· pulied down, and tho wholo niucte u lot· will be taken _?.·?? as possible, without seriously interrupting the firm's business, for a single Lugo four-, tory fire-proof building, 80 feet high. 100 f"et long a'.d 175 feet deep. Tho work, of course, vv :!1 have to go on by Instal¬ li e.iits. The upper halt ou the H «have face h·· to be IniaMAM-BBO tbo present bu/.·dug on the lower half can be torn down. Part of the store can thiis '__ kept open all tho while, the Mateare rnaafng under r.·· Ml s 11 until the whole of »ho big now buildin ; can bo uso<_ But with tin! fair start already made aud MM M energetic ? firm to push the work, It looks ae if ibe fall and intuì* season would open at ONoill's in a remarkably complete aud striking store. The newstorc will front, like the old one, on Sixth-are. and with much the samo sort of a facade In tho middle. The entire face will bo of irou ; »ho sida walls and all Ihe partition walls of ______ Tho lloors will be isolated and the who'.o building mrvtlo lire-_irco.. ?a sjupe, when finished, tho store will bo soiuotlilug like a L, with the cross lag on West Twentieths. There will be but one face, liowovcr.thut towanl the .--ast The !?··?£ irou front will be relieved not only by tbo facade In the middle, but l.y two bulging tcwersat tho T'-eotleth-st. Mid Twenty- cornets. ?.??? totver, with it» tip and vane, will measure 100 feet from tho gv, and. To t'.. top of the facade In the middlo will be.-.O feet To tr· plain edge of the roof at IM bOOB of either lowerWill Be M feel. The two side·, and south, will nave plain faces and will measure the average «i«l feet iu uci-hL 'Ihe tiialn bu:',.ling will be divid«d into foe. storles.wlth high ceilings and largo op«n windows. 'Ihe fiutu-ave. front. In fa··!,win ho almost nothing bit glass and Iron. The llrst ilo.i »vili be useat as a genera. sal<»rootn. The second a-:·! thud Hours will be given over tu tho suecial- ti · at O'Neill's millinery, all sort· of cloaks and suits and uphoisiery. The fourth tloor will je used for si·.ring the reservo stock and a! ,o for workmen'· rooms. Cellars and ..iib-cellar» will give plenty of extra «paco for storage. The »»I« house will not he tuvriM In'oa general bazar like Wanuinaker's In Phlladel 'lila. The wcll-kuowu dues of s'ock in which the ilnu i'.eals uow «·.· !l merely be ill f'l oui to meet the gro»»ng demands of city and oui-o. town retail tiade. Th« assortment of good« all through will be much ihe si ne, b it a «rente, i^u tntity and a greater varletj of article· lu auy one -'.??? will be kept constantly on hniiiL As before, th millinery and cl <ak aud suit de· eaitnenta will MnoaMd well lotMfñal Au unusually larg« stiw.-k of uphol-tery and 'no iso-funilsh'et goods will Madded, rugs, portieres, eurt-i:.., a~B ?'·.?._ but .ar¬ péis ruid kitchen ware. Work on tho nupei' lialf of tho building Is a."ready going on day and Bight ih» fo.iud.ictotts have almost beeu dug and the walls will be run up aa fa», as the worn men know how, A double force will be kept oa ine building nil spring and summer. The npner half ma;, be finished, In fact, by July _r Antust. Thea the good«'.' the present building will bo carried across :. id the leooad halt of the [ Job will begin, ii keep thiaci going aeeily in alitale confusion the linn has iltiu-i ????.? to r. iuce its pres¬ ent atook of goix's, if posdblt», by half. There ¡ ha· been a general nark-down oa all classes of cloaks, sulla, bounets, ribbons, lace· and the resC Some pieces are n »w selling at 40 or -HI per cent dls-.itint on former prie·«. Other· have been .d iiosoliitcly, fnlllug, many of the··., below the original wholesale cost. And the ß????ß???? le 0 inoro arare seranible for banralus ti· in ever In too old yellow butldlmr. shabby walls Have been uncovered oa |M BptOWB »bio by the h_sty deOBBliUOM __t eicuva- tun· ???·>·.?. If nothing utiu.iual happen· the whole iuu-ty Mirali wtll lie.·.cai.-doti ··> »heeuuof vacai ioli· ime. It is Jnst about aareataaa yeais ago that < »Nelli J. l'a r.iiun to Mvth-ave. and Twttutle'li-sL Thai part of the amine was by no means thon the great shopping street it has baoonaa ilnee, and taking a single dwelll-_f-M__a for B -Oie. '.ike i-iosr of the rest, 'he linn ROW gradually, through all tue strengthening " Uxnu "·, to lu present Importauce aud reputation. It has uow oue of the must crowed iterai in Sew·. Bri and by neztwtuier t ill have ou«, too, of the largest sod _aoat u ipoalBR fn. 1er the prr "cut improved tlellvcry UeleBI v/Ne.U ·_: Co. send packages of good· bought anywl« «re '.v.thtn a of saveutytlve mile· frtiut New-Vork freo of charirts. The finn, t«»o, was one of the first n> tevelop the mal', ordor system, sending out, ct.eulars, paui- phl.ts aud catalogues, or· through agents and then delivering goo.s as four'hclass mall matter, .'rom a business of a few tuou'snd dollars a y«ar tats our brauch of the retail trade c m has swollen to hundreds of thousan Is of dollars, a goneral trade catalogue la Issued by Hit» system twice each year, ia April and MptemMr, ami ordereeae be made from it ninnili-: through ascason. Boau pa.-knges from O'Neill Co.'s roifiiiar'" no wo-st of the \l¡eglicul«s aud even across th" Mississippi fn the big new building a «pedal .et of «hVea will bo set apart (or Iho postai delivery part of tho l. ado. SALVADOR. CA. Ths foM mines of Salvador hsve recently attraeteli eonsuìsrable attention. The most prominent of these U the 8ao Hebastlan, n very l;vrg:o ami promising" mine. Bullion has been shipped from It every month atuco January last. It Is expeotod tint production for the future will be very lame. Aauomai-aiueoss. Ct'fir. roa tub ??.a?. ¿SUltZSZ I _»_!__.i^i"0.': *>! ·*** tmfsswm boi tuo Uroasl a-ay. X. X. 'Mention lai s aauoi- iilaCUX. Dr Hat's Hair Eradicate« ????>???>? and ? ?_*?. luagASKH. Restore«· Mr« aadcoiaju toí.'Kir 11 «?«. Pr. t.rred ro» ikorttvaa l perfumo, . . _ l»il», rota cou·.* ano Waara Witt» Kux CouMj. ???.??. ?*·, kl Ih» 5U cora* _ir»!txri«U Hrnrt a. Damns, M. D., . _. -_ _ 135 We»tt>_«l-»_ « Io".r" f0'-· 5 7. Oi-^mmm of the Xervoas Svttem. Qaoitw.Uri_i_ryCH»e»a__ li.B-te-i.eao l.teriUly. __5___ A 1}M*. ¡H3 90; worth $">. weight »uaiiuei- Oerujra, .«west cuior». #1 -JO, *?. :1V *_ ?a _________ ?*»?!""""-?»ß CoiUaadt-a*. _ _ í'owaicvtbwBtt. lurnttnre, >'arpets. «vi-rvthmg. Para Row or CBiithanvjt- ncar Chatham ?nu«re, Xew Vor.. Important Change« on the Erle. _ .», ß I'"lwi,l''· Buntiimr Ite 'uh· as««.» nie effectta» day. t?..· suhnri.iiu travel . "f-tirjaltj TtB usti lit ta Btj wuir er ad. intonai trilli», last time, and »ai»-rior ·???|?.??»«a_ In« tnrontrli? servtco between the K»sl and We«t purtlr«. larly eupleri io th· w_n_» ut the »obli«·. Limited trama ui.l through Pullman cars are rnn Jail·. between Xew.York und Cimlnnati. C'.evelant. ('hicaito. ·»,. Louis. Kochosicr. Buffalo, t.-, ?_G*... ,'I * ln 1 ?"10"'·· ·?" addili .aal chariç.» on trie·» limited traina, and scenery unsurpassed. - at .. ¦ I.-itdbor«'» I'eri.iint". '...«.nia. J.iindborg't Rheoieh Cologne. Tat» Mew IUI r-Hoi lela y is not mer« welcome to the laboriur class·· than aro ?·ß· son's I'icsti-rs to all «.ifferers from back tette,»ni, lumbago, scianca and ail pains, ache· and .liest trotibl ··. A j_ I..r Benson's, aud doa't bo deceived by wortUleas suo. suintions, tfakcmahan e IïAspic».· Tuoni l'owitaa Is tor tale at drtugiata aad t-uey gu-ds deelere, a»at»a>ffBt, BELX-VAX DKVRXTKB_On fmstmg evening, May 1?. 1HH7. st the rendane· ot the brido» father, by tho Iter \fV% W. telson, of Mahw-ah. X. J. .iAsUte.1 byth»K«v. Mr. Malar, of New Vork City, James i|. Bell, of Xew r..r»t Cuy, to Mary L. Vu Ooveater. of Xew Brunswick, x. J. BriKXriLE-iWII-T-At ABtenla. X. V.. May 1!·. ISSI the Bev. »asan· I. Brengle and KlUaboth ttaevos Swift. Bl'LOW-KCUN-On Thirtttay. tMfSjSJJ at, HIS. at Brooklyn. X. V.. bv tit« Rav. MemweUier Brodna-, Mail» cardin· Unlo-v an Ooorge DBaJel ivult«. Charleston. ». C, and Savaunah, U-, BSSSSS pis*«« ot jr. SEfcLY. bVtaUS.On Wednesday evening. May 1«. 11S7. atra» Filth Avenue Pre* lyurtaa Church, by the Rev. Iir. Joha Mali, UaiUe, .laugiiter Wdiiam Uoggs, to trank Seely. Notice* %f marriatje» statt be indoned tcith full nans and uddreto. DIED. ABBL.OnFrllay, Mav 20, Mrs. Jane Abel, wit« of R.l«vln ?. ? nel, ag·· I 11 years. Fanerai teSTt-OS at Iter late r·»;.lenco. ?a 48a MaaaVSBt Brook vu. on viu lev, -SBSaSt, al ¿Valais: p. in. Interment private. COOK-Ib Xew-York City. «ètt-irli.·. Mvy 31. Rosolino Beuadiot, wifoot Ur. (.'. P. Cook, ot Hudson, ? Y. Funeral» at her late ret.di-ut-e. li idioti, ?. Y., ob ???··» Ur, the J Uli lust, at I B. to. DORR.Of aliai iioati, oa Friday, May 20, Ray Dorr, son ol Horatio au I alia M. Dorr, an I grandson of the Ule Hora¬ tio !iorr. Med s rear». 11 months s'il li days. Rolativna and rrienl« are in'ited at atUod the rnoeral at bl«'s, Mrs. T. ('. Jonas, at Xo. 8 Puliski st. East Orange, X. J.. at 4 ? ta. (to-day) -»tielay, Miy ¦ PAT-On Frlljr, May SS, Laiif.e K.. wife of Benjamin Day. T-efrleats are 1 u>atteud tlie funeral at tlm reídme·, HMtgedaie-ave., Morristowu, X. J., -iomiay, ¿?? met,, at 11 ». m. Burial at Rockaway. X. J. i EX.suaideol». ol heart dise_s«s "U Thnrntay. Msy 10. 1HX7. Edward, sou of iaabelU and t..? late Joaiah Jex. Funeral prtva.e. , JOHXKOX-On W.t.lae»itav. May IH, 18-17. Catherine John sou (colored). ág.>.l UM years and k'd-ys. Her estresM longevity w is hereditär,. her father and ¦ >thet having liveJ. to the remarkable BfSeel li ? and lD.S years r*»peotiv_ly. Fot many r*nn sho was the faith'u' friend and trntty set» vani In the family of Mr», at, U McUeachy, (oruterly ol Jatualcr, W. I., now of this city. MACT-Flfth month, 19th, ltW7, Wllllani ?. Macy, in th» »(.Jdyear or til» a./·. The tunerai will take plsee fwn Fri« nds' Meeting ???ß«. Ratherfont l'iaee, ou First dar (Suaday), MS lust, ali o'clock. »????«·'* lUMK roa Aivrots, > 74 ASH TS W ILL-ar.. ? ? 20, 1SH7. J TbeTraaiee* of the BesSBeB/B lluiic for suvlnut having been called together to-day to an» some expressinn of their hi.h r._ard for their late Pruii.lent. Mr. «a It. Macy, who .11m. at bis residence in this city en the Dlth lust., adopted th« following minate· M her· _·. It Las pleaised uod to remove by death oar late ¦»resident, an I Whereas. By th« decesse of oar mnch valued friend and associate this linar.I has lost S most active and a*, lent mem- her, who for so many year» periormeil the dotlee of insufflée with mar'«· 1 ty and courtvsy, and this cosninnnlty »ne who ut ti»· ounrs·' ola loag and «isetul life has faithfully tUl»a ¦B_nr positioo < of ttoonr aud trust. Therefor« i'.< « That this Board has heard with pro» found regret of the death of Its toasts I President. Resolved. Tits', thl» Board ifeeplv sympathize· with the family, relative· and friend« ot Mr. Ma. y la their lo·», and thai a copy ol th.s record be transmitted to his widow. .mix H. BOYS G??, bo«r»ury. I MOORR.On May '20. at la3 Hast Ht h st. Lawrence Spea. cer, «oa of Dr. William Oliver and Kailiariu· CudeinUl Moore, Fnnerai eerrice 10 a. nt. 23d Id St. MORBIS.At MaittoaHwssa, Oraega, X. J., en 18th Inst, Joanna, tlau.liter of h* ute Jacob U. Dyckmau, aud widow of Peter Morn», ago.l 7'- years. Funeral survicM .u urace (.'iiurch. Orang«, Mon lay. ' Itisi., at in _ i.i . on arrival of fill) train from Xew-sega. Morris and Ks«« le.iilroed. Isterilì«.·, it 11 roen wood. ??? AM -? <n Saturday, May 21, Rachel, wltlew of Ste¬ phen Futoaia. Funeral servlcos on Mondar. 5:M I"sl, at 12 o'elo-k. at the résidence of lier son, il. P. De ? »t, 503 West _Jd si. Beuuves ami friends reepectTully .a iw I. Interment privato. S .tlTllKRi ·>? Friday, the -Oth of May, at his late re_l- BSSmM» t>3. Dorchesterst, Montreal, Charle· Kranout Siullher«. in the li.'.lh vaar of his age. Faneral from Knnuanuol Churcii, Montreal, Moaday, .3d ? »?.. atSo'elook. Interment at Oreenwoo«l WILLCOX-On Thnrattar. May 1!>. 18S7, Mrs. mire Will cos. la me »nth year ot her »? ». widow of Klias Wiiicox. Reistlves aud frioicts are tnrlteit toi'tend the funeral al ??· rMld·*»«· other eon. Mr- 8. fhoiuaa Williwx, Ha 171» or· ebard it. Newark. X. J.. on, May ¿S, at 3 a ox, InUtruionL in iiWulieid '.euiotarr. Special Xa.iisi. WAIaL PAP1_R<».· WARBBX, PULLER LAXaS, MAXCFACTURKIia. 190 Fast t. l-tt, Or-?? Central Dap >*, Offer st fetali their Sortog Drodustlout tad importatila»., «rila. ate unequalled tot novelty o! ileitge. varutty, Aal moderateeost. in·! itlur toviiftaf« _U5PBCIAt.LV DJ_S.UX*D BT ??? ASSOCTATBD ?????G». Also s large ansi choie« selection ot Japanese, French, KaglttS and Oentt\n «<>·^·?«»»»«???? Imnortel T. M. »sievvart, Hteaat « a rpct » leu ita« \t »rU», SM /tu-Ave. Sei l oir 11: kr. Cartage tree in ^enr-Yor. aad Brooklyn-_ \V. II. lla:iUlae..n s l'arpet t Icaaiag Work«. IS Rast -.7th st. »aad tor ctreolars. Noeharg· for caí «ge. that 1 aland -uiiut of 16«)t!i-ar_ root Ofliee Von.··. (Should be read dally by all internateli, sa chame· may occur at any time, ? .__,_ . Lettura for foreign countries noed not be .oecially sihlrnAti»«l for dispatch by anv particular steamer, em·.·'«', when it do- sired to »enti du;.I.cale» of baaklng ??_ »inmereiai ,u» u- meiita, letter« not speciavliy adiireaae.i being seul by the fast¬ est vessel· available. Foreign malls for the week ending May _s wUl close (promptly Inali eu»*>.)»t i_iso_i> · »a tollo »-?: ß ti X l> a Y-At 3 p. m.fir Boati del iar«*. per sUanshla Warrior, from Xew-Orleana. MOXDAY.At s a. m. for L'rugaay aad Arg»nt_»o Republla __ a,_.,,.k.ii U' ul ai. 11 » ?? for ii.l ?: m :.· r from XewOrh-au». .»DAY.All p. m. for Vera Itti aad Progreso, per .teamsbp Mexico, via Havana; al ? p. in. tut ? ?»?_ IUca per »uamsnip Fothall. fru-i Viw tirloan». »t I p. u*. tur Europa, per it».vuahl» Aritoua, via (.ueenstown. W-HMf-BtOA Y.At 1 a. m. tur Brasil and tor Chill aid th· I-t PlatacouauKva. via Br.taU, lot at lUvnas au.i a_ {MSB. via St 1'ii'iiiiis, tor b-_i«t<iaes aud ft» Trini. ,_4 and Itouucrara, via luijud. ;·.·*, per ß???-?· .kip AdVBDce (letter· tor other Windward le- lautts Bi-at bedlructaal "per Ativaace"). at 4 a. in. fur Kurose, i»»r «»·*?a·?_?? Cuy o; Rome, via aueeoatowu; at 4 n«. tor Kurooe, per, siatai-sUi» b.le. via ».uta· aaiotoii au 1 Bremen iialtars must be «llreotod "Der Saale"), il 11 t u. far JaiuaWa. üavanlUa, «kc, uar .·_· .ta Alls*; at :HU p. lu. b»r K.uroi)·. jier «U_»n». .hip Citte, vía Qnoenitown al S ? ni. tor 'lelti.s «'uerSo Cortes and liuatomala, por steamship City ut Jai_M, from Xewurleana. TUURSDAY-At 1 ß. a?. for Bor-nuts. per stevnth.j Ori ñoco, at I > ??. for Vera Cm/. CamooahS. (MT»"; li. co. lamio«·. Tutoam and Yusviauu »·<· «.^.¿»., Oty of i'uobla: at MSff. iu. for au ISM I MliailBIi per »teAJisr rrom HalUas. ___-_.-, ...... ... _, ir».s._k. nar st-aavsh1.. ktru _ATllROAY-aittia.i_. tot B»roi»», per ssasaeW. j Mrs via yaeeostowB j lattare tor SSaBB«, ????&? f ? at Hsaiu »ud Kortugal ??·?·? ta^<.«-«· * S_»«'p40_ g a. m. tor Karoo-, per »u>f_»»1ai.'» '; **? T.1* Î^J. ^u !^__!!L--e?t_k B_è»SstSW« vlsifsvre; at S * tn. tor Xïo^ÂHriUîvÎÏÏË*** r..n>essia.vlac.,sww ile«, t?mTfmÒCS>%S& su__».MB W'Me··.»..,*!· Amli«ruu7asti«r» must bo dlteotavi " p/r Schio« .uTY. ít * T«J * _. lor Belgium .llrsot. per stwaiaablp >«*>rd. EJJ via Aatweip lletu.» musi be directed ¦ per Xoord· Malato»'" the PecletT Ulaada. vet »HI» Wjl ¡fw »« ¿Vaaciecol Olusa burs M_y ? atfa m »*ß???» ?. «uv ? ewXa-laad. sandwich, Ftjiand SmwmuJtìSmm .? Seam.ui,. Zealaa .: ,Ir^ Sa» *"_'£r°¿ u^Mr^ "o.y -.7 ai 4 n. av. tu' eu arrivsj U __^__*__ff Ti. aaTp (.«amaai. witu Bittud. iwi·».*»^ *aa for China aud Japan, per etawimehtp oa·ne vfrom ag Francisco) close her· May ·8ß?_1 » _____.*__ SS oy rail to Tampa. Fla., aad __Ä-_4uT__f' West, Fla., close at this oBtoe «Uli/ i.JU a. u_ "T^songkialsof SBMtaSJt ^?^?^?aG?? or. thoi.resumiitlonof itieir «»'¡'.»T^"^'·.'î _?? UmmU to San Franclee«- Malla tees» Mas f-SSS. artB^Bq,emJse»»SS Man s"r»_ou»oo ou the -Uy of _*ulu_ ot staaaaers ar· «u·· pauik-l tUauo· the *-^"?-*?? « mmy^mmgm, rostaaastsa I rest omes» -few-Y**. X- V, BUr *<* 1***.





