Georgian, Winter 1999-2000

Volume 71 Number 2 Winter 1999-2000 G (Turn to page 3 to read more) Bourns Thanks Others for Extraordinary Years Logo Change School reviews possibilities for new logo. “I think I could have spent all day, every day, just thanking students, teachers, staff, parents, and alumni for all they do to make the school work.” eorgian Alumni Scholarship Class of ’48 alumni scholarship awarded to young musician. A Publication of George School, Newtown, Pennsylvania By Carol J. Suplee W hen David Bourns first came to George School, more than a few people harbored misgivings about hiring this earnest liberal preoccupied with social justice and con- vinced that it was his obligation — and everyone else’s — to change the world. That preoccupation was conceived in the mind of the youth, who could fathom little connection between his comfortable Presbyterian church in Mansfield, Ohio, and the problems of the poor in that town. It was honed in the turbulent years of the Vietnam War and civil rights activism. It was deepened while working as an ecumenical intern among inner-city children at the Church of Our Saviour in Washington, DC. It was shared by his wife and partner Ruth, whom he met at Union Theological Seminary. It took root during his association with Quakers, whose values and faith he has taken as his own. It has come to full flower during these George School years. As David looks back on his 21 years as head of school, the dominant feeling in his heart is one of indebtedness. “I think I could have spent all day, every day, just thanking students, teachers, staff, parents, and alumni for all they do to make the school work,” David said. He is especially grateful for his time with the students, whom he sees as “affable, respectful and idealistic.” They are absolutely wonderful young men and women. “When I walk to assembly or through the dining room, or to meeting for worship, I am always struck by how engaged and friendly these students are. I


The Georgian is the official publication of George School.

Transcript of Georgian, Winter 1999-2000

Page 1: Georgian, Winter 1999-2000

V o l u m e 7 1 • N u m b e r 2 • W i n t e r 1 9 9 9 - 2 0 0 0G

(Turn to page 3 to read more)

Bourns Thanks Others forExtraordinary Years

Logo Change

School reviews possibilitiesfor new logo.

“I think I could have spent all day, every day, just thanking students, teachers,staff, parents, and alumni for all they do to make the school work.”


Alumni Scholarship

Class of ’48 alumnischolarship awardedto young musician.

A P u b l i c a t i o n o f G e o r g e S c h o o l , N e w t o w n , P e n n s y l v a n i a

By Carol J. Suplee

W hen David Bourns first came to

George School, more than a few people

harbored misgivings about hiring this

earnest liberal preoccupied with social justice and con-

vinced that it was his obligation — and everyone else’s

— to change the world.

That preoccupation was conceived in the mind of the youth, who could fathomlittle connection between his comfortable Presbyterian church in Mansfield, Ohio,and the problems of the poor in that town. It was honed in the turbulent years ofthe Vietnam War and civil rights activism. It was deepened while working as anecumenical intern among inner-city children at the Church of Our Saviour inWashington, DC. It was shared by his wife and partner Ruth, whom he met atUnion Theological Seminary. It took root during his association with Quakers,whose values and faith he has taken as his own. It has come to full flower duringthese George School years.

As David looks back on his 21 years as head of school, the dominant feelingin his heart is one of indebtedness. “I think I could have spent all day, every day,just thanking students, teachers, staff, parents, and alumni for all they do tomake the school work,” David said.

He is especially grateful for his time with the students, whom he sees as “affable,respectful and idealistic.” They are absolutely wonderful young men and women.

“When I walk to assembly or through the dining room, or to meeting forworship, I am always struck by how engaged and friendly these students are. I

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2V o l u m e 7 1 • N u m b e r 2 • W i n t e r 1 9 9 9 - 2 0 0 0G e o r g e S c h o o l • G e o r g i a n

The Crossingof CulturesBy Ayeola G. Elias

W hy would two NewYork City natives moveto Japan, have a family

and then send two of their childrenthousands of miles away to attendGeorge School?

