Geotech Consultants International Addendum No. 135

ADDENDUM NO. 135 TO THE AGREEMENT DATED APRIL 25,2017 BETWEEN GREATER ORLANDO AVIATION AUTHORITY AND GEOTECH CONSULTANTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. dba GCIINC. Project: FY21 Staff Extension Services for the Construction Department for Safety Management, Orlando International Airport l -&t- 0 - .fl__f - -/ THIS ADDENDUM is effective this day of , 20 20 , by and between the GREATER ORLANDO AVIATION AUTHORITY ("Authority"), and GEOTECH CONSULTANTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. dba GCI INC. ("Consultant'). WITNESSETH : WHEREAS, by Agreement dated April25, 2017, Authority and Consultant entered into an agreement for Consultant to provide Continuing Program and Project Management Services (OAR Prime Entity) Services; and WHEREAS, under the Agreement, Consultant agreed to perform such additional services for the Authority as are contained in any additional scope of work established by the Authority in any addendum to the Agreement and accepted in writing by the Consultant; and WHEREAS, the Authority and the Consultant desire to enter into this Addendum to the Agreement to provide for additional services to be rendered by the Consultant under the terms of said Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants herein contained , the Authority and the Consultant do hereby agree as follows: 1. Consultant shall perform additional services in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and the attached Exhibit "A" Consultant shall be paid for such additional services according to the payment terms set forth in the Agreement. 2. Consultant shall be compensated for such additional services in the NOT TO EXCEED amount of ONE HUNDRED FIFTEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($115,270.00), broken down as follows: Professional Fees: Professional Fees: Reimbursable Expenses: Total: NTE: LS: NTE: $115,020.00 $0.00 $250.00 $115,270.00 3. A Consultant hereby certifies that it is not on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List and is not engaged in a boycott of Israel, as defined in Florida Statutes § 287.135, as amended; Addendum 135 to Agreement dated April 25, 2017 Page 1 of 2 Rev. 8/2017

Transcript of Geotech Consultants International Addendum No. 135

Page 1: Geotech Consultants International Addendum No. 135



Project: FY21 Staff Extension Services for the Construction Department for Safety Management, Orlando International Airport

l -&t- 0 - .fl__f - - / THIS ADDENDUM is effective this day of ~ , 20 20 , by and between the GREATER ORLANDO AVIATION AUTHORITY ("Authority"), and GEOTECH CONSULTANTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. dba GCI INC. ("Consultant').


WHEREAS, by Agreement dated April25, 2017, Authority and Consultant entered into an agreement for Consultant to provide Continuing Program and Project Management Services (OAR Prime Entity) Services; and

WHEREAS, under the Agreement, Consultant agreed to perform such additional services for the Authority as are contained in any additional scope of work established by the Authority in any addendum to the Agreement and accepted in writing by the Consultant; and

WHEREAS, the Authority and the Consultant desire to enter into this Addendum to the Agreement to provide for additional services to be rendered by the Consultant under the terms of said Agreement.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants herein contained, the Authority and the Consultant do hereby agree as follows:

1. Consultant shall perform additional services in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and the attached Exhibit "A" Consultant shall be paid for such additional services according to the payment terms set forth in the Agreement.

2. Consultant shall be compensated for such additional services in the NOT TO EXCEED amount of ONE HUNDRED FIFTEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($115,270.00), broken down as follows :

Professional Fees: Professional Fees: Reimbursable Expenses:



$115,020.00 $0.00



3. A Consultant hereby certifies that it is not on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List and is not engaged in a boycott of Israel, as defined in Florida Statutes § 287.135, as amended;

Addendum 135 to Agreement dated April 25, 2017

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B. (applicable to agreements that may be $1 ,000,000 or more) - Consultant hereby certifies that it is: ( 1) not on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List as defined in Florida Statutes § 287 .135; and (2) not engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria, as defined in Florida Statutes § 287.135, as amended.

4. Autt1ority may terminate the Agreement for cause and without the opportunity to cure if the Consultant is found to have submitted a false certification or has been placed on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List or is engaged in a boycott of Israel.

In the event the Agreement is for One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) or more, Authority may terminate this Agreement for cause and without the opportunity to cure if the Consultant is found to have submitted a false certification or has been placed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List or is engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria.

5. Except as expressly modified in this Addendum, the Agreement dated April 25, 2017 and all prior addenda will remain in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partie~hereto by their duly authorized representatives, have executed this Addendum this ~ day of 0~ , 20 "2-0.