non.s-.OKiVs isrLVKNci..pnocKKMNoe or tub


CopyrHiht; 1R87,· by th* Xnc York Attociatctt Iren.

BiKi-iN, May 21.- Pending the leene of the Cabinet

a Palie, official opinimi here maintains a « iieitni-

.pect silence. The VerrR German BMWB refrains from

giving inore than meagre ttopMBBM BBneorRtBg Un· «le¬

si clopinent*. In France. A frank expression.of official

_,oi«es would havo the etfeci of etieiigtluuintr Conciai

Boulanger'· party and weakening the Opportunists, who

are wwrkiii-to oust hlui. Th. lioveruiucut ree*·tve» full

advices res'tectiiie every plat«*· of the iiego-

Bl the Flysee. The l:'te-t dispatches«·

that Boulanger'· position is unshaken aud that a

Rouvi.r-Dr Freyeiitt.1 Mimtrv is likely to be k

which will adopt the Bimlan;-ir _?*|?·1 of ·'· .«in. Ac and

plans to attack Germany. Whatever may be the cL__r-

iict.r of the next French Ministry, the BOb.l Ina

gtoBBgtMaei tho war party in Germany and the war

.pirli or tl;e jieople.R_B__M_. PROPHETIC VISION.

The ever recurring changos, ot Hie French Government

, i¡ Prinee BteBaarek*· argument during th··

fr·*piemia;. .Vi ..ite that the m'·mal instability of Fran··.·

wae a chronic danger to «'»·, as any day Mighthring a change. <»f Ministry which would precipitate a

war. IM MtrUm Peel, the Krai; z> Rang and etMe MMeedwell uifei this theme, urging Die completion of KM war

¦BMbM «i. Ibe ground that Hie niiny must be readyfor the worst, as the coining Ministry, conformili·: to

Ikiulaugi r ¡m «lict.tti'r, may mean liura___a_BWar. If M.

Jtouvier -uccei'd. in ??p?????. a MihLstry all Hie poafMteare that General Boulanger'· encvn«hincy will be greaterthan if aRMr ML d· Irc.vciii.t or M. Clenicliceuu were

J'remiiT. 'lhevYw eutertuined in official circles here Is

that »it!. ML ReWTtar I.Ma Mini-t.T.t.ciieral Boulangerwould ab-oliitely dictate e\cuts aii'l render the mainte¬

nance of p.tcUle relations, cvoedingly ditlleulr. l'ublie

Interest lu the result ot the Frcuch Ministerial crisis la

iuteiis.·. tIntugli uiiileiU'iiistrauv.«. The French prest

publish fantaatlfl raféete of demonstrations against (.en¬

erar Bou ¡anger, allegetl to ha\·· <.<-iurr*^l at Uutcr-derI.iiiilcn. but tho rei»orts have uo bit-Is of truth. Boulan¬

ger'· name Is in even b«».l>'s ìuuuih, his photographdisplayed erarj when·, and ins igne ta IM MawpttevaWaxwork* is the centre of oltservaiioti; but Beiiin pre¬

se-, ?· a -. rr.'ot esititi,lenco in the ability of the army to

»lispoee o;' Boulanger and France when the time comes,

.nid has im nupi'i-to toward vaiu display» of auti-Freuchfeelings.

REFORM IV .V1..SACF-IORRAINK." A Ministerial lull sent to the Bundesruth today con-

templates nu Important step toward the reform of the ad¬

ministration of Alsace-Lorraine. It alters the presentOyatcaa of npi-tintlue burgomasters and abeRahea theregiilatnui-i.^uiitng biirguiiiiisieis to be chosen from

Ma ? ""..i una! Coñett. It provide« ni-o that bargeRtaatere and dentar hurfomBalara aitali hi lumini ih ImSinne salaried ollieíitls ot tin.wrntiicut, with allowanees Ixed by the district presidents.

DUTIKS OX SPIRITS, STOABS AND CKRI'AI.S.* A bill with a sugar project wUl l«e presented In the

Iioichstair when that body reassemble* on June B> after

IkS ¦ intsiiu holidays. At about the same time a projectto tanteaste tbeduty on eeteala win he ready. There it

prospecte. n"bUM pernal of practical le-lslat'onafu-rtac ¡tuiilavs, the Beiobstag respon«ltugwtlungl) t<>

_M_uauclaI demands of the t.ovcriiineiit hr inrpostngnew tàuiics on ».pir.ts, sueurs unti «.reals, iu markedcontra«! to the budget di.sseur.ious iu the licnch Par¬liament.The New Cernían Liberal« intend to renew their pro-

fBBB-SSSaZ the flllldol luc«"iica» a counter preject to

.if liovcriii.ieut's cereal tat bill. The latter Is certainto hare the oiajot-tla». ef assetata ol the National lib¬erale, am'>t is «Mtually certain that the New ( .«rinati

Liberals have no chance to che.kiuate the (ioieniioeiil'sBilanciai policy by any proposai tending to ;..

direct ta\ «tion.ANTI-SEMITIC WWStLtWm

t The ftnM-Sciultie epirit is displayed afresh In a petitionS>:it to ihe Kcichatag euianaliug from the Society for the

lion of Animal*. The society pnSSStS _··?.·?·;??;>«.gainst the cruelties practise! in theslanghterlBgofsaimals and sepeetallj Bgatast the Jewish method of) Ulng, <ui th«· ground that prolonged torture is t___cted.Ilerreu Windthorsl and Mi.nel defended the ri? i-t-Miis of the Jew* and rebutted the charces of crtu Ity.The Kclehsta. BltST I loii_ discussion rejected a proi.os.ilto send the petition to the Chancellor aud passed to theorder of the day.

sisananr t? csuoras with kaiaokv.Althoiua i:ni}K-ror William will vt.sit Gastu ? and

will forego the yearlr nicotine· with the KmpcrorofAustria, Prince Bismarck \«ill hold a confèrent·«· with

Count K.iluoVv at Vran/ A -«i-it of Emperorl rancia Josejih to the Kaiser was iiii.bT consideration.but was decided a.almst, BB BBaBBS the Czar U&tted in theConference It would have Been au obi lolla declarationthai the triiile imperial alliance was üelinltely broken.¿ince the êlmrtk ua^etlr't exposure» res.|wctin_t ouut Ajxiraissy's lurrecment with iBMtBks, the friemtshipbetween Pitaes Bismarck ami Conni Kainoky has becomeStronger. Jlerr vnu Tiztn's B__BJaaBNl before the 1/ower¿louse of the Hungarian We! to-d.iy that the BgYeeUMBlBJSS S tiltil hBS TTBafO-tOd Count Atidrt.s.s.i's _Qid «tilth«·ftlagyai ?. mht re, .ml t« nds to ttreogthrsi the poettsoa <>f

Could KalnoUy. Aiming the anhjeets ol the Fransenbadeouferenci, nu report«Hi. will fie the rsiaa-oas betweeathe Vatican and the Italian .overtum-nt. Mgr. UalllBberti, sine-enU-rtn pon the duties of I'apal Nun. lo atVici na, hi- sounded ount KuiuoUy on th> qnestl.iii «o

supporting the Vati in claims. To obtain ftoDMBSaPupal is the indl-js·!«· basis of the Tope'srcc«>giiitiou of the kingdom ot Italy. Prince Buhas Kiv. ? assurance to Mgr. Oallmbetti lb.4 he «111assist m the citons to effect a recoucilialloii between theVaticau and the (.¿uirin.U.