Karen and William Anton—theparents of two George School studentsLila ’01 and Mario ’00—wanted theirchildren to have the opportunity “to ex-plore their horizons,” Karen said.

Mario and Lila were born in Japan.All their lives they spoke Japanese, hadJapanese friends, went to Japaneseschools and lived the Japanese culture.But Karen and William wanted them toexperience the American culture first-hand, so they decided to send Lila andMario to an American school. Together,they chose George School.

“We want our children to be free tochoose where they want to live whenthey grow up.␣ It was our choice to moveto Japan,” Karen explained.␣ In 1974,after William was invited to study in

Japan, they traveled there overlandthrough Europe and India.␣ They ar-rived in Japan in 1975 and have livedthere ever since.

Their exposure to Japanese andAmerican culture have made their chil-dren bicultural; in addition, they arebiracial. Their mother is an African-American and their father is a Cauca-sian Jew.

“There are benefits to living in a ho-mogeneous society,” Karen said aboutJapan.␣ In Japan, the color of theirchildren’s skin has very little bearing onhow they are treated. Instead of being“forced into a box” and being labeledBlack or White or biracial or Jewish,Japanese tend to call Lila and herbrother “gaijin,” which is the Japaneseword for “foreigner.”␣ Because of thisvery broad classification, she said,“They never think of themselves as acolor.␣ They grew up with no awarenessof race. They see themselves as muchmore than just a race.”

In September, Karen, who is the di-rector of the Intercultural Communi-cation Center at Temple UniversityJapan, gave an assembly presentationentitled “Crossing Cultures.” In the pre-sentation, she showed slides of her fam-ily of six, their home in the mountains

of Shizuoka, and different aspects oftheir adopted Japanese culture. She alsotalked about her several passions—suchas art, writing and teaching—which inmany ways embrace Japanese, Ameri-can and a variety of other culturesthroughout the world.

Since Lila and Mario have attendedGeorge School, they have begun to un-derstand the American culture evenmore.␣ With the help of some Englishas a Second Language courses and the

exposure to English every day, they haveimproved their English immensely.Now they speak to their parents in En-glish as well as Japanese.

The Antons’ experiences show thatpeople can learn to appreciate, embrace,and even adopt cultures other than theirown. Through the crossing of cultures,people become more understanding andappreciative of one another. ■

When Robert (Bob) Mills ’44died on October 27, 1999,the world of science lost a

genius. All his life, through his intensescientific research, through his experi-mentation and by way of his teaching,Bob brought physics closer to explain-ing the complex properties of matter.

Still living in their home in Colum-bus, Ohio, is his wife of 51 years, EliseAckley Mills. Bob is also survived by hisbrother William, a 1939 George Schoolgraduate. Sister Helen ’42, who died in1997, also graduated from George School.

After high school, Bob went on toreceive a B.A. from Columbia Univer-sity and a B.A. and M.A. from Cam-bridge University.

At the young age of 27, after receiv-ing his Ph.D. from Columbia Univer-sity and as a post-doctorate atBrookhaven Laboratories, Bob co-authored one of the most influential andlandmark scientific articles of the cen-tury, as cited by The New York Times.The article explained the Yang-Millstheory as developed by Bob and ChenNing Yang. Yang, who later went on toearn a Nobel Prize for his continued re-search, was a member of the Institute forAdvanced Studies, but was working tem-porarily at Brookhaven Laboraties wherethey worked together and shared an of-fice. The Yang-Mills theory, which ex-plained the connection betweenelectrically charged particles, has been the

Robert Mills,A Physics SuperstarBy Ayeola G. Elias

basis for scientists’ understanding of theinteraction between subatomic particles.

Bob later went on to teach physics atOhio State University. In 1980, Yang andMills received the prestigious RumfordPremium from the American Academyof Arts and Sciences for their develop-ment of the Yang-Mills theory.