Approved as to Form and Legality (for the benefit of GOAA only)

this _5lay of ocJ- 1 200V

By: k~~ NELSON MULLINS BROAD AND CASSEL, Legal Counsel Greater Orlando Aviation Authority

Addendum 135 to Agreement dated April 25, 2017



David M. Patterson Director of Construction



Owusu Amaning Printed Name

President Title

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To: Members of the Construction Committee

Orlilndo lntarniltlonal Airport On~ J~ff Fuqua Boul~vard

Orlando, Florida, 32827·4392 (407) 825·2001

From: Davin Ruohomaki, Senior Director of Planning, Engineering & Construction (as prepared by Christina Taylor)

Date: August 26, 2020

Re: Request for Approval of an Addendum to the Continuing Program and Project Management Services (OAR Prime Entity) Agreement with Geotech Consultants International, Inc. dba GCI Inc. to provide FY21 Staff Extension Services for the Construction Department for Safety Management at the Orlando International Airport

Consultant's attached proposal, dated August 5, 2020, is to provide staff extension, including Planning, Engineering and Construction Staff Support duties as further described on proposal. Proposal is based on the period from October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021.

If approved, these services would be effective October 1, 2020.

This continuing consultant was selected for this task based on (0 all that apply):

(8] Experience

[8] Expertise

(8] Available Personnel

0 Equitable Distribution

[8] Current Workload

0 Other: _____ _

The MWBE/LDB participation has been reviewed by the Office of Small Business Development. Their findings and recommendation are attached.

Funding is from FY21 Operation and Maintenance Fund 301.711 .170.5310009.000.000000 contingent upon Aviation Aut~r~doption of the FY2021 Aviation Authority budget. Funding source verified by A ~~ of Construction Finance on Ji_t 16/ 20 as correct and available.

It is respectfully requested that the Construction Committee approve an Addendum to the Continuing Program and Project Management Services (OAR Prime Entity) Agreement with Geotech Consultants International, Inc. dba GCI Inc. for the services contained herein and the amount as shown below:

Not to Exceed Fees Lump Sum Fees Not to Exceed Expenses TOTAL Reviewed by RWBC

Greater Orlando Aviation Authority (6/18) Construction Commillee Memomndums EOC·18a


$115 020.00 $0.00

$250.00 $116,270.00

zTa Req 87213

ITEM 20 8/25/2020

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August 5, 2020

Mr. Davin Ruohomaki Sr. Director of Planning, Engineering & Construction GREATER ORLANDO AVIATION AUTHORITY 11314 Terminal C Service Road Orlando, FL 32824

Subject: Staff Extension for Safety- FY21 Orlando International Airport

Dear Mr. Ruohomaki:

GCIInc. is pleased to submit this proposal to provide FY21 Staff Extension services at the Orlando International Airport. This proposal has been prepared based on our understanding of the following scope of work:

Construction Department Staff Support- Safety:

• Safety Compliance Director - Duties will include assisting the Construction Department with safety related issues. Duties in the Construction Department will include support of the safety program currently In place. There may be additional duties In the Risk Management Department, however, they will be at the direction of the Senior Director of Planning, Engineering and Construction.

Our estimated man-hour requirements and applicable unit rates for these support services are attached to this proposal. The total contract value is estimated at $115,270.00. This amount consists of $115,020.00 for Not to Exceed Fees and $250.00 for Not to Exceed Expenses.

MWBE/LDB participation is not expected at this time.

The services for this project will be performed in accordance with the provisions of GOAA's standard agreement for professional services and as indicated in the attached project schedule showing the proposed staffing levels for the duration of the project.

We appreciate the opportunity to present this proposal and we look forward to working with GOAA on these important staff support services. Should you have any questions or if we may be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.


GCI, Inc.

Owusu Amaning Managing Principal

Program/Project Management • Owner's Authorized Representative • Maintenance Management Consultant • Construction Engineering and Inspection

Headquarters: 2290 North Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 100, Longwood, Fl32750 • Phone 407•331•6332 • Fax 407•331•9066 Offices: •Orlando •Tampa •New Orleans •Miami

Page 5: Geotech Consultants International Addendum No. 135

Orlando International Airport

St!.rl' Elrtension • FY2021 !i-Aug-20

Construction Department· Sefety Support

Fiscal Year 2021 2020 2021 R<Jie Individual comcanv Coml)8nv POSition Funding "" ·~ De< Jao ... ..,, ' J"" J"l ., Se Total .... c ia nee Dilllctor N EdwardS GCI Sal Diredor O&M 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 "''