CIIiMAMZIM. AI.SA. -I/.R'tAlNK.The Volk of (? niiaiii/iii-' Aa.kBS Iain._M Dtl.Il

apace. Tlie Landes 2*iheng publish«·« an oölciiu census

Bhowiujt during tlie live >ears (»iiiee ls'bO the

lierman cmiri-uts BBBBBSBSi ;fT,(HNl, B_BJs_BfeBJ 1!>,_.??«·.», It is estimated that if (fee native i-muri alienContinue» m the saine rati·· the ??·vince» will us: «oui

Bli-ti-ly German within a nuart«-r of n century.???????_· (n.· ree« nt notable espili-ions have tn>cn those

of Baiini-'frtuer. a merchant of '»alni Marie Mines, wimreceived only throe days' noti««·, RoasSUBU.? Kreuchprofes»,! of Mulhouse; Hastian, a inert haut of Weiler.Slid Holeroft a luauufacturer of Ncidt-rbroiiu. al! openFrein-", «ynipatliiters. Sereni shooSnrpers nt Btalhrnnsrbave ,.?,? lined for selling pip«··· fn.-hioned to reprts«, BesjItSS and other kreuch t.cuci als.

AUlQlll VKKNC'II M'IKS ?? SS EXAMIVCUTlie iii.iuiry at Lolpsic Into the affair of the alleged

¦pie*, Klein and (ireUrt, who were assonate·? with

tSs-Hii.»1« !t , oiieiis about the Uiid<Ue>t June. The utiu.'st

import aajet i« attache«. t<. tht exi^.tted revelstions as tothe futiré. ba*i.s lor oilicial represeBtatteat So trancea0'.iln.-t espionage. A bill dealing witii spie, is being prc-parvxl (Bf Ihe Helchstag.

SOCIALISTS TRKATF.I> WITII RIGOR,Among the thirty-one Hooiallst.s uiani whom the

Mivicliiirif tribunal imposeil SSBSSMSS varying fromtwo week- to nluo liiontiis' iin]iii-o· ..-nt are the lea«Urs,Breiner and Kb·«««, who acted a* medium- for th·· secretcirculation of soelnlist pamphlets The imiuiry BfOt e«lthe e \i,!· lice Ol a DeifOOl orgaitizalloii.

Ihe BSetalBS trial« in lJaiit/.ie, involving the leader,T.M'hi'iu, mid tweutyseveu oUita· lierions, «ill be. begun01. May ·_7.

STATK OS p.ii:gk at sprkmhk.iìi; pkouingko.A Mliiisien..l decreo has l»een issued prolonging the

Stale of «lege at SprcmbeigOiic year.TUR CROWN PKINCli'pJ TUROAT.

The throat trouble of Crown Prince Frederick WllílamIs growing worse. A laWBBBB spc-ialist, Dr. Morell Mackeiiile, hcl.l .« ('«ULsiiltatioti with the i'riuce'* physi« laus,

_tufls_sf (.ci'h.irdt and l»r. »taSBtBSwBtj today. Dr.Slacken.!·· __4c ? pniloiigecl exumnuf ion of the i'rin«'«'»throat. It is publicly giveu «nit th it the, malady is »tincWeiiin« «>f tfea \ chord«, while It la privatelyStatt*! Uiat there are distinct »yuiptoms of a cancerousgrowth.

THK ixnAV« »Manas (»r ( i.mkkrlaxd..The Queen of Deiiinark I« veiling her daughter, theDuchess of Cumberland, at the BSjAbbB at Dobliug. XlicQuaea travelled under the »tritt, st iuc«igiii!o, rettisinif toallow the ulrit ials to receive, her at Dresilen, Vienna andether station» on the JourHe>. Th. BSegaaaSM ? of theDuche** delays her restorán..? to sanity. H_r generallyeideubucd statu causi;« grave an.iii iy..


The Klug of Wurtemberg BBS returned to Stuttgartfrom his sojonrn at Nice. He Is much Imprond in

health, but the doctors continue to insi-t iiim.i^ his abso¬lute repos«·..Krank htin-ken. the eondnctorof concerts nt ('bicker¬

ing Hal!, w ill opea the concert kuhib at iierliu on Mou-Oay at the rhiliiarnionlc.A new theatre will soon be built In Berlin for Oscar

felumeuthai."Der p;K)ttvogel" will reach its 1.10th night at the

Central Theatre on Monday. It will be withdraw a ntthe <·?<1 of the month. The piece will then bo produced inHew-York.

riooKixo t? tur satioxal »g//.r_Wasui.noton, May 21..The arrangements far the Na¬

tional Drill, which begins on Monday, are praeiicallycomplets. The grand stand facing the drill ground It oneof the larv'cM m the country aud It capable of seatingabout VJO.OOO spectator*. The militia organ.-atmus al¬ready bere ars : The I/>ulslaua Baues, of NswOileaua;thsiAleaito Zouaves; the Volunteer Southrons, of Vleks-burg.lh. Muteatlne lUfle». of Miucatios, Iowa ; the-_JSJS "¿adsU, of Toledo, Ohio, the cadets of U« Peeks-Bui, N. Y. Military Aetulomy. and the Moninoutb Uuartts,of Montuouth, fa The kort Wayne KlSes, of WsHWayue, Ind. and the ttelknap Ititi»», ot Sao Antonia,Texas, aie «spected tu-ntght Tomorrow's arrivals willlii.dudetiiaInilUiiap.Uie u»_t Anillsry. the botuaxglues, of Mobile; Umimj D, 3_d iUgiment, N. (.. rt.1*. Y., and two companiea of the _d Ohio Ue-linentaudthe Jackson Kiües, of Michigan. mm

TBt PA IIADR Of ??? COACMISß OLVB.Tas am.uai pande of the Oachiugtluh will take place

BestB-Uotiay aad in all probability It will be as brill»lent aa affair as any of ita kind tu recent years. It can-Bot be more so, as 'he ineuberaulp of the club has beenrestricted. There will be twelve coaches In the procession, wbtcb will Inelude Hugo KHteeh, J. ? Kooa«v<dt,Mr. Pai'ktir. iaouiau holers, A. J Casaatt, Colonel Wlll-JaaJay.N ?,. ??p??ßpG W. P. Douslaa, ?. K.,T. A. Haveiiieyet and rY««de:ic liroitsou. Tbsre «111 beSOBHd_ai>rs.intin«_it In the tact that Colonel De LatuceyBaa« will uot drive a team this year and also m the facttaatasvaiaj proa*_s*nt membars, notably August Bel-

mont and F. R Rives, are In mourning at present andtherefore will eot be able to teke port.The meet will be In < e..tr_l Ww.fff^ftMfgthe Webster statue, and the ^.«."«*"'_1?ß Hotelthe Part with a lluish down Fifth-are. to tne now



TIIK OKSlllN.About a year ago a number of well-known men of this

city dined togethr, and one of their number suggestedthat it would bo quite In keeping with the times to pre¬sent Mr. Gladstone with a testimonial. The

Idea wa» eo heartily received that a commi ttoo

wae at once appointed to collect the mooev.

Iht \eir- Vor!; World lent Its colnmn· and Influence to

the work, and the success of the idea

largely duo to the efforts of that tournai.Yesterday the testimonial was put on exhibitionIt Tiffany à Co.'· privati» exhibition rosen aud many

people calle! to »ec It in tue course of the «lay. wl.t¡admiration forth* teeUm««iiial. and couiphinriifcd

he committee 0:1 tho result of Its labors. The testi¬

monial wa» prepared at the Instance of a committee

composed of Christopher C. .-haym«. ch tlriuaii Bichar 1

... Walters, secretary; Joseph Pulit_er. treasurer; M»ward B. Harper. James 8. Coloman. Colonel 0eorge F.

.Otter, Jaha H. Htariu. cenerai James R. O'Beirue,I__nls ?. ..¡irrison. f/orenzo Reich and Frustas Wlinnn.Mr. Walters and Mr. Sbavilo wero present yesterday

r reiving callers in behalf of the committee. The testi¬

monial Is made of sterling silver, Tiffany A ·""· be li¬

the iiiakers. It Is three feet high and twenty-two incheswide at lit« ba«·. A bus·· of Oladstone «tan.Ise-il the top. and l< regarded as a capital ????-

ress of him. Below tbe statue and on inrightla a female fttrure «rearing a »tar-epangled roi«» ani

holding in on* hand the Irish harp, while her ruht arta Mthrown around the bnat, twining erooea nawreath of il aroroqk leavea TM aUtnatte lt-e.f ..placeoon a solid bloe In the centre of which is the les'emi

"HomeRii.e" with tho faneee and scale» of Ju-ii.··Around this l* tho laurel wreath of Tlrtoryand the laaenptlon which reel-: "William Kwair.ladatone Testimonial. Presented l>.v lus American.miren." Celtio ornamentation rharnctenaee tne en·lie placet I m IM left of the cul..· is a wreath of laurelsand on the right " 1887," the year of presentation.The cube rests on a base which I» surmounted M a

bordar of «tan and shamrock« alterna*.*«, aad ·**¦_'rout of the base Is 1' ? lamp -f wiadom which bears ine

word"Saplentìa" 4a ave »ni tii« coat of era» or

briet Church College. Oxford, with the word» p°ubleFirst," are groupe* with tin« lamp <·! wi-mu,the oue tvpir.viiu' Mr. r.l ?.?.???.«;* h«. >v an.

the other represent!... bis rank la eolie.e. On »«leftof the lamp of wisdom l* a wroeth aBHroUn* a Mar« ei

flames, ami on IM righi ami'her wreath enclosingthesealesof Justice, evcnlviialan.L The bust of I>-;i"''s-tb.-n-s is ,,n the right of the taw. and on the lefltriire of Homer. On the back el the »Meare «»'* 'V*:the Hhaniroi·. ami the thistle, n·'resenting tbe _ulic_Kinu'dom of Groat BrlUla am! Irelanl. ????*?The testimonial cost about *ft.00U It «·»¦._? fxnl, , ,,.

for two weeks in Tiffany*· -if-d-We and then seul tu

Londra, whet.· It will first t<c .\Ltituted, aud theu formali)

presented to Mr. Qladal ma.



s [?.vis BOt'ORT,Tiffany co.*b ia»t ,.n«! Baeat MpaetaM mm

at the -ale of the G? neh ersi« ? Jewels mas on Fri¬

day, when tbe firm boinMit thMUgh its MBMfe In

l'an· um. antlro Ma ami a fourth of aaotRerilng for th« entire pnreRaae fit» ?.··_«>. out of tb»·

forty-flvo lots already Mid Tr.any A Co. have

boogtrt in whole or In part ten lots pnyins for all.

incliuliii, the ins| paOMROBO, MMMBA4C* TM Metbnpoitant lut of iRooa MogM aa ti lai wa- a cor-

ago of brinanti consisting of to.Otea ?·?¦·¦atunbei of m huh are mail·· np of tmalke atone·, in

?·· eoroag* there is a pendant of .lite ? earat·.tWO of fourti en caiat-, and an oval brUliau.of fourteen carat.s. G·t this , ,··.,( , Tiffany A Co.

paid tieSJMXt The other entire hit consists of .I'Jl

brilliants ol |M :; i··· carats in ail, and 30*J brill¬iant- of thlr'v-u caia«- together. Tuo pile«' 1 al I

for this lot was *·_' !.·_<). Ta«* other pVOMeefoiii-tlt prtrt if a -· t of ru' M and briLLum», lor

which TifTany ? Co. raid ¿-.l<si.Ther«. me ihn·, rii'.rv Jut- to be disposed of. or.

of which an· th" fatimi* .Minami·«. Mr. Cook, a

¦eeaMr <»f th·· Ine, MM reefe éb| tí.at the Ma/arin-wnulil e·.;,una: ? an e-??me|y high price. lie didnot say that litfiu. 11*1 tuiy tU-C Colaclioiii-ut hi i- linn woul pro! Bhlj make othi

pttrchBM s ili l_i·· tin·"»- lot», e_.p< tiding in

his opiiii'B a- _??ß_ ?ß M0U.00U in all.BklR hit brm has alrnnly bought act far luían.% co. The ijiTu ?, ,,,,? tayta| (.,< private m

though many people haw nada iu»piiri··* ol the .NewVol'K h0U-.l clli 'h''."We may _cll a good many uf th»' ' Ml 'a Eu¬

rope," » he. 'V.·· hue airead) ??-, ·-'.'. ·? twopurchases through our l'art* branrri."