William Saam, a dear friend of Bob’sfor over 30 years, and the chairman ofthe Ohio State University physics de-partment remembers Bob with greatfondness. “Bob was a superstar; he wasa wonderful, cultured, civilized, and de-lightful man. He was passionate aboutscience.” ■

After retiring from teaching in1994, Bob Mills ’44 was awardedthe honorary professor emeritustitle recognizing his extensivecontributions to the field of physics.

Lila ’01 (left) and Mario ’00 now speak English, and their native languageJapanese, with their father and mother Karen (pictured center).

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3G e o r g e S c h o o l • G e o r g i a nV o l u m e 7 1 • N u m b e r 2 • W i n t e r 1 9 9 9 - 2 0 0 0

(David Bourns, continued from page 1)

This past fall, the varsity football

team had the most wins in George

School history. Out of eight games,

George School won seven. As re-

ported in The Curious George, “Af-

ter a 0-8 season two years ago, this

is a major improvement and accom-

plishment for the team.” Varsity

coach and English teacher John

Gleeson ’65 was quoted in the

school paper as saying that the play-

ers “did a wonderful job and once

they figured out what to do, they

were unstoppable; it was a beauti-

ful thing.” To top off the team’s

success and recognition, Coach

John is co-recipient of the Football

Coach of the Year award given by

the Bucks County Courier Times.

Football Record Setcan’t imagine a place where it would bemore rewarding to work with students,”he said, adding, “These are not the alien-ated, isolated and self-centered kids weoften read about in newspapers andmagazines.”

He finds the most profound satisfac-tion in “being included in people’s liveswhen they are finding ways to overcomesome obstacle. We have a sense of vic-tory when we achieve some new level offreedom, breaking through some wall,or seeing things in a new way.”

In the loss of their son and brotherAndrew eight years ago, the Bourns fam-ily understood what being part of theGeorge School community means in themost intimate terms.

David said he learned a great dealabout what is meaningful and helpfulthrough people’s quick and personal ex-pressions—the visits, the phone calls, theletters, the food.

“Ruth, Courtney,Lesley and I were liftedup by the people whotook time to stand withus, to share their per-sonal stories,” Davidsaid. “This is one of themost important thingsthe George School fam-ily has given us.”

Two years ago, student CarterWaghorne’s sudden death and the deepand powerful response of the commu-nity, were among the most painful andmoving events of David’s time at GeorgeSchool . . . full of pain, yet full of mean-ing. “Our meetings for worship overthose months were vital and powerful,”David said. “I think we were able to jointogether to share our deepest convictionsand feelings around our loss, around ourown lives, even around celebration.”

David’s legacy is visible at everyhand—in campus improvements, in thestrength of the endowment, in servicelearning, in academics, in the increaseddiversity among the students and staff,and in the stronger sense of community.

Perhaps less well known is that Davidenjoys life’s simple pleasures. He likes tocook. He loves ice boating, sailing, andbuilding things, working with his hands.

Above all, David savors time with hisfamily. Nothing complicated, just long

breakfasts, easy conversation, Thanksgiv-ing dinner and family celebrations.

Whatever the occasionor however infrequent,the Bourns’ time to-gether energizes theirspirits and draws themcloser as the years pass.Still, in the midst of joy,there’s always the sadsense that a fifth personshould be there.

“Andrew’s god-mother, Elizabeth O’Connor, said afterAndrew died that, forevermore, the men-tion of the name Andrew Bourns wouldbring both joy and sadness, never onewithout the other,” David said. “And shewas right.”

Ruth continues to enjoy teaching atNewtown Friends School. Courtney isliving in Providence, RI, working in thearea of mediation, non-violence training,and arbitration; and Lesley is in Brook-lyn, NY, working with MADRA, an or-ganization working to support women’sgroups in third world countries.

David says that he and Ruth are es-pecially grateful to George School forthe education their three children re-ceived here. They have emerged with akeen enthusiasm for life and a desire tomake the world a better place. As forDavid’s future, he’s thinking about howone might develop a structure or pro-gram in which poor and middle-income

children might study and work to-gether. He is also interested in mentalhealth, and other opportunities amongnon-profit organizations involved insocial justice issues.