TOTAL. STAFF HOURS 11 71 71 71 11 71 71 71 71 11 71 71 .. ,

Page 6: Geotech Consultants International Addendum No. 135

Orlando International Airport

Staff Extension - FY2021 5-Aug -20

Construction Department -Safety Support

ProJect Kole Company Company Position Funding Hourly Rate Total Hours Total Fee

Safety Compliance Director Safety Director O&M $135.00 852 $1 15,020.00 (Project Manager)

Subtotal 852 $115,020.00 •Proposed 3% Rate Increase $0.00

SUBTOTAL 852 $115 020.00


Customs Bonding GCI $250.00

SUBTOTAL $250.00

TOTAL: $115,270.00 MWBEJOBE/LDB PARTICIPATION: % Participation

0% $0.00

SUBTOTAL 0% $0.00

•fee includes rate increase of 3% subject to approval by the Authority.

8/5/2020 GCIIncorporated

Page 7: Geotech Consultants International Addendum No. 135

Leo end: Proposal submitted for review Previously _approved Future proposal FOR CC OF 0812512020


N Edwards

C Hernandez

IJ. McGonagill

N Supaswud

c Taylor

- ~


Safety Director

Sr. Project Coordinator

Project MQr.

Protect Coordinator


Greater Or1ando Aviation Authority GCIInc. North Tenninal

Projected Hours by Task for FY2021 (October 1. 2020- September 30. 2021)

~ Task

Ruohomaki FY21 Staff El«ension Services for the Construdion ~ fOI'"Safetv


Patterson F'r'21 SmaD COnstructiOn Projeds and Sta1f Extension SeMces for Construction Dept.


Ruohomaki FY21 Sta1f El«ension Services.for SUpport for the Planning. & Cons1JUC:tiorr Depls. Patterson FY21 Sman ConstructiOn _t=•rojects and-Staff Extension SeMces for Construction Dept.


Patterson FY21 sman COnstruction _F>rcljeds and Staff Extension services for construcllon Dept.


Ruohomaki FY21 Staff El«ension SeMces for Support for the Planning, Enoineering & ConstrudiOn Depls.







. 766 1194





- - - - ~

Page 8: Geotech Consultants International Addendum No. 135

OA~lltet"Otaando Avi«<on Authority GCI Inc. North Tennlnel

~"""" byTaskfO<FY20:M(~r1, 21J20 ·SOptember3G, 2U1 )

I Nlmo I - I Pro!Ott I TukOoscriptJOn !Od-20!Nov-20! 20-0oc!Jon-21lF<I>~'il.lar-:M!A!?<·21il•••r-21l.Nno2tiJ .... 21lAU0=21 lSep=2tl Touo j FOR CC OF 01!12!>12020

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jc -...... (St, ProJoc:lc-tionator jP:It!BiiOii--- --==rFY2t Sm•lC"""""""'P!<?jecb•n•fS'.aft Ex10<1....,S.VU•torCons1Nc:tocnoopc - I 871 87[~ 87( oT ol oj OJ Ol oj o( ~

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[TOTAL I " l 871 erj u j ol o! o! oj 01 OJ o! ol :wal

[C _T:oy1 or tPrqo<:~Uqr !Pro!OCIMonooor I FY21 S..HE>d• .. .,.,SeMCe.lorSuppo<llor moPlliNWI!J. Enoone•nno&Corlstrudon()ep(s. I 87l 87( 87l a7) 87l 87( ar ! 87l a_7( 87( 87( 87l 104<l

I TO_TAI. I 87( 171 17( •71 171 87( .,, 87l 17( .,, 87( 87( ,_,

Page 9: Geotech Consultants International Addendum No. 135


Pursuant to Section 287.055(5)(a), Florida Statutes, for any lump-sum or cost-plus-a-fixed fee

professional services contract over the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, Florida Statutes

for CATEGORY FOUR, this certification shall be included with the submittal of the Proposal.

The Consultant hereby certifies, covenants, and warrants that wage rates and other factual unit costs

supporting the compensation for this project's agreement are accurate, complete, and current at the

time of contracting.

The Consultant further agrees that the original agreement price and any additions thereto shall be

adjusted to exclude any significant sums by which the Aviation Authority determines the agreement

price was increased due to Inaccurate, incomplete, or noncurrent wage rates and other factual unit

costs. All such agreement adjustments shall be made within (1) year following the end of the contract.