Ut. Cook -imi ih·, fu-l purcha-o that bis lin.?

Biadi va- alreadj ??? ? torn one m Raroaa. it?- a iiciila«·.· of four llrk-HO, for which TUfanv ?

o. ¡a¡,? I ,.;.;.isi ? »,.- othei loi is a buckl·.·u-iplle am) Ma Br_B pt'l (09,000 for thatstated y papen «hen tins lot wa· -¦id thatit weal to a MaOnaae »-an TtRuy'· ageate la ?

ca'disl ov< r a message which mid: ·¦ 1 h<· pa¡ ·?- aie

wrong. \?·? M-_M th* jewel* ¡»ml ba.e air·-., ?-.

them."Amerieaos aro now goma Bhroad and the ).

trade in l'ait» is i>n-k. in Mr. cook - eptnl a, A«_fi-

ie._n· «ID get a .osi »bars« of Tiflauy s purch-s-es.


a niXRiii >v in ii MOR or ??? oivkn ?? KAYOIAND MRR BWIft

Queen Kaplolanl dcv<.t«M .?·-·?>?.1:?>· to s.,rlal pV-a-ure-i. She begin the morning as u____l by gtrlMaudiences tO foin.ei Nettanti ol tfce Nuiil'tich Islands.

;...'! -h'» al-· leeeived a nunii»»r ol entren* ol thi-

city who have visited Ik Among th·· lati» r

eren Mr. and Mra. ?.??«·.··? ?: Xhorafl. who recenti.\|siirsl lliiioiidu and wer« entert.ned b> the Kuih-

uni Qnean.11. r .M.i.e-ty lad Intended to be present Bt I straw-

jjcrry fiaCtval at M Jtofea'i EefeooB. Re. .i Vc-t

Thtrt] ¦eeeanel -t, altea Fi\m^ her moiniux looopttea,it iM w_- unable to ami Liter in the day tooh a

i»rtvo with .Mrs J. f. Graham.In th·» afternoon from 4 until 7 iior Majesty and her

party with in·· axeeptioa u. the Prinroea and herhusband· lionera! tenuat·, ware prt enl at ? receptiongiven by Majot Hewitt at his imu-u m then honoriti·· ITIue··-* ha· BOI vet r·' ?\ ered frolli her linll-iHi-aioii aud tu« Oenanl had au en.«taraient out oltown. Between _>*. nad Mil veopu.· -m·»» BOBeaat alth»i reception. Amoag those pienoni «ere Mr. audMrs. t -itttiiK'cy M liopew, ___l_yor and >Irs"William it Urne·, <-\ Mayar ami .Mrs. Omo, Mrand Mi- J. RuWara Klmmun·, oniataalonBr and Mr·G uter, ommll loBbr an Mis. Bnbmmr, IM HawaiianMinister at IfaeferBftOn, Mr. urni. Conanl Allen,uf tin, cite, and KMderick ? ????-?.Her Ifajeetg had Intruded te visit the theatre

In the evening, bul »he wa· loo tired to do to, andthe i<»\al party remained at the Victoria Holel. This¦ernlag the party will atte,, ? eetrleea at TiiaityChurch, the Qiieeu being a BMmber of the Crot i,mt

F.pise<d'ai Cfenreh.To-morrow the iiarty win M-ir the iimoklyn Navy

Tard, and 0..H hau· been made foi th'in to sailfor Liverpool on the iMtBM· ObUM on Vediaaedaj·


VMIfEABtn ini: .i.vvr.if, MEETlxn.At the annual ineetlng of th· luhvrsity Club last

night the limit Bar resident members was rateai frotn

."»Otol.OOO. The fol-owluir wero elet-led member» ofth· rouurll: A. W. K vint», A uste u (1. im,W. H. |_ l>ee, Hrayton lvt»s, U O. Rolliti·.fir the Committee mi Aii.uiss.on-. to eerva until Mat,?-?·'. these were, ciMisen Phtliji Henry Adee. s_m.i··!!'. IU.ig.leii, Henry C. H» inin_. (liarle» P. Iuibrl·, l.u.l-low cigdan. Walter Trimble and Kduiund Wctmore.

7HE D. K. B. CLIO'S SEW HOUSE.The Delta ???µ?» K: süoii Club will hold Us up.nlng in Its

I new club lmn_#>. -Nn. 4M Kiftli »t«., on Thursilay IrtTltatloes b.,vr ?>?·p aent twaM tb· _?_??ßß of the

Iritisrrutv Iu thUcliy ? ut to B_BM Ihrougbuut the country.

Aiuong lini-*· »ili··, ini ? In· liresriii are Julun Ila«Unirne,Wayne MacVragli, J. »V. llusiasl s«r»rurr Kulrciiilit, i ·,_

«roiier Treaheini, Bacate? U.C. Butter. BuBep ? inuna» b.Diiilli y, .lubii ?·. lutili, (.«uejal ?. ? walker. ?··.: .-ii ?.Walker. Oeaera) vv»^>r (swayne, i',»u. unni. Theodor·lt<Misevel|»a«l liraavl le G. Haue«. One uf Die Icc.r·. ofthe rrec|iliiiu will lie a lara*lvMH eilitbltlnn of )>aini.i.g» bysnch artists as L. W. Sfarey, o. s. Wstic, H. W. Van líos-. érele. KMirnn «ox. J.« »rr.ll iieck-ltli. HamUtou liaudltouA. liiHibci aad «?. iieiclier.


Bufi«lo Kill'· WiW West «how ha· met with atremendous triumph iu London, and people ol allcondition·, ages, and ai·«· bave runhed to see It.The Prince ol Walee set the Ushion by aiteudiug thefirst performance and by laviahing snúies ol approraiupon Mitiuewaha. who is advertised as the daugltorm a l'i« in, unum·· ? iianied Drink Itearts-Hiood, but who la really the seventh child of an

Omaha iourneyiuuu tail···'. When this young woman

yets on her ,>aint nod t»'athers ami wampuiu ttndtilings ahe really pre»^uts a veiy aburiginaj appear-mu-e. aud we do not wouder that »he sella over .fit)worth oi bead bags to the Mrilish no Meinen pgg diemAt th· l.t» .lUi.tst table the other iin.niii.- «,· ?. ?,

N'ictorla anuouueed that ebo win goiug to |_a «bow

that a'U'iii »on ; she had beard Wal«· lalkiug aboui it

end she propueed to take it lu on Mg own MMRRt Soahe weut RB_ bad ? charming time. That eveningt'olotiel James Kuwell Lowell calie«) upon her, aad

! »be aeked ldm ii be bad been to *ee liuftale Utili yet.·· No, QwBOn, answered the eoioncl, " but ? ??????

through hie town on my way to ? hicago laat winter".·· Well, now do you knosr," «aid Her HMaBOj.

frankly. " that 1 üuapectrd as mueh iu ·|.«\ win ? Iwae taltin^' with one of the ludían Iadi··». M..· wa·

very »traugc.y dreeised aud wa» roatily very homely.I invited her tutu my ureeence and asked ber bow.he tb-Ught our propio compared with Ameiie_ueis in/ i.i'in. 11'«" I asked: 'Hid you «ver read any otColonel Lowell'· poenis f and when ehe «aid " lluuich.nie no mid.we Leiip kill,' I just made up my muni

that «be couldxit have ¿very much »ocial atandiu<( at

huiua."e I'ardon tne. Queen."' »aid Colonel Lowell, " ii I

remain «lumi« «>« tbi· siili¡eet The lady to whom youreter may be u member of tho Chteago Colon LeagueClub, and that, you know, ia a very delicate matter

With me."- . ?-.MEAMMATJCAL·

fr<m The Yemtk'e OMtfBW?»"·llltlt three year-old Hairy lev«« tu gather flowers, so

oar na,, wliil·. his Aunt ) Hell was there on ? visit, Mbrought iu some " Bweat WitlUui· " assi helil then up to

uar. s«vm«, " Auuly, 1 couldu't Uud uaiy two Uncle W'tl-Iiaia·. "


ASKED BY ??? ETON. FREDERIC* W. SEWABD.To the I.ilitor of Th* TriSan«.Sir: Iks wnfereacc between tlie Secretar>' St

Mule and the Minister, in regard to rightsin lteluing Sea, is represented as pi-ovlexling withthat friendly courtesy which befits discussions be¬tween .¿n-al lowers. Muy I \enture to siurcestou«; or two courteous inquiries tliat I think Mr.bayard B-ifM retj ÎlHj_Srt_ make in the progreaeor Unit conversation?

.¦Hat-Did Great Britain ever claim or receivefrom Russia any sudi SOBS s>ioii of richte in

UehrlBfi bea, pris. t<> Las álaska Treni voi _8_?,« diiidcl Us walcis between lfussia and Uh;? luted stau*?

Dl'cond-lltis (Ir.nt Hrltiiin clainicd and receivedli.m s-USBBV, since that treaty, uii.v auch BSbV

u of rights in tbe EUBBaa* purt of jlsSBHSJbea us she now claims m tas Aniericiin port I·*I liir.l.If not. whv not?It i> quito poSatibls Unit the BrftsBh Minister

¦sifhl sot he säe to aaewev tfeess asBBfatefsi with-i.iit fin t her instructions [MSB tlie G?G?-'? Office.While tsWSkWsg t'em, SUppoSS Mr, lluyanl shouldpTOnovtw) the same qauâfeBBBS SS Ihe KusaianMildster? Il«· profeallTj could unswer th«m.

FihtuHICK W. SKWABD.JTei Iroir-on-thr-rruil^n. Mav 21, 1887.

A lCB_nr_ poi \ \-, i.rvTi:i:r. navy.To lor Fi! tir -f ? ?» PrtSttaaSilt: The prono»ed icberne otan auxiliary nary

nub r the SSBtiaJ BBthsttlj sf CoafpsBSaj »hieb, by the

Way, was Bret saBJgeeetd by Secretary of the ? a' \

'..r ne,irle t, p,· years SSO in an orderte th·Heard of Na' ;il Inspection nt Xetv-York tn reportupon Mieli vessel· ol Iks meicbant marine 'as mijiht bsnt "lized as cruiser«, torpe.|s>bo tt«, dispatch boats ami

heap11al ships, h is hai a ninrked eftect In the Faeti·.!.·.. I;.·. there arasse tro the sSffcttffe Boariol Atlt-iiralty treni fa!.·itti·, the metropoli« ot BritiehIndia, a «omcwln.l ir,!ere-tin_ scheme o* a praetical»??? in winch oib.-era and sailors of the Hrin-'inercbaat p arme ms» bs Bastle available ·«* the per¬sonnel ot the nniiiary ? ivy in time oí war.

Tfet schein« feas in.iti·, -iinel und anni«??_ feilure«.One »ni»_i.«tioii i« that the Rsnr.l ot A<!ml'nMr provideBailable plessi 'or naval \«lunte<>r drill in everyHntish poit wii'To tture \»o.iM i>c a sullicient amountof «luppiii','to «arrant it. and thai arran_etuent«should Le m lite hv wbii h the ??.?? of any naval b .ttery«r» could pal in ti eir Olir»'· oí drills or portion«ot their eOBIM al Drtttah or oeteaa-1 port al anv

ronseijiiene« iu the w< rbl. The only body ot men

approaching tei a volunteer nival torco ol firent1 tt tt «in whose dut es t.-» -·· the S BOt/tatld th.· boiitidmi. s

ol harbor are lite Rojhal Naval Kcterve«. who bave tore· rt themselves al he.,d |OaitSSS in Kngland everyvoir. The ot the proposed «elicine »· ut from? iilciiIts is «?. -, in«" ..? it. ...limite «ucee»«, and hoMggest· ,n·'' ieoüitiee Srigfel bs lite· at even .»entre,» I. iher in Kngl ni·', lu lia, .attraila, r lu ci.ina. for

men tuenrn.l llsoasssìfSB in auv cor|i»i tbey Btifhlselect¡ sash san so joining to leseiTSsa sorol Bicalcantor fagsBtSf Sat wfetefe te note hie dr.ll«, ami tlii«

«¦nt cur.? 11 be eogi ised as a certificate andin- "cote.? ? ti,e leettl SSVtfS of snv volunteer port he«boil.l aitrrwird \i-.t. und there resume hi« drill«Atibe end el the weal the esrd er Mghtter would be«eat to the generai headijuattT« tob« put on record to

the indinuu».'s credit. A« arm», am in million anddrdling placa are practleully In ejiateiice at nn_tHriti-h port», the pr.»nn ¡erf ot Mie »eheni« thinks thattin. ehlei espetaos won ., be for uniforms only. Hesut'.c,u that tie· uni:.ciii unglit be "1 «neh an un·

assiimin^ character t!i_t it mi ¿ht be worn in every-dayß irk .m.! pin« id. ? i.\ the Beasse.

