GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY HYPERPHYSICS How Newtonian Mechanics is Incorrectly being Applied to...


Transcript of GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY HYPERPHYSICS How Newtonian Mechanics is Incorrectly being Applied to...

Page 1: GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY HYPERPHYSICS How Newtonian Mechanics is Incorrectly being Applied to Explain the Laws of Electricity and Magnetism






“Nothing is too wonderful to be true” ~ Michael Faraday

Page 2: GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY HYPERPHYSICS How Newtonian Mechanics is Incorrectly being Applied to Explain the Laws of Electricity and Magnetism


This document will use Georgia State University’s Hyperphysics

to explain how Newtonian Mechanics was incorrectly applied

in a mistaken attempt to understand and explain the Laws of

Electricity and Magnetism for the past 200 years or so.

In 1687 Isaac Newton proposes Newton’s Three Universal Laws of Motion and they set the foundation

for classical mechanics. In 1831 Michael Faraday proposes Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic

Induction. In 1833 Heinrich Lenz proposes Lenz’s Law to incorrectly explain how electric generators,

motors and transformers (and all electromagnetic circuits) conform to Newton’s Third Law.

The primary error made in the 1800’s by early scientists was the creation of a persistent myth and a

non holistic application of all the relevant laws of physics that assumed that electricity generation and

electric current flow in a wire was analogous to mechanical pumping action and current flow of water

in a pipe. This faulty albeit persistent myth is currently held to be true even today and is still being

used in the inside the box thinking and education of electricity and magnetism.


The 1st understandably albeit glaringly obvious omission made by early scientists

of the time was in equating electricity to mechanics and when water current flows

down a pipe it does not give rise to the creation of a magnetic field around the

pipe and inside the pump as is the case with electric current flow in a wire.

Nor does this magnetic field do work inside the mechanical pump by

creating a torque (counter-electromotive-torque) as is the case with

electric generation and electric current flow in a wire.

The 2nd glaringly obvious fault pertains to how resistance in the pipe or wire /

electric - water analogy has a mechanically related impact on the input energy

required create the current flow in both cases equally.

The mechanical water analogy (on the following pages) shows correctly that as the

resistance in the pipe increases, current flow decreases and increased input energy is

required to keep the pump pumping until water current flow ceases with infinite pipe

resistance and mechanical pumping requires maximum energy. And it incorrectly

implies that this also holds true in the electrical current flow scenario in a wire when

wire or load resistance increases and current flow decreases...

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In an electrical system as wire resistance increases and electrical current flow decreases the mechanical input energy required to be supplied by the prime mover to the generator also decreases and when the wire or load resistance is infinite the minimum amount of input mechanical energy is required. When the wire or load resistance is zero and maximum current flows in the wire the maximum amount of mechanical input power is required to be supplied to the generator or the kinetic energy of the generator will be reduced according to the Work Energy Principle. On the surface this would seem to conform completely to Newton’s Third Law and it is easy to see why early scientist readily accepted this... the problem is;


Because the magnetic field around the current bearing wire and the forces they generate inside the generator are not externally applied resistive forces but rather are internally created forces and these forces do work changing the kinetic energy of both the generator and the prime mover turning the generator. These internally created electromagnetic forces don’t even conform to Newton’s Third Law unless it is applied very loosely and incorrectly because of a generator coil inductor Time Constant which prohibits simultaneous exertion of equal and opposite forces in the same time domain.

An illustration of Newton's third law in which two skaters push against

each other. The first skater on the left exerts a normal force N12 on the

second skater directed towards the right, and the second skater exerts

a normal force N21 on the first skater directed towards the left.

The magnitude of both forces are simultaneous and equal, but they

have opposite directions, as dictated by Newton's third law.