“The only reason I am leaving,” hesaid, “is to continue to learn. I think Ineed a new context, a new playing field.”

“During David’s first faculty meet-ing, David said, ‘Let us sit down anddiscuss and reason together,’” KingdonSwayne, the school’s archivist remem-bered. “David helped to create strongfeeling, on the part of community mem-bers, that they were welcome and appre-ciated participants in the decisionmaking process.”

Judy Bartella, George School ceramicteacher since 1967 said, “One of thethings that I think David has brought toGeorge School is a strong sense of com-munity, a sense of all the members be-longing to one another and havingresponsibility for one another.” ■

Editor’s Note: On Saturday, May 13,2000, at 10 a.m., the school is sponsoringa public program to honor David Bourns.Watch for an invitation or contact AlumniDirector Raven Goldener for details aboutthis Alumni Weekend event at 215-579-6567 or [email protected].

“The only reasonI am leaving,”

he said,“is to continue

to learn.”

End of Bourns Era

David and Ruth are especially grateful for the education their children receivedat George School. (Left: Courtney, Andrew, David, Ruth and Lesley)

Alumna Close-upFilled with love and compassion for

those in need, Sally Snipes ’70 sewshandmade dolls for young victims ofwar. Last February1999, with healthkits and clothing sentby the AmericanFriends Service Com-mittee, Sally shippedher first bundle of 17handmade dolls toAlbanian children in Kosovo. In TheMartha’s Vineyard Times, Sally wasquoted as saying, “The world doesn’tneed more people making money.What will change the world are morepeople having hearts brimming withlove. Making dolls helps me have abrimming heart.”

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4V o l u m e 7 1 • N u m b e r 2 • W i n t e r 1 9 9 9 - 2 0 0 0G e o r g e S c h o o l • G e o r g i a n

An eighteen-month survey in1998-1999 showed a surprisingwillingness on the part of

alumni and students to entertain the ideaof a logo change.

The survey mechanism was a 24-page, pocket-sized booklet that featuredseven different logo choices and ex-plained the rationale for each design.Respondents were asked to select theirfavorite and return the postcard toGeorge School.

Eighteen percent of alumni and sev-enteen percent of current students re-sponded to the survey. Early classes

The original torch-bearingversion illuminates thediploma even today.

Color Controversy

By Nicole Blum ’02From The Curious George, May 1999

The athletic department proposedthat we change our school colors for ourcentennial in 1993, but had no luck withit then. Now they are trying to changethem for the year 2000.

Buff and brown colors aren’t normallyseen everywhere. When questioned aboutthe school colors, Girls’ Athletic DirectorNancy Bernardini stated, “They are diffi-cult to buy and since we have limited se-lections in uniform styles we often haveto get them custom made.” Replacing lostuniforms can be very expensive.

Buff and brown were chosen for theoriginal school colors possibly because

Mind the LightSeal Lives On

The recent logo survey showed a continuing fondness for the Mindthe Light seal particularly among the earlier classes. The lantern-imbued design first surfaced on a George School informational cata-log in 1933. Art teacher Edna Speaker created it for Ides, a studentpublication, in 1909. After 1933, it was featured on either the coveror the title page of the catalog through 1971.

George School historian Kingdon W. Swayne ’37 believes the sealwas swept out of the limelight by the arrival of the new sensibility ofthe sixties. That sensibility discarded the traditional Quaker symbol-ism of the Mind the Light message and replaced it with a more ecu-menical Tree of Life logo.

Tree of Life LogoTreated to a New LookBy Odie LeFever

they were looking for simple colors andbrown is a Quaker color. “Westtownwore brown and white, so GeorgeSchool, being younger, chose buff (anoff-white) and brown,” said long-timesoccer coach Paul Machemer ’65.