Ibi· . a bate outline ol the scherno, and it look«we'l.en naper. Ihe ebiel difficultJ to It» succeeawonhl »«seui to l*> the 1 u-k «1 motive 'ler the ordinari'«ailor to i.iin »neu a toree voluntarily. All seafaringpeople will witness that a sailor's lifo Is an ex

eeedin_itr Monotonous oae Bod attT .«peudinir weeksaii.l» awe] li it ada aud homo on the list-lea« uri, » ith i.nh 11 ? ? »core ot sailor BOOB»

panions i»nd a ·' ill lite el harAohtp, be will hardly Ie

«lisposcd to turn In« .??ßp??··? to learning how tom»reh. le les· plateasas ami leattssasj Is double

¡ quid, lo li.m.i ? ¡?. il. and great bui.a. Jack willask jovial companion« and amnsements on

n arc not »? a nature to SSSSSSSM them

j bsItos to philantbrvtpasta A costarne of an " Beaimriin_ eharac er

" wi'l not attract the sailor to th»Unie· er a aoltthaT, but a little extra ,.ar and ?

t.ilertblr showy unii.trai mijbt be aa inducement tohim dnrin · r-esc inues. r»\ ß.

April _. 1887.

MOW LONO 1'OK.s IT TAKK TO OTT.* ? 8?G??Tn t h* §elisir of á'As Ir i k un e.

In yonr Ttlnablo ps|>««r of Bun.lsy. th.« 1 '.th tn» Is BBBtti fep ».r»u lo sa laUtrvkiw with Pah.i BSpOl ("t

JI7 BBS, S Stell ?··: furiti· priwimii.« of Mr. llyii··the fset that the |.ut>l:c wonl.i be lucl.u-4 to secret tu« state¬

ments as male I17 one ? ?· »now», w. w«.all not care to «11«rus» ili«, mattet at alt.· Wad» to SeSSref a swOjt

? tke pSBSefShSBS wao as« e the keeping ami mpou.. r.» TM· < .a".Vi.< ·· has boon ballt ni> h/ year»

sf pstlsat stsaty aaS la» >r 00 Uis part of repaubls safemakers, » IJasSsSS to all ooacerus 1 w» tlnnk run

S'en',.I _.T<> tins BBBM p'it.1 rllv t«t tiis«.t ..poll leilor to

tho li.»[«sell·1 us yon BOOB riven lo III* tatet vi,·«-.

ata·*, ram. Mar SS,. Maaris Bim 00.

vsw.Toas; Msyco. issiMr. ??««. Brats«.

Im i«sh our nUe-itlon has »"»? ^s!l«»d to an sr'l !s i.iI ili BUM si of Issi hun Ut Ih w.,i, 1, it ?» rsport··! rito bar.·said, " sur-.' aed at kalf an boar.*aad "·

ne »urli t! ,:.. »s s «a' SttcbaSBaSsBtettlr*pr»s*Rt>>d a» omini: from pati aatinally rarr··»r.>p»ittert!le wrl»!.t. sad *« can ha/.ttj think t··??tan leaBy bar· m»ite th· »esril'.n latenliou¦Kr II. wver. ws will nata yon Hila nr«i|_>sltli>n.U < Will f irw ..It a tafo »u:h a» »t tia<rx »i».l» fnr som· of »tir

Matassa oar t». so.l Bach ?? wr· S'· bow matins: for ti.nke anttriitt »s, au.l .lel.Trr th· »ame 111 rear baililiiif. ?··

«???_ ti.·· safe fun Bsey hare all th t:m· »?·? aseare SsBinar Its in». Iianla.o. leeSa, eSa., ami if »on ran th.a «i|m-ii II

within twnityfonr hours, with s ir tools or with aar .r .· «1

atea r«a awe, OlsBof In »rontuf Jail, we will ooxiti ibn'e91 oOO te in« polt«·· aeaSlM inn I.It however, t?« rail to tak· o it thr content« rno areto pay

fot the iUci-SS «lous to the safe. ? err respectful.7.M «mis Hars CO.

MISS WAItl'l G?. J.M) aTJM DAUVRAT.To the Weitet ot The Tribune.Bin: As Mist I>aurray han scut a rather peculiar carl

fo the pr»·«. wlUyoti IrtndlT allow m«· »r»n~e for thl» «·,,, luat >>' reicrritia· thelaiirto the cotirt rr«-«irdeand full le tinenv 00 beth shies I Kn.Laia Wakl'LU-Xew-Xoik. Kay ti, IS87,



t?? DRi'ins rkatrm bt ntr mtw-tork team.

Bai.ii'I'.hk, Mar Si isprrinl).-A brilliant r»mo ef lacros»·

wa» pia/ad liara today between ti* New York teaoi and II.ß

li., la, of laltlm·'·. The New York learn was tat Io iipcfIt. .\|»t»liews. Iterili Rrown. W, TmiseSsB. ?. ?. Bl

W. I'lyor, G seare. T. M. Msrsen. (· Poobaat, W,M. liar'. ?. G. Mc lain. It. U.rt llryarisia, I «. H I.«.. I»r and K.

a.ej.u. iii» lnui'is were 11. (. Prtatreee, Attae M«I.«ne, h. M. Hopkins 1'. rtyniii.atoll, (?. G·????|????. It. M.?»,.... n \? Beste. 11. G. c >\ ils.n. ir., m. J Pos, Jebe Ms·lleary. M'Uiyu feaaunan su.l II « l'rimroae, caylaïa.The Sue Vor» ('lab wen ?>t a s« ore of ? to ·.."! ? l'ii ni m l'.nu. .Mar Si. Tie Brooklyn La'

«¦iota« Claw waa tWf»a ed it« aaf Uy ll«o I_iii.U Laav.i-uyteam liy a scoi· of :i to g

mi raLBCoi 1.1«.? bumaita,NnvIlA I Mac -1 OaS t.".i»ainl peetSMl Wiln.>»e.l IBS

Y'ala Re*tal. k at Iati««· Hailoliiiall to'lay. II.» -..?·'

wea tbe t» -itilhi rate m J(i IS _ A. ( . l'iunA'U, (37. win ihoPlnteland Cuti.


l:\. Ufa M [aOUISVIUal,IXl l».ILLS. Mav tt, Ilo CsBt-Bg 4sg of the Jiiikty Club

spi.-?' lusalluN ???????ß- sobi· eice.leul »V"Hnut ?:»· rtrrrt snaiitr. ? astile Beata telila

tic ti; .,( wi.i.i siilo le scent First heat woei by (lueFriend ti. '« »remi inai won hy l.island, Hum,I 1 ? 'a. la ? ?.ca. WOB by Our It siel BUM, 1 I^J*.

coi DWblbaofa mile, »«???ß? |p??_«, tuto utw' eh SlOO lo srcuii.l, 'or i«>. ;.-ar .iliia. J.«. k. luci.· woa;ti'..'·.Ta ni r..< a. ??*?»|??>??· "«takes Cue and u quarter t

Ihr tbrr· rewi e_S -«tat BBOard: S1.000 a.i.trtt, of whichIl ..? -.. -»? _e! add i,.l0iu lliir.l Irish l'ai won II.

Kttiiit'i rece "lt. aril Ihre*· etchths miles dasli ; the

ifirnnlrr bmr*r*Tf Won added or JobB I. àlaiunley, ilo'» to secol, 1. Insl. ñStWOBi Unir .'.'.',.

fCH ¡MISTS A M> ¡Hi: I VTtl l> I. I >08 ¡'MTV.? -ocilistfc laihur 1'aity, at its mceiiny ·. (i.rmajiia

gfaBjBjsbjtj lUkoBis, Nu. '.'!»:) Itowery, lasi inil.t, .tiseii»so«l u...

¦SeSBaal WBSSfeSB It was 'wilt.e al In» Un... lo .Iemali.? Inai

tini I Ui'e»1 Lahor Tarty,.' tilt· plat:..? in of

Hi· Soriallstlo Labor l*«rfy. All the »peak.!«ny rcrsl tliat the stiel»! lewd it on ? onlil t.nlv I. «ceniiii ??»?.··?tliiuuKb U. plan· ?.?.? ilo»ü ??? Ih.· -o or par: r.

? hev .listi woe nn,nun.nis m tl.r opinion (bat the 11. mylltrorxtitav tefotni «rut uni of suiti teat ????,.? ' ime lolì.· ? ti* tu« MH-iallikU and warrant?,.ni .mían. of e..nati i, iu «uh party. ? he out of-towulOpreewiilalIT·« were Ite railhal in llielr >l«mai>ila.I h. t le ?..· ? ad that uni« li.,·, nnh ih« -.? laimit: pai lyto.ii.t thereferatt ut.tit t.u t»u btoufthiatout. Vedecltlnawaaarnv «·.. Si.

. ·> »

eVMMWM TIMITQMMAl MiSqi ¡T PLACE.Ni ?,-lin.niui», May l'I |SpBsaas«sj.·The followlnir are

amonK those who will »¡.end ihu suuiincr at Nomiiiltria.e: A. li. Uoard-iau, Harriet (i. Courtis, ailsa Baker,

artist; I laiikiin PelSM, Mr. lii.'kinoie, t'hurles Jionnd,all of New York; J f. asstSSSBSb of Mtateti I.-hmd; Ah In

t rocker, godree lUtefeht, Anurow (rocker, of Blé .Uh ?

Ih·· BOT. il.«IH is W lilla j.». \> Ulta n lioleli. ValtoaKickel-ain. T. IL hherwell. Mrs. 0_??_??\ ????? ?'?????,?. Davis Weld, Mr·, (iraoe tlook, oí Itosi.m, fls-tSTBl P.H. Sberidan. who has Issosd the eottatte ol Hr., olth.: \ns«,ciat ·.! l'ieea, » asllln^ti.n;» M. Alcotl, (micoid: (.olourl Yates, VI uehlj_toii, Ju»e4ih i_ lliikli, Wutceatex.


80G? J£/.'.N tMI 11- VI???? X* DISPUTS.?t. 1^ hi-, May _1 '>,·<. io/i. -The (leueral Asacinb'.y of

the l'reshj terlau Church, South, resiiiusd Its work thisinumi!)»;. A teleirraiii from tbe Northern Assembly, in

session Bl ('inaba. was read, which staled that the North¬

ern Assembly indorsed tbe Missouri daclaralluu for closer

relationship and s«_«f fraternal greeting to the brethren

of the Smith. The Houtheru Assembly answered In thosame spirti, atinouuciug that a special committee on or-

(auie union had bean appolata<l, but bad not yetreported. It was discovered when tas» minutes

were read that the words "ora-anta union'' had

been omitted and that the words -cooperativerelations "aubstiiutad. This oreatod a ecaea, la »Vich

the permanent elerk, the Ber. Dr. Farrle, of Bt I>on_»,denounoed the toeinuationa of Ut· Ber. Dr. rítuoat, ofTexa·, that the minute· had b«en Umjiered with. Dr.Bmoat replied that It wae remarkable that an otflclulcould not bear an ail u*iou te a paper without fly leg off»ad biting himself like a snake The Moderetor inter¬fered and ruled the debate out of order. The minuteswere ameuded. ,Petition* against Sunday newspapers, rail¬road train· and barber ahop· were read andreferred tp the proper committee·. A roiw-lutiori wa« adopted opposing the colleotion ox

money for church purposes by mean· of concerts andsuppers, (living should be an act of worship and not.ttmtUated by the grat Iuralten of the appetite-


MCGEOIKLO AMD CIII:MATK "AI- Ü. BllAY.''ifHACA, May 21 (Special·.-Lint night RM a red

letter time in the hutory oí the uu.'.er clas-inen otCornell University. The QOfaalOB Was the annual ex-

enrsiou ot the aophomoree aud Ireshmcn down (.'abu¬lia Luxe, the former to serenade the lady students atWell· College, aud the latter to cr .mate their algebra,wlnoli had tu ove·! so tatal to niaiiy promising men ot??? The «· boy· " had chartered a bias· band to venitin ir pont up leeling*. and lins not being deemed.ullicieut, a number ot kt__* ot beer wore broaghtalone which was freo ¦ without money and withoutprice." I he procession, made up ot »everal UuauredC.rnellians, marched to the '.steamboat .lauding about4 p. m., the »tresH· ot the town beim un.d withpeople to »ee the collegians oft. Foilowins the bandwero a milliner ot paU-MaMCB und mourners, thoformer ot »vlio.n bore on ih«ir shoulder» a pine ccttinwhich contained the remains ot "Al. ti. Brav, thencc.iii'I son ot MnttbOW Matice." The uoiniresin a xiaius w.n dresse 1 in sonbro robes and earned a

black rlii- over Ins shoulder on which was portra.ed askull and ß??ß????. cmVeiuiifit. of the «lance ofiieiiih w__e_ waa soon to bo uniulgeil ¡_. G? first

.top waa in.ule at Rar ra. where the procesioul.irnifil ami marched to Well.. College. Tne .voun^Inaiai were oxp<>ctiug th»> Cornell tuns, tor ali in·

windows und porticos wor« orowdod with tue youthami beuuty ofth· institution. A serenade was thetirst thing >n Cornell's ????.HRR attor which thestruggle tor bouquet» and iluwers to.ssed ti'.tn lairli.u.l» above bogan. These in· latOatOOO oí ilio Wellsbellt·» wer.» cu_i ri.v BBnght tor iiv the chi vati uns«¦.illesi,,!!·. Ir.iii Itliiica, lor be it __M_0 thai lioiit one

ot th·· situo ? ??,??,,?t* s.vcriil years n^o Fraiikii l'ol-eoiii, now Mr*, rreanleiit Cleveland, bad thrown a

beautiful ribbon with her Iritisl» on it. ami that tbflMM is now held by an alumnus as a souvenir B_ hiecol MB dare, it wiis witli tLi* in· ilent ,u ui'.ud thatthe lorneilians inaile a ruth tor the piue.-, Ciciliali.ip·· ol t,· u ìb| |.stillar t·» treasure up as lite giltot aaetMr poaeible Praalaéntlal brida, naca were«ni-iied in tb» scramble, hut IM ¦??????? were

Incomparably dearer to tne Ithaca collegian» thanthe destruction ul lluii· feaad ji-ar, ani thus the»crimtuit^·« e.iiit.uucd lor an hour, much to th·* enjoy¬ment ol tito ladies above. Alter the excitan,:«· ot verytender gltnce» on both «ules ti.· Mjl took theirdeparture. At BbeldrnM the ereaaatiea exercise»

Wele hell. the pontili t max,in,is had ch.irg· o( theceremonies At the cose or nia funeral oration thepyre was nred, then the dan·« ut death lieg.tu. ?