The third law states that all forces exist in pairs: if one object A exerts a force FA on a second object B, then B simultaneously exerts a force FB on A, and the two forces are equal and opposite: FA = −FB. The third law means that all forces are interactions between different bodies,

and thus that there is no such thing as a unidirectional force or a force that acts on only one body. This law is sometimes referred to as the action-reaction law, with FA called the "action" and FB the "reaction". The action and the reaction are simultaneous, and it does not matter which is called the action and which is called reaction; both forces are part of a single interaction, and neither force exists without the other – except where coil Time Constants are correctly taken into consideration because the Lenz’s Law reaction force is always delayed by 5 time constants and is never simultaneous or instantaneous.

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Time Constant LR Reaction Rise Time in an Inductor Newton’s Third Law insists and only applies IF the externally applied action reaction paradigm occur simultaneously at time T = 0 however when we consider the LR time constant of a generator coil we can see that there is a 5 time constants delay in the reaction which occurs only fully at T = 5 and not at t = 0. Therefore generator coil performance has never conformed to Newton’s Third Law.

Hyperphysics Water Circuit Current Flow to Electrical Current Flow Analogy For this diagram to be even remotely accurate the pump would have to be replaced with a water tower or even better yet, replace the battery with an electric generator and prime mover...

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The diagrams below clearly show how the electric circuit / water analogy fails to “hold

any water” and how neither Newton’s First nor Newton’s Third Laws apply because the

action reaction paradigm is reversed and the external force has no bearing in the

electrical system.

The only variable that has any relevant significance with regards to the electrical system

is the magnetic field that is created internally inside the electric generator.

Correct comparison between a water circuit and electrical circuit

The action – external reaction paradigm that exists in the mechanical system does not

exist in the electrical system where an action – internally created self induced 5 time

constants delayed reaction exists.

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The only way for an electric generator to ever be able to conform to Newton’s Third Law

would be if the equal and opposite simultaneously occurring action – reaction paradigm

could somehow circumvent the generator coil’s inductive time constant which is dictated

by the DC resistance of the coil and the varying resistance of the load.

Since the generator coil’s time constant is never zero and is always delayed we can

conclude that Newton’s Third Law has never applied in electric circuits.

And since the delayed reaction is induced internally and not externally from the

environment we can conclude that Newton’s First Law has never applied in electric


“Time delays violate Newton's Third Law [and the Law of Conservation of

Energy] because even an infinitesimal time without the second force

violates the idea of force-pairs and hence of Newton's Third Law."

~ Professor Nathaniel Lasry, Physics John Abbot College

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Imagine a 500,000 Watt electric generator idling by a prime mover at 3000 RPM on no-

load. Now imagine your job is to decelerate that system down to 1500 RPM without

using any energy to do so...

This is an impossible task when we consider the Work-Energy Principle which states

that, “changing the kinetic energy of any system by any amount in any direction is equal

to the net work done on the object.” And work (torque) requires energy.

Now imagine the same 500,000 Watt generator is placed on load and delivers 250,000

Watts of electricity to the loads and the system speed drops to 1500 RPM while doing so.

The myth currently being purveyed by the scientific comunity is that this generator is

converting available driveshaft mechanical input energy into electrical output energy and

that’s it.

The system decelerates and the kinetic energy of the system drops but no work is being

performed in order to do so and the system is able to somehow violate the Work-Energy

Principle. This miricle of science currently applies exclusively to every single electric

generator on the planet right now where only free torque can exist without energy in

electric generators.

And somehow Newton’s Third Law still applies because the generator has to “push”

electrons down the wire against the wire’s resistance like water in a pipe – which we

already know is a totally false anaology.

So let’s be honest here, when an electric generator converts mechanical energy to

electrical energy, another form of energy MUST BE PRESENT somewhere in the system

to do the work in order for the kinetic energy of the system to change and drop.

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This energy is created in the induced magnetic field which surrounds all the current

bearing wires in the generator coils and this magnetic field energy does the work that is

required to produce the torque required to decelerate the system and allows electric

generators to conform to the Work-Energy Principle.

This magnetic field energy allows electric generator

to produce a counter-electromotive-torque since

torque and work cannot be performed without energy

being present in some form or another.

Electric generators do not cornform to Newton’s

Laws of Motion and never have nor are they able to

produce torque without energy and they don’t have

to “push” current down a wire (like water down a

pipe) – this is provided by the induced voltage

(electromagnetic pressure) from the generator coil’s.