Because of manufacturing limitations,some teams have resorted to buying uni-forms and outer clothing in colors otherthan buff and brown. For instance, thefield teams wear a variety of colors: brownand buff, black and gold, plaid and white,blue and green, and yellow and white.

When deciding on colors to recom-mend to the George School Committeefor approval, Nancy and Boys’ AthleticDirector David Satterthwaite ’65avoided colors that other Friends Leagueschools have. Blue, which was the mostpopular color choice among George

School coaches, wasn’t chosen partly be-cause it is the color of three other FriendsLeague schools. Red was also a thought,but many of the New Jersey teams havered and white, or black. Finally the ideaof forest green came about.

Alumni faculty member PaulMachamer said, “As a coach, I am quitepleased to have the doors opened to thefull range of uniforms.” Paul isn’t disap-pointed by the fact that they couldchange the school colors, but he wouldhave chosen an aggressive color like red.

“I look forward to the change as or-dering will be easier and less expensive.Also teams will look more together withschool colors,” said Nancy.

Editor’s Note: At the May 1999 meet-ing, the George School Committee consid-

ered the recommendation to change theschool colors. In June, they officially ap-proved the selection of forest green andwhite as the new colors.

David Satterthwaite said that thewhole process of replacing uniforms willtake three to four years to complete. In fall1999, the girls’ varsity hockey, varsity crosscounty, varsity soccer, and tennis teams andthe boys’ varsity soccer and cross countryteams got new uniforms. Nancy Bernardinisaid that kids are happy about playing inthe new colors.

This departure from brown may be atrend since, unbeknownst to us at the time,Lehigh University recently changed theircolors from brown and white to green andwhite. Will Westtown be far behind? ■

generally preferred the Mind the Lightseal. Classes from 1960 to 1979 seemedto prefer the current logo which was in-troduced in the late 70s. The classes of1980 to 1999 had no clear favorite; theyliked almost all of them.

Given the implicit approval by respon-dents to implement a new logo, the Mar-keting Committee hired Rutka WeadockDesign to refine the selections to threedesigns. The committee narrowed the se-lection to two new designs, which are il-lustrated here. A decision will be madeby the George School Committee inMarch or April 2000.

Design A


Design B

You may send your comments on these logo sketches to the MarketingCommittee at Box 4231, Newtown, PA 18940-0905 or e-mail,[email protected].

The plainer, more recentversion of the seal is still usedtoday on a variety of mediaincluding mugs, athleticschedules and clothing.


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RememberingBob WatersBy Ayeola G. Elias

On October 13, 1999, formerGeorge School history teacherRobert (Bob) Waters died at

the age of 78. From 1963-1989, Bobtaught history at George School; he alsocoached football, baseball and wrestling.

George School was more than a placeof work for Bob—for thirty years it washis home. It was where he and his wifeMary Jean raised their two sons, Rob ’88and Tom ’89, and shared their home asa resource for the students.

Friends remember Bob for his jollycharacter, his constant smile and his abil-ity to empower his students.

Russ Weimar ’48, math teacher from1956-1992, befriended Bob during theiryears of coaching wrestling and workingon the school’s summer camp staff to-gether. “He was superb,” Russ said.“[Summer camp children] just followedhim around like a pied piper. He was abig, lovable guy who kids just adored.”

Math teacher and coach since 1969,Paul Machemer ’65, remembers Bob ashis teacher and then later his colleague.“For many, he was a favorite teacher,upbeat and fun to be with,” said Paul.“Bob Waters preferred filling a support-ive role, introducing freshmen to Glo-bal History and helping older studentsunderstand the mysteries of Americanhistory. As a colleague, I admired hisclose relationships with a broad cross-section of the student body. He had agruff way of communicating to everyindividual that he or she was important,a valued friend. He was an effectiveteacher and a fine coach,” Paul said.