.umpliions suppôt adori IM trolie ou laad. a Sap.enI Ile Im, on the wit ci. This I liter Sta* the

iii'ti.ilion ut a iiiim'uer ot Ir·· ·???? en into tIn· invstericeol Kho Kap tan. FM pr.»biniti m el.-iiirui, h»wt»ver,wa* too si ron» a mm | the - boys " so that lew «iaudl-dates were availaole.


AI L Ki.AHY POI Till. ???????COTTAor.K*· AltiilviN«; Sl.owi.T.TBRKKBMfff

visir«>rs -ah*. XTRRR.?RRBORRX.Xr.tti'iiiiT, May XL.The ^??? jieoplo of Newport are

being favoni WttROXeaUeut WOOthOC and It Is being im-

pr.ivrd. Nearly everj tinnir and everybody Is In rcadine»· for th« seuaon of IM7 and sign« point to an averageharvest of good things. Many cottagers have arrived

and not a few transient visitors may !·· found al tho

hotels and private MaMtaajdMBBORTbe cottagers are arriving slowly. They meet a warm

reception at the depo s aud are obliged to fa«·« li.ingo¬ino knien aud «tn-eky runners for lo. j' bmino·* house».

They do nut like the BOfdM r-cepiion tendered them aMare Ignoring all business inen who liar·) their cardsthrust ini·· then· face· upon their arrival.

i__te Mitrale ateaatafeca lnaM__ the following : Jo¬

seph Tu< krniiiin. Mm Mraft b. t.ibhe», tin· MissesOg-bu, Henry .1 lloyt; W. ft Miller, of New York; ·

P. lyl-r. Mi· Flunk vmytle, r». I owel.Jr.. an.l Mrs, II.

J. Hopkins, of Philadelphia; S. II. Urnwn, of l'.iterson,N. .1.; 1». II. Harsiow, of l'.o«ton and Joseph Iiatittran, of

I' ?·?·??·«\ A formidable uirlnx «if rotta,.-·· p-tidonts Is

ex pec toil next week, fiver a bundrisi famiiies Lavo ar¬

rived «itiriiiK tne pest four weeks.

liurliik- tho past week mane foti,.;rers. Includili.· Mr.aadMm Jmbob F. Keraechaa. W. & \c.;is, Mrs. JmateeUairtuiau, J. A. Hai rima.?. Kotiert 1_ lljr_.nn. 1. |LJo_k s .in.l Ueors· 11. Kurvst, of Naw-Yo.k, bare been m

the · iulu·· lvrkslsy Memorial «"Ttapel. loeate«! en tbe rllfls,

Mar the re si·! eim· of Id·» In Booth, th· at or. open· for? the aivn to morrow. JkllsT. Dr. J. G. Murray willhave eher·» durine the sinnier. Ibi« pretty house ofworship waa «reeled by SuBocttptleBa ani is «»·i> tir the cottagers who have horses. Il Is

HenBai sh»nt tltr··· itili·» from Hie cite. .'¡contains.arerai ussunorial rtuilows,lueluiUag one place«! there byMr. lloota In memory of his wlfu.Mise C. A. Kuss.ll. of New-Turk, is vlalilng Mrs. Waiter

I_ Kane.air. aod Mrs. '¡.arles Steel.« »n·! IM Jones, of .Vow-

York, an.! Joha I!, rHurgi», of Itoston, nava '.>· ?a .spend¬ing a lew days here.The yachts have began to drip si (Ree In New¬

port's haautlfal harbor, th· arrivala· the w. i»t

eluding tho ¦team yachts la.isinan aud Magnolia and·· buoner yai'ht Feerie»·.lu U.·· ileaih or Mrs 1. l·'. lushing, of Hoston, Newport

im··* another ol her prvailnoni wctety re*:.lent». Mrs.( usiti.ig owuad »mt occupi···! a ham I «oui» coUa>ro andshe was aiw.iv* aeoatM apea at allliapesiani m

..«¦te, it is preAlete., o «io»· to th« fliaay daa-M in thehlrnisat social »-Ireies which nave o.urre- aluce the ·??»ß

of ')>· past season, that liie couiiug ws_uu will be a veryquii ? mia.Charles G. Bates, of New-Y'ork, has arrived at the

fleikeley.Mrs. Peterson, wtdov of the late C .T. Poteison, the

Philadelphia publislier, ha· rented her Newport vliUand will not ite here.

«'. IT. ftaT-t. of ramlf-li-fi faea. haa purchased a site(ora cottage <»n Coiiaulciii (aland.

l.ate visitéis In· lud« l'r"fe»»<>r Lartied, G. ?. ?., of

West l'oint, «i. A. haunders, of Avon, ? onn. ; l'rofesaor»tribur K. Marsli.of l.iwrence I'nlvarsity in Kan·». D.W. T. Hull, am! Dr. ? '·.<«>*, of Ncw-ïork, and W. G.

iJti.ller. of « hsrlesUm. R «'.X%BOaaanBÌBBM «ili h«· or»*nel for the sei*on on

June -S.The wifeot fteth Haleuian. a prominent Newport land¬

lord, died a few days «go. flie wa· w»ll aud favorablykuotvn to many who have vi»tted »he place.Q H. Dane and family, of Lelnuiuii, N II. R. P. Hol-

Hns, Jr.. and wife, of N».sbi ,». O u. Packerand J. ?< hiimpllii, of .New .ork. ani J. I. Ilarttaud family, ofHuston, are at the AquMae« ? Hasse·.tiiaugura'biii dav (JlBWpWt. i-reat bnltil..y> occurs on

tlie las' 1'.les lac In t .its uiMM *U'l "u litar .t»y li.ivls aad hi* ?-_0___??ß OB the iciniicratle-

Ki|iial Klfhta ticket will M sworn intooOlco e. Uh the

usual iincbiutciisioms In vol-u« ine iuaai' tratlea paradewill be very tine, und the cltv will bo crowded Uh visit¬or· am! ir will Im tu full Boli'Uy «tuneArbor Hay wa» observed here foi the first time y»s-

terday,The Newport l.a 1 lrust .mipaii) hare secured the

service· of ? Law olmateail to taj out tin· preporty oftt lin h a topographi« al survey is being uiailo at the pre··.¦m time.

' olia.· I. tve rectttlv bsen nuitel liy Mrs.« .Houovan,ef Net*.\ork, urn! by l.obert II, \c- (.»uiiticll, of 1'iovi·donee.

Mr. William «lumniel!. of Provi.lenee and Capi. G |I.

1 cikins. 1 R K., nave ·_·?__? ífeatl co.tage» for the

sensniiNewaart'a MlM and la··«* are I.Miklng very pretty.

The -li'.-.'t in . ill m·· aleo, aio In Misi-· la-i cuidr Ion.

Illsmi· evi·.·,?· tint -.a« V: il», ou 1 Vi.evusave..

Mill ?. ..:,· ? ?·, us owner. Jame· HorJon Bennett,tliia -' · .m ·· .er prewlaeul abaaataae »eludo Let l*.

.·., v.! m·.? Iti:·'.« m. >1 l'ai-an Hi.·· en*, Eriwin[i Morirán. Ht-hop rotter, Mahlen Mim I*. w*. w. Bker¦.«.in. Anguatns .In and II. '·'"' <r WeweowM,ol ' ··*·

^.?k, ?; m. «us'.im.-an ? ? p ümi, at Beatón, ana lernJohn «.'artel· Browr. · r i", ·. .leu.···.

.Mr. an.l Mv*. !__¦_· I- I.orli inni M«0 l>c*n spi'iulmg a

few .lu.vs In Huston.Itlueilsli have arrived, but only tuo riet can niocnro

theiu.? -laiaaOinneat QBE KtMU Uoosevelt havesailett

for l.urooa. , ,

it.. Baaar !' impoiiy and will shortly go to theirCOttUlta at Hub'ln, N. B.

1 M. EUbooek.of New Tort, la at Mr cottage ou

p·· Ululi ne., for the season,TiieiuMd Bordea, of Mew-Yorh, has lentM "lair

I.awn." ?^,?? !'. Morton's villa, en MMvnO-Ta.Mis. c. J. fetanoa. Villa,un lluth raed, will bo eoe»

pled by Madame 1 ramisi a uc Barril ?. of (..UAI.-UìAla.Mark R Parlai ami wife, um l'oul. of Na ?- \ ora. have

Iritseil He eottii-e.Tt l'.od ifsu-av e., owiimI by James M.

; iraké, of New-York.The Vaiiderbllls will arrive artoul Inno 1.

Henry«;. MarauaM «'"» '»""'.?. of New-.ork. will ar¬

rive at ilieii- Ne »p.·it ··..[:.·."*· next week.<i. Ilo iman Burro«·, ot :,e\v York, arrived at hi» col·

till.'· to ila», .

Mrs. A. < r-.'e, of lt.e_, ?. Y., h«_lopcu*d h«r

? ·_?· I.u II,e sea«.in»__.«, ,

K. A. lliirker und ?. .'. I'.iaton. of I'. »tnckot, B. I..In·».· attired al their cattasi·· »a l'uradise nxwi.

Atguitus Whiting, of New-York, I» at hi* tottage in

Hellet IU »ve. . _.__ _ _.,

Joha Lawrence and 'imily aud John II. Olover, or

New York, are atl'litabl's. .

K. <i. French and family, of New-York, have returtieilfrom I in pe and will.irrivc at their cottage ou llaiiuon

Hui invi weak . ., , .

Mis. "Oak Lawn" cottage for

th«· summe-.?. li Unitoti, of llaltluiorw, wdl o.ioupy tin» villa near

. natie Hill. owneU by his brotUur-lu-Uw, Knssll. Winuu·,

of 1 , , ._

Mi*. .1. I». Vei ? m, of I'rovl lenee, has purrhaeed uud t·

? coita ·· lit llvcietl pluce.TM alan at ? trai a·* ors hat becu ordered to tue tor

imdtt stutluu it'ioitt June 1.


CuauAMi, May .M. lue work» ot the Krle

llunal Case Mtt_ntB__-_M_ Co in pay a» Krie.

l'emù, haul», burn.«! U» uight. Jossph lieseli

wind. Urn watehmnn. wa» faUHy bunted. John

HatrnniaB, who was wiia hl.ii. eaiual be iotiud. l~*s.

friiMM··; InsursntH·. sj'J.'·.!""'

a noun of bbtdjumd owwohi _µ__ß»?.FdwardCioker, age lorty-nlne, of No. 4S5 test One-

Itundred and thirty llftlisk.a brother of Coiutuisslouer

Hichsrd i-roker. was arresled last night by rlergeaal «titt-

tle. ol the Oue-_uuared-aiid-l.*eiity lirth Street l'ollce

BUlloa fur laterfanaa with bua while eri-Stiui. a pris-

oner. Oroker, who Is a united State« Inspector or Boiler·wished the Hergeant loreUMiee the prisoner aud placedhi* hands on the prisoner's shouMers as If to take himfrom the officer. The sergeant ordered him off twlee, baieach time roker persieted in " protecting '' tho uiau audUte Herge_wu locked bota of thent up,

WIT IT pr/ZT.EO ???? BISHOP.From The Sp.-ingtttlit kipvbKcnn.