This myth has existed and persisted for so long

simply because the torque produced by an electric

generator is in the “wrong” direction – as if energy

had a “right” direction...

Now if, the absolute values of all the non-directional energies that are present in an

electric generator were correctly accounted for rather than half of them being ignored by

conventional scientists, i.e the electrical energy present inside the wire and mechanical

energy surrounding the wire, changing the kinetic energy of the system – we would have

a different energy perspective on this planet.

And scientists would be able to comprehend and accept the Regenerative Acceleration

Generator (ReGenX) Innovation which reverses this paradigm:


Kind regards


Thane C. Heins President & CEO Potential +/- Difference Inc. R & D "We generate solutions" Email: [email protected] Cell: 613.314.9653 YOUTUBE Linkedin slideshare

Page 9: GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY HYPERPHYSICS How Newtonian Mechanics is Incorrectly being Applied to Explain the Laws of Electricity and Magnetism

Regenerative Acceleration Generator employing a generator coil time constant and load

current delay sufficient enough to reverse Lenz’s Law:

Regenerative Acceleration Generator Time Constant Analysis

ReGenX Performance: How a 70 generator degree load current delay reverses the generator

armature reaction paradigm.


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Technology Endorsements & Industry Comments

"The [Regenerative Acceleration Generator coil current 45 degree]

time delays violate Newton's Third Law [and the Law of Conservation

of Energy] because even an infinitesimal time without the second force violates the idea of force-pairs and hence of Newton's Third


- Professor Nathaniel Lasry, Physics John Abbot College (2012)

"Of course it accelerates when a load is applied...! This represents

several new chapters in physics, that is why we are consulting MIT."

-Dr. Habash, University of Ottawa (2007)

"I saw it. It's real. Now I'm just trying to figure it out. To my mind this is unexpected and new, and it's worth exploring all the possible

advantages once you're convinced it's a real effect."

-Markus Zahn, Ph.D., M.I.T. Professor of Electromagnetics and Electrical Systems (2007)

"A number of your experiments are not lying in the field of Maxwellian electrodynamics? That is fascinating! From the mathematical point of

view what's going on in your experiments is the break of SO3

symmetry in fundamental tensor of Yang Mills equations that makes it obvious to see the flaws if Maxwell electrodynamics. I will inform you

on any progress that i'll make along with reports."

-Dr. Evstigneev N.M., Leading Scientist, Department of Chaotic Dynamics, Institute for System Analysis, Russian Academy of

Science (2009)

"Your claims seem to violate the law of conservation of energy and

Maxwell's equations of electro-magnetics." I will send you a short proposal, including my plan of work, estimate of cost, etc. Then we

can sign a short agreement and proceed."

-Mehrdad (Mark) Ehsani, Ph.D., P.E., F.IEEE, F.SAE, Robert M.Kennedy Professor & Director, Power Electronics and Motor

Drives Laboratory & Advanced Vehicle Systems Research

Program, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University (2008)

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"This is absolutely fascinating stuff you are doing!"

-Joseph Shin, Electricity and Magnetism Professor, Concordia University (2011)

"If possible would like to meet with you to discuss your approach to the Association and of course to get a better feel about the physics

behind your invention. I would still like to see what you are doing and

perhaps we can include some of your material on our website newsletter?"

-David Mann, Canadian Association for the Advancement of

Science (2009)

"Thane, Your Press Release was most interesting to me as a physicist

and an engineer. The level of technical detail was adequate to tell me that you probably have made a very significant advance in

applied physics and in safely and successfully handling a new source

of electric power. Congratulations!" -Dr. Stanley Townsend, University of Toronto & Former

Managing Editor of the Canadian Journal of Physics (2006)

"As I'm concerned this is a work of GENIUS (and a rather major one

at that)." - Les Virany BSEE MIT Former USPTO examiner and Registered

Patent Agent

"This is the Holy grail for generators."