Sandy Bristol ’77 remembers hisformer teacher and adviser with greatfondness. “I thought he was an excel-lent teacher, and a fair and wonderful

human being,” Sandy said. “He had aheart of gold. He was always encourag-ing and he was always there when thechips were down. If I had to write hisobituary,” Sandy explained, “I would saythat he was a great man, in much thesame way as the men who fought on thebeaches of Normandy. But his greatnesscame for when you needed a friend—when I needed a friend, he was there forme. That’s the way that I think of him—he was a hero at that level.” ■

A memorial service is planned for BobWaters on May 13, 2000, at 5 p.m. in theGeorge School Meeting House.

When Daisy Allen ’02 camewith her mother andgrandmother to the celebra-

tion of George School’s 100th anniversaryin 1993, her eyes lit up. She said to hermother, “I’d like to come here some day.”Her mother replied, “Well, we’ll see.”

Thanks in part to an alumni schol-arship established by the Class of ’48 intheir 50th reunion year, Daisy is unex-pectedly carrying on a family tradition.She is the first alumni child to benefitfrom this new scholarship.

What particularly appeals to Daisyabout George School is that students aretrying to do something meaningful. “Thereis more of a connection here to what’s go-ing on in the outside world,” she said.

Daisy, a first year sophomore fromNew City, NY, was active in New YorkYearly Meeting as a youth counselor.After coming to George School, Daisyworked with children at a homeless shel-ter through Amnesty International andvisited with Sister Helen Prejean, a Ro-man Catholic nun and prison reformadvocate, whose experiences were recre-ated in the 1995 film Dead Man Walk-

Daisy’s grandmother, LouiseZimmerman Forscher ’40, is the personwho started the three-generation tradition.“We didn’t have the nice music and dramabuilding [Walton Center]. We just had theassembly room in Main. We would gothere for assembly in the morning and singsongs and listen to Mr. Walton read selec-tions aloud,” she recalled. “Life was sim-pler, less complicated. Of course back then,George School was much more provincial.The school was not as diverse as it is now.”

Louise added that she became aQuaker when she was 30. “I felt that if I

would join anything, it would be Quak-ers. And I guess that’s what started thiswhole ball rolling.” She added, “I’m justvery grateful that Daisy is able to carry outwhat has become a family tradition.” ■

Note: This year 36% of George Schoolstudents receive some form of financial aid.Various scholarships are available whichrecognize a student’s academic achievement,financial need, alumni connection, orQuaker affiliation. For more information,please contact the Admission Office at 215-579-6547 or [email protected].

Alumni ScholarshipKeeps Tradition AliveBy Patrick Sweeney

ing. “It was the first time I ever spokewith such an influential person, some-one who has influenced the Pope. She’san incredible role model,” Daisy said.

“At George School, I can be myself,not trying to fit into some mold, whichis what I had to do at my old school. It’sa very exciting environment . . . with adiverse population of students. I imme-diately became friends with people fromTrenton, Arizona, Norway, and allaround the world.”

Daisy recently presented a piano re-cital, a Bach prelude, after studying withBetty Winn, the same teacher her mother,Alice Hieatt Allen ’68, had when she wasa George School student over 30 yearsago. Daisy also took field hockey—hermother’s high school sport—which shenever tried before. “It’s funny the waythese traditions take hold,” Daisy said.

“We feel very fortunate,” Alice said.“Daisy is carrying on a tradition that wedidn’t quite expect.” Alice recalls her timeat George School as “very positive. I hadgreat teachers and enjoyed getting in-volved in the social aspects of the school,”she reflected.

Daisy (far left) along with Daisy’s grandmother (inset), Louise ZimmermanForscher ’40, and her mother (right), Alice Hieatt Allen ’68, pictured here fromtheir George School yearbooks.