Bishop Haveu used to toll a good story a! out his per¬sonal (Hand, ''r. New bali, who wa» at one lime pr. .iileutof Holeware Golletee, »t Newark The docb r was oncevery Id, aud thinking himself immortal, refused to takeany foo·!. Itlstioii liaren tried to prerall upon him tota_e some nourish nent. " No, l do not wan» anything,".aid he. " I am Immortal. I sin In hca-en. Tnls isheaven." Then pausing a moment an looking at hisvisitor with a troubled air, h» said : " But, ilavcu, howlu the world did you get hero G


AUTO PALMRBotTOsr. Stay '_ 1 (iiixcial). .The aunonncement of the

death of ex Mayor Albert 1'aluicr title mondng took thecity by surprise, a· ho was 111 only three da,», dying of

pneumonia. Born In Cantila, ?. II., January 17, 1_31,Li· early _ducai.on was acquired at Dicier Academy andat Hai-luioutu College, Mr. Palmer graduating at the lat¬ter laatltutlon lu leod. MeealVTStB U9_ Mr. Palmerwaa a luotuber of tho Mussaci', usetti llouao of Kepre-sentattvu«. In IR79 ho w; promoted to theSenate. Again, In 1870, he served In the Renate.?? 197. he roturued to the t-emie and waa an uustii c«.»-

tut oaudlda'.e for ilia presidency of tbe -Senate Previousto IR71 Mr. l'aimer wa-of the Keptibllean partr but that

Îear he announce·! himself as an advocate of Ueneralfuller in the «» f«n'»«st, aud wa· induced tu

nreaido al the Independent Htate Convention which wa_

naldat Worceiter and ? «suited in the nouiuation of the. leurrai. G? tho fall of 1m79 Mi 1'altner plunged at once

lulu municipal politic«. The lirai, municipal ottico thathe received wa» the .Mayoralty, Hi* ciindidaoy aa.nstDr. Mainel ?. «¡?···««? In IMI aad resulted in a victory ofthe latter, hut In ISM Mr. Palm· r obtained the olile» Ina general lteiuoerattc victory, remaining Mayor, how-eve-, nut one term.

? -

JOHN M. SHIF.LEY.Bostom, M»y 21 O'/jti it John M. 8h_ri«v. who died

at Andover.N. II., to-day. wa» one of the best-known law-

yen in that stato, lie was bori· In that part of San

in.rnbin BOW I.Own OB Raat 'Ilium on November If·,IMI, and was educated lu ftaubui'utou aud at the North-tieiil Conferente Meal lary. He w_.» adu 'ted to tbobar m 1 '»l. and most of bis life was spent lu ..iidover,w bei ? he had a smsl prat-ll«.·. He pu tillsbed lu a largeMM a «oitipcti· nislory of tl» celehratud Hartmotith

ocas·. I!» »Is« pu;d*s..od another nook entitled"ña I.-Hr .lucia]·! ill· nee of ?aw ? impedire" fnpoulies h« rao a prominent.RBioarat Mr. Shirley rep-i·· seiiini .in. ·¦· .r iu the Maialatura In ISO-Olid in 1800.He was pou ,outer from läöti lo 185Ü.

VOTMB TMOM ? Tí. IS'TIC CITY A.\D CAPE MAT.riiii-ibMi'iii-, May -1 (__*-__->..ExChlef of Police

t-tewart and tu« ?????? Boportutandent of Police Lamon

will both have ßß____? at AUauliI ( ity this summer.

The Atl.tutte lty Mctnna tiard.n opens Juno__, un¬

der the tu magi-mcut uf Andrew Mack y and Jules l.rau.

Juu*-5 a company of colored actor· play "Othello"*at Arianne City Hallnoteaaer «ill.«, of the University of Pennsylvania, haa

engaged rooms for himself and family at (ho Brightonfor ii·· :??· »ut ? of July.

M. ;. Hauiiv, of Tié Voce will pa·, tho manner withhis madly at Cafe May.

? ?,« May resident* delaro tiar the great need of that? .oil i· au opposition railroad It) the West Jersey.



Was u _..?t«m, May ai.-For Maeaaehtuctt·, Connec¬ticut, New-Vork, Pennsylvania and New-Jeraey, fair

-allier, light variable wind«, nearly »latlonary tem¬

perature.For the Histrtct ot Columbia and Virginia fair weather,

light variable winds generally .outbeaalerly, nearly »ta-

u.i.ini'y temperature·

TKIliUNR UK'AL OPflERVATIONi Ornen. May 2_~l B. n.-The weather ye·-

terday waa unc-i-.OrUbly warm. In ·. Ite of a please-itnttrtheily bree»·. Tha barvuie'^r was Iliuost .tatlouary.

Tho temperature ranged between __" an«! M*. MBaver·*· 73VI being 7» higher thau ou the corre··

pou.im_.lav issi year, and I Mower taeaea^iM^Hi and uear this oity to-day there will probalilr he

fair weataei, light wutda, and aosvrly »u^ioo_y lumperatlllc.


t?? RTCHMM ir.s RRUWit.The firm of H. O'Neill ii Co. has lomr found Iti big and

Increasing business uacomfort ibly cramped In Hie nar¬

row, Ibree-etory dwelling houses that it ha« bad to pre*·Into service as stores from ti ue to timo along the block Infclxth-avo. between Twentieth and Twcnti-tirst sta. Anyone who liaa »hopped In the yeüow-faeed brick bulhl-tni; ae tt stands now will remember tiiolow celling·aad »doping floors of the old. made over houses, the deucecrowding and pie-sum ever/where of a retail tradesqueezed Into half Its rightful coinp iss. The store Itselffronted on ihe lower half of tl.·· block and run back some

dlstaneein West TwenfW st But the lots both to thonorth aud west were held out of the market, and for a

longtime, Cough the business was almost doubling lumany brunches in tho sneactime, no further expansion Inthe way of store room possible,Thlsyear. however, the firm r, i last got hold of the

other half of the froutago on Sixth-ave., four and a

half lots additional, and of ten lots down the side in WestTwentieths.. Tne old houses aa these now plots were

at one·· pulied down, and tho wholo niucte u lot· will betaken a» _?.·?? as possible, without seriously interruptingthe firm's business, for a single Lugo four-, tory fire-proofbuilding, 80 feet high. 100 f"et long a'.d 175 feetdeep. Tho work, of course, vv :!1 have to go on by Instal¬li e.iits. The upper halt ou the H «have face h·· to beIniaMAM-BBO tbo present bu/.·dug on the lower half canbe torn down. Part of the store can thiis '__ kept openall tho while, the Mateare rnaafng under r.·· Ml s 11 untilthe whole of »ho big now buildin ; can bo uso<_ But withtin! fair start already made aud MMM energetic ? firmto push the work, It looks ae if ibe fall and intuì* seasonwould open at ONoill's in a remarkably complete audstriking store.The newstorc will front, like the old one, on Sixth-are.

and with much the samo sort of a facade In tho middle.The entire face will bo of irou ; »ho sida walls and all Ihepartition walls of ______ Tho lloors will be isolated andthe who'.o building mrvtlo lire-_irco.. ?a sjupe, whenfinished, tho store will bo soiuotlilug like a L, with thecross lag on West Twentieths. There will be but one

face, liowovcr.thut towanl the .--ast The !?··?£ irou frontwill be relieved not only by tbo facade In the middle, butl.y two bulging tcwersat tho T'-eotleth-st. Mid Twenty-

cornets. ?.??? totver, with it» tip and vane, willmeasure 100 feet from tho gv, and. To t'.. top of thefacade In the middlo will be.-.O feet To tr· plain edgeof the roof at IM bOOB of either lowerWill Be M feel. Thetwo side·, and south, will nave plain faces and willmeasure the average «i«l feet iu uci-hL'Ihe tiialn bu:',.ling will be divid«d into foe. storles.wlth

high ceilings and largo op«n windows. 'Ihe fiutu-ave.front. In fa··!,win ho almost nothing bit glass and Iron.The llrst ilo.i »vili be useat as a genera. sal<»rootn. Thesecond a-:·! thud Hours will be given over tu tho suecial-ti · at O'Neill's millinery, all sort· of cloaks and suitsand uphoisiery. The fourth tloor will je used forsi·.ring the reservo stock and a! ,o for workmen'· rooms.Cellars and ..iib-cellar» will give plenty of extra «pacofor storage.The »»I« house will not he tuvriM In'oa general bazar

like Wanuinaker's In Phlladel 'lila. The wcll-kuowudues of s'ock in which the ilnu i'.eals uow «·.· !l merely beill f'l oui to meet the gro»»ng demands of city andoui-o. town retail tiade. Th« assortment of good«all through will be much ihe si ne, b it a«rente, i^u tntity and a greater varletj of article·lu auy one -'.??? will be kept constantly on

hniiiL As before, th millinery and cl <ak aud suit de·eaitnenta will MnoaMd well lotMfñal Au unusuallylarg« stiw.-k of uphol-tery and 'no iso-funilsh'et goods willMadded, rugs, portieres, eurt-i:.., a~B ?'·.?._ but .ar¬

péis ruid kitchen ware.Work on tho nupei' lialf of tho building Is a."ready going

on day and Bight ih» fo.iud.ictotts have almost beeudug and the walls will be run up aa fa», as the wornmen

know how, A double force will be kept oa ine buildingnil spring and summer. The npner half ma;, be finished,In fact, by July _r Antust. Thea the good«'.' the presentbuilding will bo carried across :. id the leooad halt of the

[ Job will begin, ii keep thiaci going aeeily in alitaleconfusion the linn has iltiu-i ????.? to r. iuce its pres¬ent atook of goix's, if posdblt», by half. There

¡ ha· been a general nark-down oa allclasses of cloaks, sulla, bounets, ribbons, lace· andthe resC Some pieces are n »w selling at 40 or -HIper cent dls-.itint on former prie·«. Other· have been

.d iiosoliitcly, fnlllug, many of the··., below theoriginal wholesale cost. And the ß????ß???? le 0 inoro

arare seranible for banralus ti· in ever In too old yellowbutldlmr. shabby walls Have been uncovered oa

|M BptOWB »bio by the h_sty deOBBliUOM __t eicuva-

tun· ???·>·.?. If nothing utiu.iual happen· the wholeiuu-ty Mirali wtll lie.·.cai.-doti ··> »heeuuof vacai ioli·ime.

It is Jnst about aareataaa yeais ago that < »Nelli J. l'ar.iiun to Mvth-ave. and Twttutle'li-sL Thai part of theamine was by no means thon the great shopping streetit has baoonaa ilnee, and taking a single dwelll-_f-M__afor B -Oie. '.ike i-iosr of the rest, 'he linn ROW gradually,through all tue strengthening " Uxnu "·, to lupresent Importauce aud reputation. It has uow oue ofthe must crowed iterai in Sew·. Bri and by neztwtuiert ill have ou«, too, of the largest sod _aoat u ipoalBRfn. 1er the prr "cut improved tlellvcry UeleBI v/Ne.U

·_: Co. send packages of good· bought anywl« «re '.v.thtn a of saveutytlve mile· frtiut New-Vork freo ofcharirts. The finn, t«»o, was one of the first n> tevelop themal', ordor system, sending out, ct.eulars, paui-phl.ts aud catalogues, or· throughagents and then delivering goo.s as four'hclass mallmatter, .'rom a business of a few tuou'snd dollars a

y«ar tats our brauch of the retail trade c m has swollento hundreds of thousan Is of dollars, a goneral tradecatalogue la Issued by Hit» system twice each year, ia

April and MptemMr, ami ordereeae be made from itninnili-: through ascason. Boau pa.-knges from O'NeillCo.'s roifiiiar'" no wo-st of the \l¡eglicul«s aud evenacross th" Mississippi fn the big new building a « of «hVea will bo set apart (or Iho postai delivery partof tho l. ado.

SALVADOR. CA.Ths foM mines of Salvador hsve recently attraeteli

eonsuìsrable attention. The most prominent of these Uthe 8ao Hebastlan, n very l;vrg:o ami promising" mine.Bullion has been shipped from It every month atucoJanuary last. It Is expeotod tint production for thefuture will be very lame.


Ct'fir. roa tub ??.a?.¿SUltZSZI _»_!__.i^i"0.': *>! ·*** tmfsswm

boituo Uroasl a-ay. X. X. 'Mention lai s aauoi- iilaCUX.

Dr Hat's Hair I.rat.thEradicate« ????>???>? and ? ?_*?. luagASKH. Restore«· Mr«aadcoiaju toí.'Kir 11 «?«. Pr. t.rred ro» ikorttvaa l perfumo,. . _

l»il», rota cou·.* ano WaaraWitt» Kux CouMj. ???.??. ?*·, kl Ih» 5U cora* _ir»!txri«U

Hrnrt a. Damns, M. D.,. _. -_ _

135 We»tt>_«l-»_« Io".r" f0'-· 5 B» 7. Oi-^mmm of the Xervoas Svttem.Qaoitw.Uri_i_ryCH»e»a__ li.B-te-i.eao l.teriUly.

__5___A 1}M*. ¡H3 90; worth $">. »uaiiuei- Oerujra, .«west cuior». #1 -JO, *?. :1V *_ ?a


?*»?!""""-?»ß CoiUaadt-a*.


lurnttnre, >'arpets. «vi-rvthmg. Para Row or CBiithanvjt-ncar Chatham ?nu«re, Xew Vor..

Important Change« on the Erle._ .»,

ß I'"lwi,l''· Buntiimr a« Ite 'uh· as««.» nie effectta»day. t?..· suhnri.iiu travel . "f-tirjaltj TtB usti lit ta Btjwuir er ad. intonai trilli», last time, and »ai»-rior ·???|?.??»«a_In« tnrontrli? servtco between the K»sl and We«t ?« purtlr«.larly eupleri io th· w_n_» ut the »obli«·. Limited trama ui.lthrough Pullman cars are rnn Jail·. between Xew.York undCimlnnati. C'.evelant. ('hicaito. ·»,. Louis. Kochosicr. Buffalo,t.-, ?_G*... ,'I * ln 1 ?"10"'·· ·?" addili .aal chariç.» on trie·»limited traina, and scenery unsurpassed.