-NRC Scientist Doug Hartwick at Ottawa University (2009)

"As a mechanical engineer I'm here to explain how it works and why it

works. And it does work; over a dozen of us were witness to that last Monday(as well as a film crew--filming in 3D no less!)."

-Mike Brace, Tech Editor EV World (2012)

"This is a freakin' game changer!"

-Mike Elwood, Chairman Electric Mobility Canada at Ottawa

University (2009)

Page 12: GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY HYPERPHYSICS How Newtonian Mechanics is Incorrectly being Applied to Explain the Laws of Electricity and Magnetism

"We are interested in using the ReGenX technology in our LinkVolt

Project to reduce roadside refueling." -Neil Young, LincVolt Project (2011)

"The magnetics lab here at Goddard expressed some interest in having you come down to do a colloquium."

-NASA (2008)

"We really are more interested in developing its use and application

for military power requirements."

-US Air Force (2009)

"I have asked Mr. Gilles Brassard, A/Director, Spacecraft Payload

here at the Canadian Space Agency to look at your technologies and to visit your laboratory."

-Canadian Space Agency (2009)

"I am writing to ask you to submit what you feel would be an

appropriate document to describe your regenerative acceleration

technology for circulation to our Committee members." -Al Cormier, Executive Director Electric Mobility Canada (2009)

"You seem to have made an interesting discovery. Our internal physics experts review this information and have determined that it is

very interesting work."

-Mike Simpson, Transportation Analyst Rocky Mountain Institute (2009)

"Thanks for providing technical information. If the effect of your invention is really true, I am sure there will be strong needs in the

market." -Nissan Japan (2012)

"I would like to know why you are not the toast of the town... this technology can be offered as a range extension option to our


-Thomas Fritz, Vice President Electric Vehicle Operations, CODA Automotive (2012)

Page 13: GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY HYPERPHYSICS How Newtonian Mechanics is Incorrectly being Applied to Explain the Laws of Electricity and Magnetism

"The technology looks really interesting and is revolutionary. I would

like to learn more about the technology. Is it possible to organize a demo or a lecture in the USA?"

-Chrysler Electrified Powertrains (2012)

"This sounds interesting. I'd like you to connect with our Fuel

Economy Learning Program manager, to schedule a time for you to

come in and share the technology with us. We need to know more about the Physics behind it."

-General Motors (2012)

"It would be fitting for the inventor of the automobile to be first with

your revolutionary technology and for me to play a role in that would

be awesome!" -Mercedes-Benz (2012)

"Would you be willing to contribute an article on this technology to the Journal for Engineering and Public Policy?"

-Donald Wallace, Executive Director Ontario Centre for

Engineering and Public Policy (2009)

"When we finally understand what Thane Heins has discovered, we

likely will have to rewrite the laws of electromagnetism." -Mike Brace EV World Tech Editor (2010)

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1687 NEWTON’S THREE UNIVERSAL LAWS OF MOTION: The Principia was published on 5

July 1687. In this work, Newton stated the three universal laws of motion. Together, these laws

describe the relationship between any object, the forces acting upon it and the resulting motion,

laying the foundation for classical mechanics.

First law: When viewed in an inertial reference frame, an object either remains at rest or

continues to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an

external force.[2][3]

Second law: The vector sum of the forces F on an object is equal to the mass m of that object

multiplied by the acceleration vector a of the object: F = ma.

Third law: When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously

exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body.


English scientist Michael Faraday discovered that an electrical current could be induced in a

copper wire by a moving magnetic field. This led to two crucial inventions: the dynamo and the

electric motor. A dynamo generates an electrical current by the relative motion of coils of copper

wire and magnets and is the primary method employed today to generate electricity for

domestic and industrial use. The electric motor exploits the same principle: a current flowing in a

magnetic field produces movement.

1833 LENZ’S LAW 1833 Lenz's law /ˈlɛntsɨz lɔː/ is a common way of understanding

how electromagnetic circuits obey Newton's third law and the conservation of energy.[1] Lenz's

law is named after Heinrich Lenz, and it says:

An induced electromotive force (emf) always gives rise to a current whose magnetic field

opposes the original change in magnetic flux