gerald ford

Gerald Ford Kaleigh 1974-1977


presidental project

Transcript of gerald ford

Gerald Ford



Gerald Ford was born on July 14,1913

Jerry Ford got off to a very confusing

start in life.Jerry’s father’s name was Leslie

Lynch King.When Jerry was born,he was

named Leslie Lynch King,Jr.When Jerry was

three,his parents got divorced.His mother

remarried,and Jerry took the name of his

new father,Gerald Rudolf Ford,Sr.Jerry was

OK with his new name.He respected and

loved his new dad very much.

Gerald Ford was born in Omaha,Nebraska.

The president died on December 26,2006.

Gerald Ford had many life achievements

like,he won the general election aginst the

Democratic candidate. Jerry went to Yale

University,Jerry worked as a assistant

football and boxing coach while he studied


Gerald Ford had many problems while he

was president like,he was assasinated

twice.The first asasination was in California

on September 5th,1975,Sqeaky

Fromme,pointed a colt .45-caliber handgun

at Ford.The gun was stoped by a secret

service agent,while he put his thumb over

the webbing,preventing the gun from firing.

Fromme was taken into custody ;she was

later convicted of attempted assasination of

the president and was sentenced to life in

prison; she was paroled on August 14,2009.

The second assasination was in downtown

San Francisco, Sara Jane Moore, standing in

a crowd of onlookers across the street,

pointed her .38-caliber revolver at him. Just

before she fired, former Marine Oliver

sipple grabed at the gun and deflected her

shot; the bullet struck a wall about 6 inches

above and to the right of Fords head, then

ricocheted and hit a taxi driver,who was

slightly wounded. Moore was later

sentenced to life in prison. (32 years.)

October 11th 1978, President Richard

Nixon offers Gerald Ford a nomanation for

vice president accepts.December 6th

1978,Ford is sworn in a Vice President in

the house chamber.Ford remarks that he is

a “Ford not a Lincoln.”Gerald R. Ford is

sworn in as President of the United States

of America.

1913 Gerald Ford was born .

July 30th 1913,Feeling an abusive

relationship,Dorthy Gardener King and

her two week old sons leave Ohoma and

with her parents relocate to Grand


1941,Graduates from Yale University

Law school.

1948,Marries Betty.

1950,Son Micheal Gerald Ford is born.

1952,Son John Gardener is born.

1956,Son Steven Meigs is born.

1957,Susan Elizibeth is born.

1973,President Richard Nixon offered

Gerald Ford the Vice President job.

2006, President Gerald Ford died.