-at .. ¦

I.-itdbor«'» I'eri.iint". '...«.nia.

J.iindborg't Rheoieh Cologne.

Tat» Mew IUI r-Hoi lelayis not mer« welcome to the laboriur class·· than aro ?·ß·son's I'icsti-rs to all «.ifferers from back tette,»ni,lumbago, scianca and ail pains, ache· and .liest trotibl ··.A j_ I..r Benson's, aud doa't bo deceived by wortUleas suo.suintions,

tfakcmahan eIïAspic».· Tuoni l'owitaa

Is tor tale at drtugiata aad t-uey gu-ds deelere,

a»at»a>ffBt,BELX-VAX DKVRXTKB_On fmstmg evening, May 1?.1HH7. st the rendane· ot the brido» father, by tho Iter \fV%W. telson, of Mahw-ah. X. J. .iAsUte.1 byth»K«v. Mr.Malar, of New Vork City, James i|. Bell, of Xew r..r»tCuy, to Mary L. Vu Ooveater. of Xew Brunswick, x. J.

BriKXriLE-iWII-T-At ABtenla. X. V.. May 1!·. ISSI theBev. »asan· I. Brengle and KlUaboth ttaevos Swift.

Bl'LOW-KCUN-On Thirtttay. tMfSjSJJ at, HIS. atBrooklyn. X. V.. bv tit« Rav. MemweUier Brodna-, Mail»cardin· Unlo-v an Ooorge DBaJel ivult«.

Charleston. ». C, and Savaunah, U-, BSSSSS pis*«« ot jr.SEfcLY.bVtaUS.On Wednesday evening. May 1«. 11S7.atra» Filth Avenue Pre* lyurtaa Church, by the Rev. Iir.Joha Mali, UaiUe, .laugiiter oí Wdiiam Uoggs, to trankSeely.Notice* %f marriatje» statt be indoned tcith full nans

and uddreto.

DIED.ABBL.OnFrllay, Mav 20, Mrs. Jane Abel, wit« of R.l«vln

?. ? nel, ag·· I 11 years.Fanerai teSTt-OS at Iter late r·»;.lenco. ?a 48a MaaaVSBtBrook vu. on viu lev, -SBSaSt, al ¿Valais: p. in.

Interment private.COOK-Ib Xew-York City. «ètt-irli.·. Mvy 31. RosolinoBeuadiot, wifoot Ur. (.'. P. Cook, ot Hudson, ? Y.

Funeral» at her late ret.di-ut-e. li idioti, ?. Y., ob???··» Ur, the J Uli lust, at I B. to.

DORR.Of aliai iioati, oa Friday, May 20, Ray Dorr, son olHoratio au I alia M. Dorr, an I grandson of the Ule Hora¬tio !iorr. Med s rear». 11 months s'il li days.

Rolativna and rrienl« are in'ited at atUod the rnoeral at bl«'s, Mrs. T. ('. Jonas, at Xo. 8 Puliski st. EastOrange, X. J.. at 4 ? ta. (to-day) -»tielay, Miy ¦PAT-On Frlljr, May SS, Laiif.e K.. wife of Benjamin Day.T-efrleats are 1 u>atteud tlie funeral at tlm reídme·,

HMtgedaie-ave., Morristowu, X. J., -iomiay, ¿?? met,, at11 ». m.

Burial at Rockaway. X. J.i EX.suaideol». ol heart dise_s«s "U Thnrntay. Msy 10.1HX7. Edward, sou of iaabelU and t..? late Joaiah Jex.

Funeral prtva.e. ,

JOHXKOX-On W.t.lae»itav. May IH, 18-17. Catherine Johnsou (colored). ág.>.l UM years and k'd-ys.

Her estresM longevity w is hereditär,. her father and ¦ >thethaving liveJ. to the remarkable BfSeel li ? and lD.S yearsr*»peotiv_ly.

Fot many r*nn sho was the faith'u' friend and trntty set»

vani In the family of Mr», at, U McUeachy, (oruterly olJatualcr, W. I., now of this city.

MACT-Flfth month, 19th, ltW7, Wllllani ?. Macy, in th»»(.Jdyear or til» a./·.

The tunerai will take plsee fwn Fri« nds' Meeting ???ß«.Ratherfont l'iaee, ou First dar (Suaday), MS lust, alio'clock.

»????«·'* lUMK roa Aivrots, >74 ASH TS W ILL-ar.. ? ? 20, 1SH7. J

TbeTraaiee* of the BesSBeB/B lluiic for suvlnut havingbeen called together to-day to an» some expressinn oftheir hi.h r._ard for their late Pruii.lent. Mr. «a It.Macy, who .11m. at bis residence in this city en the Dlth lust.,adopted th« following minate·M her· _·. It Las pleaised uod to remove by death oar late

¦»resident, an IWhereas. By th« decesse of oar mnch valued friend and

associate this linar.I has lost S most active and a*, lent mem-

her, who for so many year» periormeil the dotlee of insuffléewith mar'«· 1 ty and courtvsy, and this cosninnnlty »ne

who ut ti»· ounrs·' ola loag and «isetul life has faithfully tUl»a¦B_nr positioo < of ttoonr aud trust.Therefor« i'.< « That this Board has heard with pro»

found regret of the death of Its toasts I President.Resolved. Tits', thl» Board ifeeplv sympathize· with the

family, relative· and friend« ot Mr. Ma. y la their lo·», andthai a copy ol th.s record be transmitted to his widow.

.mix H. BOYS G??, bo«r»ury.I MOORR.On May '20. at la3 Hast Ht h st. Lawrence Spea.

cer, «oa of Dr. William Oliver and Kailiariu· CudeinUlMoore,

Fnnerai eerrice 10 a. nt. 23d Id St.MORBIS.At MaittoaHwssa, Oraega, X. J., en 18th Inst,Joanna, tlau.liter of h* ute Jacob U. Dyckmau, aud widowof Peter Morn», ago.l 7'- years.

Funeral survicM .u urace (.'iiurch. Orang«, Mon lay. '..idItisi., at in _ i.i . on arrival of fill) train from Xew-sega.Morris and Ks«« le.iilroed.

Isterilì«.·, it 11 roenwood.???AM -? <n Saturday, May 21, Rachel, wltlew of Ste¬phen Futoaia.

Funeral servlcos on Mondar. 5:M I"sl, at 12 o'elo-k. at therésidence of lier son, il. P. De ? »t, 503 West _Jd si.Beuuves ami friends reepectTully .a iw I.

Interment privato.S .tlTllKRi ·>? Friday, the -Oth of May, at his late re_l-BSSmM» t>3. Dorchesterst, Montreal, Charle· KranoutSiullher«. in the li.'.lh vaar of his age.

Faneral from Knnuanuol Churcii, Montreal, Moaday, .3d? »?.. atSo'elook.

Interment at Oreenwoo«lWILLCOX-On Thnrattar. May 1!>. 18S7, Mrs. mire Willcos. la me »nth year ot her »? ». widow of Klias Wiiicox.

Reistlves aud frioicts are tnrlteit toi'tend the funeral al ??·rMld·*»«· other eon. Mr- 8. fhoiuaa Williwx, Ha 171» or·

ebard it. Newark. X. J.. on, May ¿S, at 3 a ox,

InUtruionL in iiWulieid '.euiotarr.

Special Xa.iisi.


MAXCFACTURKIia.190 Fast t. l-tt, Or-?? Central Dap >*,

Offerst fetali their Sortog Drodustlout tadimportatila»., «rila.

ate unequalled tot novelty o! ileitge. varutty, Aal

moderateeost. in·! itlur toviiftaf«


Also s large ansi choie« selection ot Japanese, French, KaglttSand Oentt\n «<>·^·?«»»»«???? Imnortel

T. M. »sievvart, Hteaat « a rpct » leu ita« \t »rU»,SM /tu-Ave. Sei l _· oir 11: kr.

Cartage tree in ^enr-Yor. aad Brooklyn-_\V. II. lla:iUlae..n s l'arpet t Icaaiag Work«.

IS Rast -.7th st. »aad tor ctreolars.Noeharg· for caí «ge. that 1 aland -uiiut of 16«)t!i-ar_

root Ofliee Von.··.

(Should be read dally by all internateli, sa chame· mayoccur at any time, ? .__,_.

Lettura for foreign countries noed not be .oecially sihlrnAti»«lfor dispatch by anv particular steamer, em·.·'«', when it i» do-

sired to »enti du;.I.cale» of baaklng ??_ »inmereiai ,u» u-

meiita, letter« not speciavliy adiireaae.i being seul by the fast¬

est vessel· available.Foreign malls for the week ending May _s wUl close

(promptly Inali eu»*>.)»t i_iso_i> · »a tollo »-?:

ß ti X l> a Y-At 3 p. m.fir Boati del iar«*. per sUanshlaWarrior, from Xew-Orleana.

MOXDAY.At s a. m. for L'rugaay aad Arg»nt_»o Republla__ a,_.,,.k.ii U' ul ai. 11 » ?? for ii.l ?: m :.· r

from XewOrh-au»..»DAY.All p. m. for Vera Itti aad Progreso, per

.teamsbp Mexico, via Havana; al ? p. in. tut ? ?»?_ IUca

per »uamsnip Fothall. fru-i Viw tirloan». »t I p. u*. tur

Europa, per it».vuahl» Aritoua, via (.ueenstown.

W-HMf-BtOAY.At 1 a. m. tur Brasil and tor Chill aid th· I-tPlatacouauKva. via Br.taU, lot at lUvnas au.i a_ {MSB.via St 1'ii'iiiiis, tor b-_i«t<iaes aud ft» Trini.,_4 and Itouucrara, via luijud. ;·.·*, per ß???-?·

.kip AdVBDce (letter· tor other Windward le-

lautts Bi-at bedlructaal "per Ativaace"). at 4 a. in. fur

Kurose, i»»r «»·*?a·?_?? Cuy o; Rome, via aueeoatowu;at 4 n«. tor Kurooe, per, siatai-sUi» b.le. via ».uta·

aaiotoii au 1 Bremen iialtars must be «llreotod "Der

Saale"), il 11 t u. far JaiuaWa. üavanlUa, «kc,

uar .·_· m« .ta Alls*; at :HU p. lu. b»r K.uroi)·. jier «U_»n».

.hip Citte, vía Qnoenitown al S ? ni. tor 'lelti.s «'uerSo

Cortes and liuatomala, por steamship City ut Jai_M,

from Xewurleana.TUURSDAY-At 1 ß. a?. for Bor-nuts. per stevnth.j Ori

ñoco, at I > ??. for Vera Cm/. CamooahS. (MT»";li. co. lamio«·. Tutoam and Yusviauu »·<· «.^.¿».,Oty of i'uobla: at MSff. iu. for au ISM I MliailBIiper »teAJisr rrom HalUas.___-_.-, ...... ... _, ir».s._k. nar st-aavsh1.. ktru

_ATllROAY-aittia.i_. tot B»roi»», per ssasaeW. j Mrs

via yaeeostowB jlattare tor SSaBB«, ????&? f ? atHsaiu »ud Kortugal ??·?·? ta^<.«-«· * S_»«'p40_g a. m. tor Karoo-, per »u>f_»»1ai.'» '; **? T.1* Î^J. ^u

!^__!!L--e?t_k B_è»SstSW« vlsifsvre; at S * tn. tor

Xïo^ÂHriUîvÎÏÏË*** r..n>essia.vlac.,sww ile«,

t?mTfmÒCS>%S& su__».MB W'Me··.»..,*!·Amli«ruu7asti«r» must bo dlteotavi " p/r Schio« .uTY.ít * T«J * _. lor Belgium .llrsot. per stwaiaablp >«*>rd.

EJJ via Aatweip lletu.» musi be directed ¦ per Xoord·

Malato»'" the PecletT Ulaada. vet »HI» Wjl ¡fw »«

¿Vaaciecol Olusa burs M_y ? atfa m »*ß???»?.«uv ?ewXa-laad. sandwich, Ftjiand SmwmuJtìSmm.? Seam.ui,. Zealaa .: ,Ir^ Sa» *"_'£r°¿ u^Mr^"o.y -.7 ai 4 n. av. tu' eu arrivsj U __^__*__ff Ti. 1»

aaTp (.«amaai. witu Bittud. iwi·».*»^ *aafor China aud Japan, per etawimehtp oa·ne vfrom ag

Francisco) close her· May ·8ß?_1 ?· » _____.*__ SSoy rail to Tampa. Fla., aad __Ä-_4uT__f'West, Fla., close at this oBtoe «Uli/ a« i.JU a. u_

"T^songkialsof SBMtaSJt ^?^?^?aG??or. thoi.resumiitlonof itieir «»'¡'.»T^"^'·.'î _?? UmmUto San Franclee«- Malla tees» Mas f-SSS. artB^Bq,emJse»»SSMan s"r»_ou»oo ou the -Uy of _*ulu_ ot staaaaers ar· «u··

pauik-l tUauo· the *-^"?-*?? « mmy^mmgm, rostaaastsa

I rest omes» -few-Y**. X- V, BUr *<* 1***.