For purposes of this certificate, the end of the agreement shall be deemed to be the date of final billing or acceptance of the work by the Aviation Authority, whichever is later.

Consultant Geotech Consultants International Inc. dba GCi Inc.

By: ~lfn_f~ Print Name: John Gulrges

Date: August 10, 2020

Page 10: Geotech Consultants International Addendum No. 135


To: Members of the Construction Committee


Orlando International Airport

5850-B Cargo Road Orlando, florida 32827-4399

From: Somdat Jiawan, Manager, Small Business Programs (sj)

Date: August 25, 2020

Re: Request for Approval of an Addendum to the Continuing Program and Project Management Services (OAR Prime Entity} Agreement with Geotech Consultants International, Inc. dba GCI, Inc. to provide FY21 Staff Extension Services for the Construction Department for Safety Management at the Orlando International Airport

We have reviewed the qualifications of the subject contract's MWBE/LDBNBE specifications and determined that, due to the specialized scope of the services to be provided, Geotech Consultants International, Inc., dba GCI , Inc. does not propose any small business participation on this Addendum.

Our analysis indicates that Geotech Consultants International, Inc., dba GCI, Inc. is eligible for award of the subject Addendum.

Page 11: Geotech Consultants International Addendum No. 135

Minutes of the Construction Committee Meeting, August 25, 2020 Page 49 of 56

$244 , 350 . 00 , wi t h fu nding from Operat ion a nd Main tenance Fund (subj ect to adoption of the FY 2021 Aviation Aut hori t y Budget by the Av.iation Authority Board) .

REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AN ADDENDUM TO THE CONT INUING PROGRAM AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES (OAR PRIME ENTITY) AGREEMENT WITH GEOTECH CONSULTANTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. DBA GCI INC. FOR FY 2021 ON-CALL ESTIMATING SERVICES, AT THE ORLANDO I NTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. 19 . Ms . Taylor presented t h e memorandum, dated August 25 , 2020, along with a proposal f r om Geotech Consultants I nternat i onal, I n c . dba GCI Inc ., dated August 5 , 2020 , for FY 2021 On-call Estimat ing Services , at the Orlando International Airport (MCO ). Th e Aviation Authority h as requested and received a prop osal from the continuing consultant t o support Aviation Authority staff by providing on-call estimating services f or MCO . Th is task will i nclude the generation of i ndependent cos t estimates to s upport t he pla nning a nd/or i mplementation of upcomi ng /future a i rpor t development r elated projects and other improvements . The proposed s ubconsul tan t team, Montgomery Consulting Group, I n c ., wi l l provi de cost est i mat i ng sup p ort services . Serv ices wi ll be p rovided f r om Oct ober 1 , 2020 t o September 30 , 20 21 .

If a p p r o ve d, t hese services wo u l d be effective Octob er 1 , 2020.

Th e Of fice of Small Business Development has rev iewed the qualifi cat i ons of t he subject cont ract ' s MWBE/ LDB/VBE specifications and determi ned that Geotech Consultants International , Inc . dba GCI , I n c . proposes 0% MWBE/LDB/VBE participation on t hi s Add endum . However , Geot ech Consul tant s Int ernational, Inc . dba GCI , Inc . commits to u tilize Montgomery Consult i ng Group , I n c . as needed .

Agenda Item Nos . 17 , 18 , 19, 20 , and 2 1 were considered in one motion .

Upon motion of Ms . Schneider, second by ·Mr . Hun t , vote carr i ed by roll-cal l, wi th al l votes yea , to approve an Addendum to the Continuing Program and Project Management Services (OAR Pr i me Entity) Agreement with Geotech Consu l tants International , Inc . dba GCI Inc . for FY 202 1 On-call Est i mat i ng Services , fo r the total not-to-exceed fee amount of $10 , 000 . 00, with funding from Operation and Maintenance Fund (subject to adoption of the FY 2021 Aviation Authority Budget by the Aviation Authority Board ).

REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AN ADDENDUM TO THE CONTINUING PROGRAM AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES (OAR PRIME ENTITY) AGREEMENT WITH GEOTECH CONSULTANTS INTERNATIONAL, INC . DBA GCI INC. TO PROVIDE FY 2021 STAFF EXTENSION SERVICES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT FOR SAFETY MANAGEMENT, AT THE ORLANDO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. 20 . Ms . Taylor presented the memorandum, dated August 25, 2020, along with a proposal from Geotech Consultants Internat i onal , Inc . dba GCI Inc . , dated August 5 , 2020 , for the Construction Department for Safety Management, at t he Orlando International Airport . The scope is to provide staff extension, including Planning, Engineering and Construct i on Staff Support d uties as further described in the Cons ultant ' s proposal . Proposal is based on the period from October 1 , 2020 to September 30 , 2021 .

