german idealism part 2

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  • 1. Test-control. GERMAN IDEALISM PART 2. 1. Who is an author of expression What is rational is actual and what is actual is rational A) B) C) D) E)Immanuel Kant, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Friedrich Schelling.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach2. The Absolute Idea, plays the same kind of role for Hegel as a deity. The Absolute idea goes over into nature as objectivity as the antithesis of the Idea, but in the sphere of the human spirit history the Absolute idea returns to itself in that it is in this sphere that it manifests itself as it really is. The transition process of the absolute idea into nature is called alienation. According to Hegel, the Absolute comprises three phases: the (1) Idea/Concept/notion, (2) the sphere of nature, and (3) the sphere of Spirit. Similarly philosophy falls into three domains: (1) logic (metaphysics studying the Absolute in itself), (2) philosophy of nature, and (3) philosophy of Spirit. Complete the table.THE SCIENCE OF LOGIC BCIPHILOSOPHY OF NATURE DGHPHILOSOPHY OF SPIRIT AA. B. C. D. E. F.Subjective Spirit Being Essence Mechanism Objective Spirit Absolute SpiritEF

2. G. Chemism H. Organism I. Notion3. Find the correct scheme "Absolute idealism".Correct wrong schemes. A.B.Ans.BC.4. According to Hegel, this leaves room for the grand culminating synthesis of human culture, which is......................., in which the Absolute learns to cognize itself in perfectly literal terms. A. Philosophy B. Art. 3. C. Religion.5. With respect to philosophical history, Hegel stresses that national histories, as phases in the development of the World-Spirit, can be judged by historians only in terms of the categories and prejudices of their own cultures and national spirits [b]: complete impartiality is not attainable. Indeed he attempts to trace stages in world history as possessing characteristic features the..........C..............of Graeco-RomanAthe oriental world, consciousness of .................... the cultures, the Christian and latterly the 'Germanic' recognitionof.....................B...................... Fill in the gaps in the sentences. A. freedom for the few B. human freedom in general C. despotism 7. Who is an author of expression God is only a projection of positive attributes of human nature because that is what humans want. A) B) C) D) E)Immanuel Kant, Johann Gottlieb Fichte,Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach Friedrich Schelling. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel8. These philosophers were strongly influenced by Feuerbach's atheism, though they criticised him for his inconsistent espousal of materialism. A) John Lock and Thomas Gobbs B) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels C) Friedrich Nietzsche and Arthur Schopenhauer9. Find the correct relation of concepts and their definitions (and pictures.).CChange negates what is changed, and the result is in turn negated, but this second negation leads to a further development and not a return to that with which we began. 4. The nature of everything involves internal opposition or contradiction. Quantitative change always eventually leads to qualitative change or development.A BA) First law: the unity of opposites. B) Second law: quantity and quality. C) Third law: negation of the negation.Ans.D.AWater E.F.BIceCSteamD