New Scholarship

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16V o l u m e 7 1 • N u m b e r 2 • W i n t e r 1 9 9 9 - 2 0 0 0G e o r g e S c h o o l • G e o r g i a n

Volume 71 • Number 2 • Winter 1999-2000


Crossing Cultures ......... 2

A Physics Superstar ....... 2

Logo’s New Look .......... 4

Alumni Scholarship ...... 5

Bob Waters ................... 5

Class Notes ................... 6

In Memoriam ............. 15

Ayeola G. Elias, EditorE-mail: [email protected]

GeorgianAdvancement OfficeGeorge SchoolBox 4000Newtown, PA






What do Charlie Waugh ’36,a few dozen George Schoolstudents, a popular horror

movie and gallons of ice cream have incommon?

They’re all key ingredients in thisyear’s campaign for the Annual Fund,according to Stephen M. Pitts, GeorgeSchool’s Annual Fund director.

This year’s goal is $825,000, a summade more attainable thanks to theWaugh Challenge.

In a generous repeat of a challengehe made several years ago, CharlieWaugh ’36 has offered to match dollarfor dollar any new or increased alumnigift to the Annual Fund, up to$100,000. Supporters of George Schoolproved they were up to the challenge thefirst time around, and according toSteve, it looks like they’ll meet that chal-lenge again.

“We’re doing very, very well,” Stevesaid, when asked about this year’s effort.As the winter Georgian was going to press,George School had received commit-ments for $506,877 of the overall goal.

So, where do the students and thehorror movie fit in?

Well, Steve needs a large crew of vol-unteers to telephone alumni during theAnnual Fund campaign, which runs from

August 1, 1999 to July 31, 2000. Last year,Steve asked a small group of students tohelp with the phonathons, traditionallyhandled by adult volunteers. The studentsworked so well that Steve decided to en-list more of their help this year.

That’s where “The GS PhonathonProject” comes in. Written by Steve andfilmed by student George Gross ’01, thevolunteer recruitment video spoofs thepopular film Blair Witch Project, com-plete with murky scenes and jerky hand-held camera work.

Students saw the video during an as-sembly in October, and after seeing thefilm, 37 signed up to help, Steve said.Over four nights, the students made1,850 calls, raising $73,000 in pledges,a commendable accomplishment.

But, what about that ice cream?Oh yes, as a reward for their hard

work, the volunteers got a PhonathonProject T-shirt, a George School pen and“all the ice cream they wanted at the endof each evening,” Steve explained.

The students also could take satis-faction in knowing they helped supportwhat Steve calls “the unsung hero offund-raising at George School.”

Thousands of donations—large andsmall—make the Annual Fund the assetthat it is. From $755,141 in 1998 to

$803,000 in 1999, the fund continues togrow and pay for such things as teachersalaries, scholarships, workcamps, teamuniforms, assembly speakers and otherimportant costs.

So, you might ask, why do so manystudents, alumni and George Schoolfriends support the Annual Fund? Charlie,the man behind the Waugh Challenge,believes that it’s important to supportGeorge School because it is giving studentsa first-rate and unique education.

“I particularly like what DavidBourns has been doing to make theschool what it is today,” Charlie said. Heexplained that his gift “is a tribute to theschool and to David’s leadership.”

“When I was there, (close to sevendecades ago) I’d guess that all the stu-dent body lived a maximum of 100 milesfrom George School, they were all white,and mostly Quaker,” Waugh remem-bered. The current, diverse demograph-ics of the school “greatly broadensstudents’ viewpoint and understandingabout how others live and what they arelike. In the broader sense, [GeorgeSchool’s diversity] helps us to understandthat we’re all human beings; and it helpsus to all get along,” Charlie said.

An important lesson of life that stu-dents learn at George School. ■

Campus Update

Volunteers and DonorsHelp Boost Annual FundBy Cathy S. Kress

Phonathon callers include: (Front row, L-R) Jay Henriques, Jess Gluck,Angie Salinas-Witkosky, Kate Wand, Nancy Giagnacova, Janine Brooks,Sara Ryan, Jessica Collins, Leticia Carter, Erin Fleming, Kate Sweeney,Alex Slemrod, Mai Duess, Laurel Cook, Sarah Schiff, Trevor Hufnagel.