If approved , these services would be effective October 1, 2020 .

The Office of Small Business Development has reviewed the qualifications of the subject contract ' s MWBE/LDB/VBE specifications and determined that, due to the specialized scope of the services to be provided, Geotech Consultants International, Inc ., dba GCI , I n c . does not propose any small b u siness participation on this Addendum .

Agenda I tem Nos . 17 , 18, 19 , 20, and 21 were considered in one motion .

Page 12: Geotech Consultants International Addendum No. 135

~nutes of the Construction Committee Meeting, August 25, 2020 Page 50 of 56

Upon motion of Ms . Schneider , second by Mr . Hunt , vote carried by roll-call , wi th all votes yea , to approve an Addendum to the Continuing Program and Project Management Services (OAR Prime Entity) Agreement with Geotech Consultants International, Inc . dba GCI Inc. to provide FY21 Staff Extension Services for the Construction Department for Safety Management , for the total amount of $115 , 270 . 00 , which includes the not­to-exceed fee amount of $115 , 020 . 00 and the not-to-e xceed reimbursable expense amount of $250 . 00 , with funding from Operation and Maintenance Fund (subject to adoption of the FY 2021 Aviation Authority Budget by the Aviation Authority Board) .

REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AN ADDENDUM TO THE CONTINUING PROGRAM AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES (OAR PRIME ENTITY) AGREEMENT WITH GEOTECH CONSULTANTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. DBA GCI INC. TO PROVIDE FY 2021 SMALL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS AND STAFF EXTENSION SERVICES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT, AT THE ORLANDO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. 21 . Ms. Taylor presented the memorandum, dated August 25 , 2020 , along with a proposal from Geotech Consultants International , Inc . dba GCI Inc ., dated August 5, 2020 , to provide FY21 Small Construction Projects and Staff Extension Services , at the Orlando International Airport . The scope i s to provide staff extension , project definition & development including the preparation of documents , reviewing costs for potential projects as directed by GOAA for submitting to the Construction Committee Meetings . Also , contacting and coordinating repairs as required to address warranty and emergency issues and other duties as further descr i bed on proposal . Proposal is based on the period from October 1 , 2020 to September 30 , 2021 .

If approved , these services would be effective October 1 , 2020 .

The Office of Small Business Development has reviewed the qualifications of the subject contract ' s MWBE/LDB/VBE specifications and determined that , due to the specialized scope of the services to be provided, Geotech Consultants International , Inc. , dba GCI , Inc . does not propose any small business participation on this Addendum .

Agenda Item Nos . 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , and 21 were considered in one motion .

Upon motion of Ms . Schneider , second by Mr . Hunt, vote carried by roll-call, with all votes yea, to approve an Addendum to the Continuing Program and Project Management Services (OAR Prime Entity) Agreement with Geotech Consultants International , Inc . dba GCI Inc . to provi d e FY 2021 Smal l Construction Projects and Staff Extension Services for the Construction Department , for the total not-to-exceed fee amount of $161 ,190 . 00 , with funding from Operation and Maintenance Fund (subject to adoption of the FY 2021 Aviation Authority Budget by the Aviation Authority Board) .

REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO ADDENDUM NO. 14 TO THE CONTINUING ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH MSE GROUP, LLC FOR A NO COST REALLOCATION FOR FY 2020 WATER QUALITY MONITORING PROGRAM, AT THE ORLANDO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. 22 . Mr . Carrington presented the memorandum, dated August 25 , 2020 , For a No Cost Reallocation for FY 2020 Water Qua l ity Monitoring Program, at the Orlando International Airport . On September 24 , 2019 , the Construction Committee approved Addendum No. 24 to the above-referenced agreement in the amoun t of $99 , 983 . 70 . On March 24 , 2020 , the Construction Committee approved Amendment No . 1 to Addendum No . 14 to the Continuing Environmental Consulting Services Agreement with MSE Group , LLC in the amount of $99 , 997 . 70 . Since that time , there has been a reduction of fees with concurrent need to upgrade sampl ing locations and sampling platforms at Orlando International Airport. Therefore, it is respectfully requested that funds be reallocated from Not-to-Exceed Fees to Not-to-Exceed Expenses as detai l ed below :
